#Joomla site migration/upgrading
joomlamonster · 6 months
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Upgrade Alert! As you probably know, Joomla 3 is now officially END OF LIFE since August 17, 2023!
If you're still cruising with Joomla 3, it's time for a change. No more updates, no more security releases – your website deserves better!
Step out of your comfort zone and embrace the exciting world of Joomla 4.x!
Why upgrade? Not just for the security boost, but also for the amazing new features and the rock-solid stability of Joomla CMS 4.x!
The DJ-Extensions team, with over 15 years of Joomla expertise, is here to make your transition smooth and hassle-free. We've got affordable migration services from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 waiting for you!
Don't miss out! Secure your site's future, unlock new possibilities, and enjoy a more robust Joomla experience.
Ready to upgrade? Learn more from the blog post.
Have you decided yet? Get in touch with us.
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jamesmartindeveloper · 6 months
Smooth Sailing: 8 WordPress Migration Plugins for Effortless Site Transfer
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Successfully migrating a WordPress website is no longer a complex task, thanks to the array of specialized plugins available. Whether you're shifting to a new hosting provider, changing your domain, or upgrading your server, leveraging the right WordPress migration plugin can streamline the process and ensure a smooth transition. In this blog, we'll delve into eight top-notch plugins trusted by both users and developers, focusing on the key features that make them stand out.
1. Duplicator
Duplicator has rightfully earned its place among the most popular WordPress migration plugins. Simplifying the migration process, it allows you to effortlessly clone, backup, and migrate your site. Duplicator handles both the database and the entire WordPress directory, ensuring a comprehensive transfer. With Duplicator, creating a package of your site, downloading it, and installing it on the new location becomes a hassle-free experience.
2. All-in-One WP Migration
All-in-One WP Migration stands out as an extremely user-friendly migration plugin that caters to both beginners and experienced users. Its drag-and-drop functionality makes the process straightforward. This plugin offers features like URL and serialized data replacement, making it a reliable choice for seamless migrations.
3. Migrate Guru
Migrate Guru excels in handling hassle-free, one-click migrations, particularly beneficial for large websites. Performing the migration on its own servers eliminates the need for manual backups or complex configurations. Migrate Guru supports a variety of hosting providers, making it a versatile solution for website owners.
4. UpdraftPlus
UpdraftPlus is more than just a migration plugin; it's a comprehensive backup solution. While its primary function is to back up your site, it also excels in restoring and migrating websites. With UpdraftPlus, you can schedule automatic backups and store them on cloud services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Amazon S3, providing an added layer of security to your migration process.
5. BackupBuddy
BackupBuddy is a premium WordPress migration plugin known for its versatility. Beyond migration, it offers robust backup and restoration features. BackupBuddy enables you to schedule backups, store them remotely, and then migrate your site effortlessly. Its intuitive interface and additional security features make it a favorite among developers and website administrators.
6. VaultPress
Developed by Automattic, the company behind WordPress.com, VaultPress is a subscription-based service that provides real-time backups and security scanning. While primarily a backup plugin, VaultPress's easy restore and migration features make it an excellent choice for users seeking an all-in-one solution for website protection and migration.
7. WP Migrate DB
WP Migrate DB is a specialized plugin designed to handle database migration efficiently. It allows you to push and pull your databases between different WordPress installations. This lightweight plugin is particularly useful when you need to sync databases between a local development environment and a live website or move your site to a new domain.
8. Shipper
Shipper by WPMU DEV is a versatile migration plugin that simplifies the process with its user-friendly interface. It supports both one-time migrations and continuous syncing between multiple WordPress sites. Shipper also provides advanced options for handling serialized data and URLs, ensuring a smooth transition.
 Various Technologies Migrating to WordPress for Enhanced Capabilities
Many technologies and content management systems (CMS) are frequently migrated to WordPress for various reasons, including user-friendliness, extensive plugin support, and a robust community. Here are some examples:
- Drupal to WordPress Migration: Transition from Drupal to leverage WordPress’s user-friendly interface and extensive plugin ecosystem.
- Joomla to WordPress Migration: Move from Joomla to WordPress for a more flexible and customizable platform.
- Magento to WordPress Migration: Migrate from Magento to WordPress for a simplified and cost-effective e-commerce solution.
- Wix to WordPress Migration: Shift from Wix to WordPress for increased customization and SEO capabilities.
- Squarespace to WordPress Migration: Transfer from Squarespace to WordPress for more advanced features and control over your website.
- Blogger to WordPress Migration: Upgrade from Blogger to WordPress for enhanced blogging capabilities and a wider range of plugins.
- Ghost to WordPress Migration: Transition from Ghost to WordPress for a more versatile and feature-rich blogging platform.
- HubSpot to WordPress Migration: Move from HubSpot to WordPress for greater control and customization options.
- Weebly to WordPress Migration: Migrate from Weebly to WordPress for a more scalable and powerful website solution.
 Choosing the Right Plugin for Your Migration
When selecting a WordPress migration plugin, consider factors such as the size of your website, your technical proficiency, and the specific features you need. Each plugin mentioned here offers unique advantages, so it's essential to choose one that aligns with your migration requirements.
 Tips for a Successful WordPress Migration Using Plugins
1. Backup Your Site First: Before initiating any migration, create a complete backup of your website. While these plugins are reliable, having a safety net is crucial.
2. Follow the Plugin Documentation: Each plugin comes with documentation. Familiarize yourself with it to understand the specific features and functionalities of the plugin you choose.
3. Test the Migration: After using the plugin to migrate your site, thoroughly test the new environment to ensure everything is working correctly. Check for broken links, missing images, and any potential issues.
4. Update Permalinks and Settings: After migration, update your permalinks and other settings to match the new environment. This helps in maintaining the SEO integrity of your website.
WordPress migration plugins have revolutionized the process of moving websites from one location to another. Whether you're a novice or an experienced developer, these plugins offer a range of solutions to meet your migration needs. From simple drag-and-drop interfaces to advanced features for serialized data replacement, these plugins ensure that your WordPress migration is efficient, secure, and stress-free.
Selecting the right plugin depends on your specific requirements, so take the time to explore their features and functionalities. With the help of these top-notch WordPress migration plugins, you can confidently embark on the journey of moving your site to a new and improved destination."
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jennifermurphseo · 7 months
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User Data Migration: Ensuring a Seamless Transition from WordPress to Joomla
In the ever-evolving landscape of content management systems (CMS), website owners occasionally find themselves contemplating a switch from one platform to another. For those considering a migration from WordPress to Joomla, ensuring a seamless transition of user data is paramount. This guide aims to shed light on the process, offering insights to make the journey from one CMS to another as smooth as possible.
Understanding the Importance of User Data Migration:
User data is the lifeblood of any website, comprising valuable information such as user profiles, preferences, and interactions. A successful migration hinges on the ability to transfer this data seamlessly, preserving the user experience and avoiding disruptions.
Preparation Is Key:
Before embarking on the migration journey, a thorough preparation phase is essential. Start by taking inventory of your current WordPress site, documenting plugins, themes, and custom functionalities. Ensure that both platforms are updated to their latest versions, minimizing compatibility issues during the migration process.
Choosing the Right Migration Tool:
Selecting an appropriate migration tool is crucial. Numerous tools cater specifically to WordPress to Joomla migrations, offering functionalities like content and user data transfer. Popular choices include FG Joomla to WordPress and SP Upgrade. These tools streamline the migration process, automating tasks and reducing the risk of data loss.
Exporting User Data:
Begin the migration process by exporting user data from WordPress. This typically involves creating a backup of the WordPress database and exporting it in a compatible format. Ensure that you export all relevant user information, including usernames, email addresses, and any additional profile data.
Setting Up Joomla:
Once the user data is exported, set up your Joomla environment. Install and configure the necessary extensions and plugins to facilitate the data import process. Joomla's user management system may differ from WordPress, so be prepared to map fields accordingly during the import.
Executing the Migration:
With the groundwork laid, execute the migration process using the selected tool. Follow the tool's instructions carefully to import user data seamlessly into Joomla. Verify the integrity of the data post-migration to identify and address any discrepancies promptly.
Testing and Troubleshooting:
After the migration, conduct thorough testing to ensure that user data is intact, and the website functions as expected. Be prepared to troubleshoot and address any issues that may arise, such as broken links, missing data, or formatting discrepancies.
Communicate Changes to Users:
Finally, communicate the migration to your user base. Provide clear instructions on any necessary actions they may need to take, such as resetting passwords or updating profile information.
In conclusion, a successful migration from WordPress to Joomla requires meticulous planning, the right tools, and a commitment to testing and troubleshooting. By prioritizing user data integrity and following these guidelines, website owners can ensure a smooth transition and maintain a positive user experience throughout the process.
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akhilunnikrishnan · 1 year
How to secure Magento 1.x running on PHP 5.6 with PHP 7.2?
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E-commerce websites built on Magento 1.0 to Magento 1.9 will become less secure in December 2018. These Magento versions are built on PHP 5.6. And, PHP has officially announced that it is stopping security updates for PHP 5.6 and 7.0 in December 2018.
What is PHP? It is a scripting language that is mostly used for web development. It is used to build platforms like WordPress, Magento, Drupal, Joomla and more. There are multiple versions of PHP, and each version is advanced to its previous version. Once a new stable version is released, platforms like Magento are updated to make use of the latest advancements.
When are security updates ending for PHP 5.6 and 7.0?
For PHP 7.0, security updates stopped on 3rd December 2018.
For PHP 5.6, security updates will be ending on 31st December 2018. (source)
Why is security support ending for PHP 5.6 and 7.0?
Each version of PHP is supported for two years, all bugs and security issues will be fixed during this period. Once the two year period gets over, each branch of PHP is supported for another year only for critical security issues.
