#K Kutta
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How niggas were dressin in 2011/2012: #DMND 💎
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Didi iss duniya ko sudharengi
Didi bas itne pyaare logo k chakkar mei Superwoman bne phir rhi h... Baki to kutta bhaunk de to didi bhaag jaye Darke.
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I don't want to come back ever again and this will be the end post for this asshole and this pick me
@elderchildblog tune moon scar ko bola tuje apne blog delete Krna hai, when u could just simply search on Google and deleted it if you wanted to but you didn't
Fine muje vaise bhi es type ki ldkio k sath rhna hi nahi Bhai Jo ladko k kllie kutto k jaise lade Bina dekhe
Aur ab agar isne apna blog delete nhi Kia to es @elderchildblog ki ma Randi
I said it and I m not sorry for this.
Aur ispe msg ya kuch bhi bejna is waste of your time as this blog is dead for me now I'll never open it but won't delete it either so every one can see this.
Randi k baccha kutta sala @elderchildblog and ab bolde moon scar tu muje toxic kyoki tune bna dia b pehle nhi thi m aur na maine bola tha kuch bhi toxic
Tere lie sab toxic h lekin jab tu dusro ko hijdi bole vo toxic nhi h
Bhen ki lodi Randi sali uska mu m lele Jake ab tu ishaan ki chodi
aur iski ma kothe pe Kam krti hogi @elderchildblog ki agar isne blog nhi delete kia to.
Aur ye Moon_scar ye bhen ki lodi iski ma hai Bhai har ldke k tatte chat legi free mai itti desperate bandi hai ye.
#ldkio se dar lgta h ladko se nhi#apni khud ki community m hi dikkat h dusre ldko ko to tab blame kre asli problem to humare khud k bech m rhne vali ldkia hai#desiblr#indian things#desi whisper
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krk butla ko ugly soover
ko jail mein hi reko ma ke kaude swine kutte badsurat maa k laude ko..soover ko jail hi mein khatm kardo bete ke laude ko…. mkl bhadwe bhosdike se muje nafrat hai butla se. hakla ka chamcha hai ye dirty rat ghaliz kutta….
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Surely they won't Those bastards will never do that sale bhn k lode kabhi ni krege chutiye bsdk itna sara pesa kya gaand m daalege ya sath m leke mrege bsdk iski baap ki gaand m lund aauti pisa bhelo kar rakhyo m behen na landa ne bhosdika kai krsi kai pato behen na lund iya ni k de da dusra ne jina ne zrurt h thodo bhalo ho jasi bano b lekin ni choot mari ra iya hi krsi khali m no.1 m no 1 behen na titta maal jadi ra ek ho maro bambani ne hi dekh lo bhosdike ne kutto kadi ro ae sab iya hi h kai koni krsi kutta h sigla ek number ra kutta hehen na titta
You better believe it!
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Legenda českého horolezectví
Josef Smítka
(Joska Smítka, Josef Smítko, Josef Smitko) je symbolem českého pískovcového horolezectví. Jeho prvovýstupy ze 40. let minulého století jsou dodnes považovány za pískařskou maturitu. V Českém ráji nastavil nové lezecké standardy, posunul bezpečnost, zvýšil obtížnost a ukázal cestu několika následujícím horolezeckým generacím. Zároveň byl hrubián, asociál a děvkař, bez špetky tolerance k ostatním.
Tyto vlastnosti Joskovi Smítkovi pomohly dostat se na lezeckou špičku své doby, ale zároveň ho zničily v osobním životě. Jak to u mnoha nejlepších horolezců bývá...
Joska Smítka vylezl 108 prvovýstupů v Českém ráji, dostal se až na stupeň obtížnosti VIIc a velmi zlepšil smyčkovací techniku.
Tvrdě vyžadoval čisté lezení, neboli bez pomoci jistících prostředků. Stabilní jištění, tehdy výhradně kruhy, zasazoval do skály v duchu hesla, že čím méně je v cestě železa, tím je krásnější. Jakoby mimochodem tím přispěl k ochraně přírody v době, kdy o něčem takovém mluvilo jen pár vědců a milovníků přírody. Horolezecká metodika mu zase může být vděčná, že vytříbil jištění pomocí smyček, které používal k omotávání skalních výčnělků, provazování skalních hodin a také ke vkládání uzlů do spár. Byl si vědom, že měkký český pískovec vydrží jen málo a skoby nebo jiná kovová jištení by ho rychle zničila.
