#Kay this was fun to write ❤️ thank you for the idea!!
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 years ago
so for the prompt thingy... i have several and you can pick any, all, or none of them! 1. Steve and Eddie getting one over Murray when he's being all you two are pining ect. 2. Uncle Wayne - anything where Wayne accepts Steve immediately and tries to get him and Eddie married. 3. Werewolf den mother steve being seduced to be eddie's mate 4. Hopper as Steve's father figure accepting Eddie immediately because he isn't a wheeler.
I have so many cause i have ideas but can't write for crap... So thank you for being so open about writing! It's really nice to know it isn't a bother to ask...
THIS WAS SO EXCITING!!!! I did end up combining 1 and 4 into one. Also, I didn't IGNORE 3, but I got another request that is somewhat related and I think I am going to work on this when I work on that, but I didn't want you to wait longer for these other ones. I hope you love these! - Mickala ❤️
Murray clocked Eddie within literal seconds. That wasn’t surprising according to everyone who dealt with him before.
What was surprising was that he didn’t immediately call him out. Maybe he actually respected that some people’s secrets should stay secrets.
Or maybe he was just waiting until he figured Steve out, too.
Which apparently happened on a random Saturday at the Byers’ home.
But the thing is. The thing is that Eddie had clocked Steve within seconds, too.
So when the dust settled after Vecna, and Steve pulled Eddie from Hell, and he finally got his true love’s kiss (according to Robin), it took them about six hours before they were making out in Eddie’s hospital bed and calling each other boyfriends.
But only a handful of people were in on it, mostly to protect themselves, but also because they liked just having this for them. Too much of their lives had been out of their control, and they liked being able to have control over this one thing.
Until Murray.
They weren’t even next to each other when it happened.
Steve was helping Hopper at the grill, even though he’d been hopelessly terrible at grilling anytime he attempted it at pool parties with the kids. Eddie was pretty sure it was just to spend time with Hopper.
Eddie was with Will and Lucas, planning out a campaign that Will would DM for all of them, not even looking at Steve.
Okay, maybe he kept glancing over there occasionally, but that was just to make sure that he wasn’t catching anything on fire.
But they were always careful around everyone, and the fleeting glances he gave weren’t abnormal for him. He would do a visual checklist in his mind anytime they were all together, keeping count of everyone in his head the way Steve often did if they were all out somewhere.
“So you’re in love with Steve.”
Eddie jumped at Murray’s voice. He hadn’t even realized he was here.
Will and Lucas were staring, though Will didn’t look surprised at all. If Dustin blabbed…
“Don’t worry, nobody said anything.”
“And I won’t say anything to anyone else.”
“Especially not Steve.”
Murray didn’t know they were together, he just thought Eddie was pining.
Oh, this would be fun.
Eddie fought off a smirk, choosing to appear more worried.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
Will, somehow, seemed to catch on to everything at once. Maybe his suspicions about Will were right, or maybe Will had just learned to be perceptive about things like this. Either way, he was hoping Will would play along.
“Oh, it’s fine,” Murray said with an annoying hand wave. “I don’t care about you being gay. I’ve had plenty of relations with men in my day.”
Gross, but okay. At least there’s that.
“The problem here is that Steve is so very straight.”
Oh my God, Murray was so wrong.
He shoved down the glee he felt at knowing Murray was wrong about two things.
“And so obviously still in love with Nancy. Poor guy doesn’t know how to call it quits on something that was never good for him. Gotta hand it to him, when he falls, he’s committed.”
Well, some of that was true, but he wouldn’t give Murray the excitement of being right about that.
“How long have you had these feelings? Oh wait, let me guess.” Murray pretended to think for a moment before he smirked. “Since high school when he was the King of the school and you were nobody just trying to survive your second senior year.”
It was longer than that, but he wasn’t going to give him any satisfaction from this conversation.
“You know, Steve would be fine with you coming out to him. I’m sure he’d even play wingman for you if you ask nicely.”
The plan forming in Eddie’s head was going to be so fun.
“You’re right. He’s changed a lot since high school and we’re friends now. I should tell him.”
Will’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening.
“The sooner the better. Keeping these secrets is mentally exhausting. I keep a lot of secrets for people.”
Hard to believe considering most of what came out of Murray’s mouth was something about someone else that they probably wouldn’t want other people to know.
“I’ll go tell him now.”
Eddie got up, ignoring Murray’s protests about this being a family function and isn’t responsible for if things go south.
“Hey Steve, can we talk for a second?” Eddie said loud enough for Murray to hear from across the yard.
Steve was busy flipping a burger as Hopper watched closely.
“Uh, sure. Everything okay?”
“I need you to go along with this,” he whispered. “Today’s the day.”
“Today? Right now?”
“If you’re okay with it.”
They’d discussed it recently; Coming out was something they had to do eventually, especially with how often they were almost caught kissing in the kitchen or holding hands during movie night.
As nice as it was having this for themselves, they knew they had to say something before everyone caught on and felt blindsided by it. Just having Dustin and Max knowing was a risk.
Plus, they wanted to be able to hold hands over the blanket for movie nights, not under.
Hopper was watching them suspiciously, not interrupting, but clearly wanting to.
“What did you wanna talk about?”
“So you know how everyone thinks I’m into men?”
“I’ve heard the rumors.”
Steve was so good at going along with Eddie’s dramatics. God, he loved him so much.
“They aren’t just rumors. I do like men. Actually, I’ve only ever liked one girl and I was 11, so I think it’s fair to say my judgment could have been off.”
Steve smiled fondly at him, holding back a laugh as he remembered that story from the one time Eddie went to summer camp.
“So I guess now would be a good time to tell you that I also like men.”
Eddie looked at Murray out of the corner of his eye, smirking at the way he was muttering to himself, disbelief written across his features.
“Yeah, one man in particular.”
“Have I met him? Is he hot?”
“You have and he’s known for fishing for compliments. He knows he’s hot,” Steve raised his eyebrow at him as he turned to take the burgers off the grill and put them on a plate Hopper was wordlessly handing him.
“Excuse me for wanting to hear it out loud in front of all our family and friends.”
“Wait! You’re…are you…you can’t be…together?!”
Murray was outraged and Eddie couldn’t help the snort he let out as he wrapped an arm around Steve’s waist, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.
Steve blushed, like he always did when Eddie showed him affection, but kept putting burgers on the plate.
Hopper was suddenly right in front of Eddie, eyes squinting at him, calculating.
“How long have you been with Steve?”
“Uh. Since March.”
“You’re boyfriends?”
“Yes, sir.”
Eddie never called Hopper sir. Not once in his entire drug dealing and getting away with it career, not once since he came back after Vecna.
But Steve had gotten really close to him when he came back, so he did respect him. And he knew that his opinion mattered to Steve.
“I think I owe you a little conversation then.”
Steve held up the spatula, pointing it between them.
“You two behave. I’m a grown man, Hop. I don’t need you to do what I think you’re gonna do.”
“Yeah, but you’re my kid, and this is what I do for all my kids.”
Steve dropped the spatula.
Eddie’s eyes widened.
He tried to send a silent message to everyone to give them a moment, maybe find something to keep their eyes and ears busy while Steve and Hopper talked for a minute, but everyone’s eyes remained on them.
Hopper sighed.
“Look, your parents suck. That’s not a secret to anyone here, especially not you or me.” Eddie tried not to let his mind wrap around how Hopper seemed to know more details than he did about Steve’s parents. “You’ve never had someone to watch out for you like a parent should. But you’ve got me now. And if I wanna give Eddie a bit of a shovel talk, you’re gonna let me. He’s better than a Wheeler.”
“Hey!” Mike yelled from where he was sitting between El and Dustin on the porch.
“Can it, Michael!” Hopper yelled back at him. “So Eddie and I are just gonna have a quick chat inside. You know how to do the hot dogs on your own.”
