#Just. Fuck just posting the raws after the official would've at least make sense instead of this mess.
that-spider-fan-over-there ยท 3 months
I know it's too soon, but I hope Chapter 430 will be 50+ pages, not even to try and tie things up, but because maybe then we won't get a leak night and can actually sleep instead of being awake/work without worries, stuck for over the usual two ungodly hours because of FOMO and floating spoilers not everyone will tag.
Just cut the flower bud on the nip and read it on Sunday/Monday like intended instead of immediate, biased, shit translations- it's the one thing I will not miss from this fandom, fuck leak nights.
(I know it's not the only fandom that does it, but Jesus Fucking Christ hope those leakers lose the money they gained from this, fast)
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