wildkirill · 1 year
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he’s so back
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brandonduhaimes · 1 year
Love you more
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Gif credits to owner!
Pairing: Kirill x gn reader
Length: 2.3k
Authors note: im sorry this one took so long! Requested.
"Y/n you will find a new guy he will be so good to you and it will all work out for you its just that we don't." Your now ex boyfriend had just broke your heart into so many pieces that you weren't sure they would ever be put back together.
"Just get out Jamie, I don't need a whole sob story on how great I am after you dump me. Ill leave your stuff in a box that you can pick up outside on monday."
With that you ushered him out of the house before collecting a bottle of wine from the fridge and heading back to your couch. With that you decided your best move currently was to watch the wild game. You had promised Kirill that you would watch it and you intended to keep it.
You were able to block out the feelings as you watched the boys play, enjoying their three point lead and all the smiles on the bench as they goof off.
A wild game later Kirill texted you that he was on the way back to your shared apartment. Knowing that he was on the way back made you feel a little better as you knew he would be around to help but that didn't make the tears stop falling.
When Kirill walked in 20 minutes later followed by Zuccy, Dumba and Boldy and saw you on the couch crying he immediately kicked them out. While they were going celebrate the win Kirill had decided you were more important.
Zuccy gave you an apprehensive look before ushering the two younger ones out the door. As they left you could hear quiet mumbles of "I hope they are okay" and "feel better y/n." Before you could mutter out a thank you the door softly shut behind Mats.
As the door shut Kirill made his way to the couch plopping down onto it. "Whats up dorogája?" (Sweetheart) The simple question just made the tears fall faster.
"Can I give you a hug?" He asked trying to get any words out of you to slow down your breathing and take your mind off of whatever was troubling you.
You nod slowly and Kirill moves to wrap his arms around you while slowly rubbing your back. You collapsed onto his shoulder and cried while he quietly sang songs to you in Russian. While you had very little of an idea of what he was singing it comforted you. He always knew exactly what you needed.
After you had composed yourself a little you let him know what had happened. "Jamie broke up with me today and now I'm not sure what to do," you sniffled quietly.
Kirill's eyes widened as you spoke and he immediately went into protective mode. "What can I do to help? Oh wait I have an idea." He got up and started to look for the remote to the tv running around like a goofball and getting a small chuckle out of you.
After he finally found the remote he sat down on the couch and put on Lilo and stitch. He smiled knowing it was your favorite movie, and pulled you into his side again. You smiled and curled up onto the couch as he pulled a blanket onto the two of you.
You spent the rest of the night watching Disney movies and and searching the pantry for easy snacks. Kirill had opted to put the wine bottle back in the fridge since you hadn't opened it. After you had helped him through his last breakup he knew that it would only make things worse currently.
You cried a little every once in a while but hoped Kirill didn't notice as you felt bad for burdening him with this.
You really cared about him and while you loved Jamie it wasn't the way that you felt for Kirill. He had been there for everything the last few years. Your first fight with Jamie, graduation, when you finally got your first job in your field and he had promised to be there on your wedding day. He was the one who was there when you woke up and when you fell asleep.
He was always there to listen and you tried to he there for him just as much. Every regular season game, every group outing with the boys (who almost forgot you weren't a part of the team at times), and every playoff game possible. You would drop everything to be around for him if you could. You didn't want him to leave you more than anything.
What you hadn't realized though was that Kirill was livid. Not at you but at Jamie for being able to hurt you, he knew that he would have treated you so much better and that you deserved everything you ever wanted.
He loved you.
He had always loved you and now that he had the chance he was going to fight for you.
He watched the tears slowly stop as you began to fall asleep on his shoulder, exhausted from the last few hours.
At this point Kirill looked at the time reading 12:30 am. He knew that you had work in the morning so he got up and carried you down the hallway to your bedroom, and laid you gently on your bed.
He then went out and grabbed the blanket from the couch to put on top of you so he didn't have to make you wake up to pull the covers up. After he had you all tucked in he gave you a light kiss on the forehead before whispering to no one but himself, "I love you y/n you deserve so much better."
He then wandered down the hallway to his own bedroom and got himself ready for bed before laying down and slowly falling asleep.
When you woke up snow was falling outside, checking your work group chat you saw that your job was closed for the day due to an issue with something in the shop. At first you were excited to have a day off but then you remembered the events that had taken place last night. Opting to continue to lay in bed for a while you grabbed your phone once again and turned on tiktok scrolling through your for you page.
