#Kardashev Scale types
diginp2020 · 3 months
Why Haven't We Found Aliens Yet? Exploring Advanced Civilizations on the Kardashev Scale
Have you ever wondered why we still haven’t found aliens? It might not be because they are fiction, but because they move too fast for us to detect. They could have already advanced to a Type 7 civilization, making them invisible to the human eye even as they travel between universes. Professor Robin Hanson believes that if extraterrestrial life has mastered the skill of moving at the speed of…
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gorez · 5 months
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Planets of the solar sistem as rings
Credit: Astrodeum
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mysticstronomy · 23 days
Wednesday, August 28th, 2024.
Welcome back,
What might we find: little green men or microbes? How might we find them: radio waves or strange chemicals in the planet's atmosphere? Something no one has even thought of yet?
Over the decades, scientists considering the possibility of life beyond Earth have pondered what such life might look like, how humans might be able to identify it from afar — and whether communication between the two worlds might be possible.
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That thinking has included developing classification systems ready to fill with aliens. One such system is called the Kardashev scale, after the Soviet astronomer who proposed it in 1964, and evaluates alien civilizations based on the energy they can harness.
The Kardashev scale is a classification system for hypothetical extraterrestrial civilizations. The scale includes three categories based on how much energy a civilization is using.
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Kardashev describes type I as a "technological level close to the level presently attained on the Earth," type II as "a civilization capable of harnessing the energy radiated by its own star" and type III as "a civilization in possession of energy on the scale of its own galaxy."
Each type also includes a numerical cut-off for the energy involved, but those weren't arbitrary cut-offs. "He used things that are easy to visualize," Valentin Ivanov, an astronomer at the European Southern Observatory who has built on Kardashev's work, told Space.com.
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"I'm almost tempted to say it's a publicity stunt, these comparisons that he uses to make it easier for people to understand."
Kardashev's scale is included in a five-page paper published in 1964 and called "Transmission of information by extraterrestrial civilizations." (The paper was originally published in Russian, but an English translation was published the same year.)
Although the scale is what caught people's imaginations, "Transmission of information by extraterrestrial civilizations" focuses on calculating how powerful a light signal from any point of the universe would need to be for radio scientists at the time to detect it.
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This value is also the numerical cut-off for the energy use of a type II civilization.
Nikolai Kardashev was a Soviet and Russian astrophysicist who died in 2019. Kardashev was roughly contemporary with early search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) leaders like Frank Drake, who published his famous equation three years before Kardashev's paper; Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison, who predicted what an extraterrestrial signal might look like; and Freeman Dyson, who pondered ways alien civilizations could surpass the limits of a planet.
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In addition to his scale, Kardashev developed a technique called very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI), which uses a global network of radio dishes as one radio telescope the size of Earth. Perhaps most famously, VLBI is used by the Event Horizon Telescope to observe black holes, including producing the first ever black hole image, published in 2019.
Kardashev also proposed supplementing Earth-based network VLBI observatories with space-based telescopes to increase its observing power even more. He advocated for the Russian mission RadioAstron, which launched in 2011, to do just this sort of work, according to a review of VLBI developments.
Originally published on https://www.space.com
(Saturday, August 31st, 2024)
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mckitterick · 9 days
Neither Elon Musk Nor Anybody Else Will Ever Colonize Mars
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"In a saner society, a rich guy with Musk's well-known and unapologetically expounded views would sooner find himself under a guillotine than atop a space agency with the power to dragoon the world's resources into his k-hole John Galt cosplay.
"The certainty that he will never make another planet habitable is no comfort to the rest of us, when in the act of trying he may do the opposite to this one. The doomsday scenario is coming from inside the house. I hope he dies on Mars."
my only quibbles: don't penguins reproduce in Antarctica? so do a number of aquatic creatures living beneath the ice shelves
also, "ever" is a very long time. life on Mars could be shielded from radiation by a (very) technologically advanced society capable of building forcefield-generating satellites... sometime around when we become a Type 2 Kardashev-Scale Civilization capable of capturing most of our Sun's energy. when's that? hint: nowhere within Musk's lifetime
otherwise, a brilliant take-down of Musk's plan to colonize Mars (and drain Earth's resources), from The Defector: X
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spacepiratenemo · 2 months
Cato Jango - Scientist
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#charactersheet Cato Jango! 👽
👾Cato comes from Latin and refers to “all-knowing”, conjuring up the figure of someone with deep-thinking capabilities. Jango obviously is a reference to another favourite fandom of mine, #starwars ! But Jango also means “brave warrior”.
