#Keep things shallow and they just move on. Even if you'll miss them when they go - this is just how things are now.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months ago
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Echoes of the Past (2) - The Demon's Lost Love
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Summary: As Bang Chan uses his magic to search Y/N's memories hidden secrets are revealed. How will Y/N handle all this new information?
This is my own work not a reblog! Please do not repost or translate.
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Content Warnings- light angst, Y/N's memory has been altered w/out consent (not Chan!), Park Jimin mentioned
Word Count: 2,043
Tag list ✍️: @hehe-24-hehe
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Y/N and Chan sit across from each other on the floor, Chan takes Y/N's small hands into his larger ones as he explains what he's about to do "I'll need to place my hands here" he moves his hands up to rest gently against her jaw "then I'll use my magic to search your memories, you'll be able to feel my presence in your thoughts but I promise I won't look into anything… intimate" he looks away from her face as her cheeks turn pink at the implication. Y/N nods her head "will it hurt?" She asks as she closes her eyes to help steady her breathing "won't hurt I promise, might be a little uncomfortable and if you need to take a break just tap my arms and we will stop for as long as you need, yeah?" He confirms with her as his dark eyes search her face for any signs of fear or hesitation.
Y/N lifts her hands to rest them at his elbows giving her something to hold and ground her thoughts, Chan takes a deep breath a blue crackles flit through the air bouncing off the walls Y/N's eyes follow the crackles with a small smile on her face "ready?" He asks giving her time to back out if she needs to, his thumbs rub small circles across her cheeks to help calm her nerves as he begins. It's a strange feeling having a demon root through your thoughts and memories "I'll work backwards from now to the last time I remember you summoning me" he informs her, prompting Y/N to hum softly in response letting the demon know she had heard him.
A sad smile graces Chan's lips as he watches all the moments Y/N has lived since he'd last seen her "I've missed a lot" he laughs softly but she can hear the sadness that lines his words, it hurts her heart in a way she didn't expect and makes her squeeze his thick arms reassuringly. The room is eerily quiet as more minutes pass until a low growl fills the space "Park… fucking… Jimin" his sharp teeth bare as anger ripples through his chest "should've known" he mutters clearly seething as his hands drop from her jaw, confusion makes her brow furrow as she tilts her head slightly "who?" She questions softly not wanting to push the demon too hard when he looked so irritated "Park Jimin is an upper level warlock, very strong… charges a hefty price too. Your mother went to him to block your memories of me and my family, to keep you away from me" he sighs deeply and stands moving away from the girl he was once sat across from.
Her eyes follow his form as he retreats to her kitchen, his hands are splayed across her kitchen countertop and his head is lowered as shallow breaths leave his body. Y/N lifts herself off the floor to join him and puts her hand on his back as gently as she can making his head snap to the side, she jumps a little from the intensity shining in his eyes but she doesn't back away "can he undo what he's done to my memories?" She asks in a quiet voice "maybe but the real question is even if he can do it, will he" Chan tuts as he straightens his back "he's not the most helpful warlock I've ever met" Y/N nods her head at his words "it's still worth a shot though right? Or maybe there's something we can do" Chan seems to think over her words "I'm sure we'll figure out something… my presence seems to be helping somewhat I can tell you trust me more now than you did when I first arrived" a blush rises up her neck to her cheeks as she simply nods.
His gaze lingers on her flushed cheeks before meeting her eyes once more "I'm glad your starting to trust me Y/N, there's still so many things I need to tell you, and I will tell you everything, but I think telling you right now could be overwhelming" his words worry her, how much more could there be to learn "I suppose we have missed a couple decades of each other's lives, might not be a lot to a demon but it is for me. If this Jimin is as difficult as you describe maybe managing on our own is the better option" he shakes his head at her words surprising her "Y/N, Jimin might be difficult, but we may need to at least try reaching out to him he's incredibly powerful and knowledgeable and it was his spell that did this," Chan explains softly, reaching out to gently brush a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
Y/N's breath catches in her throat at his gentle touch "whatever you think is best Chan, that's what we will do" she smiles to him "I want to know why my mother was so against us being around each other as children" the demon sighs slightly but nods his head "I understand your curiosity, Y/N. I promise all will be revealed about our past, including your mother's feelings when the time is right with or without Jimin's help. For now, let's focus on what we can achieve without magic" Chan assures her, returning her smile with warmth in his eyes "what is the last memory you have of me?" Y/N thinks for a moment as she tries to think back to her childhood "my memories of you aren't really memories they're all fuzzy so it's hard to remember" her face shows her growing frustration, Chan takes her hands into his own "I know it's frustrating but please try to think back" she bites her lip as she tries her best to concentrate "I think the last time I remember anything to do with the book or you... We were sitting together on the porch swing and you were telling me about... how the royal family knows who their future wives are. I think" a headache is starting to form at her temples from digging through repressed memories "do you remember that? or was that planted by my mother and Jimin" she doesn't know what she can believe anymore given all the information laid at her feet.
Chan's eyes soften at her struggle, his grip on her hands gentle yet firm "I remember it, Y/N. That day, before you'd summoned me, I was sat down by my mother and father. They explained that most demons have a soulmate they're linked to for life... I didn't really understand it back then though" he looks at her face from under his eyelashes watching her expressions carefully. For some reason that information makes her chest squeeze uncomfortably causing her to ramble on as her thoughts tumble out unfiltered "oh? you have a predetermined soul mate? did you ever find out who they were? sorry I probably shouldn't ask that we're getting off topic anyway" she looks down at her hands feeling embarrassed by her questioning him on this personal matter.
Bang Chan chuckles slightly at her outburst "no need to apologise Y/N" he clears his throat before speaking again "to answer your other questions, actually it's not off topic for you to ask since we're trying to access your memories of me. I didn't know then but I do now..." he trails off as he looks at her intently. She nods her head slowly, not sure what to say to him "are you allowed to tell me?" she tries to giggle attempting to diffuse the tension that was starting to build between them "I'm sure we probably told each other everything as children, if what you've said about us is true'' he gulps harshly as he seems to think something over "I am allowed," he assures her, his voice deep and resonant "but I don't want to scare you or make you think it means something it doesn't" she looks at him in a sceptical manner which prompts him to continue "your mother must have found out long before I did somehow because when you stopped summoning me, a deep pain lingered in my chest and never left... After a while I realised it meant that my soulmate was… you" he looks at her with such worried looking eyes.
Y/N blinks her eyes at him a few times trying to digest the information "m-me?" she asks pointing a finger at herself, a shuddering breath leaves her lips as a thought hits her "I didn't summon you again for over 20 years" his eyes drop to the floor as he nods "you've been in pain for that long? and because neither of us knew what my mother had done you've spent all this time thinking your soulmate just... stopping wanting you around" her eyes shine as tears threaten to spill over her lashes as she imagines what he's gone through. Bang Chan's heart clenched painfully hearing her words. He reached out his hand to gently wipe away the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes, his touch warm and reassuring "I survived it," he tells her softly, his voice barely above a whisper "I held onto the hope that one day you'd summon me again, that we'd be reunited and here we are" a few tears roll down his cheeks as he rests his forehead against her own.
Y/N reaches her hand up to wipe his tears away as he had done with hers "you shouldn't have had to survive the pain, if my grandma hadn't held onto that book I may never have..." a lump forms in her throat as she thinks of the demons fate had that happened "I'm so sorry" she whispers closing her eyes. Bang Chan's breath hitched as he felt her soft fingers brush away his tears. He looked into her eyes, filled with such deep regret "there's no need for that, it wasn't your fault" he reluctantly pulls away from her body to look her in the eyes "just because you're my soulmate I don't want you to think your stuck with me, if we're going to move forward I want it to be because that's what you choose not because of some feeling of duty. I want you to know you aren't chained to me or anything like that" he finishes his words retracting his hands from her cheeks.
She frowns at his words but nods "we don't have to rush into anything, it's been a long night, maybe we should get some res- wait if I go to sleep will you disappear back to Hell?" she asks hurriedly, a soft chuckle escapes Chan at her worried expression and questions "No, I won't disappear just because you sleep. Our bond transcends time and space, I can choose whether to stay in this realm or return home. Rest assured, I'll be here when you wake up" he takes her hand into his own and closes his eyes allowing his demonic magic to fill the space until they're teleported to her room. A look of awe fills her features as she looks around at her surroundings "that..." she wiggles her finger to point around her room "is really cool" she smiles as she looks at him.
He lets out a soft giggle at her reaction before taking her hand and leading her to her bed "it's fine for you to rest, yeah? I'll get myself settled downstairs" as a frown crosses her features he bends and places a soft kiss to her forehead "don't worry about me Y/N, we'll talk more in the morning" she's about to protest his words when a yawn escapes her lips making him smirk "fine fine I'm going to sleep" she smiles as she grabs some pj's to change into once he leaves the room "good night pumpkin" he waves as he leaves the room "... pumpkin?" for a reason she's unsure of the name rests comfortably on her chest making a giddy feeling spread across her body, sleep coming to her quickly as she changes and lays down in bed.
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harley-sunday · 3 years ago
i would die for a soft!max taking care of the reader when they have a panic attack and he’s the only one that can help calm them ooofffff anything w/soft max is an automatic win for me
I don't what happened but I couldn't get this out of my head and so here we are. I hope I did it justice. And that you like it 😊
Pairing: Max Verstappen x reader (f)
Warnings: language.
Word count: 1k
AN: Ok. So. Wrote this when I couldn't sleep so bare with me on this one. Also, I don't usually take requests but this was too good to pass up and not really a request anyway so 🤷🏻‍♀️ and soft!Max really is everything...
Your breathing is shallow. Uneven. This- No. You know how to breathe, come on. In through your nose and- What if it's not enough? What if this is how it's going to be like forever? What if your body will never breathe on its own again? What if you'll always have to actively remind yourself how to breathe? That's not- You can't live like that, can you? Why would you want to live like that? How-
"Just calm down, sweetheart. There's nothing to panic about."
The unfamiliar voice sounds distant and distorted, like you're underwater and someone's trying to- Are you underwater? Are you drowning? Is that what this is? That gulp of water you accidentally took in while doing laps in the hotel swimming pool this morning, is that- Should you have gone to the hospital? Secondary drowning is a thing right? You've read that somewhere or maybe-
"You're safe. You know that right?"
Another voice, female this time, a little louder than the last and the accusation in their tone not lost on you. Are you safe though? Is anyone ever really safe? With the current state of the world anything could happen. Not to mention you're at a fuckin' racetrack, where the likelihood of something bad happening is tenfold. Is that why he isn't here yet? Did something happen to him? Oh God, what if-
"Oh Jesus, really? This isn't real. Snap out of it, will ya?"
Impatience. That's what you're picking up on this time. And you get it. You get that this is not how they imagined spending their time after the race. After all there's a podium ceremony to get to and sponsors to woo, and- Anything but this. Anything but you taking up their precious time with something none of them can even help you with. Great job, you think to yourself. All these people, all having somewhere more important to be. It's your fault they're here. Stuck with you. Missing important-
"She needs like a bag or something to breathe in, right?"
God, no, not the bag. You let out a frustrated moan but immediately feel ungrateful because at least this last voice sounded kinder than the others.
"No, what she needs-" Oh. Oh. "-is for you to all step back, give her space, and shut up."
This is good. You know this voice. You trust this voice. It belongs to your boyfriend. Oh. Shit. What if someone went to get him? What if he was doing press and- What if he was on the podium? Did he end up on the podium? You don't remember. Jesus, what a horrible girlfriend you are, not even remembering where he finished. He must hate being dragged into this-
"Hey," he sounds close but in a good way. Close and kind and- What if it's all just an act? What if-
"Hey," he says again, the back of his fingers ghosting over your cheek, "I'm here."
He is. Here. But there are other places he must be. Other places that are more important than here. Than you. You don't want to keep him. You don't-
"She's been like this for a while now-" Jesus, again with the accusation, you think, even though this is a different voice than before.
"Mate," Max warns whoever it is that spoke up, "step back." He doesn't stop caressing your cheek, doesn't stop touching you and for the first time since this started you feel like maybe you're treading water instead of drowning.
"Yeah, but-"
"Leave," Max all but growls, his hand moving to your shoulder as some sort of lifeline, anchoring you to him as he turns away from you ever so slightly. "You are only making this worse. Fuck off, all of you."