Hopper pulled Eddie away from Steve, guiding him back up the porch steps, passing Murray’s befuddled face.
They went into the house, keeping a good distance between them.
Eddie had never been this nervous before, not even when he had to talk to a judge about living with Wayne or when the government officials took his Upside Down statement.
“So,” Eddie responded, clasping his hands in front of him and playing with his rings nervously.
“You and Steve? Really?”
“No, I’m talking,” Hopper held his hand up to stop Eddie from trying to explain. “You know about Steve’s parents?”
“A little. Enough, probably.”
“It’s not my thing to share, but I will say I’ve been looking out for Steve for a lot longer than he even realizes. I’ve seen how he handles hurt. I don’t wanna see it ever again. Especially not because of some metalhead who took three years to get through his senior year. You got me?”
“Yes sir.”
“Does Wayne know?”
“What?” Eddie was still trying to parse through the first part of what Hopper said to him.
“Does Wayne know about you and Steve?”
“Yeah, he kind of walked in on a situation that left no room for hiding.”
Hopper nodded once in understanding. No further details needed on that one.
“You boys let me know if anyone out there gives you trouble, okay?”
They stared at each other in silence.
“You love him?”
“More than anything.”
Hopper gave him a sincere smile. A real smile from Hopper. He got an actual smile!
“Good. You both deserve to have something good with each other.”
Eddie wasn’t going to cry. Not now, now in front of Hopper, not when he had to go back out to their little get together.
Hopper’s hand rested on his shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze.
“I know everything about you. Just remember that if you ever think about hurting him.”
“Yes, sir.”
Hopper left through the backdoor, yelling at Murray to stop mumbling to himself because he was scaring the kids. He looked out the window to see Joyce and Max hovering near Steve at the grill and he smiled to himself.
Steve was so loved by all these people, and he was so loved by all these people. It probably didn’t matter if they were obvious, if anyone knew about them from the start, if Murray was right or wrong.
The people who mattered were just happy that they were happy and he couldn’t ask for more than that.
“Why the hell are you cleaning the shower? Is that bleach?” Wayne scrunched his nose at the overwhelming smell of bleach coming from their shared bathroom.
“I’m having a guest over.”
“And they plan on showering here?” Wayne smiled amusedly at Eddie’s frantic scrubbing.
“It’s Steve.”
Ah. It all made sense now.
Wayne took a sip from his mug, his black coffee lukewarm from sitting on the counter for a bit too long.
“So he’s showering here? Is there somethin’ wrong with his showers?”
“It’s just in case,” Eddie huffed, finally pausing to look over at Wayne in the doorway.
“In case he spills the entire kitchen on his head?”
“Can’t I just clean the bathroom? When’s the last time we cleaned this thing?”
“Probably the last time I made you clean it as punishment for something.”
“When’s the last time you punished me for something?”
“It’s about to be now with that tone,” Wayne said as he raised his brows.
He’d never seen Eddie quite like this, not even the one time he brought a girl home for dinner. He knew he’d been kind of in love with Steve from a distance for a while, and when everything happened in March, they’d gotten close, but he didn’t realize how close.
“Sorry. I just want things to go okay.”
“Is there a reason they won’t? You spend an awful lot of time with that boy already.”
“I just don’t want him to think we’re trash, ya know? Like, we kinda are, but I don’t want him to see it.”
Wayne didn’t like that Eddie referred to himself as trash, never had. Sure, they were broke, and he was usually too busy working and trying to get some sleep to deep clean the house, and he didn’t really have nice stuff, but they had what they needed and they were safe.
“Has he ever said or done anything to make you think you’re trash? If he has, he ain’t welcome here.”
Eddie sighed.
“No, he’s been really nice.”
“So you’re worryin’ for you, then. Didn’t I tell ya to stop doin’ that?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Open the window in here, air it out. Gonna kill the boy with the smell of bleach,” Wayne said as he walked back to his chair.
His days off were few and far between, even after they got their trailer fixed up and paid off for free and Eddie’s medical bills suspiciously disappeared. He spent most of them watching TV or fixing something, but now that he knew Steve was coming, he wanted to cook dinner.
Maybe he wanted to impress him to keep him around for Eddie.
Maybe he just wanted an excuse to cook something.
But it was barely past lunch, and he wanted to relax a bit before Eddie was so high strung from stress that he couldn’t breathe.
He watched his TV, but he listened to Eddie grumbling from his room, the occasionally clatter or bump making him laugh to himself at how much effort Eddie was putting in.
“You alright?” He asked after a particularly loud bump against the wall.
Wayne checked the clock and saw it was close enough to the time he needed to start making dinner.
“Eddie? How’s pork chops and mashed potatoes sound?”
Something falls in Eddie’s room, but Wayne just shakes his head and goes to the kitchen to start prepping everything.
His pork chops were Eddie’s favorite for years, probably because they usually only had them on special occasions or if Wayne was able to go in a little late to have dinner with him. Anytime he had his friends over, Wayne would try to make them.
And now he could make them for Steve.
Steve had been over a lot when Eddie first got out of the hospital, helping make sure he had everything he needed while Wayne was at work, making sure he was being left alone by the idiots in town.
He stopped coming by as much after a while, but anytime Eddie came in the door, he’d been with Steve. He was visiting Steve at work, or at Steve’s house, or with Steve and the kids at the arcade or the diner, or with Steve at the quarry.
Wayne wasn’t stupid.
He knew Eddie was in love with the boy.
He just didn’t know for sure if Steve loved him back.
But he’d find out tonight one way or another, even if he had to outright ask.
He got lost in the cooking, barely noticing Eddie walking in and out with dirty dishes and trash from his bedroom.
But then he heard a loud knock on the front door and Eddie’s footsteps racing to open it, and Wayne Munson almost had a heart attack.
Eddie was wearing plain blue jeans, the sneakers he got just for graduation, and a button down shirt. A nice button down shirt.
“You look nice.”
“Shut up. It’s just what I had clean.”
“Right. Sure.”
Wayne smirked down at the pan in front of him, flipping the pork chops over and drizzling more of the melted butter sauce over them as they seared.
He pretended not to listen to the exchange at the door as Eddie let Steve in, but couldn’t help it when he caught Steve planting a kiss on Eddie’s cheek.
“Hope you like pork chops. Wayne’s real good at making them.”
“Yeah, that sounds good. You look nice.”
“Oh uh, thanks. You do also. I mean, too. You look nice too.”
Wayne had never heard Eddie like this, he’d definitely never seen him like this, and he had to figure out what the hell made Steve so special that Eddie suddenly became a different person.
He turned to welcome him and was met by a Steve Harrington he almost didn’t recognize.
He seemed shy for some reason, as if he hadn’t been by Wayne’s side for hours at a time in the hospital waiting for any change with Eddie. He was dressed in similar jeans to Eddie, but was wearing a Metallica shirt that definitely belonged to Eddie.
He was also wearing Eddie’s guitar pick necklace.
So this was serious.
“Well, hey there, Steve. Nice to see you here again.”
Steve was blushing.
“Thanks for having me, Mr. Munson.”
“Steve, we agreed you can call me Wayne last year, didn’t we?”
“Oh. Right. Sorry, sir.”
“It’s okay, son,” Wayne laughed. “Dinner will be ready in a few if you boys wanna grab drinks and plates.”
They did, and Wayne watched out of the corner of his eye as Eddie placed a hand on Steve’s lower back and kissed his shoulder.
They were silently getting things out, but moving in a way that made Wayne smile.
They revolved around each other the way soulmates do, naturally being close enough to touch but not, always anticipating where the other person will be and what they’ll need, happy just to orbit each other.
Wayne watched as Eddie smiled at Steve, who was sticking his tongue out at him while he reached for the cans of soda in the fridge.
