#Katebishopshands requests
katebishopshands · 5 months
A Kate Bishop with a fem reader based on the song Red wine supernova by Chappell Roan
If Chappell Roan has no fans, I’m dead omg
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You’re not one for clubs. They’re hot, sweaty and too loud most of the time. You’re not one for clubs, until a pretty stranger catches your eye from across the dance floor.
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You watch a bead of condensation roll down the mirror in the bathroom as you check your makeup. The mirror is cracked and stains surround the corners, you shudder not even wanting to know what could’ve caused them. Years of sweat, alcohol and probably bodily fluids caked onto it.
Some loud music reverberates against the walls of the tiny bathroom. Sweat rolls down the back of your knees and pools into the leg of your boot. It’s too damn hot in this bathroom. It’s actually too damn hot in the entire club, but your roommates had insisted on taking you out as a graduation present.
Months of locking yourself into your room to study for hours on end had paid off in a mediocre accomplishment of a diploma. A diploma you didn’t even have yet, as it had to be ordered AFTER you walked the stage. Your roommates were right of course, you did need to get out.
A girl behind you gives a huff of annoyance as you look at yourself once more in the mirror before taking a deep breath. You shove your way out of the cramped bathroom, accidentally bumping into a few girls in the out the door bathroom line as you exited. You’re pulling at the right skirt you wore. The heat of the club making your thighs sweat and stick to the tiny piece of clothing. You’re grabbing your hair and holding it off your neck in a makeshift ponytail as you snake your way through the crowd, attempting to find Yelena.
She was the one who had pushed you to go out, so she was the one who had to deal with your complaints. The blonde is leaned up against the bar, making conversation with a girl you’ve never seen before. She’s confident and cool, some drink that didn’t look appetizing sat in her hand. You’re able to make your way to her.
“It’s too fucking hot in here” you whine, hand still holding your hair up. Yelena rolls her eyes and casually places her drink against the back of your neck. The cool feeling of the glass makes you jump. You can feel the water droplets roll off the glass and down your back.
“Better?” She looks at you, still holding her glass to the back of your neck. You nod.
“Where’d everyone else go?” You question her. Yelena shrugs and takes the drink away from you.
“Who knows, there’s so many people here” she turns to you . She’s in high waisted black trousers, a simple cropped white tank top on top. She’s braless. You’re honestly surprised she hasn’t been scooped up by someone at this point.
You cross your arms and look out at the dance floor. It’s packed. People soup as your camp counselor from 10 years ago would’ve called it. People are pressed into each other, swaying and moving to the music. The wine you had pregamed with sits at the bottom of your belly, a pleasant buzz coursing through your limbs.
“You seem stressed” she furrows her brows at you.
You shrug again. Honestly you kinda are. You haven’t been out in months, it’s almost like you had forgotten how to party. To have a halfway decent time you’d need more alcohol in your system.
Yelena reads your mind, she flashes two fingers at the bar tender who gives her a nod. A few seconds later she’s sliding a shot glass over to you. It’s filled with a clear liquid, which means it could realistically be two things. Vodka or tequila.
“Are you trying to get me fucked up?” You laugh at her as you take the shot glass. She gives you a chuckle and bows her head.
“No, I’m telling you to loosen up.” She holds up her glass to you as a way to beckon you to take the shot. You groan, throwing your head back but raising your glass anyway. Yelena forcefully clinks your glasses together and sends her shot back smoothly. She chases it with the drink she had been nursing when you got there.
You grimace as the shot hits the back of your throat. It’s vodka. Knowing Yelena it wasn’t surprising she ordered shots of vodka. The shot goes down your throat and you’re left sputtering. Curling forward, you cough uncontrollably. Tears fall from the corners of your eyes. Yelena pats your back, muttering something in Russian that you can’t quite put your finger on.
It’s as your standing up that someone catches your eye. She’s the definition of tall, dark and mysterious staring at you from across the dance floor. You nearly choke again.
black jeans, a dark purple cropped tshirt and a pair of scuffed up doc martins on her feet. Long dark curls fall to probably her mid back. You can see a plethora of silver rings on her fingers as she sips on a pink drink that looks more appealing that whatever Yelena had. It’s almost as if the vodka took effect instantly in that moment.