There is a hushed silence as his words land but then the crowd starts to disappear and it feels as if you're finally breaking the surface now that it's just you and him. 
"Hey," his voice is much softer now and there's a slight increase of pressure on your shoulder as he squats in front of you. "I'm here."
You no longer feel like you're underwater, it’s almost as if his voice has guided you up from the depths of the ocean and you take a big gulp of air, your lungs filling and your vision clearing and-
"There you are," Max whispers, almost as if he's scared you'll disappear again if he's too loud. He drops his hands to your lap so he can take yours in his, thumbs rubbing soothing circles over the back of your hands.
You blink a few times, his blue eyes finally coming into focus, almost like a beacon guiding you back to safety but then a ragged breath escapes you, your head still swimming as you ride out the waves of this panic attack.
"I finished first today," Max says then and the smile tugging on the corners of his lips makes his eyes crinkle, "but I think maybe you saw that?" He doesn't wait for you to reply, knows it's best to keep going, to keep distracting you now that he's almost got you to shore, "Ferrari put up one hell of a fight, remember? Checo held them off though-" He shakes his head, "Fuckin' legend. If we make it out of this on top, this championship is as much his as it is mine. Honestly." 
"Can't believe they had us wear those stupid suits though," he continues, his tone light. It helps. It always does. "I'm all for doing something special for the team's home race but I don't ever want to see the guys in lederhosen ever again-" He pulls a face and pretends there's a shiver running through him, "Or Checo."
You can't help but let out a laugh, remembering then what Red Bull made the team wear today, and immediately Max's smile grows wider.
He lets go of one of your hands so he can cup your cheek, "Hi."
"Hi," you croak out, closing your eyes as you lean into his touch.
"You're back," he simply states but there's no escaping the relief you hear in his voice.
You open your eyes and find his, "Almost." You mimic his gesture and put your hand on his cheek, the stubble of his beard rough against your palm, "Thank-"
"Nope," he shakes his head, effectively cutting you off. He puts his hands on your knees for balance and leans forward, brushing his lips against yours and simply says, "I love you," as if that is enough.
Then again, maybe it is. 
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years ago
Orchard tulip Jasmine for the flower ask if your still doing it 😊 🌟
Orchid - What is your OC's biggest fear?
Isabelle: Surface level, that she will never get home. A deeper fear related to that is she does go home but everything has changed. Those dark thoughts you have to yourself at 3am have wormed their way into her mind and she worries sometimes that some life altering events have gone on at home and she will have missed it. Like her father has somehow died. Or everyone has moved away. Or that 10,20, 50 years has passed in her world and no one will recognize her, and she'll be left alone once more and she can't even go back to Twisted Wonderland.
Dreary: That one day Crowley will turn around and decide to throw her out. Dreary has spent so much her life with the fear that if the rest of their relatives find out she is a White Raven, they would shun and abuse her like those that came before. Dire doesn't care, but Dreary is deeply afraid one day he will change his mind or blame her for some misfortune and cast her out.
Lilith: A fear of one day being irrelevant. Lilith is an older woman in a very shallow and vain industry that values beauty and youth above all else. She's gotten very good at keeping up with the times and keeping her magazine alive, but there's still that little goblin in the back of her mind that she is not the twenty-something IT Girl she once was. Lilith isn't scared of growing old, but she is scared of being forgotten.
Asha: All her life Asha has been a protector. She protected her sisters, her friends, Leona, her child. It's in her nature to take action to save the people she cares for that cannot do it themselves, and Asha is terrified when she cannot guard them against something.
Clara: As cliché as it may sound, the safety of her students. Like Asha, Clara is a protector. The well being of her students is always at the forefront of her mind, many students she loves like her own, and the thought that White Ash will no longer be the safe haven for them that it has been for centuries would be her worst nightmare.
Tulip - If you could say/do one thing to your OC, what would you say/do?
Isabelle: "You'll be ok" and then talk about our favorite books
Dreary: I would give her all the sparkly and colorful accessories I could
Asha: Help her make fun of Leona and then ask if she can hook a girl up with him. Asha please, we would be great in-laws, I'll be a good aunt, I swear!
Clara: "I get it. But also stop banging Crowley." I'd just hang out with her, you know? Have some afternoon tea or something.
Lilith: "Your sons hand in marriage, please."
Jasmine - If your OC had a tumblr blog, what would their URL be?
Isabelle: Books-and-Broomsticks
Dreary: rainbowraven
Asha: ClawQueen
Lilith: the-divine-devil
Clara: ClockworkFairy
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levithestripper · 4 years ago
Hello My Old Heart
a/n: I felt it was only right to commemorate the final chapter of Attack on Titan with an angst fic about the last chapter. listen to Hello My Old Heart by The Oh Hellos while reading for the full experience!
✩ warnings: chapter 139 spoilers, talk of character death. ✩
✩ taglist: @myglitteringstardust @alicchi @sleepysnk @waywardsongbird3 ✩
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Hello, my old heart, how have you been?
Footsteps clacked against the stone ground. The steam cleared, showing off Mikasa gently cradling Eren’s severed head. Mikasa was disturbingly calm. As if the trauma of it all desensitized her to the realities of Eren’s death. That she’s never going to be able to see that cute kid he was again. Or hear the determined sound of his voice, like when he finally mastered his broken ODM Gear. Or hear his laughter after pulling a prank on Jean. It’s like she still thought he was here. Eren did everything in his power to keep her safe, to keep her alive. To keep them all alive.
Eren told her that he wants her to forget about him when he dies. Wanted her to throw away that old red scarf of hers, to truly leave him behind. Leave him behind, dead and cold in his grave. To forget about him and move on with her life. To find someone so much better, someone so much better for her than he could ever be. Eren loved her with all of his heart. Loved her more than himself at some points. He built up walls around her to keep her safe, to keep her safe from anyone that tried to hurt her.
Are you still there inside my chest?
Armin crumbled to the floor in front of her, sobs wracking his body. His brother was dead. His brother was dead. His brother was dead. His decapitated head was sitting right in front of him. His head should still be on his body! Eren should still be here! He has to still be alive, what is he going to do without him? Eren needs to be here, he needs his brother! Eren was always there to pick him up, to push him forwards, gave him confidence when he was bullied and made fun of. What was he going to do without him now? Eren was the whole reason why he pursued that stupid, stupid dream of his. Armin clutched his brother's head against his chest, hunched over as he wailed. Thick tears streamed down his face, dripping down his chin, some even getting in his mouth. His blond hair stuck to his forehead, matted down with sweat and dirt. Why does all of his family leave him alone? Why is he always alone in this world?
I've been so worried, you've been so still
Barely beating at all
Eren used to sit under that tree and talk with Armin for hours, just as long as they were both back home before dinnertime. Armin would bring his book and read to him, talking all about the oceans full of sand, water so salty that no merchant could collect it all. Sometimes, Eren would bring the action figures his father bought for him when he went on trips to the Capitol. They’d run around and laugh till the sunset, dreaming of the day that they both could see the pictures in Armin’s book for real.
When the Survey Corps finally made it to the sea was the last good memory they all collectively had together. Back when everyone was still alive. Back when Sasha and Hange were around before Levi was injured. Before Eren became the monster he ended up as. Armin often found himself looking back at it, remembering when he sat in the shallow water, laughing with Mikasa and freaking out over sea creatures with Eren. He remembered Jean and Connie dunking each other under the waves, gasping when they swallowed some and found out how salty it was. How Levi was still looking after and protecting Hange from injuring herself again. Oh, if he could only go back to those days. He missed those days, seeing Sasha always smiling so brightly, listening to Hange frantically going on and on about a theory they had.
He thinks back to their days in training, how young they all were still. How young and naive they were to the things ahead of them. When Jean was still an asshole when Marco was still alive. Before Reiner, Annie, and Bertolt were all out as traitors. They were so, so ignorant to the world around them, to what was going on. But he wouldn’t have had it any other way. If given the chance, he wouldn’t have done anything differently.
Oh, don't leave me here alone
Don't tell me that we've grown
After Eren’s funeral, Jean had pulled Armin off to the side, wanting to reminisce about the old days.
“Do you remember that one time in our third year of training, right before we graduated, the prank Marco pulled on me?” Jean asked with a chuckle. They were sitting where the Yeager household used to be. It was still in shambles, the roof was still caved in, cobblestone porch crumbling as they walked on it. They sat on the edge of it, feet dangling, soles of their shoes scraping the dirt. “He filled my pillowcase with and bed sheets with itching powder, so when I got up in the morning I’d itch myself raw from how much he used. When we had to line up for roll call that morning, I couldn’t stop moving so Shadis made me run until I passed out.”
Armin nodded, rolling a pebble around in the palm of his hands. “That was a fun day. I’ve never seen someone strip that fast before. You came back and were practically throwing your uniform off as you ran to the pond right outside of camp.” He looked up at him, the smallest of smiles on his face. They were both dressed in suits, white dress shirts, and black ties, with matching shiny back dress shoes. Jean’s hair was pulled back into a short ponytail, a little tuft of fluffy hair on the back of his head. He had shaved his undercut again, looking a little bit like his old fifteen-year-old self again. Jean had shaved Armin’s undercut as well, helping him clean up his look a bit.
“Oh! Or that time when I dared Eren to get Captain Levi to crack a raw egg on his own head?” Armin laughed softly, smiling up at Jean as he spoke. “Eren-Eren he walked up to him and handed him the egg, you know? And said ‘Hey, Captain Levi! I need you to hold out your hand for me! Now close your eyes!’ And Captain actually did it! Then Eren positioned his hand above his head and told him to let go!” Jean had a huge grin spread across his face, one that Armin hadn’t seen in a while. He missed it. It was nice to finally hear Jean laughing again. It was nice seeing the little crinkles that form in the corner of his eyes when he smiles too hard. Little lines were coming in around his mouth now too. He seemed so much older than he used to.
“Remember right before graduation, the night before the Trost attack, when we all snuck into the girls' barracks and had a sleepover? You tried so hard to sleep the closest to Mikasa’s bunk.” Armin laughed this time, his eyes shining again if you looked real hard. “To think that was the last normal night we had before everything changed. The last night we still had everyone around. Before Marco died.” Jean looked down at his lap, playing with his right hand. “I know he was cremated, but did you ever make a memorial of sorts somewhere for him?”
He shook his head solemnly. “I didn’t have the chance. I thought about it, but no place was good enough. Marco deserved so much more than I could give him, I couldn’t find a place that deserved his presence.” He looked up again, turning to face Armin. “His mother made one in her backyard, I might do the same, now that I'm back home."
"I miss him, Jean." Armin wiped at his cheek, trying to stop the tears that were threatening to spill over. "I miss Sasha, I miss Hange, I miss Erwin!" The tears started readily flowing now, dripping off his chin and onto the stone below him. He hiccuped and sniffled, voice wobbly. "I miss my brother, Jean. I want my brother back. Why did they take him from me! I still need him, I-I can-can't do this without him!"
Jean pulled Armin close to his side by his shoulder, rubbing the top of his back, slowly moving up and down to soothe him. "Shhh, shhh. It's okay, it's okay. Let it all out, alright?" Jean rubbed his arm, going back and forth from his arm to his back. "I know, Armin. I miss him too. I miss him too. But it's going to get better. I promise you, it's going to get better. Here, look at me." He placed his index finger under Armin's chin, tilting his head so he's forced to look him in the eyes. "Eren might be gone from this world, but it doesn't mean he left completely. He's still alive here." He pressed his palm to Armin's chest, right over his heart. "He trusted you with saving humanity. He knows he can trust you to keep his memory alive. You'll see them all again when it's your turn to leave. They'll all be there waiting for you. Eren will be right there, holding out his hand for you to take like he did when you were little."
Armin had managed to keep his composure throughout the funeral. He stood up straight, looked forward, and participated without any hesitation. Although if you looked at his face, you could see the cracks in his mask. Could see the tears looming in the distance, how his straight face wanted to fade into a shaky frown. You could see how hard he wanted to break down and cry. How he wanted to collapse onto his knees and beg for whoever was up above to bring Eren back to him. Mikasa, on the other hand, was a mess. She had her scarf wrapped up around her face, covering her mouth. Her tears made the fabric discolored and soppy.
