#Journey to the West: Spider Silk Cave
the-monkey-ruler · 3 months
Journey to the West: Spider Silk Cave (2030) 西游记之盘丝洞
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Director: Cheng Xiaodong Genre: Drama / Action / Fantasy Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2030(Undetermined) Also known as: Journey to the West Pansi Cave / 西游·盘丝洞 Type: Retelling
Seven Spider Spirits captured Tang Seng, and the disciples have to work together to rescue Tang Seng. The Spider Spirit's senior brother, the Multi-Eyed Monster, was a centipede spirit. He poisoned Tang Monk and Bajie. Sun Wukong invited Pilanpo Bodhisattva to help cure Tang Monk and Bajie, and eliminate the Spider Spirits. The centipede spirit was taken away by the Bodhisattva to guard the hospital.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/26276718/
Link: N/A
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jadethest0ne · 4 years
In need of Refueling, Chapter 2 - Silken Web
Summary:    “You?! Why would I trust you? You have brought me nothing but failure. Time and time again; nothing but disappointment!”
His father’s words might have been a result of his possession by the White Bone Spirit, but whether or not they were his true thoughts, Red Son vows to prove them wrong. To do so he seeks to attain a power strong enough to destroy his father’s immortal enemy. After all, he’d much rather throw fire at his problems.
Word Count: 1384
Ratings/Warnings:  Teen and up; injury, burns, angst and hurt/comfort, toxic thoughts caused by toxic parents
Notes: Time for another villain to appear! Big thanks to @painted-arachnid and @simplyfornardo  for helping me bounce ideas off of them. And also thanks to @lemonsqueazie for providing me with “Journey to the West” lore. I don’t know much about the original novel or other iterations, but I still tried to keep some things compliant with the lore. You should check all of them out, since they’re really great content creators with neat ideas!
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Red Son stands in front of a decrepit market stand. Shriveled brown excuses for vegetation dust the bottom of containers labeled as produce and cooking ingredients. But the demon he is looking for is nowhere to be seen. He peers into the tented area covered by curtains with an unimpressed glare. Still, the spider insignia on the stand’s sign is unmistakable, so he calls into the gloom with a demanding, authoritative voice. “Spider Queen! I have come to have some words with you. I am looking for something and I think you have the information I seek!”
At first there is nothing. But a soft wind picks up around his ankles and a sultry whisper drifts out of the stand. “Come in…” it says.
Red Son glances around the area, then slips inside the curtains.
“Farther inside…” the voice calls.
Red Son knows a trap when he sees one, but he continues on without fear as he looks around for any traces of trickery. It is dusty and the area seems untouched, except for the circular disk that he just stepped on.
“Right there…” says the voice, and Red Son can hear the smile in it as the disk drops down revealing a trap door.
Red Son gives a tired sigh as he falls and activates flames underneath his feet, slowing his descent on his way down the sudden hole in the floor.
He lands smoothly and kicks up flames around his feet in a circle to push back any potential enemy waiting for him below. It is dark, and he can hardly see anything. He hears some drip of water echo, giving a hint of a cavernous area. A scuttling noise bounces around him.
Red Son holds his palm upward in front of him and brings a ball of flame to life, lighting up his surroundings. He is indeed in a cave, as he thought, and it is covered in spider webs. The webs rustle and bounce as a result of quick movements that Red Son forces his eyes to follow despite them still adjusting to the light. The scuttling and the web movements sweep around him, and he twists around adjusting into a defensive stance as he prepares for what is facing him.
As he turns around he finds who he is looking for directly in front of him. If one weren’t paying attention, one might mistake her as an attractive human woman with long black hair and sparkling green eyes. But her greyish-purple skin and sharp fangs reveal a more demonic nature. Her spider-like body, complete with eight spindly legs with sharp ends come into the light, and she lifts herself high above Red Son, looking down at him with the ease of someone who knows how much power she holds.
“Spider Queen,” Red Son says with as much control as he can, despite an uptick in his heart rate. He takes a bow.
“My, what a polite boy,” the eight-legged spider demon drolls amusedly in an earthy accent. “To whom do I owe the pleasure of visiting me down in my Silken Web Cave?”
Red Son straightens himself up and introduces himself. “I am Red Son - the son of the Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan.”
“Yes, and a fire demon it seems,” she says eyeing the flame in his palm warily. “Spiders like us do not take kindly to fire like that…” Her mouth twitches in a hint of a grimace, but the smile never leaves her eyes.
“I did this so I can see, not so I may harm you… as long as I don’t have to…” Red Son says keeping his expression cool, but a smile of his own twitching at the corner of his lips. “I have come to request your assistance.”
