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hychlorions · 1 year ago
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(looks at the time) ooh... the bitching hour
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modernlcve · 6 years ago
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*  —  stats —   andrew tick !
* — basics !
full name:   andrew jalen tick. nickname(s):   don’t like any variations of andrew.   his step-dad gets away with drew every now and then. age:   twenty - five. date of birth:   november first. place of birth:   carina,  north carolina. gender:   male. pronouns:   he / him. sexual orientation:   gay. level of education:   high school graduate.
* — physical !
tattoos:  a couple stick-and-pokes; a spraycan on his left hip and a moth on his right. one of keith haring’s “dog and ufo” on his left forearm. piercings:  both ears pierced, septum pierced. once had a lip ring, but he no longer wears it. notable features:   bleached out hair.  surprising height. weakness(es):   low bmi,  little upper body strength. scar(s):   faint scar on his right cheek.
* — domestic !
occupation:   artist.  unemployed. residence:   staying at one of the cheap bayside motels in delphinus heights. social class:   lower middle class. parents:   gina fox,  age 52,  parent he’s on the best terms with.  remarried to his step-father,   who he thinks fondly of. dawson tick,  age 55,  estranged from andrew at this point. siblings:   vanessa kaufman,   his younger step sister,   as good as blood in his book. extended family:   three maternal aunts across the states that he sees on holidays,  or is he’s passing through their towns.
* — personality !
positive traits: innovative,  self-reliant,  passionate. negative traits: impetuous,  self-serving,  prickly. myers-briggs ( x ):   entp,  the debater. temperament ( x ):   choleric. moral alignment:   chaotic good. horoscope:  scorpio. hogwarts house:  slytherin.
* — favorites !
movie:   rebel without a cause. tv show:   freaks and geeks. book:   scott pilgrim’s precious little life. drink:   green tea lemonade. food:   literally any pizza. animal:   elephants color:   yellow. song:   nights by frank ocean. artist:   sufjan stevens. celebrity crush:   oscar isaac.
* — impressions !
first impression:   he’s too confident.   andrew comes off as cool but approachable,   he’s easy going on the surface and has a devil-may-care thing about him. self impression:   andrew sees himself as a rolling stone she likes to think he has an air of mystery about him. lover impression:   again,   a little cocky,   but in a much more playful way.
* — et cetera !
turn ons:   a nice smile,   a sense of  humor,   good taste in music and art. turn offs:   uptight attitude,  being a fucking downer. drink/drugs/smoke:   yes/weed/yes. dominant hand:   left. clean or messy:   messy. early bird or night owl:   night owl. hobbies or special talents:   painting counts!
01. where was your character born? what brought them to carina bay? what do they like most about the town?
andrew was born in carina bay.   his father’s family was local,   but his mother is from virginia.   she moved to carina for work.   once she set up her life here,   she knew she’d never leave.   he likes the energy of the town,   the natural ebb and flow of activity.   but it’s not enough to keep him around half the time.
02. who are your character’s friends and family? who do they surround themselves with? who are the people your character is closest to?
anymore,   he doesn’t have many close friends.   he has surface level pals he’s met around town,   but no one he’s exceptionally close to.   since he’s estranged from his father,   his mother,   step-father,  and step-sister are the only immediately family he claims and he considers himself closest to them.   he gets on well with luca and cassie too.  once upon a moon his answer would have been myles but #shithappens.
03. what is your character’s biggest fear? who have they told this to? who would they never tell this to? why?
he loves to travel.   he really does.   but his biggest fear is that he’ll never find a reason to settle down.   he wants to find that magical place or person or thing that makes him feel like he has a spot in the grand scheme of life and the universe.   but he’s unsure if he ever will,   so his fear is not travelling forever,   but doing so unanchored.    he would never tell this to anyone,   he’s got an image to uphold.