“Tha-Thank you, Jean. You alwa-always know what to say to make me feel better.” He chuckled sadly. “You’re too good at making me feel better. I shouldn’t be falling apart like this.” His hiccuping started to stop, tears slowing as well. Armin took Jean’s hands in his own, rubbing his thumbs against the meat of his palms. “Thank you for always being here for me.” He smiled up at him the best he could.
Jean enveloped Armin’s hands in his own, completely dwarfing his. “Don’t ever apologize to me about your emotions. Ever. They’re expected to happen in times like this, okay? It’s okay for you to cry even when the seems to be no reason to.” He stroked his thumbs over the backs of Armin’s hands. “I’ll always be here for you, okay? No matter what. Call me and I’ll come running.”
For having loved a little while
Oh, I don't wanna be alone, I wanna find a home
And I wanna share it with you
After a while, Jean and Armin went back to where the funeral had taken place. Mikasa was still there, waiting for them to return. From there, they and the rest of their family walked behind the trio, up to the tree on that hill Eren loved so much. It was sunny out, just like how it was when they were little. Accept this time, there wasn’t a giant wall blocking Eren’s view anymore.
Reiner and Jean dug Eren’s grave. His casket was deep mahogany, the wood polished and shiny. Although, it was smaller than a normal casket should be. Eren’s head was the only thing they could bury so it was more like a small box. Mikasa was the one to lower Eren into the ground, setting him down gently in the almost six-foot hole. When they filled the dirt back in, it seemed like there was too much dirt to fit the hole they had dug. A large mound of it was piled on top of the grave, too large to put the headstone on yet. Everyone went home after that, heading off to their respective homes to leave Mikasa to grieve in peace.
She remembers the cabin in the woods from her dream with Eren. Remembers how happy they seemed to be together. She wishes that they really could just run away still, run away and live together forever, maybe have a couple of kids too. Eren never talked about having children, but she hoped that he would give her some anyways. Eren would’ve been a good father, better than Grisha, at least.
Mikasa pulled the scarf off from around her neck, clutching it in her hands. All she seemed to be able to do was stare at it, hoping something good would come from it. She stroked the fabric with her dirty thumb, pressing it to her face. It’s almost like she could feel Eren wrapping it around her for the first time again. Could feel him taking her hand as he walked her back to his house for the first time. When she first met Armin, she was holding Eren’s hand too. Seems like he always had a thing for protecting her, even if it was just from possibly walking too far out into the street, huh?
Hello, my old heart
Mikasa stared up at the sky. The sun was out and a few clouds were here and there. These were the kinds of days that Eren loved the most, especially when he was little. When his mother called him inside for dinner, he’d beg to eat outside, or at least if he and Mikasa could eat outside. More often than not, he was forced inside to sit at the table with the rest of his family. That kid could never be contained, always wanted to be running somewhere, exploring something, finding something new, it didn’t matter what it was. Just mattered that he had Mikasa with him.
It's been so long
At this point, she barely remembered her parents. Her earliest memory was when Eren came and saved her, sweeping her off her feet in the most ten-year-old boy way possible. She remembers that rush of power standing in that house. Thinking to herself, why is my body moving on my own like this? Why, why does my head hurt so suddenly? Where’s mom and dad? Why’d they have to leave so soon? Then after that, all that's there is Eren. Ten-year-old Eren, twelve-year-old Eren, fifteen-year-old Eren, nineteen-year-old Eren. All with a shining light behind him. A proud look on his face, a determined expression. A face that tells you everything is going to be okay, that he’s going to fix everything for you to keep you safe.
Since I've given you away
There was no more Yeager family anymore. All of them were gone. She doesn’t know if she can even consider herself a Yeager. Carla always said she was her daughter, but she never really embraced it. But if the Yeager’s aren’t here to tell their stories, who will?
After all, he became the devil so she could become an angel. And what kind of angel would she be if she didn’t live? She fought, she won, now she can live. She doesn’t have to be strong anymore. She sniffled softly, hands coming up to her face, covering her eyes. Tears came soon after, pooling in the palms of her hands and pulling out from the sides. Her body shook slightly from her sobs, her back quivered and her shoulders shuddered from the intensity of them. Her knees got pulled up to her chest, her head moving to rest on them. “…I can’t believe you’re gone for real this time, Eren… You said you’d wrap this scarf around me every time I asked, now how will you?”
And every day, I add another stone, to the walls I built around you
To keep you safe
Squawking of birds could be heard from above. A group of Arctic Jaeger’s were circling the tree, crying out their songs for one another. One of them flew down closer to Mikasa, landing on top of Eren’s grave. It looked over at her, chattering softly. The bird hopped up and down the best it could, trying to get her attention. It flapped its wings, moving over to sit on the crest of her knee. Its beak nudged her hand, making Mikasa look at it. The bird tilted its head back and forth at her, seemingly trying to smile. The bird bobbed its head, leaning in to press the side of its head to her cheek. It seemed like it wanted to wipe her tears away, but unable to since it didn’t have hands to cup her face with, or thumbs to stroke the apples of her cheeks. Mikasa held the bird close, carefully stoking its wings and back. “Thank you for wrapping this scarf around me, Eren.”
The bird wiggled around until Mikasa let it go, watching it fly off to meet up with its friends in the sky. It chirped a sweet goodbye to her, waiting until Mikasa waved before leaving completely.
Nothing lasts forever
Some things aren't meant to be
But you'll never find the answers
Until you set your old heart free
“Thank you, Eren, for everything.”
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mmvalentine · 4 years ago
Five Minutes | Feysand
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I got this request from an ao3 user who later clarified they would like a "wrong bed fic" and I honestly don't even know what that is?!!! But of course I will give it a go...
The Day Court had the most beautiful theatre. Where the artists' quarter in Velaris was a passionate, bohemian little community, the theatre company of the Day Court was a high art rooted in millennia of culture and esteem. Rhys and Feyre were ushered down an honest-to-goodness red carpet on their way in, and their private box somewhere near the soaring arched ceiling was upholstered in rich, ox-blood velvet. Every ten years an invite went to all the courts for the grand opening of the Day Court's newest opera, and the event was the social gathering of the decade. The grandeur and class of the night was unrivalled across Prythian. And yet Rhys could not stop staring at Feyre's ass in that dress.
After being married for ten years, he really thought the urge to bend her over the nearest table would have dimmed. But there they were, given in the best seats in the house, with a production ten years in the making on its way, and all Rhys could do was drag his gaze over the curves of his mate's hind quarters. She was talking to someone, he had no idea who in the mother it was, and he was trying to look like he was listening as well while he snaked his arm around her and stroked his fingers over her hip.
In his defence, Feyre had spent a large portion of the last decade running after Nyx and wearing comfortable clothes that didn't mind getting all manner of stains and spills on them. Not that she wasn't achingly sexy in tights and one of his old sweaters, in fact his clothes on her drove him wild. But it had been a little while since she had worn something that hugged her like this, cupped her breasts and clung to her waist, hips and thighs before pooling on the floor. It was obscene. How were they in public right now?
Watch your hands, Feyre warned in his mind. We have company.
I can't help it, Rhys responded silkily. I just want to peel this thing off of you. Or maybe tear it to shreds with my teeth.
Well you'll have to wait, Feyre shot back. Believe it or not, I actually want to see this play. And besides, this dress was made by Emerie, you couldn't tear it if you tried.
Rhys bared his teeth in her mind. Would you like me to try? he asked. He slid a midnight claw over her mind. She batted him away.
I said later, she said. Now behave.
At that moment, a silver bell rang out over the theater, and Helion's voice drifted through the air with an amplifying spell.
"Welcome, dearest guests," the High Lord said. "I am so pleased you all could make it. If you would like to take your seats, the show will begin in five minutes."
Feyre bade goodbye to the guest she was talking to- Rhys just gave a curt nod, not at all caring who they were- and slid her arm around Rhys' waist as they walked off to their box. As soon as the guest had turned, Rhys squeezed a handful of her backside. Feyre swatted his chest.
"What's going on with you?" she asked. "Nothing," Rhys said, his lips against her temple. He drew the curtain to their private box. "You look incredible tonight." "Well thank you," Feyre said. "You're not bad yourself." She kissed him, and made to sit down next to Rhys, but he pulled her into his lap instead. Cupped his hands over her rear and pulled her lips back to his.
"Let's take a little walk," he said into her mouth. His hands squeezed at her waist. "Rhys, we're at a show." "He said five minutes," Rhys argued, and licked his tongue up the side of her throat. Feyre shivered. "Five is not so long," she said. Rhys grinned against her neck. "Five is plenty," he said, and then winnowed.
Feyre found herself in a darkened bedroom, door closed and curtains drawn, and Rhys pressing her down onto cool sheets. "Where are we?" she whispered. "Mmm," Rhys murmured. "I don't know, it's been so long since I've been in Helion's house. I just remember there being a bed here."
He pushed the skirts of Feyre's dress up her legs, and put his mouth right on her core, over her underwear. Feyre gasped at the suddenness of it.
"On someone else's bed?" she asked. Rhys pulled her underwear to the side, and licked her all the way up to her clit. "They'll never know," he said, and then she heard the clink of his belt buckle as Rhys resumed his attentions. A minute later, his face was back up over hers, lips wet from being between her legs.
"Ten years," he mused. "And I still just want to spend hours licking your every scrap of skin." "Five minutes," Feyre reminded him, and he grinned. "I can make you come in five minutes," he said, and kissed her at the same time as sliding straight inside her.
Feyre moaned into Rhys' mouth, and Rhys pulled back. "Hush now, darling," he whispered. "We're in someone else's house." His eyes sparkled. "I am going to fuck you hard until you come, and you are not going to make a single sound. Do you understand?"
Feyre nodded, and Rhys caught up her lips again. Started rocking into her, and then matching the movements of his tongue to his hips. Feyre's heart beat strong beneath him, and he hooked one of her legs over his elbow to get a deeper angle. Feyre huffed out a breath, but stayed silent.
"Good girl," Rhys crooned, and licked his thumb before placing it over her clit. He moved faster now, and kept up a steady and pounding pace.
"Do you know," he said in her ear, "I have been absolutely out of my mind all day, watching you." He moved his lips to the hollow under her jaw. "You, and your incredible ass in this fucking dress." Rhys began pressing kisses down her throat, open-mouthed kisses, kisses that gave way to a bite and a suck. "And all I've wanted to do for hours is get you alone." And all the while, he kept up his relentless rhythm. Feyre's breathing was coming in shallow pants now, and she had her bottom lip clenched between her teeth to keep her from crying out.
"Is that good, Feyre darling?" he asked her. She just nodded. His thumb pushed down a little more on her clit. "I love watching you like this," he told her. Driving his hips home. "On you back for me. With me deep inside you, right where I'm supposed to be. Do you know how fucking good you look?" He stopped speaking then, bit off a groan and listed to the incessant squeak and protest of the bed creaking. Feyre's mouth was moving with silent sounds. He smiled down at her.
"Are you close honey? Do you want to come for me?" Feyre nodded again. "Almost. I'm going to count down from five, and you can come when I tell you to." Feyre's eyes burned in the dark.
"Five," Rhys murmured. He leaned back a little, changing the angle and getting deeper still. "Four." His thumb moved in tight circles over her clit. "Three," he said, and now his own breaths were coming ragged. "Two." He sped up, his hips now moving erratically. "One," he ground out, close to the edge now and loving the view of Feyre writhing in tortured silence. "Now," he commanded, and Feyre exploded around him at the same time as he came hard inside her, clamping down on his own moans as Feyre's nails scratched at his back.
Rhys fell to Feyre's side and tugged her body into hers. "Good girl," he breathed again, and kissed her until they were falling asleep and somewhere far away, an opening curtain was rising.
Four hours later, Helion opened his bedroom door to find the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court in his bed. They blinked at him when he flicked the light on.
"Well," he said, voice full of merry amusement. "Is it my birthday already?"
This is a little rushed because it's almost 1am but it's also the first time I've been able to post all week and I hate that. So I'm sorry if it's a bit of a mess! I miss you guys when I get too busy x
TAGLIST: @ghostlyrose2 @highladysith @stardelia @feysand-babies @tillyrubes10 @ratabrasileira @live-the-fangirl-life @maybekindasortaace @annejulianneh111 @thebonecarver @rowaelinismyotp @loosingdreams @whythefuckdoiexist
UPDATE: There's now a Part 2!!! By special request.
