#Kalios Malik
monstersofsilence · 7 years
Failed redemption
Merlee sat on her couch, thinking. This was the second time. Second time she messed up once more. Tearing up, she closed her eyes and shook her head to herself. What is she supposed to do now? Then she remembered the words the blue blood had told her and that's where sadness turned to anger.
"Merlee, what exactly are you thinking?" Parasaiya worryingly said. The red blood didn't respond as she walked out of the hive and went out to search for the blue blood.
It turned night. Merlee took the same path the first time she went to the blue blood's mansion. A long walk, but she eventually got there, seeing the lit up hive from afar. All the trolls were there are mostly high bloods. The red blood screamed out his name, as loud as she can possibly can. Possibly something she didn't expect out of herself either.
All the trolls stopped what they were doing, staring out at the big, open entrance. Morrin, who was in the middle of the crowd, looked over to be surprised who it was. He made his way to the front entrance, along side him were the yellow blood, Kalios, and another blue blood, Jalone. Morrin grinned, seeing the red blood standing where she is. "Well, what a surprise, rusty. I didn't send an invitation for you to come." He snarkily said.
Merlee didn't say a word, her eyes glowing teal and every troll that were there, their shadows moved on their own and acted as if they stabbed the troll. One by one, every troll fell to the ground, dead, but leaving the low bloods alive and the three trolls she is after. Morrin heard the thuds, turning around and watched as every troll dropped dead. He didn't expect this to happen at all. He was actually feeling a bit of fear. "Everyone else. Get. Out." Merlee yelled out. The few low bloods that were there quickly ran, some looking back, but leaving as soon as they can.
Now it was only four. "Morrin, please. Let me handle her! It'll be a fair fight between us." Kalios said. "No." Morrin quickly replied as the yellow blood had an expression of sadness.
"Something's not right with her." Morrin whispered to himself. Pulling out his gun with his left hand, he prepared himself. Merlee held her hand out, letting her scythe appear. Before he knew, the dead bodied that lied on the floor came back to life, but obviously by Merlee's spell. Hearing the moans, Morrin quickly turned around to see all the undead trolls beginning to converge on him as he quickly shot at them.
Merlee took her chance, shadow blinking towards him, appearing in front of him in a black mist as she swung on the right side which he quickly dodged. While Morrin focused on the red blood, his two henchmen dealt with the undead trolls. Merlee chased after him as he used his shield ability while Merlee swung her weapon wildly and screaming, hoping to break through the magical shield he had.
She quickly stopped, extending her hand out, facing flat at him and sent out an energy blast at him. Morrin ducked down, barely missing by an inch, feeling the breeze of the blast above his head. He got up, grinning, but got distracted by a bright light behind him. Turning around, he sees a large explosion erupted from the one blast that sent out a shock wave, knocking him down.
"What the hell is going on with her?!" Morrin thought to himself. "This isn't what I expected. These are powerful spells. Powerful destructive spells to anyone, but also to her." He quickly got up but quickly got startled as Merlee appeared once more in front of him from a black mist as he was hit by the shaft of the scythe. She walked slowly over to him, her shadow forming dark tendrils as they thrusts towards him, hoping to stab at him, but he quickly summoned his shield that quickly breaks and knocks him back even farther.
At this point, Para was busy telling Merlee to stop using the spells, but she wasn't listening. All she could see was blood lust though she began to feel tired as the use of all spells began to take a toll on her. Dragging her scythe on the ground, leaving a trail behind her, she walked up to him and looked down to where his is as it began to rain.
"I told you to leave me the hell alone. I told you that I would kill you." Merlee said, using her other hand to hold the shaft as she readies herself.
"Well... would you mind if I say one more thing before you kill me?" Morrin said.