👾Jango is a Beteigeuzian T'au. It’s neither girl, nor boy, nor any gender. In fact, they mostly reproduce using “cell-division”. This ultimately means that, if Jango ever wanted a child, it just would make a clone of itself, dividing its cells and therefore ensuring its species will thrive.
👾It's a scientist with highly advanced knowledge. Type III civilisation, which is halfway to entering the phase of a Type III civilisation according to the Kardashev-Scale. Its species unlocked interstellar travel thousands of years ago.
👾Its scientific research brought it to the One Piece Solar System, where it eventually encountered the Jackpot Space Pirate Crew. As a very curious scientist, Jango stuck around to find out more about Nemo’s rare mutation, study her brain, teach her more knowledge, help Lena to find a cure for a certain illness and study alternative medicines.
👾Jango’s research is extremely valuable and beneficial to everyone in the Crew.
👾It’s a pothead! Yes! Jango grows space-weed that can grow without water, oxygen or nutrients. It only needs sunlight! It also smokes one helluva lot!
👾Its favourite music is Reggae!
👾Its vision is that of thermo-vision. Its skin is extremely elastic and with its antennas it can communicate through telepathy. (Only short distances of maximum one kilo-parsec!)
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thatonekreachur · 9 months
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hi hello! This is my first post on here :) I'm also starting a worldbuilding project on there if anyone is interested
The Kirakh
The Kirakh were a 13 ft tall quadrupedal alien species hailing from the Xyke System, a planetary star sytem orbiting around a K-type variable orange dwarf star. They are a type 2 civilization on the Kardashev scale, as they have colonized their entire star system and two other neighboring systems, and is currently working in on a third.
The species is currently recovering from a devastating world war on their home planet that had crippled their civilization temporarily about 100 years ago, but now, they have advanced in technology afterwards and had journeyed to the cosmos ever since. They also have a long history in relative to their star's long lifespan.
The Kirakh base their calendar system around a supervolcanic eruption event from around 200,000 years ago (these approximations may change when I start charting their history), during when the species is in their stone age period.
B.E - before eruption
D.E - during eruption
A.E - after eruption
I like to think that the species is located somewhere in the Andromeda Galaxy, and that the Kirakh were the closest thing to us humans in that galaxy. After all, no two alien races are the exact same, as I like to believe.
The Kirakh are carbon-based lifeforms like us, but they do also have some things that differentiate them from us too.
Unlike humans, the Kirakh have cobalt in their blood instead of iron, these proteins are called coboglobin. They function the same as the hemoglobin found in humans, and it makes their blood amber-yellow in the arteries, and clear-colored in the veins.
Guys just ignore the small wings on their back, the image is just one of their earlier versions and they were originally gonna have these wings, but now I will be retconning them to don't have these wings.
The Kirakh have a total of three pairs of limbs, with the midlimbs and the rearlimbs being functioned for walking, while the remaining forelimbs being used to manipulate objects and items.
Unlike humans, which have pentadactyly digits, Kirakh have tridactyly digits, meaning they posess three fingers on each limb. The digits on the midlimbs and the rearlimbs have been arranged in a chameleon-like form, with two digits in the front and one in the back, and reverse in the rearlimbs.
Their forelimbs have evolved to become three-fingered hands with opposable thumbs that allows them to manipulate and interact with the world around them, as well as retractable "hooks" in their digits that is once used to hook onto the surface of the trees and help be better at climbing.
It appears that the rearlimbs on the Kirakh are facing backwards unlike the other two frontal limbs. Of course, this is a universal trait for some backboned creatures on the planet, which they take from their ancestors millions of years ago.
Skin and fur
Some parts of the Kirakh skin, such as the face and the limbs, are made out of the same leather human skin is made out of, with a layer of keratin scales going down from the nape to the section where the tail meets the body. The Kirakh also have fur under that layer of scales that cover most of the body, usually shorter and more rougher when in warmer regions to and longer and fluffier in colder regions to preserve body heat.
Respiratory System
The Kirakh have spiracles on their chest region, altough they are hidden in the fur. In some ethnicities born in warmer regions of the planet, where fur is more shorter, there is a bare patch on each of the spiracles. The spiracles connect to the lungs of the individual and is used to absorb oxygen and to distribute it along the bloodstream. Like us humans, Kirakh need oxygen to survive, and also need constant oxygen while exersizing. Kirakh lungs are also quite large to handle the strain of climbing trees.
