#Kagomama and Inupapa
mamabearcatfanart · 4 years
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Inuyasha had completed his weekly check of the village perimeter, much further out than his quick daily run, and was now looking for his wife, eager to see her after being apart all day. He stuck his head inside Kaede’s hut, ready to see her bright smile, ready to take her home, but the hut was empty. The older woman was nowhere to be found, probably out tending to one of the villagers, and Kagome too was absent. But a quick sniff informed him that although she hadn’t been inside Kaede’s hut for some time, she was definitely nearby.
He wandered behind Kaede’s little hut. The warm afternoon sunshine spilled out over the meadow and garden, casting long shadows in the taller green grass down towards the willow trees. He found Kagome on her knees in a sunny patch, using a little spade to dig up the gobō roots she and Kaede had planted earlier in the Summer. Inuyasha could hear her huffing a little at the effort needed to pull them out of the ground, the long tap roots seemingly reluctant to give up their home in the dark earth. He watched her for a moment, smiling fondly as she blew upwards to try and dislodge a stray strand of hair that was hanging in her face.
“Ya know, you’ve got someone right here you could ask to yank those up for you with no problem”, he said, startling her a little as she turned at the sound of his voice. He plonked himself down behind her, resting his chin on her shoulder to drop a quick kiss to her cheek. “You’re getting’ too big to be doing that now, koiishi.”
Kagome’s lower lip pushed out into a pout, even as she nuzzled her cheek against his. “You don’t need to remind me Inuyasha”, she said a little grumpily, wriggling the leafy plant stem from side to side in an effort to loosen the dark soil around it. “I know I’m as big as a house.”
“I wouldn’t go quite that far”, he teased. “But definitely as big as a cradle maybe.” His arms reached around to hug her, his palms gently caressing her rounded abdomen, grinning as he felt a soft tap against his hand from within. “Hey pup. Were you bein’ good for your Mama today?”
“At least they’ve stopped kicking me so hard in the ribs”, she sighed, leaning back against Inuyasha’s strong chest. Inuyasha could tell she was still tired. She’d been finding it hard to get comfortable enough to sleep over the last few nights, and then as soon as she did, the baby would protest the fast diminishing amount of space available by attempting to push out with its wee little feet. Inuyasha could remember his feeling of combined amazement and consternation at seeing an actual footprint tenting the skin of his wife’s stomach.
“Do you have to do this now?” he asked, worried at how exhausted she seemed. Kagome nodded.
“If I don’t get these now, the roots will be too fibrous to use. They’re important. Kaede needs these to make some more balm for arthritis before the cold weather arrives.”
“Alright. You point to what needs to be pulled, and I’ll pull it. Then you need to rest, okay?”
“Alright”, she said with a sigh, putting her little spade into the half filled basket containing the roots she’d already managed to dig up. “There’s only a few left to go, anyway. And if you help me do this, then I’ll have time to get them washed and chopped, ready to steep them in oil so we can make the balm in a few days.”
Privately, Inuyasha thought that they should just drop the roots off at Kaede’s and go home, but he held his tongue, pulling up the long roots easily as Kagome pointed them out. She was strangely stubborn about keeping up with her duties, as if she were worried that Kaede would think less of her if she took time to rest, even though it was Kaede who had told her that rest was important and that she should listen to what her body was telling her.
With the last root pulled and safely in the basket, Inuyasha helped Kagome to her feet, and she leaned heavily against him for a moment.
“Sorry”, she hissed, her eyes squeezing shut in pain, “my feet have gone to sleep. Ow.”
Rolling his eyes a little at his wife’s stubborness, he picked up both her and the basket, ignoring her protests, and sat down under a nearby tree, the red and orange leaves above them filtering the soft afternoon light.
“Just sit here with me for a minute”, he soothed, rubbing her shoulder gently as she pouted. “The world’s not gonna end if you sit still and relax Kagome.”
Kagome snorted as she leaned against him.
“How times have changed. Five years ago, I used to beg you to let me sit still and study, and you would rage about how lazy I was.”
Inuyasha cleared his throat.
“Yeah, well, I was a loudmouthed dick who didn’t know any better. But even though I wasn’t brave enough to say it, I worried about you then too.” He stretched his legs out, and encouraged her to lay down on her side, making space for her head on his thigh. “You were always fallin’ asleep at your desk, especially when you had those tests at your school.” He scratched his claws gently against her scalp, and she made a small sound of contentment, pushing her head against his fingers. “I didn’t enjoy pushin’ you so hard, you know”, he said softly.