Přispěl také k zavedení bezpečného usazování kruhů do skály, které se používalo do konce tisíciletí a dodnes to není nic špatného. Horolezci ve Smítkově době temovali kovové kruhy do skály jen dřevem, Smítka je ucpal olovem a zacementoval. Dnes se technologie změnila v tom, že kruhy se vlepují do skály vysokopevnostním lepidlem.
Z jeho metodických poznámek a také z praxe, kdy Joska Smítka okolo sebe soustředil dychtivé puberťáky a všechno je naučil, čerpat v 50. letech František Kutta - hvězda horolezecké metodiky, na níž se lezci odvolovávali až do začátku 80. let minulého století.
Život Josky Smítky byl neuspořádaný, hrubý a radikálně levicový, ačkoliv pocházel z usedlé turnovské rodiny, která neměla nouzi o peníze. Pro ilustraci uveďme, že jeho tatínek byl první občan Turnova, který si pořídil automobil. Joska sám silně holdoval alkoholu, ženám a cigaretám, kdykoliv k tomu měl příležitost.
Narodil se 21. prosince 1919 v Turnově a jeho život ukončila kulka popravčí čety v Terezíně 27. března 1945.
Rodný dům jedináčka v rodině Josefova a Marie Smítkových dodnes stojí v Komenského ulici v turnovské čtvrti Hruštice. Otec byl telegrafistou Československé pošty a jeho syn měl nastoupit na jeho místo. Proto vystudoval na telegrafního mechanika v Pardubicích a posléze i průmyslovou školu. Jenže pak vyslyšel volání vládní akce nazvané 1000 pilotů republice a roku 1936 absolvoval se stal nejmladším pilotem v Československu.
Jeho leteckou kariéru ukončila nezvedenost, když se roku 1938 pokusil ukrást letadlo a přeletět s ním do ciziny. Tehdy byl poprvé zadržen policií a odsouzen do vězení.
Od roku 1937 boxoval a zároveň lezl po skalách. Na oboje byl však čas jen v neděli, a proto se rozhodl pouze lézt. Jeho revírem byl Český ráj a především Skalní město na Hruboskalsku. Nic jiného mu také nezbývalo, protože na výjezdy do Vysokých Tater, Alp nebo dokonce někam ještě dál, neměl dost peněz, času, vybavení a ani znalostí. Zda by se k tomu dostal na vrcholové úrovni po 2. světové válce, kterou nepřežil, je velkou otázkou, o které dodnes horolezeci spekulují.
V lezení ho kupodivu podporovala maminka, která ho nejen zásobovala jídlem, ale také jistila.
Když němečtí nacisté roku 1939 okleštili Československou republiku, zabrali Sudety a odtrhlo se fašistické Slovensko, přesunuli se bohatší městští horolezci mezi chudší lezce z venkova. V Českém ráji se na pár let unikátně promísily nejen sociální vrstvy, ale také lezecké generace a horolezecké zkušenosti v jedné miniaturní oblasti.
Joska toho využil plnou měrou nejen ke sbírání poznatků od zkušenějších horolezců, ale také k souložení s jejich ženami a milenkami. Nejznámější byl jeho románek se spisovatelkou Vlastou Štáflovou, ale souběžně také s Blážou Karasovou a šuškalo se o mnoha dalších ženách.
V pískovcovém lezení byl tak ponořený, že opouštěl práci, která ho živila, utíkal ze zaměstnání a krátil čas, který v něm trávil. Zároveň se od dětství nezbavil sprostoty a výtržnictví, která se dala malému děcku odpustit, ale dospělému mladíkovi těžko.
