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geckoodles · 1 year ago
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A lineup of all Sturm's background trolls that had impact against him, not including Hagel. From left to right:
1. Mage Kabol 2. Mage Rrudmi 3. Mage Belk'ih 4. Siddvin 5. Moknar
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uroldhomie · 1 year ago
Sabar and intezar is not an easy process.but i guess there are still levels of it.
I have through every type of "intezar" .
Chahe woh ghanto ghar jany k liye ho.. exams k result ka ho ..kisi khas din ka ho .. kisi dua kabol hony ka ho...but i would say sabsy zada aziat naak intezar wohi hai jo ap hath mein pakar kar kisi ka message ka karein.
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444namesplus · 11 months ago
Amavdei Baboisar Balokonoe Bane Bdeinudoaf Bdoebar Bdudre Bdukolisnoe Bduvar Bedkeir Beldoe Bemir Bez Bidnosez Bilaf Bindusoar Binimoe Bisenir Boekiste Boiner Bokar Bomobbojur Budar Budnargimoz Budnasir Budnunuddir Bufbioe Bufuse Buise Buker Bummarke Bummisnoe Bunisnoe Bunose Buriolus Burnkidne Dafose Danaboei Darimmei Dipamvoaf Dipommaf Dokose Dufamar Dufe Dufesur Duvopar Duvopu Eadimoes Eadude Eaparnar Earnid Earuse Ebduloni Eboumei Ebummu Ebummusoe Edir Edkeloar Edlunemoe Edneverlur Ednifor Edoumoke Egdokar Eide Eikaoner Einidsoner Ekaeiramor Ekaomu Ekiddeikendoei Ekkaonidfi Ekonar Eldoes Elduner Eliuse Emifusoe Emizeslid Emizour Emroaf Enise Ennor Erkmiboar Erno Esekou Eserneroar Esernerour Esldusojur Esnifoar Esnifsei Esnikudni Esnusosar Espiduse Espone Esse Evalesnoe Eviuse Fane Fanorndenus Fanosar Feadoki Fedkar Fedkoes Fedr Fedufepu Fefakoaf Fekdosar Fenane Feoe Feoirne Fepsar Fesaim Fesir Fesnae Fesoe Fexudoes Fezisnoar Fezofoes Fezofosar Fidkada Figoner Filondose Filoumesaf Fimmuse Firrud Fisdke Fise Fisr Fokeim Fonder Forisu Fosidke Fudne Fudolasaf Fudr Fusgiddenu Fusine Gadoir Gadose Gampude Gearnoner Geasar Gease Gefe Gekusoar Gemekdosi Gesu Gevamosar Gidusoe Gimokoner Givdor Gmude Gmudoes Golir Gudafgamkoo Gudafsukaf Gudnase Gudsez Gusnar Ibeirnar Idaz Ide Ideie Idejmuser Idekmoar Idfir Idkamesiaf Idkamir Ifbesle Ikisnar Ikolisrke Imepevemar Indadoe Ipirnir Irnoe Islukimokar Isnimme Ivudekaf Kabol Kadoe Kamkes Kamnadsar Kaodonor Kaodosar Kaosnommar Kasose Kavimi Kdifuse Kebotto Kedar Kedekemme Kedfisne Kedlekeni Kedlie Kedosar Kedsie Kedufepu Kefamulasaf Kefidoe Kefiseiir Keiredufepar Keisose Kekase Kemidoes Kemir Kemisnosoes Kemisr Kemkedoe Kemopame Kenesoe Kepmoedo Kepsoekei Kernimribdou Keslimogide Kidamefoaf Kidir Kidkimmo Kidnafsar Kidoner Kigemù Kiknor Kimioe Kindesou Kioukor Kirberoes Kirne Kisar Kisegdaf Kisnofopmoe Kmealoar Kmearisnaf Kmenidsei Kmifisnoe Kmuekose Kmunepisoaf Kodnar Kodobmekee Koekisse Koido Koknudoe Kolaar Konafsar Konimmoar Koslumesle Kosukoe Koszoe Kuboe Kudar Kudoe Kudosoaf Kuffular Kufu Kuimar Kumafse Kumnadsar Kumussene Kure Kuskespor Kuskiknud Kuskudloe Kusleni Kuslonud Kusrar Kusrnesnoar Kusrnesnosi Kusrnesr Ladsukedoe Ladukopanaf Ladukudsukoaf Ladukuvdokor Ladumobusr Ladumonaf Lavdor Leilemoaf Lesaf Lie Lifinid Likidde Likide Likofe Loar Loe Loese Loloar Lor Lorkobmose Lorkudloe Loukminoes Lufonoes Maisnosaf Makidoe Makoar Makogid Makose Mapakemoaf Mase Maso Medir Mekidse Meknesr Meknuludaf Menoaf Mepisnoaf Minukinaf Miu Miulor Miusnour Mofe Mokosoar Moslosor Movid Movide Movidemoner Movidner Movoar Movonose Mudoaf Muslosoaf Muspame Muspedokaf Nados Narkamaf Ndexes Ndivusoesar Ndofusnoaf Ndokoe Nekonar Neudfose Nidde Nidfosar Nifbirnir Nimmar Niubomur Niulude Niuluroar Niulurour Nonar Novidoar Nudnuse Odisi Ofekede Okdie Orbimmaf Oreek Oror Oslokoe Osnidefse Pdenoes Peddoesusaf Peine Pemidoar Pemmoisar Pemve Pevoo Pidienor Pine Pisue Pmakidoar Pudloes Raelime Raere Raffesar Rammusoekei Ravdoskosenud Rbir Redonud Reibosaf Remar Remosei Renads Reskar Ribnifbile Ribnofoar Ridebor Rifusoe Rikadoner Rikidar Ripusnoaf Risnosaf Rkoekke Rndisae Rneadejour Rnene Rnevoei Rnofame Romkesar Rudr Rufsar Rum Rumasnaf Safidoes Saslose Seisoe Sekou Sekuse Sibnasi Sidke Sidu Sifirndosar Sikirroner Sinaf Sojibudur Sudve Suse Suz Tiareifomoes Tisu Tuiekiddei Ubr Udkar Udnusoaf Udvuse Ukkenud Umavdoar Umokese Unu Urnomoes Usudoar Usur Uvedenud Vavuse Vdannoaf Vekkar Vemvosar Veoei Verom Veromorkar Vessekisne Vikepse Vimmuse Vukommei Vuse Vuvvou Xabonid Xakisner Xamoar Xamoes Xanadse Xarnos Xarnosoes Xasu Xesar Xuessir Xukoes Xus
