#Kandy mini tours
starflesh-moth · 6 months
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i am in class rn but im giving yall my bag tour minus the actual tour. cuz. i did this when i had an office job but w im a full time student and got different shit
we got!! a hello kitty coin purse i got from the beauty supply containing: a mini bic hot pink lighter, $1 brush on nail glue, a pack of 20 raspberry flavored rolling papers (with raspberries on them!!) and a loose handful of safety pins
my laptop. it is crusty. i keep meaning to take a clorox wipe to it but i honestly keep forgetting until the second i walk into class and open it
1 narcan nasal spray
1 (one) cigarette
a few loose kandi singles, just in case
and the bag is, of course, a spiderman backpack with a watchmen patch safety pinned onto the front ❤️
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sunnymenagerie · 3 years
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RuPaul's Drag Race: Shrunken Pockets
Symone doing Black emo girls everywhere a solid and she wasn’t the winner...
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The remaining five queens had to get their act on for what seems like the 75th time this season in a parody of ‘Honey, I Shrunk the Kids’ a movie that debuted in theaters when only ONE of the Top 5 were even alive. Yes, they were only a couple of months old but still...I felt ancient realizing that. Anyways, the girls were left to dish the parts out amongst themselves with no mini-challenge declaring a dictator this week. Kandy took charge, having everyone go down the line and say who they wanted to play. Olivia and Gottmik chose parts we have seen from them previously; cute and another Paris Hilton type with a whine that could go on for days. Able to play any of them, Rose got the one she wanted while Kandy and Symone had a quick spat (if that) over who’d play the leader of the group and who’d be the villain. Symone rolling over helped her in the end because while she wasn’t left lip-syncing for her life.
It wasn’t that Kandy was even bad when they played the tape back on the mainstage - it’s just that she, Olivia, and Gottmik relied on their comfort zones. Only Gottmik was able to make her signature whine have more depth than her season 13 sisters. Plus, there was absolutely no way Gottmik was going to land anywhere near the bottom with her look this week. As for Symone and Rose - they both did decently enough but I think because Rose gave more comedy than not, she wound up the top queen of the week...despite Symone deserving it…
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Symone came around that corner and my heart stopped. I was instantly taken back to freshman year of college, MySpace angles, and sweating in the Warped Tour sun. It was an ode to pockets just as much as it was an homage to the emo kids she hung out with who didn’t give a damn little Reggie was gay. They loved Reggie for who he was and Symone wanted to honor that. For me, it was more than that though. Symone has consistently given us Black Girl Magic on the runway and while nothing will probably ever be as breathtaking as her fascinator look or as gasp-worthy as her train runway, but to a Black girl who grew up listening to pop-punk and emo music - to see this look on ‘Drag Race’ done perfectly by a Black Queen - it meant the world.
While I would’ve given her the win, RuPaul went with Rose. Which, I couldn’t be mad at. She was great in the challenge and her look was adorable. Alongside those two in the top was Gottmik in a Disney’s ‘Hercules’ inspired look that was as random as Utica in...well just about every challenge before her untimely death caused by Loni Love’s third-degree burn during the roast last week. RIP Utica, and congrats to ‘Hercules’ for being mentioned not once but twice this season. Remember when Denali talked about wanting to fuck him and Aladdin? I mean - we get it.
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After all of their pocket looks were down the runway, the queens were asked who should go home. To which everyone but Olivia said, Olivia with reasons being that she just wasn’t ready yet. During ‘Untucked’ Rose pretty much let Olivia know that she needed to show that she wanted to be there just as much as Kandy. Which, speaking of...Kandy knew she was going to be in the bottom because even if she was as middle of the road as Gottmik was, she’d still be in the bottom for that pocket look. Seriously, what was that? With the panic setting in, so did what appeared to be an attack. Her heart rate was up and the medic was paid a visit. In the end, Kandy Muse dominated that lip-sync. There was more passion and heart in her performance and it doesn’t hurt that she topped it all off with some glitter.
We have one more episode before the finale and if Kandy can impress next week, she stands a-okay, I don’t think Kandy can win the whole shebang. Mere weeks ago I didn’t even think Rose had a chance. I felt like you’d have to flip a coin between Symone who has given us performances and runways we’ll refer back to for years, and Gottmik represents a community that had yet to be on the show as well as high-fashion and surprisingly amazing comedy from a queen who walked in thinking all she had was looks.
Right now it could be Symone (my personal choice), Gottmik (the one with perfect runways and high marks elsewhere), and Rose (the one who grew stronger each week). I honestly don’t know where we’ll end but I can’t wait to see who winds up on top in a few weeks!
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Pocket Looks Ranked:
Symone: My Warped Tour heart was full
Gottmik: The coat with the watches was one thing, the dress made of watches was everything
Rose: She looked cute
Olivia Lux: Liked the look but where were the pockets?
