18 with Momotaros!
18. Possession/Mind control 
“I’m bored,” Ryuutaros whined, dropping crayons on Kintaros’ head.
“We all are, brat,” Momotaros barked. “But Ryoutarou has his job and we have to leave him alone!”
“Why’d he have to get a job?” Ryuutaros sulked. “Isn’t being a Kamen Rider enough of one?”
“Now now, Ryuuta. Ryoutarou getting a job is a good thing. Maybe he’ll meet the right girl there~”
“Shut up, perverted turtle!”
However, the thought of Ryoutarou at his job, with no supervision...he had been talking about a young woman at levels unseen. Usually he only mentioned people once or twice, but a “Mei-chan” had been on his lips the last five times he had been on the DenLiner. Or was it seven?
“I’ll go check on him,” Momotaros declared, standing up and heading to his Singularity Point’s brain.
Ryoutarou smiled ruefully at Mei, now covered in...who knew what. Glitter, or flour, or sand, something that had ten billion grains and would take forever to get out of his hair. Just a usual day, but Mei came over to help shake it out of his hair, uncaring that it was getting all over her as well.
“I can do it, I’m used to it,” he said, going to move her hand but getting that wrist gripped.
“Sure, but I’m going to do it.” She held onto his wrist, firmly, but not in a way that hurt, and all of a sudden it struck Ryoutarou that they were the same height, and her glasses were crooked, and her smile was softening.
And then Momotaros came.
“What are you doing to me, woman?!”
“Momo! What did I tell you about coming while I’m working!” Ryoutarou protested in his head, trying to gain back control.
“What is she doing?” Momotaros shot back, peering into Mei’s face.
To her credit, Mei didn’t even blink, just stared right back, her chin coming up as her arms crossed.
“Ryou-chan, what have you been up to since we’ve last met??”
“Why does she call you the same thing your big sis does??”
“One at a time!” Ryoutarou begged.
“You don’t have dyed hair, so where did this red streak come from? Not to mention the muscles you most certainly do not have,” she mused, studying the two and making Momotaros uncomfortable.
“This chick is a weird one, Ryoutarou! You should leave her.”
Memories of being at Mei’s udon shop when they were in middle school was sent into Momotaros’ awareness. They had been close before they went to different high schools, with Ryoutarou’s Kamen Rider stuff not really helping.
“This chick has a name, did you know that? I know you’re not Ryou-chan.”
“Hmph! Think you’re good enough for Ryoutarou! Let me tell you, woman! No one’s good enough for him!”
Ryoutarou found himself kabedoned against a nearby shelf, which caused a commotion as marbles fell down, which Mei ignored.
“Get out of him, whoever you are!”
“No! He needs to be supervised! At least around you!”
“Momo, please…” Ryoutarou asked, feeling faint from the whole situation.
He felt Urataros start fighting for control and fainted for real.
“I don’t like her,” Momotaros declared, back on the DenLiner as Naomi hummed in the background.
“Mei-oneesan is fun!” Ryuutaros declared. “She made stinky Momo cry!”
“Cry?” Kintaros asked, waking up immediately.
“Just stinky old Momo!”
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omg can you please do the same domestic and pregnant s/o hcs but for bokuto, kuroo, oikawa, and semi? thankss!
Oh… My GOODNESS! It has taken me FOREVER to getback to you all! I am very VERY sorry for suddenly disappearing like I did!Work got to be too much, I went into a brief low part of my life, but now I’mback! And I hope my writings can live up to what they once were! Thank you forhaving me! 😊 – Admin Satori
Bokuto Kotarou
Living with Bokuto… It’san adventure everyday. It’s my own headcanon that this boy has some form ofADD, so when you think all is calm and he’s finally settled for the night –there he goes AGAIN! So in short, the house is almost NEVER clean!!!
Pillow forts almostevery. Goddamn. Day. This man child LOVES making blanket and pillow forts withyou, babbling on and on about how “fuckin cool” it was gonna be once it wasfinished. Even if it looked like a pile of blankets in the end, he’d still fallin love with it and burrow under the blankets to watch a barrage of chickflicks, action films, and horror marathons with you.
