#Käärijä needs to make it in top-10
because-its-eurovision · 11 months
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alien-girl-21 · 3 months
Since semester has ended for me, have something I have been cooking for a couple of weeks:
Joker Out and Käärijä as shit my friends have said:
(Kind of long so it goes under the cut)
Kris: I'm the wall god punches when he's mad
Jan, while searching a song to sing in the karaoke: Peru :) ... wait
Bojan, filling out a form: is m for male or mujer?
Kris: if there was an idiot competition, Bojan would be the judge
Nace: good luck with your algebra homework!
Jan: how did you know it was algebra? (He wrote algebra on top of the page)
(Right before a test)
Everyone else: studying
Jure: well... what do we do now?
Jere: idk dude, join my game
Bojan: can you pass the meat for the grill?
Kris: what am I your fucking wife?
Nace, after joining the band: if someone were to come out of the closet here... I would say it would be Jan
Bojan: come out of what closet? The one made out of glass?
Bojan, to Kris: why would you need a toxic girlfriend when you have me
Jure: I don't know if I should go to pride with you guys, I'm straight
Kris: you can come as an ally and support everyone!
-at pride-
Jure: -making out with a guy-
Kris: not THAT much of an ally
Kris, pointing at the rest of the band: I'm sorry if my children ever missbehave, if they do, just call me, I'll put them in time out
Jan: Bojan, if you don't stop I'm dropping you off to Jere so his lovesick ass can sort you out
Interviewer: what is the first word you think of when I say eurovision?
Kris: money
Jure: microphone trophy
Bojan: talent
Jan: reciting poetry
-like 10 minutes after the interview-
Jan: why tf did I say reciting poetry?
Jan: the way to know that kris is really drunk is when he starts being nice to bojan
Nace: if you don't want to come to pride with us, you can come to the afterparty!
Jure: that's not really his type of party
Homophbojan: yeah, invite me to a party for normal people next time
(I should clarify that the friend who said this is an ally and they were joking, they are actually really cool and respectful towards queer people)
Jesse: Jere got really drunk at the party and he was talking about Bojan and started crying because he missed him
Bojan: I like people that have a presence, that's why I started dating jere
Nace: yeah, I remember the first time I saw him in person I went "oh, that's jere"
Bojan: exactly! ....... and then he opens his mouth
Jan: I don't care at this point, a car can run me over before I turn this demo in and I would be fine -walks into oncoming traffic-
Jere: what are you guys doing?
Kris: cutting a cake with a ruler
Bojan: welcome to the balkans
Bojan: I need to do my duolingo lesson!
Nace: Bojan, you're so drunk you threw up on the street, don't do your duolingo lesson now
Bojan: I have priorities
Jere, walking into a surprise anniversary gift Bojan was making: hi— what's that?
Jure: it's a mass hallucination don't worry about it :)
Jesse: Bojan branded my boy like a cow! (Jere's wearing a bracelet that says "are you?")
Jere: if this whole music thing doesn't work out, I'm moving to Thailand and raising fish
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little-drop-of-water · 5 months
Chronicle Of A Concert
Chapter 1: The Concert Anouncement
First: Käärijä anounces he'll give a concert in Spain in September.
Me, in Mexico and with no plans to go: OMG! That's so cool! People from Spain and other countries nearby can go see him. Awesome! Good for them!
Then: I find out Tarja Turunen and Marko Heitala are also gonna be there, the day right before Käärijä.
Me, still not planning to go: Oh wow! That's gonna be great! I've read reviews that say they sound like Nightwish...more than Nightwish! I bet they're gonna play The Phantom of the Opera...
After that: I find out the venue is a medieval castle.
Me, having a meltdown: Holy sh*t, is castle! It's a castle! An actual castle! OMG, imagine listening to Phantom of the Opera in a castle...OMFG! Imagine listening to Paidaton Riehuja in a castle!
And finally: I find out the events are not in a festival, but in fact are separate individual concerts, which means more time for each artists.
Me: *Flights from Cancun to Spain*
Chapter 2: Talking To Everyone
At work:
Me: Hey, so...how do vacations work here? I know they're technically not paid, but how many days can I take?