Once its support period is over, that particular branch of PHP will reach its end-of-life (EOL), i.e. it will not be supported any longer, even in case of critical security issues.
Since 5.6 is the final PHP 5 release, the support for this version was extended for additional four months and the critical security fix period was extended to two years, which is now coming to an end by 31st December 2018.
Kinsta has explained it clearly why PHP 5.6 and 7.0 are not good enough beyond 2018.
What happens if you fail to update PHP 5.6 or 7.0 of your Magento website?
Since PHP 5.6 and 7.0 will not be receiving any security patches, your website will be vulnerable to hacks. Once your website is hacked the following things might happen:
Admin credentials will be exposed.
Customer data like credit card details will be stolen.
A significant drop in search engine ranks which will ultimately lead to losing customers.
The database will be manipulated.
Your website will be slower compared to your competitors.
Wordfence has answered some of the most asked questions related to PHP 5.6 and 7.0.
How to check the current PHP version of my website?
Checking the PHP version of your Magento site can be easily done by logging in to your hosting control panel. If you have SSH access, you can make use of the following command to check the version.
php -v
Also, plenty of online tools are available which can show the PHP version such as WhatRuns, BuiltWith (premium feature). But, it is recommended to check yourself by directly logging into the control panel.
Another way is to call your hosting provider and ask them about the PHP version used in your site.
How to keep my site Magento 1.x secure?
There are two ways to keep your Magento 1.x site secure. The first method is to upgrade your Magento 1.x site to the latest Magento 2 version. The second method is to upgrade to PHP 7.2 and apply the patch for Magento 1.x.
1. Upgrade your Magento 1.x site to the latest Magento 2.x version
The latest Magento 2.2.6 version runs on PHP 7.1.x and therefore switching your Magento 1.x site to the latest version will keep it protected from potential attacks.
Upgrading your site to Magento 2.2.6 will not only make it highly secure but also will improve performance drastically. For instance, the checkout process has been optimized, and its loading speed is no more dependent on the number of payment/shipping methods present.
This will ultimately improve customer experience and will allow you to have an edge over your competitors. However, since Magento 2 follows a totally different architecture and codebase, it is not a one-shot upgrade. The effort of migration is almost the same as building a new Magento 2 store. Talk to our Magento consultants for more information.
2. Upgrade PHP to 7.2 and apply the latest patch for Magento 1.x
You can also upgrade to PHP 7.2 and apply the patch officially released by Magento. This patch will make your website’s core Magento compatible with PHP 7.2.
Follow the procedure mentioned below to easily install the PHP 7.2 patch on your website.
How to upgrade PHP from 5.6/7.0 to 7.2 and secure Magento 1.x?
Before starting the development of the site, a version control system like GIT is used to maintain a record of the changes made to the code. This system can recall particular versions of code later, and it is therefore used by developers in case if something goes wrong. Version control can also be used for successfully backing up your code.
Step 1 – First, backup your site
Before starting the upgrading process, the first thing that you have to do is to take a backup of your website. To perform a backup of your Magento site you can follow the steps mentioned below.
Log in to your Magento Administration Panel.
Click on the System menu and under Tools category click Backups.
Select Database Backup and enter the backup name. It is recommended to use enter date in the backup name for future reference. Check the box next to “Put store on the maintenance while backup creation” and click Ok.
Finally, the backup will be downloaded to your computer.
Step 2: Code and media backup
To backup the code and media of your Magento website follow these step by step backup process.
Step 3: Check the compatibility of extensions (CRITICAL)
It is most likely that a few extensions installed on your store will not work properly on the new PHP version 7.2. You need to upgrade these extensions to a version that supports PHP 7.2. If there is no such update from the extension vendor, you may ask your developers to customize the extension to support PHP 7.2
Alternatively, you can reach out to us by sending an email to [email protected].
Step 4 – Update your PHP version.
To update the PHP version of your Magento store, go to your web hosting control panel and upgrade the PHP version. Check out this article to understand how to upgrade to PHP 7.2 using shell commands.
Step 5 – Apply the patch.
Magento has released PHP 7.2 patch specifically for Magento 1.9 customers. This patch will make your Magento website compatible with PHP 7.2, thereby making it secure from attacks. To download the patch click here.
To apply the patch, you can make use of this detailed procedure for installing any Magento patch.
If you find this to be a difficult process, contact Codilar team for assistance.
Always consider security as a part of your SEO process.
Generally, security issues are not taken seriously in the SEO process. Connect your website to Google Search Console and get notified about security issues such as hacks, malware, crawl errors along with your website’s SEO performance.
If you are looking to upgrade PHP or migrate to Magento 2.x? Contact Codilar team to make your Magento 1.x website secure, or for any Magento related solutions.***
Previous blogs
Magento 2 PWA Studio Demo (Venia)
Everything you need to know about Magento 2.2.6 release
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dblacklabel · 2 years
Building a Website With Bluehost
Building a Website With Bluehost Building a website with Bluehost is an easy process. The site builder lets you customize product pages, contact pages, and CTA buttons. It also provides a preview of your website before launching. This way, you can see what your website will look like on a desktop and mobile device. Site builder If you don't have time to create your own website, Bluehost's site builder is a great option. The platform is intuitive and simple to use. After choosing a plan, entering payment information, and choosing a domain name, you'll be guided through the steps to create a new website. You can also migrate your existing site or start from scratch. Bluehost's site builder is compatible with WordPress and provides easy website building for novice and experienced users alike. WordPress is a powerful blogging platform, and the builder allows you to install thousands of free plugins. It also allows you to set up membership programs and courses. Hosting package If you're just getting started with your website and don't want to spend a fortune, the Bluehost Basic plan is the right choice for you. It allows you to host one website and comes with a range of extras, including free CDN and 1 free domain. If you need to host several websites, however, you may want to consider upgrading to a Bluehost Pro plan. This plan includes generous features and can handle high traffic spikes. The Bluehost Website Builder is easy to use and offers drag-and-drop functionality, which allows you to create a website by creating blocks. You can build your site with unlimited products, email marketing, and one-click installation of top payment processors. Bluehost also offers Smart AI, which detects and fixes any potential problems with your website. The cPanel is easy to use and provides plenty of uptime. However, Bluehost isn't suitable for all types of businesses, particularly those with large amounts of products or high traffic. Free domain When you build a website with Bluehost, you can get a free domain for the first year of your account. After that, you can choose a different domain name or keep it for a later date. You can also choose from several extensions, and Bluehost offers impressive domain management tools. Depending on the size of your site, you may want to opt for shared hosting. Shared hosting is designed for small sites that need little support, keeping the cost low and manageable. If you need more space, however, you should opt for a more advanced plan. This will allow you to customize your website with CMS, including Joomla, WordPress (.org), or CMS Hub. SSL certificate When you install an SSL certificate on your Bluehost website, you need to create a private key and a certificate signing request (CSR). To do this, you will need to login to your Bluehost panel and click on the TLS/SSL Manager icon. On this page, you can choose your key size from 1024 to 2048. After you choose your key size, you will need to click on the Back button to return to the SSL Manager. You can also install an SSL certificate on your Bluehost website through the Let's Encrypt service, which Bluehost provides free of charge to its customers. The free SSL certificate provides authentication for websites and encryption of connections. Templates If you have been considering building a website but haven't decided on which template to use, Bluehost has a solution for you. Bluehost's website builder allows you to customize pre-built sections, create custom pages, and add SEO features. The builder comes with a variety of templates, including business, portfolio, and resume pages. It also allows you to customize your website's style and layout. Templates are pre-designed page layouts that simplify the process of building a website. They can be customized with a drag-and-drop interface and can be changed as often as needed. Some Bluehost templates are similar to WordPress themes, and they eliminate the need to learn HTML, PHP, and Javascript codes. Pricing Pricing for building a website with Bluehost varies from plan to plan. Most people don't need the Choice Plus or Pro plans. However, they do come with features such as UpdraftPlus, which is a free backup plugin. You'll also get free domain privacy with the Choice Plus plan. If you're just starting out, Bluehost's starter plan is a good choice. The pricing is reasonable, and you can spend more money if you need premium tools. It also has a lot of support. If you have questions about the hosting, you can also call their customer service representatives. The customer service team is available around the clock. Building a Website With Bluehost Read the full article
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aeducateweb · 2 years
InterServer vs Bluehost: Complete Review to pick better!
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InterServer and Bluehost are quite different companies. InterServer was founded by high school buddies in the late 1990s, and they still run the company's data centers and respond to support tickets. One of the main businesses of Endurance International Group, Bluehost, benefits from the opulent resources of a major tech company. Putting business views aside, Bluehost and InterServer has a lot in common. Both provide complete shared, VPS, and dedicated hosting choices at incredibly low prices. To choose which host would be the greatest place for your website, look at our comparison of the InterServer vs Bluehost.
InterServer vs Bluehost: Overall Hosting Comparison
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Mike Lavrik and John Quaglieri founded InterServer as tech-savvy youngsters during the dial-up internet era to demonstrate best practices to their prior hosting providers. Mike and John, who were dissatisfied with their hosting options, founded InterServer on a solid basis of technological know-how and customer care.
InterServer is a new, independent hosting alternative that is constructed on cutting-edge infrastructure and manufactured, implemented, and managed at the data center located in the company's New Jersey headquarters. The comprehensive shared plans from InterServer have all the features you'd expect from top-tier providers, like unlimited storage, bandwidth, email, and SSL certificates, as well as SSDs with plenty of power, free migrations, and domains for $7.99.
The extensive list of capabilities offered by InterServer may startle novice website owners, but each will aid clients of all sizes in their hosting endeavors. When it comes to shared hosting, InterServer can't match some of its mass-market rivals' low prices, but as your website or application scales to VPS or dedicated plans, their prices drop dramatically. This is especially true when you take into account the benefits of 24/7 on-site support and IT-inclined Co-Founders who still run the data center and answer support tickets.
