#Kaito Momota {Luminary Of The Stars} {IC}
chaosmultiverse · 2 years
@superbeaucoupdevisages​ answered:
   It...Hurt. It really hurt. How was one supposed to react to hearing someone you cared so deeply about that had been taken out of your life- That you had SEEN leave your life? No matter the amount of talking Maki had done with various people, her friends included, at the mention of HIM, she would immediately shut down any sort of conversation. She didn’t want to hear it, and she would much prefer to simply bottle these feelings up and forget about them on some dusty shelf. It was such a cruel fate for somebody that she had once held so closely but- She needed to be able to move forward. To keep going day by day with her existence. It should have been enough that sometimes she bought silly little mementos that reminded her of him. It should have been enough to keep his memory in her heart and thoughts. It should have been enough to have his friends around her that understood the pain.
   But...It was never enough. It would never be enough. Especially since the whole incident felt entirely unjust. How could people have decided that it happening was an okay thing? That they had let it gone on for so long? Losing him is what had made her hate the majority of the people on this god awful planet, and nothing could change her mind. Except by some miracle he was still alive on this planet somewhere but- Maki doubted that. She had been through the whole denial part of grieving and would rather not loop back around to it. But if anything- She was still angry. Very angry. So why now? Had she not suffered enough already?”
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     “......It’s not FAIR..!” Her fists shook at her side before letting her anger get the better of her. Fist raised, she quickly slammed her knuckles into the mirror in front of her with a small yell.
He wasn’t sure how he was still there, flickering in and out, watching his friends go on. at first... He thought it was a dying dream, something his mind came up with to comfort him, one last lie before the curtain fell but it had became clearer and clearer that no, this was very much real.
And he wasn’t anymore, or well more he was what could be called a ghost, what remained of someone who had died, a ‘living’ memory. He was glad to see that his friends had been living life as much as they could but... It hurt... Watching like a member of the audience instead of being there with them.
He had tried a few times already to grab the attention of his friends, ranging from trying to break or move things to yelling and screaming, begging for them to look at him, see him. Nothing had worked, Kato had never been one to give up but... He needed to take a break, it was driving him insane and making the hole in his heart fill more and more with grief over his own death and he couldn’t take that anymore, he needed to regroup, regather his strength... The one upside to this all was no one could see when he needed to rest, when he was ‘weak’.
Or so he thought as words slipped out, a musing not meant to actually hit Maki’s ears as he was watching her head off to bed once again but... No she reacted, she yelled, replied.
In the broken shards of the mirror was where she could see him, he was blankly staring back at her, his features seemed more hallow, the bags under his eyes noticeable, he had a surprised look on his face.
“You- You can see me?” His voice was a bit off, far away and... It sounded like the memory of his voice, it lacked the breathes between words, the energy from his lungs and chest that his speech had but it was indeed Kaito’s voice.
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soulsxunbound · 3 years
Tag drop pt.1
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Korekiyo, Kaito and Gundham cuddling headcannons
Korekiyo Shinguji:
·       You groaned hearing a knock at the door. You opted to stay in bed. Upon hearing that seemingly incessant knocking again you threw yourself off the bed and trudged to the door. “What is it?” You didn’t care that the sheer bitterness seeped into your tone, you just wanted this encounter to be over with. “Ah, I apologize Y/N, but you have not been answering your phone, nor had anyone seen you leave your dorm room. You have not even showed up to class or your lab, so I thought I’d check up on you.” “Kiyo! I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.” Now you so regretted using that spiteful tone. Though his lips were covered by that mask you could see a smile in his eyes. “It’s quite alright. You are in some trouble I presume?” You were silent for a moment before a sigh escape you. You seemed to deflate and just looked exhausted. You took a step back, allowing the man into your room.
·       Kiyo never actively seeked out cuddles, but he was more than willing to accept them. Platonic, or romantic, didn’t matter, to him cuddles were cuddles and should someone want to do so with him, it was like an honor. For you and Kiyo it became a sort of routine that should the other be having a bad day, they would come to the other in their dorm room and cuddle on the bed.
·       Kiyo did not have any positions he preferred, he simply followed your lead and did whatever you wanted. That day in particular you hugged him tight, his back pressed against you as you buried your face into it. He didn’t say a word, he simply reached a hand back, gently patting your head and with his other hand held one of yours. After a few minuets you began to slowly vent your ever-piling list of frustrations that seemed to somehow grow larger and larger even just staying in your room. How you wanted to avoid snapping at anyone or to avoid your day getting worse, but… that didn’t seem to pan out.
·       On some other day as you were heading to the library, Kokichi ran passed you laughing like a mad man carrying something, moments later Korekiyo ran past you as well. After you finished your work, you shot Kiyo a quick text asking where he was. When the only response you got was ‘dorm room’. You knew you were nowhere fast or clever enough to catch Kokichi so the least you could do was comfort Kiyo after. You rested your head on his chest and Kiyo held you ever so tightly, muttering to himself about perhaps asking Miu to make a new security system again to try to keep Kokichi from stealing any more items.
·       For Kiyo, cuddling with a friend or loved one was the ultimate stress relief. Holding close someone he cared for swept his worries away. He simply loved it and enjoyed knowing he could bring you and others the same comfort through that same action.
   Kaito Momota:
·       “Alright! It’s cuddling time!” You, Maki, and Shuichi all looked to the Luminary of the stars in confusion. “No.” Maki then stood up from the table you all had been doing your homework on as if she were going to leave. “Kaito, I… Why?” It appeared Shuichi wanted to say more but was taken so aback by the question he couldn’t bring himself to say more. “Yeah Kaito. I don’t get this either.” He smirked. Making his way around the table he stood between you and Shuichi, draping his arms over your shoulders, pulling the pair of you close as he looked to you two before his gaze landed on Maki. “Team building! Cuddling and physical contact in general are great ways of communication and increases bonds among friend and teammates like us! Cuddling also lowers blood pressure and is proven to relieve stress and pain. And it just feels good!”
·       And that was how Kaito made sure he cuddled with the three of you at least once a week.
·       He’d gleefully go to your dorm, and if you didn’t seem to be doing much or were over working yourself he’d tell you it was time for your weekly cuddle session before dragging you to the bed. If you declined, he would back off.
·       Kaito always insisted he be the big spoon or that you rest against him, cradling your head in his lap or resting yourself against his chest, things like that. Even if you tried reversing roles Kaito would refuse saying he much preferred this positioning. However, on one particularly long, exhausting day you and Kaito flopped on his bed. You slowly stirred from your slumber, a warm feeling blooming in your chest seeing the stars and galaxy that was dimly projected onto the walls and ceiling. Hugging Kaito a little tighter you realized your positioning. You were the big spoon! You also noticed something else. Sitting up a little you saw how Kaito was grinning from ear to ear, he even nuzzled into you a little when you slightly shifted. His eyes fluttered open as he looked over his shoulder. Then he abruptly sat up. “Good, you’re awake! Feeling rested?” A soft, light shade of pink dusted his cheeks. You tried hiding it, but it was so difficult to hold back your devilish smile, and giddy laughter. So Kaito Momota did in fact like being the little spoon, loving it in fact.
·       You and Shuichi were winded after a rigorous evening of training, nagging Kaito to finish his curl-ups as Maki simply watched having finished long ago. When he got us for the last curl, you wrapped your arms around him. “Cuddle time!” You dragged him forward, back to the ground, face first now. With a hand on the back of his head you rested his head against your chest. Shuichi and Maki tackled Kaito, hugging both he and you from the sides. “Yes! Good on you for taking the lead my sidekicks, but Y/N let’s switch-” “Nope!” No matter what he said none of you were letting Kaito go. Reluctantly he gave in, wanting to encourage this new tenacity in the three of you. He blushed and sighed accepting his fate. He liked this, he really did, but felt much too embarrassed to admit it much to his chagrin. What made this even better was the fact all four of you were under the cover of stars, watching as they slowly drifted by. It was simply lovely… Kaito decided the four of you should have cuddle sessions after training more often.
   Gundham Tanaka:
·       You and the Dark Lord of Ice had been best friend for years. It was a long and slow process befriending one another, but in the end you two now had a companion closer to you than any other. In your time together you learned so much about animals and other creatures of all sorts. You sat side by side on the couch in his apartment, you mindlessly scrolling through your phone as Gundham fed his Generals some treats. “Hmm… Hey, Gundham?” “You have my attention.” You scooched over to him and held out your phone. There was a picture of some otters hugging one another. You then scrolled more, finding other picture of cats, dogs, even swans and many more embracing each other. “Staged, or real?” “… Those are all true moments of affection.” You placed your phone into your pocket. Once you did one of the Devas hopped into your lap, demanding pats to which you happily gave. “… All creatures, unless solidary creatures, crave companionship and affection, even from other species, right?” “Certainly. But it’s not only that. Showing affection speaks of the same sentiment as sleeping near another. It shows you have the utmost trust in the other to allow yourself to be in such a vulnerable position around them.”
·       “… Are you touched starved?” Gundham flinched, caught off guard by the question. “Because your skin is poison to the touch except by your companion creatures do you get enough affection?” It was only recently had Gundham started allowing some small touches on the skin. Sure you could touch his bandaged or clothed parts of him just fine before, but skin to skin contact is so vastly different, to Gundham at least. “I know you say you’re only temporarily mortal but, you’re still human now, and humans are highly social creatures. And one such way of communication is touch.” “… That is indeed true.” “Hey, place your feet on the couch.” You scooched back, giving him room. Though confused, he trusted you and did as told. You also placed your feet up, interlocking your legs. “Though clothed, this is bigger contact than accidently grazing hands.”
·       Slowly but surely you and Gundham got more acclimated to bigger touches. It first started with things that weren’t really too claustrophobic, like laying on the ground with your backs pressed against one another or laying your head in one another’s lap.
·       One day as Gundham exited the shower he realized the shirt he had set aside to wear had a stain on it that needed to be washed right away should he hope to save it. Only in a pair of shorts he made his way to his room to get something else. That was till he spotted you. You were laying on the ground, surrounded by a few pillows acting as a makeshift barrier, keeping the Generals penned, though if they truly wanted too they could have easily escaped. You simply played with them, luring them about with some treats you had made for them. In that moment… nostalgia hit him like an ocean wave against cliffs. He recalled how the two of you met. Funny to think back then he had no idea that chance meeting was going to change his life forever. You had been through hell and back with him, standing by one another’s side no matter what life threw you way. “Hmm? You want something Gundham?” He hadn’t realized it, but while lost in thought he had walked up to you… You truly were one of his greatest companions… His best friend. He kneeled down beside you and you assumed to greet and play with his Generals, so you didn’t think much of it. What did surprise you was how he so stiffly laid down, resting his head atop your chest. He even moved your arm out of the way as to not lay atop it, and hesitantly he draped it over himself. You were so shocked and in a state of disbelief you didn’t notice that slowly his eyes drooped closed as he fell asleep.