The Kirakh use the basic two-gender system that most organisms on theirs and our planet use. They practice external fertilization, mainly because their reproductive parts are located in their chest cavity region, so it might be impossible for offspring to develop inside.
The female produces ovum, or unfertilized eggs, while the male produces fly-sized winged gametes that crawl into the open capsule into the ovum, and then fertilizes the egg cell inside, eventually resulting with a fertilized egg, that within around 6 months, will hatch out a young kirakh.
Life Cycle
The average Kirakh lives from around 90-150 years. They start off as tiny and hairless, and feeding off their mother's crop, and over time, they start growing a coat of fluffy fur that wards off parasites and other pesky insects and unwanted guests from entering it's body, and it also keeps them at their core body temperature.
They also have a fast metabolism rate when young, as they need lots of food to grow and stay energized. Kirakh young also have a sprawled stance, but then their legs get more erect as they grow.
Frequently during their juvenile stage, Kirakh shed their old coat of fur and be replaced with a new one once in every year, in a process called molting. This is usually because their fur doesn't grow along with it.
When the Kirakh get into a certain age, which is about 14-15 years, the fur on their back will start to fall off to make way for the keratin scales that will grow eventually. The adolescent stage will eventually end 6 years later, when they are 21 years old, their scales would be fully grown and the growth cycle would be complete as it enters the adult stage.
Kirakh may also become old when they are around 70-75 years old.
Alright so it is now done! Let me know about what you guys think :)
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donotdestroy · 4 months
The Kardashev Scale: Type I to Type VII Civilizations
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Confession: I used to laugh at the idea of "sapiosexual" (being attracted to intelligence) until I started a playthrough with Logical/Professional Sis!Ryder. The way she talks about science (both real and speculative) with such confidence and interest is kinda hot to me?? Like yes please, tell me more about the Remnant and how this level of technology implies a Type 1 Civilization on the Kardashev Scale at least, and then push me onto the nearest surface and fuck me however she sees fit. Makes me want to hyperfixate on her special interests until she infodumps, you know?
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oracleia · 2 years
i was so pissed that worms lost in the great bug race of 2023™️ that i wrote a whole ass fake article that explains why worm society is a type IV civilization in the kardashev scale going for type V civilization using the wormhole technology to use the power of the whole universe and travel between other universes and timelines. im so normal
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wyrm-in-a-closet · 9 months
Science fact of the day- Kardashev Scale!
Developed by a Russian astronomer of the same name, the Kardashev Scale is a way to roughly measure how advanced a civilization is, using the basis of energy consumption. The scale is fairly simple- a civilization is given a "type" based on its energy consumption. A Type I civilization can harness the entire power of it's planet. a Type II civilization can harness the entire power of it's star, such as with a dyson sphere. a Type III can harness the entire power of a galaxy. at it's conception, Kardashev didn't see a need for anything further, because of the absurdly high amount of energy needed, but since then, a Type IV, which is generally considered to be using the power of an entire universe, has been proposed. At this absurdly high amount of power, it's suspected that such a civilization would be godlike in its ability to manipulate the universe. One author even postulated that the works of such civilizations are indistinguishable from the acts of nature, and thus they are undetectable, possibly even to other Type IV's, and thus many of them could exist.
But enough of the super high level types, what about us? generally, Earth is placed around .7 on the scale. That's because we still aren't even that close to harnessing Earth's full supply of energy. that amount is generally placed, at least for the purposes of the Kardashev scale, at around 10^16 watts. right now, earth is somewhere in the 10^13-14 ballpark, i think. In order to reach a type II civilization, it would require about 10 billions times more energy, or 10 extra orders of magnitude, at 10^26 watts. a Type III would require even more, at 100 billion times more, at 10^37 watts. following the trend, a Type IV would be in the ballpark of 10^47-48 watts, which is so god damn much energy i dunno what youd even do with it.
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plaguechyld · 9 months
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I think I have a theory...
Okay so the sun produces 98,000 lux (lumens per square meter) on a perpendicular surface at sea level, while the moon produces 0.05–0.1 lux, on a full moon it can go up to 0.32, so prehaps demons their skin is too weak for the sun, so if a lot of evolution and bla bla bla happens then MAYBE after millions of years they COULD walk into the sun
you're right...
bare with me this is a long ass ramble ☠️
cough cough idea: Muzan or some upperrank gets teleported millions of years into the future where it's 1 million(ish) years in the future.