Regardless of the hosting level, you require, InterServer offers a price-lock guarantee. For as long as you have the account, you will pay the price you choose (unless you add or upgrade
Contract-free, privately operated data center with round-the-clock, on-site assistance through phone, chat, and tickets
Lifetime guarantee of the same pricing
Free website migration, caching, and security solutions with unlimited storage, sites, and emails
I've long considered Bluehost to be a top choice for shared and WordPress hosting. The business uses up-to-date hardware, and Endurance International Group, a leader in the hosting sector, is now supporting its customer service resources (EIG). The majority of customers' needs may be met by Bluehost's shared hosting plans. Independent business owners, owners of small companies, and non-developers don't need to check past the host's shared server (read: affordable hosting) options. However, Bluehost also excels in the VPS hosting and dedicated server areas after your website exceeds the traffic caps of a shared hosting plan.
In recent years, Bluehost has considerably improved the user-friendliness of its platform through a redesign of the user experience. Users will like how friendly the web host dashboard and overall customer experience are. With the well-known cPanel management interface, installing well-known software like WordPress, Joomla, or Zen Cart is simple. If you decide to upgrade to a plan that includes domain privacy and support for limitless domain names, the domain management panel makes it simple to add additional domain services.
You've found the ideal host if you're looking specifically for WordPress hosting, whether on a shared, virtual, or dedicated server. The WordPress Core team only recommends a select few hosting companies, including SiteGround and DreamHost, among them Bluehost. By using the web hosting control panel, you can quickly install the well-known blogging platform. Alternatively, you can use a managed WordPress hosting plan to let the experts at Bluehost handle the installation for you.
As was already said, Bluehost is also at the top of the list for hosting VPS and dedicated servers, providing excellent performance at reasonable costs. Your virtual or dedicated server will be effective, powerful, and available nearly around-the-clock thanks to two to four cores and assured resources. To achieve maximum speed and give you the greatest flexibility and dependability, the Bluehost the team makes use of market-leading open-source technologies like KVM and OpenStack. And just in case you're still not convinced, waiting for your server is so 2000s, therefore both the VPS and dedicated hosting plan options offer rapid provisioning. Continue reading for more Bluehost evaluations as we rank the web hosting provider based on its accessibility, dependability, and user-friendliness as well as the features provided in each hosting service.
Unlimited domain and email hosting is available
WordPress updates and installation in one click
assistance for well-known shopping carts and a FREE SSL certificate
Available up to $200 in Microsoft and Google Ad credit
Hardware with industry-leading uptime rates
Continue reading the Full article:
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attoinfotech123 · 2 years
PHP Development - Super Powerful Package
If you are looking for a really attractive web application for your business that is inexpensive, then employing PHP development solutions is what is recommended for you. Running on over 1 million servers and serving more than 20 million websites, your admission tothe PHP family will give your business a quick break from a stagnant  hire php developer india website to a new dynamic website.
Capable of such a feat, PHP can only be described as a Super Powerful Package.However, to completely unleash the true power of PHP,  hire php web developer india your IT entrepreneurs and site admins must have to be well aware of the benefits that PHP has to offer.
PHP, traditionally Personal Home Page hire codeigniter developer india , now Hypertext Preprocessor, is an Open Source technology bearing PHP License, which states that it is free software. Hence, the solutions offered by PHP Development are less expensive.
PHP is considered as the best technology and no other technology can come close to it when it is measured in terms of flexibility, compatibility, and more importantly scalability. This can be further explained as under:
Flexibility - applications built with PHP development can be flawlessly deployed and run on almost all web servers such as Apache, Boa, Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS), Caudium, etc.
Compatibility–A PHP-developed application is compatible to run on almost all web browsers ranging from Dolphin, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc.
Scalability - PHP supports several databases such as MySQL, MS-SQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, etc. Hence if you are migrating or upgrading your database, PHP will support all.
Solutions developed via PHP can easily and effortlessly embed into any HTML code. Hence, PHP website development is capable of delivering dynamic web pages and websites. In addition to this, because of the seamless embedding feature, can also make the website interactive.
It's been 17 years now that PHP has been in the market. It has been actively and periodically updated to ensure that the latest PHP websites and applications are secure and more reliable.
Unlike other technologies, both Microsoft and Open Source, bug fixing in PHP is relatively easy and costs are very minimal the same.
Finally, PHP is the only platform that has been popular with several Open Source Content Management systems. Content Management systems can allow web admins and even novice IT professionals to manage every facet of a particular website including web content, video, audio, and images. Some of the well-known CMS that are developed using PHP are WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and eZ Publish.
Considering all these benefits that PHP has to offer, no wonder why PHP Development is so popular these days all around the world. You can hire the best PHP developers with our help.
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electrobot1-blog · 5 years
Free Cloud Hosting For 1 Year – A2 Hosting | (July 2019)
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Free Cloud Hosting With A2 Hosting?
Yup!!! It’s Possible Now.
But Let Just Check Why A2 Hosting for Free Cloud Hosting.
Here is your Blog Link:
A2 Hosting has been around since 2001. It might keep a low profile compared to some other big-name hosts, but it has also delivered some of the fastest server speeds we’ve seen over the past 16 months.
Their customer support is efficient, the hosting plans are developer-friendly, and they have a unique “anytime” money-back guarantee to get a refund on any unused portion of your plan. Most plans include SSL and backups, too.
OVERALL RANK: Rated #7 out of 32 web hosts
SPEED: 336ms (December 2017 to March 2019 average)
UPTIME: 99.92% (December 2017 to March 2019 average)
SUPPORT: 24/7 Live Chat
APPS: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and Magento
FEATURES: Unlimited Bandwidth and Storage, Free SSL, Anytime Money Back
HOSTING PLANS: Shared, WordPress, VPS, Reseller and Dedicated Servers
SITE TRANSFER: Single Free Site Transfer
PRICING: Starting at $5/mo (renews at $7.99/mo)
Pros of using A2 Hosting
1. Fastest Cloud Hosting Provider We’ve Tested (109ms)
You’ll see a recurring theme when you go to A2Hosting.com:
They talk about speed on the homepage. All of the features are designed to make your site “screaming fast.” And even the name of each pricing plan is related to speed (like “Swift” and “Turbo”).
It should come as no surprise that A2 Hosting is, in fact, fast. They’re the fastest cloud hosting provider we’ve tested, and they’ve been the fastest for several years now.
That’s no small feat in a world where page loading times could be the difference between keeping a website visitor around or losing them to the competition.
Here Is Last 16-month average load time for A2 hosting From
2. Friendly & Efficient Customer Support
If you are looking for Free Cloud Hosting, A2 Hosting provides hundreds of articles in their knowledge base if you’d prefer to find a quick answer to your sticking point.
Otherwise, if you’d like to speak to a human, they offer everything from chat, to phone, and ticket-based help.
We fired up the live chat. Ironically, A2 Hosting’s customer support was a little slow connecting to the live chat session, taking around five minutes to hop on.
But from there, everything was smooth sailing.
3. Free Site Migrations (1 – 25 Depending on Plan)
A2 Hosting will personally move your existing website over to their servers at no extra charge on all plans.
All you need to do is reach out to their customer support department with your cPanel account credentials, any day or time, and they’ll take that burden off your back.
4. Content Management Systems (CMS), Website Builders, and Developer-Friendly Tools
A2 Hosting works seamlessly with all major content management systems. You can install a WordPress, OpenCart, Drupal, Joomla, or Magento site with just a few clicks. No need for a developer to help you out.
They have a few special features for these sites, like the A2 Optimized WordPress plugin that will come with Turbo plans to keep your site speedy.
A2 Hosting also has their own website builder, appropriately named SiteBuilder. These are ideal if you’re looking for something a little more user-friendly to customize your site by yourself without having to Google a single HTML tag. Just keep in mind that pricing and plans are a little different for A2’s SiteBuilder (than the normal shared hosting plans).
A2 Hosting’s plans come compatible with a Cloudflare CDN account to, repeat after me, keep your site fast (by loading images and other large files separate from your server).
If you’re a webmaster or agency looking to host dozens of sites under one roof, A2 Hosting comes with developer-friendly tools. You can get admin-level access on servers, free server rewind backups to load old versions of a site, and multiple versions of everything from PHP to MySQL, PostgreSQL, Python, and ASP.NET.
5. Anytime Money-Back Guarantee
A2 Hosting used to have the standard 30-day money-back guarantee like most other hosts we’ve reviewed.
You know the drill with these. Run into any problems or issues within the first 30 days and you can get a complete refund. No questions asked.
However, A2 Hosting has modified this policy a little over the last few years. And customers are the ones who benefit.
A2 now offers an “anytime” money-back guarantee.
Do We Recommend A2 Hosting?
Yes, we do. A2 Hosting Free Cloud Hosting Facts:
A2 Hosting has consistently delivered best-in-class speed for the last several years. Their customer support is friendly and helpful. All shared plans come with a free SSL certificate and one free migration.
And if you run into issues at any time while being a customer, you can ask for a refund on the prorated balance of unused time.
The only downsides are that uptime has slipped over the last few months. Renewal rates are high (and the strict terms aren’t great).
Plus, if you’re paying for the most expensive shared plan to host unlimited websites (“Turbo”), they’ll still only give you one free site migration.
What Is Cloud Hosting?
Cloud hosting has grown in popularity in recent years. If you’ve been exploring your hosting options for any time at all, then you’ve no doubt come across free cloud hosting before, and probably have a lot of questions. The cloud is a concept that has been employed across many areas of technology, and now it’s expended out into the hosting arena as well.
Below we explore what free cloud hosting is and how it works, and why you might want to consider utilizing cloud hosting to host your own website.