He’d never seen him so light, so happy, so content. Especially not since everything that happened with the quake.
He grabbed the plates from Eddie and served them each a hearty portion of food.
“This looks great, Wayne. Thanks for cooking.”
“No need to be so formal, Steve. I like cookin’ for you boys.”
They took a few bites in a slightly awkward silence. Eddie’s leg was shaking so badly, the whole table started moving. What the hell was this kid so nervous about?
Steve placed his hand on Eddie’s knee, probably thinking it was out of sight. Wayne watched as Eddie stopped his movements and settled completely, letting out a long breath.
“So what’s the occasion? Not that I ain’t happy to have ya over, Steve, it just seems outta nowhere.”
“We uh, actually wanted to talk to you.”
Wayne knew where this was going, but he liked to keep Eddie guessing.
“Yeah. So you know how I’ve been spending a lot of time with Steve.”
“Go on.”
“Well, a few months ago, um. I told him about me. Like how I’m into men and women. And it turns out he is too! So that was a relief obviously. And we talked about how nice it was having someone else know and then he explained he’d never even kissed a guy which is just kind of silly because look at him! He’s hot! And I told him he could kiss me to get it out of the way, ya know? Because sometimes just getting the first one out of the way just makes you more confident and then he kissed me to shut me up because I was rambling like I am now, Jesus Christ, Steve, please stop me.”
“Okay, so what he’s trying to say is um. We’ve been boyfriends for a while now. And I’m.” Steve took a shaky breath, then put his hand in Eddie’s on his lap. “I’m so in love with him, Wayne. He’s been spending a lot of time at my house, but I wanted to come here and he was worried about us not being able to hide it around you so I told him we could just tell you. I hope it’s okay.”
Wayne kept his face level, no smile or frown, just waiting to see if they’d word vomit anymore.
“And like, it’s okay if you don’t want to see any PDA or anything! We won’t like make out on the couch or anything, but we just wanted you to know. I wanted you to know. And Steve knows you’re so important to me so he agreed.”
“And we’ll probably still spend a lot of time at Steve’s because that’s where the kids like to hang out since he has a pool and a lot of space for us to watch movies. So you’ll hardly even see us together here.”
“Are you boys done?”
“Yes, sir,” Steve said, head hanging down.
“Good. Who knew you both could ramble on like that?”
They stayed silent, anxiously waiting for Wayne to yell at them or kick them out.
“You love each other?”
They both nodded.
“And you make each other happy?”
They nodded with smiles growing on their faces.
“Then I want you boys here, loving each other, making each other happy, whether I’m here or not. You’re always welcome in my home.”
He felt the relief wash over them, their tense bodies relaxing in their chairs.
“Now, Steve.”
“Oh no. Don’t,” Eddie said, suddenly tense again.
“Now, wait a minute. It’s my job, Eddie.”
“No it’s really not. I’m an adult, I can take care of myself.”
Wayne turned to Steve with a small smile.
“You’ve heard the speech before, I’m sure. You hurt him, I hurt you?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Well, if you hurt him on purpose, they’ll never find your body, you hear me?”
“Yes, sir.”
“And you,” Wayne turned to Eddie. “Same goes for you. You think just because you’re my blood I won’t protect Steve if you do somethin’ stupid?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. Now that that’s settled.” Wayne took a sip of his drink. “Steve, you like ice cream?”
“I love ice cream.”
“What’s your favorite flavor? I always keep Eddie’s in the freezer.”
“Oh. You don’t have to do that.”
“Stevie, you better answer him or he’ll guess.”
Steve laughed. He looked happy. Wayne liked that he looked happy.
“Mint chip.”
“We all have our flaws.”
“Hey! It’s good!”
Wayne laughed.
“Fine, fine. I’ll get some at the store this weekend.”
Wayne knew what it was like to have neglectful parents, and he knew that Steve may have had a lot of things handed to him, but never love and affection from his own parents.
So if he was someone Eddie loved, and who loved Eddie, then he was going to have to accept the love and affection Wayne had to offer.
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tojiscrack · 12 days ago
Omg I actually don't know why I'm so nervous to write and send this ask because it probably won't even be seen- idk- I'm just in the presence of such awesomeness rn 🤧
ANYWAYS, I'm literally such a HUGEEE fan of LL 🥹 It's my whole life and I love the way you write 🫶 Your characters, your story, just everything is pure perfection ❤️ I ACTUALLY CONSUME ALL THE FAN WORKS TOO like you've created such an amazing community I swear and everyone seems so lovely - it's honestly delicious.
SO I actually really wanted to share some hcs for your LL OCs because I love all of them, they're so mwah! BUT I PROBABLY GOT THEIR CHARACTERS SO WRONGG SO THAT'S...NOT 😀 BUT I JUST FELT LIKE I HAD TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS ON THEM ANYWAYS 😢 (I am so sorry. I actually cannot write anything to save my life)
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OK AND ALSO I see all these incredible artworks and I would honestly contribute BUT I can't draw 😔 AT ALL. And I feel like your fic is too good for that. But I would absolutely LOVE to do a silly cosplay of Kai or something BECAUSE I JUST LOVE HIM AND I FEEL LIKE THAT'D BE SO FUN but I wasn't sure if that was okay?? Idk maybe I'm just super worried for no reason but I just had to check because I want to be respectful and I don't want to share/post anything without asking first 😓
(why does this feel so short and long at the same time- I WILL WRAP THIS UP)
ERM- So do you think it'd be ok to cosplay him and put it on TT or I can put it on Insta if you prefer??? I really don't know sbsj
I THINK THAT'S REALLY ALL 😀 But GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR EXAMS I FULLY BELIEVE IN YOU 🙏 Make sure you don't forget to take breaks and eat and sleep whilst you're busy studying 😢
‘don't know why I'm so nervous to write and send this ask because it probably won't even be seen-‘ — well you must be new here 🤨 i never ignore any of my asks, it does just take me some time to get through them all 😭
but we’re here now 😋
‘I'm just in the presence of such awesomeness rn’ — i know 😋
but i’m soooo pleased you like LL as much as you do 😩 i love writing it and answering asks and talking and AKISJSJS, you’re the sweetest person ever, truly
the works that the community have also provided are amazing, you’re so right about that 😋 i’m so glad you’re part of it now, welcome! <3
‘you've created such an amazing community I swear and everyone seems so lovely’ — firstly, THEY AREEE, idk how i got such a beautiful community of people all at once, it’s genuinely so refreshing like idek how to describe it
but i have to correct you. i didn’t create this community. i made LL, that’s for sure, but the community being its wonderful self is ALLL them (and now you! 🥹). i’m so thankful you have no idea, like UGHHH 😩❤️
‘SO I actually really wanted to share some hcs for your LL OCs because I love all of them, they're so mwah!’ — 😧
let’s go through them <3
#1: Half of Miss B's wardrobe is either in #ab06d4 OR #ab868 EITHER OF THESE SPECIFIC COLOURS
miss b, just in case anyone was wondering, isn’t exactly a LL oc. she’s the baker girl from nanami’s memory in canon, but gege hates putting names to the women he introduces (aHEM mamaguro 🤨) so i had to just give her a cute little nickname 😭
so honestly, this hc passes bc i’m not gege and have no idea what miss B would wear HAHA ✅
#2: Either Kai's parents are super supportive or they're "it's just a phase" people
random kai lore (i see how you used the name he prefers HAHAHA, he’d love you for that) but he doesn’t have a dad 😀
i don’t… know… if… it’s telling… but…
you can probably imagine why he left. and his mum initially thought it was a phase, till it just kept going. now she’s an exhausted woman who just wants a normal son 😭
#3: When Y/N's dad leaves for work, when he looks at souvenirs he's like "yep, I just know [character] would love that" and does those dad chuckles to himself YK WHAT I MEANNDJJSJS
pretty sure it was mentioned in one of the chapters before (can’t remember which one) but he brings back souvenirs from his trips and brings lots of stuff for megumi - since they both have a common interest: animals.