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ecclais-fouoras · 4 years ago
Sometimes moving on is good
Chapter 10&11
(11&12 on wattpad)
Chapter 9 here
Somehow both of you had managed to get your vacation at the same time, and you were planning to surprise Diane with a trip during the two weeks off you both had.
She was collecting strawberries in her garden and you were watching her from the window like you usually did when she was out. This time you decided to have fun and go find her to help. It was the morning and your flight wasn't before the afternoon.
You dressed to go out and came out the house and behind her so you could surprise her with soft kisses.
Your hands pulled her hair to the side as you pressed your mouth against the back of her neck, moving further to her jawline nibbling her skin quietly as your hands caressed her sides greeting her by kneading both her breasts.
"Oh hello there...what are you doing ?" She playfully asked as she giggled.
"Well I Wanted to meet my neighbor  have you seen her anywhere ?"
"Haha very funny...are you single by any chance ?"
"Yes I am, just don't tell my girlfriend I said that."
She set her box down before turning around and pointing at her house
"I think she lives here but most of the time she spends at her girlfriends house"
"Oh really ? Her partner must be a very nice person"
"Not really she's quite annoying I've heard"
You pretended to be offended for a second before replying.
"hah babe ! I am not annoying..."
She kissed the pout on your face and rested her arms around your shoulders to hold you while yours circled her waist. You both held each other for a few minutes, or was it hours ? Just enjoying the feeling of your bodies against each other, being close.
Her head resting against your neck as the sun was heating her skin keeping you in a warm embrace.
"Are you done with the strawberries ?"
"Almost why ?"
"I'll give you a hand so we can go home quicker"
"Okay we'll get started then"
"I will"
She bent down to pick up the box filled with the red fruit and you smacked her ass as she yelped, "hey !"
"Oops I thought there was a fly right there, wait here it is again" you said before slapping her again before grabbing her by the hips and pulling her close. She moaned at the feeling of your leg between hers.
"What is it about strawberries that gets you going like this y/n ?"
"I'm pretty sure it's not the strawberries."
"Well.. what Then ?"
"It's the paints"
She got up and began picking the berries up and placing them in her basket. You caressed her butt one last time before adding.
"Yeah...it's definitely the paints"
"Get to work y/n"
You took your own box and mimicked her movements. Filling your box up you picked one and brought it to your lips to have a bite.
"Hey put that down"
"Try me" you ate the fruit, moaning at the taste of it.
"You didn't even rince it, that's nasty"
"No it's not, besides you don't put any chemicals in this, it's good for my immune system"
"Yeah it'll be good when you have a little worm growing inside you, y/n"
"Whatever you say babe... At least
Come on and have a taste"
You picked one up again this time holding it between your teeth and moving your head closer to diane's, pausing in front of her lips, waiting for her to bite down on it.
"It's silly y/n"
"Mmf...comMfe..on" after some esitating she finally tasted the strawberry before you spit out the leaves and kissed her softly.
She giggled the sugary taste making your kiss more special.
"I'm really not going faster with you distracting me"
You got back to gardening, and once there was no more ready fruits you both went back to the house, hand in hand except for the recipient you held.
After some washing and tidying up you floped down on the couch her upper body resting on your lap as you massaged her temples with on hand and played with her hair with the other one.
"Baby ?"
"Mmm?" She groaned eyes still shut.
"Sit up please I gotta fetch something reel fast"
"Okay.." she sat up and waited as you disappeared to your office for a second.
You came back with your keys and put on your shoes at the bottom of the stairs.
"Can you grab your coat and put on your shoes again ?"
"Wh..wh..what's going on ?"
"Just trust me babe ?"
"..the things I do for you"
"Take your phone and keys too and meet me in the car baby"
"Wait...y/n !?? Where are we going ?!"
Chapter 11
WARNING ⚠️ SMUT (very slight mommy kink nothing too crazy)
You were both driving to the airport and you had managed to get her to bandage her eyes for the trip, after waiting at the airport you finally had hopped in the plane your baggages in the hold.
The flight was calm and Diane didn't complain about being blinded, your hand was on her thigh, keeping her grounded through contact.
When you were almost there you decided it would be too stupid not to let her see the landscape from up here especially since you weren't sure it would be this sunny when you left. So you tapped her shoulder before whispering in her here that you were going to take it off. She blinked a few times at the sudden light around her, she confusedly looked at you before you said
"I couldn't let you miss this"
Pointing out the small window as you were passing the few lakes and swamps surrounding the colorful fields.
"Oh good...this is beautiful y/n...where are we ?"
"..well this is...ouh you almost had me... nice try baby"
"I had to try"
"You'll find out soon we're almost here"
The rest of the time was calm between the few kisses you shared and the ones you pressed to her neck while your fingers rode up and down her thigh.
When the flight was over you got back your stuff and found the car you'd rented.
You took of her blindfold and she gasped
"Y/n are we in france ????!"
"Really ? What gave it away ? Let me guess the car's plate"
"Well there's an F and the shops have french names"
"Then Yes we are "
"I don't even know what to say y/n...i.. I'm..thank you I guess"
"No need to thank me..baby i wanted to take you on a trip so here we are. Don't get to comfortable cause we are driving for an hour an a half maybe"
"We ? Oh honey you are driving"
"How come ?!"
"It's your trip and I don't know where we're going"
After driving for around 1h15 you arrived where you were staying, it was a small farm that you had rented, away from the city but not to far so you'd still be able to go visit some stuff. It was a quiet place surrounded by fields and Forests.
"My god baby this place is Wonderful, how did you find this ?!"
"My grandma lives a few minutes away, I used to ride my bike here when I was 5."
She looked saddened all of the sudden for some reason and you couldn't help but hold her in your arms for a second before asking her what was wrong.
"..will you teach me ?..how to ride I mean"
You pulled back slightly raising your brows
"You don't need any help riding me ?...Oh you meant the bike"
"Yes I did you pervert...m..my mother never took the time to teach me"
"Well it'll be my pleasure, surely we can borrow my grandma's we hen we go there tomorrow"
"Wait...what ?"
"It was supposed to be a surprise so you wouldn't be anxious but your meeting my family tomorrow, we're having dinner at their house".
"Why didn't you tell me !? Y/n ! You know how I need to prepare for these...do they know how old I am ? What are they gonna think ?"
"Diane calm down baby..they know all that already they don't care as long as you make me happy and I love you...now let's put these inside I want to show you around before we settle in."
You both put your things inside the house and got ready for a small walk outside.
You went buy the animals that were there, a few goats, donkeys, horses and normand cows all enjoying their grass behind the wooden fence. She looked around eyes shining with amazement, feeding the animals and holding your hand as you went through the small paths protected by the leaves, the sun shining through them leaving dots of light on her face and her bare shoulders. You found a spot near a small fountain where you dipped your feets inside the cold Water, snuggled together while listening to the sounds of birds chirping and animals running though the trees. Your eyes Met each other and you were both driven by the desire to press your lips together, bodies tightly wrapped against each other, you started making on on the soft grass, the green plants tickling her ears as you started prepping up on your elbows on both sides.
Lips trailing downward to her neck, biting collarbones, hands running over her body, curves finding her hair to cup her cheek lovingly. Her breath getting shallower by each pressing of your lips, each touch of your fingers against her skin, eyes flying closed as she enjoyed the feeling of having you have her here.
The sun warming up her skin and water drowning out her sounds, little whimpers fell out of her mouth as you took your breast in one hand, lips starting their way down her body. Taking of her shirt and bra, leaving her chest available for your wet attacks, sucking her nipples as she moaned against you.
Your hands playing with each of her buds while you went down on her, she shivered in anticipation when she felt you take off her panties with your teeth, before she opened her legs welcoming you with her dripping pussy.
"So wet for me my baby"
".. please...I'm close already"
You wasted no time devouring her, between the soft licks on her clit and the sweet sucking of her lips, you had her on the edge quickly, her hips grinding hard against your jaw, fist grabbing anything she could hold, the grass, your hair, her skirt.
"Does that fell good baby ?"
"Uh..uh B..BABE...Y/N I..I'm gonna cum ....AH.!!"
she came when you entered her with two fingers, curling them inside her clenching walls. Bending her back until she snapped shaking in your arms, Your teeth grazing the skin there, drinking up her juices.
You looked up and pulled her panties back on and her skirt back up before coming up and kissed her while whispering.
"I love you"
You walked back to the house after she regained some strength, settling your things in the room before fixing each other something to eat, after you were both finished you washed the dishes while she looked outside again, admiring the landscape.
"I'm done sweetie do you want to go in the jacuzzi ?"
"There's a jacuzzi ?"
"Well it's a hot tub, outside but still"
"Baby i don't have any swimsuit"
"That's a good thing I packed one for you then"
"Well in that case lead the way"
She put on the two piece you'd picked for her, it was a green color that complimented well her red hair, and hugged her curves perfectly. And you had your swim shorts with a bikini top.
"Baby you look so hot in this Diane"
"you know me well babe it's a nice color"
"Hop in then babe, the waters warm just how you like it"
You lented your hand to help her in and she settled herself on your lap, straddling your things.
"There was plenty of room not that I'm complaining but you didn't have to sit here"
"I can get off if you want"
"Well I'm not stopping you if you wanna get off on me like.. go ahead I'll be happy to watch."
"You know what I meant, I can get off of you"
"I don't want you to"
"Good, me neither"
She began kissing your neck while her hands untangled your bikini straps fingers dancing on your nipples as you moaned.
"Let me make you feel as good as you did mommy" she was shocked at the words that came out of her own mouth, never would you had thought it was something that turned her on but you have her a reassuring smile and went on.
"Well go ahead then"
Her hands went down while she kept nibbling your collarbones, underneath your shorts immediately circling your clit, digits dragging through your folds, she build up the pace and grounded her hips down on your thighs, also getting wet from the interaction.
"Go ahead...baby...fuck yourself on mommy's lap"
After a few minutes you both came moaning each others name, her hips grinding with force on your lap, her fingers stroking you in rythme. You rested your head against hers breaths evening out, hands caressing her hair.
"This is going to be a great vacation"
"I love you y/n"
"Me too baby..me too"
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dazed--xx · 5 years ago
Beside you
Request: Hello could I have an arranged marriage with Jungkook with a bit of angst but fluff at the end. Thank you xx
Summary: "You may kiss the bride" The hesitation evident on his face. My heart is racing and reality sets in “um…Jungkook?” He rolls his eyes and places a light kiss on my lips. His lips brush against my ear as he whispers “Just know this will be the last time you ever get to kiss me." 
Genre: ANGST, light fluff, smut
TW: None
Word Count: 5,092
A/N: SO i know you specifically asked for fluff at the end but i dont think this is the end of this i might make a part 2 if part 1 gets enough traction any way. I hope you enjoy the few bits i did do from what you asked REQUESTS ARE OPEN 
edit: REWRITE UPLOADED 10/13/2021
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““You may kiss the bride” The hesitation evident on his face. My heart is racing and reality sets in “um…Jungkook?” He rolls his eyes and places a light kiss on my lips. His lips brush against my ear as he whispers “Just know this will be the last time you ever get to kiss me.” Tears begin stinging my eyes, as we walk down the aisle as an officially married couple, hand and hand, much to Jungkook’s dismay. We rush through the double doors of the church and disappear in the car placed in the front if the building of worship.   
Once we got in the car Jungkook retracted his hand and the empty feeling takes over again. Jungkook doesn’t love me this is just a business inconvenience to him. IM just some stupid business deal, something for Jungkook to correct as he does with all his other projects, only difference is I’m not some company he can break apart and sell. I’m a person as much as he refuses to accept it. Since our fathers have agreed the only way Jungkook would be able to acquire and run my father’s company is if I become is wife as some type of fail-safe of preventing Jungkook from selling off the company and running away like he’s done so often after his business dealings. 