Accountant: Depends on the date. When are you planning to take them?
Me: September.
Accountant: Oh, sure! Take a month for all I care!
To my parents:
Me: What would you say if...instead of going to my cousin's wedding, and spend my birthday at my cousin's wedding...I went to Spain for a couple concerts instead?
Dad: Go.
To my boss:
Me: I'd like to take some days off in September, is that ok?
Boss: Which part of September? Because I leave on the 15th.
Me: Oh, it would be during the first half.
Boss: Sure, how many days are you taking?
Me: I was thinking 2 weeks...
Boss: Why so much? Where are you going?
Me: I wanna go to Spain.
Boss: Oh, great! Sure! Make it worth it! But, I need you to be here on the 12 tops, so why don't you leave on late August, like the 28, 29 and come back between the 10-12? And you could work part time for a week so you don't go without a pay for all that time?
Me: You know what? That's actually a great idea.
Chapter 3: Planning
So...where the hell is Fuengirola and how do I get there? Ok, it's in the south, close to Marbella...damm, it's gonna be expensive.
The closest airports are Granada and Seville. The tickets to those are expensive. I'm gonna have to fly to Madrid.
How do I get from Madrid to Fuengirola? Oh, the closest city is Málaga...and it's only like 3 hrs from Madrid by train or bus...ok ok ok ok...so it's doable...
And how do I get from Málaga to Fuengirola?...oh, public transport, I see...great!
Hey, it's not actually as expensive as I thought at first.
Hmm...the direct flights from Cancun to Madrid are 9hrs long...pfff...I've done 11.
Chapter 4: The Story So Far...
I have the plane tickets, the concert tickers and I booked a hostal in Madrid downtown. I still need to book a place in Fuengirola tho...
I’m currently learning the Madrid Subway system and planning what to do for the time I'll be there (I’m going to a couple museums, there's a park I want to visit and a flea market that is a few blocks away from where I’m staying).
I already have my outfit for the concert (just need the shoes) and I’m thinking about making bracelets to give away.
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glorious-blackout · 9 months
My Year in Gigs
Seeing as we're nearing the end of the year, I thought I'd look back on the amazing shows I've been lucky enough to attend in 2023 and resurrect my Post-Concert Depression with a definitive ranking 😅💚
Eurovision Semi Final One - Live Show: Absolute dream-come-true experience. Loved every minute, the crowd was so kind and supportive towards every act, and I got to see most of my faves steal the show and advance to the finals 🥰 
Muse (Dublin) : My second Muse gig of the year was even more of a blast than the first! Absolutely nothing could have prepared me for the joy of finally seeing Butterflies and Hurricanes and Apocalypse Please live 😭 
Queens of the Stone Age: Josh Homme arrived onstage, called us all crazy motherfuckers, expressed a sincere desire to get fucked in the ass by a Scottish dude, then called his guitarist a 500-year-old vampire before flirting shamelessly with him. 10/10, no notes. Oh yeah, and the music slapped too.
Käärijä: Half hilarious stand-up show, half incredible party with insanely fun, energetic songs. One of the most enjoyable gigs I’ve ever been to and I would pay good money to fly to Finland solely to see Käärijä play a gig on his home turf. 
Muse (Bellahouston Park): My boys were incredible as ever and I had a genuinely great time at this gig, but it gets demoted a little due to the torrential rain cutting our setlist short and making me ill 😅 Would have been an easy third place had technical difficulties not robbed me of the chance to see Verona live... 
Go_A: If you’ve never been to a Ukrainian Folk-Rave before, I can highly recommend it! Go_A were simply phenomenal with great energy that had us dancing all night. Highlight of the show was Ihor delivering a badass flute solo while Kateryna went backstage to recharge her awesomeness. 
Sparks: These guys have been making consistently excellent music for decades and still have more energy and enthusiasm than most young bands could ever dream of possessing. Such a wonderful set filled with amazingly quirky songs both old and new. 