you depict him so well in ur mind, i’m thankful 😭
#4: When Chad is "popular" with the girls (because yk average jock core or whatever) but he always plays it down and he's way too nice about it even if he's not into them
this hc passes as canon too! ✅
we’ve established how he’s not the typical mean-guy-chad we see in those 2000s films, which mc loves commenting on. he’s just a chill guy 🤷🏽‍♀️
#5: All the kindergarten teachers/staff are still recovering from Y/N like they still tell the mini mercupine tales sometimes (but....in a less traumatising way)
oh i hadn’t thought of this…
✅ LL canon :)
they definitely think of mercupine at times. and i have a rough draft of an interaction they have in the future…
but the mercupine tales? absolutely. they’d be examples to the next generation of kindergarteners
#6: At some point one of the characters that probably wouldn't ever (e.g. Y/N's mother or Miss B) have actually referred to Megumi as "porcupine", just because of Y/N calling him that, PURELY ACCIDENTALLY AS WELL just a slip of the tongue or somethin
it could’ve been any of the characters tho, since ‘porcupine’ is so commonly used. but just wait till it’s used by the wrong people…
#7: Oliver is always out of some kind of loop. He's that one person that doesn't check their phone enough or something and misses HALF of the stuff going on
i didn’t have a story background for oliver, honestly. my main ocs are mc, mc’s parents/family, chad, malakai, and any frequently-mentioned extras you might meet later on.
so whatever you wanna depict oliver as, it’s ✅ canon to me too 😋
‘I see all these incredible artworks and I would honestly contribute BUT I can't draw AT ALL’ — honestly, don’t even sweat it, drawing is a SKILL that only the most patient people have 😭
‘I would absolutely LOVE to do a silly cosplay of Kai or something BECAUSE I JUST LOVE HIM AND I FEEL LIKE THAT'D BE SO FUN but I wasn't sure if that was okay??’ — GIRL IT’S FINE??? 😭
this is the first time someone’ll ever cosplay a LL character anyway and i’m ??? like levitating and so overwhelmed bc i didn’t even think of this being a thing? 😧
GO FOR IT OMG, and if you don’t mind, tag me too! <3 i’d loveee to see how you do it (i’m sure you’ll nail it, he’s just a typical crazy emo HAHAH)
you can post it on any social you want. tho if it’s on any social other than tumblr, you’re gonna have to drop by and lmk you’re user bc i don’t have a tt that’s not my private one haha 😭 and now it’s my time to ask if you’d let me link it on the LL q&a page here. it’s where i attach all the community stuff for the fic :)
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dontcallmebree · 11 months ago
Bri!!! ❤️ Okay I gotta hear more about Pool Boy 🌊
Hi kay! Hope you've been well <333
Pool Boy follows Steve as he visits his ex-husband Tony only to stumble upon the pool boy out back... Honestly I just wanted to write Steve and Tony bickering (kinda lovingly, or at least in a way only two exes can) and Steve ogling Bucky.
The whole idea rests on a fun dynamic and literally nothing else so I can't quite see where to take it. Might end up a brief oneshot some day!
When Tony told him about the house in Malibu, Steve could never have guessed at the lavish extravagance that would greet him on his visit. A garage fit for a dozen cars, an east wing for long-term guests, a truly ostentatious infinity pool next to a couple jacuzzis. Granted, he probably should have. Filling up an empty mansion has always been Tony’s preferred method of coping, after booze and busty blonds. Steve would fucking know. It’s probably why he finds the half-dressed stranger out back the most unexpected surprise yet. Long, dark hair, only the slightest hint of a stubble, and a lean swimmer’s build encased in nothing more than a pair of turquoise booty shorts—not at all Tony’s type. Steve, on the other hand, can’t quite tear his eyes away from the view.
Thanks for asking, kay! Hope you have a good weekend!
ask me about my wips
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peach-and-bugs · 2 years ago
Hi Kay, how are you feeling? I hope well, again I come to bother you, so I apologize in advance. I've had an idea for days and I can't get it out of my head. And again it's a request for Shauna Teen, this time it's also pre-crash where Shauna has a little crush on the reader and instead of confronting her and telling her directly, she starts sending her love letters in the hope that one day she will confess it to her. Sorry for making this so vague, but I feel that within the yj team, Shauna is the most skilled person with words, if you didn't like it you can ignore it, anyway, I wanted to tell you thank you very much and that I love the way you write and of course how you express the characters, well I hope you have a good day ❤️
Hello Dream! Your always welcome in my ask box! I love chat chatting with all of the little people living in my phone.
I actually love this idea so much and now you’ve gotten it stuck in my head and I’d absolutely love to write it once I’ve worked though the lot or dialogue requests I’ve got on my pegboard right now.
Honestly, I could see this one being a mini series fic that I could make 3-5 chapters long! It would be so fun for the first three chapters to start out with letters that Shauna writes and then the rest of the chapter is reader trying to figure out who their from, then chapter 4 is when Shauna is missing during the crash and reader figures it out, not to not confess their own feelings till well into adulthood when they reconnect in chapter 5!!!
If you still want me to mess with this idea, please let me know! I’m so honored when y’all trust me to bring me your ideas to write! It makes me so happy!
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acacia-may · 2 years ago
Hello hello, it is I again, here to poke at your blog again. Hope you've been having a good week! Thought I might as well see some of your takes on a few things, though I'm not sure if you only wanted one of these categories or all four of them. Either way, feel free to answer the ones you find most interesting!
Show: Not exactly shows, but I guess Danganronpa or Your Turn To Die would be a fun start, ahaha.
Character: Kai Satou or Sei Satou? (Though this one is a little unfair, since Kai has so much more screentime and impact in the main story, unless you wanna count Ranger with Sei 😅)
Pairing: I don't often get to ask about Demon Slayer, so here's one. Shinobu and Giyu, or Mitsuri and Iguro?
Anything: As for which one you prefer more; whether it be writing it or reading it - Hurt/Comfort, or Fluff AUs?
REPO-NET THE GREAT!!! 💙 Oh my gosh, hi friend! I'm so excited to see that you're back. I hope you're doing wonderfully! Thank you so much for your ask. I really can't tell you how excited I am every time I see an ask from you. You're one of my favorite people, and your asks always make me smile! Please poke at my blog anytime. I am always, always happy to talk to you! 🥰
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I'd love to answer all of your questions. Thank you for sending them in! 😊 I apologize that it has taken me a bit to circle back with you. You came up with such wonderfully difficult questions (and impossible choices), so I really had to give them some thought before I responded. I really appreciate them though and enjoyed these a lot. My answers are below the cut. Thank you so much for the ask and for the playing the make me choose ask game!
(Warnings: Some spoilers for Your Turn To Die. Vague spoilers for Danganronpa & Demon Slayer)
Danganronpa or Your Turn To Die?
Out of all of your questions, I think this was the hardest for me to answer. I love them both so much so this is kind of the impossible question for me. 😅 There are things that I enjoyed more about Danganronpa than YTTD and things that I enjoyed more about YTTD than Danganronpa so it's hard to compare the two even though they are similar genres. I have waffled on it a lot and even asked my sister for a second opinion, but I think I will have to say Danganronpa just because the series is finished.