Kandy Muse:
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Week 13 Rankings & Reasonings:
Symone - Symone may be one of the only girls who you remember every single runway because she brought moments more often than not, and while she stumbled in a couple of challenges, she always managed to come back the following week
Gottmik - The fashion queen with the surprise comedic gift hasn’t lip-synced since that first day and has only landed in the bottom once. Like Symone, she’s grown during the show so if she were to win...it wouldn’t be a shock to anyone and even us Symone Stans would be a-okay with it because it’s as well deserved as our fav
Rose - Like Gottmik, Rose hasn’t had to lip-sync since the first show - well, for her life. She did lip-sync against Denali week 3, but that was a good one. Despite that, Rose wasn’t doing much to stand out until the Rusical. Since then though, she’s risen to the top a few times. The only thing I’d say they’d consider to keep her from the crown is some of her more questionable runway looks.
Kandy Muse -
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therucrap · 4 years
RPDR 13 Episode 1 RuCrap
Hello dear internet! I just started a new page for my first ever RPDR RuCrap so please share and follow and I’ll continue if they catch on! Hope you enjoy!
The lucky 13th season of RuPaul’s Trauma Spectacular launches with the promise of “all new surprises” and a brand new twist that will leave you wondering how you ever sat through a boring old premiere with a coherent intro, climax, and conclusion when you could be enduring a dizzying hour and a half of WOW presents Happy Death Day 3: Covid Edition!
We open up on the trusty trauma center - I mean Werk Room - and the first to enter is NYC’s “Dominican Doll” and human drag lingo See ‘N Say Kandy Muse in an elaborate bejeweled patchwork jean mini dress and MATCHING DENIM BOOMBOX and she immediately informs us that we may know her from the now former Haus of Aja which was recently deconstructed like the pair of Wranglers that Kandy is wearing as fingerless gloves. Kandy is no longer alone in VIP because the befeathered Joey Jay arrives and half-heartedly delivers her intro line. “Filler queen!” We discover that Kandy is likely going to provide our Greek chorus confessional this season and all in a soft smoky eye when she informs us uncultured swine that Joey is wearing the cheapest variety of feather - chicken. Kandy didn’t construct an entire outfit from the remnants section of a Joanne Fabrics and not learn a thing or two about quality, sweetie! Joey is determined to beat viewers to the punchline and immediately clucks around branding herself as “basic” and “filler.” Joey is from the city of Phoenix (and possibly the online University as well) but she’s here to rise like a chicken!
Thunder mysteriously rumbles as RuPaul appears on the digitally enhanced Werk room TV but what could this be?! For all you newbies this is one of the several instances in every season where Ru mixes things up and gives us what we really want: a twist that is equal parts confusing, fucks up the natural order of the competition, and is ultimately unfulfilling! Come on season 13, let’s put a bunch of queer people through even more turmoil in a pandemic! Ru has a surprise but they’ll have to head to the mainstage to get the full story that they’ll be recounting to a mental health professional later!
We’re merely four minutes in and here comes Ru down the runway dressed like a glitterdot jellyfish! Our tour guide on Trauma Island introduces us to the main panel of judges for the season - Disco Morticia Addams and the two human Trapper Keepers who are now separated by glass because for the first time in Drag Race herstory we’re in the middle of a international health crisis, mawma!
Now let’s get down to trauma! Ru explains that the queens will be pairing off to lipsync unexpectedly as they enter! What could possibly go wrong? Well if you’re hoping that someone comes in wearing blades on their feet well just stick around because I have quite the treat for you! Our Dungaree Diva and the Chicken Feather Filler hit the Mainstage looking as confused as Shangela researching CDC protocol on her way to Puerto Vallarta last week. The judges interview our test subjects and immediately bring up the Haus of Aja and Kandy clarifies that she’s now an esteemed member of The Doll Haus along with last season’s ever-gorgeous Dahlia Sinn. I personally prefer not to say that Dahlia was eliminated first but instead that she was season 12’s brocco-leading lady! (Writer’s note: if you’re thinking “there’s a drag show called The Doll Haus in my hometown... is it THAT Doll Haus?!” No, there’s a drag show called The Doll Haus in almost every city in America but now, like with the former Sharon Needles, Kim Chis, and Penny Trations of the world, this one’s been on TV and alas, the others must now rename themselves)! Joey also charms the judges with her plucky demeanor and it’s already time to lipsync feather they like it or not!
Gay anthem Call Me Maybe by Canadian legend Carley Rae Jepson begins and Kandy immediately pushes a fake button on her DENIM BOOMBOX to start the party. Honestly... crown her right there on the spot. We will ALWAYS give points for prop work and the Carrot Top of the Bronx does not disappoint. Both are energetic but it’s The Dutchess of Denim who wins by infusing humor and our feathered friend is given “the Porkchop” but before we can even wrap our head around what this means for the state of the competition we snap back to the Werk Room to meet our next unsuspecting victims!
