#Jonas Daniël Meijerplein
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dutchjan · 2 months ago
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December 08, 2024
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miklospalko · 2 years ago
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Amsterdam - Jonas Daniël Meijerplein
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amsterdamdaytoday · 4 years ago
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Amsterdam, Jonas Daniël Meijerplein, 17 sept 2020
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peterjonker · 7 years ago
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Editing/Composing Design exhibition, Jonas Daniël Meijerplein, Amsterdam. In collaboration with Daniel Koning and Bernd Wouthuysen.
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antifainternational · 5 years ago
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February 25, Amsterdam - Herdenking Februaristaking 1941 
Kom naar de herdenking! Op dinsdag 25 februari 2020 wordt in Amsterdam opnieuw de Februaristaking van 1941 herdacht. Jaarlijks staan we stil bij deze daad van medemenselijkheid van tienduizenden burgers, die het werk neerlegden en opkwamen voor hun Joodse stadgenoten. Na Amsterdam breidde de staking zich snel uit naar de Zaanstreek, Kennemerland, Utrecht, Hilversum en Weesp. De Februaristaking van 1941 heeft nationaal en internationaal grote indruk gemaakt. Het was de enige politieke staking in Europa tegen de anti-Joodse maatregelen van de nazi’s in bezet gebied. Als blijk van erkenning en waardering verleende Koningin Wilhelmina de gemeente Amsterdam in 1946 het devies “Heldhaftig, vastberaden, barmhartig”. Dit devies is sindsdien toegevoegd aan het stadswapen. Wij roepen u op dinsdag 25 februari 2020 naar het Jonas Daniël Meijerplein te komen en deel te nemen aan het defilé langs de PROGRAMMA > Jeangu Macrooy, die Nederland vertegenwoordigt op het Eurovisie Songfestival, zingt op de herdenking het door hem zelf geschreven lied ‘Brave Enough’. > Minister Ferd Grapperhaus en schrijver Jan Terlouw houden een korte toespraak. > De Amsterdamse spoken word performer Babs Gons draagt een door haar zelf gemaakt gedicht voor. De herdenking begint om 16.45 uur. Na de speeches start het defilé langs de Dokwerker.
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dirjoh-blog · 3 years ago
Cruel and humiliating.
Himmler, Seyss-Inquart and Rauter decided to set an example: the first roundup against Jews became a fact. On Saturday afternoon, February 22, 1941, a column of German trucks appeared near Waterlooplein. The area was completely cordoned off. Young Jewish men were ruthlessly herded together on Jonas Daniël Meijerplein,in Amsterdam. Also on the following day many Jewish men were arrested. A total…
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arsnijder · 8 years ago
Sun's out, fun's out! #schommelen #springdan #speeltuin #buitenspelen #jebentzelfeenkleinkind (bij Jonas Daniël Meijerplein)
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dutchjan · 2 years ago
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March 18, 2023
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dutchjan · 2 years ago
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March 12, 2023
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dutchjan · 7 years ago
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February 25, 2018
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antifainternational · 6 years ago
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February 25, Amsterdam - Herdenking Februaristaking 1941 
 Kom naar de herdenking! Op maandag 25 februari 2019 wordt in Amsterdam opnieuw de Februaristaking van 1941 herdacht. Jaarlijks staan we stil bij deze daad van medemenselijkheid van tienduizenden burgers, die het werk neerlegden en opkwamen voor hun Joodse stadgenoten. Na Amsterdam breidde de staking zich snel uit naar de Zaanstreek, Kennemerland, Utrecht, Hilversum en Weesp. De Februaristaking van 1941 heeft nationaal en internationaal grote indruk gemaakt. Het was de enige politieke staking in Europa tegen de anti-Joodse maatregelen van de nazi’s in bezet gebied. Als blijk van erkenning en waardering verleende Koningin Wilhelmina de gemeente Amsterdam in 1946 het devies “Heldhaftig, vastberaden, barmhartig”. Dit devies is sindsdien toegevoegd aan het stadswapen. Wij roepen u op maandag 25 februari 2019 naar het Jonas Daniël Meijerplein te komen en deel te nemen aan het defilé langs de Dokwerker. Het programma begint om 16.45 uur. De aanvang van het defilé is om 17.00 uur.
