#Kaleidoscope Illustration Pattern
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kaleidoscopevisualart · 5 months ago
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📺 Colorful Kaleidoscope Visual Videos
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kaleidoscopeshortvideos · 4 months ago
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Meditation Digital Symmetrical Artwork Project, Kaleidoscope Meditation
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ourstaturestouchtheskies · 9 months ago
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Illustration of Daffodils from The Plant and its Ornamental Applications – Eugène Grasset and Emma Hervegh // Daffodil – Florence + the Machine
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emigrafia · 2 years ago
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Mosaic of a Flower
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kaurwreck · 3 months ago
Chuuya processes his grief in text, and Asagiri + Harukawa have explicitly stated that Chuuya is even keeled, level headed, and relaxed, except when around Dazai, who riles him up; meta which is supported by the context clues in the scenes where we see him in both emergency and non-emergency situations. That he does process grief so well and with such love for those he's lost and those who remain is a comment on irl!Chuuya's grief, and expresses a poignant sentiment considering bsd!Chuuya heals in such ways irl!Chuuya was denied. Even Chuuya's ability being gravity manipulation, over which he has an absurd degree of control and finesse, is, in part, a metaphor for his self possession and the weight he carries but is not made leaden by— indicated both by his character song and by the general use of weight and gravity to illustrate and describe grief irl and in literature.
The version of Chuuya that is repressed, dissociative, in crisis, and who doesn't process his grief or other emotions is fanon. Everyone is entitled to fanon, but there are layers of nuance and commentary that fanon tends to file away.
I enjoy stories because of how they demand my expansion, sometimes forcefully yanking me from my own presumptions and patterns to confront the kaleidoscope of human experience that I could never understand within the boundaries of my own internity. I also read to resonate and connect with others too, of course; but it's both seeing and being seen that matters to me, which is why I'm so insistent about challenging my initial perceptions and encouraging the same in others.
Regarding Chuuya and challenging the manner in which we often project our sentiments on others, from Plato's Phaedo:
Socrates replied with a smile: O Simmias, what are you saying? I am not very likely to persuade other men that I do not regard my present situation as a misfortune, if I cannot even persuade you that I am no worse off now than at any other time in my life. Will you not allow that I have as much of the spirit of prophecy in me as the swans? For they, when they perceive that they must die, having sung all their life long, do then sing more lustily than ever, rejoicing in the thought that they are about to go away to the god whose ministers they are. But men, because they are themselves afraid of death, slanderously affirm of the swans that they sing a lament at the last, not considering that no bird sings when cold, or hungry, or in pain, not even the nightingale, nor the swallow, nor yet the hoopoe; which are said indeed to tune a lay of sorrow, although I do not believe this to be true of them any more than of the swans. But because they are sacred to Apollo, they have the gift of prophecy and anticipate the good things of another world, wherefore they sing and rejoice in that day more than they ever did before. And I too, believing myself to be the consecrated servant of the same god, and the fellow-servant of the swans, and thinking that I have received from my master gifts of prophecy which are not inferior to theirs, would not go out of life less merrily than the swans.
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lychgate · 1 year ago
oh MAN i really want to get back to that one, like everyone else I too, have dreams to do big illustrations of all the arcs and I started scribbling this one out a few years ago:
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playing with like spiraling and kaleidoscope overlapping imagery of clone baby pods and coruscant senate buildings, a foreground circling of corrie guards, idk i was just playing with patterning still i didnt get far but i hope to return someday, maybe by posting the wip it will kick my butt to do more for it
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mybeingthere · 2 years ago
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Snow time; Downhill all the way!
Louis Wain (1860-1939)
"At the turn of the century, Louis Wain became a household name as ‘The Man Who Drew Cats’. His drawings of cats appeared in periodicals and his own annuals and then, increasingly on prints and postcards. While his early work was already distinctive, in a gently humorous way, the onset of schizophrenia gradually transformed his style, making it bright, highly patterned and apparently in keeping with Jazz Age Modernism.