The girl raises her drink to her mouth and waves her eyebrows at you, making eye contact. You cough. Yelena responds with a harsh slap to the center of your back. You’re pretty sure the girl laughs at you and rolls her eyes before she turns on her heels and fades back into the crowd. Heart pounding, palms quickly collecting sweat, you turn back to the bar.
“Two more!” You yell at the bartender over the pounding music throughout the club. Yelena gives you a glance as you slam your shot glass onto the bar, sliding it back to the bartender as she slides you two more shots.
“What’s gotten into you??” Yelena says with a grin before she takes her own shot and throws it back. You swallow. Eyes falling to the faded bar and then flicking back up to Yelena’s green ones. Her brows are furrowed, she cocks an eyebrow at you expectantly.
“I think I just saw the hottest girl I’ve seen in my life.” You throw your shot back. The alcohol burns down your throat and into the pit of your stomach. Your joints grow warm and fuzzy as a result. You hiss at the leftover feeling in your mouth.
“Well I’m very flattered, but you see me every day” Yelena can’t contain her own laughter. She laughs her way through her shitty joke. You groan and roll your eyes as you turn back to face the mass of people, attempting to find mystery girl in the sea of faces.
“Shut the fuck up”
“What? I thought it was funny! I’m a very funny person!” She hits your shoulder lightly, trying to rope you in on her antics. Yelena continues laughing.
“I hate you.” You shove her a little, not taking your eyes off the crowd.
“No you don’t, that’s literally impossible” Yelena shoves you back. You stumble a little bit to the side. Your boots being a little too tall for you after downing two shots that quickly back to back. You’re attempting to get a grip of yourself and find your footing against the bar. You weren’t drunk, but you were sure to the average outsider, the way you were flailing made you look absolutely wasted.
A body stopped your tumble. But not before you felt the splash of a drink down your bare arm and onto the tube top you wore.
“Fuck I am SO sorry. My friend pushed me and I couldn’t really stop myself, I’ll uh, buy you a new on-“ as you’re wiping the drink off of your arm, you fail to look at who exactly had stopped your fall. Too preoccupied with rambling out every excuse you could come up with ,so whoever you did run into wouldn’t be too mad at you and you wouldn’t end the night prematurely with a bar fight.
“No no it’s all good!” The person cuts you off. You let out a sigh of relief as you look up to them. And almost as soon as the air had left your body, it got sucked back in.
Standing infront of you was Tall, Dark and Mysterious. She gives you a smile. The corners of her eyes crinkle as her cheeks cover a bit of her eyes. Her teeth are perfectly white and straight. You weren’t exactly sure how she was a real person standing in-front of you. Somehow she had managed to evade your gaze because she was actually sneaking her way up to the bar. And you just had to make the most embarrassing second impression on her, after an already horrific first one.
You’re dumbfounded. Heat rising to your cheeks you scramble to find the words to explain yourself. Somehow this girl had seen two incredibly embarrassing moments for you in the span of ten minutes. That had to be a new record.
“God I am so sorry” you apologize again, all other words failing you. Tall, Dark and Mysterious shakes her head.
“No really, it’s all good” she rushes to set her now empty glass down on the bar, awkwardly the remnants of her drink off of her hand and onto her jeans. She reaches it out to you in a handshake.
“I’m Kate” another 100 watt smile. Your knees feel like jello. A bead of sweat drips between your shoulder blades and down your back. You’re blanking. Forgetting your name. Did you even remember how to speak?
You somehow managed to give her your name, meekly shaking her hand. Both of your hands are sticky from Kate’s drink. The skin catching on each other when you release your grip. It’s awkward. This whole thing is incredibly awkward. You mentally curse at yourself, having blown it with the hottest girl you’ve ever encountered.
“Pretty name” she smiles again at you. You’re able to return it this time.
“Honestly though, it should be me apologizing,” Kate starts. Her eyes drift down to your top. “ my drink totally stained your top” . You follow Kate’s gaze, and sure enough there’s a pink hued stain down the left side of your shirt.
“Oh no it’s all good!” You lie. It is in fact not all good, you loved that shirt, but anything to make yourself seem like any less of a hot mess than Kate probably already thought you were. You were ready to leave. Ready to turn on the heels of your platform boots, grab Yelena and leave the suffocatingly hot bar and never return.
