#Kërŧu’s posts
kertchu · 1 month
Emotional Support Cuciollo
A short Johnny x Frankie fanfic.
As Johnny Tightlips entered his home after a long day at his work of which he ain’t sayin’ nothin’ about. He was surprised to see his underling and unofficial boyfriend Frankie the squealer sitting in his apartment looking pretty worried about something.
Sure, it wasn’t unusual for Frankie to show up in Johnny’s home whenever he felt like spending time with his boyfriend. But what was unusual was the amount of distress clearly visible on Frankie’s face and through his body. It was way more intense than his normal nervous and skittish behavior so Johnny instantly knew something was up and he immediately became concerned for his partner.
“Oh… coniglietto what’s wrong?” Johnny asked.
“Oh! G-Gio! I uh, I-I’m worried about this thing where… uhh… well y’see I just… I-I… I… fuck…”
This wasn’t normal, usually Frankie didn’t have any trouble blabbing about pretty much anything, especially at the most inconvenient times. If he was having trouble with sharing what was troubling then this was serious.
Johnny walked over to the couch where his partner was sitting and sat down next to him. He wrapped one arm around his distressed lover in an attempt to reduce his anxiety and asked; “What’s wrong Frankie? You’re really not lookin’ too good here. Could ya’ tell me what’s wrong so we can work through it?”
Frankie responded with; “W-well so… basically I… u-uhm… s-so… basically… fuck, s-sorry Gio. I dunno what it is, It’s jus’ hard for me to talk now. I guess I feel way too scared or something.”
Seeing his partner in such clear distress, Johnny decided he needed to take action to try and comfort him and calm him down. He grabbed the little plush dog that he had gotten him for the times he age regressed and held it up to Frankie so that he could hold it himself.
Noticing the plush, Frankie looked up at Johnny and asked “huh? G-Gio… you givin’ him to me?”
Johnny didn’t say nothing; and honestly, there weren’t any words needed for Frankie to understand.
“I thought he was only for you?” Frankie said.
“Eh, who says he was only for me? ‘sides, ya clearly need cuciollo more than me right now” Johnny responded.
With that, Frankie took the dog from his lover’s hand and hugged it tightly close to him like his lover did when he regressed. He moved closer to Johnny so that they were physically touching and whispered: “T-Thank you Gio, I-I love ya’ so much.”
Johnny didn’t respond with any words, he simply wrapped his arms around his lover, bringing him into a tighter embrace. While in this position, Johnny rubbed his lover’s back and rocked him back and forth. They were so close that the capo could feel the beats of his soldato’s heart.
There they sat, two men loving each other. One man trying his best to comfort his partner. One becoming increasingly more relaxed while in the other’s arms. They stayed like this for a while until Frankie was sufficiently calm enough to want to leave their position.
“So…” Johnny asked, “are you feelin’ better now coniglietto?”
“Y-yeah, thank you for doing that, it really helped me a lot. So… you want me to tell ya what’s been troubling me?” Asked Frankie. The small nod that Johnny gave him made his answer clear.
Later that night:
After working through Frankie’s problem as best they could, the two men had a nice tasty dinner and afterwards spent a calm relaxing evening together. At last, it came time for them to go to sleep.
As they lay in bed under the covers. Frankie realized he had yet to formally thank his boyfriend for helping him earlier that day.
“Hey, Gio?”
“Thanks for helpin’ me calm down earlier an’ lettin’ me hug your ‘cuciollo.’ It uhh… it really helped me. I feel really greatful that you’re with me with how hard life and being in the mafia is. Thank you Gio. From the bottom of my heart.” Whispered Frankie.
Johnny responded in the way that he always preferred, using actions in place of many words. He pulled his partner close to home so that their chests were touching one other. He used their new proximity to kiss his partner on the forehead, eliciting a giggle out of him.
As he pulled away, he noticed those two cowlicks he loved so much, and that were the whole reason for calling him “bunny”, sticking out from Frankie’s head. With a smile, he muttered: “I love you too, buonanotte coniglietto.”
And with that, the two mafia men drifted off to sleep.
Character traits taken from @sillystringsimpsons’s au: “The Good Ones”. He’s the one who is responsible for getting me into them in the first place. Love ya dude :D
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