Roku 1944 byl odveden k totálnímu nasazení jako dělník do Německa. Po týdnu práce utekl. Při návratu domů byl v Praze zatčen na nádraží českou policií. Eskorta ho odvezla rovnou na Pracovní úřad. Při výslechu požádal o odchod na toaletu. Stráž sice čekala za dveřmi, ale on vlezl do světlíku a komínovou technikou, kterou měl dobře zažitou ze Skaláku, slezl ze třetího patra do přízemí a utekl.
Z Prahy do Sedmihorek dojel na kole a tam se od léta ukrýval. Zařídil si jakž takž pohodlný bivak v jeskyni na Slunečné věži.
Jenže bouřlivákovi nic neříkala konspirace, a tak nadále lezl s mnoha známými ve skalách, chodil do Turnova a do Železného Brodu do kina, večer chodíval domů a zřejmě mu nedocházelo, čeho jsou nacisté schopni s podporou české policie.
Během války zemřela maminka Marie. Nejspíš spáchala sebevraždu kvůli tomu, že jeho otec chodil s padesátiletou bezdětnou učitelkou hry na klavír Marií Lamplovou. Marie Lamplová - Smítková pak Joskovi poskytovala jídlo a přístřeší, kdykoliv přišel domů.
Na podzim 1944 byla vyzrazena jeskyně pod Janovou vyhlídkou vyzrazena. Horolezci Karel Chlum a Bohumil Habr byli zatčeni za to, že nenastoupil na totální nasazení. Smítka se zatím zachránil skokem ze skalního okna do šestimetrové hloubky. Četníci po něm sice stříleli, ale nezasáhli ho.
V prosinci 1944 Smítka onemocněl zánětem středního ucha, který doprovázela horečka. Navíc uhodily silné mrazy. Naposledy nocoval ve Smítkově jeskyni na Slunečné. Ve dvě hodiny ráno 29. prosince se vrátil domů. Četníkům ho někdo udal. Kdo to byl, není známo, ale z náznaků pamětníků to byl nejspíš někdo z horolezců, kterým už pil krev svojí hrubostí a také neopatrností vůči nacistickému aparátu, jenž tehdy již utahoval šrouby přes snesitelnou míru.
Dům v Komenského ulici v Turnově čeští četníci přepadli, prohledali a zajali Josefa Smítku staršího. Ten jim na místě prozradil, že jeho syn se ukrývá v podkroví za komínem. Zatčení provedl Jan Šabatka (Jan Šabaka), který vlastnil v Turnově na Károvsku hospodu. jenž stojí na křižovatce dodnes.
Když zatčeného nemocného Smítku vedli přes náměstí, četníkům se vysmekl a utekl. Doběhl ovšem jen na lávku přes Stebénku u dnešního Kulturního centra a tam byl znovu chycen.
Během prosince byli zatčeni další horolezci, kteří se ukrývali ve skalách, a se kterými se Smítka dobře znal – Václav Chlum, Vladimír Procházka a Erich Schwarzbach. Jejich vinou bylo především, že naivně připravovali vykolejení vlaku u sychrovského tunelu a roznášeli antifašistické letáky.
Horolezce převezli do věznice Valdice u Jičína, kde stojí toto zařízení ještě dnes. Po výsleších byli na jaře roku 1945 posláni běžným osobním vlakem do koncentračního tábora Terezín. Eskorta je nespoutala. Horolezci údajně plánovali, že vyskočí za jízdy z vlaku a utečou do Prachovských skal. Ačkoliv byla otevřená okna a dozorci laxní, zatčení horolezci váhali tak dlouho, až promeškali příležitost k útěku. Jak to bylo, však víme jen od Vladimíra Chrousta Procházky. Z jiných zdrojů tuto cestu ověřenou nemáme.
Do koncentračního tábora Terezín se dostali všichni s označením Rückkehr unerwünscht (návrat nežádoucí), což byl rozsudek smrti, o kterém nevěděli.
Brzy ráno 27. března 1945 byl Joska Smítka, Václav Chlum, Karel Chlum a Erich Schwarzbach zastřeleni v Malé pevnosti. Vladimíru Procházkovi neznámo kdo označení v jeho průvodních dokladech vymazal. Nebyl popraven, dožil se osvobození a přežil i tyfovou epidemii v Terezíně, kterou zastavili až vojenští lékaři Rudé armády. Tento fakt založil ke spekulacím, zda Chroust Josku a ostatní kamarády neudal, nebo aspoň nemluvil během výslechů víc, než bylo nutné.