Kate bites her lip a bit, clearly in thought. She drums her fingers on the bar for a moment and then stops suddenly, as if a lightbulb went off in her head.
“How about I buy you a drink as a way to break even?” Her eyebrows upturn in the center, looking at you hopefully while your response brews.
“God I could never accept, I literally spilled the rest of yours, let me pay” you rebutted with her. Kate looks sheepishly at the floor. You’re able to see a faint blush across her cheeks in the dim lighting.
“Okay well, I have a confession” your heart skips a beat.
“I actually was over here because I wanted to ask to buy you a drink, but I guess the plan didn’t really go accordingly. So here we are now” she bites at her nails.
Turns out that Tall, Dark and Mysterious isn’t really that. She’s actually kinda awkward and dorky.
“You wanted to buy me, a drink?”
Kate nods.
“Even though you watched me choke on a shot from across the dance floor?” You wrinkle your nose as you brace for impact. But Kate only nods again.
“Honestly, I don’t blame you, I’m shit at shots too!” Kate yells over the music. You laugh a little and take a step towards her , not wanting to have to continue yelling over the music to chat.
“My uh, roommate got us vodka shots…they’re not exactly my favorite.” Kate nods in agreement .
“I’m more of a fireball girl myself” Kate says casually as she raises her hand to grab the bartenders attention.
“Me too!!” You give a little jump in excitment. She quirks an eyebrow at you as she orders two of whatever that pink drink she had earlier.
“A woman of taste I see” she smiles at you.
There’s something ridiculously charming about this girl. You’ve been talking for a few minutes at most but you’re already planning your future with her. You can see it now, some cute apartment with thrifted furniture, a killer vinyl collection. It’d be perfect.
Kate handing you a drink brings you out of your head. The clubs music shakes your eardrums, Kate’s very presence makes you sweat with nerves.
“To something that’s not a shot of vodka” she raises her glass. You take yours and clink them together.
“To having to tide pen my shirt in the morning!” You lock eyes with her as you both take a sit of your drink. You were right when you first saw it in her hand. It was better than whatever Yelena had been drinking.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Kate talks, a lot. And somehow, she manages to keep you engaged the entire time. You’re standing closer than you had been when she ordered your first round of drinks, your chests nearly touching.
“Y’know , if I didn’t know any better I’d say you do this kind of thing often.” You bat your lashes as you take a sip of your drink. Kate smirks at you, her arms slowly making their way around your waist.
“And I would be lying if I said I didn’t.” She makes a face , one that you don’t know if it’s pride or embarrassment.
“Oh so you’re a playboy” both hands are on your glass as you hold it gently nearly your face, hips pressed against Kate’s as you look up at her. You half joking half being honest as you make your remark.
“Something like that..it kinda comes with my job” she’s a little cocky with her comment, a smirk finding its way into her plump lips.
“And what exactly is your job?” You finish off your drink before setting it on the dingy bar. Kate lowers her head, aligning her mouth with your ear.
“Would you believe me if I told you thank I’m kinda an Avenger?” You can’t help but snort. Throwing your head back with laughter you put a hand on Kate’s shoulder and gently push her away. She sighs a bit in annoyance.
“Oh really?”
“Yes really!”
“Well how come I’ve never seen you on the news before?” You tilt your head, playfully jesting at the dark haired girl infront of you. The alcohol coursed through your veins, making you feel more confident than before. Maybe you were actually starting to enjoy the club.
Groups of people passed by where the two of you stood. You stayed put. You honestly had no clue how long you had been standing there talking to Kate
Kate puts her hands on her hips
"I'm kinda in training right now" she sounds embarrassed, avoiding eye contact with you. Kate shuffles back and forth on her feet a few times.
You nod your head a few times dramatically. "And girls believe that?" You ask skeptically.
"Well uh..yeah..normally they what to come home with me after I tell them that" she fiddles with the rings on her fingers," oh my god that made me sound like such an asshole" Kate curses to herself.
Her blue eyes search your face for some sort of disapproval. You raise your eyebrows in fake shock
"Wow, Kate I thought better of you, who said I was trying to go home with you?" Hands on your his you plant a foot behind you, and lean back. You give Kate a once over with a disapproving look.