Now dear reader, this is the part where I’m just going to cut the shit. The set-up they’re selling us is that the losers of these premiere lipsyncs will be eliminated from the show but they are obviously not about to Porkchop half of the cast on day one so just stick with me while we suspend disbelief and go on RuPaul’s Totally Twisted Trauma Adventure as she convinces 6 gay people who just spent upwards of $10,000 on clothing, jewelry, and hair and then meticulously packed it into regulation suitcases to travel here during a pandemic after probably not making any money for the last four months (this was filmed in July) that they are going home on day one! This herstory-making twist, like so many before it, exemplifies the show’s worst qualities: a lack of empathy for its contestants, an underestimation of viewer intelligence and ability to decode heavy-handed editing witchery, and its love for completely dismantling its own format every year for the sake of drama. Whatever keeps the Emmy’s coming, baby! When you’re on the other side of one of these twists you usually feel like you just finished your morning coffee only to find out that the barista gave you decaf. Your mind will be blown when it’s happening but the payoff is usually at the expense of the show’s own legitimacy. With that said... this is the punishment we come to gleefully endure every year and we’re not here to complain, we’re here to watch gay people break down, dammit!
It’s deja Ru all over again as we snap back to the Werk Room where Chicago’s Denali walks in on ice skates and immediately ruins any chance of a deposit return for the bumpy, rented roll-out vinyl floors and declares “Let me break the ice!” She’s wearing the expensive feathers that Joey Jay didn’t spring for. Denali might not be the first ice skater on Drag Race but she’s the one I didn’t watch shit on a dick on Twitter last week so let’s give credit where it’s due. Ugh I wish Trinity the Tuck could block THAT from my memory! Next up is Atlanta’s Lala Ri whose white blazer, body suit, and unteased hair is immediately called basic by an icy Denali in confessional. Denali is confident but we know something that she doesn’t and Lala is wearing a sensible dancing ankle boot not two blades on her feet so let’s see how this turns out!
The lipsync song is “When I Grow Up” by Nicole Scherzinger and her assistants who were accidentally given microphones a few times! Denali struggles to conceal her wayward nipples during some ambitious dance moves and all while in skates but Lala gives us a good old fashioned drag performance and a big finale split unbothered by an elaborate costume and ultimately ices Denali who signs off with “Feeling icy, feeling spicy!” Asking these queens to lipsync upon entering is one thing but asking them to improvise their exit lines 10 minutes in is just cruel!
Denali heads backstage devastated where SURPRISE... Joey Jay is sitting alone in a sad room made of plywood walls featuring a bunch of pictures of first eliminated queens, an ominous “Porkchop Loading Dock” sign, and some cocktail tables with no cocktails (how dreadful).
Before we get the full picture and God for bid our bearings on Mr Charles’ Wild Ride let’s leave this plywood hellscape and jump back into the familiar comfort of the Werk Room’s pixelated neon pink faux brick walls where LA’s modelesque Symone stomps in wearing a dress made of tiny Polaroids of herself. She’s stylish, her energy is fresh, and she’s clearly one to watch. Then dear reader life as we know it changes. A breeze comes through the room and God herself blesses us when living legend and matriarch of the Iman dynasty Tamisha Iman from Atlanta arrives in a pointy-shouldered red power suit and proclaims to us simple townsfolk “Holler at me, I know you know me. Holler at me, I know you know me. Tamisha is here!” The sea parts, the crops are replenished, and all war stops on Earth. On stage Tamisha reveals that she’s been doing drag for 30 years (which seems like a long time to us mere mortals) and that she was originally cast last season but was diagnosed with colon cancer two days later and had to stay home for chemo. The lipsync gods wisely choose The Pleasure Principle by Janet Jackson and Tamisha gives us exact Janet arm choreo while Simone is sultry yet commanding as she shakes her Polaroids. The judges determine that Simone was picture perfect and American hero Tamisha Iman is sent to Porkchop’s Shipping Crate of Horrors to join the nest with the fancy feather option and the chicken feather option.
