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AvA Thoughts and Ideas
Yes, this is my first blog post. I can’t believe it was Animator vs Animation that made me want to interact with people on this site.
@sammy8d257 (I’m the anon that wanted to add to your theories) and @inksandpensblog, I’m tagging you guys because I really like your AvA theory crafting and I want to share my thoughts with you. Hope you don’t mind getting tagged. (Also, I’m so down to discuss this stuff in DMs or on Discord if you want? I’m craving AvA discussion.)
Edit: Rephrased a few things to flow better or be better understood. Also added a new point I just thought of. Edit 2: Fixing things that didn't get fixed the first time.
Okay, so, AvA.
(Also, I will be calling Orange/Second ‘Orange’ because that’s what Alan calls him, unless I’m referring to “avatar-state” Orange, then I may refer to him as ‘Second’.)
((Also, also, my thoughts jump around quite a bit, sorry about that! Hope you can follow my thought process.))
(((Also, also, also, my opinions and headcanons expressed here are not set in stone. They could definitely change, which has already happened over the course of writing this.)))
1) Chosen’s relationship with Dark. - I definitely think that Chosen liked Dark (no offense to shippers, but I’m talking purely friendship here), however, I would guess that Dark considered the two of them much closer than Chosen did. - Chosen initially followed Dark’s lead when destroying things. It was all he had known, and Dark wanted to do it. But Chosen started noticing it was actually hurting others, and didn’t really achieve anything. - When they came to odds, Chosen struck first, while Dark just tried to stubbornly continue with his plan. It makes Chosen look like he immediately jumped to attacking, but I’d like to point out, in the flashback, he actively wanted Dark to stop attacking others when they were on the Newgrounds page. I think this means that this tension had been building up for some time. It wasn’t a sudden thing of Chosen deciding to attack Dark. It was likely sudden for Dark, because Chosen didn’t communicate with him (probably), but for Chosen, I think the creation of the virus was simply the last thing that convinced him that his former friend was actually an evil person. - (I would love to see a reformed Dark and Chosen being friends! But, I think trying to say he wasn’t all bad in the first place is severely glossing over the fact that he did--and was going to do--some awful, awful things.) - Chosen had no hesitance when he returned from defeating the first spider virus. He was going to beat Dark. - (I also find it interesting that Chosen knew where this second location was. From what I can gather from the AvG reaction, it was meant to be a more secret location for Dark? Did Chosen watch him from afar and discover it? Just thinking.) - TLDR: Chosen had already started expecting Dark might become an enemy before Dark revealed the virus.
2) Chosen’s opinion of Alan. - Plain and simple, I don’t think Chosen hates Alan. I don’t think he even holds a grudge anymore. - Yeah, he definitely hated Alan when he was chained up. He held a grudge for a long while after he escaped. But. I think as he watched Dark’s actions and the impact his destruction had on others, he started to see what Alan saw when Chosen was destroying Alan’s PC. - When he entered Alan’s computer, and started trying to defend Alan’s PC, he was now in Alan’s shoes. He was the cursor, the anti-virus, who didn’t want or choose to have this destruction happen. - After the fight, he sees other sticks on the computer and is forced to consider it may have been his own fault he got 'tamed', since the proof of Alan getting along with, or at least tolerating, stick figures was in front of him. - It doesn’t mean what Alan did was right, but Chosen now sees why Alan chained him. After all, isn’t Chosen himself now on his way to destroy Dark? He and Alan aren’t so different. He nods to Alan, acknowledging him, even forgiving him. Alan nods back. There’s a level of acceptance that has been established between them. Alan respects stick figures significantly more, and Chosen sees Alan isn’t a heartless monster. - So, when Alan’s cursor joins the fight against Dark, they were already on the same page. Preventing needless violence with violence. Not to mention, have you seen how many hits Alan purposely took for Chosen? As soon as the black blades came out, Alan got between them and Chosen as often as he could. Alan came to help Chosen, not just to defeat Dark. - If Chosen could ally so quickly with Dark, and then turn on him when he realized Dark’s morals were wrong, why can’t the reverse be true with Chosen realizing Alan had changed for the better?
3) Chosen’s opinion of Orange. - I believe it was Inks who said that Chosen feels something along the lines of submissive towards Orange at the end. While I do agree that Chosen’s bow doesn’t seem worshipful, I don’t think it’s Chosen ‘giving up’. I think it’s simply showing respect and gratitude in a very similar sense to how the five bowed to him after dealing with the virus. He’s just... far less emotive. It’s a nice parallel.