You give Kate a once over with a disapproving look. "I just wanna get to know you"
"I know, I'm so sorry that was such a stupid thing of me to say.." she turns to the bar and puts her head in her hands, aggressively rubbing her eyes as if it would make her forget the stupid thing she said. "it's just, I'm a little drunk and I really like you and I just-"
"Do you want to come over?" Kate looks up, hopeful.
“Really?” You nod at her. Warmth spreading across your cheeks, you weren’t sure if it was from the alcohol or your bold move.
“Are you sure? Because I can totally accept this as a total failure of wooing a pretty girl and leave” she bounces back and forth on her feet as she plays nervously with her rings.
“I’m sure” a smile makes it way across your face, and then one appears onto Kate’s. You grab her hand, beginning to lead her out of the bar. Your eyes search the crowd for Yelena, wanting to tell her that you’re headed out and have company coming home with you.
After failing so you pull your phone out from your bra, the screen dragging against your skin.
Have a hot date so I’m dipping, pls don’t come home anytime soon. And keep the others out as long as possible!
You hit send as Kate scoots In front of you to open the door. The sole of your boot scuffs on the mat infront of the door, you stumble forward, into Kate, again.
“ again?” Her hands are on your lower back. You bite your lip at her, head a bit fuzzy with the drinks you had.
“Whoops?” You chuckle out as Kate stands you upright. She shakes her head at you and grabs your hand again. You phone buzzes.
Atta girl,I’ll knock three times really loudly when I come home ;)
Yelenas response makes you giggle a little . The air outside of the club is refreshing as you walk with Late towards your apartment. The lack of loud noise and hustle and bustle around you lets you actually admire how incredibly unreal Kate is.
She’s tall, you can tell she’s all lean muscle under her clothes by the way her biceps flex a bit when she talks with her hands. Every time her arms raise you’re able to get a glimpse of the abs that lay under her shirt.
Long black hair, a sprinkle of beauty marks across her face. With thick lashes and plump lips you’re curious as to how she could ever fight a villain with a face like that. That is if she was telling the truth about being an Avenger. If you had to fight her you’d struggle to not fall in love at first sight. She glows under the streetlights on your walk home.
She holds your hand the entire walk home. Telling you weird niche things about her. She has a dog, she went to an all girls school, she does archery. You stop at your building, but she keeps rambling.
“-and then I fell off the building, but these Christmas lights caught me so I was okay but I really thou-“
“Katie..” your back is against the door to your building. Kate closes her mouth, looking at you with big blue eyes. Her cheeks are pink from the alcohol. She swallows nervously.
“…yeah?” You watch as her breathing quickens. Her fingers wiggle at her sides, like she was unsure where to put her hands. You lean forward, grabbing both her hands. She flushes a deeper shade of pink.
You decide in that moment, it’s fun to watch Kate squirm.
Through half lidded eyes, you look at her. She’s standing stiffly, clearly not sure how to react to you. You lean close to her, letting your nose bump hers.
“Can I kiss you?” You ghost over her lips. For someone who was once flexing about how easily she can pick up girls, she sure is eating her words now.
“Yes please” she whispers while nodding her head furiously. You smile a little before crashing your mouth against hers. Kate gasps into you before planting her hands on your hips.
Her lips are slightly chapped from the walk home. Kate’s hands press the two of you closer, hip bones banging against the other as she tilts her head to deepen the kiss. You hands rest on her cheeks.
Kate pulls away first. Her pupils are blown, a thin sliver of blue ringing them. A flame had been ignited inside of her. She’s panting, as are you.
“Wanna go inside?” Kate nods again. You grin at her as you insert your key fob into the building.
You could’ve sworn she was chasing you up the stairs as you made your way to your unit. Kate stands behind you as you unlock the door, you could feel the heat radiating off of her body. 
Before you’re even done shutting the door, Kate is on top of you. Pressing your back against the door and forcibly closing it. The door slams behind you as Kate connects your lips again, hungrily nipping at your lips. The cool wood of your door presses against the exposed skin of your back. The alcohol you had drank clouds your mind, leaving you unable to focus on more than one thing.
You have to choose.
