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graylit · 7 years ago
One could say Rey tiptoes VERY close to the edge of LAWFUL EVIL in several of my verses, though she will never truly fall into that category. She never once believed that her actions were “right” or justified in all the time she trained under Kylo, Snoke and The First Order. She has never agreed with the course they had steered the galaxy in. She has never taken REAL pleasure in the pain and suffering of others, nor has she inflicted it needlessly. There are of course, situations where she cracks and goes overboard ( she’s only human after all ) If she is angered, wronged, or hurt she WILL take her retribution and relish it.
For the most part though her actions have, and will always be based on SURVIVAL. That was her entire existence on Jakku, just getting through the day to the best of her abilities. This is why I peg her as a CHAOTIC NEUTRAL,bordering on True Neutral back on Jakku. This does not make her heartless or selfish, as we see when she takes BB-8 in. She’s reluctant at first, this isn’t HER problem, this doesn’t aid HER at all… Yet, she knows full well how it feels to long for the help of another and receive nothing in return.
And suddenly Finn is there and she’s been dragged into this inconceivable adventure and her moral compass is going haywire; because on one hand she needs to be HOME, she needs to be there to meet her family, becauseTHAT was what she was fighting for. That is why she never gave up and to be dragged away from her driving force like that was excruciating. And on the other hand her vision, her world has expanded across the stars and suddenly she isn’t the only person in existence. That people, GOOD people like Finn are depending on the information BB-8 possesses.
It isn’t all for one anymore and to a part of something bigger than her life on Jakku is incredible. I will never be able to put into words how important Finn is to Rey, how she flourishes around him and how her throughout the entirety of their adventure jUST– UGH. For the first time in her life she finds someone to cast aside selfishness for, to ban . She was ready to die with him there on Star Killer. She didn’t leave him in the snow in search of a way out. She dropped to her knees at his side and waited for the end.
ofc I take that and ruin it by having Rey scooped up and whisked away.
Without that though, she has nothing to cling to. That spark of goodness that was ALWAYS there and flourished in the presence of Finn dwindles down to nothing. She returns fully to that singular mindset, knowing she has no choice but to comply. She is almost droid like on missions during Shadow Preacher & brutally efficient. She WILLgo to whatever lengths are needed to complete whatever task is at hand, but they are rarely of her design. She is once more a girl fighting to get through the day.
She  DOES enjoy the POWER that comes with the dark side of the Force, however. It’s the only place she finds her solace anymore. The only thing that provides her with a sense of control and comfort, however false it may be under her circumstances.
re·demp·tion   –– rəˈdem(p)SH(ə)n/
                                             noun        1. the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
I’m going to delve into this from both secular and Christian point of views here ‘cause y’all know I love to ramble. I read a great blurb on the subject a while ago:  forgiveness is something given, redemption is something to seek.  Since there’s no Space Jesus that died to absolve the galaxy of their sins in this story, we’re going old testament where sacrifices are offered up for absolution. To receive redemption in such a scenario one must WANT it and the rest will follow.  If you have to burn incense and flesh at altars, or give a lifetime of service, if you have to walk barefoot along a path of hot coals, or if you have to sacrifice your life by any means you will do so if that’s what it takes. Snoke, Hux, Phasma, and Sidious for example were not and will not be redeemed because they don’t believe they need it, either because they are so deeply rooted in evil that they don’t CARE, or because they believe they are in the right ( or both ) To say characters don’t deserve redemption is ridiculous, to receive redemption a person will have to commit an act that REQUIRES redemption, a blameless person has no need for it.
Even at her darkest Rey is well aware that her actions are wrong. Nearly every order she has followed through was a means of survival, though this does not make her any less guilty. She knows that she will have to atone one day and keeps a list of all those she will have to repay in her head, every child she has stolen, every person she has killed.
The opposite could be said of Kylo to some extent, he believes most of his actions are justified and right, that he is bringing order to the galaxy as his grandfather did. The difference between he and Hux ( and perhaps even Vader, though I haven’t done an extensive character study of him and I’m trying to keep this under ten pages long lol ) is that Kylo feels conflict throughout the entirety of TFA. This is why he’s a prime candidate for redemption because he is still capable of seeking that change out. As stated in the novelization he expresses hesitancy at the genocide Hux and Snoke are keen on committing. This excerpt from the script is another thing that sets them apart during the destruction of the Hosnian system ( ‘Hux watches, his eyes WILD WITH POWER AND EVIL’ ) for all his rage he was never described as such. 
Not to mention the one on one with grandpa’s helmet where he openly admits to his inner turmoil, plus the entire scene with Han Solo don’t get me started. He also fights incredibly hard to keep the Illenium system in tact by saying he could get Luke’s location from Rey ( Snoke: prepare the weapon. Kylo: is stunned by the moment – that isn’t what he meant at all – ) 
Rey never has these fits or blinding moments of light in this verse, it’s a dull and throbbing ache that never really dissipates, a sick feeling that she is wrong without knowing how to resist. What she chooses to do with this and where her negative character development comes into play. Rey’s part in the downfall of the galaxy is not okay she knows this, has accepted it, and does nothing to change it. But she still can, should she find a reason she has the capacity to change. To redeem and forgive is not to condone actions by any stretch of the imagination, nor should it ( a fact that people seem to forget or purposefully overlook )
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