After a little while you heard the faint noise of feet padding down the hallway towards your door. It was soon followed by gentle knock. "Y/n," Kirill whispered through the door.
"Come in," you sighed and he silently opened the door and made his way over to you.
"You're going to be late for work you should probably get up," he giggled looking at your slight bedhead knowing that he would maybe get fought if he wasn't careful.
"They closed the shop so I don't work today, so I have more time to wallow in self pity. What are your plans for the day?"
Kirill frowned at this and decided that today he was not going to let you sit inside. He quickly got up and ran out of the room with a huge smile on his face.
"I wonder whats on his mind," you muttered to yourself before deciding to go get a cup of coffee.
You got up and walked into Kirill's room thinking he might be in there. When he wasn't you decided to steal one of his hoodies and headed towards the kitchen.
Once you reached the kitchen you could hear the clattering of pans and quiet swearing as Kirill tried to make breakfast.
You smiled to yourself as you turned the corner watching Kirill whisk together pancake batter. You then walked all the way into the kitchen and started the Keurig.
"Good morning!" Kirill says cheerily and you smile in response.
"What are you making?" You ask him and he scratches his head.
"I was trying to make pancakes but the batter is all lumpy and I can't fix it." He sighs and you giggle a little bit before coming over to inspect the batter.
"You just need to add a little bit more water and you should be good." You respond taking the bowl to the sink and adding the water before whisking the batter together.
"Thank you." He says and begins heating up the stove.
You smile at his effort and finished making your coffee and making one for him as well.
Kirill kept working at the pancakes. As he finished he set two plates up for both of you. He then set the table and got plates dished up.
As you sat down at the table he began to fidget with his hands in anticipation. "Hurry we have stuff to do today!" He smiles brightly making you laugh.
"What do we have to do?" You ask and he smiles.
"I can't answer that but I have the day off to so expect some fun." You smile at his effort and finish your pancakes and coffee quickly before getting ready to go.
Kirill met you at the front door dressed in a pair of jeans and a nice t shirt. He smiled at you before dragging you out the door to his car.
He drove you to the downtown area and you walked around looking at all of the small shops. The two of you window shopped and joked around while the cars flew by around you.
As you continued on you passed a small pet shop. Kirill had been wanting a dog for a while now so you smiled at him and went inside.
You looked around the small shop for a while playing with the kittens and puppies in the open play pens. You noticed that most of the puppies were really playful but Kirill had one that was taking a nap on his lap curled up in a little ball.
You smiled at him before asking, "is that the one?"
"He's only the one if you agree to it. Im going to need help taking care of him while I'm gone and I think it would keep you busy when I'm gone," he replied.
"I think you should get him he is so adorable." You smile and Kirill looks to the owner of the shop to start the transaction.
The two of you walked around the pet shop picking out toys treats and food. He made his way over to the collars and the two of you decided on a light blue collar. As you made your way up to the register he grabbed your hand and squeezed it lightly.
The two of you held hands through the rest of the pet shop falling into a comfortable silence while paying for the puppy and all of the extras. After paying you and Kirill dropped hands to grab all of the bags. "What should we name him?" Kirill asked, and you thought for a moment.
"What do you think of Winston?" You ask and he smiles at you.
"I love it."
You made your way to the car and then Kirill led you to a park to let Winston play outside for a little bit before going home. As you walked through the park with the little golden retriever he smiled and all you could think was that he looked ethereal in the sun.
He let Winston off the leash for a little bit to run around. The puppy played hard and chased Kirill around the small clearing in the park. As Kirill ran you couldn't help but laugh as he ran pretending to be terrified of the small animal chasing him.
You moved to grab your phone to take pictures of the two of them playing around in the field before being crashed into by Kirill as he was busy trying to keep the puppy from getting tangled in his legs.
The two of you landed on the ground with a thud before bursting out laughing as Winston immediately tried to grab Kirill's beanie off his head. You smiled and Kirill quickly re leashed him and you continued on your journey.
You found yourself reaching for his hand and he reciprocated gently holding it and smiling at you. As you walked you made small talk and goofed around. While you walked you couldn't help but think about the future.
Would he want the same things as you? A whole world of possibilities ahead of the two of you and you had no idea if he was interested in any of it.
As you were thinking Kirill stopped. Both you and Winston turned to look at him slightly confused.