To be fair, I adore Your Turn To Die. It's riveting and compelling with top-tier storytelling and characters, and as a whole, I think I enjoyed it even more than Danganronpa so far (which is saying a lot because the Danganronpa series is really amazing). However, while I expect YTTD to continue to be just as incredible as it has been, the last chapter isn't out yet, so I suppose there is the off chance that the story could stumble in its final act and have a disappointing ending. Whereas with Danganronpa, I just finished V3 (and the series) and thought it was really interesting. I liked the final game a lot more than I expected, and now that I have the whole story, I feel confident saying that though the Danganronpa canon of games does have some flaws (as everything does), it ultimately tells a very compelling and interesting story and contains some incredibly dynamic characters. What it did with its "antagonists" in UDG especially is one of the most interesting storytelling/narrative choices that I've ever seen. While there were some things that could have been executed better in the series and there is a certain macabre whimsy to the tone of the games that can be a bit hard to get used to at first, the series is so inventive, and I love it for being so different than everything else. Its ideas are solid, its themes are compelling and often make you think, and its characters are very distinctive, memorable, and (in many cases) endearing. Also, how could I ever vote against my children? ❤️💛💗💙
Kai Satou or Sei Satou?
(Warnings: YTTD Spoilers Ahead)
Ouch! This one hurts. I don't want to choose. 🙈 My heart says Sei, and here's why: my sister would say Kai in a heartbeat. He was her favorite character in the whole game, and Kai gets plenty of love and admiration from her so I feel like my love and admiration is less important. Poor Sei, on the other hand, has never been picked first for anything in his life. Even his own "father" preferred Kai to him which is genuinely very sad and tragic. His family issues aside, I think his brash and callous personality is also a little off-putting and isn't doing him any favors in the overall likability department. It is understandable to me that most people would likely choose Kai over Sei in this scenario since he is arguably more personable--just awkward upfront but the biggest softie when you get to know him.
The way I see it, what Kai has going for him is that you might think he is a misanthrope who can't stand company and just wants to be left alone only to find out that deep down he's actually just shy and awkward and wants friends. But with Sei, you might think he's a misanthrope who can't stand company and just wants to be left alone only to find out that deep down he actually is. And I will be perfectly honest with you, I love him for it. You go, Sei! 🧡 I'm only joking of course. After all, much, much deeper down Sei also wants friends and is deeply devoted to the select few people he has chosen to care about, but I have a hard time believing he cares about the opinions of the majority of the people of the world. He has "his people" and he loves them but to everyone else he is a misanthrope who can't stand company and just wants to be left alone. I can respect that, especially since he's pretty upfront and honest about it.
I know I'm roasting Sei a little bit (out of love, of course), but in all honesty, he really is one of my favorite characters in the series and my heart says choose him here even if it doesn't make logical sense, as you pointed out in your ask. I will own this. I will admit it. I am usually a logical, analytical spreadsheet person who can be kind of cynical, but there is a reason I got an emotion route on my first YTTD playthrough. I get really, really attached to my favorite characters, and I am really, really attached to Sei. He managed to have such a compelling story arc for such a tiny "little tree" (side character), and he fits perfectly in my "favorite character" alignment chart, so I'm a little biased. I have such a bleeding heart for the overachieving perfectionists with rough edges, brother issues, childhood trauma, inferiority complexes, and (secret) deep devotion and loyalty. It's an ongoing problem, and, naturally, I adopted Sei as one of my favorites right away (even though I knew his story would ultimately break my heart and it did). While I'll roast him to the end of time, I'll also be the first to defend him because he really did love his brother and deserved so much better than what he got.
I would be amiss if I didn't mention that I absolutely love Kai as a character as well, and yes, you are absolutely right that Kai had a much bigger role in and impact on the story than Sei. He really is one of the most influential characters in the game with his connection to the Chidouins, his laptop filled with game-changing (no pun intended) information, and his defiance against Asunaro serving as a catalyst for others to rise up against the death game. But, on the other hand, given Kai's backstory and how influential Sei was in Kai becoming who he is by the time we meet him in the canon, I think the argument could be made that Sei is also one of the most important characters since (arguably) Kai was only able to have that role and that impact in the story because of Sei and because of his sacrifice. Without Sei as the catalyst for Kai and his arc, Kai couldn't have been a catalyst for the other participants and their arcs. Sei's the real hero here, so I choose Sei (and am getting down off my soap box now 😂).
Shinobu x Giyu or Mitsuri x Iguro?
Oh my gosh, Repo! I had no idea you were also a Demon Slayer fan! That's awesome! I don't get a lot of Demon Slayer asks, so this was a very pleasant surprise. (Please feel free to ask about it any time if you're so inclined). 💕 I'm not sure if you've read the manga, seen the anime, or both so I'll try to be as vague as possible as not to spoil anything for you, just in case.
I'll admit I like both of these. They're great dynamics! Shinobu is my favorite character in Demon Slayer, and her dynamic with Giyu is one of my favorites in the entire series (My sister used to joke that Shinobu and Giyu's friendship was actually my favorite character in Demon Slayer 😂). I don't mind Giyushino as a romantic pairing and have played around with it in an AU sense, but I think I prefer to think of them as platonic friends under most circumstances (and think they probably were just platonic friends in the canon) so I'm going with Iguro and Mitsuri on this one.
Obamitsu is probably my favorite romantic pairing in all of Demon Slayer. I was on 100% board with it from those socks 🧦 and only got more and more invested as time went on. It brought actual tears to my eyes by a certain point, and for someone who usually doesn't get into shipping in media, this was a huge thing for me. I had a friend of mine laughing once because she texted me and asked what I was doing and I had to tell her "listening to music and crying over a fictional relationship." 🙈 (I have an entire playlist devoted to them that I listen to on repeat when I'm feeling particularly feels-y about their relationship. It's one of my favorites I've ever made). I don't want to say too much about them in case of spoilers, but there's just something about the selflessness of their devotion and loyalty to each other, the sacrifices they were willing to make to protect each other and ensure the best for each other, and their bond of love built on a strong foundation of friendship that I found incredibly compelling. I was just so moved by how Iguro and Mitsuri both struggled with these deep insecurities as individuals and, in a certain way, thought of themselves as unlovable, but then they find each other, find someone who truly sees them-- flaws and insecurities and all--but still thinks they are wonderful and chooses to love them anyway. It was really beautiful--one of my favorite things about the series, if I'm being honest (even if it turned me into a weepy, emotional mess). 💕
As for which one you prefer more; whether it be writing it or reading it - Hurt/Comfort, or Fluff AUs?
(Warnings: YTTD Spoilers)
This is a tricky one because these are probably my favorite genres when it comes to fanfictions (both for reading and writing). I think it depends on the fandom and also on the characters involved as well as my mood. Sometimes I just want good times, happiness and shenanigans for my favorite characters and want to imagine the bad times never happened to them, but on the other hand, I think the hurt/comfort genre in general is much more cathartic to me personally than an AU where everyone lives and/or everything is fine and the bad stuff never happened.
While I want good things for all the characters I love, sometimes I feel like I'm forcing them into a fluff AU or that such an AU would change who they are too much, if that makes sense? A lot of times the tragedies that a character has suffered in their life had an integral role in shaping who they are. Like I was saying about Kai for instance. I firmly believe that losing Sei, especially losing Sei the way he did, was one of the things that gave him the courage to stand up against Asunaro in the end. In very simple terms, I think, he grew to see Sara as a little sister and couldn't bear the thought of Asunaro taking another sibling away from him. While I can definitely have a little fun imagining a fluffy shenanigans world where Asunaro didn't even exist and the Satou brothers work together in a bakery owned by Mai for instance, I think there's something about a Fluff AU that feels a little cheap to me, like that's not really Kai and Sei so it doesn't really fix anything, whereas with a quality hurt/comfort story, the actual lived experiences (the trauma, the grief, the suffering ect.) of the characters involved is acknowledged and validated, but the characters find the hope and healing necessary to move forward to a brighter future.