At the reception Jungkook disappeared as soon as we walked through the door. To the bar as expected of him to drink as I’m in need of liquid courage to make it through the rest of the night. Slowly I make my way around the room greeting Jungkook’s family, as he sits with the vixen of a bartender, a sensual smile plastered on his face with a rum and coke in his hand. “Y/N you have to tell me… are you and my Jungkookie going to give me grandchildren.” His mother asks smile on her face, excitement evident. I feel the words get caught in my throat, GRANDCHILDREN? WITH HOW HE TREATS ME…...? HELL, NO THAT MAN IS NOT TOUCHING ME. As if on cue my eyes shift to look for Jungkook at the bar but he and the bartender are no longer there. Of fucking course, he took HER somewhere to fuck at OUR wedding.  Almost immediately after your disappointment of a wedding, you’re shipped off on your honeymoon. You spend most days in Mykonos, alone Jungkook wanting to explore Greece with beautiful Greek women.  
The last night of your honeymoon Jungkook crashes in your shared room drunk off his ass, a loud laugh escaping his lips as he shushes the mirror next to the entrance. “Fuck be quiet Jungkook don’t wake up Y/N remember” He scolds himself. You can hear the childish groan that releases from his lip “No I wanna wake up Y/N.” Your eyebrows furrow, at his drunken figure. Did he not see you on the couch? “Jungkook?” you asked confused. His head whipping around quickly; a huge smile plastered on his face “Y/N!! I got you wine and a couple of more things” He exclaims staggering across the room “I-I shouldn’t be the only one having fun on our honeymoon right” taking a seat right next to you on the couch as he drops a brown bag in your lap. “O-oh um” “Please.... I wanna have fun with you, it’s so boring to keep talking to people I don’t understand and don’t understand me.” You sit there in shock just staring at his openly chatty self “Please take some shots get drunk with me you never let loose” He begs as he reaches in the bag on your lap pulling out some nips.  
After a while you and Jungkook find your drunken selves on the beach, Jungkook laughing as you struggle to walk with the sand beneath your feet. Music rang in the air from one of the clubs near your villa, “Dance with me Y/N” Jungkook exclaims as he grabs your hand pulling you into his frame. His hands finding their way to your waist, guiding them against his hips. A soft groan releases from his lips as your drunken form begins dancing to the music. Turning yourself around pressing your ass against his now hard member.  
Both of you completely oblivious to the sensual way your bodies move against each other. Jungkook's hands firmly placed on your waist, His head resting on your shoulder as your hand reaches behind you. You find your fingers interlocking with his hair. His right hand wrapping around your chin as he angles your head so you are facing him. “I’m having a lot of fun Y/N” lips centimeters apart, the scent of whiskey, and vodka radiating off of him. ‘Brown and clear...You’re gonna have one hell of a day tomorrow Kookie’, you thought. His eyes drift to your lips as he brushes his thumb over your bottom lip. Your lips part slightly, his bottom lip finding its way in between his teeth as he leans in.  
‘He’s drunk Y/N you can’t take advantage of that he would be ignoring you right now if he wasn’t,’ you tell yourself trying to find the strength to reject his advances despite everything inside of you screaming to let him kiss you. 
You pull away quickly “I-I should get to bed I'm really tired” you state shyly as you rush back toward your villa. Jungkook’s trailing behind you, Once you reach your villa he finally speaks “thank you” you turn to look at him confused “F-for what?” 
He smiles “Hanging out with me, I don’t know being my friend even though I don’t really deserve it” You look at him sadly “You’ve been going through a lot being forced to marry someone you don’t love or can't even stand” He furrows his brows as he shakes his head “I can stand you Y/N, What I can’t stand is the fact that my father cares so little about me that he basically sold me off to your family. You had nothing to do with that you were a pawn in this just as much as I was” You nod slightly “I want us to try to be friends again, Jungkook” He rubs the back of his head looking at the ground “We haven’t been friends this entire time” 
“No idiot I meant like when we were in high school, except for the revenge porn stuff” You state matter of factly. You can see the way Jungkook shifts on his feet, anxious at the memory. “Oh- yeah of course you were my best friend and I really hated losing you like that honestly I was going-” You smile at him softly “Well we should get to bed, you’re really drunk and the past is the past we should leave it there no point in bringing up old possibly painful memories for both of us” You turn yourself around and make your way over to the bedroom in your shared villa. Since, you both have gotten to Greece you have been the one to sleep in the grandiose bed. You can hear Jungkook tossing and turning on the couch, since for the first time in 2 weeks Hes actually sleeping in your shared villa. You make your way out of bed and approach him “You should take the bed Kookie, you'll be really uncomfortable if you don’t and being hungover in an uncomfortable place isn't fun.”  
“N-no” He slurs, “T-the bed I-is for you it’s the least I can do since I’ve been a dick” You shake your head rapidly, yes you were a little tipsy but Jungkook was FADED; You still can’t help the way your heart races at his politeness. “I’ve slept in it every day so far, I don’t mind the couch tonight” Jungkook crosses his arms and pouts “S-so you don’t want to sleep next to me” you stare at him confused “I-I haven’t the whole trip Kook-ah" “I know” the pout on his face staying there “I wanted you to though, I hated waking up in some random room or house with a woman whose name I can’t pronounce” He whispered “Why did you then?”  
He groans as he stands up, grabbing your hand in the process and dragging both of your figures to the room. Jungkook continued to mumble under his breath. You can only catch the last bit of what he’s saying “I want to sleep next to you” you are about to say something when he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in to the large bed. “I want to hold you” He drunkly confesses “We used to cuddle all the time before; now you don’t even look at me and I hate it.” Youre stuck in a trance as he rubs circles on your waist. “I miss you Y/N I was so happy when my –hiccup- dad told me I was marrying you.” “You treated me like trash the whole time” you mutter. “I didn’t want to fall in love with you again, you only get hurt when I do” he whispers. “Jungkoo-” Your statement is cut off by his light snores and shallow breaths; He’s sleeping.  
After your honeymoon you and Jungkook’s relationship has improved. He helped you move your things into the home his parents bought for us. Honestly none of us could even believe Jungkook actually came to the wedding let alone stayed in the house were supposed to share. 
 I’ve taken over the second bedroom to gain some solace from the hurricane that is his temper. There were days I would be greeted with Jungkook’s beautiful smile and the calmness would contain me. Others I’d walk out of my room and have a foreign object thrown in my direction. Jungkook and I would hang out on those days and talk until the sunset. Every morning I would have a cup of Jungkook’s favorite tea ready and set for him to begin his day properly.   
One morning I woke up extremely early, honestly at an ungodly hour. Tonight, was a particularly bad night, after our drunken adventure in Greece, Jungkook's drunken form rarely sought me out. Tonight, I figured would be no different. Until Jungkook came in the house and began taking his anger at our situation out on me. “YOU! YOU FUCKING DID THIS TO ME. YOURE THE REASON I CAN’T LIVE MY DAMN LIFE FUCK Y/N WHY CAN’T YOU MAKE THIS EASIER FOR ME AND DISAPPEAR” He shouted at you, deciding it was best to just ignore him and go to your bedroom. I can hear as he slams his bedroom door behind him.  
 After many attempts to fall asleep fail, I decide to go for a walk. As I run out the door, the world outside takes me over. I didn’t even realize how long it actually has been since I’ve left the house alone. The autumn wind rushing through the air as you make your way down the street. I find my mind drifting back to the days before your family informed you of the dowery. Jungkook hates you for being his wife but loves you for being his friend. I don’t understand anymore. My feet just move as I drift deeper into thought.  
The emotions I’ve been holding in begin to flow out as the tears burn my eyes. Finally feeling the pressure and change from this marriage. Losing track of time as I sit on a bench looking out to the Han River. The water is peaceful. The sounds of the city embrace me as I stare into the sunset. I don’t notice the hours pass until I begin to see traffic in the park pickup. I stand from my place on the bench and walk toward the bridge. Staring over the edge you contemplate jumping. Making everything easier on everyone. You feel utterly lost as the tears rush down your face. Shaking your head rapidly “no” you tell yourself as you make your way back, back to Jungkook, back to the life I no longer feel like leading.   
As the house came into view, and I saw 2 unfamiliar cars in the driveway. “Jungkook-ah I’m back is anyone he-” I shout as I walk into the house only to be cut off by the impact of Jungkook’s body colliding with mine. His breathing is heavy and a sigh of relief escapes him. His hands rushing to either side of my head as he looked me up and down. His chest heaving up and down rapidly. His eyes full of tears that were threatening fall. 
 “Fuck I thought something happened to you” he says examining my face. “Where were you? I woke up and tried to see if you wanted to go get breakfast and you weren’t answering the door, so I opened it and you weren’t there your bed is made where’d you sleep? I called your dad, man. I called MY dad” He doesn’t remember what he said to you last night. I smile at him apologetically as I notice the 2 men on the couch and I give them a polite bow. “I’m sorry Kook-ah I woke up really early and chose to go for a walk. I lost track of time and only made it home just now I’m okay; both of you did not need to take time out of your day to come here” you gesture toward your fathers. You can see Jungkook's father is completely stoic and uncaring, you avoid your fathers gaze as his figure trembled on the couch. 
“Y/N” Your father states just barely above a whisper as he looks you up and down “Dad I'm fine” You look at him, understanding his pointed worried gaze. “Y/N the last time you couldn’t sleep and went out for a walk I found you bleeding from your wrists in our neighbors pool” You can feel Jungkook's worried gaze on you. The awkwardness from the conversation growing around the room.  
“did that happen this time? and you have no right bringing that up it is a completely different situation” Your words do nothing to soothe him as you shove past Jungkook and lift your sleeves in his face “I’m fucking fine” You rush over to your front door slamming it open “Please excuse yourself, I'm tired and would like to go to bed after explaining to the husband YOU forced me to marry why I tried to kill myself, I apologize Mr. Jeon you did not have to take time out of your busy day to come here” Jungkook scoffs and mummers something under his breath. I walked the men out of the door, ignoring Jungkook’s hard stare at the back of my head as I said my goodbyes and apologized again.  
“Y/N” he whispered, you stood frozen in place at the front door. “What happened? Why’d your dad-” “It’s not particularly your business or your problem honestly Jungkook you’ve made it quite clear how you feel about me last night.” You cut him off curtly, finally making your way toward your bedroom “Y/N I was drunk last night I didn’t-” “WHAT ABOUT ALL THE OTHER NIGHTS” I shout “Look Jungkook, with the exception of our ‘honeymoon’ you don’t even want me around you drunk. You can’t stand to look at me and the ring on my finger knowing you got sucked into something you never wanted to do” Jungkook stood in his spot, trembling, “Y-Y/N it’s not like that-” “I don’t care anymore, honestly” You state curtly.  
“I'm your friend Y/N, do you not understand how fucking worried I was when I realized you weren’t here and I had no clue where you would go” I scoff at his statement “Maybe if you actually put effort into this ‘friendship’ You would have known” A pout forms on his already saddened face. “You’re right I should be a better friend to you and I will be” He promises.  
Since that day, a few months back; Jungkook requests for me to let him know that I will be leaving so he does not start another panic; We’ve also dedicated Fridays as our friend date night, which usually just consists of us hanging out at our shared house watching movies and playing video games. As I exit the shower, Jungkook stops me as I walk toward my room “Hey, do you want to go out with me tonight?” Jungkook asks shyly. My heart sored at the question; I know he wasn’t asking in any romantic way. I just couldn’t help but get excited at the thought of leaving the house. I hadn't left much since moving in typically spending my days home or working, no time to really explore and go out “Yes! I mean yeah sure that sounds fun” I exclaim. After I have my hair out, in a wet curly look and throw on the most beautiful form fitting dress that I own and make my way to the door. Jungkook is standing there waiting on his phone. His eyes slowly scan up me and he swallows harshly as his eyes grow wide. “Uhm… Let’s…”  I smile at him and grab his hand and pull him out of the house interrupting him “Let’s go Jungkookie”   
The club was fun, Jungkook told me to have as much fun as I want since I rarely go out. Even so, I never leave the bar as Jungkook can obviously spot someone so he excuses himself from me exclaiming he will be back in like 10 minutes and runs off to the dance floor. Anxious about the crowd and my sudden loneliness; I pull myself into a dark corner at the end of the bar drunk patrons around me oblivious to presence. Feeling a hand on my ass and turn to see an unfamiliar handsome face. “Hey, um sorry to sound rude but can you like take your fucking hand off of me” I say shyly.  
