#KYD drabble
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ramp-it-up · 1 month ago
https://www.tumblr.com/noellez-best-life23/775232829230546944?source=share Hi!! It was this one, I think it should work! And can't wait for the next chapter!
Oh, My. Oh, Nonnie. 🥵
Yes, that look was (excuse me, I have to wipe my mouth).
VERY Inspirational.
And it is the week of love. Why the hell not?
And thank you for the ask, Nonnie! This actually helped me with the next chapters of the story. 😉
Smut under the cut
Tumblr media
Summary: You have to express your feelings about how Bucky looks in that suit.
Word count: 500 ish
Pairing: Art Dealer (mob boss) Bucky Barnes x Reader
A/N: This drabble is in the Knock You Down AU, and comes immediately after both Worth the Fall and the Steve Rogers fic Peach VI.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. Read at your own risk. Smut! Furmoasa prepared to gossip, lust, Bucky Barnes being smoking hot, spitting, implied blow job. Not Beta'd. All errors my own.
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
You walked into Bucky's closet the early afternoon of the gala with piping hot tea that you were going to spill. You knew he was in there getting his suit together for the gala.
“Oh my God, Bucky! Peach and Steve are….”
You lost your train of thought when you saw what was happening.
Bucky was standing in front of the full-length mirror, adjusting the cuffs of his crisp white dress shirt in the sleeves of his tailored suit jacket. The top buttons of his shirt were undone and the pants fit his slim waist perfectly.
"Those two fools are fucking? It was only a matter of time..."
You’d seen him in suits before.
Many times. 
But something about this moment, the effortless way he moved, his broad shoulders in the suit coat, and the sweet wrinkles of concentration on his brow hit you like a damn freight train.
That, combined with the extra floof in his hair from his fingers raking through it and the fact that he was barefoot made you feral as fuck.
He looked so handsome and he wasn’t even trying.
You stopped in the doorway of the closet, biting your lip as you took him in.
Bucky caught the reflection of you ogling him in the mirror and a slow smirk graced his face.
“See something you like, Frumoasă?”
You looked at him in the mirror and licked your lips.
“You have no idea.”
Bucky turned around and in a moment, you were on him, your hands sliding up his chest, feeling the muscles there under the expensive cotton broadcloth and grazing over the exposed skin at his collar.
You craned your neck to run your lips along the whiskers that adorned his sharp jaw line and then trailed kisses down his neck, unbuttoning the rest of the fastenings on the shirt.
Bucky chuckled, running his hands down your sides and landing on your ample hips.
“Shut up,” you murmured against his skin, biting down on his collarbone just enough to make him hiss.
“Jesus. It’s just a tux, Frumoasă.”
You shook your head, pushing him backward out of the closet and toward the edge of the bed. You didn't hesitate to cop a feel of his pecs.
“No. It’s you in the tux. My sexy ass man.” 
Your hands slid lower, teasing over his belt and cupping his now hard cock.
“Looking like this.”
Bucky let out a low groan, his head tilting back slightly as you sank to your knees. You were busy unbuckling his belt like a mad woman and looking up at him with those eyes.
“Fuck, Doll. The hair and makeup people will be here in…” 
“I don’t care,” you interrupted, unbuttoning his pants and letting them fall on the floor.
“You probably want to take all this shit off, because I’m about to get real nasty.”
You leaned forward and nuzzled his sac through his boxer briefs.
Bucky’s eyes dilated as he grabbed your hair. He looked down at you and the black of his pupils was taking over the blue. He gave you a wicked grin as he kicked the pants away from him and took off the shirt and jacket, flinging them on the nearest chair.
“You are going to be the death of me.”
You grinned as you tied your hair up. Bucky took off his underwear and sat on the edge of the bed as you took him in your grip and spit on his cock. You watched it drip down his balls, then you replied.
“Then I'll suck your soul out for you.”
Let me know if you like it!
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delilah-dust · 2 years ago
Teen Titans Drabble #1
Just a short story to dump here while I get moving with the bigger things later. Feel free to ignore me for I am a poor petal.
Title: Screenshot
Characters: Kyd Wykkyd, See-More
Summary: Kyd Wykkyd really should’ve changed his password to keep that cyclops freak of a roommate from snooping through his messages.