Joker Out: It says a lot about the high quality of shows on this list that I’ve had to rank these guys so low. In any other year they’d be a clear contender for top three! The energy from both the band and crowd were insane, the boys were clearly in awe of having a venue full of Scots singing along with them in Slovene, and I need the Demoni scream injected directly into my veins 😈 
Arctic Monkeys: This ranking has almost nothing to do with the band themselves who delivered a great show, but looking back on it I’ve just had to accept that I wasn’t having a good time during a large chunk of this gig. The crowd in my section were rowdy to the point where I couldn’t hear or see anything and I was wasting all my energy trying not to get shoved. My depression was also playing up to the point where I was struggling to get excited over songs I dearly love and I just felt unwell and burnt out all night. The second half was a definite improvement as we’d moved to a calmer area by the time they brought out The Car songs, but by the end I was just exhausted and desperate for home. Would see them again in a heartbeat in a more intimate indoor venue, but I think I’ll avoid any of their big stadium tours in future 😅 
Busted: Honestly, I had a much nicer time at this gig compared to Arctic Monkeys. The nostalgia alone of singing along to ‘Thunderbirds Are Go’ at the top of my lungs is always a special moment. But I can’t pretend for a second that Busted’s music comes anywhere close to the quality of Arctic Monkeys’ recent output, so they’re a very reluctant last place on my list of generally incredible gig experiences 😅 
Best Support Act: Nova Twins by a country mile. I may have fallen slightly in love with Georgia and her incredible bass skills. It was easy to see why Muse invited them on tour because they seemed so at-ease in a massive arena 😊  
Here's to (hopefully) more amazing gigs in 2024! I'd love to hear about some of the great shows that you guys attended this year as well 🥰💖
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Final thoughts/rant/whatever
- Yeah, Greece giving Cyprus meager 4 points meant that it's all doomed
- The real crimes of the juries were putting Israel 2nd and Estonia 5th
- My tweet asking Ukrainians not to vote for Poland got a surprising 1000+ likes and retweets. And guess what? IT DIDN'T FUCKING MATTER, 'CAUSE WE GAVE 12 POINTS TO POLAND ANYWAY сукакурванахуйблядь I hate it here
- Slovenia in the 21st place is makes me wanna put on Joker (hehe) makeup
- Germany putting in effort and still being dead last is just sad
And now for the big thing
Do I think that the show was "rigged" in Loreen's favor? No.
But I'm still upset and the difference of 163 points between her and jury's second place is absolutely fucking baffling.
The jury vote system is designed in such a way that huge point gaps are less likely to occur AND YET. May I remind you that in 2019 correcting the votes of one (1) country changed the jury winner.
I'm sure they will try to change the system somehow next year. After all, we've got the current system after Sweden won as a jury 1st, televote 3rd place.
That said. Oh my god, can you guys fucking chill? Stop with these ridiculous conspiracy theories. "It's because of ABBA's win anniversary", "Melfest was purposely made bad so she could win" - jeeeesus.
Loreen was second in the televote, she got points from literally every country except for Finland (obviously), it's not like she was pushed to the winning spot from out of the top 10. People, a lot of people, voted for her. She did have the whole package with a good song, great vocals and great staging. It's not like the juries handed Bridges a win.
Do you all have the memory of a goldfish and don't remember KEiiNO? Who also won the televote but not the whole thing? This is not the first time this is happenned, come on, shit like this is bound to occur sometimes.
"The juries were put in place because of the anti Eastern-European sentiment, we don't need them anymore". Yes, and also because the contest was filled with shit-tier joke entries fighting for the televotes.
"The televoters know what's best!" After 5 points (last place) to Blanca and 81 points (8th) to Blanka? After 16 points to Austria? Really?
Look. I am also upset at the result. I turned off my TV before the winner's repriese, for fuck's sake. I expected Loreen to fight for that 1st jury spot. I expected Käärijä to get between 60 and 100 jury points so I could give up my hopes before they even started announcing the televote results. But he was in the 4th spot, and I thought that maybe, just maybe he can still win. And that's why you should never get your expectations up, kids.
tl;dr: Käärijä deserved to win, but making up fucking conspiracy theories to justify your fave not winning is stupid and you all should chill and stream Cha Cha Cha or something. Give the green man those 0.003 dollars.