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antifainternational · 7 years ago
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TOMORROW! August 4 - We Reclaim Our Pride: Amsterdam
 النص بالعربية أدناه... [[[[[ENGLISH]]]] WE RECLAIM OUR PRIDE! Like last year, We Reclaim Our Pride will take place during the Amsterdam Pride. On August 4th, 2018 we will gather at 9:30 (Location: Jonas Daniël Meijerplein next to the canal!). Why are we organizing a protest? For several reasons! Read our manifest below or read some things about last year's protests: https://www.facebook.com/events/1103667679766879/ https://zizo-online.be/article/12294 http://socialisme.nu/blog/nieuws/53706/reclaim-our-pride/ https://joop.bnnvara.nl/opinies/hoeveel-pride-is-nog-rotterdams https://joop.bnnvara.nl/opinies/rotterdam-pride-walk-mis https://www.doorbraak.eu/haat-spuwende-gayservatives-kaapten-rotterdam-pride-toeziend-oog-politie/ Do you support our protest? You can help us in the following ways: - attend the protest on August 4th - invite your friends, lover(s) and comrades for this event - spread the word! ---MANIFEST--- WE RECLAIM OUR PRIDE: because we don't want to celebrate the freedom of one group at the cost of other groups. Where do we come from? Fourty-eight years ago the Stonewall riots in New York - led by Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson - started the current Pride-movement. The constant intimidation and threats by the police, combined with a highly disadvantaged position in society was becoming too much. The group that came to action existed mainly of trans women, sex workers, women and people of color from the poorer layers of society. Since Stonewall there have been many milestones for the LGBTQI+ movement, but also in the Netherlands there is a lot of room for progress when it comes to liberation from hetero and cis normativity as well as sexism. Because of these types of discrimination, many of us don't dare to walk visibly as LGBTQI+ on the streets because of the fear to be confronted with homophobic or transphobic remarks or even phyical violence. Especially considering the structurally increasing number of violent incidents towards sex workers, trans women and other LGBTQI people. Stonewall taught us that it's important to take into account that the level of exclusion and discrimination is often dependant on skin color, class, ability and gender. And this we should take this 'intersectional view' into account during our struggle! What is going on? Where the Pride once started out as a movement fighting for freedom and liberation, it has now become a party that's all about commerce, money and pinkwashing. The celebration takes place at the cost of people of color, trans people, Muslims, people with disabilities and refugees. A celebration, where, on top of it all, certain companies and political parties participate in who have absolutely nothing to do with this stuggle for liberation because of xenophobic and racist policy making by right wing and extreme right wing political parties, such as VVD, CDA, PVV and FvD. There is no Pride in IND (the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Services), because this is the same institution that writes policy on who has a right on a place to stay, which country is unsafe and who is gay enough to stay. It's the IND that tells the police to put refugees, among which minors and families, away in family prisons. It's the same institute that keeps minors here until they are 18 years-old and deports these minors after they turn 18. It's the same institution that enters a home at 6 in the morning to handcuff an entire family and transport them to the airport in a police van to drop them on a plane and send them to their country of birth. And ofcourse there is no Pride in pinkwashing by big companies, such as: W-Hotel, Google, Uber, Philips, PwC and Cordaan. These are companies that still exclude and make a profit of people based on classism, racism, sexism, transphobia and ableism. Companies such as Philips take raw materials from other continents and has its products made by people outside of the global west, because these people receive low wages. In the end, the company ends up saving a lot of money (although the money was made over the backs of people from other continents than Europe). There is no Pride in ethnic profiling by the