4) The effects of the virus spiders and blades on Chosen. - Personally, I think the reason it looks like the virus has so little effect on Chosen is because of his coloring. Orange is, well, orange, so the black wounds are obviously going to show. - You can see Chosen showing weakness in both his fight with the spider virus and his fight with Dark. The weakness shows itself in hesitation, slower response, straight up laying in a crater or the water for an extended period of time. - I think at the end, when the Dark sends the virus to infect the internet, Chosen is laying there unmoving because he literally can’t move. His body language reads of someone looking up weakly, unable to do anything but wanting to. The viruses temporarily disabled him (but, notably, it took all of them to do so). Dark can’t actually kill Chosen or delete him, but he’s been successfully incapacitated, so Dark can move forward with his plan, unhindered. - I just don’t think Chosen would ever, ever give up. If he can fight back, he will. He has never backed down once, even when there seems to be no way he can win. He almost lost to a spider virus--there’s even subtle hints later that he’s afraid of fighting them--but he still attacks the whole swarm until he literally can’t anymore.
5) Dark fighting Orange. - With stabbing Orange, it becomes clear that he’s not being as quickly affected by the blade as his friends. That’s why the Dark lord raises him off the ground; he grew impatient. (Also, Chosen reacts to Orange being stabbed? Is it because he knows Orange is one of Alan’s creations as opposed to the other four sticks? Or does he literally feel something?) - Dark becomes absolutely furious at Orange’s attempts to attack him and frustrated that Orange won’t simply die. Too reminiscent of Chosen. Also, I would like to note that, before he even stabbed Orange, Dark hits him the hardest out of the four still standing.
6) Orange’s powers. - Before I say anything about Orange’s avatar-state, I want to point out that his talents seem a whole lot more like Victim’s than Chosen's? I don’t know, if it weren’t for the fact that he has some label saying “The Chosen One’s Return,” I’d say he’s actually the ‘second coming’ of Victim. - Okay, now to his powers. Almost all of them are souped up versions of Chosen’s, with two exceptions. The whole reviving/restoring code ability, and the ability to fly/float without flames. The latter of these two abilities is something we see Dark do after he puts on his black band. The former could also very well be associated with Dark, considering Second had to go to Dark’s console to revive his friends. Food for thought. - There’s a trade off here in the power scaling. Second is so much stronger than Chosen, but obviously can’t tap into his powers whenever he wants. Not to mention, he seemingly can’t use them indefinitely. If Dark somehow managed to avoid getting blasted into the beyond, Orange would be in major trouble if his super-state has a time limit. - Then there’s the whole sleeping thing in videos that likely take place later chronologically? On the build competition video where Orange literally can’t stay awake for fifteen seconds despite punching himself in the face, there was something Alan did that always struck me as odd. He hearted a comment saying something like ‘should we be concerned about Orange’s narcolepsy?’ almost implying that we should be concerned? Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but I haven’t seen him just heart “funny-haha” comments before. (I would also like to point out it is very possible for this to be planned out. These AvM video scripts were likely written after AvA’s scripts even if the videos were finished first.)
7) What next for Chosen doing things with the color squad? - I think, despite the many, many issues that will come up if Chosen ‘play-fights’ with the others (as I stated as an Anon to Sammy), it would be incredibly healthy for him once he can do it safely and have fun. He was born wanting to fight. It’s his calling. And he’s really good at it. Finding a way to do it without hurting others? That’s the best thing he could ever have. - Okay, and, what if, Chosen doesn’t quite understand why Orange doesn’t remember going super, but he decides that he’s going to get to the bottom of Orange’s powers and, in the process, starts training Orange. (It probably starts with Chosen being all, ‘come here’ and flies up, while Orange is just, ‘what? I can’t do that.’ ‘Yes you can. Do it.’ Of course, that blunt method of teaching is not going to work, so Chosen has to learn to communicate better.) Training may or may not actually be successful, but imagine him and Orange bonding. - Both the color squad and Chosen adopting each other. They both parent the other in their own ways, and just. Be cute together. Chosen learns how to people and relax, and gets, like, super attached to these weak little sticks? So, the color squad now has an overprotective higher being watching over them, and the awe they have of his power is quickly cut short when they learn he’s never played cards before? - The sticks also show off their skills to Chosen and he’s just. Confused. Why would you tap blocks just to make a sound? Make something to harvest wheat when you can do it by hand? Why are you eating that. Animals? Okay, actually, holding this cat is nice.