"Y/n?" He asks "I know that this might be too early for this but, I need you with me forever. I cant bare to watch you get your heart broken again by someone who doesn't really care. I need you to be in my life and I'm more than willing to wait if you need time but I love you-"
He froze as you pressed your lips to his. It felt as though the world was stopping to wait for you. You pulled away and he moved his hands to your waist pulling you into a hug and squeezing as if he could never let you go again.
"I love you more Kirill. I couldn't imagine the future without you." He smiled and pressed his lips to your cheek.
When you finished Kirill was bright red and he had a big toothy grin plastered on.
"Can we go home and have a movie day?" You ask and he smiles and nods before latching your hands together.
"For the record I love you way more Y/n" he responds making his way to the car.
As you make your way in you stop to wonder how you got so lucky. You looked forward to the future and all you could see was a great outlook. "I don't think that's possible Kirill. I will always love you more."
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colourcap · 7 months
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“Let’s go!” The Wild score a franchise record of 10 goals in today’s game!
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wild-world-97 · 2 years
Hey guys
Been a while
Irl im in the process of preparing for a wedding, so time to post (or do anything productive for that matter) have been very minimal as of late
Im gonna try to be back more and better, though no promises
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Something big that happened today is i started my youtube channel, so far ive only made 1 video, but if you like synthwave and old hockey you're gonna enjoy that video
The game of hockey in this state means a ton to me and i hope i can creatively express a lot of feelings i have about the game and things that have happened between our 2 professional teams over the years
This is my first video ive made since 2019 so im extremly rusty
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Wild won tonight saving themselves from a massive skid theyve been on which is great, team as a whole is still a little shakey but the new paring of Duhaime - Ek - Boldy looked very solid in their first outing
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Anyways its probably bed time, hope you guys check out the new video, and yeah, have a good rest of your night
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toffoliravioli · 8 months
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she’s barbie and they’re all ken
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pemguims · 2 months
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memes be upon ye
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tulowitzki · 2 months
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wild legend karl kapri
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girlfriendline · 7 months
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marat with the jokes in his first press conference as a wild player || 11.3.24
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wildaboutmnhockey · 11 months
Cursed Wild ASMR
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babygirlspurgeon · 1 month
happy friday here's what u missed from zuccy all star game night one
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alshaverpressbox · 5 months
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for the love of god someone fist bump the man. just look at him he's asking so politely minnesota wild @ san jose sharks, 13 april 2024
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wildkirill · 1 year
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i’ve never watched the nfl but i’m a vikings fan because of them.
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edwrdnashton · 1 month
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stealth-deacon · 2 months
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wild-world-97 · 2 years
Super late game recap because of Thanksgiving plans 🍗
November 23rd 2022
Wild vs Winnipeg Jets 🛬
Wild absolutely dominated possession, time in the offensive zone, and shots on goal. The offense finally woke up, including star players Kaprizov and Boldy getting goals early. 🌠
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Moose got in on the scoring with 2 goals, though took a scary hit near the end of the game but seems to be ok. 🐮
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Calen Addison on the verge of being scratched amongst a cold strech managed to get a goal, which will hopefully help his confidence and lead to a return to the electric Power Play we had for the begining of the season.
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Mason Shaw continues to be such a fun story, netting another goal and ascending further to status of fan favorite, his hard work continues to pay off!
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Props needs to be given to Gustavsson, he went 2-1 in his strech as starter while 🌸 nursed his injury, and outside of a terrible game against Pittsburgh, he has looked confident and solid in net. With Fleury back there can be more faith that Gustavsson will hold down the net whenever fleury isn't starting.
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Not related to the game itself, the wild traded a 2025 5th round pick the morning of game day to the New York Rangers in exchange for Ryan Reaves. On the analytical front its a headscratching move, but his addition to the team will add a lot of physicality, as well as a deterrent for opposing teams taking cheap shots at Kaprizov. He is a solid teammates and has a reputation for being on teams that make deep playoff runs, so it will be interesting to see what he brings to the team. Welcome to Minnesota Ryan! (Hope it wont be too awkward sharing a locker room with Foligno after the home opener fight 😅)
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Final score:
Wild 6, Jets 1
Next game is tomorrow November 25th at 1 PM against the Toronto Maple Leaves 🍁
It will be a real test to see what the Wild can do to slow down Matthews and Tavares
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redbelles · 9 months
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brandon duhaime about to get pranked so hard MIN @ BOS | 12.19.23
+ bonus postgame kirill:
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