#Kaliya Ashley Ross
"She's confident."
Duke dennis x black!reader
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Summary: after duke and his girlfriend broke up he hasn't been talkative with his friends or hasn't gone out, so his friends take him out, because he hasn't been active so they take him to the store to go get something to eat, until duke saw this pretty ass girl at the store trying to shoot his shot but her confidence made him down bad for her.
Duke hasn't been the same after his break up with Kali. Kali and him had a nice relationship he was in love with her, and he thought the relationship was gonna last forever, but their relationship got a bit distant. Duke has been streaming a lot, and Kali was more worried and busy on her music career, and everything just fell apart from there. Duke hasn't been the same. He has been distant during the whole thing. He's been streaming a lot lately so he can distract himself from his heartbreak. Even his friends noticed, took.
Kai was in his room chatting with fanum. "Yo, I ain't neva seen this nigga that sad, bruh." Kai said with a concerned look thinking about duke's well being on the breakup. "Real shit, he been streaming alot lately to distract himself, like I would be putting him on with some girl because he hasn't been dating in a while ever since kali." Fanum said to Kai. "Right, that one time I was streaming with him we were talking to some girls, and the girls were trying to rizz the nigga up, and he wasn't even interested." Kai said to fanum as fanum made a disbelief look.
"Nah, we gotta get him out there he can't be stuck on kali forever, my nigga." Kali said to fanum rubbing his eyes since he's been stressed and tired after he finished streaming.
"Yo I'm mad hungry, I haven't eaten all day." Fanum said as kai gave him 'you lying' look. "Thats a lie nigga, I ain't never seen you get through the day without eating." Kai laughs as fanum fake laughs. "I know you ain't talking, grow nigga you like 4 foot something." Fanum jokes as kai gave him a look.
"Wait hold on I think I got a idea to get duke out the house, bruh." Kai said as he smiles having a good idea. "So we go to the store with duke, right? We get some snacks and if we see him eyeing a fine ass girl at the store we gon hook a nigga up." Kai smiles like kid seeing candy. Fanum thinks and then nod his head in a agreeing manner. "Ok, nigga I see you." Fanum smiles as he daps kai up.
"OK who paying because I ain't trying spend my money not gon lie." Fanum says. "Don't worry I'm gonna pay." Kai says as he gets up from his chair as fanum follows behind. Kai and fanum went to duke's room seeing him on his phone depressed.
"Aye, duke let's go to the store we ready." Kai said as he looks at Duke.
"Alright, who driving?" Duke questions as he gets up from his chair.
"I wanna drive." Fanum and kai says at the same and they gave each other a confused look.
"No, bro I'm driving I said it." Kai says back to fanum.
"Yo, you short as fuck you not reaching the steering wheel and your feet ain't gon touch the ground, nigga." Fanum laughs as kai look back at him irritatingly.
"I know you ain't talking yo big ass not gonna fit inside the car." Kai laughs at his joke as fanum look back at him with "nigga shut up" look.
"Why you always on my dick, bro" fanum says irritatingly as kai gave him a look in disbelief in shock.
"Nigga you be on my dick, fuck is you talkin bout." Kai argues back at fanum.
"Alright, I'm finna drive because yall nigga are just talking." Duke says walking past them as he taking the car keys. Kai and fanum follow behind duke as they make it outside walking towards the parked car.
Duke unlocks the car as they got in the car, duke drives off. They drove in completely silence which was really weird because when they usually be in the car they be loud as fuck, playing music and just having a fun time, but ever since duke and kali broke up, duke hasn't been the same lately.
As they made it to the store. Duke parked his car as they got out the car as the cold breeze touches their face. "Damn it's cold as shit out here." Kai says as shakes a little bit from the cold weather. "Why you ain't bring you jacket?" Duke question as they walked inside the store. "Because since fanum and I were arguing I ain't paid no attention of bringing my jacket." Kai responds back as fanum starts silently chuckling.
"That's what your ass get for arguing with me nigga." Fanum laughs as he childishly points finger at kai as kai hits his hand away.
"Bro shut yo bitch ass up, nigga." Kai says to fanum, duke crack a little smile as he hears kai and fanum arguing from behind him.
"Alright I'm gonna get me something to drink and to get away from y'all niggas before you embarrass me in this store." Duke says as he walks away from kai and fanum. Duke went towards the beverage isle as he stands infront of the fridge looking for something to eat. Duke heard the door open with that little bell ringing anytime someone enters the store.
Duke couldn't take his eyes off the woman that entered the store. She had locs in her hair that reached down to her waist. She had a black crop top, with some baggy pants, a belly button piercing, and white air forces. The pretty woman walks Duke's way, they made eye contact as the woman smiles at him. Duke wanted you, even if he didn't know you. Your smile was attractive, the way you walked with such confidence, the way you sway your hips when you walk.
