#KIDDING KIDDING rinne is fine he’s just a lot sometimes
kay-selfships · 1 month
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HiMERU refuses to make his own profile for some reason (might use someone else’s if he wants to watch something tho lmao)
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darlingthebaka · 7 years
Fandom Favorite
Rules: Choose any three favourite fandoms(in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
Tagged by both @artistefish​ and @danaty-consolation​
Thank you both for tagging me! Now let’s begin cause hooo boy!
My favs: Urusei Yatsura, Ranma 1/2, Rinne
The first character I loved:-
1. LUM! She was crazy at first, yeah, but that’s what I liked about her! Plus her shenanigans with Ataru and Shinobu in the beginning were just too funny. But omggg when her personality changed I was like YES! She’s so pure and cute, but she still can act like her old self sometimes, which is fine by me OHO.
2.RANMA SAOTOME. LIKE??? WHEN HE WALKED IN THE ROOM I JUST KNEW HE WAS GONNA BE MY FAVE.  He is just a pure cinnamon roll. Ok sometimes he can be a jerk, but I love him ok? I felt so bad for him when Akane cancelled their friendship in the first chapter/episode after she found out about his curse. Like HOW DARE??? Also, I like how awkward and shy he can get despite being this great martial artist! He’s so cute like ahhhhh! Honestly, I just love his heart of gold and his willingness to help anyone in need. ALSO CAT RANMA IS A CUTIE!!!
3. RINNE! There was just something about this mysterious red-haired boy that made me like him the most in the first chapter/episode of the series. I know! HE’S SO CHILL!!! Yeah, unlike his predecessors, Rinne is so damn chill in the beginning. Plus he respects Sakura the moment he meets her like asdfghjkl!
The characters I never expected to love so much:-
1. ATARU MOROBOSHI- *cRACKS KNUCKLES* I hated this goof ball so much in the beginning, but after episode 44, HO-HO- HOLY SHIT NEW FAVE. I mean Ataru was growing on me after the famous Christmas eve episode and the Imo-chan episode, but episode 44 just changed my entire perspective of him! It showed me a side to him that was compassionate and can very well be hurt. Not gonna lie, the first time I watched that episode I was crying with Ataru when he was on the ground crying cause omg???? NO DON’T YOU CRY! You’re supposed to be the COMEDIC RELIEFFFF.  Before I knew it I was calling him my son lol. Anyone who has followed me for at least a year can tell that I love this idiot so much.
2. AKANE! She honestly frustrated me so much in the beginning. How dare you cancel a friendship with Ranma because he’s not a girl asdfg-. But after a couple of episodes/chapters I began to warm up to her. Especially once she got over her “I hate men” complex. She’s so sweet and kind, but will beat the crap out of anyone who messes with her!  My bad ass martial arts girl!
3. SABATO- Frick. HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO YOUR SON!?  Yeah, he’s an ass, but HOLY HELL HE’S HILARIOUS! I couldn’t help but love him. Everytime he returns I get so happy...and then I feel bad cause that means Rinne is about to suffer ;w;
The character I relate to the most:-
1. Hmmmmmm. Ataru? IM NOT A PERVERT THO! I have the worse luck sometimes, plus I take things for granted just like him. I also relate to the fact that I’m really lonely when I’m not around the people I love. Although in Ataru’s case it’s just one person.(Lum e.e) On the plus side, I can be funny and have sarcastic humor. I am also low-key intelligent. The only thing I wish I had in common was not die if I was struck by lightning. Ataru you lucky bastard.
2. RYOGA- I have A HORRIBLE SENSE OF DIRECTION! And also I can get lonely too as stated before.
3. Rinne- I’m poor and whenever I get money it just goes away so quickly so VERY RELATABLE CHARACTER.
A character I liked at first but not so much anymore:-
1. NO ONE lol
2. Shampoo- Cause at first she reminded me of Lum then it got to the point where I just found her kind of annoying??? I like her more in the anime tho.
3. Everyone in Rinne makes me laugh so once again no one.
A character I did not like at first but they have grown on you (By a lot)
1. Mendou- RICH KID WHO THINKS HE’S BETTER THAN EVERYONE is actually just rich Ataru. I hated him because he was just soooo annoying. He also tried to kill Ataru in the beginning. I didn’t like Ataru during Mendou’s introduction, BUT YOU CAN’T KILL HIM MENDOU! I began to like Mendou more  because throughout the series you can actually see that he starts to care more about the people around him, INCLUDING ATARU fite meeee. He still can be a douche sometimes ofc.
2. Ouo No one...surprisingly.
3. Sakura- Ok so when I first got into Rinne I was one of the fans who hated how seemingly unemotional she was. Plus I low-key hated the fact that she wasn’t like her predecessors. But once I had gotten over that and the anime had kicked off she started growing on me. ESPECIALLY since now that I can hear her speak, I can see that she’s more chill than unemotional. Also her personality adds to the comedy of Rinne!
Three OTPS!:
1. Do I even- ok... ATARU X LUM! THE GROWTH BETWEEN THESE TWO STILL ASTOUNDS ME 5.YEARS. LATER AFTER COMPLETING THIS SERIES! Honestly, their relationship still has me shook to this day.  Like I could watch an early Ataru X Lum episode and then a latter one and it’s so obvious how much they have grown. Their relationship went from dysfunctional to a pure domestic relationship. Like I just get so happy cause in the latter half of the series Ataru and Lum can just chill together and be at ease with each other. Until Asshole Moroboshi flirts e.e That aside, I also like how when they have an argument you can actually see the hurt it causes them both. Especially Ataru since like before he met Lum I’m 99% sure he was a lonely kid. Sure he had Shinobu, but like she didn’t live with him. And if I had a mom who told me she wished I wasn’t born CONSTANTLY I’d be hella depressed. OK OK I’m done. OTP FOR LYFE! 
Shinobu/Inaba- THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER! I’m low-key pissed that the flower arc from the manga didn’t get animated tho...It was so important ;w;
And finally in an au where Lum doesn’t exist or come to earth or something.... Ataru x Mendou ouo’’ Don’t kill me. Not gonna lie...artists on pixiv made me ship this...PLUS EPISODE 131 WAS HELLA GAY FITE ME. And then they were other moments in the series that made me think they’d be a good couple lol.
2. WITHOUT WORDS! YOUR HAND IN MINE’S ENOUGH!! ;W;!! RanmaXAkane! Ahhhhh! These two are my babies! They have honestly been through so much together! Their relationship is hella better in the manga though. I cried during some arcs like holy shit.
Don’t kill me pt2...
Ranma x Ryoga: So that fishing rod arc aha AHAHAHAHA. Plus the fan art on tumblr made me ship them even harder lol. 
3. Ghost hunters I MEAN RINSAKU! Honestly, my heart just flutters whenever Rinne acts all lovey dovey around Sakura. She honestly brings out the best in him. Rumiko....you better give them a happy ending like their predecessors e.e
Matsugo x Rinne: PLEASE, THEY ARE SO CUTE??? When I watched Matsugo’s introductory episode I was just making inhuman noises THE ENTIRE TIME. If Rinne hadn’t met Sakura these two would be hitting it off right after the reunion tbfh. I honestly wish there was more content for this ship???
Sabato x Money: :^) 
THANKS FOR TAGGING MEH. ouo’’ sorry if I got too excited with some of these. 
Tagging: @hibikiryouga @lamupika @sobtektor @milkychew @tomobiki
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