#Kali the peryton
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sysirauta · 7 months ago
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Kali and Radza, peryton siblings.
Perytons are rare sapient mythical creatures, belonging to the same category than for example gryphons and dragons. They are a bit oddballs as they grow fast into their full size and start their independent life as feral creatures and gain intelligence slowly long after they've grown to full size. Younger unmature perytons are basically feral animals, it's no use to talk or reason with them, they see you as a lunch, or in better case a threat and leave you alone. Perytons have sharp talons, also blunt claws to kick, and venomous bite and they do eat meat and they're not small, so it's adviced not to travel alone in areas where young perytons flock, as they might attack anything except other perytons.
Adult perytons carry the infamy of their past, but will not attack other sapient creatures anymore without a reason. It's rough to grow big brains and gain things like empathy and realize that you ate somebody as a kid.
When Kali and Radza were young and just left to live alone, they fought and Kali won their childhood territory. Radza has a quite visible scar through his chest to remember that. They don't still like each other too much but are over the worst grudges as they're adults with functional brains now.
Female perytons are earthy colors with only tiny nub antlers, whilst male perytons are ridiculously colorful and have lightweight yet rather impractical antlers with sole purpose of showing off.
Perytons cast a shadow of their last victim, that makes their presence hard to spot sometimes.
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djbondage · 4 years ago
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Corrispondenze Samhain
Sabba: Maggiore
Animali: pipistrello, gatto, elefante, airone, sciacallo, gufo, corvo imperiale, pettirosso, scorpione, cervo
Esseri astrali / Mitologici: Beansidhe, Erlkönig, fylgiar, goblin, arpie, medusa, peryton, phooka
Erbe e piante: Melo, angelica, mandorle, alloro, ginestra, bardana, erba gatta, calendula, cannella, chiodi di garofano, mais, belladonna, aglio, zenzero, zucche, cereali, nocciolo, cicuta, artemisia, mandragora, ortica, pero, mentuccia, aghi di pino, melograno, zucca, rosmarino, ruta, salvia, semi di girasole, dragoncello, cardo, timo, ginseng, assenzio, grano
Incenso: Benzoino, copale, incenso, eliotropio, resina mastice, menta, artemisia, mirra, noce moscata, patchouli, salvia, sandalo, assenzio
Oli: Basilico, incenso, canfora, alloro, cedro,
chiodi di garofano, copale, coriandolo, cipresso, eucalipto, erica, ginepro, lilla, artemisia, patchouli, menta, salvia, sandalo, girasole, vetiver, assenzio, achillea, ylang-ylang.
Fiori: Crisantemo, calendula, passiflora, girasole
Alberi: Acacia, melo, cipresso, nocciolo, agrifoglio, ginepro, quercia, pino, Tasso
Luna: Luna del Sangue, Luna Rossa, Luna Nera, Luna della Caccia
Pietre: ambra, ossidiana nera, berillo, diaspro, corniola, quarzo chiaro, diamante, granato, ematite, diaspro, onice, opale, pirite, zaffiro, rubino, quarzo fumé, tormalina, turchese
Simboli: Luna Calante, zucche, spaventapasseri, falci, mais, scopa, calderone, pipistrelli, gatti neri, fantasmi, scheletri, gufi, ragni, la luna, teschi, castagne, funghi
Divinità: Ecate, Cerridwen, Arianrhod, Bast, Persefone, Hel, Kali, Cernnunos, Osiride, Ade, Anubi, Loki
Elemento: Aria, Fuoco
Colori: arancio, nero, rosso, marrone, giallo
Soglia: tramonto a mezzanotte
Studi magici: divinazione, proiezione astrale, lavoro su una vita passata
Strumenti: Athame, falò, scopa, calderone, calice, sfera di cristallo, tarocchi, specchio magico, oghams, tavole Ouija, pendolo, rune
Falò: melo, agrifoglio, querce, pino
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sysirauta · 2 years ago
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This fella is named Kali, she's a peryton. Pretty rarely seen character of mine.
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sysirauta · 2 years ago
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Peryton named Radza, brother of Kali. They do have old rivalry still going on, but at least they're grown out from "I'm going to cut your throat" to "I endure your existence if I don't see you too often" and that's some progress at least.
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