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redfreesias03 · 5 years ago
Katsunda! (“Grab the Win!”)
“Since I’m so frustrated, I’ll just grab the win! Grab the win!  Like hell I’ll ever whine how ‘my life didn’t used to be like this’, I ain’t done yet!” 
OR: Even if your life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, it’s YOUR life and you decide how it ends.
konna ni KITTSUI shigoto shiten no ni 「wa~ kyuuryou    yatsu!」 a~ ore tte nani yatten darou
I’m bustin’ my tail at work and yet   “Ughhh, I get paid squat!” Man, what am I even doing?
hisabisa kanojo ni denwa kaketara 「e~ wakarete hoshii!?」 a~ ore da mon    sorya sou daro
When I call up my girlfriend for the first time in awhile– “What? You wanna break up with me!?” Ah, the problem is me, huh    Of course it is
kyou mo hitori    nigiyaka na TEREBI mite    asu mo hayai kara neyou nanda yo    nasake nee na    kono toshi ni natte    namida ga afurete ki yagatta
Once again, I’m all alone     watching some noisy TV again    Tomorrow I gotta get up early again, so I’ll go to bed¹ What the heck? I’m pathetic   To have the nerve to burst into tears at my age
kurushii nara katsunda    katsunda    ore no jinsei wa 「konna mon ja nakatta」 nado itte tamaru ka! madamada
Since I’m so frustrated, I’ll just Grab the win! Grab the win!  Like hell I’ll ever whine how “My life didn’t used to be like this”, I ain’t done yet!
katsunda    katsunda    amakanee keredo kusari kitta kono jidai nozomu tokoro da!
I’ll grab the win! Grab the win! It ain’t all sunshine and rainbows, but This rotten era  is exactly where I want to be!
WOW WOW HAPPY FOR THE LIFE x3   OH YEAH    ore no jinsei da!
naka ii AITSU wa kidzukeba ERIITO 「maji de MAIHOOMU!?」 a~ ore wa WAN RUUMU na no ni
By the time I notice it, my pals are already elites     “Seriously? You bought your own house!?” Man, and here I am, living in a one-room apartment
sorosoro oyakoukou shinakya dakedo 「wari~ nanimo dekinee」 a~ mou sukoshi naga ikishite kure
I’ve gotta start being a good son to my parents, but     “My bad, I ain’t good at nothing” Ah, just keep living a little longer, guys
itsu no hi ka ore mo shiawase ni nareta nara    subete no nayami wa kieru ka? oi! mate yo! chigau daro! ore no tatakai wa shinu made tsudzuiteiku ze!
If happiness just came my way as well one of these days, I wonder if all my problems would finally disappear? Hey, wait! That’s wrong! My battle continues until my last dying breath!
ikiru no nara katsunda    katsunda    ore no jinsei ni kitai shite nee yatsura wo mikaeshite yaru ze    mada mada
Since I’m alive, I’ll just Grab the win! Grab the win!  I’ll look back and laugh at those guys who Had no expectations for me in life, I ain’t done yet
katsunda    katsunda    amakanee keredo ichido kiri no kono jinsei makete tamaru ka!
I’ll grab the win! Grab the win! It ain’t all sunshine and rainbows, but You get one shot at life, like hell I’m giving up on mine!
WOW WOW HAPPY FOR THE LIFE x3   OH YEAH    ore no jinsei da!
kuyashii nara    ikiru no nara... katsunda    katsunda    ore no jinsei wa 「konna mon ja nakatta」 nado itte tamaru ka! madamada
Since I’m so frustrated    Since I’m alive... I’ll grab the win! Grab the win!  Like hell I’ll ever whine how “My life didn’t used to be like this”, I ain’t done yet
katsunda    katsunda    amakanee keredo kusari kitta kono jidai nozomu tokoro da!
I’ll grab the win! Grab the win! It ain’t all sunshine and rainbows, but This rotten era  is where I wanna be!
WOW WOW HAPPY FOR THE LIFE x3 OH YEAH    ore no jinsei da
WOW WOW HAPPY FOR THE LIFE x3 OH YEAH    ore no jinsei da x3
¹ Edit: I fixed this line thanks to help from this anon. :)
No real notes, but this was apparently the ending theme for the Yatterman cartoon, from the viewpoint of the constantly-losing villains (if you’re not a Yatterman fan, think like, Team Rocket), so that’s pretty cute.
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timeflieslikebanana · 7 years ago
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Kizuna fansub re-released Katsunda! 
but this time as a lovely Fudanjuku-through-the-ages type montage. Rediscover this classic, and see how much Fudanjuku has changed - and yet, has stayed the same ^-^
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tiarablackturquoise · 4 years ago
June 3, 2015 Katsunda WIN!
from The Shonen Club(NHK)
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redfreesias03 · 5 years ago
Katsunda anon here; your updated lyrics fixed a lot of the small things I was talking about, and I love it even more 😍 If you're looking for a nitpick though, 明日も早い means something more like "I gotta get up early again tomorrow" and for 仲良いあいつは気付けばエリート I think I'd write that as "Before I knew it, my pals'd already become elites" but really nothing drastically meaning-changing. Good job again!
Omg you're so nice, "I gotta get up early" totally changes the meaning
Thank you for the criticism, I've gone back and fixed it!
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redfreesias03 · 5 years ago
Hi! Found your blog after I saw a Fudanjuku tl you did. I wanted to translate Katsunda until I saw that it was already done. There were a few misinterpreted parts but they weren't major and I really loved the translation otherwise! Just wanted to let you know as a fellow translator how much I loved your writing style and the personality you put into it.