Louis Wain was born in London on 5 August 1860. His father was a textile salesman and his mother designed carpets and church fabrics. A sickly child, he was educated at the Orchard Street Boys and Infant School, South Hackney, and at St Joseph’s Academy, Kennington. He trained at the West London School of Art (1877-80), remaining there as an assistant master until 1882. From his father’s death in 1880, he had to support first his mother and five younger sisters and soon after a sick wife. He supplemented his income by working as a freelance illustrator (initially influenced by Caldecott and May), and in 1882 he joined the staff of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. He began to make his name with humorous cat drawings, primarily in the Illustrated London News, the staff of which he joined in 1886. He was the first to work consistently within the convention of depicting clothed and standing animals. His anthropomorphic vision of the world soon brought him much fame and as a result he was elected President of the National Cat Club in 1891. However, he was not a good businessman, and in 1907 he may have been sued for debt. In the same year, he moved to the United States to make a new start, producing strip cartoons for the New York American (1907-10). Back in England, he experimented with animation in 1917, in the films, The Golfing Cat and The Hunter and the Dog. After the death of his sister Caroline in the same year, he began to suffer a mental decline, becoming a schizophrenic, as his work clearly revealed. ‘His cats became frenzied and jagged, sometimes disappearing into kaleidoscopic shapes’ (Frances Spalding). When, in 1925, he was found in the paupers’ ward of Middlesex County Asylum, an appeal was launched on his behalf, and he was transferred to a comfortable room with his paints in the Bethlem Royal Hospital, Southwark. The appeal reached twice the target sum in a month, a sign of the public’s continuing affection. He died in the Middlesex County Asylum, Napsbury, near St Albans, on 4 July 1939.
Chris Beetles Gallery
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rubykgrant · 2 years ago
On the subject of what kinds of tattoos RVB characters might have (or if they wouldn't have tattoos at all)...
Grif; we know he's got a Blade tattoo on his neck (I'm imagining it on the back). He'd probably get a few more, but avoid ones that seem too "typical" (he's mentioned several he would DEFINITELY not care for). He might get some on the Simmons-sides of his arm/leg, for the fun of it. I think on the back of his shoulder, he'd get something that matches with Kai, and when they sit side-by-side, it fits together. You just know he'd get a pizza tattoo somewhere (possible even a pizza with a slice missing on one arm, and then the slice over on the other). If he wanted to be all extra romantic about it, he'd find something with Simmons' signature on it, and get it tattooed on his chest, over where the heart is (this is a game, and he's winning). He also might get a traffic cone~
Simmons; he'd be all afraid to do it, but also REALLY wants to seem cool... if he finally goes for it, he'd get something like Pi or the infinity symbol. He might get a nerdy tattoo on his neck to match Grif (the Robin R, since his name matches Dick Grayson, or the Starfleet insignia, or the little up-link patterns from Ghost in the Shell)
Tucker; listen, he's a pain-baby. In a serious situation, when he has to fight or save somebody, Tucker can handle anything, he'll keep going and push through the pain... but in regular situations? Ow, no hurty! However, he'd get something for Junior (like the shape of his handprint when Junior was still tiny), perhaps on one shoulder blade, and on the other he'd get the Alpha and Epsilon symbols (almost left those unfinished, because HURTY, which would have been ironic, since Church keeps dying... but he finally got it done)
Caboose; had to be talked out of getting a HUGE tattoo that just says "I LOVE CHURCH" on his chest. Instead, he got a pale-blue helmet tattoo on his forearm on one side, and a deeper blue helmet tattoo on the other forearm (his and Church's original one), and when he hugs Church, the helmets overlap~
Sarge; never gave himself any down-time for decades, so no tattoos for a long time... when he finally chills, he would get a few for ODST, the Red Team symbol, and a shotgun slapped on him somewhere... maybe something pretty like a sunset scene on his back (he has a sentimental side for things like that). He'd also get a series of lines, in a stripe pattern, of red-brown-maroon-orange-pink-purple, one his bicep (people who see it ask "what Pride Flag is that?")
