#Joyce Cheng鄭欣宜
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xinyuehui · 2 years ago
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鄭欣宜 Joyce Cheng - Glitterfalls
No! Don't be too polite The protagonist arrives Kiss and embrace Quirky or unique, I don't need to listen to your advice Embrace your unique quirks and let them shine Pay no mind to those who don’t understand your magic~ wave em off Keep making them GLITTERFALLS
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hong-kong-art-man · 4 years ago
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Money Loads The Gun, Joyce Cheng Pulls The Trigger—7 Money Notions On Earth 
Lydia Shum(沈殿霞) is the most famous and loved female comedian in the history of Hong Kong. She passed away in 2008 at the age of 62. Her 33-year-old daughter, a popular singer, Joyce Cheng(鄭欣宜) will inherit her huge properties under Lydia’s will when she turns 35 according to newspaper. ‘How will Joyce spend the money?’ became a spicy discussion topic on social media.
Discourse and critical thinking are essential. Let me try to share some useful views on money—some are mine and some belong to others.
(1)   Money is the car but you are the driver
Had it not been due to money, you would have been a mere window shopper in your life. Money is a car. It can take you to your destination but, like careful driving, the car must require your prudent control. Recklessness is the cause of a car crash. By the same token, careless spending may lead to you being in the red or even bankrupt. Buy what you need only. Only spend the money that you earned, not on any kind of overdraft facility from credit card, bank or money lender.
(2)   Never watch like a hawk the money that does not belong to you
Some girls want to marry a rich man so that she can marry his fortunes together. Some young men like to keep tabs on the parents’ wealth so that he can be bequeathed one day. Some purposefully hang around with rich friends in order for curry favour.
Unless you are a ghost, to live in the dark shadow of someone with an ulterior motive will surely make you nervous, and finally lose yourself.
Never lie, steal, cheat or beg for the sake of enriching your own pocket, as the money will be cursed with an ultimate terrible fate upon you.
(3)   The happiest and luckiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more
My generous friend said, “I am happy and lucky. I got enough for myself. There is no act better than my money, though not a lot, reaching down those in need and making them know that a stranger does care about them, like the way that I care about my family members. When the desperate people could feel the warm support, they realize that there is never a problem that can defeat sunrise.”
Another friend told me, “One great thing about donation is that the money which I gave away bring me back a more joyful meaning of it, and the money that I am keeping for myself somehow will become 10 times more! I am spiritually richer as a result.”
Money is like muck—not good unless it be spread.
 (4)   It takes 3 things for you to feel rich enough
I am not so divine as to say spiritual happiness brings more richness than money. I just want to opine that there is a quantitative definition of being rich, if you are already in possession of 3 things. You are then rich enough to call for a halt to your further hungry exploration for greater wealth. You should be contented when you have a flat for self-use, stable returns from some utility stocks which will give you a reliable pension and bank account savings which can help respond to urgent needs.
Before you retire, save; and after you save, retire! Real riches are the riches possessed inside, not just material luxuries. Those who appreciate your wisdom or character are the real friends.
(5)   Ideally, spend most of the money before you die
It is fantastic to be able to spend the money that you have earned to enjoy the remaining years. The tricky challenge is that we do not know when we will die and how much money will be needed for the remaining years.
Two modern concepts are very attractive: lifelong elderly housing and ‘reverse mortgage’. The former is a kind of guaranteed accommodation by a developer to a senior till he dies, in consideration of a huge upfront lump sum paid by him. A reverse mortgage is a loan, secured by the mortgage of one’s residential property, that will enable a senior to receive a guaranteed fixed monthly sum till he dies. The loan typically does not require monthly mortgage payments and all will be settled at the time of death.
(6)   Being ostentatious is a stupid way of spending money
Stupid or naive people are eager to put themselves on display. They spend money in a way that they beg to be looked at or they can look superior to others. More likely than not, these people have an inferiority complex and it causes them to over-compensate. They become overly concerned with how they appear to others and if this is taken to the extreme, it becomes a ‘neurosis’. It may also cause a person to be prone to behaviours intended merely to seek attention or compete with others.