I personally take much more comfort in that than in imagining a world where the tragedy never happened in the first place, and I think I write more stories in that vein of hurt/comfort than I do fluffy pieces or I sometimes figure out a way to combine them, like with the Dad Nagisa story where there's that bittersweet twinge in there that all this fluff and this happy ending is deserved after everything he has been through. I think overall I like hopeful endings, and for the characters I love most, I want them to reach a place where they are on the other side of the most tragic aspects of their lives and yes, there might always be a wound there and there is nothing that the future could bring that would make all that pain they went through okay, but I want them to reach that place where they know and they get to experience that there is something better, something brighter waiting for them on the other side of something so terrible. I want to use my fanfictions to give the characters hope that tragedy isn't the end of their story.
I love the same things in the fanfictions I read though I am way less particular about the fanfictions that I read than I am with the ones I write. I'm a pretty tough critic of my own writing and much more particular when I choose what to write about versus choosing what to read 😅, and most of the time I filter stories by character or relationship (whether platonic or romantic) rather than by genre. Looking back on some of my all-time favorite fanfictions I've ever read though, most of them had some of those more hopeful, hurt/comfort elements to them, so perhaps Hurt/Comfort really does win the day!
That said, stumbling upon a well-written, cotton candy fluff piece can absolutely make my day and have me grinning ear to ear and squealing at my computer screen, so I'll never deny the absolute joy that fluff can bring either. I guess this really is just another tough choice to end a series of tough choices. 😅
Thank you so much for such wonderful questions that really made me think and for listening to all of my ramblings. Cheers & much love to you, friend! 💕
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merv606 · 1 year ago
👋 Hello! I'm new to the fandom and so obsessed with this silverruso ship ❤️ (also I don't speak english but stay with me please 🥺)
I've been following your works like a stalker and I was wondering if you would sometime write a secretary AU? I love Ralph's hair in NINY so I was thinking of that aesthetic for him 🤭. As of Terry I'm thinking Cobra Kai version. What do you think? Hehe Happy New Year ✨🎀
Hi 👋
Welcome ❤️
Awwww thanks 🥰
Ask and you shall receive 😊
Fun fact - most times I am picturing Ralph aka NINY ERA (also how he looked on the Leno show in the 90’s).
I usually try not to specify as that way you can imagine whatever pairing you want.
I posted this on AO3 as it turned out way too long too post here.
I don’t, however, have a title sooooo
If anyone has suggestions - feel free to throw them out here.
Help a gal out and throw me some title ideas.
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unwriter-sc · 2 years ago
When you get this, answer one of the questions (or all if you really want!) then pass it on to 5 writer friends! 🥰 If you have more than one WIP, pick at random! We want you to talk about your works, and celebrate with you! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
1. What are you most excited to write with this WIP?
2. How has this WIP changed since the “daydream/brainstorm” stage?
3. Who is your favorite character in this WIP and why?
Thanks Anon. So I'm going with my current WIP, Tempest of Steel.
Honestly, I'm most excited to write some of the romance between the characters, because that was a lot of what I wanted to write.
It's changed a bit, as seen by this: My initial idea for Tempest of Steel: Holy War between two fantasy religions with the invaders coming from the south. Mixed with a sapphic polycule, because I can't not write that. Current Ideas with Tempest of Steel: The Holy War is a front for a monster who wants to use death to fuel her rituals, she plans to make a feedback loop of aggression. Oh, and also thoughts on war and a sapphic polycule.
While I want to say Emilia, because of her competitiveness and her being very fun to write. I've become obsessed with the monster, Lady Kai Stargazer, because she's got a lot of interesting angles to work with.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years ago
I recently discovered your blog and have just been binge reading all your works hehe
I love your writing and aaahh your txt reactions just made my day.
I loved the txt reaction where the reader is kinda naive and puppy like. Can we get a reaction of txt to the reader being kinda opposite to that??
Like reader being sharp, witty and kinda smart ass 😬
I feel Kai would really appreciate a partner like that idk. And I just see Yeonjun and Gyu being super attracted to you when you say something smart ass or just be cunning 🫠🤧❤️
Anyway hope you have a great day :))
txt reactions to their s/o being sharp and witty
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.5k
warnings: none
author's notes: i'm so glad you like my writing, thank you so much for support me and reading my works ^.^ hope you enjoy this one too! <33
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soobin, on first meeting you, is a little taken aback by your prickly personality, but finds himself being deeply attracted to you for reasons he can't quite explain. maybe it's your confidence that makes his heart flutter endlessly. or maybe it's the way you talk to him and how all the words flow into a perfect teasing remark. or maybe it's how easy he finds it talking to you because you have a lot to say and a lot of opinions and ideas to share with people. he is in awe just listening to you and hearing what you have to say. so because of this, he finds you enchanting <333
yeonjun DIGS you, for real. i definitely feel like he would get along with this type of personality, mostly because it is quite similar to his own. you'll both have endless things to argue talk about and have a lot of debates together. like i can totally see you both staying up all night speculating on your passionate views. having someone to keep him on his toes, teasing and poking fun at him? yeah, he's all here for that. he finds interactions with you very entertaining and admire how witty and quick with your words you are.
well this could go one of two ways: either you two get on like a house on fire OR it's more of a love-hate relationship. not only can beomgyu be annoying and just as argumentative when given the opportunity, but he can also be quite sensitive and take things to heart too. so if you are too sharp he might not like it as much. but once you find the thin line between being funny and offensive, he finds you hilarious and, most importantly, very attractive. he will like getting on your nerves on purpose just to hear your sly replies.
oh this man loves a slytherin type of person. someone cunning, wise, quick-witted and clever with their humour is someone taehyun will get along very well with. he likes to be intellectually challenged and witty conversations are his favourite thing ever. so of course, from the very first interaction with you, he felt sparks. he ends up being super flirty with you every time you guys meet up it's actually so ichbibvihbcikh idk you just bring that side out of him???? he is just super intrigued by you and is always anticipation what you're going to say next.
poor hueningkai 😭 he's not going to know what hit him honestly. he's not used to having someone like quite like you around. at first, he finds it hard to keep up with your witty comments, but he can't help but fall for your directness and natural confidence. it makes him so shy and cute i don't think you understand he's like got heart eyes for you. you make him feel confident in himself and appreciates your approach to life. i think he wants to learn a lot of things from you, that's for sure.
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strawnarrries · 3 years ago
Hi love !!!! Can you do one where Niall and y/n are together and they go grocery shopping . They separate in the store and y/n goes to female isle while Niall goes to check something up . She grabs what she needs and goes to buy her fashion magazines. While looking and deciding , a man is hitting on her , telling her she is beautiful and all those lame lines and he doesn’t leave her alone . Immediatly she texts Niall to come and that a man isnt leaving her and flirts with her . Niall comes and tells the guy to back off and starts a talking fight with him. Y/n tells him to stop and they leave . She is a little shaken off by the whole situation and her anxiety is through the roof right now and she starts to feel not so good . They go home and Niall takes care of her and showers her with kisses , snuggles, cuddles , hugs etc and he is sorry that he picked a fight and that is his fault that she is feeling like this now . Y/n is really emotional and starts to cry and knows that is not his fault and that she is so lucky to have him . You can go from there . Thank you so much . Always looking forward to read your imagines , love your writing !!!💖❤️
ahh omg yes I love this idea!!! this is also def how i would react to that situation too! id get such bad anxiety and get so upset hahah. this ended up turning out to be a lot longer than i expected (def too long to be considered a blurb so i'm making it a one shot) but i had so much fun writing it so I hope you enjoy!!!!
It was a lazy, Sunday afternoon. The day was full of house chores and spending time together before the busy week ahead of you both began. You and Niall decided to go grocery shopping together. You currently were in the pasta aisle when you remembered you were running low on girly products.
"'m gonna go get tampons, okay?" you told him.
"kay, babe," he hummed, eyes scanning the shelves for your all's favorite pasta sauce.