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rafaqatali1972 · 1 year ago
Please remember if you want ALRA TV to reach 10 Million subscribers in a few years rather than a few decades then please remember that following (this is what I was trying explain during the Jashan E One Million celebrations in #London
1: Always write a title of the Picture/Video/Article
2 : Always write a short description to explain what the video/picture/article is about
3: Always use relevant#Hashtags such as #IFollowGoharShahi #ImamMehdiGoharShahi #GoharShahi #YounusAlGohar #ALRATV #Sufism #Spirituality #Kabbalah #Gnosticism #TariqJameel #ZakirNaik #TahirulQadri #IlyasQadri #AsifRazaAlvi #ShenshahNaqvi #MuftiMenik #JavedGhamidi #TariqMasood #Wahhabi #Salafi #Deobandi #Jaffari #Ismaili #Bohri #Brelevii #Ahmadi #Qadiyani #Askari #Islam #Quran #Koran #Muslim #ExMuslim #Salafism #Wahhabism #Deobandism #Shiaism #Sunni #Shia etc etc
(i will repeat this post every few days so more & more people can understand (I've personally set a target of maximum 5 years to reach 10 Million subscribers. This is my MISSION IMPOSSIBLE Mirpuri version #LOL Mikki Kabol Eh 😎😎😎😎)
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aerialisnews · 2 years ago
There is a Cat.
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Feral fucking beast spotted in the Winter Wonderland. Look at my son. The Stormbourne Void Kabol is a variant of a Void Kabol that happens when a Void Kabol leaves the Abyss and manages to actually grow older and fight some more eldritch abominations. This thing can deal bleed. It also doesn't hurt new players so don't worry. Quite ferocious in nature, Make sure you keep this thing nearby you if you dare encounter something like a Dreamer.
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hadimlo · 3 years ago
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harvardfineartslib · 4 years ago
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Today is National Kite Flying Day!
Lady Flying a Kite Single page painting/drawing on marbled paper Islamic India Mughal mid-18th c. Repository: Muzah-i Kabul, Kabul, Velayat-e Kabol, Afghanistan HOLLIS number: olvwork464142
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tolistudio · 3 years ago
Ay gal sano kabol ni | Wajid Ali Baghdadi sad song 2021 | Toli Studio
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dogsfordefense · 3 years ago
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Pul-e-Charkhi Prison, was an archaic prison but the US built a modern maximum security facility inside the walls of the building. We would visit frequently since there was an American citizen held there. The Taliban freed all the prisoners from this facility and from Bagram’s maximum security prison. When the Taliban claims they are separate from the terrorists but frees all the terrorists? #dogsfordedense #d4d #k9 #workingdog #germanshepherd #mwd #dss #blackwater (at Pol-E Charkhi, Kabol, Afghanistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTFaXJaghLf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thegreatweissshark · 4 years ago
man, I would love to here Amélia's story about Kabol 😏😉
Amelia gets her own spin-off. LOL
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marlsbys-dragons · 4 years ago
Happy world building Wednesday! Since I just had a very yummy stir-fry, what kinds of cooking methods and dishes are common in your societies? Are certain dishes treated as sacred, or taboo? Do desserts exist? What things do people do to enhance flavour?