04. has your character ever been in love? had a broken heart?
perhaps once.   but he isn’t sure anymore.   over time,   memories fade.   feelings change.   he wouldn’t say his heart was straight up broken by myles,   but losing their friendship did have an effect on him.   myles,   again,   was once the person andrew felt closest to,   and not having that connection hasn’t been easy.   but,   ultimately,   he knows its his own fault
05. your character is doing intense spring cleaning. what is easy for them to throw out? what is difficult for them to part with? why?
he packs light for his travels.   he doesn’t have much to throw out.   easiest to part with is extra weight,   clothes and objects that don’t have any meanings to him beyond their intended purpose.   hardest are sketches and notes passed in high school.   he’s a paper hoarder for sure.
06. it’s saturday at noon. what is your character doing? give details.
he likes to spend his saturdays with his sketchbook at the pier.   he’s been doing caricatures lately,   to have a little walking around money,   but other than doing those,   he’s probably just doodling,   or taking down ideas for later.  
07. what is one strong memory that has stuck with your character since childhood?
he has a startling clear memory of being young and looking for seashells on the beach to rearrange into shapes in the sand.   it’s random,   there isn’t much significance to it.   it’s just a nice afternoon he spent on the beach with his mom.
08. what is in your character’s refrigerator right now? on their bedroom floor? their nightstand? in their wastebasket?
his fridge is practically empty:   he keeps some small snacks and energy drinks to get him through the nights.   his nightstand has the motel standards,   a little notepad and a bible along with his own stowed away items,   some loose pens, brushes, and hard candies.
09. what is something that upsets your character? where do they go when they’re upset? on the opposite end, what is something that makes them laugh out loud? where or when are they at their happiest?
it takes a lot to genuinely ruffle him anymore.   but andrew’s mostly upset by people who try to stand as obstacles.   he gets frustrated with not having the control in situations and more than likely,   he takes that out on the people involved in the situation.   when he’s upset,   he usually just goes for a walk with his sketchbook and ends up where he ends up.   he’s at his happiest and laughing the most with his family,   he feels that they see him for his truest self,   and force him to drop his tough guy daredevil facade.
10. when your character thinks of their childhood kitchen, what smell do they associate with it? why?
the most his childhood kitchen was used were the years his aunts came in around the holidays,   so,   most of what he remembers is their cooking.   what stands out the most are the baked apples and honey cakes,   they’d make his mouth water still today.
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wrecktify · 7 years ago
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*  —  task 2 —   stats —   andrew tick  !
* — basics !
full name:   andrew jalen tick. nickname(s):   don’t like any variations of andrew.    his step-dad gets away with drew every now and then. age:   twenty - five. date of birth:   november first. place of birth:   carina,  north carolina. gender:   cis male. pronouns:   he / him. sexual orientation:   gay.  level of education:   high school graduate.
* — physical !
tattoos:  a couple stick-and-pokes; a spraycan on his left hip and a moth on his right. one of keith haring’s “dog and ufo” on his left forearm. piercings:  both ears pierced, septum pierced. once had a lip ring, but he no longer wears it. notable features:   bleached out hair.  surprising height. weakness(es):   low bmi,  little upper body strength. scar(s):   faint scar on his right cheek.
* — domestic !
occupation:   artist.  unemployed. residence:   staying at one of the cheap bayside motels in delphinus heights. social class:   lower middle class. parents:   gina fox,  age 52,  parent he’s on the best terms with.  remarried to his step-father,   who he thinks fondly of. dawson tick,  age 55,  estranged from andrew at this point. siblings:   one younger step-sibling,  as far as he knows. they get on well,  he considers them as good as blood. extended family:   three maternal aunts across the states that he sees on holidays,  or is he’s passing through their towns.
* — personality !
positive traits: innovative,  self-reliant,  passionate. negative traits: impetuous,  self-serving,  prickly. myers-briggs ( x ):   entp,  the debater. temperament ( x ):   choleric. moral alignment:   chaotic good. horoscope:  scorpio. hogwarts house:  slytherin.
 * — favorites !
movie:   rebel without a cause. tv show:   freaks and geeks. book:   scott pilgrim’s precious little life. drink:   green tea lemonade. food:   literally any pizza. animal:   elephants color:   yellow. song:   nights by frank ocean. artist:   sufjan stevens. celebrity crush:   oscar isaac.