TW: Swearing
Stuck in a massive floating eyeball Elliot looked down and hissed, the hairs on the back of his neck jolting upwards as if electrified while his forked tongue flickered angrily through pointed fangs. Below him See-More smirked waving Kyd’s cellphone tauntingly before shuffling through the rest of a now exposed camera roll.
“Oooh body shots!” The one eyed boy broke out in laughter, “Who you trying to impress with your scrawny pale ass?”
“Shut up!” Elliot snarled as he pounded on the inner walls with balled fists, “I might be pale, but my ass is THICC!”
Seymour rolled his eye as continue to scroll.
“Yeah sure, I don’t need two eyes to tell that when you bend over it’s like folding paper.”
Flushing darkly Kyd gave him the double bird, “Fuck you.”
“Only if you pay me.” See-More said with a sly smile.
(He found the messenger app.)
“Hell no.”
“Your lost then,” The cyclops muttered as he began checking each opened chat. Nothing there, just crime stuff, boring, boring, no, no, ew gross Mammoth’s selfie from Taco Bell’s bathroom crime scene, oh-wait? Yes!
Seymour’s eyebrow lifted as he grinned deviously. Turning to his trapped teammate he asked, “Who’s Joey?”
Elliot felt his blood run cold. Sweat began beading from under his cowl as he resumed slamming himself into the sphere.
“None of your fucking business! Now let me out!”
“Uh-uh. No way! Not until you tell me who this guy is and why you’re sending him kiss-y face emojis- HOLD UP! IS THAT A DIC-”
See-More practically scream laughing to the point of hyperventilation gasped heavily as he continued to blurt out what he saw.
The phone started vibrating and both boys went silent.
Wheezing so hard he was almost asphyxiating See-More clicked ‘Answer Call.’
“...You bitch.”
On the other end a soft voice echoed out, “I’m a what?”
Falling to his knees Seymour delved into breathless cackling just as the eyeball bubble burst freeing Kyd. Snatching the phone faster than Kid Flash hitting on Jinx the teen quickly mumbled, “Sorry babe, you ain’t a bitch but I’m bout to be murdering one soon. Call you back in twenty. Love you.”
“What? Murdering? Wait-”
Ending the call Elliot towered over See-More the shadows around him pooling at his feet.
“Time to die.”
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polyesserii · 6 years ago
It was odd for the green mutant teen Beast Boy to come across him causally eating at a lunch bar. Beast Boy was cautious at first, it being their appearance that seemed 'evil looking' to him. The guy wore mostly black. He then approached the other, giving him an awkward hello. Catching him in mid-bite, Kyd Wykkyd glances up at Beast boy, scarlet eyes peered at him curiously. "Yo, dude, aren't you...a part of those hive guys?" Kyd kept his gaze at the other, still chewing as he shook his head. He placed the ham sandwich down on his plate, not looking up from it. "Oh--so, did they ditch ya?" Kyd sighed, shaking his head again, adjusting his inky black gloves as he turned to look back at the green-skinned teen. 
He nodded, his hands tucked under his chin. "They were no good to me." He softly mumbled. Beast Boy raised his eyebrows high, stunned that the other spoke. He then took a seat on the other side of the table. "Woah, I, didn't know you could talk, dude!" Kyd pursed his lips into a flat line, knowing that was to be said. "Everyone says that..." he muttered. It was barely audible to anyone not standing a close proximity from the table. Still, he stayed calm as he swished the ice cubes around his soft drink. Seeming that the other won't say anything else, Beast Boy continued.
 "Well, we could always use more allies. Besides, you'd be like, super useful since you know the hive n' stuff!" Kyd stopped swishing the ice cubes around, turning his attention to the other, his eyes widening a bit." Just think about it dude, our tower is where the coast is. You can come over and chill any time. And don't worry, I won't say anything about you not talking anymore. So, you in?" Beast Boy gave the other a toothy grin, a gloved hand stretched out to be shaken. Kyd's scarlet eyes softened as he thought for a moment, then coming to senses as he nods, a small smile forming on his face as he reached out for the handshake.
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Teen Titans Masterlist
Italics + * = Smut Italics = NSFW themes ^ = Angst $ = Fluff
Note: Drabbles are not included on this list! However, they can be found by searching ‘Drabble’ in my search bar on my main blog!