Autor: Kuba Turek Zdroj: Horydoly cz | https://www.horydoly.cz/horolezci/joska-smitka-smitko-piskar-telem-i-dusi.html
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aji wo [K]utta
I thought the “I’ll now proceed to pleasure myself with this fish” meme would be fitting
#has this been done already#i'll now proceed to pleasure myself with this fish#nier automata#9s#yorha no.9 type s#nier automata meme#nier automata fan art#ending K#aji wo kutta#excuse the bad quality#myart
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I will always choose you- Kaz Brekker x Inej x Fem!reader
for @messers-moony-lupin and @brekker-zenik
this was inspired by ‘Fourteen’ by the amazing @parkersbliss
Summary: A difficult choice is to be made, and you’re life depends on it. But what happens when you aren’t chosen?
(also to make myself happy, I’ve added some Hindi words k?) Everyone is in their twenties.
taglist: @scandalous-chaos @sirisuorionblack @staytrueblue @kurogue-nine
As a child, I was always told to love.
So love I did.
I loved as a friend, I loved as a teacher, I loved as a killer. And I loved him.
I’ll admit, when I first saw him, I hated him, he seemed to a sourpuss of sorts. Well, a very handsome sourpuss.
And I stayed.
I killed.
I made people scream.
I orphaned babies.
All for him and only him.
I pretended not to notice the way he looked at her.
How he seemed to be softer around her, his eyes lingering on her face. How he seemed to memorize every detail.
I ignored it.
And what was worse, was that he told me everyday that he loved me too. He said it the day he held my hand, the day he kissed my forehead, and the day he got down on one knee.
So did he have to make me hope for something that isn’t there anymore?
“Y/n, today’s an important job, I need you to stay focused. You’ll be going with Jesper, Inej and I will meet you at the rendezvous point.” Kaz ordered, handing you your clawed gloves.
You nodded, putting them on and flexing your hands. Haan, haan, aap tho jayie na? It’s not as if you need me anyway.
He nodded at you and left. Not sparing you a second glance.
As you left the room, you saw Inej and smiled, even if Kaz was a jerk, you could never hate her, she was too good, too pure.
and also your unofficial sister, she was you’re maid of honour and she would never even think of betraying you.
“ Wylan? Where’s your boyfriend? Kaz paired me up with him again.” you entered his and Jesper’s shared bedroom.
Wylan scowled, “ He’s with Anika.”
You furrowed you’re eyebrows, “ You okay Wy?” you sit down next to him
“ I don’t know Y/n.” he rested his head on his knees.
“ Talk to me.” you put your hand on his shoulder, your wedding ring shining in the candlelight.
“ I’m scared Jes doesn’t love me anymore.” tears started streaming in little streams across his face, dripping from his chin.
You pulled the boy into a hug, running your hand through his red hair, “ Shh Wy, I understand, it’s okay.”
“ No, you don’t understand! You and Kaz are fine! You don’t cry yourself to sleep, thinking that he’ll leave you, even though you’re married!” he cried into your shoulder.
You chuckled softly, “ Wy, I think I’m the only one here who will understand. Jes loves you, Anika and him are like brother and sister, he’s helping her ask out that new girl, the one with the purple hair? Leyla? You know her right?”
Wylan nodded, sniffing and wiping his eyes, “ I know her, she hit on me and I had to tell he I was married and she immediately apologized, then she went to ask you out but turned the other way when Kaz came to stand beside you.”
You both started chuckling, “ Yeah, and Jes loves you so much Wy! Everytime we go on a job together, he talks about you, how much he missed your hair and you’re ‘lovely blue eyes’.”
“ Thanks Y/n, you’re amazing.” Wylan hugged you again.
The door opened and Kaz stepped inside, his mouth pulled into a scowl.
“ Y/n/n! I told you to bloody ask Jesper, not Wylan, why the hell are you here instead of downstairs?”
“ I was asking Wylan where he was!” you argued.