Thanks for the ask, happy WBW!
This isn’t really something I think about a lot, so I’ll try to come up with something on the fly!
The Valley doesn’t really have a lot of large animals, other than a small population of semi-aquatic elephants. They do however have plenty of sheep, goats, deer, llamas, and pigs, and all of those are eaten on the regular. The pigs are considered to be owned by the nobility, and so hunting them without permission is poaching, and hunting of the goats is kinda discouraged as they are seen as holy. However, the autauthist view on sacredness is more or less “everything’s sacred, so nothing is”, and people won’t get too upset about eating goat, especially on holy days.
When the Svaerine Tulhadierzi came into the Valley, they brought cows with them. The Valley had some oxen, imported from Posa, that were used communally for farm work. The Svaerine brought a lot more cows, and started using them for food. Initially, the people were a bit weirded out by the new meat, but when the taiu’Teppettasen family tried to claim the local deer as their royal right, in the manner of the Southern Empire, pushback from the people led to them just claiming the cows instead. You’d think that restricting access to beef would make an already unpopular meat even less favored, but the taiu’Teppettasens actually managed to turn it into a luxury item and never turn down anyone who requests to buy some, with the combination of its novelty, technically restricted status, and ease of attainment turning into a popular treat.
On the topic of foods that aren’t meat, the Valley has a lot of vine-growing fruits and vegetables, grapes, squash, melons, stuff like that. They also practice a lot of terrace farming, grow both rice and cranberries in flooded paddies, and have a couple of spices unique to them. In addition, the Valley also sits close, but not directly on, several of Tallier’s more significant trade routes, both on land and sea, and they take full advantage of that to get an unusually high amount of outside goods, with a focus on spice. King Aensrik actually annexed a small area referred to as the Kaboll To Spicehills to claim the fields of vieirdem, a spice that grows only in that specific area of the northern foothills of the Haset-thorn Mountains, bringing Valley rule, which is to say Augsa rule, outside the geographic bounds of the Valley for the first time in two thousand years.
As for preparation, the Valley is pretty much... standard? I don’t do a lot of cooking so I’m less good at this lol, but I know they do quite a bit of preserving, making jerky and stuff like that.
Also slightly unrelated sidenote, I only have one concept that I’ve actually thought about food for. It’s called High Imorre, it’s about Orcs, and in it, one of the things about the Orc culture is they loooove contrasting sensations. This means that Orcish food has a lot spicy/sweet/sour, that sort of thing, but they also love temperature differences, and usually have small fire pits and bowls of ice for chilling at large or fancy meals.
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uroldhomie · 3 years ago
Safar chahe kisi insan sy muhabbat ka ho ya Parwardigar ki taraf hijrat ka ,Musafir wahi kabol hota hai jo aik Dar ka hou.
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hedayatirfan98-blog · 5 years ago
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The beauty of Spring (at Shahr-E Now, Kabol, Afghanistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-clvV-lngM/?igshid=1nuwkmndb7w7p
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afghanvideo · 5 years ago
‎پس از مشاور وزارت تجارت، این‌بار معاش سرپرست وزارت مالیه خبرساز شد
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asadziar · 6 years ago
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#apple #afghanapplejuice #afghanapple #کابل #مڼه #zafarkingofthesheepdogs #tuesdaybirthdayssuck #thebakerofbadakhshan #stencil #runghz #rhob #redapple #pinkapples #kabul #kabol #jimmyrogers #imonaboat #him #greenapple #ghz #food #donduro #cavepainting #captaincostarica #brainsmasher #boatsandhoes #beardedliar #baqithebutcher
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ryancaskey · 6 years ago
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Alright, here it is. I'm so excited to reveal the first issue of Closed Casket Comics! The goal behind this comic series is to tell a new, terrifying story each issue, all presented by none other than the mischievous Baba Kabol! With each new story, you'll see me experimenting a lot with different styles and storytelling techniques, all for the purpose and benefit of the experience.
I've spent so much time crafting this idea, and this first chapter is the culmination of my efforts thus far. Please give it a read and let me know what you think!
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