We begrudgingly crawl back onto RuPaul’s ever-circling carousel of doom and plop back into the workroom where accomplished LA celebrity makeup artist GottMik stomps in wearing a wacky toile dress and a full face of white makeup declaring that it’s “Time to crash the system!” GottMik is Drag Race’s first trans man contestant (and first knowingly cast trans contestant at all) for which we cheer excitedly and then immediately look at our watches because that took too long. Next up Minneapolis’s towering Utica wriggles in with a sneeze and declares “She’s sickening!” which is just the pandemic humor I came here for! Contaminate me, mom! This gay scarecrow is wearing a series of crazy patterns and a big strawberry on her head and the two of them appear to be from the same traveling circus. These two Big Comfy Couch characters slink over to the main stage where Utica explains that her cranial statement fruit symbolizes tackling obstacles because she used to be allergic to strawberries as a kid but she grew out of it. In RuPaul’s heavy universe of heart wrenching struggles that contain chronic illness and societal rejection, Utica’s animated world that suffers only of outgrown childhood strawberry problems is a welcome one. These two lanky rag dolls will be lipsyncing to Rumors by her majesty Lady Lohan of Mykonos and the vibe is instantly wacky. I wouldn’t say that either of them are the next Kennedy Davenport but they did complement each other well on the invisible obstacle course they were both miming through. Utica’s hair flops over her eye, there’s galloping and floor humping, GottMik does a split, there’s elbows and knees aplenty, and all that’s missing is dancing poodles. The judges are tickled by the kookiness of both of these human windsocks but Gotmikk snatches the win. Neither of these two are going to win So You Think You Can Dance but luckily this is RuPaul’s So You Think You Can Trauma so we’re in luck!
Our homosexual Groundhog Day continues back in the Werk Room where we meet NYC’s Rosé who gets the Brita treatment where she’s presented as a legendary New York queen and then the editors quickly get to work making her look delusional. She’s accomplished, confident, and Drag Race’s favorite personality type to dismantle and then trick into returning to All-Stars for a redemption only to dismantle again. Rosé’s fresh-faced foil Olivia Lux enters and lights up the place right away in a velvet pink and yellow gown. She’s a humble NYC newby who has competed in shows hosted by the established Rosé and we already know what’s about to happen here. The lipsync is Exes and Oh’s by Elle King which which was a choice. Olivia strips off her gown to reveal a bodysuit so she can really articulate and Rosé does the world’s least exciting split that looked like me trying unsuccessfully separate wooden chopsticks. Olivia triumphs and Rosé fizzles as she heads to the It Didn’t Werk Room aka Porkchop’s sparsely decorated storage closet to be with the other Have Nots.
We’re almost to the finish line and we limp, slightly disoriented, back to the Werk Room where we meet Tina Burner, another NYC theater kid with the confidence of a thousand Patti LuPones who is dressed like a Ronald McDonald firefighter. What she lacks in nuance she makes up for in nonstop fire puns. Next Chicago’s glamorous Kahmora Hall saunters in glowing and is clearly unimpressed with Tina’s constant Joan Rivers impression but maintains a full pageant smile. No choice but to stan. Our final queen is the refreshingly optimistic Elliott with 2 T’s who busts in wearing a bolero jacket, some red pants from the store, and a short pink wig that screams “Sorry I’m late! Here’s my flash drive! I can go on whenever!” Elliott dances in sing-talking her entrance line like the TGIFriday’s server she is: “I’m the queen you want to see. Elliot with two T’s. Okay! Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh! Okay!” Elliot is a dancer from Las Vegas and has the unhinged camp counselor energy of someone with snacks in her purse at all times.
On the Mainstage Tina cycles through the last of her introductory fire puns and tells the judges she was in a boy band which honestly tracks. Tina and Rosé share a similar NYC gotta-get-a-gimmick energy but for some reason production has decided to give Rosé the womp womp edit and Tina the superstar edit. The song is Lady Marmalade because we haven’t been though enough and Kahmora serves subdued sexy glamour, Elliott does the splits, and Tina bobs and weaves between the two with full play-to-the-back-row comedy queen energy. Tina extinguishes the dreams of the other two and RuPaul sends the final two losers to the chokey.
The worst is over (we think) and our frazzled cast of hopefuls finally gets to know eachother in their two very different groups. The winning queens in the Werk Room are celebrating and as blissfully unaware of the doom around them as Miss Vanjie and Silky Ganache at a Puerto Vallarta circuit party during a pandemic. Over in Porkchop’s Junk Drawer the camera looms unnecessarily close to the crestfallen losers’ now disheveled wigs and sweat drenched makeup. Ru’s voice bellows over the speaker to tell this motley crew to get out and then as the last bit of light leaves their weary eyes she checks back in to tell them that she wasn’t serious! Oh good! Finally a moment of mercy for these once hopeful queens on their first day of RuPaul’s Wipeout! She then reveals that the full twist is that she is only going to send one home but they have to vote amongst the group of losers to decide who it is! Yes, that’s correct! This group of broken queens who just met and mostly have never seen eachother perform will now be expected to turn on eachother and give up their last bit of dignity to either grovel or just straight up fight with eachother! This must be what the Donner Party’s last night looked like. The queens look around broken and wounded but still hungry, their eyes barely open, their lacefronts only partially attached to their heads, and start deciding which of their own is about to get consumed. Her highness Tamisha Iman reminds them "Well, I'm the only black girl so don't vote me off” and just like that we are TO BE CONTINUED!
