#Julian Cash Light Photography
abangtech · 4 years
3 smartphone deals you can’t afford to miss today – Digital Trends
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You don’t need to shell out a lot of cash to score a well-performing smartphone. Today’s entry-level and midrange phones come equipped with powerful hardware and superb features, bringing a flagship-like experience without burning a hole in your pocket. If you’re thinking of upgrading your handset, here are three smartphone deals you shouldn’t miss: The Google Pixel 4, Motorola One Action, and Samsung Galaxy A51 are all on sale on Amazon for up to $119 off.
Motorola One Action – $250, was $350
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Julian Chokkattu/Digital Trends
For a smartphone below $500, the Motorola One Action impressively packs a lot of awesome features. For starters, it has three cameras which you can use to shoot different styles of photos and a dedicated action camera that captures footage in landscape orientation even if you film vertically. It also boasts the ability to shoot videos at a cinematic 21:9 aspect ratio in UHD, a very intuitive photographic feature not common in a lot of smartphones.
The One Action is powered by Samsung’s Exynos 9609 processor backed by 4GB of RAM. It may not be the fastest combo, but it’s nonetheless adequate for messaging, surfing social media, checking emails, and other basic tasks. This smartphone also fares well in the display front, thanks to its LCD IPS screen.
Samsung Galaxy A51 – $325, was $400
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A device that’s beefier but also below $500 is on offer in the Samsung Galaxy A51. This model, just like any other Galaxy smartphone, flaunts a stunning display courtesy of the Super AMOLED screen packed with 2,340 x 1,080-pixel resolution. It’s actually one of the best displays we’ve seen on a midrange phone.
The snappy processing power of the Galaxy A51 is all thanks to the Exynos 9611 chipset coupled with 4GB of RAM. Launching apps, surfing the web, and general browsing through the interface are all smooth with very few lags. Camera performance is equally great, with four cameras at the rear to offer a fun, versatile photography experience.
Google Pixel 4 – $680, was $799
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Google Pixel phones have a stellar reputation for their excellent photography features, and the Google Pixel 4 is no exception. In fact, this model offers close competition with the iPhone 11 Pro when it comes to camera expertise. One particular mode we love is the Night Sight, which enables the camera to capture breathtaking images in low-light conditions. You can even point the phone at the sky to activate the Astophotography mode, which will then set an exposure time automatically to capture more light.
When it comes to firepower, the Pixel 4 is a true beast. The combination of Google’s Android, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 processor, and 6GB of RAM equals speedy operation, whether it be for opening apps, running games, or overall navigation. The smartphone experience is further elevated with the stunning OLED screen with a 2,280 x 1,080-pixel resolution and 90Hz refresh rate. From text and photos to games and movies, visuals are clear and comfortable to gaze at.
We strive to help our readers find the best deals on quality products and services, and we choose what we cover carefully and independently. The prices, details, and availability of the products and deals in this post may be subject to change at anytime. Be sure to check that they are still in effect before making a purchase.
Digital Trends may earn commission on products purchased through our links, which supports the work we do for our readers.
Editors’ Recommendations
The post 3 smartphone deals you can’t afford to miss today – Digital Trends appeared first on abangtech.
from abangtech https://abangtech.com/3-smartphone-deals-you-cant-afford-to-miss-today-digital-trends/
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bondsmagii · 7 years
here’s the rest of those questions because I can’t resist a challenge
1: Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
I don’t actually use any of them... used to use Spotify until it betrayed me by capping me at 10hrs of music a month. like bitch I listen to 10hrs in a day lmao. at the time I couldn’t even afford the small monthly charge so I stopped using it and now my petty ass won’t give them a penny.
2: is your room messy or clean?
clean but cluttered. there’s nothing gross like trash or used plates, but there’s a lot of random stacks of paper, books, notes, etc. it’s alright at the moment seems there’s been a recent tidy, but usually it’s very cluttered.
3: what color are your eyes?
green! I also have heterochromia, so there’s a thin ring of brown around both irises, and a small slice of brown in one eye.
5: what is your relationship status? 
dating @karlacton​ and have been since 2015!
7: what color hair do you have?
it’s black, which is pretty cool. emo me loved it.
8: what kind of car do you drive? color?
I drive a renault and it’s silver!
9: where do you shop?
like.. for what? groceries? clothes? books? because aside from “tesco” I couldn’t tell you, it’s usually all online. if I’m splashing out on books I’ll go to Waterstone’s.
11: favorite social media account
I hate them all. release me.
12: what size bed do you have?
a queen, I think? or a double? I don’t even know if there’s a difference.
13: any siblings?
one older brother, deceased.
15: favorite snapchat filter?
I don’t have snapchat.
16: favourite makeup brand(s)
I don’t know shit about makeup.
17: how many times a week do you shower?
it sounds bad because it averages out to three or four times a week, but when you remember that my days are frequently 36-48hrs long, it averages out to about every other day.
18: favorite tv show?
I don’t own a TV or keep up with much shows, but I do binge-watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
19: shoe size?
uk size 7.
21: sandals or sneakers?
sneakers. fuck sandals.
22: do you go to the gym?
23: describe your dream date
good food, scary movies, urbexing, driving around to good music, more good food. an equal balance of opportunity to talk and opportunity to see if the silence is comfortable.
24: how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
I don’t carry cash. or a wallet, for that matter.
25: what color socks are you wearing?
27: do you have a job? what do you do?
I do, but I can’t go into specific details. it’s to do with computers and security.
28: how many friends do you have?
I got no fucking clue my dude. depending on the definition of friend, anywhere between 2 to 15 or so.