“Assistance?” Spider Queen says with a tittering laugh. “That is amusing! What would I be assisting with?”
“Information. I want to know of any artifact or power source strong enough to kill an immortal.”
The Spider Queen quirks an eyebrow. “Might you be looking to destroy the Monkie Kid? I hear he has been causing you trouble. But I also hear that he is not indestructible. Your flames or a good enough whack should do the trick, I’d say,” she says clicking one of her legs harshly against the ground for emphasis.
“Not the Monkie Kid. The Monkey King!”
“Oh, is he still wandering around these parts!? I suppose that makes sense given that the Monkie Kid has been giving us demons a hard time.” She crosses her arms and looks up, tapping a finger to her cheek. “Well… I don’t know of any specific artifact that could destroy someone as powerful as that…” She again, eyes Red Son’s flames. “Buuuut… I do know of a way to power up your fire in a way that might allow you to gain the upper hand in a fight against him.”
Red Son’s eyes light up and the fire in his hand flares with his excitement. “Really!? Magnificent! Tell me! I must know!” He grins widely and wickedly, barely containing himself.
“Hahaha, you lose your manners so quickly when you are excited it seems,” Spider Queen laughs without joy. “Why would I give you such information without anything in return? What do you have for me?”
Red Son’s grin doesn’t falter, spreading further to show his teeth. “Oh, I hear that you’re looking for rare and powerful ingredients, and I have some for you right here.” Red Son pulls a pouch out of his pocket and opens it to reveal dark hairs sticking out of it. “The Monkie Kid’s hair, leftover from his defeated clones. I’m sure that's worth a little bit of information, now isn’t it?”
Red Son can tell he’s got her interest by the way that her eyes glimmer with no help from the flame he wields.  She stretches out a hand, and two of her all too sharp legs reach toward him as well. “Yes!” she says, as if entranced by the sight of the hair.
“Uh, uh, uh!” Red Son tuts as he brings the bag close to the fire in his other hand, causing the Spider Queen to stop her advance. “I want my information first.”
Spider Queen’s smile tightens, and this time it doesn’t reach her eyes. “You’re a shrewd little boy. But yes, I will tell you.”
Red Son smiles and listens intently.
Her posture straightens and with a flick of her wrist she spools out a strand of thread that begins to take shape into an abstract picture of a flame. So skilled is the puppetry of her silk webs, that the false flame seems to dance. “The power you are looking for is called ‘The True Fire of Samadhi.’”
As she weaves her story, so does she weave pictures into her web. She creates the image of a ring of mountains around a taller one. “You must seek out the Flaming Mountains surrounding the Monkey King’s own Flower Fruit Mountain. He knows not that his own weakness lies within the very fires that seemingly protect his solitude.” The abstract map-like picture shifts to a mountain to the left, with an opening about midway up. “In the tallest eastern mountain, there is a cave that leads to a shrine that can only be revealed by the rising sun. In there, you will find the power you seek.” Spider Queen releases her webs, letting them dangle, lifeless. She shifts her stance and her speech from storyteller to businesswoman in a second. “Is that enough information for you, sugar?”
Red Son nods enthusiastically and hands over the pouch. “I will be on my way, now.”
Spider Queen picks her finger through the hairs in the pouch as if counting gold coins. She certainly handles the pouch as if it were just as precious. “Oh, and one more thing, sweetie,” she says, waving an errant hand over her shoulder. “A warning, since you seem like quite the impatient type. The power there is as old as the mountains themselves. It has the power to overwhelm if found in the wrong hands.”
Red Son scoffs, barely giving her words a second thought. As if there were any fire that he couldn’t handle. He leaves, having gotten what he came for.
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simplysoriya · 5 years
The Eternal Serpent
{Prologue, pt1}
Chapter 2: Unrest in Uldum
Weeks had passed since Soriya had enlisted her father's help in her tomb delving exploits. Initially skeptical of allowing another to muscle in on her claim, a concession was made as the stubborn rogue refused to drop the topic. She couldn’t deny that the pace had slowed considerably over the year long obsession as the doors continually closed on her leads. The dismal feeling of having every effort only fail and falter was beginning to wear down even the most stalwart of believers.
But Kirollis, for his part, had helped to reinvigorate the search. He asked about it constantly, whether it was morning, noon, evening or night. Probing little details and picking her brain when it came to the more obscure parts of the story. Investigative skills that she lacked were evened out with his interest, and with her faltering motivation? It provided just the right boost for Soriya to press on unfretted.
While his intent was deeply rooted in helping his daughter, and less so in unearthing ancient Pandarian legends? It was genuine effort nonetheless.