“ You asked him by hugging him?”
“ Kaz-” Wylan began.
“ Leave it Wy..” you patted his shoulder and scowling at Kaz, you rushed out. Kutta
“ Jesper, I’m scared Kaz doesn’t love me anymore.” you confessed to the sharpshooter.
“ You’re married Y/n.” he deadpanned.
“ He doesn’t look at me anymore. Not the way he used too.” you were making you’re way to the rendezvous point.
“ Y/n, just know, you have a choice, you become suspicious and distance yourself from him, or you trust him. I know Kaz isn’t the most trustworthy person ever, but you were crazy enough to marry him, so just trust him. He loves you.” Jes replied, keeping his pistols ready.
You hummed in reply, and went forward, leaving Jesper behind.
The rendezvous was a fountain area in the garden district, behind a merch’s house. Kaz and Inej had nabbed a painting from there before.
You made you’re way quietly, trying not to step on dried leaves.As you reached the fountain, you saw them.
Why was he holding her hand, albeit gloved, when he was supposed to be your’s?
Oh, he was just handing her a piece of paper.
Okay, good.
Very good.
After Jes arrived, you and Kaz headed to where the job was supposed to happen.
You both walked silently, but you couldn’t help but crunch a few leaves.
Kaz looked at you over his shoulder, “ Really?”
“ Yes really.” you stuck your tongue out.
He let out a huff and kept walking.
You’re face dropped and you walked again, this time staying away from the leaves.
“ We can’t get to the emerald without the key! and the key is the floor above! We have to jump down the window and walk the stupid ledge.” Kaz swore louudly as the door began breaking, Dime Lions on the other side.
You immediately ran out and began walking the ledge which was slippery from the rain.
“ Shit I’m slipping!” he shouted.
“What am I supposed to do about it?” you screamed at your husband.
“ Jump of the goddamn ledge!” he shouted.
That’s it.
Instead of jumping down, you shimmied up to the next window and broke the window, climbing inside.
As a few Dime Lions, ran into the room, you flexed your clawed gloves, and steadied your feet.
You jumped sideways, dodging bullets and lashed your hand out, scratching their faces, making them drop their weapons and holding their heads in pain.
You rushed out to find Inej being held in place, clutching her chest in pain.
“ Inej!” you shout, and go to her side.
Suddenly, a searing pain blooms in your chest, making you see stars.
“ Inej!” you hear Kaz exclaim and you can see him go to her side.
What about me?
“ Y/n, look at me, love look at me.” he holds your head up and clasps your face.
“ Kaz!” Inej shrieks as her head, rolls back in pain.
Kaz looks at both of you, his Wraith, and his wife, screaming in pain.
Kaz whips his head around to face Pekka Rollins himself.
“ Rollins you BASTARD.” you scream out.
Pekka gestures to a man who’s holdling his hands out, a Heartrender.
The man, tightens his fingers and you scream louder.
“ So Brekker, the two most important people in you’re life. The girl you loved as a boy, and girl you love as a man. Choose who gets to live.”
“ I’ll kill you.” Kaz cocks his gun.
“ You press that trigger, they both die, now choose.”
Kaz looks at the both of you and his eyes lingered on Inej.
What about me?
Just like they did everyday now, he seemed to memorize her face before looking at you, staring at you.
“ Come on Brekker, we all know who you want to pick, go on. Put her out of her misery.” Pekka hands him a knife.
His eyes a little clouded, he raised his hand, and threw it.
You screamed.
It wasn’t the pain of the knife, nor the Heartrender.
He Betrayed you.
You loved him, and he didn’t choose you.
I will always choose you.
The Bastard lied.
Kaz came over to you and he held your face in his hands.
“ I’m sorry.” he cried out.
As you closed you’re eyes, you could only manage to say it, “ I love you.”
Because you did, even when he betrayed you, even when he chose her, you would always choose him.
Translation: Haan, haan, aap tho jayie na- Yeah yeah, please go.
#kaz brekker x reader#kaz brekker x reader angst#kaz brekker#i hate this im really sorry#not my best work#jesper x reader#wylan x reader#six of crows x reader#six of crows x you#kaz brekker imagine#kaz x y/n#Echo actually writes
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Heyy, okay lol second last one!!!