Understanding the Cloud
When it comes to the cloud there is no physical thing you can point to and label as the cloud. Just like with free cloud hosting there isn’t a single physical server you can point to and say, “that’s a cloud host.”
Instead, it’s a way of storing data across multiple computers and accessing that data via a network connection like the Internet. As a whole, the cloud behaves like a single physical computer, with endless processing power and storage space.
Common cloud-based services that employ a similar process are cloud storage providers like Dropbox and Google Docs. The underlying idea of resource scaling, storage, and access remain the same when extended out to cloud hosting as well.
Why Free Cloud Hosting Best For Business?
Cloud hosting is more of a way that you configure servers, instead of an actual tangible thing, but with it being called “cloud” hosting that’s probably what you’ve come to expect.
In typical server configurations, you’re limited to the physical constraints of the server your site is hosted on. With cloud hosting, you rely on a unique server configuration that lets you pull from multiple different servers, which results in an affordable hosting solution that’s also scalable and incredibly reliable.
The simplest cloud hosting definition could be a network of virtual servers that tap into an underlying network of physical servers. The extent to which you tap into this network depends upon the actual needs of the website and can be scaled up or down accordingly.
On a technical level, the resources required for your website to function are spread out across multiple remote servers and these resources as tapped as they are needed. Since your website isn’t relying on a single server, but instead a network of servers, this network of servers is referred to as the cloud.
How Does Free Cloud Hosting Work?
The easiest way to break down cloud hosting is to compare it to a single server model. With traditional hosting, you have a single server that contains all of your website’s files. When a user visits your website these files are then served up from that single physical server.
Compare this to a cloud hosting setup where your site’s resources can be drawn from multiple different virtual server environments.
At the core of a cloud hosting setup is a network of physical servers, with virtualized servers running on top of them. With this setup you can draw from a near-infinite supply of server resources and scale your site as your needs grow.
Benefits of Free Cloud Hosting
#1. Flexible Pricing Structure
In most other styles of hosting you pay a monthly rate regardless of whether to not you utilize all of the server resources. With cloud hosting, you only pay for what you use.
So, if you’re expecting a post to go viral, or your site is receiving an unusually large amount of traffic, you don’t have to completely upgrade your package. All you have to do is scale your resources up during the traffic surge and down once traffic levels return to normal. Instead of having to pay for high hosting fee across the board your pricing matches the total amount of server resources you’re using.
#2. Very Easy to Scale Server Resources
With Free cloud hosting scaling your server resources couldn’t be easier. For most cloud servers you’ll have access to an intuitive site management dashboard that lets you view your site’s performance in real time. You can scale server resources up or down on the spot without having to wait for approval from your hosting provider.
#3. Redundant Server Environment
With most types of hosting your site lives on a single server. If something were to happen to that server, then your site would go offline and you wouldn’t be able to get back online until that server is fixed. When your hosting is redundant a site backup will take over your existing site within seconds. However, not all redundancy is created equal. With free cloud hosting, you’ll have a concurrent live version of your website that your host can load immediately.
#4. High Uptime and Availability
If you’re using any kind of traditional hosting your site’s uptime depends upon the physical server environment. If it goes offline, then so does your site. Unless you’re utilizing a CDN, which can help to reduce your site’s overall downtime.
Cloud hosting has high uptime built into its structure. Since your site will be virtually using the resources of multiple servers, you can simply be transferred to another server if one goes offline or is experiencing technical issues. Plus, with your ability to scale server resources on demand your site won’t go offline from an unexpected traffic surge.
#5. Speedy Server Setup Process
You can deploy a cloud hosting server in record time. Unless you’re signing up for a beginner shared hosting package, it might take some time to deploy your web server. This can be a hassle if you need your site online quickly, or you’re doing a host migration and you’re stuck waiting for the server to be ready.
#6. Safety From Server Hardware Issues
With free cloud hosting your site is isolated from any physical server issues including hacking, hardware failure, or system overload. When a physical server is compromised or experiencing an issue, you can simply utilize the physical resources of another server – all without having any downtime.
#7. Faster Website Speed and Performance
Most cloud servers can offer you blazing fast speeds. In addition to being able to effortlessly increase your site’s capacity, cloud hosting also allows for easier load balancing between multiple server environments, which can help to put much less strain on a single server’s resources.
Of course, the server hardware foundation will also influence the speed of your site, so look for a cloud host that has multiple caching layers, premium server hardware, and low-density servers.
#8. Works Great for Sites With Scalable Traffic
If your traffic levels are up and down, then it’s going to be hard to find a host that’ll give you the best value for your money. With free cloud hosting, you have the ability to easily scale your server resources up and down on an as-needed basis. It’s very difficult to find this level of scalability with any other style of hosting.
#9. Simple Server Management Dashboard
In the past cloud servers were a little difficult to manage and it required technical expertise to manage and scale your server effectively. But, with today’s free cloud hosting you can easily keep track of your hosting and scale it on demand via an intuitive dashboard. You don’t need to have a technical background just to run your cloud server.
#10. Decrease Your Overall Environmental Impact
If you’re a company or individual who’s concerned about their environmental impact, but need a hosting solution that goes beyond traditional shared hosting, then cloud hosting could be exactly what you’re looking for. With cloud hosting, you’re utilizing fewer overall data centers and are only using the server resources you actually require at the moment. By streamlining your resource and data use you’re creating less of an environmental impact.
Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of cloud server hosting, the technology behind it, and how it can benefit your own website. Start your website with A2 Hosting’s free cloud hosting today!
How To Purchase A2 Cloud Hosting?
Now let’s see how to get a Free Cloud Hosting for A2 Hosting.S#1. Visit A2 Hosting Using the Tracking ID You’ll get through Email.
S#2. Click on VPS HOSTING Plan @$5.00/mo
*OR You can simply scroll to the Footer of the site and Click Cloud VPS Hosting in the HOSTING Section.
S#3. Click the ENTRY Hosting Plan @$5.00/mo
S#4. Choose ‘I will use my existing omain and update my nameservers’ and Put your domain name.
S#5. Choose the ’12 Month Plan’ from the Billing Cycle Option.S#6. Finally, Click Continue to Checkout.
Also, Check out:
Best Web Hosting For Small Business-Top #9 Hosting | (2019)
How to Design a Website (July 2019) | 8 Simple Steps + 12 Plugins
Any questions about Free Cloud Hosting? Leave a comment below.
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Check out My Story how I created a life of freedom with Blogging and Affiliate Marketing here.
Also, if you have any Query you can Contact Us.
Have a good day :)
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brand-it · 3 years
Namecheap Review: Is it Good for Hosting?
Richard Kirkendall established Namecheap in the year 2000.
According to recent statistics, they've accumulated 3 million consumers in the last 18 years.
Namecheap rules the domain name market, boasting over seven million domain names in its portfolio.
Nevertheless, here's the catch:
We've seen this before: A hosting provider excels at X, so they utilize their reputation and vast finances to muscle into Y. But, unfortunately, even if they're skilled, it doesn't guarantee they are good at it.
What's the point of Namecheap?
Was it possible to replicate their success in the domain name arena into another one? Are they just cashing in on their name? (Note: pun intended.)
We enrolled in their hosting service, got the least priced plan, and created a test website to monitor the uptime and speed of their service.
Does Namecheap earn our recommendation?
To discover more, please continue reading.
Pros of Using Namecheap Hosting
Namecheap is well known for its free domain, high speeds, and free migration service. It also includes things like backup plans and other special services.
This is the comprehensive info:
1. Free Migration and Free Domain
Namecheap is especially excellent at domain names. Therefore, it's only natural that they'd include one for free when you sign up for their hosting package. It is, however, only free in the first year. After that, you'd have to renew the domain at its renewal price. Additionally, .com is $7.98 per year.
It's free to migrate service from another hosting to theirs. Namecheap promises to migrate your whole cPanel within 24 hours, and they guarantee a downtime window of no more than 15 minutes. In addition, if the migration is unsuccessful (or you're unsatisfied with the overall process), they'll credit you for your first shared hosting purchase.
2. 99.95% Uptime
We always test a host's uptime because it is among the most significant criterion.
The best part is that Namecheap has maintained a consistent 99.95% uptime over the last 12 months. But, unfortunately, they had three months of below-average uptime.
3. Acceptable Load Time - 421 ms
The second most critical criterion, after uptime, is speed. It is particularly significant since speed is closely related to visitor delight.
Google recently discovered that if your sites take up to 6 seconds to load, the chance of someone bouncing climbs by over 100%.
So, absolutely, you need your website to survive. But, on the other hand, a slow website is just as irritating. It would be as if your site had crashed since users will go in droves.
With that, Namecheap maintained an average page speed of 421 milliseconds over 12 months, which lets them get our seal of approval.
However, their current page loading time data show a little rise; it's nothing too major.
4. Money-Back Guarantee for 30 Days
Namecheap does, however, provide a good 30-day money-back guarantee. So you have a full month to decide whether their service is good for you. Otherwise, it's not too late to change your mind and try something new.
5. Completely Loaded Value Package
We have seen a lot of hosts up to this point.
The most straightforward plan we can get for any site we wish to examine is usually the one we pick.
There are two reasons:
We need to base our evaluations on accurate information and results.
Second, the basic plans offered by each hosting firm are comparable.
So, we're comparing apples to apples (for the most part). Each package given is the same, with identical features.
Though we were astonished by Namecheap.
Their cheapest plan, incidentally, had unlimited bandwidth. Standard functionality like cPanel access and WordPress applications are included.
The firm's lowest-cost package is also the first to feature a free SSL certificate.
You get twice-weekly backups in case something goes wrong during the site update.
For just one low price, you receive 50 MySQL databases (which is way more than what most companies offer on a similar tier).