“I know that now”, she smiled, her eyes drifting closed as he continued to stroke her hair. “And really, the world was kind of ending, with Naraku and the shards. We had a big job to do. But we got there in the end.” She yawned, and snuggled in against him, one hand reaching up to pillow under her cheek, the other reaching down to hug their unborn child still nestled safely within her. Within moments, she was asleep, a soft smile of contentment on her face.
Inuyasha gazed down at her, his heart swelling as he took her in. Her hair didn’t have the same aroma as it had when he’d first met her, now that she no longer had access to the products she’d used then to wash her hair, but it still shone in the setting sun, and he’d come to prefer the faint smell of camelia oil she used to give it a healthy gleam. Her face had lost the baby roundness it had when she was younger; now her cheekbones accentuated her beauty, and her long lashes were as dark as ever. Her familiar scent now had an added complexity, the sweetness of the thick sticky droplets of milk her breasts were already producing. He could hear the slow steady beat of her heart as she finally slept, accompanied by the much faster beat of their child’s. Their child.
The plum trees had just begun to bloom when they had realised that Kagome was pregnant, and their baby would probably arrive before the first snow fell. It was still something he couldn’t quite get his head around. He couldn’t deny he was anxious about the birth and all the possible things that might go wrong.
Even though he was living proof that a human and a youkai could produce a healthy child, he still fretted that the birth might be more difficult for Kagome, or there might be something medically wrong with the baby because of their mixed heritage. He was anxious that he would not be able to handle not being able to help Kagome when she was in pain – he’d never been able to stomach that. And he didn’t even know how to hold a baby, let alone know the right things to do when he had never had the example of his own father to follow. But there was one thing he was definitely sure of.
This child of theirs would know that it was wanted from the moment it was born, would know the surety of having a safe roof over their head and a full belly every night. This child would know that it was loved.
Whenever he felt his anxiety reach up to strangle him, all he had to do was listen to their combined heart beats, and he knew he would find the strength to protect them, come what may. His family.
A soft rumbling sound began, complementing the double heart beats, and he grinned. Despite Kagome swearing that he must be hearing things, because there was no way that she snored, it had happened every night for the last ten day once she finally made it into a deep sleep. Kaede had said that it was nothing to be concerned about, despite Kagome’s embarrassment. He couldn’t wait to tease her a little when she woke up.
Kaede arrived soon after, and silently took the basket of gobō roots with a nod and a smile. The sun would be setting soon, bringing the chill of the evening air, but with Kagome finally getting the rest she needed, he was in no hurry to move. He would watch over them, and keep his little family warm.
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swaggingtomboy · 3 years
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Ahhh! Yes! Much better! InuKagMor family under the tree of ages where it all started looking off to their bright future. With no Sesshomaru, no child bride Rin, no Kirinmaru, no separation and none of the shit show that was Yashahime!!!
@keichanz @born-for-eachother @katerinu @inuyashasforest @kaze-ranna @inukag @lavendertwilight89 @stillunderyourbed @chit-a-to @serial-doubters-club @clearwillow @fawn-eyed-girl @neutronstarchild @ruddcatha @creative-hanyou-girl @heynikkiyousofine @malditamigs @coquinespike @kalcia
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swaggingtomboy · 3 years
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InuKagMor ❤💙❤
@keichanz @born-for-eachother @katerinu @inuyashasforest @kaze-ranna @inukag @lavendertwilight89 @stillunderyourbed @chit-a-to @serial-doubters-club @clearwillow @fawn-eyed-girl @neutronstarchild @ruddcatha @creative-hanyou-girl @heynikkiyousofine @malditamigs @coquinespike @kalcia
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swaggingtomboy · 2 years
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LOOK at my powerful baby!!!
@keichanz @born-for-eachother @katerinu @inuyashasforest @kaze-ranna @inukag @lavendertwilight89 @stillunderyourbed @chit-a-to @serial-doubters-club @clearwillow @fawn-eyed-girl @neutronstarchild @ruddcatha @creative-hanyou-girl @heynikkiyousofine @maradigma @coquinespike @kalcia @lostinfantasyworlds
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swaggingtomboy · 3 years
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YES. This. This is everything. This is perfect.