Doc; not super interested in tattoos... but he might get something like a moon and sun overlapping, like an eclipse, to be all symbolic for him and O'Malley. If O'Malley convinced him to get more, there would be like, a skull next the peace-sign. Doc's also one of those guys who'd get a motivational quote printed on him somewhere (everybody teases him that it's gonna be "Live Laugh Love", but he's not THAT much of a dork)
Donut; an elaborate tattoo illustration of a ribbon and several flowers, maybe on his thigh above his knee, and curves up around his hip, all very PINK~ Also, something that says "God Can't Kill Me" on his arm
Wash; not especially into tattoos, but he might get something on his neck (not over the scars, but around them), like a couple flowers to represent still being alive/growth. On a dare, he might get like, a small road tattoo (black winding stripe over an arm or leg, with the yellow lines down the middle. because it's his armor... and hahaha, car joke). Although he'd like to get something for all his friends he's lost, it feels weird getting a Project Freelancer tattoo (because the program itself SUCKED), or multiple AI Fragment symbol tattoos (it feels in poor taste, after what happened to Maine and the Meta). He would finally pick something like an intricate kaleidoscope pattern full of multiple colors (for the armor of all the friends he's lost, and all the friends he still has) on a shoulder
Carolina; just don't want any tattoos
Church; same. He doesn't care, he'll be the token plain-vanilla one with no ink
Tex; finally got herself that star on her back~
Kai; she's got a matching one with her bro... and also a lipstick kissy-mark on the little dip under her belly, something like cherries/hearts on her chest, small stylized symbols of different drinks on one arm, a crown and the word "PRINCESS" written in fancy font at the small of her back (it was gonna say "Princess Slut", but she decided to be at least mildly considerate to her bro's sanity, since he'd see it any time she had a swimsuit on. prude), "Fuck The Police" on her arm somewhere, and a rainbow that is a gradient- half colorful, half grayscale
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noisycowboyglitter · 7 months ago
"Why Every Grandma Needs a Groovy Momo Butterfly T-Shirt in Her Wardrobe"
Grandma Groovy Momo, with her vibrant spirit and love for butterflies, is a true character. Her home is a kaleidoscope of colors, much like the wings of her beloved lepidoptera. Visitors are greeted by a garden teeming with butterfly-friendly plants, a testament to her green thumb and passion for nature.
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Inside, Momo's walls are adorned with an eclectic mix of butterfly artwork - from vintage scientific illustrations to psychedelic 1960s-inspired prints. Her collection of butterfly brooches, accumulated over decades, sparkles from a display case, each with its own story.
Momo's fashion sense is as unique as she is. She often sports flowing, butterfly-print kaftans or tie-dye shirts paired with her signature oversized, butterfly-shaped sunglasses. Her silver hair is usually adorned with butterfly clips, adding to her whimsical appearance.
But it's not just about aesthetics for Grandma Groovy Momo. She's a fountain of butterfly knowledge, always ready to share fascinating facts about migration patterns or caterpillar diets. She volunteers at the local butterfly conservatory and holds workshops for children, passing on her love for these delicate creatures.
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Despite her age, Momo's energy seems boundless. She flits from one activity to another, much like her winged friends. Whether she's tending to her garden, creating butterfly-inspired art, or regaling her grandchildren with tales of her hippie days, Grandma Groovy Momo spreads joy wherever she goes, a human embodiment of the beauty and free spirit of butterflies.
Women's shirts from the 70s and 80s are a vibrant blast from the past, embodying the bold and expressive spirit of these decades. The 70s brought us flowing peasant blouses with puffed sleeves, often adorned with intricate embroidery or floral patterns. Disco-inspired satin shirts with dramatic collars were perfect for nights out.
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The 80s amped up the volume with oversized, off-the-shoulder sweatshirts in neon colors. Power dressing introduced crisp, padded-shoulder blouses for the workplace. Graphic tees featuring pop culture icons became popular casual wear.
Both decades embraced prints: psychedelic swirls, bold geometric shapes, and tropical motifs. Materials ranged from natural fabrics like cotton and silk to the emerging popularity of synthetic blends.
These retro styles continue to influence fashion, offering women playful and nostalgic wardrobe options.
A gift butterfly brings a touch of natural elegance to any occasion. This delightful present might take the form of a delicate piece of jewelry, such as a pendant or earrings, capturing the butterfly's graceful silhouette. It could be a colorful garden ornament, adding a
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whimsical flutter to outdoor spaces. For the nature enthusiast, a butterfly identification guide or a kit to grow butterfly-attracting plants makes a thoughtful choice. Decorative items like butterfly-themed throw pillows or wall art bring a sense of transformation and beauty into the home. Each butterfly gift symbolizes growth, change, and the wonder of nature.