Thus concludes our first headspinning episode that despite being reliably frustrating has once again sucked us in and against our better judgement entertained us to the fullest! As for our 13 queens- you can use code HERSTORY on Talkspace while relaying tonite’s events to a sickening liscensed therapist!
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cheetavel · 4 years
Travel to Sri Lanka and Explore Meemure with Hashan as Your Tour Guide 🇱🇰
Meemure is a village located near the border between Kandy District and Matale District in the Knuckles Mountain Range, said Hashan. Meemure is one of the most remote villages in Sri Lanka with the only access via a 14-kilometer trail from the town of Loolwatte. Residents of Meemure village rely on several staple crops including ginger, pepper, cardamom, and beautiful paddy fields. These beautiful paddy fields are all over Meemure village and it illuminates the entire village. There are two seasons for the paddy field watching. The first season starts from February to April and the second season starts from September to November. Eli Hatha means seven waterfalls. 
Eight kilometers before to the center of Meemure, this magnificent waterfall could be seen and literally, it has seven mini waterfalls. This water flows all the way to the village and tourists enjoy the natural POOL of it. DIYAKERALLA ELLA, also known as "DIYAKARA ELLA". It flows through the jungle and cascades down a 45-meter-high rock formation. The noise made is incredible. As the water hits the bottom, another fall is created. Though only the upper section is visible through the dense foliage.
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cool-jason568-blog · 7 years
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lizethkooker · 7 years
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hellolittlefoxie · 5 years
With You - Part 1
Sometime in the early morning hours of December 31st, our first year together officially began. It was nothing extravagant, no flowers, no romantic dinner. It was just in the intimacy of sitting alone while the the city slept that it began.
Our first full day together was surprisingly casual, not to be surprised given the circumstances of the time but it was a day I cherish very much. Running errands, such as picking and dropping of your momma, a workout session along the Embarcadero, a meet up with a friend for dinner, and watching the city glisten from a new viewpoint as we brought the new year together in the calm and quiet of your living room, giving each other a smile as we looked out the window to your neighborhood. 
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The first day of the new year was a bittersweet one. You took me to Chinatown, where you got me some hong kong milk tea, and some deliciously flaky egg tarts. And then drove me across the the bridge to show me Sausalito for the first time. Here I fell in love with the small town vibes, and serenity that came from viewing SF from the distance as the windows turned to gold while the sun set. But that night would be a lonely one as I had to say good bye to you a and drove down the darkness of the 5.
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The 2nd adventure of the year took us to the legendary Bill Graham to see none other than your favorite trance DJ, with BJ and the rest of Norcal Anaho. A blurry night where we broke our necks you broke your neck as you complained about it for the rest of the weekend. Had some wonderful family time with Anaho as we did a photoshoot at an abandoned bunker, had dinner at my fave place in SF, San Tung, chilled at Amanda’s house, explored new areas of the city, and had one of the more memorable nights at Travelodge with our first wine and snack night. 
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“Are we celebrating Valentine’s?” “No not really.” 
Was basically the gist of one of our conversations. But that weekend after Valentine’s  had us back together, me dressed up a little nicer than usual, and you glowing in your pretty gray dress, and coat, as we spent our first “non valentine’s day celebration” in the middle of downtown. A night where we explored LA’s downtown night life together for the first time, where I pointed to to you the Denny’s I went to after prom, a geography lesson on LA’s layout on top of a rotating bar. Then home to celebrate with some sparkly you had given me as part of my gift. Our cravings the next day took us to Koreatown for KBBQ, with Evelyn and Steven, the nicer side of Melrose for some disappointing milk tea from Alfred’s Teahouse, and a spontaneous double date with Jazz and Danny to some pizza diner in Hollywood. A little detour to Little Tokyo, and to find the instagram hotspot with the red and blue lights and our weekend came to an end as we waved good bye to each other as your bus pulled away taking a sleepy you back home.
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After a commitment that was made at Snowglobe more than a year before, this was the month we traveled across the country to finally walk the fabled grounds of Ultra. The whole month was full of kandi making and anxious anticipation of what would it be like to finally be at the festival both of us had only been able to experience from livestreams, and youtube videos. Finally on the third weekend of March we saw each other at the airport with Ben and Amanda cockblocking my hug to you. Waking up at 5 in the morning that day felt like a distant memory as I had gone from LA to Austin to holding your hand in Miami after a 12+ hour trip. That night as it is the usual for Anaho to do after a long time apart had everyone talking loud, challenging each other to drink more shots, and of course the night wasn’t complete without a few people throwing up. The next three days had us jumping up and down to Tiesto, vibing to Kaskade, getting wild for kayzo and being had us in awe at the reunion of SHM, and every night had us wandering through downtown Miami as we raced everyone else back to the airbnb to see who would be able to shower first. Dressing up as Jasmine and Aladdin, having matching outfits with your silver top and my gray camo for day two, munching on some expensive festival food, getting lost in the crowd of internationals while you held my hand, downed at least three red bulls a day, and I couldn’t have asked for a better rave bae or better way to experience Ultra. 