Through the Night $ Insecurity $ ^ Lush $ Mirage ^ Settle $
Beast Boy
Nightmares $ Lazy Day $
Cloaks $
Headcanon Game - A to Z [C, F, K, W] [ J ] [A, B, I, M, P, S, V, X, Y, Z]
Headcanon Game - A to Z [ K ]
Polyamory Headcanon
Beast Boy
Headcanon Game - A to Z [ K ]
Kid Flash
Headcanon Game - A to Z [ T ]
Kyd Wykkyd
Headcanon Game - A to Z [ F ] Demon Heat
Headcanon Game - A to Z [ O ]
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anodyne-sunflower · 8 years ago
~Update schedule~
As always, subject to change but since I have tons written already it’s looking good. ❤️ KYD and ships will be answered regularly throughout the week as well.
-WFK Part 4
-LMLYD Part 21
-4 more smut Drabble (Marius, Stephen, Jack and Our lord and savior Balem)
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anodyne-sunflower · 8 years ago
Hi do you have an update schedule
I did post one, but I'm too lazy to go look lol But, I'm gonna try to write WFK today. Likely won't be posting it though. I have the entire ending part written for this part, so fingers crossed 🤞🏻 Also, I'll answer some KYD today, and maybe work on the other 5 smut Drabble requests.
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anodyne-sunflower · 7 years ago
I can’t wsit for requests to be open again! Lol But you have many, huh? Still got a lot???
I have 35 KYD, and 167 requests. That Drabble one I’m working on is taking 6 off my list...would’ve been 7 but Qwerty wasn’t a daddy when it was made lol oy.
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ramp-it-up · 1 month ago
Thanks for the Love! 💕
https://www.tumblr.com/noellez-best-life23/775232829230546944?source=share Hi!! It was this one, I think it should work! And can't wait for the next chapter!
Oh, My. Oh, Nonnie. 🥵
Yes, that look was (excuse me, I have to wipe my mouth).
VERY Inspirational.
And it is the week of love. Why the hell not?
And thank you for the ask, Nonnie! This actually helped me with the next chapters of the story. 😉
Smut under the cut
Tumblr media
Summary: You have to express your feelings about how Bucky looks in that suit.
Word count: 500 ish
Pairing: Art Dealer (mob boss) Bucky Barnes x Reader
A/N: This drabble is in the Knock You Down AU, and comes immediately after both Worth the Fall and the Steve Rogers fic Peach VI.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. Read at your own risk. Smut! Furmoasa prepared to gossip, lust, Bucky Barnes being smoking hot, spitting, implied blow job. Not Beta'd. All errors my own.
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
You walked into Bucky's closet the early afternoon of the gala with piping hot tea that you were going to spill. You knew he was in there getting his suit together for the gala.
“Oh my God, Bucky! Peach and Steve are….”
You lost your train of thought when you saw what was happening.
Bucky was standing in front of the full-length mirror, adjusting the cuffs of his crisp white dress shirt in the sleeves of his tailored suit jacket.  The top buttons of his shirt were undone and the pants fit his slim waist perfectly.
"Those two fools are fucking? It was only a matter of time..."
You’d seen him in suits before.
Many times. 
But something about this moment, the effortless way he moved, his broad shoulders in the suit coat, and the sweet wrinkles of concentration on his brow hit you like a damn freight train.
That, combined with the extra floof in his hair from his fingers raking through it and the fact that he was barefoot made you feral as fuck.
He looked so handsome and he wasn’t even trying.
You stopped in the doorway of the closet,  biting your lip as you took him in.
Bucky caught the reflection of you ogling him in the mirror and a slow smirk graced his face.
“See something you like, Frumoasă?”
You looked at him in the mirror and licked your lips.
“You have no idea.”
Bucky turned around and in a moment, you were on him, your hands sliding up his chest, feeling the muscles there under the expensive cotton broadcloth and grazing over the exposed skin at his collar.
You craned your neck to run your lips along the whiskers that adorned his sharp jaw line and then trailed kisses down his neck, unbuttoning the rest of the fastenings on the shirt.
Bucky chuckled, running his hands down your sides and landing on your ample hips.
“Shut up,” you murmured against his skin, biting down on his collarbone just enough to make him hiss.