Furthermore, you have the option of setting up three websites with this package. Generally, shared hosting plans permit the hosting of just one website. If you have a business with a personal account, this is a fantastic price.
As an extra perk, they provide you 30 email addresses straight from the beginning.
Because of this, you can save substantial money over time.
6. Excellent Third-Party Reviews
It is essential to make sure that every review accurately reflects what our consumers genuinely think, and that's why we always like to receive feedback from existing customers.
We should say:
We were pleased to see some positive reviews on the internet.
Another excellent example is Shopper Reviewed, where they have an excellent 4.7-star rating. There are over a million reviews that are supposedly included.
The Drawbacks of Hosting with Namecheap
The three primary things we consider while deciding which web host to use are:
Is my site likely to be available most of the time on this host?
Second, is this host capable of delivering a quality experience for visitors, encouraging them to return?
Finally, do you think your system could support me should things go out of hand?
However, one of three areas was overlooked by Namecheap.
You should see for yourself.
We also enjoy getting to know a company's service by doing live chats.
The service agent who greeted us was polite, and they answered the issue of our free domain name within minutes.
When we inquired about site migrations, we were given a surprising answer: they told us to contact a concierge department to submit a ticket rather than simply yes or no.
We've had this problem before when Namecheap customer service directed us to the concierge team. Unfortunately, instead of the concierge assisting us immediately, we've been stuck with the tickets system.
2. Lacks Datacenter
Namecheap operates data centers in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Their virtual private server (VPS) and reseller hosting services are available in the Arizona and UK datacenters.
That's just about it. Furthermore, some hosts are running more than 20 data centers in various locations.
You will also have to pay an additional $1.00/month if you select the UK data center.
Pricing, Hosting Plans, & Quick Facts of Namecheap
Here is a brief overview of Namecheap's hosting plans:
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Namecheap's two-year sign-up costs are reflected in these rates. Regardless of your choice, you will pay $1.58 per month if you select the annual subscription or $2.88 per month if you select the monthly option.
Quick Facts
Is it a free domain? Absolutely. The first year is free.
Signup: Simple.
30-day money-back guarantee: This assurance is contingent on complete customer satisfaction.
Accepted payment methods: Credit cards, PayPal, Dwolla, and Bitcoin.
Concealed fees and terms: Two important disclaimers should be considered:
Upsells: Along the road, a few will appear.
Account Activation: Quick account activation.
Dashboard and Control Panel: cPanel.
Installing programs and CMSs (WordPress, Joomla, etc.) is simple using a 1-click install tool.
“This offer is available for new hosting purchases only. The promotional price is valid for the first 12 months on annual payments, after which the hosting service will renew at the regular rate as indicated in the package specs. Upgrades/downgrades will be performed at the full renewal price.”
“Unmetered disk space is offered with our Ultimate package. This disk space is solely intended for your website and not for other storage purposes. This space must be used in accordance with our AUP, particularly paragraph 10.2.”
Namecheap: Great Value for your Money?
Indeed, it is.
They began their run nicely. Their cheapest plan is on par with most other companies' premium ones appear promising, and existing customers seem to be satisfied.
We like their reliable uptime and the fast performance they provide, making Namecheap a fantastic web host.
Customer service has to be improved, and we wish there were more data centers available to select from.
Namecheap is an exemplary hosting provider overall, but there are better choices.
“Read about: Top 10 Best Domain Registrars.”
Have you had any good or bad experiences with Namecheap's hosting services? If that's the case, we'd appreciate it if you'd write us a straight-shooting review!
0 notes
loadshopping867 · 3 years
Joomla Twitter
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Joomla Twitter
Joomla Twitter
Joomla Twitter Module
Joomla Twitter Module
Joomla Overwatch Twitter
For the last 2 years, the Production Leadership Team has been closely monitoring the progress of the Bootstrap project in regards to its next major release, Bootstrap 5. We do have a big interest in shipping Joomla with the latest and greatest versions of the libraries and frameworks we use. Because of the problems which arose after the release of Joomla 3 and Bootstrap 2, we were very torn on how to proceed on this front. Switching the major version of a framework like this is not an easy decision and we want share the arguments which we have had to consider:
JF Twitter Posts is a twitter feed display module for Joomla CMS. It is completelly customizable twitter widget module, where you can set up tweets limit, language, post date tooltips and own CSS styles. JF Tweets is twitter widget module for Joomla which shows twitter feeds. This module takes your social media communications to the next level. Downloading JF Tweets module, it will allow you to easily display your Twitter account on any website so that you gain additional Twitter followers and tweets. The Twitter Package Deprecated. The joomla/twitter package is deprecated with no further updates planned. Using the Twitter Package. The Twitter package is designed to be a straightforward interface for working with Twitter.
JF Tweets is twitter widget module for Joomla which shows twitter feeds. This module takes your social media communications to the next level. Downloading JF Tweets module, it will allow you to easily display your Twitter account on any website so that you gain additional Twitter followers and tweets. The Platform Millions of Websites Are Built On. × We have detected that you are using an ad blocker. Project relies on revenue from these advertisements so please consider disabling the.
Bootstrap 5 currently is in beta stage. Should we take the risk of relying on a non-stable release? Should we, in the worst case, ship with an unstable version of this framework?
Joomla 4 itself is in beta stage and we promised not to introduce any breaking changes from here on.
What is the benefit of using the newer version? (See Bootstrap 5 Introduction, 5 New Features in Bootstrap 5, Bootstrap 5 vs Bootstrap 4 – What’s New & What Changed?, Difference between Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 5) How do our users and (third party) developers benefit from this?
Bootstrap 4 has jQuery whereas Bootstrap 5 is independent of jQuery
Bootstrap 4 needs us to deal with the right to left languages where as Bootstrap 5 deals with the RtL and LtR changes
How long will a conversion take? In the past, especially design changes took far longer than expected and delayed the project by years. Do we take the risk that 90% can be done quickly, but the last 10% takes us many months of work?
Could we possibly introduce this change in a later, minor release?
Can we put the additional load on third party extension developers to rewrite their extensions to use this new Bootstrap 5? Many have already invested quite some time into migrating from Bootstrap 2 to Bootstrap 4. How much more work would that be?
How much delay (if any) are we willing to accept?
Especially in the last 2 meetings of the PLT, we have had intense discussions about this and initially we leaned towards not switching the version. However the work of Dimitris Grammatiko informed our opinion. It turned out that changing the version could be done faster and easier than expected. Inspired by that PR, George Wilson tested this out for the CSS as well and with him making fast progress, we are now leaning towards doing this switch here and now.
Above we listed several questions, so let us also list the arguments for each question as well:
Past versions have shown that Bootstrap has been stable even when in the beta stage. The Bootstrap project has no plans to introduce any new major changes in this 5.0 release and thus could live with shipping with a tested beta release.
We promised to not introduce breaking changes when Joomla 4.0 is in the beta phase. This is still a large issue for us, but right now we think the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
Our biggest benefit would be the amount of time our major version of Bootstrap would be supported. J4 will launch with the current and not an old version of Bootstrap giving developers and designers better support for the life of J4.
The conversion at time of writing this has been almost finished and thus we expect this to be done in a very short timeframe. It looks like the conversion is at the 95% mark already, it is reasonable to expect that that last 5% would not delay us in a noticeable way.
Changing the major version of Bootstrap in a minor release of Joomla is not possible.
With the experience Dimitris and George gained so far while migrating to the new version, the task is not as difficult as was feared thus we hope that the third party developers share our judgement that this change is worth investing a little more time into their respective extensions. We don’t really want to accept any further delays.
Joomla 4 already has many great features to ship with. Developers will have the benefit of a next generation CSS framework decoupled from jQuery and packed with the features they need to make their extensions perform at their best. It will make integration with other frameworks easier. Joomla 4 will also benefit from Right to Left support, all reasons to embrace this change. The upgrading to Bootstrap 5 will finish off the work of building a new major Joomla version with an up to date CSS framework and ensure the longevity of the J4 release well into the future.
Additionally for clarification. J4 will ship with an official version of jQuery to help unify developers who still use jQuery and allow easy addition of jQuery to extensions that are not using native, if required.
We wish all well, stay safe and healthy.
Production Department
JA Twitter Module Introduction
Quick Info
Updated on:29 Jul, 2020
Version:2.6.7 Changelog
Get it now! Live Demo Documentation Discussion
JA Twitter Module provides API integration with the Twitter microblogging service to drive more traffic to your site. This module comes with ease of configuration, its powerful admin panel includes all settings for you to configure, no customization is required.
One thing for sure, nothing in this module can make you confused. Give it a try and you would know.
Twitter Account information can be configured to be displayed in front-page of the module or not.
Limitation for number of tweets to be displayed.
Twitter account Avatar can be displayed in each Tweet displayed in the module or not, in this case, you can set size for the Avatar.
Twitter username can be set to be displayed above each tweet.
One click to enable or disable Tweets source.
Custom Text heading: enable it and type any text to be displayed as the heading of Twitter block.
Friend list with friend number and avatar size that are configurable
Multiple Following button styles supported by default
Encryption of OAuth information for security, so that you will never lose your OAuth information.
Main Features
Streaming latest tweets from your Twitter account on your site
Encryption of OAuth information for security
Joomla Twitter
Since 2013-06-11, Twitter has stopped supporting API v1 and fully moved to API v1.1. In API v1.1, Twitter denies non-Authorized request, that means you need to provide the information below to authorize your request. The information needs to be secured so after you save settings, the OAuth information will be encrypted.
Show / Hide Twitter account information
The Twitter account information displayed in front-page bases on provided screen name. The information includes: Avatar, username, location , web, etc.
Multiple settings for Tweet displaying
The Tweet displaying settings include: number of tweets to be displayed, Twitter account avatar displaying in each tweet, size of Twitter account avatar, Twitter username, tweet source and custom text heading.