Let me just say that Udi Udi Jaye from the movie Raees is your guys' song! I will not take criticisms on that!!
Omg! If you're at an eid celebration and people are flying kites! He will totally walk up behind you and surround you with his wings and grab your hands to "help" you better control the kite. He will grab your wrists and lace his fingers with yours, and will lean down and in a low voice whisper in your ear "let me help you fly, meri chhoti churiya (my little bird)" and his breath is all warm and your blushing so much and he's basking in it, while you're like "Hawks! There! are! people!"
Okay, okay! You guys are at a community party or something and it suddenly starts raining like crazy, everyone is scrambling to get under cover or in their cars and Hawks totally uses this distraction as an opportunity to get you alone with him. Grabs your arm as you're trying to run for cover and your like "Hawks! What - where are you-?!?" And hes like "C'mon little bird!" as he drags you to this secluded spot in the park and just cages you both under his wings, and his hands are on your hips and hes standing too close, and he's just smirking at you and gazing at your flushes cheeks and your dark lashes with raindrops on them and hes admiring how your wet clothes are clinging to your body and goddd his wings are so mesmerizing as they surround you and isolate you from the world, and his messy golden hair makes him look so handsome anddd he ruins the moment by leaning down and whispering how you look to pretty when you're wet and chuckles and relishes in how you squeak "Hawks! We're gonna get in trouble! My parents are gonna find out!"
RIP Reader 😭😂
Oh my gawdddd I’m salivating anima, seriously. You’re flying your kite and laughing while trying to knock down others, when all of a sudden you see a figure coming from behind the translucent kites and waving dupattas.
He comes out like a cheesy Bollywood actor from behind the makeshift screen, but it makes your heart beat faster nonetheless.
You smile demurely as he gives you a smug look at covers his eyes from the raging sun, peering in the sky for his beloved’s kite.
You raise an eyebrow as he circles around you, caressing the tresses of your hair and your smooth arms.
“Hawks, what’re you-“
“Shhh churiya, you wanna win, right? So let this buddy work his magic and fly with your kite.”
You gasp mockingly as he shoots his feather out, letting them glide in and out of paper-thin kites, those same kites somehow dropping to the ground like flies after the feathers pass through them.
“That’s cheating you asshole, ‘means I didn’t win fair and square.” You pout and drop your kite stick, but Hawks lunges for it and grabs you around your waist in the same motion, hooking his chin over your shoulder and playfully growling, nipping the crook of your neck while you squeal and writhe in his arms .
“Stop, let go, theyre gonna see!”
“So? Let them see. They’re gonna have to get used this and worse soon enough, right?”
And Keigo thinks to himself that even though you win the kite competition, the bigger victory is the string of curses of kamina, haram zadeh, kutta that leave your mouth after his insinuation.
When it’s raining outside and all the adults and children are running out of the park trying to wrap up their tinfoiled food and diving for cover, a gentle hand wraps around your shoulders and propels you forward.
“Just keep going! You don’t wanna ruin your makeup, do you?”
You both laugh as he pulls you through to park, almost a quarter of a mile down to where a lone gazebo was.
The two of you stumble and gasp for breath when in shelter of the tiny cover, catching your breaths while the rain around you pours everywhere.
He stops panting and lifts his head to look up at you, a soft yet dark glint in his eyes.
You realize your position suddenly, alone with him and away from prying eyes, nowhere to really go…exactly as he planned.
“K-keigo,” you utter defensively, raising both palms up to stop his advancing form.
He knocks your palms aside and puts both of his own on opposite sides of your head, caging you in against the wooden pillar behind you. His chest presses against yours, and you think you can feel him hardening when his thigh brushed against yours.
His breath comes out in little puffs against the side of your face, and out of sheer embarrassment you squeeze your eyes shut and turn your head.
The cocky bastard snickers and leans his head forward at an even more offensive proximity, teasing you relentlessly.
“Hmm? What’s this? You scared of being alone with me? You think I’m gonna bite you?”
He flashes his teeth and you whine in annoyance and frustration at constantly being flustered around him.