Duke saw kai and fanum at the chips isl as they were talking with each other. "Yo, guys." Duke whispers as he caught kai and fanum's attention. "What, bro?" Kai asks. "I saw this fine ass girl coming my way and she smiled at me, not that 'nice, wholesome' type shit, like that attractive shit." Duke explains which made fanum and kai intrigued.
"Go talk to her nigga." Fanum looks at him urgently wanting him to go talk to the girl.
"Wait I gotta pay all this for you niggas." Duke says. "Don't worry I'm gonna pay me and fanum gonna be waiting for you in the car." Kai says as to duke, duke look a bit nervous second guessing. "Go, nigga we got you." Fanum insists.
"Alright imma go- wait you had money this whole time and you just me to waist my money, nigga." Duke asks questions as kai awkwardly smiles knowing he's been caught.
"We gonna go to the car, gotta go nigga." Kai says urgently as fanum follows behind as duke sees them paying for they snacks, kai and fanum look back at duke giving him a thumbs up as they left the store.
Duke takes a deep breath as he walks toward the candy isle seeing the woman was still there. Duke was next to her but not to close not wanting to seem like a stalker. Duke was looking at what candy he gonna get but he was looking back at the girl who was picking which candy she was gonna get.
"I know you're staring, I mean, I'm a pretty girl, but you can just ask." Y/n says to Duke, not looking at him. "Damn, hold on i'm -" Duke was about to apologize, but she cut him off. "Nah, I'm just messing around. It's cool." Y/n says calm as she looks back at Duke. "Oh shit your duke." Y/n says smiling as Duke smiles back. "You know me?" Duke asks. "Yeah, I know you. I watch Amp all the time." Y/n admits as she grabs a 'Twix' bar. "Damn, why did you -" Duke was gonna say something, but y/n cuts him off. "I don't really do that extra shit when I see a celebrity. You know y'all are people too." Y/n says as she walks as Duke follows her.
"Also them niggas at new York y'all were giving PC's to were doing to fucking much." Y/n says as she went towards the chip isle as duke grab some 'Hot cheetos'. "Yeah them niggas was buggin, acting crazy." Duke answers back Making y/n laugh. "Wait, I ain't get your name." Duke says as y/n stops in her tracks. "It's Y/n." Y/n bit her bottom lip as she continues walking.
"Pretty name for a pretty ass girl." Duke says making y/n smile. "I know nigga, don't play." Y/n and Duke laughed as they walk towards the register as they continue talking.
"Hey I know we just met, but can I get your number." Duke does his infamous rizz smile which y/n couldn't say no to. "Sure." Y/n agrees as duke offer his phone to her as she writes her number in his contacts. Y/n pulls out her wallet but duke stops her. "Nah let me pay for you." Duke insists. "Nah I'm a big girl I can pay for my own stuff, baby." Y/n smirks making duke heart melt. The way she said 'baby' made him feel some type of way. The man at the counter gave him the snacks in the bag.
"It was nice meeting you, y/n." Duke says as y/n looks up at him with a picture perfect smile. As duke and y/n head out of the store they grabbed their snack from inside the bag as there hands touch making them look at each other not breaking eye contact. Y/n kisses duke on the cheek as she smiles at him she comes closer and whispered in his ear. "Call me." Y/n whispers as she walks away from him as she walks towards her car.
Duke walks towards his car getting inside. "Yo, we saw everything outisde nigga, she want you for real." Kai smiles exciting hyping duke up.
"Did you get her number? That's the main question." Fanum asks duke. "Hell yeah, I got her number, nigga." Duke says as kai and fanum shouts hyping Duke up.
Duke starts the car as duke was telling the whole story the whole car ride home. They made it home as they was still talking about it. "You gonna text her?" Kai asks as duke thinks.
"I don't know bruh?" Duke responds not really sure what to do.
"Bro text her so she knows you interested don't boring with it though." Fanum gives duke some advice as they walked inside the house. "Not gonna lie I'm tired as hell." Kai yawns. "Alright I'm boutta go upstairs" Duke says. "Alright night, bro." Fanum says walking to his room.
Duke walked upstairs as he went inside his room, he heard phone buzzed as he turns his phone on he sees that you texted him.
"Y/n: You wanna go out for dinner?" Y/n texted making duke smile at tye response.
"Duke: yeah, why not?" Duke texted back.
"Y/n: cool, night." Y/n texted back as she smiles as she turns her phone off and still smiling at the thought of Duke.
Duke smiles as he turn his lights off making it too bed still thinking about y/n, he couldn't stop thinking about her, duke is grateful to have kai and fanum putting him out there.
He finally was himself again, and he wasn't thinking about Kali anymore, and for that he was happy to have someone new in his life.
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famelord · 1 year
Kaliii Age Bio Height Weight Duke Dennis Kaliii_jones
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