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gatalentan · 1 year
had a nap. am not hungover despite the tequila. final eurovision thoughts roundup in order before i shift back into abbott mode:
juries need to be reworked. its been known for many years at this stage and we can no longer pretend 5 people is a representative sample worth the same weight as the thousands per country who vote. if you tried to use 5 people as a representative sample in any other scenario you'd get laughed out of the room. they aren't eurovision experts, they're not like the panel at a gymnastics competition or something, they're just complete music industry randoms. when the two boards are this disprate it is stark evidence that the juries do not represent the music taste of the country and are given too much weight compared to the thousands of votes. it's like we watched two completely different shows. they're out of touch, corruptable, and value "art value" (ballads) over what the viewing public actually values (being entertained on the entertainment show). it does not prevent bloc/diaspora voting because the juries do that just as much if not more, as we saw last year with the jury corruption scandal. it's just last year they got caught. this may be the straw that broke the camels back with the juries and i hope it is.
käärijä would not have won with the old combined system because despite getting more 12s in the public than loreen, he received so many low jury scores whereas loreen conversely received many 10s from the public. he would have won if we only had the public vote, and with a historic 2nd highest score ever tied with Sobral. it's unmistakably the juries that are the issue.
i'm happy loreen won, that's my girl, but i would have been just as happy for käärijä to win, too. i would have prefered käärijä to have won than this outcome, however, because her win is now tainted forever and will not be seen as legitimate by such a large swathe of eurofans. the amount of vitriol i'm seeing towards her, as if she manufactured this outcome, is making me so angry. as if she's the first winner to ever return, as if there isn't decades of precedent for it. her returning isn't new or special, and she was chosen by the voting public of her country in one of the most rigorous pre-esc contests, melodifestivalen. she wasn't chosen by internal selection for gimmick reasons, like the uk sending a tiktok celebrity to chase clout. so the way the historic first ever double win for a queer woman of colour has been fucked up in such a way due to a broken system is just. not the tea. i really hope she has a good support system around her in the next few weeks because she's going to end up wrongly having to shoulder so much of the blame.
show thoughts:
overall line-up fantastic, so strong I couldn't predict the bottom. a very deserved no-nil year. the fact this line-up was down to public voting rather than jury interference does not escape my notice, either.
flag parade was a really fun time and loved seeing the old guard. a shame ruslana couldnt be there but loved seeing her in the interval vt. loved seeing tina karol also, underrated by everyone except us diehard fags lol.
show was way too uk centric. despite kalush performing the intro video was all about us and our shit celebrities. sam ryder should not have gotten a solo performance and the interval should not have been about liverpudlian acts. even julia's participation was diminished from what we saw in the semis - they should have had her in the green room instead of alesha or hannah if they were going to bring in graham as a 4th. the uk did not win in 2022 and that wasn't highlighted. it was very disrespectful to ukraine's win.
the interval was a poor attempt to piggyback off of Switch Song which i dont think will ever be topped, tbqh. I am, however, so happy Dadi Freyr finally got to perform at a final after two runs that were out of his hands. It was very funny having him perform Atomic Kitten, of all things, however, lmao.
hannah was a phenomenal host in general, one of the best there's been in modern day. similar to nikkie tutorials being a great host, there's a skill to seeming relaxed and open to improvisation that most hosts do not have. comparing her to alesha dixon was night and day. it was comfortable to watch hannah because she was just inviting the audience to have fun with her. graham has this same skill because he does it on his show. other countries should take note of this and choose hosts that aren't just people who can read an autocue but instead people who are light on their feet.
hannah and graham were a fantastic duo in the jury votes, it was the first time in memory where i've enjoyed watching the hosts kiki during it instead of me going wandering around getting drinks or eating. except for hatari they didn't seem stressed about time constraints or miffed about spokespeople going over the way most hosts are and it made for a much more comfortable experience because they were just vibing. it was nice. it was like having friends in the room pulling faces.
the jury rep who said "this was an exciting night for the girls and the gays" absolutely fucking sent me to pluto.
overall i enjoyed the show, one of the most enjoyable there's been, but yeesh. the way this esc may end up being a turning point year is so fucking unfortunate.