The handsome man smiles and nods as he quickly pulls his hand off of my bottom “Sorry, I couldn’t get my footing with all the people I didn’t mean to…like touch you there I swear, I’m Mark” “Y/N” I say as I reach my hand out. He smiles and shakes my hand.” What are you drinking” He smiles “Malibu Pineapple” I reply politely. Mark orders me another and soon I’m feeling tipsy. His kind flirty personality only making you even more flustered, He smiles and places his hand on the small of your back as you talk. You check your phone only to see Jungkook has been gone for the better part of an hour; Mark’s deep voice pulling me out of my trance “SO… I hate to be THAT guy but are you here alone?” My eyes drift from my phone, my bottom lip pulled between my teeth. “Oh I-” 
Before I can respond I feel a hand snake around my waist and the melodic voice I’ve come to secretly love comes from behind me “No she’s here with me…… her husband” Jealousy laced in his voice as he pulls me closer to him. “And were supposed to be having a good time together…without you”   
“Sorry man, I didn’t know she was married. You know…since she was standing here by herself for a while, and it looked like she didn’t seem to mind spending time with me” Mark smirks sarcastically. The anger is growing more and more evident on Jungkook’s face. “Excuse me?!?” Mark shifts and smiles to me ignoring Jungkook’s ever growing angry form. “You trying to go somewhere less crowded you look really uncomfortable with how many people are here” “Oh I don’t know” I state shyly, stepping back a little. “What Y/N I'm just trying to be nice ill bring you home. I just don’t trust this guy you know? Who leaves their wife alone in a bar like this for over an hour?” It's obvious that was the last straw as Jungkook pulls me behind him as he punches Mark in the face. Mark returns the blow, Jungkook's large form stumbling back at the power the other man had. “You want to keep talking shit asshole” Jungkook's loud voice rings out as he charges Mark again. I stood frozen in place from Jungkook's forceful grab. The bar hitting my back.  Soon security was separating the brawl and me and Jungkook were in the car on our way back to the house.   
In the passenger seat I take in the details of Jungkook’s now bruised face. I shift my eyes back to the windshield, a pout evident on my face “Why was he with you, Y/N?” Jungkook questions the tone in his voice is obviously a sad and jealous one. “He just came up to and we started talking he bought me a couple drinks that’s all Kookie, I promise.” I whine. It’s happened on occasion after Jungkook swore to make up for not being a good friend to you; you guys would flirt and be all over each other, yet neither would make a real move. “Would you have gone home with him? Would you have let him fuck you?” He asks scared of the answer. “WHAT? NO! Jungkook-ah I swear nothing like that would have happened. I mean Mark was really attractive and I’m sure he would have shown me a great time but I just wasn’t interested in him, kookie” That answer seems to have settled him for now. The drive now growing silent. “Y-y/n?” Jungkook slurs “Yeah” “You ever thought about it?” “What?” I ask confused. “Sex, with me” He asks shyly. “Um Jungkook? How drunk are you did you-” “No that doesn’t count I mean recently?” He stammers out.  
“Honestly?” He nods rapidly “Yes I need you to tell me the truth because I'm gonna kiss you and I'm not trying to get slapped” He confesses. My eyes widen at his drunk confession “Oh I wouldn’t slap you if you kissed me” He smiles slightly “really? Would you stop me if I touched you like I want Baby?” lust filling his tone as his hand placed itself inside your thigh slowly rubbing up toward my core. A small whimper is released from my lips. He takes his bottom lip between his teeth. “You want me to stop y/n?” He asks cockily. I shake my head rapidly. “You want my fingers inside you don’t you baby?” I nod rapidly. 
 “Don’t worry baby girl I’ll do that for you.” he says as he pulls into the driveway. He runs to the passenger door and opens it for me as I get out and wrap my arms around him. “Oh yeah Kookie? Are you gonna make me cum for you?” I smirk the drunk naughty thoughts take over. Jungkook wraps his arms around my waist and for the first time tonight I smell the alcohol coming off Jungkook. He’s as drunk as I am or even more so, he presses his chest against my back and I feel a hard shaft against my ass. He peppers kisses up the side of my neck until his lips reach my ears “mmm Baby girl, I wanna eat your pussy so bad” He smacks my ass harshly as he lifts me and carries me into the home.   
I wake up in Jungkook’s bed the next morning, events from last night come rolling in. We had sex, 4 times, I notice the coldness on the side of the bed from me. I make my way out of Jungkook’s room and dash toward the kitchen. Jungkook is sitting at the table on the phone back to the entrance. “I don’t know Jimin we fucked like 4 times Jimin but that’s all she helped me cum and I helped her that’s all it was” “No I don’t have feelings for her, we used each other Jimin, it wasn’t like that this guy was talking to her at the club and she told me she wasn’t going to go home with him but let’s be honest if I wasn’t there, she would have gone with him and I can’t have some slut for a wife” 
 “No man I just helped her cum so she doesn’t start going out for some rando guy to get her off she doesn’t really expect anything from it. She just wanted to cum that’s how good little whores do it and from last night I know she’s one of the best sluts I’ve ever met so easy to get her to do anything for me cause she’s a sub” “Look I got to go Jimin before she gets up, I got to get he out of my bed before she thinks I want her there all the time…. dude of course I’m gonna fuck her again it’s one of the best pussies I’ve ever had……your stupid dude bye”   
I rush to my room and lock the door. His words stab at my heart. Just some easy slut? That’s what he thought you were, because you let your guard down and gave yourself to the first person you’ve ever had sex with. Tears stream down my face as I hyperventilate a knock at my bedroom pulls me out of a trance. “Y/n-ie?” another knock “you, okay?” I shout from behind the door. 
 “Yeah…I’m fine” I hear slight shuffling “Did you want to go to breakfast maybe we can take a walk to Han River you said you like going there right?” His nervousness is evident through the door. “Um…Honestly Jungkook, I’m not feeling too good I’m like really hungover and I’d like to take a shower” to wash your scent and touch off of me. “Oh…. well can I join you then?” I shake my head no, god please no. “Y/N-ie? Babe?” my heart shatters at his words “Um I’m sorry Kookie but I really don’t feel like it” “Oh okay, um when you’re done can you come hang out and watch a that Invisible Man movie you wanted to see” “Um sure I’ll see you in a bit bye Jungkook” Jungkook’s face twists in to a pout behind the door.  
After your shower you leave the room and walk down the hall “Jungkook?” before I pass his bedroom, I peak my head in and see Jungkook laying on his bed completely naked, eyes closed tight, stroking himself, moaning out your name. The sight is addicting I feel my own excitement building up at the sight of him. I try to back out of the room and accidentally slam into Jungkook’s bedroom door. His eyes shoot open and his hand leaves his member. “Y/N! I…UM…I WAS JUST….” I smile and walk toward him. “We’re you thinking about me Jungkook” I teased. He bites his lip “Were you thinking about last night or the fact that you missed fucking me hard into the shower” He sighs and nods “both” he mutters. His words from earlier out of my mind as I place my lips against his and let him take me for the 5th time in 24 hours.   
The way he pounds into me, his hair stuck to his forehead. “Fuck baby girl you take it so good, look at your pretty pussy taking this cock the way you should…. hmmm that’s my pussy baby girl” I moan in response “yes kookie-ah only yours” My climax builds fast as Jungkook’s thrusts get sloppy. “Yeah, oh baby girl I’m gonna cum so deep in your pussy” He exclaims as he captures his lips into mine. “All mine baby girl” he thrusts once more and I feel a warmth inside me as he kisses my neck.   
He gets up and runs to the bathroom. A loud ping comes through on the phone
   Areum<3: When are you going to divorce that ugly ass wife? Baby I got to spend time with you at the club but fucking in a bathroom then getting kicked out for a fight especially over her is crazy.  
My breath hitches and swells up in my throat as I read the message. He had sex with someone last night right before he had sex with me, he took my mouth last night. Disgust fills me up as I run to my bedroom. Opening the closet, I begin throwing my things in the luggage bag. “Baby did you want- what are you doing?!” Jungkook stopped at my door, a confused look on his face. 
 “I’m leaving Jungkook” I state as tears stream down my face. Panic rises on Jungkook’s face “why? You don’t want to be here anymore? Did I do something? I can fix it I swear but you can’t go…you can’t just go when we….” “Areum misses you and you should focus on one girl Jungkook-ah” I cut him off and realization dawns on his face as he runs to his room to grab his phone.
 The second the phone is in his hand he rushes out of his room and sees your retreating figure making your way to the door “Y/N-AH! DON’T GO PLEASE” You freeze the sound of his voice cracking “Areum is just some girl she’s not anyone don’t just assume because some girl texted me, she misses me that I’m going to run to her” “You were with her last night….you Fucked her last night not even an hour before you fucked me, my mouth” 
Jungkook shakes his head “No it’s not like that I swear like you said I fucked her, Baby girl I can’t fuck you. I make love to you please I’m begging you don’t go okay I know we haven’t been the best but I can fix this don’t do this not when I know I love you please” I shake my head and make my way to the door as Jungkook’s sobs grow. “Stop please” he reaches for the door and slams it shut. “You can’t just leave, not after what we just did, not when I love you, please” I smile at him lightly and press my lips against his.
 I feel his hands snake around my waist as he kisses me hard. I lose myself in his lips soon I reach for my luggage bag and rush out the door and into my car. Jungkook is banging on my passenger side window trying to open the door tears streaming down his face “please, stop, stop the car, get out please stay with me, BABY PLEASE” he shouts as I reverse and drive off the last sight, I have is Jungkook chasing my car with tears streaming down his face   
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mind-reader1 · 6 years ago
Queen of Hearts (Ch. 32)
Drake x MC (Emma Barnes)
TRR AU: What would happen if Emma loved Drake but had to marry Liam?
Catch up here
Warnings: None
Note: One more chapter and maybe a bonus if you guys are lucky! 
Word Count: 4,550
Summary: Emma and Drake hide out in the states from the press. Drake finally gets to meet Emma’s parents! And finally, the big return! How will things in Cordonia be for Drake and Emma after avoiding it for months? 
Chapter 32: Bad Karma - Ida Maria 
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You better believe in karma Baby it's gonna sting The wheel of life's gonna do you in So I don't really have to do a thing You took me outta my money You messed up my love life and my career You better believe in karma Guess it's gonna start getting weird right here
Bad karma (oh, yeah) Baby that's what you got Bad karma (oh, yeah) Whether you believe it or not The universe is gonna getcha You'll be scratchin' the seven year itch You know what I think? Bad karma's a bitch
When they landed in Texas Emma felt her stomach rolling, she was nervous about meeting Drake's mom for the first time. He sensed her nerves and squeezed her hand leaning down to whisper in her ear.
“You don't need to be nervous.”
“How much did you tell her Drake? What if she hates me?” Emma looked around for a trash can, she felt like she was going to be sick.
“She knew about our arrangement with Liam, that's it. She's the one who told me to get my ass on a plane and come back, trust me she's going to love you.” Emma nodded and let Drake pull her along, waving at a woman with long black hair.
“You must be Emma! Drake's told me so much about yo-” she reached out to pull Emma into a hug, but Emma bolted to the nearest trash can, and got sick. Drake came over and held her hair, Bianca awkwardly standing back.
“Oh my god. She's gonna hate me.” Emma groaned as Drake rubbed her back, passing her a tissue.
“Your pregnant Walker, she's not going to be mad at you for that. She's going to be happy she's going to have another grandkid.” Emma wiped her mouth and straightened up, walking back over to his mom.
“Sorry. It's so nice to meet you!”
“You feeling alright darling?” Emma smiled.
“Just fine, airplane food.” Bianca smiled knowingly but stayed silent. Bianca drove them to her ranch and grilled Emma.
“Okay Mom, I think that's enough. You're going to scare her away.” Emma gave Drake a thankful look.
“I wouldn't have all these questions if you had brought her here at some point! You've been married for three years and this is the first time I'm meeting her.”
“Mom.” Drake's voice got a warning tone.
“It's fine Drake. I wish we could've visited before, circumstances just didn't allow it.” An awkward silence fell over them as they drove up to the ranch. Drake grabbed their suitcases, Bianca and Emma hung back in the kitchen.
“Want something to eat or drink?” Emma shook her head and Bianca raised an eyebrow.