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kaleidoscopevisualart · 3 months ago
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📺🎶 Kaleidoscope Visuals with Emotional Acoustic Piano
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jmtolman · 1 year ago
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Kaleidoscope Flowers
I wasn't planning on entering this challenge, but I was playing around with geometric patterns in Illustrator and decided to slap the color scheme on one of the designs. I liked it so much that I decided to enter anyways. Sometimes just mucking about with shapes will get you something cool.
You can vote here on Spoonflower. Thank you! 
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As she gazed up at the sky, she saw a multitude of lights: lights of all different sizes, shapes, and patterns, creating a kaleidoscope of colours dancing in the sky, resembling a fireworks display. Some swirled about rapidly and energetically in spirals, while others moved more slowly. While some lights were dim, with a faint outline, others glowed vibrantly, and some were far brighter than others.
"What are these?" she asked curiously.
"These are the souls of those who have passed on from this life, advancing towards heaven. This is not how they truly appear, but how you may see them from this side."
"What makes them different? Why do some appear brighter than others?"
"Their brightness is not a measure of their worth or value, for all souls are considered equally precious, but it represents how much light they were capable of holding onto and radiating in this life."
As she continued to gaze up at each of the lights, once again in awe of those that were most colourful, energetic, and bright, in that moment, she promised to herself that she would strive to live her life in such a way that, no matter how dark her life became, she would be one of the souls that always held onto the light and shone it wherever she went, so that throughout her life and when the time came for her to go, her light would burn brightly. And she would live in such a way that upon her death, she had no regrets, so that she may dance up into the night."
Words by Tahlia Hunter
Artwork by Elaine Bayley Illustrations
Tahlia Hunter
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penhero · 1 year ago
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Esterbrook Estie Botanical Gardens - It's Still Summer!
Fall is coming very soon, but summer colors are still with us and the Estie Botanical Gardens pens are perfect for the season.
The high-quality acrylic of the Esterbrook Estie Botanical Gardens celebrates springtime and even summer gardens with a kaleidoscope of floral accents, from greens to blues, deep reds to oranges, all displayed in a crackle-like pattern that intrigues the eye and inspires the imagination.
Botanical Gardens pens are available in both gold and palladium trim. You have the choice of both oversized and regular, as well as your pick of fountain pen, rollerball, or ballpoint.
Oversize fountain pen $225
Standard size fountain pen $175.50
Rollerball pen $166.50
Ballpoint pen $112.50
Check them out by clicking below:
Customers outside the USA can purchase on eBay:
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nursingwriter · 6 days ago
Healthcare We can compare the healthcare workplace to what is seen by a person when he/she looks through a kaleidoscope: since there are numerous different patterns that appear as the moments pass by. The shortage of nurses which has been publicized widely and the high turnover rates amongst the nurses are some of the unwanted patterns which have occurred. The dependence of healthcare institutions on the nurse-managers for the retention and recruitment of nurses is steadily increasing (Contino, 2004). There are a number of routes through which the critical care nurses have become the leaders. Most of these routes don't have any educational or managerial training as a part of the process. There is a need for effective strategies for the care leaders who provide critical care in order to inspire the staff and manage the departmental operations in an effective manner to get positive results. One of the strategies that are being used by the professional nursing associations, chief nursing officers and the employees is to create and implement a formalized sort of critical care leadership as well as managerial training programs which are based on evidence and are result oriented. When it comes to the development of healthcare leaders an under-use of the evidence-based research has been reported by Vance and Larson (2002) in "Leadership Research in Business and Health Care." What little evidence-based research is available regarding healthcare is poorly translated and mainly descriptive. Practical managerial skills which are essential for the critical care nurses in the official managerial roles have been compiled by me in this article, along with some of the leadership skills that can prove to be very helpful for the nurses. These skills are based on the leadership and managerial experience as well as the findings of many experts' business resources as healthcare professionals (Contino, 2004). The responsibilities of the critical care managers have been mirrored in the highly dynamic and divergent leadership skills. The requirement for the open-minded leaders who work alongside their peers and colleagues in order to prepare themselves for the multifaceted challenges which take place every day has also been illustrated in these skills. There are 4 categories that the leadership skills have been grouped into: 1. Organizational management 2. Communication 3. Analysis/strategy, and 4. Creation/vision. There are key abilities and skills that have been included in each one of these categories which can help the leaders in becoming more effective. These skills have been separately discussed in order to explain each one of them in a better manner along with demonstrating the way that they can be