@keichanz @born-for-eachother @katerinu @inuyashasforest @kaze-ranna @inukag @lavendertwilight89 @stillunderyourbed @chit-a-to @serial-doubters-club @clearwillow @fawn-eyed-girl @neutronstarchild @ruddcatha @creative-hanyou @heynikkiyousofine @malditamigs @coquinespike @kalcia
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swaggingtomboy · 2 years
Inuyasha protects his daughter
@keichanz @born-for-eachother @katerinu @kaze-ranna @inukag @lavendertwilight89 @stillunderyourbed @chit-a-to @serial-doubters-club @clearwillow @fawn-eyed-girl @neutronstarchild @ruddcatha @creative-hanyou-girl @heynikkiyousofine @coquinespike @kalcia @lostinfantasyworlds @malditamigs @ashcanvas @mamabearcat @anisaanisa @inukagger @fandomobsessions016
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swaggingtomboy · 2 years
InuKagMor Family Moment. ❤💙❤
@keichanz @born-for-eachother @katerinu @kaze-ranna @inukag @lavendertwilight89 @stillunderyourbed @chit-a-to @serial-doubters-club @clearwillow @fawn-eyed-girl @neutronstarchild @ruddcatha @creative-hanyou-girl @heynikkiyousofine @coquinespike @kalcia @lostinfantasyworlds @malditamigs @ashcanvas @mamabearcat @anisaanisa @inukagger @fandomobsessions016
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swaggingtomboy · 2 years
Inu protects his girls
@keichanz @born-for-eachother @katerinu @kaze-ranna @inukag @lavendertwilight89 @stillunderyourbed @chit-a-to @serial-doubters-club @clearwillow @fawn-eyed-girl @neutronstarchild @ruddcatha @creative-hanyou-girl @heynikkiyousofine @coquinespike @kalcia @lostinfantasyworlds @malditamigs @ashcanvas @mamabearcat @anisaanisa @inukagger @fandomobsessions016
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swaggingtomboy · 2 years
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@keichanz @born-for-eachother @katerinu @inuyashasforest @kaze-ranna @inukag @lavendertwilight89 @stillunderyourbed @chit-a-to @serial-doubters-club @clearwillow @fawn-eyed-girl @neutronstarchild @ruddcatha @creative-hanyou-girl @heynikkiyousofine @maradigma @coquinespike @kalcia @lostinfantasyworlds @malditamigs @mamabearcat @ashcanvas @anisaanisa
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swaggingtomboy · 2 years
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@keichanz @born-for-eachother @katerinu @inuyashasforest @kaze-ranna @inukag @lavendertwilight89 @stillunderyourbed @chit-a-to @serial-doubters-club @clearwillow @fawn-eyed-girl @neutronstarchild @ruddcatha @creative-hanyou-girl @heynikkiyousofine @maradigma @coquinespike @kalcia @lostinfantasyworlds
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swaggingtomboy · 3 years
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Beautiful. ❤💙❤
@keichanz @born-for-eachother @katerinu @inuyashasforest @kaze-ranna @inukag @lavendertwilight89 @stillunderyourbed @chit-a-to @serial-doubters-club @clearwillow @fawn-eyed-girl @neutronstarchild @ruddcatha @creative-hanyou-girl @heynikkiyousofine @malditamigs @coquinespike @kalcia
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swaggingtomboy · 3 years
That's his babygirl! And ain't no one finna touch her!
@keichanz @born-for-eachother @inukag @inuyashasforest @katerinu @kaze-ranna @chit-a-to @clearwillow @fawn-eyed-girl @neutronstarchild @kalcia @lavendertwilight89 @ruddcatha @stillunderyourbed @creative-hanyou-girl @serial-doubters-club @heynikkiyousofine
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swaggingtomboy · 2 years
InuKagMor vs Kirinmaru
@keichanz @born-for-eachother @katerinu @kaze-ranna @inukag @lavendertwilight89 @stillunderyourbed @chit-a-to @serial-doubters-club @clearwillow @fawn-eyed-girl @neutronstarchild @ruddcatha @creative-hanyou-girl @heynikkiyousofine @coquinespike @kalcia @lostinfantasyworlds @malditamigs @ashcanvas @mamabearcat @anisaanisa @inukagger @fandomobsessions016
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swaggingtomboy · 3 years
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So does she get a look of her parents when she applies the rouge?
@keichanz @born-for-eachother @katerinu @inuyashasforest @kaze-ranna @inukag @lavendertwilight89 @stillunderyourbed @chit-a-to @serial-doubters-club @clearwillow @fawn-eyed-girl @neutronstarchild @ruddcatha @creative-hanyou-girl @heynikkiyousofine @malditamigs @coquinespike @kalcia
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