“Stomach still upset or something else maybe? You're glowing dear. Does Drake know? I saw Liam's announcement, I'm sure you have a lot to talk about if you didn't talk on the plane.” Emma's eyes grew wide.
“I uh, yeah he knows. We do have a lot to talk about, but I had an idea I was hoping you could help me with.” Drake descended the stairs and heard Emma and Bianca speaking in hushed tones.
“Mom, I'm going to give Walker a tour.” Drake grabbed Emma's hand.
“Why do you call her Walker like it's her name?” Drake rolled his eyes.
“It's nothing, just our thing. Anyways, we'll see you for dinner.” Drake dragged her out of the house and helped her onto a horse. They slowly rode together across the entire property, it was breathtaking and a literal breath of fresh air to the palace and press constantly following her.
“This is beautiful Drake!” He looked over at Emma and she was the happiest he had seen her in years. Of course, she had been happy they got back together and after their moment on the plane, but this was different, a more carefree kind of happy, the kind of happy she had been right after they had gotten married.
“We should stay here Drake, leave it all behind.” he sighed.
“Walker, I love this place and I love you. Cordonia is our home though.” Emma knew he was right, but she didn't want to go back. Ever.
“Drake I… I don't know that I can go back. After everything. New York was my home for a long time, I love Cordonia, but I missed the states.” Drake pulled his horse over, so he was right next to her and squeezed her hand.
“I get why you're afraid, I do. Cordonia was my home though, my mom didn't move here until Savannah and I were adults. Besides, you can't run from Liam or the press forever, you have responsibilities in Cordonia like your duchy. Not only that, but think of our friends, you know Maxwell and Hana wouldn't let you stay away too long. I'm not saying we have to leave tomorrow or anything, but we will have to go back eventually.” Emma groaned.
“I know. I want to have the baby here though Drake, I want privacy. I don't need the press breathing down our necks, I want our baby to grow up like a normal kid, just like we talked about.”
“I think we can make that happen Walker.” Drake smiled and leaned over to give her a kiss before they continued the tour.
They stayed in Texas with his mom for a month, Emma loved spending time with Bianca, but she was driving Drake crazy, and Emma's sex drive had been low, partially because of all the nausea that seemed to hit her at every time of day, and also because Biana was just down the hall and the bed wasn't exactly the quietest, it squeaked any time one of them turned over. Emma still wasn't ready to go and face the press though, she had seen headlines and they were still about her and Liam. Wondering where she had gone, who she was with, how Liam was handling the fact that she had run off with his baby, if it even was his baby. That was her favorite headline. The unstable American duchess who couldn't handle the pressure of being Queen. Drake snatched her phone from her before she could read another on the plane to New York.
“Walker you shouldn't bother. The press is like vultures, they're as bad as the ladies at court.”
“They're right Drake! I couldn't handle it and I ran off.” Drake rolled his eyes.
“No Walker. We're taking a break, taking time for us, time we never got to have. We're planning a wedding, getting ready for a baby, there's nothing unstable about it.” Emma snuggled up against Drake.
“You're right. I just, I guess it bothers me that they still haven't left me alone like Liam asked.”
“We'll figure it out together Walker. For now, we should worry about making new memories in New York, happy memories.”
“I want you to meet my parents too.” Drake's brows knit together in confusion as he looked down at her.
“I thought-” Drake didn't finish the sentence, the one time he had asked about her family hadn't gone well. All she said was that she had no living relatives.
“They are. They're dead, but their graves are here, I know they would've loved you. Even if you can't meet them, I still want to take you. I know it sounds dumb, but I used to go and talk to them, I haven't been since before I met you. A lot's happened since then.”
“I don't think it sounds dumb at all. I'd love to meet your parents.” They were renting a tiny studio apartment on a monthly basis, it took them a couple weeks, but they had settled in well. Emma took a deep breath and smoothed over the black dress she was wearing, she was going to take Drake to her parents graves and she was nervous about it. Drake sidled up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek.
“Are you ready?” Emma nodded and let out a deep breath grabbing Drake's hand. He grabbed some flowers off the table and they hailed a cab to the cemetery. Drake climbed out and helped Emma out, he began walking in a general direction, stopping when he felt resistance. He looked back and saw Emma standing still, clearly nervous.
“I’m scared Drake.” She shook her head, her breathing shallow and uneven.
“What's scaring you?”
“I've never taken someone to my parents graves. I haven't been here in four years Drake. I'm an awful daughter.” Drake pulled her in close and kissed her forehead.
“No, you're not. You were living your life, you're here now with your husband and our unborn baby. They'll be so happy and proud of you and how far you've come. I want to meet them; can you show me now?” Emma nodded and took a deep breath to steel her nerves.
“Hey Mom, hey Dad. I know it's been awhile, I'm sorry. I didn't forget about you, I've just been busy. I got married to the most wonderful man ever, Drake. He's here with me and...and we're having a baby. I love you, and I miss you so much.” She choked back a sob as Drake stepped up and laid the flowers down at both headstones clearing his throat.
“I, uh. Hello Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, I'm Drake, your son-in-law. I'm sorry I never got to meet you, but I'm so incredibly grateful for you both, for the wonderful daughter you raised and that I got the privilege to marry. I'm sure you had an idea of what kind of man you wanted your daughter to end up with, and I uh, I'm going to try and be that man. I hope that I can be a good father and raise this baby so, it turns out to be as amazing as a person as your daughter.” Emma felt tears sting her eyes, she didn't think it was possible to love Drake more than she already did, but after hearing him talk to her parents that’s exactly what happened. Drake, who had been kneeling stood back up and looked at Emma wiping a tear.
“Walker? What's wrong?” She smiled and grabbed his hand, keeping it against her cheek and leaning into his touch.
“Nothing,” she whispered, “I just love you so much. Thank you for coming with me today.”
“Of course, Walker. I love you and this baby, I'm glad you let me meet your parents.” Drake rested a hand on the tiny bump there and grabbed her hand.
“Bye mom, bye dad. I love you, I'll come visit more often. Maybe I'll have your grandkid with us next time.” They strolled hand in hand back towards the road, a content silence between them.
“Car accident.”
“They died in a car accident. I was 20. The roads were icy one night on their way home from dinner, it was just a freak accident.”
“I'm sorry Emma.” She smiled and squeezed his hand.
“It's okay Drake. It's been ten years, I'm just really glad you got to meet them.”
“Maybe when we get back to Cordonia, we can visit my dad, you can talk to him. I haven't been in a while. He would've loved you, and to know that he would've been a grandpa, he'd be over the moon like Bastien.”
“I'd like that a lot Drake, I want to thank Jackson for giving me such an incredible husband.” Emma chuckled.
They stayed in New York for two months, Emma knew they needed to return to Cordonia. Their friends had been respectful of needed space, but they were starting to grow worried and more insistent, she was ready to face them all though. They flew into Cordonia late at night without telling anyone, going straight to their cabin. The next day after they had let everyone know they'd returned, they went to Valtoria. Hana had been holding down the fort, but it was time for Emma to step in again. Neither of them had spoken to Liam since they left, Emma was mad that he had done nothing to tell the press to leave her name out of the headlines, that it wasn't his baby she was carrying. They hadn't spoken to Olivia either, while Olivia and Emma were still friends, it was awkward because of Liam. That day they received a message from a royal carrier, Liam was hosting a ball in honor of her return and offering her a chance to publicly be announced at court with Drake if they wanted.
This was everything she had wanted and fought for during her time as Queen, but now that it was here she was unsure. Drake never wanted to be a Duke, in the eyes of Cordonia they weren't even actually married as they'd never filed any paperwork. She was pregnant with his baby out of wedlock, just another rumor for the press to run rampant with, she couldn't hide it either. She had a visible bump now no matter what she wore, it was small, but unmistakable, besides the press already knew she was pregnant. They decided to go on the condition that press wasn't allowed in, Liam agreed. The night of the ball Emma chose a dark blue gown that was off the shoulder, beading under both breasts. It hugged her curves, but wasn't tight, it was a perfect fit and it showed off her bump which Drake loved. He wore a new suit that matched, also dark blue with the pink tie he had worn to her wedding to Liam. She straightened his tie and they walked out hand in hand, but before they even got to the car they were flooded with camera flashes.
“Your grace over here!”
“Your grace, are you with Drake Walker? The Kings best friend?”
“Your grace, is he the father of your baby?”
“How does King Liam feel about this? Does he know he's not the father?”
“How long has this been happening your grace?”
“Was the weight of the crown too much?”
“Why did you lie to the people for so long?” They fired off question after question. Emma felt dizzy, so many familiar faces from previous social events. One man, the one who always wore his ball cap backwards got in her face. Emma stumbled back, and Drake caught her.
“Get out of here! Leave us alone! Can't you see she needs some space!” Drake yelled, but his voice was drowned out.
“Are you the father?”
“You're wearing a ring! Did you secretly get married while you were gone?” Emma's head was spinning, it felt hard to breath, she couldn't see because of all the camera flashes.
“GIVE HER SOME SPACE! SHE'S PREGNANT!” Drake helped Emma steady herself and made a path through the press to the car. Emma didn't feel like she could breathe again until she couldn't hear or see the paparazzi anymore. Drake was disheveled and sweaty casting worried glances over at her.
“Vultures. Don't they have anything better to do than worry about other people's lives. Hell! Liam asked them so give you some space.” Emma rested her hand on Drake's, the last thing she needed was him all worked up, they still had to face Liam and the rest of court for the first time since the announcement about the divorce. They arrived at the palace, but neither of them moved, Drake watched Emma closely.
“Do you still want to do this Walker? We can turn around.” Emma shook her head and opened the door taking a deep breath.
“Let's do this.” Emma climbed out first and waited for Drake, they walked into the palace together. Emma whispered to the herald how to announce them to the rest of the guests, they were the last to arrive.
“The guest of honor! Duchess Emma Walker and Duke Drake Walker.” The ballroom was silent for just a moment before murmurs rippled the crowd. Emma forced a smile and grabbed Drake's arm walking down into the ballroom, Emma caught Liam’s gaze, Drake avoided it. Their friends quickly found them, asking all sorts of questions, but mostly excited to see them. Bartie came rushing up to them and wrapped his arms around Drake's legs before going to Emma's, he had gotten so big. Their hearts swelled looking at him, they couldn't wait for that, it wouldn't be long now. Slowly but surely people stopped whispering and started to approach, Kiara first. Drake grabbed Emma's wrist and placed himself slightly between the women, he didn't trust either of them not to start something.
“Duchess Emma, Drake, I'm surprised to see you again.” Drake could feel the hate rolling off Emma.
“It's Duke Drake actually.” Emma pursed her lips.
“Of course,” she cleared her throat, “I wanted to apologize for my behavior before you left court. Madeleine started all the rumors and was practically forcing me onto Drake. I, uh, assume congratulations are in order.” She raised an eyebrow at Emma's belly.
“I think you should leave Kiara. I don't like what you're implying about my wife.” Drake snapped.
“Non, just a misunderstanding. I'm sure there are many people who want to talk to you though.” Kiara stepped away and Emma rolled her eyes turning to Drake. He rubbed his hands up and down her arms.
“Are you ready to sneak off yet?” Emma chuckled and looked around.
“Absolutely, but all eyes are on us. We'd never make it out of here.”
“Screw it. Let 'em see.” Drake pulled Emma close and dipped her for a kiss, he pulled away when he felt her smile against his lips.
“Where did that come from marshmallow?”
“I've wanted to do that since the homecoming ball, now I can, and I don't plan on wasting a second.” Someone cleared their throat behind them and they turned to see Liam and Olivia standing there. Emma and Drake both stiffened, Drake and Liam hadn't seen each other since Drake had punched him. Emma made the first move, smiling and giving Olivia a hug before nodding politely to Liam.
“Thank you for this ball Liam.”
“Of course. Has everyone been polite?” Drake scoffed behind them.
“Just peachy.”
“How's Lucian?”
“What does he mean? Has someone bothered you?” Drake laughed incredulously.
“The entire court has been staring at us all night, the press practically attacked us outside of our estate in Valtoria. So much for calling off the watchdogs.” Olivia stepped up ready to snap back, but Liam grabbed her arm.
