#KNOWING he doesn't understand how kaigai idols work
kindlecorner · 1 year
pls pls pls I'm so curious what nickisnotgreen/greenisnotnick video frustrated you! bc I never see anyone criticize his content but he's not that great imo
it was the sorb3t video. I was interested in his opinion since I hadn't seen many people in the circles I watch talk about it! but I felt increasingly more frustrated as the video went on, because it was very apparent he didn't do any research into kaigai idols.
I didn't know much about it myself at the time, but I appreciate japanese culture a lot and did my own digging from other kaigai idols' (and japanese folks') opinions/feelings about the situation before watching the video.
his entire commentary felt tone-deaf, and it was parts him saying 'im not trying to make fun of them', while other parts were b-roll footage of him with hasanabi laughing at the girls' videos. so it was just like? it felt super disrespectful.
I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, so I watched the whole thing. but he made it apparent in several parts of the video that he did not do his due diligence in researching the topic— so it gave an outside-looking in perspective of a culture he's not a part of. his opinion boiled down to 'its kinda cringe but that's okay because it's not something I'm a part of', and encouraged people to tell him more about it in the comments.
for me, an influencer has a responsibility to do their research when speaking on a topic that's part of a culture they are not privy to. or really, do SOME sort of research into things they talk about in general. several thousands of people probably have that video as their only point of reference to the situation, and it's muddied with someone's half-baked opinion on the topic. MOST of the things that people were telling him in the comments was readily-available information that I easily found in twitter threads, which is where the blacklash started. it felt soooo ignorant for him to speak on something without doing anything other than showing me he doesn't care enough to look stuff up for his videos.
I wasn't like— a huge fan of him, but after that it made me so put off I didn't want to watch any more of his videos. I'd like to hope he does better in the future, but 🤷 I won't be around to see it unfortunately.
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