(7)   Don’t lose the things that money cannot buy by making money to buy
Money cannot buy 10 values: happiness, time, a good family, wisdom, respect, class, character, common sense, integrity and love. There are many people who are enjoying the above are actually quite poor.
With his almighty judgments, God is fair and will not make the rich get all.
Money is always a good servant but a bad master. You should rule your money. Money should not rule, if not ruin, your life by making you run like a broker in the trading hall of a stock exchange, always greedy and fearful!
Joyce Cheng MV  acknowledgement-Neway Star Official Channel https://youtu.be/EbJhct_HTu8
Money Song (Sam Hui)  acknowledgement: lifeisgood181 https://youtu.be/GppvbS2jXpY
Money, Money, Money (Abba)  acknowledgement: ABBA https://youtu.be/ETxmCCsMoD0
Money makes the world go around  acknowledgement: zeitdiebemagazin https://youtu.be/PIAXG_QcQNU
She works hard for the money (Donna Summer)  acknowledgement: Donna Summer https://youtu.be/ci8uvhiU9LE
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fyeahcindie · 4 years ago
Hi! I just started learning Chinese, and I was wondering if you had any recs of artists/songs that are lgbtq/non-heteronormative themed?
Also thanks for posting ✨, love your blog
Hi there, thank you for getting in touch!  =D
Because I don’t read/understand Chinese, I never know if a song’s lyrical content has those kinds of themes (unless someone tells me / or I read about it), but I can recommend some artists:
Guitarist 芮秋 Rachel Hsu from P!SCO is transgender, and the band is definitely supportive of lgbtq issues.  Rachel has been very open about her experience.  
LEZS女人國 Magazine (www.lezsmeeting.com) frequently interviews/profiles musicians, (including Rachel Hsu HERE), but they don’t only feature lesbians in the magazine.
Singer-songwriter-bandleader Enno Cheng 鄭宜農 came out as lesbian in early 2016, and was featured in LEZS issue 21 later that year.   Video promo HERE.
Denise Ho / HOCC 何韻詩 is a Cantopop / indie star from Hong Kong, and a lesbian icon. 
HK indie singer-songwriter Ellen Joyce Loo 盧凱彤 came out as lesbian in 2017. She was profiled in LEZS in spring of 2018; tragically, she committed suicide later that year.  (She had gone public about her bipolar disorder)
HUSH aka Hush Chen (陳家偉) is the only male TW singer-songwriter that I know is gay.  
Let’s hear an Enno Cheng song from 2017 that featured a guest vocal by Ellen Loo, this is so sad and beautiful: 
Arranged by Cincin Lee 李欣芸
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sammy9links · 3 years ago
鄭欣宜 (Joyce Cheng) – 豐乳肥臀 (Big Boobs Bubble Butt)
鄭欣宜 (Joyce Cheng) – 豐乳肥臀 (Big Boobs Bubble Butt)
Download 鄭欣宜 (Joyce Cheng) – 豐乳肥臀 (Big Boobs Bubble Butt) MP3 DOWNLOAD Veteran Singer, 鄭欣宜 (Joyce Cheng) has released new hip-hop joint, “豐乳肥臀 (Big Boobs Bubble Butt)“. 鄭欣宜 (Joyce Cheng) latest entry, “豐乳肥臀 (Big Boobs Bubble Butt)” is a mid-tempo record that received a million of streams across platforms. However, the song is here to get you entertained. Listen & Download 豐乳肥臀 (Big Boobs Bubble…
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lawpeizhi · 2 years ago
鄭欣宜 Joyce Cheng - 仍會等 I'll Still Be Waiting (Official Music Video) 高質量的製作,是連歌手自己也只是整個「製作」中的一��角色,要說是成製作因為在裡頭各自都充滿了水準,既有視像的故事空間,音樂的表達質感,歌者的情感貫輸,歌詞的內涵意境,甚至字體美感的呼應,融合濃縮成一整個體驗,每個單位都變成主角,每個單位都做到了藝術性的演化,讓觀眾更想再三細緻欣賞視覺,聆聽音樂,思索文字,感受說話。
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tranquildr3ams · 2 years ago
Music Obsessions - December 2022
Music Obsessions - December 2022 #Music
A little late for this month’s Music Obsessions! Hard to imagine we are at the last one of this year. While I already got my Spotify Wrapped, I decided to do that with my final year round-up at the end of this month and do a little runthrough for January. Either way, there are still some good music that I’ve discovered or re-discovered. 恐懼蠶食心靈 Fear Eats The Soul – 鄭欣宜 Joyce Cheng Joyce Cheng…
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852recordstores · 3 years ago
Joyce Cheng - Joyce To The World CD 2021
鄭欣宜 - Joyce To The World CD 2021
But I’m not Lonely
有天我會好 (國)
@princejoyce (Feat. ANSONBEAN)
先哭為敬 (尾班車Version) (鄭欣宜 / Serrini)
Release Date: 28 Dec 2021
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kapojack · 4 years ago
YouTube Music Night with Joyce Cheng 鄭欣宜
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yahoogossips · 7 years ago
話時話:大日子當日 大家最怕咩情況出現?
