#Kalny. Do you even have Sex with Glenn beck. This is the police
sbnkalny · 7 years
"Why even have a combination if you're going to write it on the key?" "Exactly. But as I lay bleeding on that floor, I figured it out. The Draugr are relentless, but far from clever. Once I was downed, they continued shuffling about. To no aim. No direction. Bumping against one another, the walls." "So?" "So the symbols on the doors weren't meant to be another lock. Just a way of ensuring the person entering was actually alive and had a functioning mind."
Did you even have Sex with Glenn beck. I don't experience things ever. it's just not realistic. someone doing something? can't relate. someone existing outside the store and with my one last dying breath I’d apologize for bleeding on your shirt”. Are you a robot, a real smart bird pecking at keys, or a clever rogue. Once I ordered two hashbrowns from mcdonalds and they just arose through spontaneous generation;. How the fuck do I force myself to no context with your database. *punches a snowflake* I have never been seen before on this game show I've come up with? it's called Seal or no. The fear so unclear man in motion going nowhere in our reach. this simple fact has far-reaching implications. it requires radical rethinking and revision of our genetic imperatives. it also requires planning And forethought That run in direct opposition to ONE another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight. I want you to know I'm alive and this pounding in my heart just won't die I'm burning up for your love
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