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A few weeks back you had asked me if I wanted to go with you to the the AKPsi formal, not wanting to miss out on this I excitedly said yes, that weekend in April I flew in late in the afternoon where you drove us down to the outdoor shopping mall in San Jose, after not being able to go to the rooftop bar you initially wanted to take me to, we ended up at a different bar, you seemed flustered at that but it’s okay because we still had a great time, especially after a seafood dinner, and some ice cream. A boba pitstop later and our second road trip began we made our way to our hotel in the good ol’ Central Valley. Two hours of your Merced playlist, and singing our hearts out to some throwback songs, and before we knew it we were checking in and drinking wine at our surprisingly nice hotel, too bad for the squeaky bed though. The next day we found ourselves in Merced, a coffee shop and a creepy antique store later and we found ourselves at the banquet hall where I started to meet some of your Merced fam. We helped out for a while and realized how much it felt like college, helping out and setting up for a banquet, and it brought back good memories. After saying bye to my new friends we headed out to explore the bustling metropolis that Merced is, you were the boss and tour guide here as you showed me around telling me stories of where you would go hang out, where you used to run, your old apartments and every now and then I would interject telling you “HEY I’VE BEEN HERE TOO!” It was great hearing your stories from college and made it easier to imagine 2011-2015 Tiff and all the wonderful memories you made there. After a Tacobell snack at the park we went on to your little’s house to prepare for the banquet. The rest of night consisted of me admiring you in your little black dress, and hearing other people rave about how good you looked as well, seeing you with your line, and your fraternity and people saying, “I’ve heard so much about you!” Was heartwarming as we ate and danced for a bit at the banquet. However the real party would be afterwards and it felt like I was transported back to my college days as we stripped down to comfier and more fitting house party clothes. The pregame began, and the warmth from the alcohol went hand in hand with the warm night in Merced. It was amusing to see how our night unraveled as we snuck in the back of the house to avoid bouncers into a dark and humid room with a bunch of dabs grinding and dudes being bros. Then as soon as the alcohol ran out, we jumped over to the next party, until the college drama started and we ended walking out and back through the neighborhood to our pregame spot. A few shots later, and a few lines as well and everyone was having a great time with both new and old friends. After a the cops showing up, and people knocking out or being too drunk the party started to dwindle down and we found ourselves on the couch you and your hot pocket, and me in tears about how much I love you. After waking up and getting ready a quick photoshoot with my film camera and we found ourselves on campus for your little’s grad shoot. Some quick thai food after and a couple of good byes to both your littles we were back on the road to the bay. Our April weekend coming to an end up on the hills of Berkeley, with the sunset and some “vegan pizza.”
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The first half of May, you found yourself halfway across the world, exploring the old continent. Your two week cruise vacation across Europe would bring you to Denmark, Norway, Germany, Estonia, Russia, Finland, and Sweden. You explored new and old cities, and we would be in touch sparingly as you were in and out of wifi connection, we would webcam at odd hours, but either way it made me happy you were back in Europe because you speak so fondly of it. And despite not having a good connection you still managed to send me constant videos, pics, and updates while I was sleeping or in class, and it made me excited to be able to webcam you even if it was for like 5 minutes. Once you were back in the States, it was a struggle for a couple days for you to make it past 8 without knocking out whenever we would webcam.
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The second half of the month was filled with many adventures as we saw each other not once but twice! In a weekend full of firsts I can’t help but highlight how amazing it was to experience camping with you in such a picturesque part of California, the visuals in your car and just melting in your seat as the music took us to a different dimension, and then the journey through middle earth that we undertook while on shrooms, even though we probably only walked like 100 yards in real life, dying at Jared’s exaggeration of “Car… Car… Car…” and Steven’s “IT’S A MILLION MILES AWAY.” And then our intimate bath experience under a sky full of stars and the waves crashing beneath us was truly a magical moment. Showering naked in public and smelling the earthy body wash and looking over the darkness is something I will hold onto because it was such a unique experience. And coming back to cuddle in the tent until it was time for us to leave and do another mini road trip. A drive that took us to the little underwhelming McWay Falls, Sharkfin Cove, Carmel, Santa Cruz there’s nothing better than driving back to SF jamming out to Christian music. This time our good bye didn’t feel too sad because we would be seeing each other the weekend after.