You walked to the feminine aisle and began searching for your favorite brand of tampons. Once you found them, you picked them up as well as some pads and panty liners too, not knowing if you were running low on those too, but having an extra box or two wouldn't kill. Making your way back towards Niall, you spotted the magazine aisle and decided to take a look at some of the new fashion magazines. While browsing through a couple of them, you felt the presence of a strange man walk up to you. You ignored him, hoping he was just browsing just like you, until he spoke up, "Hi there."
You looked over at him and smiled sweetly, "Hi."
He looked about 25 years old and he definitely wasn't your type at all. He had patches of facial hair spread throughout his jaw, and his dark brown hair was slicked back with one too many scoops of hair gel. He was around 5'9 and wore a pair of black, Adidas sweatpants, matched with a dark blue t-shirt and a pair of old, beaten-up gym shoes.
You turned your attention back to the magazines in front of you, trying to give off the obvious hint that you weren't interested in talking to him.
"I don't wanna come off too forward but you're honestly the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I just had to let you know that."
"Aw well thank you," you smiled, flattered by the compliment but immediately averting your attention away from him.
"What's your name?" he asked.
"Y/N," you told him without looking up at him and instantly regretting telling him your real name, wishing you had just said a random one.
"Y/N," he repeated, "that's a beautiful name," he says and you started to get extremely uncomfortable, not even bothering to ask him what his name was because you didn't care at all.
You smiled slightly at him, slowly inching away from him as you browse through the magazines, but of course, he followed you, taking steps closer and trying to talk to you.
"You have a beautiful accent. Where are you from?"
"What's a pretty girl like you doin' here in London?"
"My boyfriend lives here," you replied, glad you could easily slip Niall into the conversation, hoping that after hearing you were taken, the man would leave you alone.
But oh were you wrong.
"That's a shame, I bet I'd treat you so much better than he does."
You didn't even acknowledge that comment, not wanting to give him anything to work with.
"You into fashion?" he asked, nodding towards the magazine you were looking through.
"Yeah," you replied softly, not saying anything else.
"Was thinking about startin' to up my fashion game. Maybe you could teach me a few pointers."
You just fake giggled at him, not knowing what to say to that. You didn't wanna be rude but you also didn't wanna give him the impression that you wanted to talk to him, not that he was taking that hint anyway.
"Do you work in fashion or anything?" he asked.
"Just a hobby?"
"Cool. My sister's into fashion too. There's a lot of fakeness in it though. I like a more natural girl like you. No plastic surgery and you don't cake on the makeup like those models do."
What the fuck is he talking about?
"You're natural and I love natural girls," he stated.
You fake chuckled at him again, having no clue how to respond to that. It went on like this for what felt like forever. It didn't matter how dry you were being with him, or what such obvious hints you tried to give off, he would not leave you alone. He continued to try to talk to you and flirt with you. You gave him absolutely nothing to work with, yet he would not leave. He even started to make some borderline creepy comments and that was when you pulled your phone out of your sweatshirt pocket and started texting Niall, come to the magazine aisle this man won't leave me alone.
"Maybe if I get your number we can hang out sometime and get to know each other a little better," he stated after seeing you pull out your phone.
"No, I'm sorry, I already told you I had a boyfriend," you slipped your phone back into your pocket, praying that Niall sees the text ASAP.
"I don't see any boyfriend around here."
"He's over there," you said blankly, pointing to the direction that Niall was in.
"Who cares? He's not here right now, he doesn't have to know about us," he smirked at you, a devilish look in his muddy, brown eyes.
You felt sick to your stomach and giggled nervously, "No I'm sorry, I'm not comfortable with that."
"What? You go through each other's phones or something?" he chuckled back.
"No, I'm just not looking for anyone else," you replied.
Just as you said that Niall immediately turned around the corner, pushing the cart holding your things and you felt instantly relieved knowing he was here to save the day, "Hey! What's goin' on 'ere? Babe, ya know this man?"
You shook your head no.
"Is he botherin' ya?" he asked.
You shook your head yes.
"What? C'mon, 'm not bothering you!" the man defended himself, throwing his hands up in the air for effect, "If anything you should take it as a compliment that I'm trying t' get with you."
"If she says yer botherin' her, then yer botherin' her. So back the fuck away," his voice was low, but he came off strong and intimidating.
You put everything you were holding in the cart and crossed your arms over your chest, standing back intimidated as you watched Niall deal with the man.
"I wasn't fuckin' bothering her! I was complimenting her, she loved it," the man fought back.
"Can ya not take a fuckin' hint? 's obvious that yer makin' her uncomfortable, look at her," Niall growled at him before glancing over at your timid stance.
The man didn't say anything, he just rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"Did ya tell him ya weren't interested?" Niall asked, his harsh voice now softening as he talked to you.
"Yeah," you nodded
"Seriously mate?" Niall asked, shocked by this man's behavior, "When she says no, that means no. Don't keep goin' at 'er like she owes ya somethin'. Ya don't even know 'her! Yer not gonna get a girl bein' an asshole like that. And that doesn't jus' go fer her, that goes fer every other woman ya come across," he preached, taking a step closer to him.
"Jesus, you're gettin' all worked up over nothing, I'm sorry. There."
"Ya shouldn't be apologizin' t' me, should be apologizin' to her," Niall stated, glancing back at you.
"I don't feel like I have anything to apologize for, I didn't do anything wrong, this is ridiculous." he retaliated.
"It doesn't take much t' be a decent fuckin' person," Niall started and you could see he was getting angrier and angrier by the second, his accent thickening and his muscle tensing.
"Oh fuck off, I didn't do shit to 'er! She's just being a fuckin' baby tryna get me in trouble with her little boyfriend."
You could see something switch in Niall. He was angry earlier, but now he was livid. The fact that this man wouldn't leave his girl alone, made her extremely uncomfortable, and was now insulting her pulled something out of him that he didn't even know he had. He couldn't remember the last time he was this angry.
Niall would never physically fight anyone, of course, but the angrier that Niall got, the angrier the man got and you didn't know what this man was capable of. You didn't wanna see it go any farther then it already has so before he could even react, you spoke up, grabbing Niall's tensed up arm and pulling him back towards you, "Niall don't."
"Ya dont ever treat a woman like dat ever again! Ya hear me?" his voice began to rise and people began staring.
"Niall, please stop," you begged, digging your nails into the skin of his arm to get his attention more, just wanting the entire situation to be over.
"Go. Leave." Niall snapped at the man, pointing to the front of the store.
"Whatever, fuck you both," the man spat before turning around and walking away from you both, muttering bitterly under his breath, "she's not even that hot anyway."
You felt relief wash all over you as you watched the man walk away. Niall then turned to you, his hands wrapping around you to pull you into a tight hug, asking, "ya okay?"
"Can we go home, please," you whispered against his chest, feeling the strong urge to just start bawling, but you didn't, you held it in and stayed strong.
"Yeah, c'mon," he hummed back and you began following him and he was pushing the cart towards the front of the store to check out what you all had picked out, planning on doing the rest of the grocery shopping another day.
You checked out and loaded up the car before beginning your journey home. Once settled on the road, he placed his hand on your thigh and glanced over at you before asking again, "ya okay?"
"Mhm," you nodded, trying to ignore the pressure in the pit of your stomach and the urge to pick at your skin from the anxiety you were experiencing.
Niall could see right through you, he knew you weren't okay and he knew you were shaken up by this entire situation. He knew you would talk when you were ready so he stayed quiet and lovingly rubbed the skin of your thigh with his thumb as he drove you both home. Once arriving home, he turned off the car and looked over at you, "let's put da cold stuff up then we can cuddle okay?"