Twitter friend list settings
JA Twitter module allows you to display your Twitter friend list. Number of friends and their avatar size are configurable.
Multiple Following button styles
For simple follow button type, multiple button styles are supported by default, select the one you prefer to use in your site.
Api connect button style
In you don't like button styles supported in 'Simple' button type, you can use button type: 'Api connet'. It includes: Followers count display setting, language, width, alignment, etc.
Version 2.6.7 29 Jul, 2020
Bug Fix
Site SSL is valid but showing 'not secure'
Version 2.6.6 20 Oct, 2017
Bug Fix
Update __construct for PHP7.
fix bug: warning: curl_close(): curl is not a valid cURL handle resource when the host doesn't supported by the Twitter
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Version 2.6.5 29 Mar, 2016
Bug Fix
Update error notice when can't get the Tweets
Version 2.6.4 04 Feb, 2016
Version 2.6.3 27 Mar, 2015
Bug Fix
J34 - The input box doesn't display if choose other type
Version 2.6.2 23 Jun, 2014
Joomla Twitter
Version 2.6.1 15 Jan, 2014
Load the twitter js library asynchronously to reduce blocking of page rendering
Update code to re-format tweet
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Joomla Twitter Module
Bug Fix
Joomla Twitter Module
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead
Joomla Overwatch Twitter
Version 2.6.0 29 Nov, 2013
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Version 2.5.9 11 Nov, 2013
Bug Fix
Fix issue relate to display time of created tweet
Version 2.5.8 09 Oct, 2013
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0 notes
simmyseo · 3 years
Website development is a broad concept associated with web content development, scripting, configuration and others. It is mainly a non-design part of work that deals with developing the site for the online world. With all the large and small organizations having their websites, all the information is now available online. Most of the commercial units promote their products and services through their website. We serve individuals, small sized, medium sized, and bigger commercial units with our website developing services in Jalandhar. After the initial creation of your web design, the website is used for updates, placements, reviews, new postings, social network usage, for creating memberships, and many other things.
Winx Provides professional Web Development and maintenance services. We provide complete front-end and back-end development in the latest technologies. If you want to design Dynamic Website, then we'll provide you admin panel of your website and you can add your own products and services on your website.
We start by getting to know about our clients requirements and their businesses and also getting to know about clients goals, vision and mission. We are professional and experienced developers that work to develop the websites. Our goal is to sincerely deliver and best possible experience to our clients.
CMS – Content Management System
Your site is an integral part of your marketing plan. Your plan will be shaped by us using the most advanced programming tools. Using the best content management system for you, we ensure a constant updating. Our team is well versed with the latest versions of the top popular CMS platforms. The WordPress solutions delivered by us are highly functional. The open source blogs and RSS feed like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and others are employed by our team. Through our high-end results, we are exponentially growing to become one of the top web development company in Punjab state.
Website Maintenance
With the online commercialization, site maintenance is established as a major industry. We develop our mission after understanding your vision thoroughly. Through website development and maintenance, we provide you pages to help in your SEO oriented efforts. You may also contact us for expansion and development of your existing websites.
Under our website maintenance services, we provide regular updates and clean up. Upgrades and optimization will be done as per your requirements. The customer support provided by us will ensure that your site remains maintained properly.
Why choose us your Website Developer
Winx Designer offers lowest best prices in Jalandhar for timely service of web developing. The customers enjoy benefits of skilful and talented services at very affordable rates.
• Ultimate layout with faster development process • Quality checks and test-driven development • Quicker user-friendly habits • Easy-to-use features • Simple installation process • Cheapest prices for site development and maintenance
We build several types of websites on the basis of your business, your customer base, market, and target audience. Our professional teamwork ensures that every solution developed at Winx Designer bring tangible results for you.
Our Website Development Services
Get the finest progressive website development service from a team of talented graphic designers, programmers, and creative directors.
The available web development services involve PHP development, JAVA, HTML, AJAX, ASP.Net development, and others. Following the most popular CMS, we tailor-made our solutions to meet your individual needs. To reiterate, the web development services are listed below:
• CMS Integration • WordPress • Drupal • Joomla • AMS and CRM integration • CRM Strategy • CRM customization • Data Migration • Search Integration
We also offer E-commerce solutions, Template Designing, Facebook page management and other social media management services. Our packages for complete designing, web development, SEO, and maintenance are also very budget-friendly. The best prices meet quality and never failing customer support at our web developing service in Jalandhar.
Web Development Services in Jalandhar, CMS in Jalandhar, Web Development in Punjab, PHP in Jalandhar
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shopwaresquad · 3 years
Get A Complete Migration Solution
Migration from another eCommerce platform to Shopware is complex but is an excellent decision because of the rich features and facilities offered by Shopware. At Shopware Squad, we ensure your Shopware migration is done perfectly without impacting your store’s data and SEO rankings. Our creative designers and skilled developers provide bug-free migration to Shopware.
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Our Expertise
·        OpenCart to Shopware
·        Shopify to Shopware
·        OsCommerce to Shopware
·        BigCommerce to Shopware
·        PrestaShop to Shopware
·        Zencart to Shopware
·        Drupal to Shopware
·        WordPress to Shopware
·        WooCommerce to Shopware
·        3DCart to Shopware
·        Sylius to Shopware
·        Joomla to Shopware
·        BigCart to Shopware
Why Move to Shopware? Is it worth investing in migration? Few reasons why you should migrate to Shopware?
·    Highly flexible thanks to the API first approach
·    Comparatively affordable prices
·    Developed in collaboration with retailers
·    The perfect combination of content & commerce
·    Wide range of features and functionalities.
·    Quick setup and implementation of the store.
·    Open source under MIT license.
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Why Should You Choose Us for Your Shopware Migration?
·    We have successfully migrated 20+ stores in Shopware from other eCommerce platforms.
·    Your data is completely safe during migration.
·    Our only experienced developers will handle your migration project.
·    The perfect combination of content & commerce
·    During the migration process, we ensure that your site won’t go down.
·    Our migration process is speedy, convenient and we deliver before estimated time.
Let’s discuss your Shopware Migration requirement!
0 notes
karthik-erattu · 3 years
The Better Web Hosting Service for Your Business..
If you’re a business owner in the throes of launching your own e-commerce website or upgrading your existing one, you probably know you need a better web hosting service.
To build your business sky high you need a strong platform. In this era of digitalism strong platform means a strong website which is built on an experienced and 24x7 supportive web hosting service.
There are dozens of companies to choose from, many of which provide different tiers of services.
I know, you are confused.
Which will you choose from hundreds of companies coming up with different offers. Don’t worry I made the study for you and I am introducing you the best of all web hosting service that is,
Blue host
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Did you know that Blue host is home to more than 2 million websites?
That’s a lot.
Having such a vast customer base is enough evidence that they are doing something right. Their uptime is reliable, server speeds are good, and all of their hosting plans pack useful features for beginners and intermediates alike.
Blue host also has helpful 24/7 live chat and phone support, and you can safely give them a try with their 30-day money-back guarantee. Blue host has been around since 2003, so they have plenty of experience to know what makes a hosting service excellent.
Their introductory prices are affordable, customer support is easy to reach and helpful, and you get many useful features to go with your hosting plan. In addition, they provide reliable uptime and fast server speeds.
General Info & Hosting Overview
Rating: 5.0
SPEED: 688 ms
UPTIME: 99.96%
SUPPORT: 24/7 Live Chat, Phone, Email, Knowledge Base
APPS: WordPress,Joomla,Drupal, phpBB,and More Than 75+ Open Source Projects
FEATURES: Unmetered bandwidth, Unlimited Websites and Storage, Free Domain 1st Year, Free SSL Certificate and CDN, Spam Experts, Domain Privacy, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, WordPress 1-Click Install
HOSTING PLANS: Shared, WordPress, VPS, Reseller, and Dedicated Servers
SITE TRANSFER: Single WordPress Site for Free
PRICING: Starting at $3.95/mo* (use this link)
Let’s take a more detailed look at Blue host’s strong points.
1. Blue host has The Best Uptime (99.96%)
Uptime is one of the most critical aspects when choosing a web host – after all, if your site is down, your users can’t access it. So, consistent uptime should be one of your top priorities when looking at hosting services.
After reviewing over 50 web hosts, Google benchmark for “good” uptime is 99.93%.
The good news is that Blue host easily surpasses this benchmark, comfortably keeping test site live for 99.96%.
2. Blue host has The Fastest Page Loading Speed (688 ms)
Research conducted by Google found:
“As page load time goes from 1s to 3s the probability of bounce increases 32%.”
This translates to your visitors being 32% more likely to leave your site. And it only gets worse with longer page load times.
Furthermore, Google is more geared towards mobile-first indexing. This means that your site also needs to be optimized for mobile users, or otherwise, you’re losing traffic.
Either way, a slow website almost always means less traffic and, therefore, lower sales numbers. So right after uptime, page loading time is the second most important thing that can make or break your website’s success.
Blue host offer you the best average load speed of 688 ms.
3. Blue host offer you Low Introductory Pricing ($3.95/mo)
Blue host’s pricing starts at $3.95/month, which is an introductory price from the regular $8.99/month rate.
For this price, you get pretty much everything you need for a single website.
That includes 50 GB SSD storage, unmetered bandwidth, a free SSL certificate, and more. So you’d be getting a pretty good value for the price, plus their consistent uptime and page loading speeds.
4.Blue host is Packed with Security Options and Features
Since Blue host is one of the “cheapest” options on the market, we are pleased to see that they don’t cut too many corners on critical security options and features.
Already with the cheapest plan, Bluehost provides your site with a free SSL certificate. You also get access to great features like a free CDN (Cloudflare), a one-click WordPress install, multiple CMS integrations, and additional eCommerce plugins.
