#JustKending 2000 Challange
marvelgurl · 3 years
Characters: Bucky X Reader!Stark, Steve, Tony
Word Count:1090
Warnings: fluff, Awkward Bucky
A/n: This is for @justkending​ 2000 Follower GIF Challenge.  If you don’t follow her, you really should. Her writing is awesome, I love all of her work. Go check her out.
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Feedback is always welcome. The Good and The Bad. It really helps me out a lot.
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You were waiting in the kitchen waiting for the guys to get home from a mission. Today was the day that they finally come home. They have been gone for about two and a half months. You missed Bucky so much, especially right now.
You are currently six months pregnant. I has been hard dealing with a lot of the pregnancy/baby things on your own. You have gotten everything set up in the nursery. Everyone was upset that you had done all of that by yourself. The thing is you were nesting, and nobody was around to help you. When Bucky found out, to say he was upset would be an understatement. You were still hearing about it weeks later.
Bucky was trying his hardest to get the mission done as fast as he possible could. He wanted to get back you, he hated missing out on the pregnancy. He didn’t want you to have to go through it alone. Also, he didn’t want you to hurt or overexert yourself. With the way he was working, he was able to speed up things up by about two weeks.
Bucky and Steve walked into the tower and saw you sitting at the island in the kitchen. Your backs were to them, so you didn’t see them coming up behind you.
“Hey doll.” He reached around your chair to capture you in his arms.
“Bucky!” You got off the chair as quickly as you could.
You threw your hands up to pull him into a hug. He quickly realized that something was different. He took a step back, still holding onto you. He just started looking at you, he was tilting his head at you, he also had a confused look in his face.
“I thought you were smaller.”
“Dude!” Steve hit Bucky in the back of the head.
“Ow!” Bucky looked at Steve with an angry expression, as he was rubbing his head.
“You can’t say that to her.” He whispered to Bucky.
“I just was saying that her belly was smaller and… and I haven’t seen her in a couple of months. I knew it was going to happen, but I didn’t know how much it would change.”
“That’s what happens when you’re pregnant James.” You had moved your hands from him to your hip and growing belly.
“I know. I… You look beautiful.” He had a nervous smile on his face.
You just looked at him with a blank stare, before bringing your hand up and patting his cheek.
“Nice save. Come on I want to show you the nursery. It is adorable if I do say so myself.” You grabbed his hand and started pulling him upstairs. “You too Steve, come on.”
You brought them upstairs, stopping in front of the door. Turning to them, before speaking.
“I just want to say that I know a lot of this stuff is not what we originally had picked out. Tony kind of started buying things for his nephew. I tried to stop him but…”
“She’s not the boss of me.” Tony walked up to the little group. “Plus, I want him to have everything that he needs.” He had one of his big cheeky grins on his face.
“We picked out everything that he needed. You just went overboard.” Tony went to speak again, but you cut him off. “Ahh no, I would like to show them now so shushy.”
“Alright Doll, lead the way.” Bucky prompted you.
“Okay, close your eyes. Steve put your hands on Bucky’s shoulders, and I will take you in.”
Doing as they were told; the boys closed their eyes and Steve put his hands on Bucky’s shoulders. You opened the door, grabbing Bucky’s hands and slowly walked backwards into the center of the room. You walked over to Steve moving him, so they were standing next to each other.
“Open your eyes!”
You were so excited for them to see the nursery. Everyone else loved it, but Bucky’s opinion was the only one that truly mattered to you. You were watching his face with such intensity that you were holding your breath. Only letting it go when you saw his face light up as he took everything in.
“This is amazing.” Bucky was just in pure aw as he looked around.
You both had decided to go for a woodland creatures/ adventure theme. You had made one wall to look like wooden planks all down the wall, you had put up some pictures of different animals. This is the wall that you had put the crib on, alongside the crib was also a blanket ladder. On another wall you had painted trees, there was a small cube bookshelf. Tony had insisted on getting him books even though he wouldn’t be able to read them for a long while, you could start reading to him now.
On the opposite side of the room was the dresser and the changing bed on top of it. There were some different signs hanging over the dresser. Tony had gotten you a comfy chair with a footrest, this was the one thing that you really put up a fight for him not to get. In the moment he agreed to not get it, but it wasn’t until everything was delivered that you realized he had lied. You were mad at first that your brother was doing too much, that was until you sat down in it.  It felt absolutely amazing, it was the comfiest chair you ever sat in.
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“You did an awesome job Y/n.” Steve came over and hugged you.
“Thank you. Tony should be getting most of the credit though.”
“No, you deserve all the credit. You picked almost everything out and put this whole room together. Despite me telling you to wait for help.” Tony looked over to you.
Bucky came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you. He rested his head on top of yours. Steve lightly hit Tony on the arm once he looked over to see Steve him gesturing towards the door. He and Tony quietly left, leaving you and Bucky in there alone. The two of you just stood there. Everything was quiet and content.
“I love you Doll.”
“I love you too Bucky.”
Bucky let go of you, he moved to be in front of you. He got down on both of his knees and put his hands on you belly.
“I love you Peanut. I can’t wait to meet you.” He leaned in and kissed your belly.
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