#July 2nd 2021 is a revolutionary day
pamet-u-glavuuu · 3 months
People who were not here when the pictures of tz kissing in the car came out:
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Quick update on the List?
(Usual disclaimers and whatnot from last time apply, I might be off on some dates and it’s debatable when arcs start and end, etc.)
Lengths of Stuff Throughout DSMP History (Shortest to Longest) [As of March 25, 2021]
1-day plots: (Too many to list)
Spirit’s Lifespan: (May 5 - May 7): 3 days
* Disc War: 3 days
Mexican L’manburg: 5 days (to revolution)
L’manburg Revolutionary War: 5 days (from declarations to Doomsday)
Dreamon Hunters: 8 days (between two streams)
Las Nevadas/Quackity Visiting Dream: 9 days (ongoing)
L’manburg Founding: 10 days (including pre-nation Camarvan)
Fundy and Ghostbur: 10 days (from rebuilding to final argument)
Snowchester Nukes: 10 days (to launch test)
Exile Arc in Logstedshire: 11 days
The Pet War: 13 days
* Post-L’manburg Disc Saga Events: 14 days
The Election Arc: 19 days
The Cartel: 20 days
Bedrock Bros: 21 days
Sam Nook/Construction of the Big Innit Hotel: 25 days
Tubbo and Ranboo’s Marriage/Parentage of Michael: 1 month, 2 days (ongoing)
Pandora’s Vault construction: 1 month, 8 days
Kinoko Kingdom/After the Tales: 1 month, 16 days (ongoing)
Soot Administration: 1 month, 21 days
Tubbo Administration: 1 month, 22 days
Schlatt Administration: 1 month, 25 days
DREAM SMP SEASON TWO: (November 16 - January 20th) 2 months, 4 days
Prison Arc: 2 months, 5 days (ongoing)
DREAM SMP SEASON THREE: (From January 20th) 2 months, 5 days (ongoing)
The Syndicate: 2 months, 7 days (ongoing)
Ranboo and the Panic Room: 2 months, 20 days (ongoing)
The Vlog Mystery: (July 12 - October 2) 2 months, 21 days
Blood Vines/Egg Arc: 3 months, 19 days (ongoing)
Karl, Quackity and Sapnap’s engagement: Uncertain date, estimated ~ 4-5 months
L’manburg Existing: (August 2nd - January 6th) 5 months, 4 days [157 days]
Karl and Sapnap’s engagement: 6 months, 11 days (ongoing)
* Full Disc Saga: (July 9th - January 20th) 6 months, 11 days
DREAM SMP SEASON ONE: (April 25th - November 16th) 6 months, 22 days [205]
Fran’s Lifespan: 10 months, 26 days (ongoing)
DREAM SMP: 11 MONTHS (ongoing)
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Lengths of Plot Lines/Other Things Throughout DSMP History (Shortest to Longest) - [UPDATED]
Recently went through and updated all of the info on my list again with some new arcs and extra dates! It’s been a while, but usually people find it a bit helpful, so I figured I’d do an update!
Besides the different storylines, there are also some dates for how long nations have existed, lifespans, etc. for extra reference.
(As usual, the disclaimers: Some of these dates may be off by a day or two due to timezones or just plain mistakes (I’m bad at math), and where each arc starts and ends is up for debate, etc.)
[As of June 25th, 2021]
1-day plots: (Too many to list)
Spirit’s Lifespan: (May 5th - May 7th): 3 days
* Disc War: (July 9th - July 11th) 3 days
Mexican L’manburg: (December 1st - December 6th) 5 days (to revolution)
L’manburg Revolutionary War: (July 29th - August 2nd) 5 days
Dreamon Hunters: (October 7th - October 14th) ~ 8 days (between two streams, no clear ending)
L’manburg Founding: (July 24th - August 2nd) 10 days (including Camarvan)
Fundy and Ghostbur: (November 17th - November 27th) 10 days (from rebuilding to final argument)
Snowchester Nukes: (January 17th - January 26th) 10 days (to launch test)
Exile Arc/Logstedshire: (December 4th - December 15th) 11 days
Mysterious Tubbo Text: (April 1st - April 11th) 11 days (no clear ending?)