Higher-tier plans come with the Spam Experts add-on, domain privacy protection, and server backups. Also, you get more advanced security features such as SiteLock, which helps prevent malware attacks.
Codeguard is another form of protection, which provides daily backups so you can roll back previous versions of a site, should it get hacked.
Postini, from Google, is the final security tool worth noting. It provides spam protection for your email, so anything suspicious is prevented from getting into your inbox.
5.Blue host is Very User Friendly for Beginners
Some of the web hosts we’ve seen can be considered the best only if you’re an advanced user. But, Blue host is great for beginners, too.
Their customer portal is intuitive and clean. And the layout of the cPanel control panel makes Blue host even easier to use. Beginners can easily install and start WordPress through cPanel. All you need to do is a point and click in most cases.
If you don’t want to use WordPress, you can also begin creating a website with a website builder tool (such as Weebly or Drupal). You can then customize a template by just dragging and dropping elements on your page.
Blue host also has features for advanced users who want to use their code to create their site.
6. 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Blue host offers a 30-day money-back guarantee with all of their hosting plans.
You can try out the service to see their performance for yourself and ask for a refund if you’re not completely satisfied.
7. 24/7 Customer Support
Blue host provides 24/7 customer support over live chat, phone, and an email ticketing system. On top of that, they have a vast knowledge base packed with answers to frequent questions and useful information.
8.Blue host offers Free Word Press Site Transfer
If you already have a site and want to switch to Blue host’s hosting plan, then this perk is for you.
Blue host recently started offering a free site transfer with all of their plans.
There are a couple of terms to this free service, though. First, the site needs to be a WordPress site. And secondly, you have to request the migration within the first 30 days after signing up with a hosting plan.
All you need to do is contact their customer support team and follow their directions. The migration usually takes around 1-3 business days to complete.
9. Blue host is The Official Word Press Recommended Host
Word Press is the most widely used website platform on the market – ~44% of the entire Internet is built with Word Press.
It’s safe to say that they have an authoritative word when it comes to hosting solutions. Word Press only officially recommends three hosting partners to use with a Word Press site. Blue host is one of them.
Of course, you can use almost any web hosting provider to create a Word Press site. But the fact that Blue host is one of the few officially recognized partners is encouraging.
So that’s it guys, if you are looking for a better web host service that is Blue host.
Get your Blue host service at starting price of $3.95/month here.
You can try Blue host with 30-day money-back guarantee with all of their hosting plans. If you’re not convinced you will get the money back.
What you want more, go and try it here. Blue host.
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anakinsbugs · 3 years
A2 Hosting Review
New Post has been published on https://walrusvideo.com/a2-hosting-review/
A2 Hosting Review
Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links that we may earn a commission.
For reliable hosting that focuses on speed,
A2 Hosting
provides plenty of options to get your site up and running.
If you’re familiar with SEO and the ranking factors Google uses to decide where your site shows up in search results, you know speed is one major factor in securing higher rankings and increasing traffic and revenue.
This is one big way A2 differentiates itself from other standard web hosting options–it puts speed at the forefront of all its services.
A2 Compared to The Best Shared Hosting Companies
A 99.98% uptime guarantee, free automated backups, and free site migration are only some of the features that set A2 apart as far as reliable web hosting goes. As one of the oldest providers on the market, it’s a solid option for both new and veteran websites. WordPress users will especially love A2, as it has pricing packages specifically tailored for WordPress sites.
Before you make any solid decisions for a hosting provider, it’s always a good idea to know what your options are. I spent hours making sure the top list page contained only the best web hosting services according to a wide variety of needs and features. To see the full rundown, check out that post to
see all the top picks
Who is A2 Best For?
It’s simple. Any website that is designed to drive sales and conversions can benefit from a hosting service like A2. I’ve mentioned it before, but I don’t get tired of saying speed is the name of the game if you want to capture new leads, retain existing customers, keep your Google rankings, and maintain a great brand reputation.
Now, there isn’t a web host on the planet that doesn’t come with a set of pros and cons. But one thing’s for sure: No website visitor wants to land on a website that takes forever to load. They’ll bounce right off your site faster than you can say web hosting.
While you can try to install cache plugins that slow down your site and claim to improve your website speed, a host like A2 that’s built with a focus on speed can be a better place to start.
A2: The Pros and Cons
Exclusive web servers : Global web servers that are exclusive to A2 give you a leg up in the speed game with speeds that can be up to 20 times faster than the competition.
24/7 live chat and support: A 24/7 live support feature is valuable if your site runs into any kind of technical issues or downtime. A2 has specialists standing by ready to walk you through any troubleshooting issues.
Free site migration : If you need to migrate your site to A2 from a previous web host they help you get the job done for free. Unlike other providers, there are no extra fees necessary.
Compatible with a variety of platforms : A2 Hosting works great with a number of CMS solutions like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento, and OpenCart. You can one-click install them once you sign up.
Free SSL certification : SSL certification is essential for site security and to ensure your visitors trust your site enough to keep coming back. Thankfully A2 offers this feature for free.
24/7 malware scanning and monitoring: You can sleep soundly at night knowing A2 is ready to alert you on any attempts at your site with their 24/7 monitoring feature, which other hosting services might not provide.
Free Cloudflare CDN: To keep adding to their speed features, A2 provides you with a free Cloudflare CDN for any hosting package you choose for added speed and loading times.
Carbon-neutral hosting: As the world evolves, A2 evolves with it through its carbon-neutral hosting option. A2 supports carbon-neutral hosting, meaning all of their servers are deemed ‘carbon-neutral’ by purchasing carbon offsets. With A2, you can be sure you’re hosting your site without adding to your carbon footprint.
Can handle websites of all sizes: If you’re planning on growing your website traffic, it doesn’t matter if you’re starting out with a website from scratch or you’re a big business reeling in plenty of traffic and sales, A2 can handle your site’s growth with a wide variety of hosting packages that are all geared for speed.
Doesn’t provide a free domain : While this isn’t a requirement for any hosting service to work properly, it’s nice to have the option to register a free domain like other hosting services do, especially if you’re working with a shoestring budget.
Increased renewal fees : For the most part, increased renewal rates can be expected from just about any hosting provider, but it’s still worth mentioning if you’re thinking and planning long term. Upon renewal, A2’s hosting packages do increase in price.
A2 Pricing
A2 doesn’t only differentiate itself as a speedy host. They also have a ton—and I mean a ton—of web hosting options from which you can take your pick.
To start, their general hosting services fall into eight distinct categories and subcategories:
Shared hosting – best for hosting personal sites and blogs
Managed WordPress hosting – perfect for WordPress sites
Managed VPS hosting – has more power than shared hosting
Unmanaged VPS hosting – Unmanaged VPS for developers
Reseller hosting – best for hosting your own customers
Dedicated hosting (unmanaged servers) – best for developers
Dedicated hosting (core servers) – managed server with root access
Dedicated hosting (managed servers) – managed server with no root access
You can definitely start with one of their base options for each category according to your site needs. Especially if you’re a startup on a budget.
But if you want to take it a step further or want additional features, you can
choose a more specific plan
within the category of your choice.
Here’s how their most affordable plans stack up:
Shared Hosting
Startup – $2.99 monthly paid upfront for a three-year plan
Drive – $4.99 monthly paid upfront for a three-year plan
Turbo Boost – $9.99 monthly paid upfront for a three-year plan
Turbo Max – $14.99 monthly paid upfront for a three-year plan
Shared hosting works best for small websites that are just getting their start and beginning to see traffic. As you can see, their cheapest plan adds up to only $107 plus some change for a reliable three-year hosting plan.
Beginner deals like this compete with offers from the likes of Bluehost who offer similar prices but without the speed guarantee, which is a big plus on a shared hosting plan.
As you go up the price ladder, you can host an unlimited number of sites, get unlimited storage, and within the last two tiers, you’ll get a 20X turbo boost for faster site speeds.
Note that these pricing tiers are the exact same for a Shared WordPress Hosting plan.
Managed WordPress Hosting
1 site – $12.99 a month paid upfront for three years
3 site – $22.99 a month paid upfront for three years
Unlimited – $43.99 a month paid upfront for three years
Managed WordPress hosting is a step up from shared hosting with enhanced WordPress features that ensure security and speed. The biggest difference between the three different options you get within this category is the number of sites you need to manage and the amount of storage you need. It’s as simple as choosing the tier that fits your hosting needs. Thankfully, they all come with the 20X faster turbo speed feature.
Managed VPS Hosting
Lift 8 – $46.99 a month paid upfront for a three-year plan
Lift 16 – $57.99 a month paid upfront for a three-year plan
Mach 8 – $59.99 a month paid upfront for a three-year plan
Mach 16 – $89.99 a month paid upfront for a three-year plan
Mach 32 – $99.99 a month paid upfront for a three-year plan
When you start getting into managed VPS hosting territory, you start looking at increased RAM capabilities and storage capacity. It’s a great option right before you’re ready to step into a dedicated server plan. I recommend you see their pricing page for a full look at what each plan offers.
Unmanaged VPS Hosting
Runway 2 – $7.99 a month paid upfront for a three-year plan
Runway 4 – $9.99 a month paid upfront for a three-year plan
Supersonic 8 – $34.99 a month paid upfront for a three-year plan
Supersonic 16 – $54.99 a month paid upfront for a three-year plan
Supersonic 32 – $74.99 a month paid upfront for a three-year plan
An unmanaged VPS plan ensures your site runs at fast speeds with additional RAM, storage, and root access. Needless to say, this VPS plan is definitely developer-friendly.