applied. Even though the nature of this topic is very extensive but the examples that have been mentioned here are brief and additional resources and information can be achieved by making use of the cited references (Contino, 2004). Competency-based development programs and job descriptions can be created for the nurse-leaders by the administrative teams if they make use of these leadership skills. Organizational Management Skills The experiences of other successful institutions and organizations can be used by the healthcare businesses to get benefit from. In the book Built to Last (Collins and Porras, 1997), there is a study that has been conducted on the successful corporate habits. In this study it has been shown that the continuity of the leadership and ongoing leaders' development is very important for the success of an institution. When the employees are taught and they know how to manage the human resources, revenue, information, expense, time, change, equipment and information technology, it is the organization or institution and their shareholder that can benefit from this. The level 5 leader has been described by Collins (2001) in 'Good to Great' which is a follow-up research book as someone who has the ability to build lasting greatness by making use of professional will and personal humility to train employees to always do what is right. A leader is the sort of person who gives credit to the others for successes while takes the responsibility for failures. In order to motivate the other employees he trusts the inspired standards. It has been stated by Collins that one of the most important determinants of the organizational greatness is level 5 leadership. Effective management of others as well as your own self is the essence of "great" leadership. Therefore, for the leaders it is very important to know how to manage their own emotional response in different situations. The retention and recruitment efforts rely greatly on how the nurse-managers are perceived by the staff members. The areas that can be worked on for the betterment of future and current leaders have been suggested by Wieck and colleagues (2002). It has been indicated by them that the emerging and entrenched workforce would like for their leaders to show optimism, honesty and integrity. Employees want their leaders to have good communication skills and receptive to the needs and wants of others. They want their leaders to be approachable, motivational, empowering and fair (Wieck et al., 2002). "Reversing the Flight of Talent" was a survey that was conducted on 1600 staff nurses. The result of this survey shows that the nurses want to have effective nurse-leaders5 that they work for. From among the nurses who took part in the survey 84% of them were thinking of leaving their jobs as they were not satisfied with the managers that they had. 43% of the nurses considered leaving the job even though they were satisfied with their managers (Denby et al., 2000). The leadership skills of the leaders can be improved if the research findings are incorporated into the healthcare system. Managing Time Successful strategies are used by the effective leaders in order to manage the time. Most of the times precious hours and minutes are wasted by the leaders on insignificant tasks such as opening the mail, answering the noncritical requests or filing. Self-discipline is used by the effective leaders to organize these tasks and to prioritize various projects. The time management skills can be perfected by the nurses by following the instructions and experiences of experts like Stephen Covey (1998). A time management matrix has been described by Covey in the book written by him; The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This time management matrix helps in understanding the relationship with non-urgent, urgent, not important and important activities. With the help of this tool the leaders are better able to allot their time to the urgent matters, for example, a director's budget (quadrant II planning and quadrant I deadline-driven projects) has a deadline coming in 3 days and a friends calls up to ask about some advice regarding vacation plans. The call is received and responded to by the director in a correct manner as, he asks the friend (quadrant III interruptions and quadrant IV some phone calls) to give a call to the director when he is at home in the evening. Time can be used in an effective manner by the leader when self-esteem of the employees is being built as it has been shown by the 1-minute praise concept that has been explained in One Minute Manager (Blanchard and Johnson, 1982). Another important skill of an effective leader is to come up with quick, creative and individual ways in which he can thank his colleagues, staff members and customers. Having personal knowledge of the staff members improves retention and builds their morale (Snow, 2002). In order to manage the time it is very important for a leader to have delegation skills. Not everything has to be done by the leaders. Their main responsibilities are to monitor or look over the ongoing process, completion of projects and to make sure that results are produced by interventions (Gregg, 2002). When appropriate projects and tasks are provided by the leader to the nurses and employees belonging to the administration department, it helps him/her in maximizing effectiveness. A process comprising of 4 steps has been described by Ales (1995) which helps the readers by telling them about the science and art of delegation: deciding on a task which can be delegated, making sure that it is assigned to the correct person, conveying the message in a clear manner, and carrying on with the management of information as, this step plays a very important role in the success of a leader (Gregg, 2002). Management of data with regards to the performance measurements and budget targets becomes very difficult in the absence of regular statistics. There has been a lot of data provided on various benchmarks like pressure