#Karolina all your asks are SO good thank you for asking about the blorbos <3
etoilebinaire · 2 years
that's not to derail you and Taylor from Zevran gushing bc he's great and you should say it, but, out of curiosity, how would Taylor/Leliana work? would her being a human lessen her chances in Taylor's eyes? 👀
Listen I think Taylor and Zevran are great together I do but I also realize that Taylor could have matched with anyone. The thing about Taylors fear of humans is.. it’s all subconscious. She doesn’t realize that she is more hesitant around humans at first. It also gets a lot better during her adventuring in DA:O, when she’s not in the alienage and any interaction with humans is either with guards or when she’s sneaking around Denerim. So that, and Leliana has really great dialogue about her realizing her own biases against elves, and her realizing she has to change that. Taylor definitely appreciates that. So Leliana starts flirting with the warden by complimenting their hair. Which.. for Taylor.. who has been shaving her head since she was 17.. was a bit odd. But I don’t think she would have understood any kind of flirting. First of all because Taylor is oblivious to romantic intentions. Second of all because she would be like “but we’re girls” (I cringed writing that Taylor would NOT handle that smoothly and would be unintentionally homophobic oh no). Taylor means well but she has never explored her own identity outside of “I need to marry a husband because it is expected of me and all examples of unmarried women I see in the alienage are Not Happy and I’m already making it difficult for my dad to find someone who is willing to marry me” and would NOT compute being challenged in her sexuality, however gentle. That was very fun while meeting Isabela. BUT after a small crisis, if Leliana wasn’t put off by Taylor being so freaked out.. They would be so cute. They would probably take it sweet and slow and Taylor would use any courting technique she’s ever heard about. Whereas she’s very giggly with Zev, with Leli she’d just be blushing all the time. And the singing!! Match a bard with a theatre kid and you get Leliana/Taylor. They’d be humming all day. Spontaneous duets all around. Taylor is someone who is just instinctively kind and no matter how difficult it could be, it wouldn’t even occur to her that an unkinder alternative could exist. I think Leliana deserves someone like that in her life, honestly.
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