·       It was rarer, but he’d go to you for cuddles when he was ready. But after each cuddle he’d come back for more sooner. At first it was months till he sought out cuddles, then eventually weeks, then soon he’d come to you every few days or so seeking out the affection. Neither of you ever spoke during these times. Gundham would simply lean his head against your chest or his back against your stomach. He’d never say it, but he felt being the little spoon was a more vulnerable position to be in and… even if he’d feel more comfortable in some other position, he wanted to be as vulnerable as he could to show you he trusted you. Action speaks louder than words, and he deeply, truly wanted you to understand that fact, not just hear him say it.
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stingiez-archive · 4 years
Ok so. Hear me out. The DRV3 boys reacting to their S/O who fights with breakdance moves... Thank you for listening, have a nice day/night and stay safe! (again)
Author’s Note: YOOOOOO this is a cool request! I might not know much about break dancing but I’ll do my best with this request! And you stay safe, as well <3
The DRV3 Boys and a S/O Who Fights with Breakdancing Moves!
Shuichi Saihara
— Poor baby is just,,, confused
— He’s starstruck by your moves but is overall confused
— Where did you learn to move like that??????
— Your breakdancing fight style has saved his butt on more than one occasion
— Maybe you can teach him a few moves?
Rantaro Amani
— Very chill about your breakdancing fight style
— ‘That’s my S/O, always so capable’ he says whenever you kick someone’s ass with your sick moves
— Can secretly breakdance as well
— You caught him trying to mimic your moves before, it was kinda cute
— Together you two are a breakdancing crime fighting duo!
Ryoma Hoshi
— Like Rantaro, he’s very chill about your breakdancing fighting capabilities
— The two of you fight crime together with his tennis capabilities and your breakdancing skills!
— ‘Oi, S/O.. make sure to ice after your last fight, okay?’
— He doesn’t worry about you getting in trouble for your fighting
— Crime fighting couple hehehe <3
Korekiyo Shinguji
— Probably the least interested in your breakdancing fighting style
— Sure he cares but he’s not one for fighting and whatever
— However, Korekiyo is interested in how you developed your fighting style
— Can listen to you for hours and hours on how you developed your breakdancing fighting style
— What a lil nerd
Gonta Gokuhara
— Your moves never fail to impress and wow Gonta!
— Sure he wants to protect you like a true gentleman but it makes him happy to see that you’re capable on your own
— ‘(S/O)! Fight like praying mantis!’
— Together you’re a VERY strong couple that helps one another out :)
Kokichi Ouma
— Like Gonta and Shuichi, he’s kinda starstruck by your moves
— Of course he will never admit it but it’s kinda cool to watch you breakdance your way through a fight
— ‘Sick moves, S/O! ..no it wasn’t a lie.. this time hehehehehe!’
— Recurits you to teach DICE your breakdancing fight style
— Even tries to learn how to breakdance fight like you do!
Kaito Momota
— The Luminary of the Stars is impressed by your sick fighting moves!
— You save his butt on more than one occasion, thanks to your moves
— Constantly asks you to teach him how to fight like you do
— ‘(S/O)! Your moves rival that of me, Kaito Momota - Luminary of the Stars! ...can you teach me?’
— You’re just,,, so cool,,, to Kaito
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kaito-is-baby · 4 years
Shuichi, Kaito, Maki, Rantaro and Kokichi react to their bestfriend's old self harm scars
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Okay, here is the answer to that request, thanks for requesting it and I hope you like it anon and personally I have a lot of scars and everyone think they are from self harm even if they aren’t so just remeber that you are beautiful no matter what and that your scars only remember you of how you surivived to a hard time, love you all~♡ 
 And said this, let’s go with the imagine
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I chose this sprite because it's my favourite Kaito sprite? Yes, I did, look at his cute face!!! I can’t! my perfect baby! awww 
 Shuichi Saihara
•Oh, boy, he understand the feeling so well
•He knows how it is to hide a part of your body for being ashamed
•But he wants you to know that those scars are nothing to be ashamed of
•And that he doesn't think at all that you are less for them
•You had a bad time and you dealt with it the best you could
•And now you are here and you no longer self harm, that's more than enough to be proud of yourself
•He at least is very proud of you
•And he wishes he could help you be more comfortable wearing short sleeves
•Because, well, you are going to melt if you wear those during summer
•So he decides to support you the best way he can
•If you wear short sleeves he will stop wearing his cap
•Poor boy, he is doing a big effort to help you, be kind to him and appreciate his love!
•You two go out with no cap and short sleeves
•And at first both of you are very awkward and uncomfortable
•But as the day goes by and you two have fun those worries disappear
•And now both of you are happy you have done this
•Because now you can finally see Shuichi's eyes clearly
•And also won't die of heat on the outside
•From this day Shuichi never wears his cap again and you manage to wear short sleeves when it's needed
•Shuichi's strength inspires you
•And if you are feeling less confident he is there to help you and remember you that those scars are only a reminder of your strength
Kaito Momota
•When he saw your scars, he was a little worried at first
•Why had you done this?
•But then you told him about how you felt on that time and assured him that everything was alright now
•But he notices that something is wrong and asks you about it
•You explain him that it's very difficult for you to wear short sleeves because you don't like people seeing your scars
•"That's stupid! Your scars tell the story of your life! How you fight to be where you are now! You should show them more often"
•Yeah, thanks but that doesnt work, Kaito
•"Besides, I think they are pretty cool, look, they almost look like little constellations and stars"
•He passes his fingers for your scars showing you their beauty, you don't see it at first but after all of his comments you start to see what he is seeing too
•They have their own beauty, that's true
•"Your arms are like unique skies, you should really show them!"
•At the end, he convinced you, that's the power of the great Kaito, luminary of the stars
•And you two went outside
•The first time it didn't work very well and Kaito had to give you his jacket so you could hide your arms
•But with time and a lot of tries you managed to feel confident with your scars
•And Kaito was at your side helping you all the time
•Plus he was right, those scars are beautiful in their own way and now you see it too
Maki Harukawa
•Simmilar to Shuichi, she understand you perfectly
•She knows how it is to be full of scars, she has quite a lot of them too
•And she is always covering them so she is no one to talk
•But she wants you to know that she doesn't judges you, maybe you were a little weak back in the time (from Maki's point, I personally don't think so, remember that) but now you are a lot better and she knows you are very strong for being able to stop self harming
•She doesn't really help you feel more confident or something like that
•But she does show you her scars in repay for showing her yours
•And from that moment you two are always confident enough with each other to show your skin even if it has scars in it
•You are glad you have her, now you can be wearing short sleeves when you two watch a movie or play videogames at home
•She's glad too, she was about to burn alive with those clothes
•And at some point you two are so confident with each other that you completely forge about hiding the scars when you go out
•And when you realise that everyone can see them you also realise that you don't care about it anymore
•You got over your insecurities together and you are now better than before!
Rantaro Amami
•The first thing he does when he sees them is ask you why you did that
•You tell him about your past and he listens to you with all of his atention
•Amd once you are done he doesn't give it any other though
•"Oh, well, if you are fine now that's great, we should go get some ice cream"
•You want to take your jacket but he grabs you outside before you can cover the scars
•Oh, what an smart idiot
•"Rantaro, listen, O feel a little uncomfortable without long sleeves to cover... them"
•It had been hard just to mention them in public imagine to show them, you can't do this
•"You talk about your scars?"
•Yes, Rantaro, now please, shut up!
•He is doing this on purpose, right?
•"Come on, they are just like a tatoo, just as beautiful and even more meaningful, you shouldn't be wearing uncomfortable clothes to hide them"
•"My clothes aren't uncomfortable"
•"It's burning outside and you want to wear long sleeves, come on, don't try and tell it is comfortable"
•You can't argue with him so you just give up and accept to don't cover them
•And even of at first is horribly awkward by the end of the day you don't even remember them
•To be honest, you were vey angry at Rantaro but he didn't bring you to any place with people until he saw you comfortable enough to face someone
•Even if you won't admit it you are glad he did this because now you can finally wear summer clothes
Kokichi Ouma
•You two were fighting when he saw them
•It was a game of course so he stopped
•"Why did you do that?"
•You don't really want to talk to him about this, I mean, come on, it's Kokichi, he isn't the most sensitive person to say
•"Come on~ pretty please~"
•"Please! Please! Please! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!"
•"Oh, God, I will tell you just shut up!"
•He has a smile from ear to ear now, he has won the game
•Yeah, the game is your trust, you know how Kokichi's mind works
•You tell him about that time of your life
•"But it doesn't really matter now, I don't care about it"
•"Are you sure~? Then why do you hide them?"
•His voice is scary and his face is even worse, you have a little demon with you
•"I... I don't hide them"
•"Then you wear long sleeves on summer because you like to burn alive~?" He is smiling so this question almost sounds as a joke, but what a scary smile, you could see that he is the scariest thing you have ever seen right now
•"Umm... yeah"
•"Then you won't mind to take them off, come on! I challenge you to it!" You hesitate a little "If you don't do it I will win the game~"
•Kokichi is sickly competitive but you are even more, probably that's why you are best friends in the first place
•So you go out with your arms uncovered
•After some time you even feel comfortable like this
•"Nishishishi, you wom this but I got to make you go out with your scars so I won too!"
•Thsi little idiot... you hate him but you have to admit that also love him
Hi~ here it's me again, having a hard time writting Kokihi but trying my best, hope you liked it a little at least
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kaitosimp · 3 years
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If Kaito got his hands on this ice cream, he’d totally be freaking out.
Space themed ice cream, how could he not love it? Two of the best things ever!
(I’m not sure if it’s still out though)
And, if i may, I dare now hc this is his favorite ice cream ✋🏽💜 Man would keep the empty container and everything
Also I just imagined after he goes to space and his name starts getting out there the ppl at this ice cream company contact him for a commercial to promote it 😂🍨 Kaito Momota, luminary of the stars, astronaut, and part time commercial actor 🌠
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thefourthvulpix · 4 years
I’m all caught up in Dangaronpa
Hey tumblr? You suck monkey ass. I’ve been trying to make a post on Tumblr Mobile, but there’s no post button! What the shit.