“Do you want me to? Cuz I can do so much more than just bite, churiya,” his voice drops an octave and you shiver when his lips brush against the front of your neck and jaw. “I can tease you, taste you, play with you however you want…love you. You have have to let me in.”
His resolve breaks and he attacks your smooth skin, growing hungrier when you moan and lightly push at his chest. He wants you all to himself, he wants to suffocate you until all you know is him and him only.
And who are you to say no to all that you know he’ll give?
#mha#bnha#mha hawks#muslim hawks#hawks headcannons#hawks#mha keigo takami#mha takami keigo#bnha keigo#keigo x reader#keigo tamaki
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Nier: Automata Endings Checklist
A: flowers for mAchines
G: hunGry for knowledge
K: aji wo Kutta
W: broken Wings
#nier#nier: automata#automata#endings#i want to keep track of my endings so here we are#ill add them in as i go
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Favorite 2019
→2012 →2013 →2014 →2015 →2016 →2017 →2018
Special Request - Offworld
今年自身のBandcampで5作品も出したSpecial Request
Daed - [AF024] Coordinate EP
Visible Cloaks, Yoshio Ojima & Satsuki Shibano - FRKWYS Vol. 15: serenitatem
Lapalux - Amnioverse
Anamanaguchi - [USA]��
Loraine James - For You And I
Tyler The Creator - IGOR
izanagi apnea
米津玄師 - 海の幽霊
Datach'I - Bones
Foreign Sequence - Dances & Brains EP
EOD - Warmwoods
Bop x Subwave - Love & Other Drugs
マイクロファンクを経過したBop x Subwaveによるドラムンとガラージ
Floating Points Clash
K Á R Y Y N - The Quanta Series
Retape - Home Moves EP
↓ 他にも
Kimyan Law - Yonda
JNKMN - Jailbird (Prod. LostFace)
ももすももす - アネクドット
ralph - No flex man (Prod. Double Clapperz)
Wisp - quick10 6
Hatefull Shit - Hatefull Dogg's
Sully - Run
Runge - Kutta
viewtiful joe - seat belt for my fish
sora tob sakana - flash
Coburn - RX15 Acid
Limile - lectro three
DMX Krew - CJ Vibe
dopefist - nice dreams
Sammy Virji - Shapes
RefraQ — RUK
Aphex Twin – Manchester 20/09/19
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kya bakwas kar reha
tha re bhadwe raat reham ki choot ki birthday hai ma k laude?? dimagh bohat sadd gya bc?? khopdi khol ke rek detiun mkl…zyda bhon bhon kiya zalil kutta
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Kripya gf k kutte ko kutta na khe iske side effects janne k liye suniye tu jaan hai ka ye episode😀👍
#rjrivansh #tujaanhai #storytelling #podcast #lovestory
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Annals of Chemical Science Research_ Crimson Publishers
Role of Cellulose in Determining the Mechanical and Optical Properties of Two Soft Paper Roll Samples and Application in the Mechanics of the System of the Fourth Order Improved Runge-Kutta Method by Chryssou K in Annals of Chemical Science Research
White soft paper sample rolls from Glass Cleaning S.A. were tested for their tensile and optical properties as well as the fibre component of their pulps using the optical microscope. Also, other substrate properties of the two soft paper roll samples were determined i.e., ash content on ignition at 900 °C, brightness, basis weight, the band gap energy, and finally application in the mechanics of the system of the 4th order Runge-Kutta method of two different step sizes was implemented on the two wet paper strips used for determining their wet tensile strength.
For more articles on Annals of Chemical Science Research
please click on link: https://crimsonpublishers.com/acsr/
For more about Crimson Publishers please click on : https://crimsonpublishers.com/rmes/fulltext/RMES.000585.php
#Chemistry open access journals#crimson publishers#Annals of Chemical Science Research#chemistry journals#Chemical Sciences Journal
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One Solution Of All Crisis All Problems
Kill One Person Only
> Cigar Wala Imran Khan. Kill Him Please
Facebook Pr Aik Account Tha Imran Khan K Naam Se, DP Anonymous Ki Thi Aur Cover Photo Us Ki Apni Photo Thi Cigar Moo Me Dal Kr Chair Pr Betha Hoa Tha Kisi K Office Me. I Think Turkey Me Tha.
