heaven-zent · 9 months ago
reading through the paperwork
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autistic-ranpo · 6 months ago
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my oc mark!! (19, he/him)
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captainshyguy · 3 months ago
6 bc im curious and 9 bc i wanna see ur hit list /hj
aaa ty belle!!
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
hmmm, not to my knowledge! the closest has been somthing ve been neutral bout/thought was kinda silly like melli and ingo lol, like i didnt hate it, but was neutral, and now i think its hilariousKJDSNGSDJ
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
(if these end up in characters tag i apologise but i aint censoring every single damn name! im not tagging and that should be enough)
oooh im gonna expand this bit beyond my regular fandoms bc there are some little fuckers out there i really hatein othe thinhs gkgjd, lets do regular fandoms first though
hollow knght: tpk, lurien, tiso. tpk for obvious reasons (plus i dont really like a lot of high up characters in general like focusing on tpk in fics kinda makes me eyes roll when the vessels are right there. lurien for reasons :). tiso because people went through a stint where he was just silly himbo and kept shippig him with quirrel nd i fucking hated that lol. his design slaps though
tcw: the bad batch lol fucking HATE them. tech is tolerable, and i dont even count echo one of them, free him!!! but the rest are condesceding assholes sorry idc if they get better in their own show like sorry you sold them to me as 'ooo arent they soooo cool theyre so much better than those Regulr Clones Boooo, look at them!!! like fuck off lol. you will never be captain rex
pokemon: not a big fan of 'hehee im a cutesy quirky little girl!! chracters, like sabi or poppy like. theyre fine i guess but eh. not for me. otherwise swordbert and shieldbert were also annoying kjgskgj
off the top of my head i cant really think of many for mario besides like...idk cranky kong specifically in the mario movie? awful voice perfromace. i guess waluigi too sorry, i m not a fan of like..idk, more basic mario chracters who dont really show up in non mulitplyar games, bc they end up beign sooo known and its like. bro they didnt even put him in wonder or 3d world or anything. like if u want him to be a staple mario character to me then put him in other games too, or i'll just roll my eyes that he's taking up space where someone like cpatain toad or peasley could be taking it lol
undertale/deltarune: detanged one but ice-e. ex went through a period where he as weirdly obsessed with him and thought he'd be super important and it annoyed me :)
ok now outside of my regular fdoms, characters i still loathe include
ralph from the flash- he was this stretchy dude who was awful abt women and like sure he kiiiida got over it but it felt weak and i hated him and the actor ended up being shitty anyway.. in the same universe i didnt like either oliver or barry's daughters from the future, both were very annoying lol
mon el from super girl. i hate him. kill him.annoying boring no chemistry love interest. kill him
eric sparrow from tony hawks underground- though i will concede that like the hollow knight characters, he contrbutes in really important ways to the story. like your'e SUPPOSED to hate him thats the point, they do a very good job with it. like he's written fantastically, and i want to kill him. i alway think of this article i read about him that was like 'eric sparrow is my best friend and he wants to hurt me' like yeah thats it thats the character. like i LIKE WHAT THEY DID, which sets him apart from almost everyone else here, its just what they did makes you hate him lol
ross from friends. miserable, insecure little creep. kill him
there are little charcters i loathe more than peter griffin family guy. kill bite explode
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technomanticsystem · 4 years ago
Sometimes I just think about slow dancing in the kitchen with Luddy Bear but then I remember neither of us knows how to dance and I'd probably end up giggling or crying and its too up in the air which one I'd end up doing
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brainfrogtraveller · 3 years ago
Could I have written the story better? Probably not. Could I have made it GAYER tho? Absolutely. And I will.
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with-the-same-tattoos · 3 years ago
Ummmm, Chop Top with F N and O?
Sfw & nsfw since not clarified (my fault for not clarifying 😭) ->
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I'd say it's kind of a mixed bag??? He defi feels like a free love kinda guy, who are we kidding.... but he is also a countryside lad. I feel like he's into the idea of free love, but when push comes to shove, he just kinda isn't interested in other relationships than the one w his partner.