Anyways I’m gonna rank all the executions from the main three games and the anime, from least to most brutal. Spoilers under the cut
Number 18; Kaito Momota, luminary of the stars. I'm putting him at the bottom since his execution failed as he ended up dying from his illness before Monokuma could finish the job. I think he was the only person in this series who was able to die peacefully as Monokuma ended up giving him exactly what he wanted before he died; to go to space.
Number 17; Gundam Tanaka. Trampled by an oncoming hoard of animals. While Kaito was the only one who managed to basically give Monokuma the middle finger, Gundam was the only one arguably besides Kaito to be able to die at least somewhat peacefully. Well, unless you make the assumption that being ascended to heaven was exactly what the overlord of ice does not want...
Number 16; Celeste Ludenburg. Built up to make it look like she was gonna be burned at the stake, only to be hit by a truck at the last second. One of the less sympathetic murderers, if you ask me. She might not have gotten a particularly extraordinary death like how she would have preferred, but at least she likely didn't suffer at all.
Number 15; Tsumugi Shirogane. She literally died the same way Junko died, getting crushed to death by a sudden heavy object. I know she's that dedicated to her role as Junko's successor, but still...
Number 14; Junko Enoshima. Somehow got every execution from DR1 lined up. How the hell did she not die from any of the first four executions she subjected herself to before she got crushed by that giant weight? It was almost comical, how unkillable she seemed.
Number 13; Kyoko Kirigi. Crushed to death by a giant weight. While this only happens in the non-canon bad ending, it still hurts to know that she died because Makoto couldn't trust her. And with her dead, the survivors would not be able to solve the whole truth...
Number 12; Leon Kuwata. Pummeled to death by baseballs being shot at him at rapid speeds. As impactful as it was seeing that first execution in the whole series, it lost its edge as we saw more and more brutal executions as the series went on.
Number 11; Mondo Oowada. Tied to a motorcycle that spun so fast in a metal cage that his body got turned into butter. He accepted his death, but it was much sadder since his seemed a lot more painful than Kaito's or Gundam's. His entire body got liquified! I can only hope he died of oxygen deprivation before his body started turning into butter.
Number 10; Mikan Tsumiki. Shot off into space with no oxygen... on a rocket that looks like a giant fist. I'm not sure if the fact that she was still under the influence of the despair disease made it better or worse. But that makes it sadder, that she couldn't even be in her right mind to think about what she had done.
Number 9; Peko Pekoyama. Stabbed to death by multiple swords from Monkuma Samurai. She probably died under the false assumption that she killed Fuyuhiko!
Number 8; Teruteru Hanamura. Battered up and fried in a volcano of hot oil. He died not knowing what happened to the Hanamura diner! Though, knowing what did happen myself, I'm surprised Monokuma chose not to tell him...
Number 7; Korekiyo Shinguji. Spun around in ropes, then boiled alive like a lobster, and finally exorcised as a ghost by the very same sister he loved so dearly. If I had a way to describe his sister, I'd say she's like a parasite. Taking over every aspect of his life and not even giving him peace in death. What a bitch.
Number 6; Chiaki Nanami (SDR2). Chased by a Pacman Monokuma, only to be crushed by a giant tetris block. Goddamnit Komaeda! Also, Monokuma sucks at tetris...
Number 5; Kirumi Tojo. Cut up by buzzsaws while climbing a thorny vine, only to then fall to her death. Given how it seemed that she was hallucinating the sun's light when she reached the ceiling, I think there might have been poison in the vine she was climbing. And to think, it was all for something that wasn't even true. She wasn't the de facto prime minister of Japan, she was just a normal high school girl...
Number 4; Alter Ego. Crushed to death and then turned into a… I think it was a bowling ball? He didn't even kill anyone, and everyone knew it! Monokuma only killed him because there wasn't a "blackened" in Sakura's trial, and he didn't want any information about the secret of the school to be leaked too early.
Number 3; Gonta Gokuhara. Stung by wasps, then stabbed by the swordlike pincer of a giant mantis, and finally burned alive. He didn't remember what he did! I know Kokichi was the one who set him up, but I blame it all on Miu for trying to kill Kokichi in the first place…
Number 2; Kaede Akamatsu. Forced to poorly play a simple piano song meant for children while being hung to death on a giant piano, and then crushed like a bug after she already died. FUCK YOU, TSUMUGI! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO ACTUALLY KILLED RANTARO, AND YET YOU GOT TO LIVE UNTIL THE END! AND FUCK YOU, MONOKUMA, FOR PLAYING KAEDE ON THE WHITE KEYS! YOU KNEW EXACTLY WHAT THE FUCK WAS UP!
And finally, number 1 goes to…
Chiaki Nanami, in the anime. Stabbed through multiple spears after she had already dragged herself through a very brutal death maze, and then died from blood loss. Her death was so brutal and sad, it moved Izuru Kamakura to tears, and drove all her classmates into becoming Ultimate Despair. FUCK YOU, JUNKO ENOSHIMA!
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
@superbeaucoupdevisages count from the source.
Kaito pitched the bridge of his nose giving a annoyed sigh "Ouma, a apology doesn't mean crap if it's clear that you don't mean it, so yeah you can take it back, I'm not gonna miss it"
He wasn't even going to humor the moral topic.
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gaytoxe · 5 years
Autumn, Truth, and the Coming of Spring
All the days are the same, just colder and a little more lonely. Plus the piles of red, yellow and brown leaves that sit outside when Momota gazes out the window.
Kaito drinks. Maybe a little too much. And then he does it again. He pounds his fists into his pillow and he sits on the couch, head in his hands.
It repeats, and he freezes over every single minute his body remains in the same state it always has been since the hospital let him go.
His heart is frozen solid, stuck in an icy prison he built by himself. Alone.
His hands are shaking with the same hammer he’s had to make the structure. He doesn’t stop shaking, and he doesn’t breathe.
Hair messy and eyes blurry, he stumbles outside, hastily grabbing a coat and throwing it on himself. And he walks. He doesn’t know where, but he walks.
And all he wishes he could really do was take everything he did back in that stupid hospital.
“I feel as though all your feelings about this form of hero you have in your mind stems from one ocean,” his therapist explains, crossing her right leg over her left as she stares down at her notebook full of notes most likely relating to their session. “Like how many rivers eventually end up in one place.”
He had stopped listening to her until she forcefully ended the group sessions, finally changing something so his time there wouldn’t be as repetitive as before.
Although it didn’t stop him from not listening, that’s the one thing he remembers so well.
Maybe a little more, once he thinks about it, breath puffing out from his lips and fading away quickly as his boots crunch over autumn leaves speckled brown and red.
“You have things you don’t like about yourself,” she tells him, “and that’s okay. Expecting yourself to be perfect is never something you can achieve, and that’s okay.”
She sits up, and even though Kaito doesn’t respond, she keeps speaking to him, as if she knows he’s tuning out the static in his brain just to listen a little.
“I’m supposed to be talking to you about season 53, but in all honesty,” she gripes, “I don’t feel as though it would benefit you in the slightest.”
Kaito kicks at a pile of leaves and exhales, watching his now slightly bigger puff of air fade away in a flash as he keeps walking.
The one thing he thought the most about in the hospital was the stars, but those memories are stained red with wine and blurred out by the nights he spends at the dimly lit bars drinking beer until he’s had enough to be tipsy but not enough to not be able to drive home without hitting a tree.
He needs a drink, he thinks, and he strolls down, following the same speckled path of red, brown and yellow as the sun lowers into hiding further and further behind the trees. For a long time.
And feels tired, too tired to keep walking. He sits down on the hard sidewalk and leans up against the wall, breathing hard.
The moon sits high up in the sky, and he notes in silence that it’s third quarter, trying to spot any stars.
But air escapes his windpipe and the same burning feeling of whiskey enters his throat, the same vision he always has when he allows his brain to think.
Hands clamped around his throat, a grin plastered on his smug face as Ouma spouts on and on about how it’s his fault. Kaito’s fault.
His fault. His fault. Your fault. Your fault. Always your fault. Weak. You’re weak. You were never what they wanted.
They wanted a hero, but you were never a hero.
The spiral tightens like that, forever, until dark splotches fill his vision and he falls deeper and deeper into that same phrase that hits him harder and tougher.
The next breath Momota takes is warm air that’s unlike what he remembers, and he shoots up from a seemingly soft bed, eyes filling with sight again. His head snaps back and forth, staring at his surroundings and realizing they aren’t his at all.
To his right is a window, with a small plant sitting on the sill tilted towards the sunlight. Sun peaks through to hit the purple sheets on the bed he’s in, and Kaito squints to look outside.
It’s morning.
Just where the fuck is he? And how the hell did he get there?
He turns, and once he turns, his heart stops mid-beat as tears form behind his eyelids and threaten to escape them.
In the doorway is Ouma, purple hair in the same curls it always have been with tired eyes that bore right into him.
“You have some explaining to do,” is all he tells him, and it’s all it takes for the tears to fall down Kaito’s cheeks and dampen the purple blanket that keeps him warm.
An igloo cracks.
“That’s all for today,” his therapist tells him, gazing at her notes for quite some time and setting it down. “How do you feel?”
Kaito stares at the plant that sits on her windowsill and as he squints, noting it’s afternoon, he replies, “Okay.”
And she nods, quickly scribbling down something before resting her pen down.
“Good. And the alcohol?”
“Trying to stay away from it,” Kaito says, and he sighs. “Kokichi’s helping me out with it.”
“I’m glad,” she admits, and she exhales gently. “Take care of yourself. I’ll see you next week.”
Kaito drives home and he inhales, feeling a real and free gulp of air fill his lungs. He’s free. He’s okay. Maybe not completely okay just yet, but it’s a start.
He’s him, and even though he’s not like who he was, he’s him. Kaito Momota. Just without the Luminary Of The Stars part.
“A start of recovery,” he mumbles to himself, cranking up the music from the disks he hadn’t touched since he started drinking from his radio.
“Therapy went well?” Ouma asks as he steps into the green room, reflection barely visible in the window in front of Momota.
He fiddles with his thumbs, glass all around as plants line them and lean towards the sun. And the sun beams down at him, and he squints his eyes to look outside.
It’s evening.