You have to choose between the taste of Kate on your lips or the door handle pressing into your back. You choose Kate.
She’s grabbing at your hips, drawing you into her. You let her manhandle you for a moment. Fingertips pressing into the material of your metallic skirt. The sound of them against the material interrupts the smacking noises coming from your mouths.
“I’ve got a surprise” you whisper against Kate’s mouth, a smile creeping across yours. Her warm breath fans across your face as she leans back to catch her breath. Your stomach drops when you make eye contact with her.
“And that is?” She presses a kiss to your mouth. A kiss to your cheek and then to your jaw. She sucks at your neck, letting her teeth graze over it. She punctuates her actions with a bite, a period to the end of her sentence. You gasp into her as she soothes the forming bruise with her tongue.
“What if I told you I’ve got a California king bed in this apartment?” You chuckle out. Kate pulls away from your neck as she skeptically looks at you.
“Do you now?” You nod. You playfully skip over to the entrance that leads to the hallway, stretching your arms out to either side of the entryway to block Kate from going any further. She follows your lead.
“That is..if a California king bed is also known as a twin mattress with a shitty second hand bed frame” Kate is all smiles as she kisses you again. You melt into her with a hand against her cheek.
“That’s even better” she giggles against your lips.
Your hands are up her shirt. She’s got no bra on. You thought this whole thing couldn’t have gotten better until then. You knead at her, eagerly grabbing at a nipple. Kate whines into your mouth before she’s scrambling to get out of her tshirt. You help her, pulling the shirt over her head and throwing it on the ground before reconnecting your mouths.
You lead Kate towards your room as she awkwardly kicks off her shoes, leaving them in her wake. You’re up against your door when you stop her. You’re standing there in your knee high boots and mini skirt while Kate is half dressed in your hallway.
“Oh and I also have roommates” you sheepishly smile at her. Kate eyes dart to the trail of clothing she had been leaving.
“Don’t worry, they’re cool” you add to reassure her. Kate doesn’t care as she’s back on you in a second. Her hand reaches for your doorknob and you both stumble into your room. You’re unzipping your boots, stepping down as you leave them where you got out of them.
Kate chases you, high just on your kisses. She kicks the door closed with her foot. The sound of the door slamming shakes the foundation of the apartment. You were thankful that your roommates were still out drinking, or else you’d never hear the end of it.
She’s down on her knees, bringing your skirt with her. You watch as it pools around your ankles, but Kate is in your way of seeing it fully. Staring up at you, blue eyes wide, face flushed. Her lips are slightly parted as she pants with anticipation .
“Jesus Christ…” you mutter.
Two fingers under her chin as you guide her up, Kate obeys. So eager and willing to do whatever you will her to. She stands fully, a little taller than you now without your boots. Her fingers flick at her sides as you grab at her pants button. She says nothing.
Her tongue darts out to wet her lips as you slowly drag her zipper down. Each drag of the zipper being painful too slow for Kate’s liking. You gently guild them down her long, pale legs.
It was your turn to salivate now. Her thighs were toned, a few bruises scattered across them. You assumed they were from her “hero business”. You still didn’t know if you believed that she was an avenger in training, but it was easier to believe that than swallow that she had lied to get in your pants.
Batting your eyelashes at her, you force her to step forward and out of her pants. She gingerly places her hands on your hips. A girl who was manhandling you a mere five minutes ago, now so scared to touch you in fear that she’d break you.
Wrapping your own fingers around hers, you guide her to the edge of your alcohol stained tube top. Her thumbs rub soothing circles into your rib cage. Her fingertips sneak under the material, pinching it between her thumb and her pointer finger. She gives a gentle tug upwards, and then another.
On the third tug the top is over your head and thrown behind Kate. She makes eye contact with your chest and her breath hitches. The pink lighting of your room makes her oncoming blush glow a deeper, more rich shade of pink.
She’s on top of you again, suffocating your whines with her tongue. Kate gives you whiplash. One minute so demure and unsure, the next she’s showing you exactly what she needs.
It excites you.
Kate’s hands are on your hips as she attacks your neck, gently guiding you back towards your bed. The backs of your bare thighs hit the mattress, Kate doesn’t budge from your neck. She’s nipping and sucking at the soft skin, inhaling the perfume you had put on prior to going out. Your hands reach for the base of her hair and tug on the soft strands.