Mery Andar Wohi Ha. Mery Jism K Andar Cigar Wala Hi Ha. He Is Inside My Body. Kill Him As Soon As Possible. Ye Cigar Wala Mery Through Sb Ko Krta Ha. Sb Ki Gand Me Apna Lun Dalta Ha Zabardasti. Ye Ni Dekhta K Maa Ha Baap Ha Behan Ha Bachi Ha Bacha Ha Larka Ha Larki Ha Bazurg Ha Naik Ha Imandar Ha Acha Insan Ha Ya Janwar Ha Ye Kutta Cigar Wala Har Kisi Ki Gand Me Apna Lun Ghusata Ha. Mery Kandhy Pr Bandook Rakh K Chalata Ha Mtlb Mery Through Krta Ha Sb Ko Zabardasti Mery Jism K Andar Se Har Kisi Ko Krta Ha Hr Jaga Apna Lun Marta Ha. M Rokta Hon Ic Ko M Apna Rasta Badal Leta Hon M Apna Moo Pher Leta Hon Jb Bhi Ye Kisi K Andar Apna Lun Ghusany Lgta Ha Pr Phir Bhi Ye Zabardasti Ghusata Ha Sb K Andar Apna Lun. M Ni Hon Bhai M Ne Hazar Martaba Kaha Ha K M Ni Hon Mery Liye Meri Bandiyan Hain M Sirf Apni Bandiyo Ko Karon Ga Pr Ic Cigar Waly Ne Khud Apni Charging Krni Hoti Ha Ic Ne Khud Maze Leny Hoty Hain Ic Liye Mery Kandhy Pr Bandook Rakh Kr Chalata Ha. Gando Itny Salo Se Check Kr Raha Ha Gando Aur Kitny Sal Check Kare Ga ? Aik Martaba Kafi Ni Hota Kya Check Krna ? Har Martaba Tu Fail Hoa Ha Gando, Check Krna Ha Tu Khud Q Krta Ha Zor Q Lagata Ha, Tu Khud Q Attempt Krta Ha ? Gando Tu Har Martaba Fail Hoa Ha. Itny Sal Se Check Kr Raha Ha, Gando Agar M Fail Hoa Hon Kabhi To Mar Deta Na Mujy. Gando Tu Itny Sal Se Check krne K Naam Pr Maze Le Raha Ha, Qk Tuny Khud Dard Dena Tha Hr Kisi Ko Tu Badla Le Raha Ha Sb Se Kisi Na Kisi Baat Ka. Gando Tery Jeso Ko Aur Dajjal Jeso Ko Aur Mirza Masroor Ahmad Qadyani Jeso Ko M Apni Jaib Me Rakhta Hon. Gando Bacha Ha Tu, Chota Sa Bacha. Itny Sal Se Tu Check Kr Raha Ha ? Kitni Martaba Check Kr Chuka Ha ? Gando Tu Mard To Ni Ha Tu Khusra Ha Gando Khusra. Zehni Mareez Ha Tu.
Cigar Waly Ko Bhi Mar Do Aur Mirza Masroor Ahmad Qadyani Ko Bhi Mar Do.
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Air India Ki Air Hostess Asma Shaikh Par Hua Attack
Air India Ki Air Hostess Asma Shaikh Par Hua Attack
🎥 Watch Exclusive Video Kya Kehna Hai Asma Shaikh Ka Click Here To Watch Video ☝️ Parsu Raat Ko Asma Shaikh Par Hua Attack Kuch Logo Ne Milkar Maara 🗣️ Asma Shaikh Ka Kehna Hai K Woh Koparkhairne Plot No 51, Sector 11 Me Apne Dog (Kutta) Ko Ghuma Rahi Thi Jiske Baad Ek Ladki Ne Unhe Waha Se Chale Jaane Ko Kaha 😳 Wahi Jab Waha Se Aasma Shaikh Nahi Gayi Toh, Pranali Ne Apne Maa Baap Ko Bulakar…
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