“Jesus. It’s just a tux, Frumoasă.”
You shook your head, pushing him backward out of the closet and toward the edge of the bed.  You didn't hesitate to cop a feel of his pecs.
“No. It’s you in the tux. My sexy ass man.” 
Your hands slid lower, teasing over his belt and cupping his now hard cock.
“Looking like this.”
Bucky let out a low groan, his head tilting back slightly as you sank to your knees. You were busy unbuckling his belt like a mad woman and looking up at him with those eyes.
“Fuck, Doll. The hair and makeup people will be here in…” 
“I don’t care,” you interrupted, unbuttoning his pants and letting them fall on the floor.
“You probably want to take all this shit off, because I’m about to get real nasty.”
You leaned forward and nuzzled his sac through his boxer briefs.
Bucky’s eyes dilated, as he grabbed your hair. He looked down at you and the black of his pupils was taking over the blue. He gave you a wicked grin as he kicked the pants away from him and took off the shirt and jacket, flinging them on the nearest chair.
“You are going to be the death of me.”
You grinned as you tied your hair up. Bucky took off his underwear and sat on the edge of the bed as you took him in your grip and spit on his cock. You watched it drip down his balls, then you replied.
“Then I'll suck your soul out for you.”
Let me know if you like it!
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ramp-it-up · 29 days ago
Heyyyyy Love!
You know you make me happy. Thanks so much for your contribution to this fic, and thanks for sharing!
https://www.tumblr.com/noellez-best-life23/775232829230546944?source=share Hi!! It was this one, I think it should work! And can't wait for the next chapter!
Oh, My. Oh, Nonnie. 🥵
Yes, that look was (excuse me, I have to wipe my mouth).
VERY Inspirational.
And it is the week of love. Why the hell not?
And thank you for the ask, Nonnie! This actually helped me with the next chapters of the story. 😉
Smut under the cut
Tumblr media
Summary: You have to express your feelings about how Bucky looks in that suit.
Word count: 500 ish
Pairing: Art Dealer (mob boss) Bucky Barnes x Reader
A/N: This drabble is in the Knock You Down AU, and comes immediately after both Worth the Fall and the Steve Rogers fic Peach VI.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. Read at your own risk. Smut! Furmoasa prepared to gossip, lust, Bucky Barnes being smoking hot, spitting, implied blow job. Not Beta'd. All errors my own.
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
You walked into Bucky's closet the early afternoon of the gala with piping hot tea that you were going to spill. You knew he was in there getting his suit together for the gala.
“Oh my God, Bucky! Peach and Steve are….”
You lost your train of thought when you saw what was happening.
Bucky was standing in front of the full-length mirror, adjusting the cuffs of his crisp white dress shirt in the sleeves of his tailored suit jacket.  The top buttons of his shirt were undone and the pants fit his slim waist perfectly.
"Those two fools are fucking? It was only a matter of time..."
You’d seen him in suits before.
Many times. 
But something about this moment, the effortless way he moved, his broad shoulders in the suit coat, and the sweet wrinkles of concentration on his brow hit you like a damn freight train.
That, combined with the extra floof in his hair from his fingers raking through it and the fact that he was barefoot made you feral as fuck.
He looked so handsome and he wasn’t even trying.
You stopped in the doorway of the closet,  biting your lip as you took him in.
Bucky caught the reflection of you ogling him in the mirror and a slow smirk graced his face.
“See something you like, Frumoasă?”
You looked at him in the mirror and licked your lips.
“You have no idea.”
Bucky turned around and in a moment, you were on him, your hands sliding up his chest, feeling the muscles there under the expensive cotton broadcloth and grazing over the exposed skin at his collar.
You craned your neck to run your lips along the whiskers that adorned his sharp jaw line and then trailed kisses down his neck, unbuttoning the rest of the fastenings on the shirt.
Bucky chuckled, running his hands down your sides and landing on your ample hips.
“Shut up,” you murmured against his skin, biting down on his collarbone just enough to make him hiss.
“Jesus. It’s just a tux, Frumoasă.”
You shook your head, pushing him backward out of the closet and toward the edge of the bed.  You didn't hesitate to cop a feel of his pecs.
“No. It’s you in the tux. My sexy ass man.” 