This is just scientific theory but, our world will likely advance to a type 1 civilization on the kardashev scale in 100-200 years. We are currently at 0.7276 as of 2023, though because Muzan is from the early 1900s he'd be from a time before that.
A type 1 civilization is able to gather energy from a nearby star which would require us as a civilization currently to boost our energy production 100,000 times over. Though it's not unlikely for humans to advance to this at our current pace. (We have advanced from 0.3 to 0.7 in 2,000 years I believe) Also, looking at medicinal and life science improvements its theorized that we would wipe out most diseases and viruses, as well as regenerative medicine being able to restore organs.
Now, a type 2 civilization would be able to harness energy from their star and be able to control the star itself. One suggested device to allow that to happen would be a dyson sphere, though later theories proposed a dyson ring as a better idea. Going back to medical science, we would be able to extend our lifespan to it's max biologically speaking, no longer falling victim to disease or viruses and being able to *regenerate any part of the body.*
A type 3 civilization is able to travel between galaxies, evolution (in human terms) hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, both biological and mechanical. This will likely alter the human race as we know it, making cyborgs (both organic and not) possible, with descendants of the humans we know today becoming a subspecies. Now, being able to travel between galaxies means harnessing a lot of energy and people from this civilization would do that in a similar way that a type two civilization does so, but they could reach countless more stars.
Ok! That part of the ramble is over, just needed to introduce the kardashev scale for all this to make proper sense. Now lets just go ahead and say when Muzan is transported he's transported to a time where the human race has advanced to type three.
Now, for the sake of this lets say that the demon race was never wiped out. Instead, over these hundreds of thousands of years they've been evolving, growing stronger and their feeding habits becoming sustainable. They have also undergone aggressive or mechanical evolution thanks to humans. Over the years they lose their original species name and become another subspecies of the human race. The mechanical evolution stopped mutations in appearance from showing up (no more gyokko or hand demon situation) for the most part. Harmless things like markings or limbs were left in because there was no reason to change them.
Also! Important thing is that demons are no longer infertile! They've been reproducing and are no longer reliant on blood transformations. However only a small section of "demons" remain immortal due to crossbreeding with humans and such.
Nobody is familiar with Muzan or the origin of "demons", though scientists were able to see patterns in their blood that showed clear signs of human tampering but because the medicine was never completed nor documented and blue spiders went extinct nearly a million years ago there was no way to trace anything back.
Muzan and lets say the uppermoons now have to learn how to traverse the multi-galactic civilization and who knows.. maybe Muzan will even start up an organization or join one. Coughs in theory.
For the world itself, or worlds, there's obviously going to be multiple governments, spanning multiple galaxies. So perhaps a galaxy, or several are under the control of a terrorist organization aiming to grow their empire (that is unrecognized). Who knows.... HMMMM
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gorez · 5 months
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Sun and Moon as rings
Credit: Astrodeum
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teamtrisha · 1 year
Things we can do once we use the Kardashev scale and become a Type 7 civilization.
1. Telekinesis
2. Telepath
3. Teleport
4. Time Travel
5. Create and send Images to eachother
6. Fly
7. Extrasensory Perception
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mysticstronomy · 1 year
Saturday, May 6th, 2023
Welcome back,
In “What is a Nebula”, we considered emission nebulae, now we are going to look at nebulae where the opposite process absorption happens.
Anyway, let’s start from a larger scale: the interstellar medium (ISM) is, as the name suggests, the matter that lies between the stars and star systems of a galaxy. It’s mainly composed of dust particles and atomic, ionic or molecular gas.
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An interstellar cloud is a place where this gas and dust accumulate, meaning the region is denser than the surrounding ISM. Again, the gas can come it the three forms mentioned just before, and since the most abundant element of the ISM (and indeed of the Universe overall) is Hydrogen, the clouds are referred to as H I region, H II region or molecular (H2) cloud respectively.
The special type of interstellar molecular cloud we are considering here is called “dark” because it is dense enough to block background light – at least in the visible wavelengths, since objects behind dark nebulae may be observed in (notably) radio observations.
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More precisely, the opacity is due to the dust grains the nebula contains, because those have the capacity to absorb the light. Recall that emission was the process of releasing a photon, by analogy we can see that absorption is an atom taking in a photon. Added to that, there is the process of extinction, which is absorption followed by scattering of the light; this can give information about the composition of these dust grains. This is similar to a “normal” cloud on Earth which blocks sunlight (and starlight, which is a pain for astrophotographers – check out ours tips on how to make the most of your observations here).