Marriage is.... hellyeah. Like, a moment of passion kinda thinh tho. He would propose to u on spot and make it like a cute makeout wedding. Just, give u a random ring (grandmas???). And it would be half romantic & half silly!
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
😬 again a mixed bag. If he's been activated enough during the day he might sleep pretty ok. Be a bit twitchy, wake up a few times, ask for some affection and pass out again. But u gta give him activities fr.... go jogging together.... get him to go out shopping groceries.... just, you know.
If he has even slight extra energy, he WILL force himself to be up. So, nights may be a little difficult :( he'll be talkative, get up and walk around, mess around w a torch, get sandwiches, come back to sleep, gets up, gets drinks, goes on a rant,.... you know.
Please hug him and hold him.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He isn't INTENDING on sharing. It just happens. He blabbers and rants and you tend to learn about him pretty fast. He rarely realizes what he's doing and is often a little surprised & confused when someone shows him that theyve listened and stuff....
If he didn't ramble, he would be p slow tp reveal stuff :'0 he gets nervous...
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Anything and everything? He's a very active lad, ngl I see him being Quite uhh... moves around a lot? Fidgets, but also kEEPS correcting his position. Big manhandler. Have yall seen him jump on that bridge in tcm2. He is actually. Mad fucking strong do... yeah.
But i do think he likes smooching a lot and likes to see his partners face so generally facing = nice!!
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
D...dunno rly????? I f.... yeah.... i feel like hes pretty open.... its like more like..... he doesnt have any particular kinks/things hes into, but, for his partner he would try annnnything? He might be an asshole but he is also a peoplepleaser...
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Loves <33 all love <33 in gen he just likes affection, cuddling, spending a lot of time & energy w his partner <3 would be p happy just canoodling w them all day!!! Would looove to just spend hours down there for u uwu will also happily recieve and happily ask about it and waggle his stupid little eyebrows....
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years ago
I decided to post the screenshots and a little resume of chapter 8 of Ethan’s route, including the opcional sex scene.
Note: I play the game in portuguese (the brazilian portuguese), so may translation may not correspond exactly to the english episode, but the ideia of what is happening is the same! With you have any doubts, feel free to message me 😉
Note 2: This post got awfully long! Sorry but I wanted to give some context.
Same deal as ever, spoilers under the cut.
Important: keep in mind that I doing my route with the Eloise liking Ethan, not going psycho and wanting to kill him. I would never hurt that boy.
So the episode starts and we dump into Ethan in the corridor, acting like he was there doing something and not waiting for Eloise.. Silly boy, just say you want to spend some time with her already.
Then you have the choice to suggest three activities to do with him. I chose fighting because I thought that we wore going fisical, but no! We went shooting, but it was kind of cute because Eloise gets flustered about Ethan being behind her teaching how to shoot and like hugging her. It was not a hug.
Ethan then gets tired and just goes to Moondance and Eloise is so concentrad that takes sometime to realize that he isn’t there anymore. She goes back to the mansion, in my case talks to Aaron and goes to Moondance.
There Ethan openn his heart, and say that eventought he thinks human kind is evil, he wants to feel again, and not be an animal that does thinhs because of his instincts. After a sad but heart warming conversation, he says that they should go back.
And then, this happens:
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After that they talk a little in front of the mansion and went inside, and then silly me tought that he wanted to do something romantic, because he put his fingers in her lips, but he just wanted Eloise to be quiet hahaha
In his room, Ethan says a few more things and that Beliath said that you should do something to relax, and again you have the option of leaving, agreeing to relax or implying that Beliath would say that you should do something else, ending with a you know what. Obviously, I chose to do the other thing 🤭
A the Ethan says: "Yes..... I understand perfectly. And we need to hear it. He must be the wisest guy I know". AND BLUSHES! DEAR LORD! Eloise is realizing something I feel for quite sometime now: She loves him hahaha
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The sex scene happens next, a little more romantic then the other, but not very lovely. It’s something carnal, they tease each other a lot, and apparently moan a lot too.