(I deleted my old conclusion on accident, and I don't remember what it said. I don't think it was important, though. Thanks for reading! Please share any thoughts if you have any!)
#K1ttyTalks#K1ttyTalksAvA#Alan Becker#Animator vs Animation#AvA Shorts#AvA#AvATheory#AvAHeadcanon#AvAAnalysis
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Oh! Oh! I’ve been meaning to talk about this, remember “Vs Youtube”?
It is absolutely canon that their videos exist in-universe, and Orange has seen at least part of the beginning.
Isn’t it fascinating?
Ok but now I've been thinking. Imagine if Second noticed tension between character!Alan and TCO. Second decides to investigate and eventually finds Alan's YouTube channel. Second scrolls all the way down and watches the earliest videos. Second finds out about Victim, TCO, TDL and about Alan's past actions. Second gets furious the more they discover and eventually decides that they need answers from Alan himself. Second doesn't want the Sticks to eavesdrop tho. (1)
Oh I am Looking??
I don’t know if you had a second part of this ask because of the (1) at the end. But I’m going to answer this like it is just this one part.
Are Alan’s Youtube videos canon to the Animation Vs. universe?
I know in AvA shorts 4, the youtube video of that own short appeared in it during the fight between the Dark Lord and the Chosen One
But like... are they?
Assuming that they are, imagine you’re Sec and you go onto Char!Alan’s youtube and you see that he has uploaded videos of you and your friend’s adventures.
How did he record your Minecraft shenanigans without you or RYGB knowing??
And then going further in the catalog and watching the original Animator vs Animation videos. I imagine Sec would feel betrayed or at least confused and mad at the very least.
Granted, it’s been at least 12 years since the AvA1 and AvA2, and 9 years since AvA3. Assuming Sec confronts Alan now(like 2020 now). They have at least 6 years of history behind them.
I trust that Char!Alan has definitely grown in his opinion on stick figures and Sec is level-headed enough to not immediately snap at Alan.
And lets be honest. Sec may not want RYGB to eavesdrop on the conversation but you know they’re going to do it anyway. Catch them hiding behind a bush trying to see what’s happening.
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AvA Chosen and Orange/Second Powers Comparison
(Apologies, I couldn’t get the images to line up the way I wanted to, so I’m putting them under the ‘read more’ so it doesn’t take up too much space.)
I feel it’s important to note that just because Second’s powers don’t look like flames the way Chosen’s does, doesn’t mean they aren’t related. Also, some comparisons might be more obvious seeing the animation, but I tried to find the best frames anyways. (Sorry for not including time stamps, Tumblr ate them, and I don’t want to track them down again.)
Oh! And if you also want to go frame by frame and discover some beauties like this:
Use the “.” and “,” keys on desktop to go forward and back by individual frames!
1) Not powers exactly, but definitely feels like a parallel:
2) Speed/Teleporting stuff. Hard to tell, but honestly, after giving it more thought and looking at the way it’s animated, probably speed. (Also, I discovered by going frame by frame, Alan likes to leave out the character completely in frames in between really fast actions, such as a powerful punch. I would show it, but, uh, Since the character just looks like they disappear, it’s not really possible without a slow gif.) Also, have a Dark going fast, too.
3) “Flaming” hands and punches. (Again, I don’t think that just because they don’t look like flames on Second, doesn’t mean it can’t inherently be the same power.)
4) Self explosion!
5) Laser eyes. Need I say more?
6) Honestly, this is the only power besides reviving his friends that hasn’t been used on... screen... before... Nope. Nevermind. Found the comparison, and it’s not Chosen, or even Dark... It’s Alan.
7) Bonus: Dark and Second comparisons/parallels.
8) Bonus 2: Second’s recovery powers. Important to note, he had to go to Dark’s console to revive his friends, so I don’t think he can just restore code whenever or wherever. Possible comparison: Alan, again.
Alright, that should be everything! Hope I didn’t forget anything obvious.
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I think the closest comparison to Orange/Second going super and not remembering it is “Avatar the Last Airbender”’s Avatar-state? Especially when it unlocked because of the extreme amount of duress that Orange was put through. That’s what I think anyways. (Plus the whole ‘second coming’ thing? It’s like Chosen was the previous Avatar.)
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