Breath shaky, Kaito thinks about all he blurted out to the plants, but more importantly, how much Ouma overheard him saying.
“Yeah,” he says finally, but a warm hand rests on top of his shaking fingers that are clasped together, taking hold of his hand and intertwining their fingers as Ouma bumps his shoulder against his and watches the sun set.
“It’ll be okay. You know that, right?”
And Kaito eyes fill with tears again as the sun kisses his forehead, ice melting away.
Ouma gently places a kiss on his cheek and rubs the back of his hand with his thumb, telling him, “You aren’t the same person as you were before.”
Prison turned to meadow, daffodils adorn the green grass Momota rests on. He squints his eyes at the sun, watching it rise again.
And, finally, he breathes again, knowing that he’s got shit to go through.
But this time, he’s different. He’s not the Ultimate Astronaut, nor is he anything to do with it.
He’s him. He’s Momota.
God, does it feel good to finally be real again.
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appreciate-kaimaki · 6 years
can we get a scenario with kaito asking maki to a high school dance, and maybe a little description of what they’d do at said dance?
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This one has literally been in our askbox for months... I'm terribly sorry this took so long to complete, anon! My perfectionism really got to me on this one because it really struck a chord in me, and I was trying a bit too hard to make it flawless. I've got it under control now... I think. Anyhow, please enjoy the fic under the cut! I had an absolute blast writing this, and I hope you enjoy some shameless Kaimaki fluff.
~Mod Shuichi~
Momota Kaito was a man with much bravado, able to bear the rigorous regimen of the astronaut training program and face the myriad dangers of outer space without batting an eye. Yet, as he prowled the corridors of Hope's Peak High School with his best friend-slash-roommate Shuichi in tow, the spaceman couldn't help but fear the task he was now about to face. The Homecoming Dance was looming a mere week ahead, and Kaito had decided to take the opportunity to try and take his longtime crush, Harukawa Maki, as his date.
That, however, was something much easier said than done. The obsidian-haired girl had the nickname of 'ice queen', which had not come without reason - she was known to ward off anyone foolish enough to dare approach her with a silent glare which, according to Kibo, was capable of cutting holes in metal.
Shuichi sighed. "Please tell me what you see in her, again?"
"I don't know! There's... this something about her that makes me want to know her better."
"If you insist. Just come back in one piece." With that, the detective left Kaito and his girl troubles to hang with his other friends. Kaito wasn't entirely sure that he could return without injury, however, as he slowly appraoched Maki's seat. Hoping his voice wasn't quivering too much, he extended a trembling finger and tapped her shoulder.
"Hey, Harukawa?"
Any semblance of control Kaito had left evaporated like a snowflake on the Sun as Maki finally turned to face him and fixed him in her crimson stare. When she spoke, he could instantly understand what Kibo meant.
"What do you want?"
So this was what it felt like to have his blood freeze in his veins, Kaito thought. Despite his best efforts to control his own speech, his paralyzed tongue could only stutter out,
"Uh, doyouwanttogotothedancewithme?"
The following five seconds were simultaneously the longest, most awkward, and most terrifying moments in Kaito's life. 'That's it,' he concluded. 'I'm gonna show up on tomorrow's news as a dismembered corpse.' Frozen in fear, he missed the look of surprise flashing across the obsidian-haired girl's face - but not her reply.
"Yes. I'll go with you."
Maki's face immediately morphed into a scowl as she turned away, but it was impossible to miss the shade of vibrant red now gracing her features. For a moment, Kaito thought it matched her eyes very well.
"Do I have to repeat myself? I said I'll go with you, loser!"
Internally ecstatic at her words but also not wanting to incur Maki's wrath by overstaying his welcome, Kaito left her a muttered 'thanks' as he hurriedly shuffled over to Shuichi.
"She say yes?", the detective asked.
Kaito could only let out a deep, relieved sigh. "In a sense."
The remaining week vanished in a flurry of hurried preparations, and soon the big day was upon them. The dormitory hallways were bustling and abuzz with activity as a myriad of Ultimates clad in their finest suits and dresses searched for their dates. Kaito and Shuichi also joined the crowd as they too made their way to the girls' dorms.
"Ugh, I'm never gonna get used to having my arm inside my sleeve," the spaceman muttered. He had dressed in a deep purple tuxedo with a smattering of glittering 'stars' on the lower hem for the occasion, but the formality of the event meant that he couldn't just throw it over his shoulder like he usually did with his jacket.
"Can't relate," his friend replied. He was also wearing a tux, but a more low-profile charcoal gray one with barely visible graphite pinstripes. "Most normal people wear their jackets properly, Kaito."
Kaito waved him off. "Pssh, who cares. Normal is overrated anyway."
Their discussion about sleeves and arms were abruptly interrupted when Akamatsu Kaede all but teleported in front of them, her pink strapless recital dress fluttering behind her and a lilac purple ribbon decorating her bosom.
"Found you, Shuichi! And hi to you too, Kaito. Mind if I steal him away for the night?"
An astounded Kaito turned to his sidekick. "Man, someone got lucky! How the hell did you end up going with her? Never thought you'd be her type..."
"To be honest, I have no idea," the detective replied with a shrug. "She asked me, actually."
Pouting, Kaede put her hands on her hips. "Hey hey, Kaito! No badmouthing my date here! Oh, by the way, who are you going with?"
"Harukawa Maki. I was just going over to pick her up."
"Oh, that's good to hear! She always seemed so lonely. Hope things work out great between you two!", the pianist chirped as she took Shuichi's hand and led him away. Left alone once again, Kaito resumed his search for Maki's room.
Finally facing the door, Kaito steeled his nerves one last time. Taking a girl to a dance wasn't supposed to be hard, even if she was his longtime crush who could, in fact, literally crush him to powder should anything go wrong.
"C'mon, Kaito. You're the Luminary of the Stars... you can do anything you put your mind to... the impossible is possible, you just gotta make it so!"
Reciting his mantra to himself, Kaito finally knocked on her door. He honestly had no idea what he expected to see, but the sight he faced when the door finally opened utterly blew him away. Maki had chosen a scarlet gothic lolita-style dress with generous amounts of black lace frills and a slim halter top that was only held up by a pair of impossibly thin spaghetti straps that crossed over her back before disappearing into her corset. It matched her onyx hair and crimson eyes perfectly, and she looked stunning beyond compare. Even her usual hair scrunchies seemed different... shinier, somehow. Kaito guessed they were some sort of satin.
"Stop staring, idiot!"
"O, oh! Of course, I'm sorry." Snapping out of his Maki-induced stupor, he offered her his arm.
"Shall we go?"
Maki wordlessly nodded and took his arm, and the duo made their way towards the gym where the dance was being held.
Homecoming was a very extravagant affair. Most of the artistically inclined Ultimates had been conscripted to decorate the gym into a party hall, and they had delivered splendidly. The ceiling was nearly invisible from all the banners and streamers that had been hung up, and the floor had been transformed into a polished dance floor with rich velvet carpets around the edges where the tables were. A veritable buffet of snacks, drinks, and refreshments were set out on one side, and a state-of-the-art sound system and a grand piano had been installed on the stage to complete the lavish atmosphere.
Many students had already taken to the dance floor, swaying to the music with their dates as light jazz played over the gym. As Kaito glanced at his date, unsure to ask if she wanted to dance or not, Maki suddenly whirled on him with a fiercely determined look on her face and all but dragged him off to the center of the venue.
"Wha- wh- Maki?!"
"Shut up and dance with me."
Kaito did not object. He allowed Maki to lead him in a foxtrot, the girl surprisingly well-versed in dancing to the point that Kaito had to put in a bit of effort to keep up at first. He caught on soon, however, and found himself gazing into his date’s crimson eyes as they settled into a steady rhythm. They were quite mesmerizing, Kaito thought, like swirling nebulae glowing with starlight…
He was jolted back to his senses by a finger that poked dangerously close to his left eye. "WAH!"
"Earth to space idiot," Maki chided. "You almost stepped on my foot there."
Kaito, as always, was not without a comeback. "It's not my fault you're so breathtakingly beautiful."
"Do you want to die?"
"Sorry, sorry!"
Maki's lips thinned into a line and her brow grew a slight crease as she stared into his tie, her feet slowing for a moment as she sunk into thought. "Do you really think I'm beautiful?", she mumbled.
"Of course! Even more than the brightest star!"
She blushed a beautiful shade of apple red and not-so-subtly brought her heel down on his toes.
"That's for making me lose my composure."
"You really do look hot when you blush- ow!"
The pair continued to dance to the music, Maki's face now significantly redder than before. Kaito couldn't help but smile - he had his perfect date, the dance was going splendidly, and everything was just so perfectly well!
The tone of the event would soon undergo a complete shift, however. Ibuki-senpai soon took over the stage with her trademark 'music' of unintelligible screaming and yelling, and the once-calm party was now more closely resembling a rave than a dance. Kaito couldn't bring himself to understand how anyone could actually appreciate the cacophony issuing from the stage, but judging by the crowd's reaction it seemed he was the exception, not the norm.
"Wanna get outta here?", he asked his date, who thankfully seemed to share his opinion on the Ultimate Musician's 'music'. Although Maki was standing right next to him, he had to shout at the top of his lungs to be heard over the senseless din echoing in the gym.
"Please!", she yelled back.
Covering their ears, the pair headed out to the school's garden where the full moon was casting its light. Glad to be away from the chaos, they found a bench and sat in a comfortable silence for a while. When he was sure the ringing in his ears had finally subsided, Kaito asked Maki the one question he had been itching to know for the entirety of the past week.
"Why did you say yes when I asked? To the dance, I mean."
Maki averted her eyes from the astronaut, but her blush was impossible to miss. "I... I might've had a bit of a crush on you."
"Wow, I never knew that. I knew I had a crush on you, but this is... why?"
"You showed Yumeno your notes when she got sick and missed school last week. You became Saihara's friend when he was alone. You actually listen to what Tojo has to say. And you're kind and friendly to anyone and everyone you meet."
"I'm afraid I still don't see the connection."
Maki let out a small sigh. "I'm not very good with people. I want to get closer to them and make friends, but I just lash out and scare them away. But you always showed so much kindness to everyone. So I thought maybe, you were the one I could try and get close to."
"I'm honored - wait, how did you know all that?"
"I'm observant."