ulcers, nursing skill mix, falls and hours per patient each day. Another resource through which the various practices are showcased is the Advisory Board (2004). There is large amount of data which is gathered by the critical care nurses regarding the patients and it is require by the nurse-managers to do the same thing with the operational data. Managing Human Resources The management of human resources especially the nursing resources is a very big part of the nurse-leader's role. A lot of time and attention is paid to the difficulties of understanding people since, exactly like a disease if a diagnosis it made then it gets easier to implement the interventions. It has been concluded by Geddes and colleagues (1999) that there exists a need for the fiscal accountability, personnel management and quality-enhancing management strategies. It should be a part of the training of nurse-leaders to know how to engage and involve the critical care nurses. It was concluded by Kouzes and Posner (1999) that the heart of effective leadership is the genuine caring for people by the critical care nurses. The way that the critical care nurses behave with the colleagues not only increases their satisfaction but is also improves the safety of patient. For these reasons it is very important to teach and train the critical care leaders as to how they should try to manage their human resource as, the success of the organization depends on it greatly. The nurse-leaders are guided by the hospital policies and the human resource development as to how they should make the decisions. The present shortage of the nurses and their high turnover rate shows that there exists a need for working together or closely with the professional from human resource (Contino, 2004). The reasons behind high vacancies, turnover and remarkable retention of the critical care unit can be tracked by these professionals. It has been suggested by Mark and Critten (1998) that in the future the HR department should focus more towards the organizational central intelligence and ensuring the facilitation of organizational creativity and learning. The human resources operational management was reviewed by Siddiqui and Kleiner (1998) and it was concluded that the latest methods that are being used by the HR professionals should be adapted by the health-care organizations as well. Some of these methods are: Trying to make the promotion from inside the company, Encouraging and motivating diversity and Conducting the cross training of the personnel whenever it is possible (Siddiqui and Kleiner, 1998) It was reported by Ridenour (1996) that the patients' constant learning, use of resources, outcomes, compliance and strategic planning are influenced by the leadership competencies. A crucial factor to the retention of employees is how they are mentored and treated, for this reason the interpersonal skills should be part of the management training. Strategies are learnt by the leaders in order to create an atmosphere of understanding by making use of the personality-profiling tools. It is very important for the profiling tools to be applicable, nonjudgmental, easily understandable and accurate in order for them to be effective. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (2004) is known to be one of the best tools. This is a tool which is used to measure the preferences of individuals by making use of 4 basic scales: 1. extraversion/introversion, 2. sensate/intuitive, 3. thinking/feeling, and 4. judging/perceiving. There are 16 types of personalities that can result due to the combination of various preferences. It is very important for the leader to know the personality type as, it helps him/her in understanding what the other person might be going through and empathizing with him/her. There is a profiling tool known as The Keirsey Temperament Sorter (2004) which has been made on the theory that there are 2 sides to every personality. There are 4 separate categories that the temperaments are sorted into based on this tool. The people with the artisan temperament are more prone towards acting impulsively; the ones with guardian temperaments have responsible behavior; ones with idealist temperaments are prone to personal development and the ones with rational temperaments are more predisposed to objective analysis. The survey that was conducted had 70 questions and the results were regarding the profile combinations of a person. The character of a person is understood with the help of the temperament analysis by identifying the learned skills and habits of a person. Time Typing (2004) is a newer profile which is applicable, nonjudgmental, easily understood and accurate. "Past," "Present" and "Future" are the titles that are used as metaphors for the physical time and they are used in order to explain knowledge, control and opportunity which help in making accurate decisions. With the help of this model the people are also able to understand the things that motivate them and the ones that help them in gaining self-esteem, the kinds of rewards systems preferred by them and the way that they communicate. The people belonging to Past type are more attuned to the risk aversion and information. The past-oriented people are more comfortable in analyzing and gathering data and seeking the "truth." The people who belong to the Present type are more attuned to control. They can organize chaotic situations and are excellent at making and following plan. People belonging to the Future type are more attuned to opportunity. Change and chaos are the things that they strive on. They don't turn things down as; they don't want to miss an opportunity. However, if they don't like something they have the habit of dropping it without completing it. It is believed by the theorist that characteristics from all of these 3 types of personalities are present in every individual however; everyone has a dominating or primary perspective. It is as important to understand the diversity and cultural norms as it is to understand