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無論你準備有幾好,好多時鬧鐘鬧事,當日唔響的話,絕對係人生惡夢,所以好多人都會叫朋友Morning call或較多幾個鬧鐘,以防萬一。
相片來源:鄭欣宜 joyce cheng @facebook
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crushivintage · 6 years ago
via Twitter https://twitter.com/crushi
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fyeahcindie · 6 years ago
Just saw this song climbing the StreetVoice chart today, so let’s check out a new band called 愛人眼睛 My Lover's Eyes  =D
[Our Pop Song is by Enno Cheng 鄭宜農 ft. EllenLoo 盧凱彤]
I think the band formed in late 2018 or early this year. They opened their fb in March of 2019.  陳亭潔 Dana-Voc, 武靖-Gtr, 凱友-Cello, 邦彥-Drums. 
This cover features guest vocal by 鄭欣妮Niinii. She has YouTube channel (mostly covers) and her StreetVoice has 2 songs. Lots of covers posted to fb as well.
The band don’t seem to have a YT channel yet, but you can find 3 original demos at StreetVoice, and they also post to Instagram. 
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The guitarist is from Malaysia but attended college in TW. He has a channel for his fingerstyle acoustic covers: 武人 YouTube. Let’s hear some of his skillful playing on this cover of 山海 by 草東沒有派對 No Party For Cao Dong:
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gdottv · 7 years ago
由一位pole dance的舞者作序幕展開以LGBTQIA為主題的部分,然後 鄭欣宜 Joyce Cheng很有力量的唱著Gloria Gaynor的I Will Survive,這是在黑暗中對自己的喊話,也是對所有社會中受壓迫的小眾的喊話,一切都會ok的,堅持下去就有希望。
。________________________。 感動滿分的彩虹歌單
接下來唱了既是同志友善也是gay icon的林憶蓮的燒,延續了上一首歌的氣氛,再帶落何韻詩的光明會「就像個軍團一個秘密組織誕生,十萬個黨員潛伏各大城鎮,若是這種人請你馬上舉手獻身,別再等朝代應該變更」。黑彩虹是 黃偉文 Wyman Wong 為了這一個部分而填的一份詞,為仍然在黑暗中的性小眾鼓勵打氣,現場聽了前三首歌再聽黑彩虹絕對了感動滿分的。之後唱了側田的命硬,希望…
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char-x3 · 2 years ago
Watch "鄭欣宜 Joyce Cheng - Glitterfalls (Dance Version)" on YouTube
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tranquildr3ams · 3 years ago
Music Obsessions - April 2022
Music Obsessions - April 2022 #Music #HKPop #JoyceCheng #JacksonWang #LeslieCheung #Mayday
Welcome to this month’s Music Obsessions! Nothing like some music to soothe the mood. Especially as I’m drafting this up and there’s quite a bit of stuff to plan out. There are some new releases this month that has been rather fun. 豐乳肥臀 BBBB: Big Boobs Bubble Butt – 鄭欣宜 Joyce Cheng I’ve been following Joyce Cheng on Instagram the past year or so. She has truly broken away her parents’ shadow…
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