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alectricblue · 9 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
1. 514 notes - Sep 21 2023
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2. 211 notes - Jun 16 2023
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3. 144 notes - May 8 2023
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4. 138 notes - Aug 18 2023
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5. 93 notes - Mar 13 2023
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6. 86 notes - May 30 2023
7. 73 notes - May 28 2023
8. 69 notes - Jan 10 2023
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9. 67 notes - May 31 2023
10. 62 notes - May 28 2023
I finally listened to other songs by käärijä after postponing it for so long and I love everything omg
now I really need käärijä and daði freyr to make a song together
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Hi! Could you perhaps explain how you made that crochet käärijä bolero? I’m trying to make one for a moomin plush :’) if not that’s totally fine! Just thought I’d ask :D have a great day
Oh, I just did 10 "eyes" (idk how to call those in English) for 2 rows, 15 for 2 more rows, 20 for 2, then back to 15, 10, etc. I improvised a bit with no pattern 😂. Then I connected two sleeves on top.
I'm not a good crocheter, so you should be able to make it easily 😂. Good proportions and counting is all you need! I profiled it on the bottle with old face mask wires, so that's the whole "secret" 👀
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timeladyzelie · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your followers 🎶  (thanks @lucyaudley I only have a handful of active mutuals anymore so I don’t typically get tagged in things)
1. Eurovision season is upon us, I cannot go more than an hour without hearing this song in my head. (Käärijä - Cha Cha Cha)
2. My top song on Spotify last year, also somewhat related to my Eurovision brain rot. Do I speak French? Not yet. Will I speak French? My advisor and I hope so. (MIKA - Elle Me Dit)
3. Desperately needing to pivot away from sounding like the only thing I care about is Eurovision, this is also representative of things I listen to. Simultaneously feels like the song I hope may represent a relationship I’m in (if I ever do that kind of thing again) and makes me think of being about 12 in my childhood bedroom, hearing it on my radio on a rainy day. (Todd Rundgren - Hello It’s Me)
4. We sang the first 2 verses of this at my swearing-in ceremony for Peace Corps, and I listen to it a lot when I’m feeling nostalgic. (Salamat Sadikova - Kyrgyz Jeri)
5. This one comes to you courtesy of my taste in Spanish music being almost entirely influenced by my Gen X professor who played us music on Fridays. I had a terrible crush on him (and his wife, who was also my professor in a different semester). Incidentally, it’s also his fault I got so into Eurovision. (Joan Manuel Serrat - Vagabundear)
+1 bc I freaked out some classmates the other week by knowing the words to this one still
If you feel so inclined, go for it (but no pressure if not lmao) @cattitpillow @kakkakashi @mythoftheslayer @paxohana @lundsdotter @9puppiesdrowninginapool @look-2-the-western-sky
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j-restlessgeek · 6 months
Hello, my dear friend. I come bringing questions.
9. What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday?
27. Do you have „rules“ about food?
36. Has anyone ever spread a nasty rumor about you?
48. Say ten facts about your room
83. What’s your favorite flower?
109. Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?
194. What’s something you can see yourself going for jail for?
Have a great day💚💚💚
Meow there :3 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😻😻😻
9. What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday?
-oh most i have already cleared and secured but i would definitely love to survive my trip to finland and meeting my friends.
27. Do you have any "rules" about food?
Yes, two. Do NOT lie to me about what in my food is, if I ask you does this has ingredient X and you tell me its not because you want me to eat it, because you think i am being silly or whatever, I will trust you less or not at all, its an immediate deal breaker to me.
Do i have allergies? No, but a hell of texture issues, that make me gag and throw up. Don't lie to me when I am suspicious.
Don't force me to eat/consume things.
36. Has anyone ever spread a nasty rumour about you?
- maybe, not that it ever got to me or that I care. I am way to oblivious.