Your hands slid lower, teasing over his belt and cupping his now hard cock.
“Looking like this.”
Bucky let out a low groan, his head tilting back slightly as you sank to your knees. You were busy unbuckling his belt like a mad woman and looking up at him with those eyes.
“Fuck, Doll. The hair and makeup people will be here in…” 
“I don’t care,” you interrupted, unbuttoning his pants and letting them fall on the floor.
“You probably want to take all this shit off, because I’m about to get real nasty.”
You leaned forward and nuzzled his sac through his boxer briefs.
Bucky’s eyes dilated, as he grabbed your hair. He looked down at you and the black of his pupils was taking over the blue. He gave you a wicked grin as he kicked the pants away from him and took off the shirt and jacket, flinging them on the nearest chair.
“You are going to be the death of me.”
You grinned as you tied your hair up. Bucky took off his underwear and sat on the edge of the bed as you took him in your grip and spit on his cock. You watched it drip down his balls, then you replied.
“Then I'll suck your soul out for you.”
Let me know if you like it!
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ramp-it-up · 1 month ago
I hope you enjoy reading! ☺️
https://www.tumblr.com/noellez-best-life23/775232829230546944?source=share Hi!! It was this one, I think it should work! And can't wait for the next chapter!
Oh, My. Oh, Nonnie. 🥵
Yes, that look was (excuse me, I have to wipe my mouth).
VERY Inspirational.
And it is the week of love. Why the hell not?
And thank you for the ask, Nonnie! This actually helped me with the next chapters of the story. 😉
Smut under the cut
Tumblr media
Summary: You have to express your feelings about how Bucky looks in that suit.
Word count: 500 ish
Pairing: Art Dealer (mob boss) Bucky Barnes x Reader
A/N: This drabble is in the Knock You Down AU, and comes immediately after both Worth the Fall and the Steve Rogers fic Peach VI.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. Read at your own risk. Smut! Furmoasa prepared to gossip, lust, Bucky Barnes being smoking hot, spitting, implied blow job. Not Beta'd. All errors my own.
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
You walked into Bucky's closet the early afternoon of the gala with piping hot tea that you were going to spill. You knew he was in there getting his suit together for the gala.
“Oh my God, Bucky! Peach and Steve are….”
You lost your train of thought when you saw what was happening.
Bucky was standing in front of the full-length mirror, adjusting the cuffs of his crisp white dress shirt in the sleeves of his tailored suit jacket.  The top buttons of his shirt were undone and the pants fit his slim waist perfectly.
"Those two fools are fucking? It was only a matter of time..."
You’d seen him in suits before.
Many times. 
But something about this moment, the effortless way he moved, his broad shoulders in the suit coat, and the sweet wrinkles of concentration on his brow hit you like a damn freight train.
That, combined with the extra floof in his hair from his fingers raking through it and the fact that he was barefoot made you feral as fuck.
He looked so handsome and he wasn’t even trying.
You stopped in the doorway of the closet,  biting your lip as you took him in.
Bucky caught the reflection of you ogling him in the mirror and a slow smirk graced his face.
“See something you like, Frumoasă?”
You looked at him in the mirror and licked your lips.
“You have no idea.”
Bucky turned around and in a moment, you were on him, your hands sliding up his chest, feeling the muscles there under the expensive cotton broadcloth and grazing over the exposed skin at his collar.
You craned your neck to run your lips along the whiskers that adorned his sharp jaw line and then trailed kisses down his neck, unbuttoning the rest of the fastenings on the shirt.
Bucky chuckled, running his hands down your sides and landing on your ample hips.
“Shut up,” you murmured against his skin, biting down on his collarbone just enough to make him hiss.
“Jesus. It’s just a tux, Frumoasă.”
You shook your head, pushing him backward out of the closet and toward the edge of the bed.  You didn't hesitate to cop a feel of his pecs.
“No. It’s you in the tux. My sexy ass man.” 
Your hands slid lower, teasing over his belt and cupping his now hard cock.
“Looking like this.”
Bucky let out a low groan, his head tilting back slightly as you sank to your knees. You were busy unbuckling his belt like a mad woman and looking up at him with those eyes.
“Fuck, Doll. The hair and makeup people will be here in…” 
“I don’t care,” you interrupted, unbuttoning his pants and letting them fall on the floor.