You nodded and got out of the car, helping him carry in a couple of bags of groceries. You both put up the cold stuff, leaving the pantry stuff out on the counter, planning on putting it away later, just wanting nothing more than to have Niall love on you for the rest of the day. He took a step towards you and cupped your jaw, aiding you in looking up at him.
"Y/N," he hummed, looking directly into your glossy eyes, "ya okay?"
And that's when the waterworks began and you did everything in your power to keep them in, but you couldn't. You shook your head no and the tears began to fall. He immediately wrapped his arms around you, swaying you back and forth as you allowed yourself to cry. He rested his cheek on your head, feeling awful that you felt this way.
"Baby, I'm so sorry, 's my fault ya feel this way, I shouldn't have picked a fight wit' 'em, should've just grabbed ya and left,"
"Mm-mm," you shook your head, "it's not your fault. You were just trying to protect me."
"I was, but still," he sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"He's the one who wouldn't leave me alone."
"Fuckin' prick" he whispered under his breath and you chuckled softly at him through your tears, loving how protective he got over you, "he made me so fuckin' angry. ya shouldn't have t' deal wit' assholes like him babe, 'm sorry."
"Thank you for taking care of me," you sniffled.
"I'll always take care of ya, darlin'. ya know that right?" he asked and you nodded, "good. I'll never let anyone hurt ya. love ya too much t' let anythin' bad happen t' ya."
You felt your heart melt at his words and you squeezed him tighter, wanting to be as close to him as you possibly could. He dipped his head down and began to slowly pepper the side of your face with sweet kisses, his scruff tickling your skin.
"Look at me" he hummed, slipping his index finger under your chin to aid you in lifting your head to look at him.
You looked up at him with irritated, teary eyes. using his thumb, he wiped away a stray tear on your cheek, a smile rising on his lips, "yer cute when ya cry."
"Stop," you giggled shly, letting your head fall back down to his chest before he lifted it up again.
"'m serious though, babe. I will always keep ya safe."
"You're so good to me" you whispered, closing your eyes as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"I love ya."
"I love you too."
Pressing his lips to yours for a sweet kiss, you melted into him, feeling extremely safe and so lucky to have such an amazing man to call yours.
"Let's go upstairs, I'll give ya some of me famous Horan cuddles."
You loved this man to death.
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britishchick09 · 3 years ago
Hey there! I was wondering if you tell us all again about your rewrite, as I am sure a lot of folks missed your original post. It’s such a fun idea that it would be sad for other people to miss out! Cheers and happy writing/drawing ❤️
thanks so much! i'm so glad you love it! ♥
the rewrite is basically my version of poto! i came up with it nearly a year ago as a way to have more eristine moments and a happy ending for erik, but it's blossomed into so much more than just an idea! :D
some might say it's a fic, but it's not really based on one version of poto. it's a blend of various adaptations! poto soup if you will ;)
phans will certainly enjoy the rewrite since there are a ton of references to so many adaptations! from the big bois like the book, musical, 1925 movie and susan kay's phantom to smaller ones like the mini series, the 1943/62 movies, love never dies and freddy phantom to tiny tales like ghost on the roof, phantom heart, journey of the mask and maskerade
some references are obvious like song lines from the musical (christine wanting to see the beauty underneath or whispering to her papa's grave, 'i wish you were somehow here again'), erik calling himself 'poor, unhappy erik' and raoul being on the naval borda ship like in the book, eristine having a picnic like in the mini series, erik having opera props on the wall like in ghost on the roof and masks from other adaptations being shown during the masquerade
others are super subtle like raoulstine reuniting on april 14th (the only thing i could pull from that lost 1916 movie das phantom der oper), walter plinge being a pseudonym from maskerade and cecile thinking the opera ghost is a canary (as 'the canary trainer')
and of course it wouldn't be a poto story without references to the creator, gaston leroux! manager armand is a fan of le gaulois, the paper that poto was originally published in, christina nilsson is name inspiration for christine (just like irl!), the maiden name of christine's mom is leroux (but they're not related probably) and-
...well let's just say there are a few neat cameos in store ;)
as you can see, it's a love letter to poto with original twists! (like the story taking place in 1888 and erik & raoul becoming friends (now there's an adaptation first!))
but the rewrite isn't just a bunch of references and weird coincidences, it's a story with a bunch of amazing characters! ;D
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the rewrite trio (christine, erik and raoul) are based on multiple versions too, but they've really taken on lives of their own
christine is shy and steadfast with a heart full of kindness, erik an awkward yet witty stringbean (not your typical phantom although he has his moments...) and raoul is a caring, optimistic lad with a love for the sea! :D
just like with the references, there are a ton of other poto characters in here like meg, madame giry, nadir, ayesha, carlotta, piangi, sorelli and cecile (two ballerinas from the book) oroyeso (a mini series guy), carlous fonta (truly the most underrated poto character ever!), caesar the horse, madame valerius and of course good ol' daddy daae :)
the story mostly takes place in palais garnier (the lake isn't as magical as other adaptations make it, but it goes far beyond the opera house! from bois de boulonge (book reference!) to the mazarine library and even the village of giverny, it explores the world of paris like never before! (and there's an eiffel tower cameo of course)
the plot of the rewrite is mostly the musical with elements of the book and mini series. there are plenty of original plot lines, though! ever wanted to see christine be roommates with meg, explore paris with raoul or do adorable things with erik besides singing? the rewrite's got it all and more! ;D (it's a very eristine heavy story but there are plenty of raoulstine moments... and who she ends up with is another reason why i started the rewrite)
but the rewrite isn't just one story... just like with my original stories, i've planned out short stories and mysteries that take place after the main story ends. this is just the beginning! ;)
at the time of this ask, the rewrite is 347 pages long (certainly the longest story i've ever written!) with 24 chapters (only 4 chapters left to write!). when i started it, i thought it would be a little thing i'd share on tumblr, but it's a bit too big for that now! i've shared multiple parts from it tho, which you can find here. i have no idea where it'll go when i'm done with it besides in a folder with my other finished stories, but i'm hoping it'll be published someday. who knows? it could be the next poto adaptation wink wink! ;D
it already is in my heart ♥
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melis-writes · 3 years ago
what’s your favorite chapter of moth to flame? or favorite moment that you wrote in it? i love that fic so much and read it daily 🥲
Ooh, that is such a good question!! 😩😅 I have a few favourite bits and pieces from it since there’s just soooo much plot and so many chapters (the more the merrier, right? 😛)!
but I definitely have to say Chapter 20 (“Trust”) for one because I enjoyed Michael and Victoria making amends after their last run in with Kay before they moved to Lake Tahoe. Michael saying “I’m gonna change” in the film really resonated with me (because he’s a liar 💔) and I wanted to incorporate that into that scene since it really seemed to him that Victoria wanted to end the marriage.
Chapter 21 (“Nevada”) was fun to write as Michael and Victoria were sensually 😏 trying for baby #3 after 5 years of raising the twins together. Very intimate and erotic and those smut scenes are just *chef’s kiss* to write!
Ahem… 👀 Chapter 29 (“Mrs. Michael Corleone”) was hot in all the right regards because it was that smut chapter on the yacht so that was definitely interesting and fun to write. 🥵
I guess I have many favourites! 😅 But Michael and Victoria’s argument scenes definitely take the cake too because it was so interesting to write the characters’ personalities and emotional frustration/heartache forking out different and colliding with one another. I’m a sucker for some angst and arguing. 😩✋🏻
You read the fic everyday? 👉🏻🥺👈🏻 I write a oneshot for the fic everyday because we all truly can’t get enough!! 😅❤️ Ahh but thank you so much for the support and love, you’ve no idea how happy that makes me and I absolutely adore the fact that you love the fic just as much as I enjoy writing it! ☺️
Thank you for the ask, lovely!! 💞 Next oneshot coming very, very soon, I promise. ☺️
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