If you even think you’regoing to eat healthy – You’ve got another thing coming. Bokuto doesn’t “eatgreen”… He’s all about meat, sweets, and Volleyball… That’s it! You’ll have toPRY open his goddamn mouth and force a carrot in there for him to keep hisperfect eyesight!
“Kou, I swear to GOD! You better eat yourvegetables or I’m deflating all your volleyballs and hiding the pump!”
*grumbling followed by the shoveling of vegies intohis mouth without tasting them*
Knowing Bokuto, heprobably forgot to put on a condom – he gets WAY too excited when it comes tosex. Lmao. Now you have a wonderful addition to the family on the horizon.
Now we ALL know… Bokutoisn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer more like a spoon than anything SO he’snot going to figure out you’re pregnant until you start showing… What abeautiful dummy he is
But once you finallytell him, whether it be the day you find out or a couple weeks before the duedate lolol – he’s JITTERING with excitement!!!
“B-baby?? A small human? A small human I canteach about Volleyball? A brother or sister for HINATA??”
“Kou… Hinata is NOT our child.. He’s literallyonly 2 years younger than us.”
“But he’s my protégé… Don’t tell Sugawara-santhat I adopted him…”
Although he is abumbling dork, he’s a very attentive partner and keeps his eyes on you wheneverthe two of you step out of the house, and the moment he loses track of you,he’s calling you on the phone and sounding like a panicked kid lost in asuperstore lol
Kuroo Tetsurou
This cat man isn’t THATbad to live with. He’s pretty good at cleaning up after himself without makingmuch a fuss about it (TSUKKI!!!!! Looking at you!!!!) But he does tend to leavea bit of messiness in the bedroom than one looking from the outside wouldthink??? Doesn’t hang up his clothes… No matter how much you beg him!!! He’smore of the cook in the house rather than actual cleaning, but he does dabblein doing the laundry and vacuuming when he knows you’re too tired.
Sleeps late. ALL thetime. Wakes up late for work more times than you’d like, but you’re glad he’sgot a silver tongue and gets out of trouble whenever his boss catches him.Dumbass lolol. And it’s a GODSEND when he decides to use his tongue for otherthings ;P His stamina is crazy high and he will drag you back to him over andover until everything in the house/apartment is christened properly 😉
He will LITERALLY teaseyou ENDLESSLY on anything you mess up on… No mercy.
“So they have this firewall buildingapplication, and it helps you build your own firewall an-“
“OH! Really? That’s insane! I would havethought it’d help you build a house or even a fence or maybe a robotic cat- buta FIREWALL? I never would have guess,____.”
“….” *deep sigh* SAAAME
The moment you find outyou’re pregnant – He KNOWS. It’s almost like this guy can smell your pheromones change or something! Like as soon as you walk out of the bathroom, his hand ison your lower belly and his lips are against your forehead and you can’t tellif he’s saying sorry or if he’s feeling for the sign of life?????
It’s not reallyconfirmed that you’re pregnant until you start getting morning sickness a fewweeks later – But he’s right there with you, the whole time. Holding up yourhair and rubbing your back, and you have to stop yourself from gross laughingwhen you notice his nose is plugged up with a wooden clothespin lmao
Even though it’s anunconfirmed ‘maybe baby’, that doesn’t stop him from telling his BrO!!!!
“So… Bo wants the baby named after him…”
“…. Whyyyyy?”
“Because he thinks he’s somehow part of it’smaking because he set us up on that one date in high school when you told me Ilooked like a gross bum?”
“I did NOT! That’s what you told me when Iintroduced myself to you!” wtfKuroo, nice intro
Cuddling with this manhas never been more intense than when he knows you’re carrying his child. Imean, he’s a great cuddler – fuckin cat – but now there’s a central spiralpoint for him to curl into and you have to make sure you’re in thePUUURRRRRFECT position on the couch/in bed before he curls himself around yourgrowing baby
Oikawa Tooru
Okay the Oikawa thefangirls see and the Oikawa you live with are TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE!!!! FamousOikawa is put together and clean and prissy – Domestic Oikawa is sleepy eyed,slouching, and crazy alien theorist lmao … They both complain about the sameamount hahaha
Oikawa is ALL about thecuddles! He loves when you run your fingers through his hair and hold himclose. Having you be that sweet with him makes him forget about his worries,his knee, and the fact him and Iwa aren’t going to the same college muahahasuffer those who are still crying about it
He’s generally prettymessy… He rarely cleans up after himself in private, and it’s almost likeyou’re taking care of a whining toddler who can’t peel himself from your leg.Almost. And He’s NOT ALLOWED IN THE KITCHEN!!!! Last time he was in there, heaccidentally set fire to boiling water????? Of course, he’s very sorry aboutit, and he tries to trick you into letting him make something for you whenyou’re sick, but you know all his tactics and always get him to do somethingelse to save your home
“_____-chan~ You’re not feeling well! Let memake you some soup or something.. My mom used to make me this yummy milk breadand it’d make me feel 300% better in just a few minutes… I just can’t rememberif it’s flour or sugar that I use-“
“No no no, Tooru.. It’s okay… Just come overhere and hold me… I know you can make me feel 400% better.”
