aligator-4508 ยท 7 days
I just realized I lost $49 playing some random Bingo game... Dammit! I'm a suck we r for Bingo! I thought I was playing with gems, not cash!!! And then when I went all Karen on the customer support to get my money back, they offered me $35 back. It's better than nothing, I suppose... we'll see in 5 days if it shows back up. I'm still waiting for three months' worth of $21.98 on a Hulu overcharge. It sucks being broke! Good thing my dad's springing for that mid to high range printer! Don't know what I'd do without him. He's my hero. A cross between Deadpool and Captain America. It's a cool story if anyone wants to hear it... he survived the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty!
If I tagged you, I consider you a friend on FC's discord! Some of the coolest people I've ever met! If I missed you, don't be hurt, I'm scatterbrained. Just remind me next time! Love ya!
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