"Anyway, that's no big problem, Maki Roll. I wasn't really good at being social from the get-go, too." In an incredibly bold move even to himself, Kaito put an arm around Maki's shoulder. Even more surprisingly, she actually leaned into it. "I know you're a good person. I'll make sure help you every step of the way, and you'll be making lots of friends soon. I swear by the name of the Luminary of the Stars!"
"Did you just call me Maki Roll?"
Panicking, Kaito instantly froze. The nickname was something he came up with in the spur of the moment, but had he chosen the wrong thing to say? "Uh, sorry 'bout that, it was kinda stupid, I'll stop if you don't like it."
Then Maki burst into silent giggles.
"No, I love it. Nobody's ever given me such a cute nickname before. Sorry I scared you, it's the eyes, isn't it? I have to work on my expressions..." Her smile was clear on her face as she looked up towards him once more.
Kaito grinned. "Actually, I think you're cute even with the murder eyes. It's unique... it's something only you can pull off."
"Oh, shut up."
Chuckling at her remark, Kaito took her hand in his and stood up. He led her over to a small circular clearing in the middle of the garden where the moonlight shone brightest, fiddled with his phone, and set it down on the floor. The suave voice of Frank Sinatra soon filled the air.
Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars...
"What are we doing?", a surprised Maki asked.
"Dancing! The night is still young, after all, and I don't want to waste my beautiful date because the music isn't to our taste." He took a step back and bowed, extending a hand to her like he did earlier. "Shall we dance, milady?"
Maki took the offered hand. "Gladly."
Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars...
Moonlight illuminated the two of them like a dream as Maki allowed herself to be led by Kaito in a gentle waltz. Her crimson dress flared out like a blooming rose with each spin, and his star-studded coattails flew in the wind with each move they shared.
In other words, hold my hand… in other words, darling, kiss me!
The pair danced all around the garden with hands clasped tight, softly mouthing the words to the song that was serenading them. The experience was similar yet completely unlike the dances they danced in the gym only hours ago - this time it was infinitely more private and intimate, a show for the two of them only. Lost in each other's company, it seemed to them as if they had been transported to a realm of nothing but moonlight and soft music and rosebushes and each other.
In other words, please be true... in other words, I love you!
The song came to a close as Kaito swept Maki into a dip, their faces hovering a mere inch apart. Purple eyes met red, neither able to look away. Lips were parted to let out warm breaths that quickened as both realized how close they were to each other. The pair were in perfect balance, each holding the other in place with their very body. And just as it seemed the fragile yet beautiful moment could last forever...
Maki took hold of Kaito's collar, drew him closer, and kissed him full on the lips.
It was as if time itself had stopped. The rustling of the leaves in the wind, the dull thumping of the music from the gym, and even the glow of the moonlight shining above melted away from her senses. There was nothing left behind but his slightly rough but warm lips on her own, the firm fabric of his jacket under her hands and his toned back beneath it, his gentle and sweet scent in her lungs and the pleasant tingling in her heart. In short, it was nothing but perfect. She could have spent an eternity in that single shining moment and never get tired of it.
Unfortunately for Maki, a slew of doubts started bubbling up to the surface like fizz in a glass of soda the moment her brain caught up to her body. Here she was, with her lips on some boy she'd literally known for barely a few hours. What if she was overreacting to someone who'd only shown her basic kindness? What if she was overstepping her boundaries when Kaito only thought of her as a friend - and a closed-off and distant one at that? What if he thought of her as clingy and obsessed over him in all the wrong ways?
"I'm sorry," she breathed, "that was uncalled for. I shouldn't have done that." She hurriedly pulled away, disentangling from his warm comfortable embrace. She was all ready to flee from the garden, flee from her traitorous emotions and this stupid feeling in her chest when a gentle hand grabbed her wrist.
"Maki Roll," Kaito whispered, "if you wanted a kiss you could've just asked."
He pulled her back into his arms in one swift movement, into that intoxicating black hole of warmth she would never be able to escape, and kissed her again with all the passion in his heart.
And of course, like all things, the second time was even better than the first.
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hi! hope your days gone well
Shuichi Saihara
Oh god you were so cute someone help this flustered bi boy
Honestly he doesn’t do much for winter, he just keeps inside and bundles himself up with blankets
But since dating you, he’s been dragged outside every chance you get
And honestly he’s grown to like the cold
(Though you teaching how to ski was not the funnest.. He was just worried is all!)
(And oh god let’s not even talk about ice climbing)
And when Christmas comes along of course he gets dragged for the ride
He didn’t use to celebrate it much before, since it was only him and his uncle
But after Hope’s Peak and dating you he, well he starts taking the holiday more seriously
(Then again he kind of has to since you’re such a huge lover of Christmas)
He practically gets forced to watch every Christmas movie and learns how to make gingerbread cookies
Though he doesn’t mind, honestly it’s rather cute to see you so fired up
If you get him a homemade sweater or jacket he will melt
Kokichi Ouma
He’s always stealing your coats, like always
Your coats are just more comfy after all!
Kokichi is already a huge Christmas fan so with the two of you combined you practically force the whole class into the holiday spirits
(Mistletoe and tacky Christmas sweaters everywhere)
He does make a face whenever you make him try traditional Eskimo dishes
(Seriously blubber?? Eww!!)
As soon as snow hits, prepare for snowball fights
(Literally Kokichi will do a snowball fight anytime and anywhere)
He thinks it’s fun to wind you up by sending you screenshots of people who think climate change isn’t real
Your ranting is so hilarious to him!!
But while Winter is fun he likes watching you suffer during summer
Poor you can’t handle the summer heat and often try to keep shut in with the ac and a couple of fans running
And while he still drags you out he understands if it gets too hot for you to handle
(He still wants to go to the beach with you though, even if you have to carry like four mini fans to keep yourself cool)
Rantaro Amami
Honestly this a man willing to try anything once
He doesn’t mind trying some weird traditional food, hell the fact that you would take the time to make him something makes him want to try it
And what do you know he ends up really enjoying some of it
He already knows how to ski and ice climb, and you two often go out to do these activities together
Sometimes it becomes a competition like who can ski to the bottom faster
Whenever Christmas comes around you two throw a huge party at his place (which is like a mansion)
I’m talking a huge Christmas tree, homemade dinner spread, decorations everywhere, the whole nine yards
If you ever need to travel you know he’s going to be right by your side (he loves traveling after all)
He happily listens to you babble about well anything really
You just look so cute when you’re really serious about something
Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta finds you adorable!
It’s like you’re in a little cocoon with all of the coats you wear!
While Gonta has never skied or ice climbed before he’s willing to try!
(Turns out he’s good at climbing… skiing on the other hand was pretty much a disaster)
He can have a surprisingly long conversation with you about climatology
(Hey he already knows what climates are good for bugs and things like that)
When you find out he’s never celebrated Christmas before, oh god it’s chaos
You’re showing him every Christmas tradition there is and he loves it
His favorite Christmas movie ends up being the Muppet’s Christmas Carol
(And it becomes a tradition to have a movie marathon every Christmas from now on)
(Also.. you know Gonta would get presents for all of his bug friends)
If you find a Christmas sweater that could fit him he would almost never take it off
(He will literally cry if he accidentally tears it or something)
Ryoma Hoshi
He doesn’t really get how you could wear all of those layers and not get overheated but hey you do you
While he doesn’t ski, he is a terror during snowball fights
(Like seriously he could nail anyone with a snowball, only you are safe from his skills)
Isn’t really a Christmas fan but hey if it makes you happy
(He isn’t dressing as a Christmas elf though, no matter how much you beg him)
He does wear a santa hat instead of his usual beanie(?) during the holidays though
(But don’t expect him to wear a Christmas sweater)
He doesn’t mind helping you cook some of your country’s traditional food from time to time
He isn’t one to turn away from a home cooked meal after all, no matter how strange it could be
Though if you ever invite him to visit your home.. He’s going have to be bundled up in at least a dozen coats
He gets cold rather easily due to his small size after all
You can’t tell me Kiibo doesn’t love Christmas
Like he is wearing cheesy Christmas sweaters during the whole month of December and you eagerly follow his lead
(Though if you or anyone else tie a mistletoe to his ahoge he will crash)
He doesn’t feel cold in the first place and can’t really do most winter sports
(He’s too heavy for skiing or ice skating and not strong enough for ice climbing)
But he’s happy just to watch you have fun!
And you two could always build snowmen together or just walk around in the snow!
He’s really curious to hear about your traditions and how your people lived
Humans were really adaptable to live out in a constantly frozen environment!
While he can’t eat food.. He likes watching you make it!
(Though he does internally sulk that he can’t try it)
He doesn’t quite understand why you struggle so  much during summer but he does get a fan application installed to help you out!
Korekiyo Shinguji
He loves hearing you talk about your culture and traditions
It makes his eyes light up to hear your point of view on many things
He also loves trying your traditional dishes, it’s so fascinating after all to see what a culture considers food that others may not
He makes sure to pay back the favor by making you some traditional Japanese dishes as well
While he can’t skii, he’s a surprisingly good ice skater
He would love to visit your hometown, though expect him to try and talk to everyone he meets about their thoughts and views on life
(You can’t judge a culture from just one person after all)
He understands and has read about Christmas traditions but he hasn’t really done much during Christmas
Though once he realizes how big it is to you, he will happily play along
However he would much rather to celebrate Christmas with only you then having a big party
Kaito Momota
Kaito is the kind of guy who tries to wear shorts during winter
(You literally have to for him to put on an actually winter jacket)
He loves playing out in the snow though and will constantly drag you outside to play in the snow
Another big Christmas fan here
Like he would love to go out and chop down his own Christmas tree with you and spend weeks decorating your place
Honestly he isn’t the best at cooking or baking though.. So he’ll leave that to you!
(Watch out he might try to steal some cookie dough)
While he can’t ski.. He can snowboard!
Prepare for tons of races
While he’s a bit weirded out by some of your cooking.. He’s willing to try it at least once!
After all he’s the Luminary of the Stars!! He wouldn’t shy away from some weird food!!
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katastroficwriter · 6 years
I have a headcanon that Kokichi loves baking gingerbread men and gingerbread houses on Christmas, and that Kiibo has never understood why. Later Kokichi reveals that the reason is because he used to make them with his older brother, who he doesn't get to see that much anymore, and it reminds him of the time when they were younger.
Humans are fond of asking strange questions in the hopes of getting a glimpse of how other humans view them. One such example would be, “If you were food, what would you be?”
“I think Ouma-kun would definitely be an eggplant,” Yumeno declares. “It’s purple, and its name is misleading–a lie! Eggs are not long and purple, yet it’s called an eggplant.”