individuals. It has been contended by Dreher and Macnaughton (2002) that the cultural competence is actually the nursing competence. With the diversity in communities it has become important for the leaders to adopt strategies which would help them in teaching and motivating people from various backgrounds and skill sets. The subjective and regulatory aspects of human resource management are bridged by the leadership mentoring as it pairs the novice leaders with the experienced leaders. A descriptive method has been mentioned by Montgomery (2001) in order to demonstrate the kind of mentoring. According to this method a doctor student is mentored by an experienced professor in administrative experience and leadership. Managing Change It is important for the critical care leaders to respond to the latest regulations, hospital closures, consolidations and/or changing economic conditions. With this rapidly changing environment it has become very important for us to understand the ways in which the changes are being implemented by the leaders (Simpson, 1996). A significant amount of influence has been exerted by Nurse-leaders on the process of change (Mathena, 2002). It has been stated by Menix (2000) that nurse managers might not have the ability to manage change in an effective manner if they are not given proper education and training. The categories of change have been applied by Nagaike (1997) to the organizations of healthcare and it has been concluded by him that in order to provide quality care and effective management it is significant to have flexible plans, accurate and clear communication. These categories have been identified by Anthony Robbins who is an expert in change management. It is important for the leaders to be able to evaluate the process of change in order to respond to and implement the required changes. Within the healthcare organizations Deming's model of change, Plan-Do-Study-Act (1993), is being practiced: 1. Plan: classify and clearly describe the problem. 2. Do: create and apply a solution. 3. Study: examine the problem, classify the root cause, map the process as well as what affects it. 4. Act: assess the results and make changes if essential. It was Shewhart (2001) who for the first time discussed this concept in 1939 and then in 1950s became famous when the Japanese were encouraged by Deming to promote quality improvements on constant basis and to adopt it. A change management model has been presented by Carney (2002) with the help of which the leaders can evaluate the process as, by understanding the reasons behind the acceptance or resistance of change by the nurses the leader can explain in a better manner the reason why it is essential to bring change. Managing Revenue and Expenses A global need for the financial education of nurse-leaders has been indicated by the international studies (Courtney et al., 2002). The interpretation of financial statements, recognition of time value and the understanding of performance ratios has become essential when the cost implications and financial forecasts are being assessed. It is important for the leaders to know the way that the budgets are formulated by their organizations and the way that their capital equipment purchases are prioritized by the chief financial officers. It is possible that the additional staffing, new technology, and/or the equipment might not be taken seriously by the chief financial officer until and unless it has been included in the financial justifications. In order to understand the projections for the health plan activity, changes in the prices of suppliers', and the demographic forecasts, it is important for the critical care leaders to work with the finance team. When it comes to the budget planning, the collaboration plays a very important role (Conitno, 2001). It can be very challenging to forecast the number of expected patients, supplies and salaries especially because it is the external factors that the number of patients depend upon. The financial health of the organization and the cash flow can be improved with the collaboration between the financial staff and the nurse-leaders. Chief Nursing Officer Nurse executives are often tasked with taking charge of organizational systems in order to fulfill certain objectives. These include regulatory, patient, family, physician, and staff prospects. They are also expected to ensure excellence in the fields of nursing and midwifery (Parsons & Cornett, 2011; The Kings Fund, 2011; Patton & Pawar, 2012). All this is despite the complex nature of their profession, which is marked by rapid transformations. Nurse executives are well placed to control the happenings in the healthcare industry. This includes the quality of patient care as enshrined in their professional and executive mandate. They are conscious and comprehensive of their responsibilities as regards response to political imperatives, and the wider impact on health service delivery in the nursing and midwifery profession (Talbert, 2012). Read the full article
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fashion2025store02 · 1 month ago
Stay Strippy Little Hippie Limited Edition Nike Air Force 1
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Product link:http://flavorhauted.com/product/stay-strippy-little-hippie-limited-edition-nike-air-force-1/
Store link:http://flavorhauted.com/
A Masterpiece of Retro Revival: Stay Trippy Little Hippie Limited Edition Nike Air Force 1
The world of sneaker design has always been a fertile ground for creative expression, merging functionality with art in ways that transcend mere footwear. The Stay Trippy Little Hippie Limited Edition Nike Air Force 1 is a testament to this ethos. This shoe is not just a sneaker—it’s a canvas, a cultural statement, and an homage to the vibrant, free-spirited essence of the 1960s and 1970s. With its psychedelic design and unparalleled craftsmanship, it stands as a collector’s dream and a beacon for those who appreciate the seamless fusion of art and fashion.