48. say ten facts about your room
1. i have a fancy metal bed that makes noise when i turn around 2. i have a doctor who darlek alarm clock :3 3. my walls and shelves are filled with content, art prints and posters. 4. my room has two outside walls so its pretty chill most of the time. 5. i have a big stuffed animal collection 6. i have a käärijä themed finland flag :3 7. my selfmade häärijä plushie sits in my shelf 8. the häärijä my friend made is right next to my bed under the jure magnet another friend made for me 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 9. i have a calendar from last year still on my wall because the art is absolute top game. 10. i have a punching bag screwed into my ceiling (that bolt needed heavy duty tools due to the ceiling being very sturdy).
83. favourite flower
Oh i freaking love gerbera daisies. They can stand for innocence, purity and cheerfulness and are usually sent to brighten someones day.
Also colours 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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109. do you have someone you can be your complete self around?
-yes, you and several of my friends about which i am very happy 🥹🥹🥹🥰🥰🥰🥰
194. what's something you can see yourself going to jail for?
Hmmmm good question, i don't like violence, might make an excuse if i see someone abusing an animal.
Thank you for asking 💛💛💛💛
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deep-hearts-core · 1 year
2023: Final
alright folks i'm still a little too bitter to rewatch just yet so you're getting my first impressions. (see here for my thoughts on the loreen issue, i'm not going to type it all out again.)
France It is a nice flashy stage show. I liked the staging but really, this entry doesn't do it for me. It feels like every other French entry that's ever gone to Eurovision and the cool platform is not enough to make me like it, even if La Zarra sounded good. It kind of just bores me.
Spain Europe paid this dust!!! Yall!!! I've loved this song from the jump. Blanca Paloma has the perfect voice for this and I'm so drawn in by the staging and those harmonies. Obviously it was hurt by coming immediately before Loreen but like, five televote points? Seriously? (Btw I voted for this one so some of those ROTW points came from me hehehe)
Italy I was not expecting to like this as much as I did. It's a nice song just not usually what I go for, and I wasn't crazy about L'essenziale. But it works. It was really nice staging and an emotionally engaged, sincere performance. Sometimes you need songs like this.
Ukraine Staging was so good on this. I mean, the coordination necessary to pull off some of that!! And they sounded good too. It's not the type of music I usually like, just a little too mellow, but nonetheless a really enjoyable performance to watch.
Germany Dear god, I wish Europe had rewarded Germany for taking some risks. It was an interesting, different song with a good stage performance. Not usually my style of music but you can't deny that they did really well. But also, I don't like this sort of thing, so there was this tension for me between "well they didn't deserve dead last, objectively they did a good job" but also "I didn't really like it".
United Kingdom Oh, Mae. She sounded bad and the staging was bad - they had the same problem as Austria, relying too much on the stage graphics and too many wide shots. But Mae also didn't sound good. Which is a shame, because I like the song! It's taken me a while to get here, but I've come around to the song in studio, I think it's a good take on the sort of Eurogirlboss stuff.
My top 37 1. Lithuania 2. Portugal 3. Australia 4. Slovenia 5. Spain 6. Belgium 7. Estonia 8. Georgia 9. Italy 10. Finland 11. Czechia 12. Serbia 13. Armenia 14. Greece 15. Sweden 16. Ukraine 17. Norway 18. Albania 19. Malta 20. Moldova 21. Latvia 22. Iceland 23. Cyprus 24. Israel 25. Switzerland 26. Germany 27. Austria 28. France 29. Netherlands 30. United Kingdom 31. Poland 32. Denmark 33. San Marino 34. Azerbaijan 35. Ireland 36. Romania 37. Croatia
Closing thoughts This turned out to be a really strong year, i think. The stage was really good and all the songs from, like, my place 30 and up, I actually enjoyed watching. I'm just dissatisfied with the way that the television panned out, but such is life. I hope that Käärijä comes out of this with a strong career, though. He's been releasing music since 2017 so I hope that all the people who are angry about the result go and check out his music - I plan on giving it a listen! If you're salty, what you can do right now is try and make him more successful than Loreen lol. AND, Monika from Lithuania did so well! I'm so happy with her performance -- happy enough that this is the second year in a row I've ranked Lithuania first :> Someday I'll share bits of my spreadsheet from hell on here. It's great.
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