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After Eloise can’t sleep and goes to the library to read and had the idea of saying to Ethan that he should do a serum to get back to being human. She is happy and goes to his to say that, and we get a shirtless but VERY rude Ethan. He goes ballistic and shove Eloise out of his door.
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The next night he goes to her room and apologize, talk about his feelings and she offers to be his test subject. He says he needs to think, but after she finds some supplies, she goes to his room and he agreeds to do it. We get to see lab cot science doctor Ethan.
In the end, Eloise drinks the serum he made and they lay to sleep, first facing each other - you get the illustration here - but then he turns and face the other side. STOP TEASING WITH MY HEART AND JUST SHOW YOUR LOVE ALREADY BABY BOY!
Particularly, I thought it was an awesome episode because we get to see so many new sides of him. And I think he is such a beautiful, in many ways, character ♥️
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happysmilebtr · 4 years ago
Aahh, I'm with you, society sucks!!! It really is stupid how we have to know what we want to do with our life when we're 16/17??? Like it doesn't make sense at all and people, even if unconsciously, pressuring to choose and do college immediately otherwise you're "wasting" your life is awful 😔
Are you kidding? Those are great goals! I am too lazy for any makeover around my house tbh 😅 and the tattoos, yes that is so cool!!! I also have only one that I did a year ago but I really like having it though and I already have some ideas for another haha.
Is it hard to get the Ps5 because of Black Friday and the pandemic? You're right that I'm not American, I'm European so I don't know haha.
The weekend is already ending, but I hope it was really good for you, and the week is too 💕 - 🎅
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My secret Santa spilled the tea 👀🍵
Jokes aside, I agree like the idea that college is the way for "perfect life" into being an adult is just....weird to me? Like sometimes people can go to college, have the best experience yet their degree doesn't help them get a job because some jobs require specific degrees if memory is correct(?) Please do correct me there my dear bean. Let alone how EXPENSIVE college is o.o thats another reason I'm holding back off college the money...it scares me (in general I have this fear of becoming so in debt, I do blame that brief period my family and I had a moment where we couldn't afford anything so I guess this is my fear as a whole to be in that spot again. Why I'm slightly picky with money) by all means I am NOT hating on my beans who are in college. In fact I am so proud and jelly because how are you guys doing this ??? Please lend me your secrets to this potato here fjajdjs. But yeah, I wish society would like, change the mindset of college and be like "hey you wanna do college right now? Awesome! Its ok to not do it right away either for whatever that reason may be" and not be so pressuring like you said
Haha thank you! Oof I am lazy but it was done. What I did so far was repaint the room (I'm lucky the apartment owner allows such thinhs) and the walls are this strawberry milkshake color, I got a dresser to put all my clothes in which I then realized I had too many clothes and everything is packed tight lol. It also serves as a TV stand for me so yay there. There was an issue with one item missing but the store was kind to resend the replacement :) I got a fuzzy carpet since its all wood flooring and did not want my feet freezing in winter lol. I got a coffee table, this was my dad's suggestion since a nightstand would be silly and I could use it to put my laptop when doing stuff or when I have friends over which I admit was a good idea. Then I have this lil crocheted chair thingy to use for sitting (but I use it as a decoration oop-) what I learned is decorating your room or house TAKES time. Start little by little and you'll eventually get the way you want so even if you are lazy, it can happen. Plus things cost so there is that lol. Ooohh congrats on that tattoo ^0^ I hope you can get your other tattoo ideas to come to life 💕💕💕
Heeey look at that c; but honestly I think since its the newest console, the hype and demand for it is big SO thus its hard to get ya know? A common thing really. It took me a good long months to get the ps4 and that was by accident really! But indeedy! I hope your weekend treated you wonderfully! Today is my monthly changing icon time so by the time you reply, you might see a change
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