29: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?
you’d probably have to ask somebody else if I’m honest, I don’t have a good grasp of what’s actually bad or not lol. there’s stuff I might consider bad for a while, but then I get over it and stop seeing it as such a big deal. there’s some stuff that might count from a legal standpoint, in terms of like I don’t know, how seriously it would be taken, but I’m not sure of the statute of limitations on it so fuck if I’m mentioning it.
32: 3 favorite girl names?
saoirse, vesper, oksana
35: who is your celebrity crush?
bitch colin firth
37: do you read a lot? what’s your favorite book?
I read a hell of a lot, usually between 2-4 books at the same time. as for favourites I have way too many, so if you wan recs keep an eye on my reading list and see what I’m screaming about.
38: money or brains?
brains. if you play your cards right, brains can get money.
39: do you have a nickname? what is it?
people who know me in other places call me Rat, either because I like the animal or because of the hacker from The Core; people who know me from the SCP Foundation call me Konny or Kon, after the character.
41: top 10 favorite songs
right now: 
Space Oddity by David Bowie
Never Quite Free by The Mountain Goats
We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy Joel
The Longest Time by Billy Joel
Brothers on a Hotel Bed by Death Cab For Cutie
Blame by Bastille
Tomorrow Will Be Kinder by The Secret Sisters
Nothing to Remember by Neko Case
All Alright by fun.
The Spine Song by Cake Bake Betty
this changes like, daily, by the way.
42: do you take any medications daily?
43: what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
normal? bit dry in some places at the moment though, but it always is at this time of the year -- the cold air coming down from the mountains will blast freeze anyone’s skin.
44: what is your biggest fear? 
the current rise in fascism erupting into another world war or holocaust.
45: how many kids do you want?
ideally I would have wanted two or three, but life circumstances have made it so it’s best I don’t have children, unfortunately.
47: what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) 
the place in scotland is a three-bedroom flat which is quite large. the place in london is a two-bedroom flat which is slightly smaller but still big for that area of london.
48: who is your role model?
writing-wise, john le carré and stephen king. life-wise, kim philby for the scamming and productivity, and lord byron for the scandal.
49: what was the last compliment you received?
I can’t even remember. probably something to do with my writing, as I’ve been sharing that with some people recently.
51: how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
santa is real my good bitch
52: what is your dream car? 
literally no idea.
53: opinion on smoking?
I smoke occasionally and don’t care if people choose to or not, however I support the smoking ban in public areas and I will be an asshole and cough loudly if you blow it directly in my face.
54: do you go to college? 
55: what is your dream job?
anything fast-paced, high-risk, and that requires me to constantly keep learning and improving myself to keep up.
58: do you have freckles? 
some in the summer, across my nose and cheeks.
60: how many pictures do you have on your phone? 
a couple of hundred.
61: have you ever peed in the woods? 
absolutely. it’s a necessity when homeless/on road trips.
62: do you still watch cartoons? 
63: do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
never been to Wendy’s so McDonalds by default. love me some McNuggets.
65: what do you wear to bed? 
sweatpants, an old t-shirt, and a hoodie. it’s the mountains, I need to wrap up.
66: have you ever won a spelling bee?
nah, we don’t have them here but I did come top of my class during spelling tests all through primary school.
67: what are your hobbies?
reading, writing, photography, urban exploring, paranormal research, soviet history, researching espionage, meteorology, a whole load of things.
70: what was the last concert you saw? 
florence and the machine probably.
71: tea or coffee?
both depending on my mood, though I go through stages of drinking one more than the other. right now I drink more coffee than tea.
72: Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
never been to Dunkin Donuts, so Starbucks.
73: do you want to get married?
one day, hopefully.
74: what is your crush’s first and last initial?
CF, take a wild guess lmao
75: are you going to change your last name when you get married?
acton and I have discussed if we ever get married, finding a cool name we both like to change our last names to. so maybe.
76: what color looks best on you? 
77: do you miss anyone right now? 
not really, to be honest. I don’t miss people often. I might have moments of oh, I wish they were still in my life, but it’s never a constant thing, thankfully. it sounds like it would be a drag.
78: do you sleep with your door open or closed?
closed right now, we need all the heat conservation we can get.
79: do you believe in ghosts?
hell yeah I do. had lots of experiences too!
81: last person you called
my boss?
82: favorite ice cream flavor? 
mint choc chip.
83: regular oreos or golden oreos? 
84: chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? 
86: what is your phone background?
lmao it’s a picture of julian assange because I live to annoy him.
87: are you outgoing or shy?
I’m very outgoing. a lot of people think I’m shy but actually I just go through stages of being really anti-social.
89: do you like your neighbors? 
I have no major issues with them but they’re a weird bunch. the downstairs neighbour I’m pretty sure is a ghost, and the neighbours across the way are so strange. they do DIY in the dead of night and several of them just sit in their cars at 3am with the lights on, staring at nothing. odd.
90: do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
when I shower, or if I have something on it. I don’t have a routine.
91: have you ever been high? 
92: have you ever been drunk? 
way too many times.
95: summer or winter? 
aesthetically? winter. in terms of not feeling suicidal all the time? summer.
96: day or night? 
night. I’m a night hoe.
99: what is your zodiac sign
aquarius, watch out. 
100: who was the last person you cried in front of? 
no one bitch... I don’t cry
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grahamashouse · 13 years
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i can dress myself is shooting our very first music video at the end of this month and we would love to include all of our funky friends in a fiendish granny party! 
If you are available and would like to participate, please join this event and we will message you with the details as the date approaches. 
Thank you all for being ever so lovely. :)
Image of Funky Ones Grahamas taken at Treasure Island Music Festival by Julian Cash Light Photography.
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mamamargey · 13 years
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This photo was taken at TI of some of out fine Grandma's. What a wonderful success!
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