The Pet War: (August 28th - September 9th) 13 days
* Post-L’manburg Disc Saga Events: (August 11th - August 25th) 14 days
The Election Arc: (September 3rd - September 22nd) 19 days
Tommy in Prison: (February 21st - March 12th) 19 days
Techno in Prison: (From June 6th) 19 days (ongoing)
The Cartel: (August 7th - August 27th) 20 days
Bedrock Bros: (December 16th - January 5th) 21 days
L’Sandburg Independence Negotiations: (April 26th - May 18th) 22 days
The Snowchester Outpost: (From June 1st) 25 days (ongoing)
Sam Nook/Construction of the Big Innit Hotel: (January 22nd - February 16th) 25 days
Ranboo and the Panic Room: (January 4th - January 30th) 27 days
Pandora’s Vault Construction: (December 5th - January 13th) 1 month, 8 days
Tommy’s Prison Break Plan: (March 14th - April 29th) 1 month, 15 days
Soot Administration: (August 2nd - September 22nd) 1 month, 21 days
Tubbo Administration: (November 16th - January 6th) 1 month, 22 days
Schlatt Administration: (September 22nd - November 16th) 1 month, 25 days
The Enderwalk Saga: (From April 23rd) 2 months, 2 days (ongoing)
DREAM SMP SEASON TWO: (November 16th - January 20th) 
2 months, 4 days
The Vlog Mystery: (July 12th - October 2nd) 2 months, 21 days
Las Nevadas/Quackity Visiting Dream: (From March 16th) 3 months, 9 days (ongoing)
El Rapids Existing: (December 6th - March 16th) 3 months, 11 days
Eggpire Existing: (January 14th - April 25th) 3 months, 11 days (to Red Banquet)
Snowchester Nukes Missing: (From March 12th) 3 months, 14 days (ongoing, no clear ending)
Schlatt’s Server Lifetime: (July 16th - November 16th) 4 months (including time banned)
Wilbur’s First Server Lifetime: (July 12th - November 16th) 4 months, 5 days
Kinoko Kingdom Existing: (From February 9th) 4 months, 17 days (ongoing)
Jack’s First Server Lifetime: (August 3rd - January 6th) 5 months, 4 days
L’manburg Existing: (August 2nd - January 6th) 5 months, 4 days 
Prison Arc: (From January 21st) 5 months, 4 days (ongoing)
DREAM SMP SEASON THREE: (From January 20th) 
5 months, 5 days (ongoing)
The Syndicate Existing: (From January 18th) 5 months, 8 days (ongoing)
Ghostbur: (November 17th - April 29th) 5 months, 13 days
Snowchester Existing: (From January 7th) 5 months, 18 days (ongoing)
* Full Disc Saga: (July 9th - January 20th) 6 months, 11 days
Blood Vines/Egg Arc: (From December 6th) 6 months, 19 days (ongoing)
DREAM SMP SEASON ONE: (April 24th - November 16th) 
6 months, 24 days 
Karl, Quackity and Sapnap’s engagement: (From November 17th) 7 months, 8 days (ongoing?)
Tommy’s First Server Lifetime: (July 4th - March 1st) 7 months, 28 days
Karl and Sapnap’s engagement: (Estimated from September 14th) 9 months, 11 days (ongoing)
Fran’s Lifespan: (Estimated from around April 28th?) 1 year, 1 month, 28 days (ongoing)
Beckerson’s Lifespan: (From April 28th) 1 year, 1 month, 28 days (ongoing)
DREAM SMP: (FROM APRIL 24th 2020) 
1 year, 2 months, 1 day (ongoing)
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How ‘bout a quick update on the List? It’s Dream SMP’s 10-month anniversary!
Lengths of Plot Lines (and Other Things) Throughout DSMP History!