Kiibo somehow found himself trapped in such a discussion. And since Ouma wasn’t around, they were the ones trying to find a fitting food that best describes the supreme leader.
“Actually Yumeno-san, it’s called an eggplant because in its earlier stages, the plant clearly resembles an egg before growing elongated and turning purple. That’s how it got its name,” everyone stared at the robot, who never spoke during the discussion until now. “Though I agree with you, it does resemble Ouma-kun to some extent. Like how it seems like it’s deceiving people, when in truth, it’s just hiding its honesty.”
“Honesty? Him? I seriously don’t understand how you could see something pure like that in a degenerate male like Ouma-kun,” Chabashira huffed. “I thought you of all people would know how terrible he is since he targets you the most.”
“I suppose that’s precisely why I can say that much about Ouma-kun since he hangs around me frequently,” Kiibo resisted the urge to roll his eyes. ‘You noticed such a detail yet you didn’t do anything to assist me.’
“What’s this, what’s this? Am I being summoned?” Ouma popped from behind the android, grinning when the latter almost fell off his seat from shock. “Man, you guys really can’t go one day without calling my name, huh~”
“Ugh…speak of the Devil…” groaned the magician.
“Don’t you dare pull any more of your nasty shit, twerp!” Iruma pointed an accusatory finger at the newcomer.
“Oh wooow, pot calling kettle black. At least my entire existence isn’t a crime against the universe like yours is!” Ouma sneered at the inventor with disgust.
“Y-you didn’t have to put it that waaaay–!!!” whined the blonde.
“Knock it off Ouma, you just got here and you’re already pissing everyone off!” Momota slammed his hands on the table.
Ouma tapped his chin, smiling such an innocent and sugary sweet smile that would no doubt trick anyone who didn’t know him. “How are you so sure that that’s what everyone else is feeling, Momota-chan? Stop assuming everyone shares the same opinion as you all the time!”
“Now, now, let’s not fight,” Akamatsu raised two placating hands. “It’s almost Christmas after all–”
“Pfft, Christmas? What are you acting all goody-goody for exactly, Akamatsu-chan?” Ouma tilted his head to the side playfully. “…Is it Santa? How embarrassing! You’re already a high schooler but you still believe in a big faker like Santa Claus?”
“N-no, that’s not–”
“Alright, that’s it! C’mere!” The astronaut got out of his seat and charged his way towards the supreme leader’s general direction.
“Uwaaah! Momota-chan’s turned into a BULL-Y!!!”
“Ghhrk! I’m not a bull OR a bully! I’m Momota Kaito, Luminary of the Stars!!!”
“So you keep saying ad nauseam. Don’t you have other voice lines? Then again, I guess I can’t expect too much from a side character! Nishishi~!”
“Who you calling side character?! I’m the hero!”
Kiibo observed his two classmates run around the limited space of the dining hall until Ouma eventually got bored of the chase and decided to run out the exit that led outside of the school building, leaving Momota tired and out of breath.
“Idiot,” Harukawa uttered under her breath before heading out the other door.
“Hey!” huffed the astronaut.
Once the commotion had settled, everyone left the dining hall one by one, unknowingly leaving behind their robotic classmate, not that the latter minded. Kiibo leaned against his seat, closing his eyes.
“If they asked me, I’d say that Ouma-kun resembled a gingerbread man more,” he murmured to himself. “…Small, fragile, yet proud and untouchable.”
– [Run, Run, Run, as fast as you can. You’ll never catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!] –
Usually, Kiibo spent nights cooped up in his room just reading the books he retrieved from the school library. His learning is composed of developing his social skills through his everyday interactions with his peers, and the other one pertains to diligent studying through research. However, he was feeling rather rebellious tonight, that’s why he decided to take a tour around the school instead. In the day, he frequently finds himself getting swept along his classmates’ pace, so he never really had the time to just roam around and observe the environment on his own. That’s one of the advantages of being incapable of sleep, he supposes.
He was blindly following the path that led to the dining hall after making his rounds in the courtyard.
“Hm?” He carefully climbed the steps and noticed that light was spilling from the cracks of the door. ‘Is someone in the dining hall? What could they possibly be doing up this late?’
The android silently pushed the door open so as not to alarm the room’s occupant, and was surprised to find no one in the room. He shut the door behind him just as silently as he had opened it and walked towards the middle of the room. That was when he heard the sound of metal against metal. Perhaps a whisk lightly scraping against a bowl?
‘In the kitchen, huh…’ Kiibo carefully made his way towards the kitchen. He opened the door just a crack, and was surprised to find the supreme leader whisking a white mixture with practiced ease.
His hair was pulled back in a small ponytail and his bangs were kept out of his face by a set of white barrettes. Instead of his usual tattered white gakuran or his pajamas, Ouma was wearing a plain white shirt, a pair of black basketball shorts, and a light blue apron to keep the mess off of his apparel as he whisked away.
“Get in and close the door, it’s bothering me,” Kiibo hit his face against the door from shock. He was being completely stealthy, yet somehow he got found out anyway.
“S-sorry…” murmured the android as he entered the kitchen. “How did you know I was here?”
“I felt like I was being watched,” Ouma made a show of tapping the white and fluffy mixture out of the whisk before continuing. “Also, I saw you walk out the dorms earlier. I knew you were the only one out there gallivanting around the campus while everyone’s asleep.”
“I wasn’t gallivanting, I was taking a stroll,” huffed Kiibo. “What are you doing in the kitchen this late at night? Preparing a late night snack?”
“I suppose you can call it that. It’s actually meant to be a surprise, but you ruined it the moment you entered the kitchen. Then again, you can’t exactly read the atmosphere since you’re just a robot. ” the supreme leader moved to pour the white mixture into separate and smaller bowls evenly. “Anyway, since you’re already here, you might as well give me a hand instead of standing around being all useless.”
“You didn’t have to be so rude about it,” Kiibo frowned, but made his way towards the shorter teen regardless of the other teen’s robophobic statement. “…What do you want me to do, exactly?”
“Print photos of our classmates.”
“What for?”
Ouma raised his head from his task of mixing purple food coloring in one of the small bowls and rolled his eyes. “Gee, Kiiboy, I wonder what? What could I possibly need our classmate’s ugly mugshots at 2 am, some bowls of thick icing and a bunch of food coloring for?”
Kiibo wanted to call him out for his rude behavior, but that was when he noticed that there was tray of faceless gingerbread men and women on Ouma’s left. “…Oh.”
The supreme leader snorted before covering the purple icing with plastic wrap and moved on to the next bowl. “Good to see that you’re not as dumb as you look.”
“I take offense to that!” Kiibo crossed his arms in indignation. “Anyway…I don’t need to print a photo of you, correct?”
“Got it.”
Out comes a clear photo of Chabashira, Yumeno, and Yonaga meditating inside the aikido master’s dojo from the android’s lips. “Here. I thought it would be more efficient to take photos of my memory where more of our classmates would fit in the frame.”
Ouma let out a whistle, “So you really can be useful when you put your mind to it. Good job. Anyway, place it where I can see it so I can mix the colors right.”
Truth be told, the unexpected praise from the trouble making supreme leader took him off guard and made him feel rather conscious of himself. He looked away in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. “Alright.”
He moved to the other side of the counter and placed the photo right in front of his companion, but not too close to the bowls so as not to dirty it. He started printing more photos while watching Ouma mix more colors into the bowls he had laid out.
“You’re not going to just run out of batteries after printing everything, right?” Ouma lifted his eyes for a moment before going back to mix blue food coloring in the icing.
“Of course not. I have long since optimized my energy efficiency after I–”
“After your batteries died while climbing up the stairs?” Ouma snickered as he was reminded of the day where everyone found the robot passed out by the dormitory staircase while making a ridiculous yet inhumanly possible pose.
“…Yes. That. Let’s never speak of that again,” Kiibo shuddered at the shameful memory. “A-anyway, what I mean is, using my functions will no longer take up too much of my power like before.”
“Great! Then that means you can help me load these piping bags with these suckers,” Ouma grinned as he lifted a bowl of colored icing. “You gotta be quick though, this thing hardens like concrete.”
Kiibo wasn’t really well-versed with cooking or baking, so it took him a while to get a hang of filling the piping bags with icing without getting some on his fingers. He thought the supreme leader would mock him for his clumsiness, but it seems like Ouma was completely focused with the task. It didn’t take them too long to finish, thankfully.
“Gimme your hand.” Ouma beckoned the android with a hand.
“Huh?” Kiibo stared at him in confusion, his ahoge curling into a question mark to reflect his curiosity.
Ouma rolled his eyes before pulling the robot’s hand to his mouth and licked the icing off his fingers.
“I don’t like wasting ingredients.” Was what he said before directing his attention to the tray of gingerbread, not even giving the albino time to process what had happened.
‘W-what was that all about?!’ Kiibo inwardly screamed as he inspected his hand.
“Hey! Earth to Kiiboy, work’s not over!” Ouma easily dragged the android back to the present with his usual demanding tone. “I intend to work you down to your last percent for ruining the surprise.”
“Y-you’re saying that as if I did it on purpose,” Kiibo grumbled. “I didn’t even expect that you would be the one inside the kitchen. I wasn’t aware that you were skilled with baking either.”
“Mmmm… Not really,” Ouma hummed as he passed him a macaroon yellow piping bag. “I’m not good at baking in general. I only learned how to bake gingerbread because of family.”
Aquamarine lenses lit up with interest. “Family?”
“Nope. I’m not going to say anything more until you start decorating,” Ouma stuck out a tongue as he waved a white bag. “That said, you handle the girls, and I handle the guys.”
Kiibo stared down at the piping bag in his hand before nodding. “Fair enough.”
– [I ran from the baker and his wife too. You’ll never catch me, not any of you.] –
Decorating gingerbread men, or in his case, women, was surprisingly fun and fulfilling. With the photos as his guide, it was as if he were giving life to a coloring book. And seeing his classmate’s faces staring up at him with a pleasant smile somehow made him feel warm in its metaphorical sense.
“Mmm, that looks impressive coming from a newbie,” Kiibo met the other teen’s gaze, eyes wide from mild surprise. “Have you seen gingerbread men somewhere before? I thought that since you were a robot, you’d try to copy the photo exactly as you see it.”