The proposed option of Uldum was chief among their discussions. Offering Soriya a completely untapped location to throw herself into. It was the missing suggestion she needed to delve deeper into the mysterious desert, a previously unconsidered option.
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It wasn’t the longest journey to the Golden Sands of Uldum. While the demand for portals to the oasis among the wasteland was scarce, leading them to be discontinued in the capitol. It didn’t stop the duo from securing a ride from a cargo ship out of Zandalar. With its market now a melting pot of cultures, it made finding routes to remote locations just a little easier if one had enough coin and knew who to ask. Another task that Kirollis excelled at.
The central city off the eastern riverbank, Ramhaken, was a sight to behold. A city built next to one of the only habitable places in the whole area. Ancient sandstone structures punctuated with their own unique architecture afforded to a culture that spent its time in seclusion, hidden away from the rest of the world. A bastion of civilization in an otherwise untenable area that stood out like a jewel upon approach. Like a reprieve from the harsh sun and sand that made up most of the locale. It was an oasis, and one with running water to boot.
There was no attempts to hide her wonder as Soriya stepped through the archways into the city. Excitement in her eye as her mouth hung open while taking it all in. One of the rare locations she had never visited, when she finally saw it? The glimmer in her features was unmistakable as her seafoam colored eyes bounced from structure to person with no discernable pattern.
Eventually, however, her eyes did stop to admire the main structure situated in the center. Soon after darting over in Kirollis’ direction, “So pop…. What exactly was your plan here? You know there’s a lot of desert and mountains, right?” Soriya quipped to her fathers act first think later policy that had propelled them to the bottom of Kalimdor.
“Ye of little faith.” The rogue replied with a smirk. “You know half of investigating is like… going places and asking questions right? It’s part of the process. Heck, if we’re right about it maybe being here? I wouldn’t be surprised if the Ramhaken had a similar story that got passed down.”
“Really?” Soriya asked as that same wonderment filled her voice. “I’ve only ever met a few of them. They have such a beautiful city though, I can’t believe I never thought to visit.” The young monk added a smile along with her thoughts.
Kirollis, however, paused to give his daughter an incredulous look, “You mean to tell me that -you-, miss world traveler galore, has never been to Ramhaken?”
“Nope! Not even Uldum if we’re being honest. I mean I like sand but… not… like… sandpaper sand. I went to this beach party in Tanaris once and went wandering. I have no idea how it happened but sand even got in my canteen. I didn’t like it.”
Kirollis tipped his head to the side, finding that a valid point. “Yeah sand sucks. Especially in leather armor.” Accentuating that point by looping his fingers into his leather codpiece as if to reference it. Taking a deep breath he would add on exhale, “I can feel the rashes already.”
“Sucks for you.” Soriya replied. No stranger to shifting climates and far more malleable than her father. The young monk had chosen far more weather appropriate attire.
“Yeah, well, I don’t exactly pull off short shorts and flip flops as well as you do.” Kirollis bemoaned.
“You rocked the hell out of that bedazzled shirt.”
“You’re damn skippy, I did.” Kirollis confirmed proudly. “Anyways, I know a couple of people from back in my uh… less savory days. I’ll check in with them and see if I can kick up any dust.” Looking over to Soriya, who was still enamored by the sights, he offered, “You want to poke around the market?”
“Sure.” Soriya agreed. “Maybe I can even find you a pair of shorts.” Though one look at the native Ramhaken and their unique lower halves and that youthful face of hers soured. “I’ll have to get back to you on that one, though…”
The rogue snickered and shook his head, “I’ll be fine. Don’t get into too much trouble, okay?”
“That’s really funny coming from you.” Soriya said in a tired tone, one that distinctly held no laughter with it.
With their objectives doled out the father daughter duo split up to their respective tasks. While Kirollis had sunk into the shadows, as he often did, Soriya had a markedly different approach. Walking right up to the first market stall in the bustling city center she saw. Flashing a bright curl of her lips directed at its owner.
Breezy silk shawls and finery lined the small stall that the Ramhaken stood in. Looking every bit proud of his colorful and light wares. “Hello there. Something catch your eye, young one?” He said with a smile to match Soriyas own.
Soriya took a moment to look over the goods. Even pinching her index finger and thumb on an orange scarf to feel the material. “They’re all really pretty…” She spoke her mind. Though a brighter purple piece with golden trim did end up ceasing her attention. “Oh I like this one!” She proclaimed before pulling the garment from the rack.
“A fine choice.” The vendor replied with a confident nod. “Although… For one such as yourself? I would recommend brighter, more vibrant colors.”
“Oh it’s not for me.” Soriya stated in a chipper tone.