Kate moans in pleasure as you do so. Her canines connect with your neck. You whine, only tugging Kate’s hair harder. She groans into your neck as she soothes the bite with her tongue.
“Oh so you’re a little freak?” You pant out with Kate’s face still shoved into your neck.
“I guess you could say that” she giggles out, gently biting at your neck again. You laugh at her as you’re able to flip your positions. Kate’s knees up against your bed, your arms over her shoulders.
You meet her baby blues. Rimmed with thick lashes, a freckle placed perfectly under her right eye. Her face is flushed, her chest heaves. Her demeanor shifts again as her knees buckle. You’re falling with her as she lands atop the white comforter. You kiss her again, a little slower than prior.
“Do you like magic?” You pull away. Kate blinks at you a few times.
“Do you like magic?” You repeat plainly again. Kate ponders your question for a moment, jutting her lip out a bit.
“Uh sure?” She answers, still unsure of what exactly you were getting at. You grin down at her as you reach for your bedside table.
“Because I’ve got a wand..” you produce a vibrator from the drawer. Kate’s eyes light up. “…and a rabbit”
A second vibrator is produced. Her eyes go even bigger. You lean down to kiss her again, switching on the first vibe to the lowest setting.
Kate plays with the hair that goes down your back while you kiss her. She makes soft whines into your mouth. She’s actually so cute. She gasps into you as you touch the vibrator to Kate’s covered cunt. She jolts upwards, a moan dying in her throat.
“Shhhh” you shush her as you turn it up another notch. Kate swallows and nods, all words drying up before she could say anything. Instead she opts to kiss you again. You oblige her, reveling in the feeling of her blunt nails on your back.
You dig the vibrator into her clothed clit. She hisses a bit but eventually begins to rock her hips back and forth in an attempt to gain friction against the vibrator in your hands.
She’s surprisingly obedient. When you had first met her you were sure that confidence of hers would ooze into the bedroom but now you weren’t so sure. She doesn’t ask you for anything more, just politely takes what you give her in the moment.
Kate’s breathing hitches suddenly and her hips stutter as she finishes against the vibrator. Her head slumps into the space between your neck and your shoulder while she starts to catch her breath.
Apparently all your teasing had riled up the girl enough that she came that fast. You rub her bare back as she comes down. Switching off the vibe you toss it behind you.
Kate begins to bring her head up to look at you. She said nothing. Her dash is flushed and you’re able to click a few beads of sweat dripping down the sides of her pretty face.
She seizes your head, colliding your lips again as she manhandles you onto your bed. She lets you scoot your head up to your pillow as she pulls her underwear off. She then goes for yours.
Kate hooks her thumbs under your waistband and tugs. You heard a slight rip.
“Sorry..” she mutters as she leans over you. Her words fan over your hot face as she pulls your underwear down the rest of your body. You give a pleased moan as the cool air of your room hits your pussy. You shuddered under Kate.
Calloused fingers graze your ankle and she gently guides it upwards, causing your leg to bend at the knee. You swallow hard, maintaining eye contact with her. Her confidence oozes from her.
Once again, the duality of this girl shocked you.
Kate begins to slot herself against you. You can feel the heat radiating off of their center. It makes you salivate.
“Wait” you pant out. Kate hovers above you.
“Yes?” Her face is close to yours again. How could a girl that was whimpering into your neck five minutes ago be this intimidating now.
“Are you..” you pause realizing how stupid this actually sounded in the moment. Kate quirks a thick eyebrow at you. “Are you actually an avenger?”
She laughs, fully, then nods.
“I promise you I am… why?” She looks at you skeptically. You shy away from her avoiding her eyes. You look everywhere. The pretty shade of dark pink her nipples are. The beauty marks that work their way down her toned torso. The way her bicep twitches with impatience.
“I just want to get to know you” you look at her finally. She smiles at you, delivering a tender kiss to your forehead.
Kate lets herself sink down onto you after that. You both moan at the contact. You can feel how wet she was from her earlier orgasm. You pulse around nothing and Kate gives another whine as she begins to rock into you.