police, which happens at the cost of young people of color and Muslims. There is no Pride in warfare over raw materials, of which thousands of people from Africa, Asia and South-America become victims and therefore seek refuge in other places. There is no Pride in the military and in the militarization of Europe, because this has already made millions of victims. Millions of people have been displaced and are actively kept outside of the borders of Fortress Europe thanks to the xenophobic and racist policy making of right wing and extreme right wing political parties such as VVD, CDA and FvD. For us there is no Pride in the arms trade and building destructive pipelines - like the one ING is financing. ING does this at the cost of refugees and the original inhabitants of North-America. Most definitely, there is no Pride in the pinkwashing by companies such as W-Hotel. There is no Pride in Google selling our personal and private data to global intelligence agencies and countries like Israël, United States and Russia. There is certainly no Pride in the Canal Pride boat from the ministeries, the boat state secretary Mark Harbers is on representing the "Hero" of our first amendment. Harbers is the state secretary who published an official message two weeks ago, saying refugees from Afghanistan can still be deported under the EU-Turkey deal and therefore receive no protection. Also, Harbers doesn’t respond to the children’s pardon, tearing apart families and sending these refugees to a country they’re unfamiliar with. State secretary Harbers is not a hero, although he will be welcomed during the Canal Pride this year. What do we want? The radical roots of Stonewall seem to be forgotten within the mainstream celebrations of Pride. This is why we – in all our diversity – want to get together at a large bridge at the Canal Pride to show what the LGBTQIA+ struggle is about: radical liberation. We will no longer have our rights be hijacked by racist politicians and homonationalists. We want the Pride to be ours again instead of it being a commercialized party. We want an intersectional Pride in which the struggle against discrimination based on sexuality and gender is linked to racism, sexism, classism, ableism and other types of exclusion. Because we don’t want to celebrate the freedom of one group when it’s done by oppressing others. This is why, on August 4th, We Reclaim Our Pride. We will bringing Pride back to its roots and we will bring it back to the struggle for our liberation. NO ONE IS FREE UNTIL WE ARE ALL FREE!
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antifainternational · 7 years ago
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Alerta Dutch Antifascists! Come and join the commemoration of the Februaristaking of 1941, when 300.000 Dutch people held a strike to protest Nazi razzias against Jewish Amsterdammers.
Kom naar de herdenking! Op zondag 25 februari 2018 wordt in Amsterdam opnieuw de Februaristaking van 1941 herdacht. Jaarlijks staan we stil bij deze daad van medemenselijkheid van tienduizenden burgers, die het werk neerlegden en opkwamen voor hun Joodse stadgenoten. Na Amsterdam breidde de staking zich snel uit naar de Zaanstreek, Kennemerland, Utrecht, Hilversum en Weesp. De Februaristaking van 1941 heeft nationaal en internationaal grote indruk gemaakt. Het was de enige politieke staking in Europa tegen de anti-Joodse maatregelen van de nazi’s in bezet gebied. Als blijk van erkenning en waardering verleende Koningin Wilhelmina de gemeente Amsterdam in 1946 het devies “Heldhaftig, vastberaden, barmhartig”. Dit devies is sindsdien toegevoegd aan het stadswapen. Tijdens de bezetting vormde de staking voor velen een bron van inspiratie. Nog altijd geeft de Februaristaking van 1941 een signaal naar deze tijd, waarin opkomen voor een ander en waakzaamheid voor antisemitisme en racisme geboden is. 2018 staat landelijk in het teken van het ‘jaar van verzet’ en de herdenking van de Februaristaking van 1941 is hier een wezenlijk onderdeel van. Daarom roepen wij u op zondag 25 februari 2018 naar het Jonas Daniël Meijerplein te komen en deel te nemen aan het defilé langs de Dokwerker. Aanvang sprekers: 16:45 uur Kranslegging en start defilé: 17:00 uur Comité Herdenking Februaristaking 1941 Gemeentebestuur van Amsterdam www.februaristaking.nl
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