"What?" Merlee questioned. That's where it all felt like it ended. A gun shot echoed. It startled her. The next thing she felt is weakness in her hands as she lets go of her scythe and slowly looks over at her body. A bullet wound. Straight to where her heart is. The glowing teal eyes turned back to her normal eye color as she collapsed to her knees.She completely forgot that he had a gun all this time
Morrin quickly got to his knees, leveling to her, as he looked at her. "You are such a disappointment. To yourself, and to everyone else around you." That was the last thing she remembered as she fell to the ground, blacking out.
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
An alternative
Impatience. That's one word to describe Morrin at this point. There's a reason he sent out those three trolls to find the red blooded girl though it had to be this long? At this point, they're worse than his two right hand men who couldn't find her on the day she arrived at his old mansion. This isn't going how he predicted. It isn't good.
"Mr. Luccan." Kalios says as he walked into the blue blood's room. "We seem to have some new regarding that red blood girl."
Morrin turned to him, seeing that he had a piece of paper. "What's that?"
"Well, this is what I'm here to tell you. Apparently one of our spies spotted her... and a clone of her." Kalios answered and handed him the paper which is a picture.
"What?!" He quickly grabbed the picture and examined it. A photo of Merlee and what seems to be a clone of her going through some kind of portal. "When was this a thing?! How... how did I not see this?! No, no, no, no. This is all wrong. My predictions of the future is going nowhere where it should be! But..."
"Mr. Luccan, if I may suggest." Kalios interject. "Would there be a way to lure Merlee out by using this clone... or whatever she may be? Hmm?"
"I had the exact same thought. Whoever this clone is, we capture her and Merlee has no choice but come to me. That is very perfect... where is Jalone?"
"Him? He's currently busy with his business... and currently wanting to be off the radar after that encounter with that forest girl."
"You cannot be serious? Why the hell did I hire him for if all he does is hide? He continues on like this, then it seems we'll have to do rip off the chain to keep him from being a liability to my operation."
Kalios grinned from the suggestion. "Yes, I do think we shall. I shall leave you be then, Mr. Luccan." On the yellow blood's head, it seems everything is going according to plan regarding Jalone. With that, he leaves the blue blood's room.
Morrin looked at the picture. A clone of Merlee? No. Something more than that. The red blood knows magic, as did her ancestor before her. Perhaps it's another of her, but from a different world? He's speculating too much on this. Perhaps he could go into his machine to see into the future on this matter.
He needs something to get his head straight with everything that's been going on.
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
A dangered future
Morrin looked down at Merlee's still body, letting out a sigh of disappointment. "I gave you a choice, Merlee." He said, turning around to look over at his mansion. "What a disaster." His two henchmen, Kalios and Jalone,  walked over to Morrin. "Morrin, we don't think this place is safe anymore. With that one infiltration a couple months ago and now this, we don't think everything you've been doing is safe." Jalone said, rubbing his arm.
"Even though I often argue with this blue blood, I have to agree with him, my master." Kalios added. "Might I suggest relocating to the second hive to continue our operation."
Morrin looked over at his mansion, sighing heavily until finally speaking. "Then it shall be done. Also, be sure to grab the red blood's body. Maybe we can still get a use out of it yet." Both nodded their head and walked passed Morrin only to see no body to be found. "Uh, Morrin... Merlee's body isn't here anymore." Kalios said with a concerning tone.
Morrin's eyes widened from the mention of a body not found. He quickly turned around and instantly he grinned deviously. 'I knew that one bullet wouldn't kill her.' He thought. "Well then? What are you two morons standing around for?! Go out and find her and get her back here! She may not have gone far!"
Both Jalone and Kalios looked at each other until running into the forest to search for the red blood. Meanwhile, Morrin stood where he is as the rain began to pick up much more, pouring as he began to walk to his new location, thinking over the situation with Merlee. 'She was acting out very oddly. Her attacks were sporadic, not coordinated. I wasn't expecting this from her. I wasn't expecting this in any of my futures. Something is wrong and I need to fix this. Whether with... or without her.'
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