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A Psychedelic Journey Through Design
From the moment your eyes meet the Stay Trippy Little Hippie Air Force 1, you’re transported to an era of peace, love, and unbridled creativity. The shoe is a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns, capturing the essence of the hippie movement with its bold floral motifs, peace symbols, and whimsical doodles. The vibrant color palette, dominated by yellows, greens, oranges, and blues, evokes the carefree energy of tie-dye shirts and VW vans cruising down sunlit highways.
The phrase “Stay Trippy Little Hippie” emblazoned across the side of the shoe is not just a slogan but a call to embrace individuality and freedom of expression. It’s a reminder of the countercultural ideals that challenged societal norms and celebrated love, peace, and unity.
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Quality Meets Creativity
Nike has always been synonymous with quality, and the Stay Trippy Little Hippie Limited Edition is no exception. The shoe features premium materials that ensure durability without compromising comfort. The soft suede overlays and smooth synthetic leather provide a tactile contrast, while the iconic Air cushioning guarantees a comfortable stride.
What sets this edition apart is the meticulous attention to detail. Every stitch, every pattern placement, and every texture is thoughtfully executed, showcasing the craftsmanship Nike is known for. The sole, a timeless feature of the Air Force 1, is given a subtle update with a translucent finish that complements the psychedelic design, creating a cohesive and balanced look.
A Cultural Nod to the Hippie Movement
The Stay Trippy Little Hippie Air Force 1 is more than just a sneaker—it’s a tribute to one of the most transformative cultural movements in modern history. The hippie movement of the 1960s and 1970s was defined by its rejection of materialism, its embrace of communal living, and its advocacy for peace and environmentalism. These ideals are woven into the very fabric of this sneaker.
The peace symbols, floral arrangements, and quirky illustrations harken back to the posters and album covers of the era. They serve as a visual diary of a generation that dared to dream of a better world. Wearing this shoe is like wearing a piece of history, a wearable monument to the ideals of love and harmony.
Styling the Stay Trippy Little Hippie
Styling the Stay Trippy Little Hippie Air Force 1 is an adventure in itself. Its bold design invites you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace your inner free spirit. Pair it with distressed denim and a flowy tie-dye shirt for a cohesive retro look, or let the shoes shine as the statement piece against a minimalist outfit.
For the true sneakerhead, this limited edition is a collector’s gem that deserves a prominent place in any display. Whether worn or showcased, these shoes are a conversation starter, a piece of wearable art that captures the imagination and sparks dialogue.
The Intersection of Art, Fashion, and Activism
The Stay Trippy Little Hippie Air Force 1 is not just a product; it’s a cultural artifact. It lives at the intersection of art, fashion, and activism, reminding us of the power of design to convey messages and evoke emotions. In a world often dominated by fleeting trends, this sneaker stands as a timeless piece that celebrates individuality and creativity.
Nike has once again proven its ability to innovate and inspire, creating a design that resonates with both nostalgia and contemporary sensibilities. The Stay Trippy Little Hippie is more than just a shoe—it’s a story, a movement, and a masterpiece.
Final Thoughts
The Stay Trippy Little Hippie Limited Edition Nike Air Force 1 is a celebration of life, art, and individuality. It’s a shoe that tells a story, invites self-expression, and pays homage to an era of creativity and change. Whether you’re a sneaker enthusiast, a lover of art, or someone who appreciates meaningful design, this shoe is a must-have. It’s not just footwear—it’s a statement, a legacy, and a piece of the cultural mosaic.
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charlestonmarketonline · 3 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Anna Bateson "Desire" Colorful Abstract Art Print Collectible Artwork.
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