“Oh, um…” the albino found himself looking at the tiny Akamatsu on the tray before responding. “Back when I was still in the developing stages–a child, so to speak, the Professor would leave the television on a kids’ channel for me to watch while he worked on his other projects. It just so happened that one of the songs that played for me was the Gingerbread Man.”
“Heeeh, is that so?” Ouma moved to grab a green piping bag. “So you learned things appropriate to your ‘age’ just like a human.”
“Yes. My development was purposefully modeled after a human child’s. Though the only difference is that I was able to walk as soon as I was active,” Kiibo smiled, pleased that he was finally able to have a decent conversation with the other boy. He set the piping bag on the counter since he was already finished with his own batch. “Hey, Ouma-kun.”
“Mmm? What is it?” the supreme leader still had his eyes on his handiwork, decorating the gingerbread men with utmost precision.
“…About your family…is it okay for me to ask about them?” Kiibo fidgeted, ahoge drooping nervously.
Ouma paused to glance at Kiibo’s tray before heaving out a resigned sigh. “Eh, you did your work. So I don’t see why not. What about them do you want to hear?”
“Umm…I hope I’m not being rude by saying this, but…” Kiibo averted his eyes before continuing. “I’ve actually heard from the others that you were actually orphaned, so…”
The android flinched when the shorter teen suddenly threw an empty piping bag against the counter. But despite this, his voice remained calm when he spoke. “You mean since I’m orphaned, I wouldn’t have a family to speak of right?”
“…Y-yes…” Kiibo found himself staring at the ground, wondering if he’d triggered a mine.
“Technically you’re right. But let me tell you something–family isn’t restricted to blood relations. You should know this by now, since you’re a robot,” Ouma puffed his chest. “Yeah. I'm an orphan. But everyone in the orphanage was my family. Just like how you and your Professor are family too.”
Kiibo’s eyes widened with awe. That’s right. He and Professor Iidabashi…they are family. He’s referred to him as his father from time to time, but called him by his title out of respect. Perhaps…he should start calling him as ‘father’ more frequently.
“…That being said, I really do have a family…now, at least,” Ouma turned his head to flash the android a rare sincere smile. “I got adopted by a baker. Their son–my older brother, I guess, taught me how to bake gingerbread houses and gingerbread men since that was the only thing he knew how to bake well at the time. It was his way of bonding with me I suppose.”
“Oh!” gasped the android. “How are they like? Your family?”
“They’re good people. I like them.” Ouma hummed, tapping a finger against his chin. “Big brother was kinda annoying though. Whenever it was Christmas, he would annoy me until I finally agreed to bake some gingerbread with him.”
“So it has become some sort of a family tradition,” Kiibo smiled. “…I’m glad that you were taken in by such a loving family, Ouma-kun.”
Ouma looked away in an attempt to hide his blushing face. “S-shut up. I wasn’t joking about big brother being annoying, you know! Always talking about baking and studying abroad to improve his skills…”
“Where is he right now?”
“…France,” Ouma set another piping bag on the counter, gently this time. “Would you believe that? He actually went abroad to study more baking techniques just like he wanted.”
The supreme leader suddenly grabbed the hem of his apron to hide his tears. “We…we haven’t baked together in a long time. It’s annoying. But I actually missed it. Those annoying days…”
Kiibo hastily searched for the roll of paper towel Ouma had prepared earlier and pulled two sheets from it, which he handed the supreme leader. “Ouma-kun, here…”
The raven-haired Ultimate simply nodded his thanks and dabbed his eyes with the paper towel. Kiibo wasn’t sure how to react in this situation, so all he could do was rub comforting circles on his classmate’s back as he cried. It took a couple of minutes for Ouma’s crying to die down. He left the android’s side in favor of washing his face by the sink in order to hide the evidence of his vulnerability.
“You saw nothing.”
Kiibo nodded. “I didn’t.”
Ouma flashed him an appreciative smile before re-tying his hair. “Anyway, enough of that sappy talk. We still have a house to assemble. Let’s get working!”
As he listened to the leader’s instructions, Kiibo couldn’t help but smile to himself. He’s gotten to understand more about him…their class’s very own gingerbread man.
– [They were all hungry and ready to eat, but the gingerbread man was quick on his feet.] –
“Huh? Isn’t this…me?” Akamatsu regarded the miniature version of herself, which was standing by the gingerbread house. “The attention to detail is amazing…!”
“Ah, Gonta’s here too!” the entomologist cheered.
“Ku ku ku…It seems everyone is here,” Shinguuji chuckled. “Wonderful, truly wonderful!”
When everyone entered the dining hall, they were surprised to find the gingerbread display on the table. They couldn’t help but crowd around it with wonder and amusement as they admired the accuracy of the gingerbread men and women’s designs.
“Did you prepare this, Toujou-san?” Amami turned to look at the maid, who was standing just behind him.
“Uwaaah! What’s this? Gingerbread?!” Ouma boisterously barged into the room, eyes sparkling with delight. “Toujou-chan made this didn’t she? I don’t think anyone else here can cook besides her!”
Toujou regarded the supreme leader with a neutral look before bowing slightly. “…Yes. Since it is almost Christmas, I believed that preparing gingerbread for everyone would fulfill everyone’s wishes of having an enjoyable Christmas.”
“As expected of the Ultimate Maid! Only she’s capable of pulling this off!” Ouma praised.
His smile widened when Toujou offered him another bow. “It is my pleasure to serve.”
It was probably unhealthy, but they decided to just have gingerbread for breakfast and warm cocoa or milk to go with it. Kiibo, who was unable to eat, found himself staring back at his smaller, more edible version in interest.
“Toujou-chan’s really nice, huh! She even baked you one even though you can’t eat~” Ouma took a bite out of his gingerbread version’s leg as he sat himself beside the lone robot. “Or maybe that’s actually more cruel. Giving you something that’s meant to be eaten, yet you couldn’t eat.”
“I can at least enjoy its scent,” Kiibo huffed. “The smooth blend of spices and sweetness…it’s quite pleasant.”
Ouma shook his head, “Stop. You’re making me feel bad.”
“I didn’t mean to put it that way,” Kiibo rolled his eyes. “Though I would appreciate it if you could explain to me how eating this feels like.”
“Mmm…” Ouma mercilessly bit off his gingerbread counterpart’s head this time with a crunch. “Although it breaks off with a loud crunch, but it’s actually pretty chewy–melts in your mouth too. As soon as you open your mouth, you just get hit with the spices, and the more you chew the sweeter it gets. You can taste the spices but it’s not spicy at all.”
“Thank you for your input.” The android nodded, taking in the information. “Umm… why did you lie about it earlier?”
“Wow, I wasn’t aware that we were playing 20 questions, I’m leaving–”
The supreme leader blinked once, twice, before heaving out an exasperated sigh.
“…I ordered Toujou-chan to help me hide the gingerbread dough while I had it cool overnight over the past few days before I was able to bake it last night,” Ouma popped the remaining body parts of his gingerbread self in his mouth. “No one would eat it if they found out I was the one who made it, after all.”
“Mmhm! Besides, it’s more entertaining this way,” Ouma yawned. “And needless to say, if you dare speak a soul about this, I’ll have you assassinated by my men.”
“There’s no need to go to that extent,” frowned Kiibo. “If you wanted me to keep it as a secret, then all you have to do is ask.” He passed his gingerbread to the sleepy supreme leader to represent the metaphorical olive branch.
“You’re giving me your share?” Ouma regarded the android with amusement. “Not the others, but me?”
“You’re already here anyway. I don’t see the need to go anywhere else,” Kiibo shrugged. “And although I can’t eat this, I still appreciate that you took the time to make one for me.”
“Mmm, is that so?” Ouma nibbled on the cookie’s ahoge. “It’s actually quite rude to return gifts, you know. Well, since you’re a robot, I guess it can’t be helped. There’s one thing you can do to show me how grateful you are, though! I’ll let you guess what it is~” He completely bit off the ahoge, giving the android a mischievous smile.
“O-oh! Yes, you’re right,” Kiibo shifted into a more erect sitting position and gave a small bow, smiling as he said: “Thank you, Ouma-kun.”
               – [And that was the end of the Gingerbread Man] –
Rrrrrring! Rrrrrrrrrriiiing!!
“Kiibo? Did you need something?”
Hearing the Professor’s voice on the line made his metaphorical heart swell with gratitude and adoration.
“F…father,” Kiibo’s grip on the phone tightened, willing his blush to go away lest he gets caught. “I’ve called to greet you a Merry Christmas.” His forehead creased with worry when the line went silent. “Father…?”
“…M-Merry Christmas, son.”
Kiibo stood in a more confident manner and wore a wide smile. He and his father ended up having a long conversation, with Kiibo just sharing his experiences the past few days with his only family. Iidabashi on the other line was resisting the urge to cry as he listened to his son speak with much excitement.
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can i request reader who plays beat saber (or just any sort of vr) when shuichi, kokichi, kiibo, kaito, hajime, and nagito walk in and then the reader accidentally hits them?
I don't know if you ment it that reader and said characters are a couple or friends so I will write for both. And sorry that the story might repeat itself.
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Shuichi Kokichi K1B0 Kaito Hajime and Nagito getting hit by reader who plays VR (beat stabber).
Shuichi Saihara
You were bored and since Shuichi went out for a while you thought it was good idea to play beat stabber to kill some time.
You were doing really great but this game was loud enough you didn't notice that Shuichi was back.
When it was that part when it's rather calm and there was no beat to stab Shuichi thought you were done so he went up to you and that's how he accidentally got hit.
You quickly paused game and noticed him.
(If its your friend) You kept apologizing and you asked if it hurt. Shuichi said that it was all fine and said that there is nothing to worry about.
(if its your boyfriend) You were so sorry for both hitting him and ignoring him. He didn't ask for it but after it you decided to have cuddle session. He was happy to do so anyways.
Kokichi Ouma
You were playing VR together and you felt in the mood for beat stabber.
You had small bets as allways when you played to make things more interesting. And you really wanted to beat his highscore.
You were moving really fast and you accidentally dropped controller wich landed on Kokichis face hitting him.
(if he's your friend) Yeah you didn't even bother to pause game and you ran for some ice. You helped him out. Of course you lost bet...
You were just playing beat stabber and Keebo was somewhere else minding his own business.
He found himself having smaller or bigger problem and went to look for you and ask for your help.
As he entered the small room you were in he for hit almost immediately.
It hurt you more than it hurt him but you stopped playing and turned towards keebo.
(if he's your friend) You apologized him for it. And helped him with what he needed after getting rid of pain you felt in your hand.