“You probably want to take all this shit off, because I’m about to get real nasty.”
You leaned forward and nuzzled his sac through his boxer briefs.
Bucky’s eyes dilated, as he grabbed your hair. He looked down at you and the black of his pupils was taking over the blue. He gave you a wicked grin as he kicked the pants away from him and took off the shirt and jacket, flinging them on the nearest chair.
“You are going to be the death of me.”
You grinned as you tied your hair up. Bucky took off his underwear and sat on the edge of the bed as you took him in your grip and spit on his cock. You watched it drip down his balls, then you replied.
“Then I'll suck your soul out for you.”
Let me know if you like it!
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ramp-it-up · 29 days ago
He is just to die for.
Tumblr media
https://www.tumblr.com/noellez-best-life23/775232829230546944?source=share Hi!! It was this one, I think it should work! And can't wait for the next chapter!
Oh, My. Oh, Nonnie. 🥵
Yes, that look was (excuse me, I have to wipe my mouth).
VERY Inspirational.
And it is the week of love. Why the hell not?
And thank you for the ask, Nonnie! This actually helped me with the next chapters of the story. 😉
Smut under the cut
Tumblr media
Summary: You have to express your feelings about how Bucky looks in that suit.
Word count: 500 ish
Pairing: Art Dealer (mob boss) Bucky Barnes x Reader
A/N: This drabble is in the Knock You Down AU, and comes immediately after both Worth the Fall and the Steve Rogers fic Peach VI.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. Read at your own risk. Smut! Furmoasa prepared to gossip, lust, Bucky Barnes being smoking hot, spitting, implied blow job. Not Beta'd. All errors my own.
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
You walked into Bucky's closet the early afternoon of the gala with piping hot tea that you were going to spill. You knew he was in there getting his suit together for the gala.
“Oh my God, Bucky! Peach and Steve are….”
You lost your train of thought when you saw what was happening.
Bucky was standing in front of the full-length mirror, adjusting the cuffs of his crisp white dress shirt in the sleeves of his tailored suit jacket.  The top buttons of his shirt were undone and the pants fit his slim waist perfectly.
"Those two fools are fucking? It was only a matter of time..."
You’d seen him in suits before.
Many times. 
But something about this moment, the effortless way he moved, his broad shoulders in the suit coat, and the sweet wrinkles of concentration on his brow hit you like a damn freight train.
That, combined with the extra floof in his hair from his fingers raking through it and the fact that he was barefoot made you feral as fuck.
He looked so handsome and he wasn’t even trying.
You stopped in the doorway of the closet,  biting your lip as you took him in.
Bucky caught the reflection of you ogling him in the mirror and a slow smirk graced his face.
“See something you like, Frumoasă?”
You looked at him in the mirror and licked your lips.
“You have no idea.”
Bucky turned around and in a moment, you were on him, your hands sliding up his chest, feeling the muscles there under the expensive cotton broadcloth and grazing over the exposed skin at his collar.
You craned your neck to run your lips along the whiskers that adorned his sharp jaw line and then trailed kisses down his neck, unbuttoning the rest of the fastenings on the shirt.
Bucky chuckled, running his hands down your sides and landing on your ample hips.
“Shut up,” you murmured against his skin, biting down on his collarbone just enough to make him hiss.
“Jesus. It’s just a tux, Frumoasă.”
You shook your head, pushing him backward out of the closet and toward the edge of the bed.  You didn't hesitate to cop a feel of his pecs.
“No. It’s you in the tux. My sexy ass man.” 
Your hands slid lower, teasing over his belt and cupping his now hard cock.
“Looking like this.”
Bucky let out a low groan, his head tilting back slightly as you sank to your knees. You were busy unbuckling his belt like a mad woman and looking up at him with those eyes.
“Fuck, Doll. The hair and makeup people will be here in…” 
“I don’t care,” you interrupted, unbuttoning his pants and letting them fall on the floor.
“You probably want to take all this shit off, because I’m about to get real nasty.”
You leaned forward and nuzzled his sac through his boxer briefs.
Bucky’s eyes dilated, as he grabbed your hair. He looked down at you and the black of his pupils was taking over the blue. He gave you a wicked grin as he kicked the pants away from him and took off the shirt and jacket, flinging them on the nearest chair.