Ah, thank you for the kind words! There are a ton of songs with a lot of “personality” in them (see: every early Fudanjuku song by Hanawa ever), and I try my best not to lose that in the translation process, but I’m ridiculously bad at writing casual English, so I’m glad it got through.
I did Katsunda more than 6 years ago and even now I'm still really bad at "rough" speak so I'm not surprised there's a ton of mistakes in there. I've reuploaded a (hopefully?) better translation, but if you ever find you have the time, I'll always appreciate any corrections!
Also, feel absolutely free to translate anything I've ever done, partly because no one has a monopoly on lyrics outside of the actual original songwriters, but partly because I love seeing different translations to great songs out there. :)
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timeflieslikebanana · 7 years ago
FDJ 10th anniversary special event day tracklist
1部 : Otokozaka - The new song with the super long title
2部 (Uramasa’s pick) : Katsunda - Natsuyasumi - Kaze ikki - Onajidai
3部 (Kojiro’s pick) : TomoKimi - Be hero - ShunTora - ShitaMuki
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timeflieslikebanana · 8 years ago
Fudanjuku single songs
(PV, unless otherwise stated. In reverse chronological order.)
Akashi ~soulmate~ - short version / Full - subbed
Noir - teaser version / Perf - subbed
Tomodachi to yoberu kimi e / Subbed
Moshimo kore ga koi nara / Subbed
Shunkan tourai future / Subbed / Perf - Subbed
Be Hero / Subbed
Chenmen Paradise / Perf - subbed
Dansou revolution
Rikishi-man / Perf - subbed
Shita wo muite kaerou
Jinsei wahaha!
Ame tokidoki hare nochi niji / Subbed
Kaze ikki
Love Spider
Onaji jidai ni umareta wakamonotachi - short version / Perf - subbed
Muteki! Natsuyasumi - short version
Ore no sora
(More / More subbed)
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timeflieslikebanana · 8 years ago
タイアップ[編集] # 楽曲 タイアップ 
1 男坂 アニマックス「とっておきAニュース」9月エンディングテーマ シャープ製メディアタブレット端末「GALAPAGOS」Web CM // Otokozaka: Ending song of Animax “Totteoki A News” in September ; Used in the web ad for the computer tablet Galapagos by Sharp.
2 俺の空 アニマックス「とっておきAニュース」3月エンディングテーマ 東京MXテレビ「G-station」3月エンディングテーマ // Ore no sora :  Ending song of Animax “Totteoki A News” in March ;  Ending song of Tokyo MX TV “G-station” in September
3 七常の腐器 BSフジ「カンニングのDAI安吉日」3月エンディングテーマ // Chijou no buki :  Ending song of BS Fuji “Cunning no DAIankichijitsu” in March
4 勝つんだ! テレビアニメ『ヤッターマン』エンディングテーマ // Katsunda! : Ending song of famous TV Anime “Yatterman”
5 キミのものがたり フジテレビ系「奇跡体験!アンビリーバボー」エンディングテーマ // Kimi no monogatari : Ending song of Fuji TV “Kiseki taiken! Unbelievable”
6 絆 スザンヌ主演映画「いぬばか」の主題歌 // Kizuna : Theme song of the movie “Inubaka” starring Suzanne.
7 ヲタキスト 東京MXテレビ「G-station2」11月エンディングテーマ // Wotakist :  Ending song of Tokyo MX TV “G-station2” in November
8 雨ときどき晴れのち虹 テレビアニメ『銀河へキックオフ!!』エンディングテーマ(#1 - #24,#39) // Ame tokidoki hare nochi niji : Ending song of TV Anime “Ginga e Kick-off” (ep.1 to 24, 39)
9 せーのでドンマイ! 日本テレビ系「誰だって波瀾爆笑」エンディングテーマ // Se-no de Don’t mind! : Ending song for NihonTV “ EVERYBODY Haran Bakushow”
10 人生わははっ! テレビアニメ『銀河へキックオフ!!』エンディングテーマ(#25 - #38) // Jinsei wahaha! : Ending song of TV Anime “Ginga e Kick-off” (ep.25 to 38)
11 下を向いて帰ろう 日本テレビ系「徳井と後藤と麗しのSHELLYが今夜くら��てみました」5月エンディングテーマ // Shita wo muite kaerou : Ending song for NihonTV “Tokui to Gotou to Uruwashi no Shelly ga konya kurabetemimashita” in May
12 RIKISHI-MAN 日本相撲協会公認ソング // Rikishi-man : official song of the Japan national sumo association
13 チェンメン天国(パラダイス) 千葉テレビ「ONGAX」オープニングテーマ // Chenmen paradise : Opening song of ChibaTV “ONGAX” 
14 僕らの歩く道 日本テレビ系「誰だって波瀾爆笑」エンディングテーマ // Bokura no arukumichi : Ending song for NihonTV “ EVERYBODY Haran Bakushow”
15 BE HERO スマホゲーム「サウザンドメモリーズ」公式タイアップソング // Be Hero : Official tie-up song for the smartphone game “Thousand memories”
16 もしも これが恋なら フジテレビ系「志村座」9月エンディングテーマ CBCラジオ「いっしょに歌お!CBCラジオ〜今月のキャンペーンソング〜(10月度)」 // Moshimo kore ga Koi nara : Ending song for Fuji TV “Shimuraza” in September ; October campaign song for CBC Radio “Issho ni Utau!”
17 友達と呼べる君へ テレビ朝日系「musicるTV」2月オープニングテーマ // Tomodachi to yoberu kimi e ; Opening song for TVAsahi “musicru TV” in February
18 STARTING STAR! 日本テレビ系「誰だって波瀾爆笑」エンディングテーマ // Starting star!:  Ending song for NihonTV “ EVERYBODY Haran Bakushow”
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