(Shortest to Longest) 
[as of February 25, 2021]
(And like last time, some of these might not be exact and the exact days that each arc started or ended are up for debate)
(Plus I’ve still got some stuff I wanna add)
1-day plots: (Too many to list)
Spirit’s Lifespan: (May 5 - May 7): 3 days
* Disc War: 3 days
Mexican L’manburg: 5 days (to revolution)
L’manburg Revolutionary War: 5 days (from declarations to Doomsday)
Dreamon Hunters: 8 days (between two streams)
L’manburg Founding: 10 days (including pre-nation Camarvan)
Fundy and Ghostbur: 10 days (from rebuilding to final argument)
Snowchester Nukes: 10 days (to launch test)
Exile Arc in Logstedshire: 11 days
The Pet War: 13 days
* Post-L’manburg Disc Saga Events: 14 days
The Election: 19 days
The Cartel: 20 days 
Bedrock Bros: 21 days
Prison Arc: 1 month, 5 days (ongoing)
The Syndicate: 1 month, 7 days (ongoing)
Pandora’s Vault construction: 1 month, 8 days
Ranboo and the Panic Room: 1 month, 21 days (ongoing)
Soot Administration: 1 month, 21 days
Tubbo Administration: 1 month, 22 days
Schlatt Administration: 1 month, 25 days
DREAM SMP SEASON TWO: (November 16 - January 20th) 2 months, 4 days
Blood Vines/Egg Arc: 2 months, 20 days (ongoing)
The Vlog Mystery: (July 12 - October 2) 2 months, 21 days
Karl, Quackity and Sapnap’s engagement: Uncertain date, estimated to be ~3-4 months
L’manburg Existing: (August 2nd - January 6th) 5 months, 4 days
Karl and Sapnap’s engagement: 5 months, 11 days (ongoing)
* Full Disc Saga: (July 9th - January 20th) 6 months, 11 days 
DREAM SMP SEASON ONE: (April 25th - November 16th) 6 months, 22 days 
Fran’s Lifespan: 9 months, 30 days (ongoing)
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I'm trying to find the one where you said how long Tommy was in exile along with other things
Oh, I legit just haven’t made that post yet. I started making it and then I was like, “actually, I’ll just have this be a running thing and update it every day” because that’s more interesting.
Here’s the current list as of today [February 12/2021]
(And I might be off on some of these, especially small differences by like a day or something, plus some might disagree with when arcs start or end -- this is just my personal track of it)
(I’ll double-check stuff later since it can get confusing)
(Feel free to screenshot this for your own use ‘cause I’ll probably delete it later so that it isn’t out of date)
1-day plots: (Too many to list)
Spirit’s Lifespan: (May 5 - May 7): 3 days
* Disc War: 3 days
Mexican L’manburg: 5 days (to revolution)
L’manburg Revolutionary War: 5 days (from declarations to Doomsday)
Dreamon Hunters: 8 days (between two streams)
L’manburg Founding: 10 days (including pre-nation Camarvan)
Fundy and Ghostbur: 10 days (from rebuilding to final argument)
Snowchester Nukes: 10 days (to launch test)
Exile Arc in Logstedshire: 11 days
The Pet War: 13 days
* Post-L’manburg Disc Saga Events: 14 days
The Election Arc: 19 days
The Cartel/Quackity and Tommy: 20 days (including pre-whitelist)
Bedrock Bros: 21 days
Prison Arc: 22 days (ongoing)
The Syndicate: 24 days (ongoing)
Ranboo and the Panic Room: 1 month, 7 days (ongoing) 
Pandora’s Vault construction: 1 month, 8 days
Soot Administration: 1 month, 21 days
Tubbo Administration: 1 month, 22 days 
Schlatt Administration: 1 month, 25 days 
DREAM SMP SEASON TWO: (November 16 - January 20th) 2 months, 4 days [65]
Blood Vines/Egg Arc: 2 months, 6 days (ongoing)
Karl and Sapnap’s engagement: 4 months, 30 days (ongoing)
L’manburg Existing: (August 2nd - January 6th): 5 months, 4 days
* Full Disc Saga: (July 9th - January 20th): 6 months, 11 days 
DREAM SMP SEASON ONE: (April 25th - November 16th) 6 months, 22 days 
Fran’s Lifespan: 9 months, 16 days (ongoing)
DREAM SMP: 9 months, 18 days (ongoing)
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