“It's okay Liv,” Liam turned to Drake, “I'm sorry that's happened. I'll be speaking to them first time tomorrow. I know it might be hard to believe, but I've changed, and I want to make up for all the pain I inflicted on you both. Please, let me know if I can do anything for you. I know things can probably never go back to the way they were, but I'd like to try.” He held out his hand and Drake looked at it and walked away. Liam sighed and dropped his hand.
“Give him some time Liam. We're both working on our forgiveness, maybe some of us more than others.” Emma pursed her lips and glanced back at Drake.
“I should go after him, it was good to see you again Olivia. Liam. We'll have to catch up, chat about Lucian.” Olivia beamed.
“Yes, he's doing well. We can talk about it later though, go.” Emma chased after Drake and felt all eyes follow her as she left the ballroom. She found him outside by an empty bar cart.
“Hey, ready to get out of here?”
“I'm sorry Walker. We can go back in there, I just needed a minute.”
“It's fine Drake.”
“He just, I can't believe him! After all the shit he pulled now he's asking for forgiveness? Saying he's changed!” He ran a hand through his hair angrily and paced.
“Drake,” Emma stepped in his path and put her hands on either side of his face, forcing him to look at her, “I hated him. Hated. I do think he's changed, and I think we should give him a chance. He was your best friend. I can’t stand the thought that I had anything to do with you guys drifting apart, so please think about it okay?” He held her gaze for a moment, his eyes softening.
“You never cease to amaze me, let's get back in there. It's your ball after all.” Emma leaned in for a slow, passionate kiss.
“No. Let's go home Drake, back to the cabin.” She let her hands trail down his chest and over his crotch, Drake instantly responding.
“Absolutely. Let's go.” He grabbed her hand and they ran off to the car. The next morning Emma woke before Drake and looked over at him, his hair was a mess and he was on his side facing where Emma had been moments ago, his face squished against the pillow, an arm out on her side of the bed. She had been laying in his embrace for almost an hour, she couldn't lie still anymore, but she didn't mind watching him for a minute before making coffee. He looked younger, happier, so much more handsome when he wasn't wearing his signature scowl. She snapped a picture and wandered downstairs, turning on the news as she waited for the coffee to brew. There was breaking news, Liam was holding a press conference.
“About three months ago, I stood before you and told you Lady Emma and I were getting a divorce and I asked you to respect her privacy, though I never gave you a reason why. Well you have dragged her name through the mud and you cornered her and her companion last night at her home. That is not respectful to her or anyone else! I am horrified by this, what our media has become. I offer you a deal, leave Lady Emma alone, leave her out of this. Leave my son and Lady Olivia out of this, and I will give you a tell all interview. If anyone so much as looks at one of them or speaks of one of them, then the deal is off. You've got 24 hours to think about it. Thank you.” The press was silent and then began clambering after him.
“Drake!” Emma hollered, he came racing downstairs panicked.
“What? Is it the baby? Are you okay?”
“I'm fine. Watch this.” She rewound the press conference for him and got them both a cup of coffee.
“I think he's changed Drake.”
“Maybe.” Emma's phone began to ring, and she saw it was Liam calling. She frowned but answered anyways. Drake watched her like a hawk over his cup of coffee as she took a seat at the kitchen counter. When she hung up he looked at her expectantly.
“Well? What did he want?”
“He wanted to know how much I was okay with him sharing, if he should mention you if asked. The media already figured it out anyways. I'd rather have the record set straight than another fake headline floating around.” Drake nodded, he hated the idea of being in the public eye and everyone knowing their secret, but that was part of the territory and a small price to pay for being with the woman he loved.
Olivia paced back and forth in front of Liam as he bounced their son in his arms.
“Liv.” She held her hand up to stop him. He had mentioned the night before telling the press to lay off Emma and Drake, but he failed to mention it would include a tell all interview.
“What were you thinking? Oh wait, you weren't! This will reflect badly on you, me, them, our son! I can't believe you! Still bending over backwards to please the American.” Olivia rolled her eyes.
“Olivia that's enough!” She stopped and looked at Liam, he had used his king voice, he never used that voice with her.
“This isn't about Emma, it involves her, but it's not about her. This is about us. I'm tired of seeing headlines about you wrecking my 'marriage’ or hearing rumors whispered around court. People calling our son a bastard child! Honesty is the best way to go about this and what we should've done from the beginning, but I'm going to fix it. I don't want our son growing up hearing these things about his parents or himself. It's all gone on long enough.” She considered his words, knowing he was right.
“Well, this all could've been prevented if you didn't need the shiniest new toy every time.” Liam smiled, he knew Olivia and Emma were friends, but Olivia had some lingering jealousy.  
“Liv, you know I only have eyes for you.” She rolled her eyes, he always said that though. She snatched Lucian out of his arms and turned her back on him.
“Liv.” She didn't answer. “Olivia.”
“What?!” She snapped and turned around. Liam was there on one knee smiling up at her.
“Olivia Nevrakis, I have known you for as long as I can remember, you have been a staple in my life and I regret that I didn't recognize sooner just how perfect you are for me. Liv, you are the Queen of my heart and I want you to be by my side forever as the Queen of Cordonia. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?” She was speechless, she and Liam had discussed the future before, but it never really involved marriage talk, it focused more on their son. Their relationship had been a kind of slow burn, building up the more tension that grew between Emma and Liam. The silence built between them and Liam began to get a sense of déjà vu.
“Yes! I'll marry you Liam.” He stood up to slip the ring on her finger and went in for a kiss, but she held up a hand to his lips and he frowned.
“I'm keeping my last name though.” Liam chuckled and leaned in to kiss her, this time she allowed it.
“I would expect nothing less Queen Nevrakis-Rhys.”
“Good, now go get ready for your interview.” She pushed him away with one hand before slapping his butt. Liam jumped surprised.
“Just enjoying knowing you're all mine now.” Liam took a deep breath in the palace boutique and out on his best suit before having his hair and makeup done. He was nervous, palms sweating as walked up to the podium in the press room. They fired question after question at him, but he had been expecting them all.
“So, you're saying that Lady Emma was unfaithful to you after you cheated on her?” Liam suppressed an eyeroll.
“No. Lady Emma and I had an arrangement. Our friends were in danger and I needed the Cordonian people's support. I knew that they loved her and trusted her, and so I asked her to marry me, it was then I learned she was in love with someone else. I suggested that she could be with who she wanted, as long as she agreed to play the role of my wife for the cameras and in turn she let me be with Lady Olivia who I love dearly and has agreed to marry me.”
“What about Lady Emma's baby? Are you saying that you're not the father?” Again, he had to suppress an eye roll.
“Do you not feel betrayed by your best friend? Is Drake Walker the father of the baby?”  
“No, I do not feel betrayed, and yes Duke Drake Walker is the father of his wife's baby. I'm very happy for them both. This interview is over now.” Liam stood and left the press room.
Next Time: It’s been a year since Emma and Drake returned to Cordonia! What are they up to now? Has everything gone smoothly? 
Tagging: @notoriouscs @brightpinkpeppercorn @ooo-barff-ooo@leelee10898@sleepwalkingelite @roonarific@speedyoperarascalparty@andy-loves-corgis @furiousherringoperatortoad@findingdrake @sue9659@smritysriv@larryssunflower@likethetailofacomet drakewalkerfics@zaffrenotes@mrsdrakewalkerblog@agent-bossypants @endlessly-searching-for-you   @cgd03 @simsvetements@jovialyouthmusic @akrenich @jlouise88 @bettys-mom @gibbles82
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companionwolf · 3 years ago
Central Plushie Fic 1 Chapter 7
TW: implied torture, child abuse
Central feels around the van interior shoving fingers into crevices, kicking at the door, looking for any weak point, for any way out of this. He finds nothing-- the van is solidly built.
He huddles in the corner, absently reaching for MOLLE and finding nothing where she should be. They've taken his knife too, so he can't even reach over and touch it, gain some comfort from its presence.
His breaths get quick, shallower. The dark thing in him laughs-- you're going to die and all you can think about is your things?
The rifle and knife are just things, yeah, Central thinks. But MOLLE isn't. MOLLE is special.
MOLLE is all he has left. 
Central's breath hitches. 
He can't even say that, anymore, can he?
Every fear Central has for himself dims in the light of MOLLE being gone. They'll throw her away and he won't find her before she's lost forever, or they'll rip her apart, or they'll burn her, or--
He wants to cry. But the van is slowing to a stop and he hears doors opening, and he can't shed tears in front of ADVENT, and doesn't want to give them any more ammunition then they have. Do they understand what they have? They have everything. 
Central is pulled roughly from his huddle in the back corner of the van, herded into a building, forced down a long dark hallway by two ADVENT troopers and into what appears to be some kind of lab. There's a seat with a head restraint boasting a variety of tools beside it, heavily bloodied. Central feels his heart in his throat. 
They strip him first, down to his boxers, and he cannot move, cannot fight back, because he is a child and it is happening again. Then they push him into the seat, forcing his head down. There's restraints he didn't see for his arms and legs, and soon enough he is immobile save for the heave of his chest and the blinking of his eyes. 
A bored looking man comes over, ADVENT troopers hovering behind, lazily mulling over the tools before picking one out and spinning it between his fingers. He comes to loom over Central.
"So you're the central officer, then," he says. "We've been looking for you for a long time." A grimace. "Your CO certainly misses you, you know."
Misses, he repeats silently. Not missed. Not missed. Not missed. 
Central keeps his mouth shut, but there's something light in his ribcage, beating alongside his heart. The man frowns, and it's the same expression his father wore when he disapproved.
The light dies, is replaced with fear.
"Not like you'll ever see them again. No, they're been given a far greater purpose then you'd ever understand," the man says, and Central watches as the top of the metal tool begins glowing red hot, heat radiating off it. 
He braces, but it's not enough.
Central comes to in a cell. He sits up, gasping at the movement because oh God, oh God, there's burns all over his chest. He tries to remember what exactly they did to him, has no idea when he looks for the memory, but the pain and the bubbling red marks fill him in. He reaches for MOLLE--
Right. MOLLE is… gone.
Central feels his throat tighten as he remembers. He tries to comfort himself with the memory of the feeling of her fur, the warmth of her gaze, but he can't. It isn't the same. 
He slides off the bed - little more then a platform extending out from the wall - and begins pawing at the corners of the cell, at where wall meets floor, looking for some sort of door. He can't find any. Damn alien technology. He sits back on the bed. 
He's no longer naked, and is dressed in a thin medical gown. That's good, he thinks. The dark thing disagrees.
They're making it easier to get at you again, it says. You have no weapons, you don't even have clothes. You are helpless now. Just like back then. 
Central finds he's shaking. 
He wants MOLLE.
He wants the Commander.
He wants the false security of a base underground, far away from Kansas and his father, the implied protection of a pistol and his fellow soldiers, the knowledge that he is not alone even if the worst comes to it. That he is loved, and protected, and--
Now he's crying. Great. 
Through tears he mumbles to himself, "what would they tell you?" 
The dark thing says they'd say nothing, would be judging him. But that's not the Commander. They were always kind. Always warm. Understanding. Like MOLLE.
Central tries to remember how they'd help him, when the memories came out with teeth. What they'd say.
But it feels hollow, to try and repeat their words to himself, hollow when he's trapped and probably on the docket for being taken out back and put down. 
Hollow when MOLLE is gone.
Hollow when the Commander is…
Misses, not missed.
He holds tight to the word. Maybe the man misspoke, but the light has rekindled, burns in his chest. If there is a chance the Commander is alive, then he has to try to find them. He cannot die here without looking. He needs to find MOLLE first, and then find them. He needs to try at least. 
Central takes a deep breath. 
He needs a plan. 
Step one is to find MOLLE, and possibly his gear. The gear is just things. He can leave it behind if he has to. 
Step two is get out of here, get away from this cell and this building and go back to hiding. Go back to running. Run until enough time has passed and he's found anything on where the Commander might be. 
Step three is to act on that intel as soon as he gets it. Step four, get them out of ADVENT hands. Step five… he isn't sure. But the Commander will know what to do by then. 
Central realizes he has no idea how he's going to actually do any of that. But it's something, he thinks and it's a desperation. It's better than nothing. It's a start. We can work with a start. 
You forgot step zero, the dark thing says.
Step zero?
Get the hell out of this cell.
Right. Better start working on figuring that one out first.
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