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Since light is prevented from entering the nebula, its centre will cool. Dust grains emit infrared radiation, which further removes energy. At the same time, the pressure of gravity makes the cloud contract, until it dominates, and the matter condenses together. This is the formation of a protostar. The collapse is rather rapid, as the matter undergoes a free fall to that centre of gravity. Due to the irregular shapes that molecular clouds can have, protostars may form in different parts of it where the density is higher.
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Moreover, leftover material can accrete into protoplanets, orbiting the protostar.
As opposed to what’s recommended for the other types of nebulae, you don’t have to use narrowband filters to observe a dark nebula, since what you’re trying to observe is the dark part. The image above was taken with the Luminance, Red, Green and Blue (LRGB) filters, which creates a beautiful background by an emission nebula behind the Horsehead Nebula.
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Note that it has another name, Barnard 33; the Barnard Catalogue is the place to look for your Dark Nebula target, as Edward Barnard identified about 370 of these objects.
Originally published on telescope.live
(Wednesday, May 10th, 2023)
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spacenutspod · 1 year
Adrift in a great sea of stars, we must surely not be alone. It’s hard not to look at the night sky and think about the possibility of other civilizations out there. From the philosophical speculations of Giordano Bruno to the statistical estimations of Frank Drake, the more we’ve learned about the universe, the more likely alien life seems to be. And yet, in our search for this life, we have heard nothing but silence. It’s always possible that we are the only living things in the cosmos, just as it is possible other civilizations keep to themselves or use communication technology invisible to us. But radio communication is both powerful and cheap, and we use it extensively. Our radio signals have been beaming from Earth for decades. So why shouldn’t other civilizations use radio as well? There are some who feel we’re being too optimistic. Although we do emit plenty of radio signals into space, the power of radio light fades with distance as it fills an ever-expanding sphere. Combined with interference from the dust and gas of interstellar space, it is likely our signals could only be heard within a few light years of Earth using radio receivers we currently have today. We have directly transmitted powerful radio messages into space a few times, such as the Arecibo message beamed to the Hercules cluster in 1974. But even these would be terribly faint by the time they travel 22,000 light-years to their destination. A color-coded version of the Arecibo message. Credit: Arecibo Observatory Of course, we are a young and simple species. Perhaps an ancient, hyper-advanced species could pull our messages out of the cosmic dust. But could they do it across hundreds or thousands of light-years? That’s the question examined in a new arXiv paper. The author starts with the Kardashev scale for advanced civilizations. First proposed in 1964, the scale ranks civilizations based on their ability to tap energy resources. A Type I civilization can access energy on a planetary scale, Type II on the scale of a star system, and Type III on a galactic scale. Carl Sagan and others have generalized this to a sliding scale and estimated humans are around 0.73. Based on this, the author asks what scale a civilization needs to be in order to detect relics of human civilization, and what distance would this be possible? Given that our artificial radio signals only penetrate a hundred light-years of space, a species would have a better chance of trying to resolve artificial features on Earth. Things on the scale of cities or major earthworks. As an example, consider the pyramids of Giza. They have been around for thousands of years, and the Great Pyramid has a base of about 230 meters. Given the amount of light reaching the Earth, the pyramids wouldn’t be visible beyond a few thousand light years or so, regardless of the power of your telescope. Not enough photons would reach beyond that distance to resolve anything. Taking the middle range of visible light (about 550nm) and a resolution of 10 meters, the maximum distance comes out to about 3,000 light-years. To resolve pyramid-scale features at this distance you would need an optical telescope with a diameter of about 10 AU. That’s a bit larger than the orbit of Saturn. A telescope on that scale could in principle be constructed using an optical telescope array with millions of satellites across Saturn’s orbit. Of course, this is far beyond our current ability, or that of any planet-scale civilization. You would at least need to be masters of your star system. So the upshot of all this is that a Type II civilization could see our great works of humanity within 3,000 light years. A great alien species might know that we’re here after all. But it will be thousands of years before we reach level 2 and are able to see them in return. Reference: Osmanov, Z. N. “Are we visible to advanced alien civilizations?” arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.08689 (2023). The post Do Advanced Civilizations Know We're Here? appeared first on Universe Today.
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