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The last weekend of May was wild as all of Norcal came down to “surprise” Ben for his birthday. Even though the surprise failed it was still a great way to show our best friend how much we appreciate him as we got lit to wine, met and fed a few friendly floofs, and rented out an Airbnb to continue the party for the rest of the weekend. Four full days of you and I was feeling quite spoiled. My favorite memories from that weekend were exploring the south side of OC, and playing spikeball as the sunset, all the cuddle sessions of sleeping for four nights together, letting you drive Aria down to our airbnb as I DJ’ed, and feeling like our time together was never going to end, playing table tennis, and basketball with you , and having the opportunity to share so many different plates of food with you everywhere we went.
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June started off great as well as I saw you for the third consecutive week, this time you decided to pull of an Illenium like I had done last year and had decided to surprise me to go see my favorite dubstep DJ, MaRLo, at the almost legendary Exchange. We decided to surprise the trance fam squad after getting some dranks up somewhere in the LA skyline and then going back to the car so you could change and we could pregame a little more, and I remember that while Char spazzed out over you, some people weren’t that happy to see you *cough.* And even though our time this weekend was short lived I am grateful that you were so down to do something like that for me.
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Our first official summer get together was coming up to see you! My first time at Temple, and to top it off having a table with bottle service, seeing Jazz get litty like we hadn’t seen, and then singing Cinema with Steven as lit you got the better of me and we ended up having an argument outside El Faro. A little funny now that I think about it, but like every other argument before this it always ends on a positive note with one of us seeing the mistake in their reasoning, apologizing or compromising and learning from our mistakes, a walk through the hood, and we found ourselves back at Evelyn’s where you accidentally stayed the night by knocking out on the couch after stuffing our faces on El Faro burritos. I remember the day after was a really warm one as we wandered the Castro to Dolores park a little high on brownies. Thinking how great it was to experience one of SF’s unique festivals with you and some matcha ice cream from your favorite spot. The day after was probably one of favorites too as we walked around the main parade but had to end the day early because Bryan had to leave early. But this didn’t stop us from coming back to the celebrations, except this time we had some fizzy Rosé to accompany us as we walked back to Civic Center where the main event was taking place. Taking in the atmosphere of such an event and having you there to talk about which one us would make it to 90K first made my flight down a happy one, as I reminisced about you, the cherry cooler we bought later on, our time in the backseat next to the park, and the delicious lasagna.
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greenfoottravels · 5 years
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Lakegala Hike Sri Lanka Mini tours (SLMT) trekking guide takes you to the wonder of the natural creature. We always try to encourage green tours with abound of nature. It will be educated, adventure and delights. density of Meemure is Lakegala' When you reach the top of Lakegala you will see the East sea shore of Sri Lanka with a clear view' Though the journey begins by passing a few village houses you have to take' So" it is a ritual of the villagers to prey for the historic “Bodhiya” to gain the blessings for the journey' First 3 km of the journey is a river based tracking' It is also a journey with horror and you have to lean and jump as the route is covered with creep, rocks etc. Rest of the distance is allocated to climb Lakegala. Top of the mountain comprised with its diversified flowers at the middle of the mountain Lakegala is a kingdom for eagles. However it is hard to reach the peak of the mountain and the last 300m of the journey will be an adventure type journey. Tour Itinerary •Pick you from Kandy and will be transferred to Meemure/ Cycling to Meemure •Brief description of the route and the hike. There will be two trekking options for selection – Water fall trekking •Starting the hike •Refreshments •Estimated time to reach the top by 12.15 P.M. •Lunch. •Climbing down/Back to Kandy or Camping Walk with us E-mail:- [email protected] Phone:- +9471 – 5720880/+9471 – 2776556 Web – www.greenfoottravels.com App - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.codetu2.slmini #Trekkingsrilanka #walksrilanka #hikesrilanka #toursrilanka #rockclimbing #knuckles #hiking #trekking #nature #beauty #travel #beautifulplaces #greatview #mountains #waterfalls #neverenough #naturelovers #explore #beautiful #travelgram #paradiseisland #srilanka #bandawelatrekking #haputhale #Hortonplain #nationalpark #knucklescamping #meemure #lakegala (at Lakegala) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6J4CTep4V8/?igshid=1l12rtz5s36el
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sinhalayano-blog · 5 years
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#Repost @wagon_park ・・・ Dearest Wagonz. We are doing something of a mini tour in the months of December and January. The first leg will be in the south, followed by gigs in Colombo and Kandy in January. It's going to be some wild and rocking times and we do hope you can join us. Watch this space for more information! (at Colombo කොළඹ கொழும்பு) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5bmzpABhNC/?igshid=yj6h1mkkmoje