“Ah, I am sure they will love it, then.” Reaching a hand up to rub against his chin for a moment of consideration, the catlike Ramhaken finally said, “I will give it to you for two gold and some silver. It is very rare material, spun from the silks of a foreign spider cave.”
“Pandaria?” Soriya gasped out as her objective came to the forefront.
The Ramhaken snickered, “No, no child. There is a cave to the west.”
The young monk frowned at the revelation. Of course it wouldn’t be that easy. “Oh, I was just sort of hoping. Me and my dad are looking for this Pandarian thing we think is around here.” Soriya explained as she dug into her pocket for some coins before handing them over. Taking a moment to look at her new purchase soon after.
“That is strange. You’re the second to speak of Pandaria recently. I believe the other man who asked me is staying in the inn, maybe you can ask him about your lost ‘thing’.” The Ramhaken offered.
Soriyas eyes went wide at the revelation before they peeked over the fabric, “Wait, the inn?” Her head swivelling as if to try and spot it. “Where’s the inn?”
The vendor merely chuckled once more before pointing it out, “Good luck on your journey!” He called out to the mistweaver as she scampered off.
There was a skip in her step as she swiftly made her way toward the lodge, brustling right passed the rest of the market with a fluttering sense of interest. Even marking a few of the other stalls down as places to check out later. But she didn’t make it passed the last stall before a hand grasped onto her arm and tugged her into a back alley.
While she resisted at first, the mysterious Ramhaken merely said, “You search for the temple.” Before continuing to usher her along into a more secluded alleyway.
“Wait, what? Th- yes! Yes I’m looking for a temple. How did you know?”
The armored Ramhaken scoffed before shaking his head, “I overheard you speaking to the silk merchant.” He confessed in a deep, yet low, tone. “You are far too trusting…. That merchant would feed you to the wolves at his first convenience….”
Soriya’s brows knit together at the offered information. Though it wasn’t the first time her trusting nature had been called into question, hearing it from a stranger always stung just a little bit more. “I just figured maybe he would know where to look?”
“Mmm, and he would sooner kill you then let you in on his claim.”
“Wha--?” Soriya managed out, genuinely confused, as the telltale click of a hammer being pulled back on a revolver sounded.
“Sori, didn’t I tell you to stay out of trouble?” Kirollis appeared behind the Ramhaken with the barrel of his gun pointed toward the natives head. “Because I was pretty sure back alley deals were my thing.”
“No! Dad wai--...” Soriya tried to explain the situation, though once again she was too late to stop the litany of moving parts. Swiftly the trio was flanked by two local guards, both with sharp spears pointed at the visiting elves.
“You dare come to our city and threaten our officials? You Azerothians are all the same.” The guard grunted out before prodding Kirollis with his spear, prompting the rogue to lower his weapon.
“You’re from Azeroth too man…” Kirollis quipped in a low tone. Only to recieve a swift elbow to his side from Soriya.
“Dad you aren’t helping.”
“Take them away.” The politician stated as he flashed a sympathetic look to Soriya. Seemingly unable to stymie the situation, or perhaps jilted by Kirollis sudden threat. Whatever his reasoning, he did not seem to be a friend anymore.
“....father of the year right here. We could have gone to jail somewhere more local.” Soriya stated in an exasperated tone.
“Listen! Some weird guy pulls yo-”
THWAK the guards now pushing them away from the market whacked Kirollis over the head. “Enough talking from you.”
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the-monkey-ruler · 4 months
I get a feeling romance will be part of black myth wukong. I won’t be surprised if this ‘wukong’ and the spider demon had a thing in the past.
Maybe! Stranger things have happened.
There are actaully a few movies/shows where Wukong and a Spider Demon have had a romance with them. My personal favorite is how the 1996 series did it with Yanyan having a HUGE crush on Wukong but Wukong being SO DEDICATED TO BUDDISM doesn't notice and instead tries to teach her cause he thinks she just ALSO SUPER PASSIONATE ABOUT BUDDISM! Sad it's unrequited love but also love the ace/aro Wukong vibes in that show.
But there are a few movies that do take Wukong and the Spider Demon having a romance subplot, though usually it goes back to the status quo in the end.
Journey to the West The Legend of the Merman (2017) 西游鲛人传
Travel Notes of West Lies: Tang Monk Stepped on the Wrong World (2017) 西謊遊記之唐僧踩錯界
Monkey King VS Cave of Silk Webs (2020) 孙悟空大战盘丝洞
Funny enough there is way more Wukong and the White Bone Demon romance subplots than there were Spider Demon subplots.
But let's see if Black Myth does take this romance seriously.... or perhaps it is also required as well~
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