* — impressions !
first impression:   he’s too confident.   andrew comes  off as cool but approachable,   he’s easy going on the surface and has a devil-may-care thing about him. self impression:   andrew sees himself as a rolling stone she likes to think he has an air of mystery about him. lover impression:   again,   a little cocky,   but in a much more playful way.
* — et cetera !
turn ons:   a nice smile,   a sense of  humor,   good taste in music and art. turn offs:   uptight attitude,  being a fucking downer. drink/drugs/smoke:   yes/weed/yes. dominant hand:   left. clean or messy:   messy. early bird or night owl:   night owl. hobbies or special talents:   painting counts!
* — questionnaire !
01. where was your character born? what brought them to carina bay? what do they like most about the town?
andrew was born in carina bay.   his father’s family was local,   but his mother is from virginia.   she moved to carina for work.   once she set up her life here,   she knew she’d never leave.   he likes the energy of the town,   the natural ebb and flow of activity.   but it’s not enough to keep him around half the time.
02. who are your character’s friends and family? who do they surround themselves with? who are the people your character is closest to?
anymore,   he doesn’t have many close friends.   he has surface level pals he’s met around town,   but no one he’s exceptionally close to.   since he’s estranged from his father,   his mother,   step-father,  and step-sister are the only immediately family he claims and he considers himself closest to them.   he gets on well with luca and cassie too.  once upon a moon his answer would have been myles but #shithappens.
03. what is your character’s biggest fear? who have they told this to? who would they never tell this to? why?
he loves to travel.   he really does.   but his biggest fear is that he’ll never find a reason to settle down.   he wants to find that magical place or person or thing that makes him feel like he has a spot in the grand scheme of life and the universe.   but he’s unsure if he ever will,   so his fear is not travelling forever,   but doing so unanchored.    he would never tell this to anyone,   he’s got an image to uphold.
04. has your character ever been in love? had a broken heart?
perhaps once.   but he isn’t sure anymore.   over time,   memories fade.   feelings change.   he wouldn’t say his heart was straight up broken by myles,   but losing their friendship did have an effect on him.   myles,   again,   was once the person andrew felt closest to,   and not having that connection hasn’t been easy.   but,   ultimately,   he knows its his own fault
05. your character is doing intense spring cleaning. what is easy for them to throw out? what is difficult for them to part with? why?
he packs light for his travels.   he doesn’t have much to throw out.   easiest to part with is extra weight,   clothes and objects that don’t have any meanings to him beyond their intended purpose.   hardest are sketches and notes passed in high school.   he’s a paper hoarder for sure.
06. it’s saturday at noon. what is your character doing? give details.
he likes to spend his saturdays with his sketchbook at the pier.   he’s been doing caricatures lately,   to have a little walking around money,   but other than doing those,   he’s probably just doodling,   or taking down ideas for later.   
07. what is one strong memory that has stuck with your character since childhood?
he has a startling clear memory of being young and looking for seashells on the beach to rearrange into shapes in the sand.   it’s random,   there isn’t much significance to it.   it’s just a nice afternoon he spent on the beach with his mom.
08. what is in your character’s refrigerator right now? on their bedroom floor? their nightstand? in their wastebasket?
his fridge is practically empty:   he keeps some small snacks and energy drinks to get him through the nights.   his nightstand has the motel standards,   a little notepad and a bible along with his own stowed away items,   some loose pens, brushes, and hard candies.
09. what is something that upsets your character? where do they go when they’re upset? on the opposite end, what is something that makes them laugh out loud? where or when are they at their happiest?
it takes a lot to genuinely ruffle him anymore.   but andrew’s mostly upset by people who try to stand as obstacles.   he gets frustrated with not having the control in situations and more than likely,   he takes that out on the people involved in the situation.   when he’s upset,   he usually just goes for a walk with his sketchbook and ends up where he ends up.   he’s at his happiest and laughing the most with his family,   he feels that they see him for his truest self,   and force him to trop his tough guy daredevil facade.
10. when your character thinks of their childhood kitchen, what smell do they associate with it? why?
the most his childhood kitchen was used were the years his aunts came in around the holidays,   so,   most of what he remembers is their cooking.   what stands out the most are the baked apples and honey cakes,   they’d make his mouth water still today.
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