Reseller hosting
Kickstart – $18.99 a month paid upfront for a three-year plan
Launch – $24.99 a month paid upfront for a three-year plan
Grow – $34.99 a month paid upfront for a three-year plan
Scale – $44.99 a month paid upfront for a three-year plan
Turbo Kickstart – $29.99 a month paid upfront for a three-year plan
With reseller hosting you get additional SSD storage, WebHost manager, cPanel, Free Blesta billing system, free SSL certificate, around the block guru support, and free website migration too. The more storage and transfer GB you need the more you’ll have to pay monthly.
Dedicated Hosting (Unmanaged Servers)
Sprint – $99.59 monthly
Exceed – $165.99 monthly
Mach – $248.99 monthly
As you can see, the more storage, RAM, or transfer TB you need the more you’ll have to pay monthly. Dedicated hosting with unmanaged servers is a great option for developers wanting more control. As with any other plan A2 Hosting offers, each tier also includes super fast site loading speeds.
Dedicated Hosting (Core Servers)
Sprint – $141.09 monthly
Exceed – $207.49 monthly
Mach – $290.49 monthly
Much like the previous tier category above, the more RAM, storage, and Transfer TB you need, the more you’ll need to pay monthly. With a dedicated hosting plan with core servers and root access, you also get all the HostGuard management features. This means:
Daily automatic and rebootless updates
Managed installs and upgrades of core software
Smart system notifications
99.9% uptime commitment
Security patches
Dedicated Hosting (Managed Servers)
Sprint – $141.09 monthly
Exceed – $207.49 monthly
Mach – $290.49 monthly
Finally, if you’re running a site that simply can’t afford any downtime and that needs the best A2 Hosting offers, you’ll want to look at their managed dedicated server solutions. But you’ll have to be willing to pay the price tag to get access to perks like lightning-fast speeds, and a dedicated crew you’ll jump at the sight of any hosting issues no matter the time of day.
Their most affordable managed dedicated server solutions start at $141.09 a month. You can always try them for 30 days to experience their features first hand. If you’re not happy with A2 Hosting’s performance, there’s a 30-day money-back guarantee for all their hosting plans.
A2 Hosting Offerings
At this point, you’ve learned about A2 Hosting’s dedication to speed, uptime, customer support, and a variety of hosting options you can choose from.
However, they do offer additional tools and solutions. You can shop for your preferred domain directly through them and you can also explore their highly specific additional hosting solutions. Here’s what I mean:
With A2 Hosting you’re definitely going to get the speed and the uptime but you can’t forget about your domain. You can either register a new domain or transfer an existing one to get your site up and running.
Their most popular extensions breakdown as follows:
.biz – $17.45
.com – $14.95
.io – $49.95
.net – $14.95
.org – $14.95
While you might not get the cheapest deals on domains directly through A2 Hosting, it’s definitely an option that’s there for you if you don’t feel like going through the hassle of transferring one.
Additional hosting solutions
Yes, you’ve read that right. While we went over plenty of hosting plans and packages earlier, A2 Hosting lets you dig deeper into a seemingly endless rabbit hole of software and hosting solution combinations according to even more specific website needs.
Once you
pick the appropriate solution for you
, A2 Hosting lines up a combination of the best hosting options and software available to meet your specific needs.
For instance, if I’m going to be running a classified ad site through them, once I click on that option I’m greeted with a list of popular classified ad software that’s highly compatible with A2 hosting services. I’m also given a comprehensive list of the best web hosting plans perfect for classified ad sites.
This is an extremely useful feature if you’re running a site with more detailed needs and want to tackle them head-on. Features like these are yet another reason why A2 stands out as a powerful hosting solution for a wide variety of sites in a wide variety of niches.
The Best Shared Hosting Companies
Don’t forget to read through our in-depth review of the best shared hosting companies.
See all of our top picks
to make sure you’re making the best choice possible.
– The best cheap shared hosting plans
– The best shared hosting for WordPress
A2 Hosting
– The best hosting company for speed
– The best shared hosting features
– Best eco-friendly hosting
– The best fully-managed plans
Without question,
A2 Hosting
is one of the fastest providers I have experience with. It provides around-the-clock support, exclusive global servers, and works great with a number of CMS solutions. What’s more, A2 Hosting even goes out of its way to lessen its carbon footprint. As a hosting provider that’s been around for as long as WordPress has, it stands solidly in our list of top picks as one of the best web host solutions out there.
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Go to Source Author: Neil Patel
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mavenupcreatives · 4 years
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Find out which are the most popular platforms, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each one and how to choose the right development platform.
10 years ago developing a website involved using HTML, CSS or even Flash. These technologies are quite complicated, and their use at an advanced level requires a fairly long learning time.
This is probably the reason why most people have the impression that creating a website requires special code design or writing skills, but this is no longer valid.
In recent years, content management systems (CMS - Content Management Systems), such as WordPress, Joomla or Drupal development  have greatly advanced, making the creation of a website simple and accessible to anyone, regardless of the level of technical knowledge.
In short, a content management system (CMS) is an easy-to-use platform for creating the site and managing its content, using a friendly interface and without the need to write code.
The most popular web site development and management platforms
As can be seen from these statistics, almost half of the online websites use the WordPress platform. We will further analyze the main functionalities, advantages and disadvantages of these platforms.
Originally conceived as a development and administration platform exclusively for blogs, WordPress has advanced significantly in recent years, becoming the most popular content management system (CMS) for sites of all types, from blogs to magazines. or online stores.
WordPress offers several unique benefits, among which the most important would be:
· Easy installation - Many hosting companies offer the possibility of automatic installation. Even with a manual installation, you can have an online site in less than an hour;
· High degree of customization - There are a variety of plugins or themes created specifically for WordPress;
· Free - The WordPress platform can be installed and used for free by anyone. There are many free themes and plugins, but also premium;
· Large community - With millions of active members, the WordPress community is one of the most important in the world, which means easy access to support.
Of course, the WordPress platform is not perfect. One of the most common problems is related to the fact that, with the growth of the site, the need for resources increases significantly. Also the changes in the operating mode of the platform are quite difficult to implement.
However, these disadvantages pose problems for very large sites, which have hundreds of thousands of visitors per day, and in this case a more robust platform may be needed. For beginners or small sites, WordPress remains the best choice.
Drupal ranks 2nd in the top of the most popular CMS platforms. It is an open-source platform, preferred especially by more technical users.
Drupal is a very powerful platform, with lower resource consumption than WordPress and can be used for any kind of site, from simple blogs to content portals for large corporations.
The most important advantages offered by Drupal would be:
· Advanced technology - Drupal is the most advanced platform of the three presented in this article. Resource consumption is significantly lower than in WordPress, so there will be no need to upgrade to a superior web hosting package.
· Advanced performance - Websites created in Drupal are usually much faster. Obviously, uploading with plugins can slow down the responsiveness of the site.
· Customization - Sites can be customized through existing configuration options, but also through various themes or plugins created by developers. For those with sufficient technical knowledge, there is even the possibility to edit the basic files of the platform. Thus, Drupal is the most flexible platform of the three.
· Free - You can download, install and use Drupal for free.
Drupal is the most powerful content management platform, but this power comes with some difficulties for the developer. Anyone who considers Drupal as an option for creating or migrating a site must have a minimum knowledge of HTML, PHP and other common programming languages. There is no need for an "absolute expert" level, but technical knowledge will be needed to identify running problems and to understand error messages.
To build a site using Drupal, you will need, first of all, to understand how it works behind the platform, and the learning curve is quite steep. Also, if your site grows beyond the size of a simple blog or presentation page, you may need help if you are not a very technical person. Even so, Drupal remains the most powerful solution for large sites that require performance and a high degree of customization.
Joomla is often characterized as a compromise solution between WordPress and Drupal. It is a powerful content management system, which can run very well on most web server configurations. Setting up and managing this platform is a bit more complicated than in the case of WordPress, but it requires less technical knowledge than Drupal.
As in the case of WordPress and Drupal, there are multiple themes and plugins available for Joomla, so that the site developed on this platform can be customized according to everyone's wishes. Other advantages would be:
· Social networks - Probably the biggest advantage of this platform. Joomla offers the possibility of creating very easy and fast social networking sites;
· Online Commerce - If you need an online store, it can be easily implemented using Joomla. It is true that both WordPress and Drupal allow the implementation of an online store, but on Joomla it is much easier, offering native support for this function;
· Ease of use - In the opinion of most users, Joomla has managed to find a middle ground between the ease of use characteristic of WordPress and the power and robustness offered by Drupal. Even if most users will be able to install and manage a site on Joomla without technical assistance, there will be some situations where specialized help will be needed.
· Community Support - Even though there are not as many educational resources for Joomla as for WordPress, the Joomla user community portal contains a lot of information and you can get answers to most questions there.
Joomla is appreciated by developers for its ease of use and its power. Joomla managed to create a very good platform, which combines the advantages of WordPress and Drupal. The popularity of Joomla is growing in recent years and will probably continue to grow, being the perfect choice for those looking for a more powerful solution than WordPress, but easier to use than Drupal.
In conclusion, which is the best platform?
Every developer has their own preferences and will probably try to argue that one of them is the best. In reality, however, each situation is different and each site has different needs. Thus, the correct question would be: What is the right platform for my site?
For those who want to create a personal blog or a simple page to present their business, WordPress is the best choice.
If you want to implement a complex site with multiple functionalities and you think it will grow very quickly, Drupal might be the right choice. Joomla is the best choice for a middle ground solution.
It may seem like a difficult choice, but if you carefully consider what your needs are and are honest about the level of technical knowledge (or the price you are willing to pay for specialized support), you can make the right choice.
Is there a possibility to migrate between platforms?
If you consider that the chosen platform does not offer you what you are looking for, you can migrate the site to another platform. Migration between platforms is quite easy. However, it is a major change of the site and it would be good for the migration to be done in the presence of specialists, in order to quickly solve any problems.
For more details, click here.
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