“You are going to be the death of me.”
You grinned as you tied your hair up. Bucky took off his underwear and sat on the edge of the bed as you took him in your grip and spit on his cock. You watched it drip down his balls, then you replied.
“Then I'll suck your soul out for you.”
Let me know if you like it!
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ramp-it-up · 30 days ago
Meee toooooo! Coming soon. 😉
https://www.tumblr.com/noellez-best-life23/775232829230546944?source=share Hi!! It was this one, I think it should work! And can't wait for the next chapter!
Oh, My. Oh, Nonnie. 🥵
Yes, that look was (excuse me, I have to wipe my mouth).
VERY Inspirational.
And it is the week of love. Why the hell not?
And thank you for the ask, Nonnie! This actually helped me with the next chapters of the story. 😉
Smut under the cut
Tumblr media
Summary: You have to express your feelings about how Bucky looks in that suit.
Word count: 500 ish
Pairing: Art Dealer (mob boss) Bucky Barnes x Reader
A/N: This drabble is in the Knock You Down AU, and comes immediately after both Worth the Fall and the Steve Rogers fic Peach VI.
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. Read at your own risk. Smut! Furmoasa prepared to gossip, lust, Bucky Barnes being smoking hot, spitting, implied blow job. Not Beta'd. All errors my own.
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You walked into Bucky's closet the early afternoon of the gala with piping hot tea that you were going to spill. You knew he was in there getting his suit together for the gala.
“Oh my God, Bucky! Peach and Steve are….”
You lost your train of thought when you saw what was happening.
Bucky was standing in front of the full-length mirror, adjusting the cuffs of his crisp white dress shirt in the sleeves of his tailored suit jacket.  The top buttons of his shirt were undone and the pants fit his slim waist perfectly.
"Those two fools are fucking? It was only a matter of time..."
You’d seen him in suits before.
Many times. 
But something about this moment, the effortless way he moved, his broad shoulders in the suit coat, and the sweet wrinkles of concentration on his brow hit you like a damn freight train.
That, combined with the extra floof in his hair from his fingers raking through it and the fact that he was barefoot made you feral as fuck.
He looked so handsome and he wasn’t even trying.
You stopped in the doorway of the closet,  biting your lip as you took him in.
Bucky caught the reflection of you ogling him in the mirror and a slow smirk graced his face.
“See something you like, Frumoasă?”
You looked at him in the mirror and licked your lips.
“You have no idea.”
Bucky turned around and in a moment, you were on him, your hands sliding up his chest, feeling the muscles there under the expensive cotton broadcloth and grazing over the exposed skin at his collar.
You craned your neck to run your lips along the whiskers that adorned his sharp jaw line and then trailed kisses down his neck, unbuttoning the rest of the fastenings on the shirt.
Bucky chuckled, running his hands down your sides and landing on your ample hips.
“Shut up,” you murmured against his skin, biting down on his collarbone just enough to make him hiss.
“Jesus. It’s just a tux, Frumoasă.”
You shook your head, pushing him backward out of the closet and toward the edge of the bed.  You didn't hesitate to cop a feel of his pecs.
“No. It’s you in the tux. My sexy ass man.” 
Your hands slid lower, teasing over his belt and cupping his now hard cock.
“Looking like this.”
Bucky let out a low groan, his head tilting back slightly as you sank to your knees. You were busy unbuckling his belt like a mad woman and looking up at him with those eyes.
“Fuck, Doll. The hair and makeup people will be here in…” 
“I don’t care,” you interrupted, unbuttoning his pants and letting them fall on the floor.
“You probably want to take all this shit off, because I’m about to get real nasty.”
You leaned forward and nuzzled his sac through his boxer briefs.
Bucky’s eyes dilated, as he grabbed your hair. He looked down at you and the black of his pupils was taking over the blue. He gave you a wicked grin as he kicked the pants away from him and took off the shirt and jacket, flinging them on the nearest chair.
“You are going to be the death of me.”
You grinned as you tied your hair up. Bucky took off his underwear and sat on the edge of the bed as you took him in your grip and spit on his cock. You watched it drip down his balls, then you replied.
“Then I'll suck your soul out for you.”
Let me know if you like it!
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