#Just edited it 3 times for typos XU
Hey, black cube. Just a quick question…but what are you doing with my favorite planet Janet? She used to be obsessive over me and now she’s not anymore! What kind of spell did you put on her? ):(
The Cube hovers to his study and puts on specticals and sits on a compfy red chair next to an open fire before replying.
"Simple my friend the relationship was unhealth if it continued it would've destroyed you and her or even both of you and since I knew how impossible it would be to try talking to her about it I simply grabbed a book about abusive relation ship put it in a blender and injected liquified knowledge into her stem spreading through the Xylem delivering the knowledge to whatever is her brain."
The Cube looks into the fire for a moment before continuing.
"I did not put her under a spell I simply gave her information to which she interpreted and acted upon to be in a relationship it must be symbiotic and not forced upon of course I'm just going to ramble but what I must say your relationship does not have to end it might need some fine tuning sure but maybe this change is for the better."
"Sometimes we do things without realizing it...... even hero's can be hero's in there own eyes while being a villain, so it is important for us to see and change on these realizations."
"It is also of note that relationships are formed stronger through problems and improvements. Now its not good to make problem on purpose but to see where you can improve and be better as a couple!
"And to that I wish you luck on your quest and that you and Janet may start a health relationship Sincerely The Black Cube of Darkness"
(To understand what the heck I did check out @janetthecrazyplanet )
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