“Oh~? ____-chan! So naughty and forward!” As if that’s not something you use on him EVERYtime you’re sick?? Lmao
He only finds out yourpregnant because Iwaizumi notices it first. Of course, the boys best friend isALWAYS over and hanging out with you two, and it doesn’t take long for Iwa tonotice that you’ve gotten a little bit bigger and fuller – he even notices thepregnancy pillow you’ve left on the couch.
“So… ____-san… What’s with the pregnancypillow?”
“Iwa-chan! That’s not a pregnancy pillow,___-chan got it for my knee when it’s feeling sore!”
“….” Fuck….
Needless to say, Iwagives Oikawa the rundown of what to look for in your symptoms, and because youweren’t exactly hiding it from him, Oikawa brings it up with you not longafter! He’s upset at first that you didn’t immediately tell him what was goingon, but after your explaining that you didn’t want your pregnancy to interferewith his school and his career, he feels kind of guilty that he’s made you feellike you were on the back burner
But once he knows… He’sALL over social media, the newspaper, fuck even the news station! Braggingabout how he got his beautiful girlfriend/wife pregnant and how beautiful the babywould be especially with is gorgeous genes! Iwa has had to punch him in the guta few times to get him to shut up lmao
Semi Eita
Nowthis boy is kind of a wild card for me.. I’ve never written anything for himand I’m assuming he’s Nega-Suga so forgive me if he’s not what you think he’dbe
Semi is a good mix of being organized, but messy. He’svery good at picking up after himself but then finding a way to just place themess in a different area… so really you don’t know what he’s ‘cleaning’ otherthan that one space in your apartment/house
The two of you are so in tune with thinking about theother, that there’s not a lot of need for words or what the other wants – it’skind of just inferred and assumed… Not badly though – Meaning, he knows EXACTLYwhat time you’re getting hungry, and you know the immediate moment Satori giveshim a migraine lmao
Surprisingly, he’s very very touchy. He loves to havephysical contact with you in some form or the other. Whether it’s holding handsat dinner on the table, or it’s having his head on your lap watching tv on thecouch – or having his head buried between your thighs in the bedroom 😉
Everything is pretty calm with him, every now and thenhe’ll have a sudden burst of anger and frustration, but you can calm him downpretty easily without getting him too much more riled up.
“GodDammit! Fuckin… cold shower… stupid… pipes…”
“Eita?Deep breaths, sweetheart.” Complete nonchalant lmao
*deepbreaths to chill* “Yeah, yeah… I know…”
But when you come to him and tell him you’re pregnant…It’s like all that frustration and anger rolls off his shoulders and he’s acompletely different person! Sure, he still grumbles and curses about thedumbest things here and there, but it’s 95% less than it used to be.
“Look,____, I know you ‘need’ this, but do you really think we need this stupidtrinket for a baby that’s not even born yet? Won’t it be…”
“Eita~!Don’t be so pessimistic! The baby is going to love this!”
“….Damn thing won’t even be here for another 6 months…” *mumbling/grumbling underhis breath*
He’s even more attentive to your needs now that you’rebearing his child, and his hands are even more on you, rubbing your belly,running through your hair, standing directly behind you while you’re cooking ordoing laundry. He feels if he’s more physical with you and more nurturing toyour needs, that the baby inside will feel his love even if he doesn’t express itoverly once the baby is born
Tbh…I imagine Semi as being a less hot head version of Kacchan from My HeroAcademia!! lmao
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