(if he's your boyfriend) After you apologized, keebo insisted on patching you up even if you didn't have any bigger injury. Your hand just hurt. He was more into helping you out and forgot what he wanted.
Kaito Momota
You were playing beat stabber becouse you and Kaito were planning to meet at your place later and you had to kill some time.
You were doing amazing but you didn't heard Kaito entering your house/flat/dorm (Wich he had key for).
He thought you were playing some other game since you weren't moving (no beats to stab and you just played with controllers).
(if he's a friend) He went up to you just when you continued and hit him. As you were keep apologizing he said that it was fine afterall it's "Kaito Momota luminary of the stars and a small hit like this does nothing to him" (it hurt him a lot but he tried to act cool damn he didn't thought you were this strong).
(if he is your boyfriend) He hugged you from behind when you played and there weren't much things to stab. You got scared and hit him. It hurt double because of the controller. You were so sorry but he knew it was his fault so he apologized for scaring you. (if you hit him in the face or hand the 'kiss and make it better' power move was used by Kaito).
Hajime Hinata
While you were playing Hajime was around he wanted to get something he left in your room.
He tried to seek past you to not disturb your gameplay.
His attempt to seek by failed as he got hit by you.
(if he is your friend) You whould give him back what he was looking for after apologizing. He apologized aswell for sneaking around like that.
(if he is your boyfriend) You were apologizing as he said it was fine. You found it cute that he did everything he could to not disturb you. You also gave him small kisses as another part of apology and (if its appropriate) place where you hit him.
Nagito Komaeda
He was looking at you when you were playing.
He was amazed by your moves but your controller slipped out of your hand and Nagito got hit by it right in the face.
Even tho it hurt he didn't mind it but you apologized anyways.
(if he's your friend) You whould ask him if he was really fine. He kept saying the same you got him some ice just in case.
(if he is your boyfriend) You kissed him and stopped playing for today.
~Mod Chiaki
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"Dinny trust anyone who bites ice cream, pure terminator teeth."
- Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars
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Mondo, Fuyuhiko, Twogami, Gundham, and Kaito with an S/O that has a room/cabin next to them and gets murdered during nighttime only for the killer to mock them(and their S/O)/rile them up after being found out because their S/O had tried to call for them to help, but the walls were soundproof. (Bonus if they found the body and the killer mocks them for being "just a little too late.")
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Sure thing! I hope you like it ^-^ 
-Mod Souda
Mondo Owada
How dare them!
They were his S/O! They were the purest and nicest on out of them all! And they killed them!
If Sakura wouldn´t be so strong Mondo would have punched the living hell out of them
“You know Owada-kun, S/O tried to yell for you to help them. Sadly the walls are soundproof. Also just as you got into there room I got out. If you would have been a bit faster they may still be alive. So it´s somewhat your falt for them being dead. You would only have needed to be a bit faster. There last words were `please keep living for me Mondo` isn´t that cute of them.”
Now Mondo is done. He will kill them!
Sadly for him the culprit got carried away before he could do anything to them
He watches there death with a smirk on his face
Mondo will make sure to keep living for his S/O. He needs to fulfill there last wish
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
This f*cking piece of sh*t!
He shouts at them non stop
“Aww. No need to shout at me baby gangster. After all you could have stoped me if you would have been a bit faster. See, S/O even screamed for your help. Sad that the walls are soundproof, isn´t it?”
Did they just call him motherf*cking baby gangster? Only S/O were allowed to use it!!
Bevore the culprit got dragged away by Monokuma he punched them, or bether sayed, he got Peko to punch them...with her sword.
He didn´t want to touch trash like them okey? Komaeda dare you to show up now!
He will always keep something of S/O near himself to remember them
He needed to keep his act as Byakuya Togami
But he was pissed
Really really pissed
And as the culprit Sayed that S/O screamed for his help but couldn´t get heard because of the walls....
well lets just say we wanted the culprit to burn in hell and go thru the same S/O mussed have went thru
Sadly the way Monokuma killed them wasn´t that pain full
He will always have some kind of memory object of S/O near himself
Gundham Tanaka 
They killed his dark queen/king!
He needs to cures them with the worst spell he knows
He will let there soul never rest
...As he hears that they screamed for him...he sends all the bad spells and cures at them...and maybe one of the Devers
He lauges at them in there final moments 
“That is what you deserve after killing the S/O of the over lord of ice!”
He will name one of his most important minions after S/O 
Kaito Momota
How could they!
How dare them to kill the S/O of the Luminary of the stars!
“You know Momota-kun, they called for you to help. But you couldn´t hear them because of the soundproof walls. How sad, you couldn´t hear there last words.”
Wait- WHAT?!?
They screamed for his?!?
Gods he feels bad now...
Kaito wants the culprit to die a horrible death. A really really horrible death
After the culprit died he just got to S/O´s room and remembered all the nice things
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How would the NDRV3 guys react if they found out that someone else had a crush on their S/O: her little 5 year old neighbor?
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Naww, this is so cute! Of course, I’ll take care of this!
-Mod Maki
Saihara Shuuichi✎
He had decided to come to your house today. 
Just to talk, do what lovers do, that kinda jazz.
Then, he sees a little girl outside.
She’s cute.
Not much older than 4?
You go inside and apparently you’ve also seen the girl.
“Oh, hi!” You call out to her.
Of course, you’d know her, she is your neighbour...
“Who’s that?! He better not be your BOYFRIEND!”
You giggle and tell her that Saihara is your boyfriend, actually. 
The little girl pouts.
“I thought we had something special...” and walks inside.
Saihara’s flustered?
Saihara’s blushing and he doesn’t know why.
Being called your boyfriend always has him like this.
“She’s had a crush on me for ages... like, a few months. She moved in last year.”
He finds that so cute?
He smooches your cheek and then notices that the girl is watching through a window.
Her little pout made it worth it.
Amami Rantaro❂
You two are on a date and you’re sitting outside an ice cream store.
Suddenly, a young child runs up to you. 
They’re crying?
“Oh, noo... What happened, hon?”
You’re by their side instantly.
It’s soothing seeing you take care of the child.
Amami chuckles, it’s... it’s nice.
Maybe plans for the future?
Apparently, this is your neighbour’s kid and this child is lost.
“Well, we can help you out!”
You pick up the child and put them on Amami’s lap.
He’s kind of shook, actually.
“I love you, S/O!”
Yeah, that was the child saying that.
“Oh, I should’ve said... Sweetie, this is my boyfriend, Amami.”
The kid immediately gets off of his lap... and here comes their mother.
“I’m so sorry, were they annoying you?”
Apparently, they’d just made up the ‘lost’ story to spend time with you.
They don’t like Amami very much, basically.
Kiibo is just sitting outside your house, enjoying life when...
This small boy comes up to the fence?
“Oi, what are you?”
Kiibo is offended!
“I’m a robot!”
He’s gonna be nice for now though.
The kid then pokes his tongue out.
“Yeah, whatever, dummy! Where’s S/O?”
He tells him that you’re inside.
Then you come out and the child goes... timid.
“U-Uh, hi S/O!”
He’s confused?
Then the kid asks you to be his boyfriend?!
Kiibo jumps up and kisses you meekly.
You’re confused... is he actually jealous?
Is Kiibo jealous over a five-year-old?
“S/O, he is making advances on you!”
You’re... what.
Kiibo’s a pure boy.
Kaito Momota✯
He loves kids!
But when this kid asks you out he’s full defence mode.
“No way! I’m going out with S/O! There’s no way they’d go out with a kid like you!”
Today marks the day Kaito Momota, luminary of the stars, made a child cry.
“A-Ahhh! I’m sorry!”
He’s also a little shook.
“Of course, I’ll go out with you.”
He’s SHOOK?!
Are you dumping him for this kid?
You laugh, you’re just kidding.
He’s still nervous though.
Aint no kid gonna be stealing his S/O.
Gonta Gokuhara✿
Kids get a little scared of Gonta.
So this kid, when she saw you with him, tried to punch him.
Though, not hard.
He doesn’t want to hit the child back, definitely not!
It’s a girl child, anyways!
“Ah, hello!”
It’s your next-door neighbour child?
He’s happy to meet them!
Though, this girl isn’t being very nice!
“I thought you were being attacked by a stinky monkey...”
Gonta’s not too happy.
Later, when the child has left... he asks a question.
“Is Gonta really like stinky monkey?”
You’re laughing.
Gonta is crying.
What a mess.
Ouma Kokichi♕
Ouma wants this child deleted.
He doesn’t want you going for him, though he knows you won’t...
But what about in the future?
Oh well, time to fuck with a 5-year-old’s mental state, he supposes.
“Nishishi, you wanna date S/O? Want some tips?”
He is seriously going to hook this kid up with his S/O.
Just for the LOLS.
Oh well, it’s cute anyway.
You eventually catch on to what’s happening.
You bop him over the head and let them kid down nicely.
You’re mad at him, yeah, but you love him.
Eventually, you feel bad for your neighbour’s kid and lets them date you for a day.
It’s nice but Ouma is always in the background... just glaring.
Korekiyo Shinguuji✞
Korekiyo finds it amusing.
This young human, beginning for your affection.
He doesn’t mind at all.
He lets the child come over whenever. He loves seeing their advances towards you.
He doesn’t like to be informal and emotive but he finds it adorable, really.
Eventually, this kid becomes yours.
Well, not literally.
They’re always at your house and so is he...
It’s like playing house again.
He eventually becomes attached to this child and plays games with them.
Eventually, the kid moves.
Korekiyo is more or less devastated.
You both are.
It’s lonely again... but it’s given you an idea.
You’re gonna have a kid and it’s gonna be great.
Hoshi Ryoma☯
“Huh?! S/O, how come you’re hanging out with another kid!?”
This little girl runs up to you and Hoshi one day.
Hoshi is offended and is about to shoot a cold glare at this kid...
But then he remembers that it is indeed a kid.
Looks like he’s still got a ways to go.
Then the kid states their affection towards you.
He’s... he’s holding it together.
Then the self-esteem rolls in!
In the future, you’ll probably leave him and go for this kid.
He’ll be older...
Hoshi’s sad now... not unusual for him.
Then you pick him up and kiss him on the forehead.
“I only love this one, but I still like you! You’re nice!”
He’s... he’s ecstatic?
Oh, my goodness.
You’ve made Hoshi blush and he’s not proud to admit that.
He pulls his hat over his face.
You’ve broken your boy.
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