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thilanka-tours · 5 years
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Thilanka Tours & Signature by Thilanka - Srilanka. Email : [email protected] / [email protected] Contact No : +94 773 75 75 92 ( whats app & Viber ) Web : www.thilankatours.weebly.com
#KnucklesMountainRange. A hiker's #paradise with 34 #hiking trails! . Most popular #hikingtrails are Nitro caves hiking trail and #MiniWorldEnd hiking trail. . - Nitro caves hiking trail begins at the Corbett’s #Gap. It offers you #breathtaking views across the #mountains of #Kandy. This is a 11 km hike and takes about 6 hours to complete. . -Mini World’s End hiking trail begins at the #Knuckles Conservation Center. Mini World’s End is a highly instagrammable place. This is a 1.5 km hike and takes about 1 hour to complete. . #thilankatours #srilanka #lka
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nt778175756-blog · 5 years
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special offer 10 day 9 night tour Colobmo Airport to anuradhapura 1day 1 night anuradhapura Temple Isurumuni rock temple 2 day 1 night Sigiriya and Dambulla Dambulla Cave Temple, Golden Temple, Sigiriya Lion Rock Fortress Overnight stay at Sigiriya 3 day 1 night Kandy temple Spice Kandy GemMuseum. Cultural Show Wood Carvings 4 day 1 night Nuwara Elliya Ramboda Falls Tea plantation Lake Gregory. Ambewala Farm Nuwara Eliya to Elle 5 day 2 night Ella mini Adam's Peak 9 Arch Bridge Diyaluma Falls 6 day 1 night Yala Safari 7 day 1 night Mirrssa whale watching 8 day 1 night Bentota vist Galle Fort Benthota Maduganga 9 day 1 night Colobmo City tour shopping 10 day back to airport 1 people 1 day Maximum to people up Recommendation and transport cost $ 55 USD Bed and breakfast https://www.instagram.com/p/BxEcB6olF_F/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=new67clm8t70
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There was a sudden suggestion to climb Uthuwankanda, which is famous for being the hideout for a local bandit, Saradiel. Since it is a few kilometer drive from Kandy Uthuwankanda was perfect for a mini hike and i too decided to join. But before the hike i thought of refreshing my memories about the stories of Saradiel. #uthuwankanda #saradiel #srilanka #hike #travel #tour #amazing #beautifulspots #thingstodoinsrilanka #views #srilankatourism #calm #love #leisure #srilankatours #travelagentsrilanka #travelworld #amazingdestinations #beautifuldestinations #srilankatourpackages #attractive #srilankaholidaypackages #marvelous #beauty #picoftheday #travelsrilanka🇱🇰 (at Utuwankanda, Sri Lanka) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvv6ONzHPMM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=52tri2kbxgc6
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izobellaird-blog · 7 years
TourGuideInSriLanka.com Organizes the Best Kandy Day Tour
How To Plan The Ultimate Kandy Day Tour To Enjoy The Hill Country Capital Of Sri Lanka
Kandy could be identified as by far one of the most famous cities of Sri Lanka. Even from centuries ago, this city has played a very important role in shaping the culture and heritage of the land. That is why even today, many look for a Kandy tour guide to help them learn the many wonders behind this majestic city. Nestled in the hill country of Sri Lanka, this city is known to be a pleasant site waiting to be discovered. Therefore it is highly advisable to plan out at least a Mini Tour Kandy for one of the most rewarding holiday experiences you could ever dream of.
Popularity Of Kandy Day Tour
There are so many things the city of Kandy is famous for. This gives you all the more reasons to find yourself a recommended Kandy tour guide, the TourGuideInSriLanka.com, and embark on a tour to uncover all the splendid wonders the city holds. Firstly the city is important due to its historic value. During the time when kings ruled the land, this city was chosen as a kingdom and actually was the last ancient kingdoms of Sri Lanka. Owing to this the site even managed to secure the title of a UNESCO world heritage site as well. Some other reasons behind the city becoming a popular tourist destination include:
The breathtaking scenic view of the city
The travel time from the capital city is not too long; therefore even a Mini Tour Kandy can be arranged as part of larger tours.
There are many important places to see in Kandy
Best Places To See In Kandy for Kandy Sightseeing Tour with TourGuideInSriLanka.com
When you are planning a Kandy day tour or Mini Tour Kandy one of the most famous attractions that you would be able to witness is the Sacred Temple of the Tooth, known as the Dalada Maligawa. The temple is known to be highly sacred among Buddhists as it houses the relic of the tooth of Buddha. The temple is located in the Royal Palace and is one of the most respected locations within the island. In addition there are several other places to see in Kandy. When you explore the city with TourGuideInSriLanka.com, the Kandy tour guide, you will be able to visit other historically important sites such as the National Museum of the city, Lankatilaka Temple and Gadaladeniya Temple. In order to enjoy the scenic beauty of the location a stroll around the Kandy Lake or visit to the Peradeniya Botanical Gardens are ideal. Author : Greg Stefaniak
Source :http://travelsrilankablog.weebly.com/home/best-kandy-day-tour
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