Where you both connect makes loud noises, but you wouldn’t be able to hear it over the noises that you were making. Kate on top of you feels amazing to say the least. She plants her rough hands on your tits, using them as anchors as she ruts herself against you.
“Want me to fuck you?” She whines out. You’re not sure if it’s for her own sake or yours, but you nod frantically. Eyes rolling into the back of your skull as she works harder. She gives a squeeze to your breast, eliciting another moan from you.
Kate’s clit bumps against yours . She’s sucking air through her teeth and the hot contact. You pulsate at the sound.
“Fuck I felt that” Kate picks up her speed. You can feel yourself getting wetter as she continues to work at you. Your slick getting all over your thighs and Kate’s, and dripping onto the sheets of your bed.
You’re able to hear the squeaking of your mattress as Kate basically bounces in your pussy. You thrust up into her in an attempt to chase your high.
It only makes the sound of the mattress more obnoxious. But between the combined sound of Kate humping into you like a dog in heat and the noises leaving both of your mouths, it was the least obnoxious sound in the room at the time.
Kate leans down and kisses on your neck. Sucking and biting little marks that you would for sure regret in the morning. You grab at the curls at the back of her head. She whines into your neck again .
She alternates her pace, one hand keeping your knee propped up, the other supporting her own weight over you. One thrust slow and sensual, the other hard and fast. Kate drives you crazy you’ve decided.
You stomach grows warm, the familiar feeling of an orgasm.
“Gonna cum” you pant out. Kate kisses up your neck, working her way up to your mouth.
“Hold out for me, just a couple seconds”
You nod at her as she grinds her own cunt into yours . Kate moans into your mouth as she chases her own high. You’re not sure if you can wait for her any longer. Your coil is about to snap and there’s absolutely no way to save it.
“Kate..” you whine to her. She just nods at you, brows furrowed as she collideds her pussy into you, clits angrily squishing into each other.
You’re crossing the finishing line, as is she. She kisses you one more time as you finish. Attempting to swallow your noises.
Your hair is sticky with sweat, as is Kate who lays on top of you. Her toned body lays limp on top of yours as you catch your breath. You can feel the familiar feeling of release between your legs.
Maybe you needed to spill people’s drinks more often.
Kate rubs her fingers against your sides as you rub her back, gently moving the dark curls off of it to cool her off.
“I’m burnt out..” she mutters, soft cheek pressed against your chest. You laugh a little. Kate bounces with your laughter.
“So am I but..” you trail off. Kate props her head up to meet your eyes.
“Round two?” You raise your eyebrows at her. She rolls her eyes at you.
“Give me a few to recharge.” She lets her head drop again. You both lay there in comfortable silence.Kate tracing circles on your skin, you trying to find the most perfect curl in her hair.
You can tell when Kate has “recharged” once she starts kissing on your shoulder, to your neck, to your chin, to your lips. You cup her face in your hands as you sit up, deepening the kiss. You bite at her lip playfully, Kate groans. Just as you think Kate is about to slide down your body to eat you out, a noise stops your ministrations.
The front door of your apartment slams loudly.
Your roommates are home.
・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆ ・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚
I loved this so much. I love Chappell. I love Kate Bishop. I love combining them.
I know it’s a little long for a request fic but what can you do when it’s Kate AND Chappell Yknow ? ✨
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katebishopshands · 6 months
Headers for the two request fics I’m working on rn 😈😈
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katebishopshands · 4 months
if you’re under 18 you probs shouldn’t be on my page babes 💖
Request guidelines:
NO incest, selfcest, stepfamily tropes, anything non con, extreme kinks (ddlg, pet play,etc) abuse of any sort, underage ANYTHING, Omegaverse When requesting please give me a broad overview of your idea, I am less likely to choose lengthy fix ideas as I feel like it gives me less creative freedom!! I also want to remind Yall that I physically cannot get to/will be interested in every prompt I receive so hang tight !!
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katebishopshands · 4 months
I loved the Chappell Roan fic, thank you for accepting it 🩷
Of course babes!!
I LOVED writing it. Honestly Chappell is A LOT of my inspiration when it comes to establishing the vibes of my fics. Like it’s always a good chance that my work is inspired by Chappell, Taylor Swift or Sabrina Carpenter in some way or another ✨
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