#JohnWashington was also an option...
collapsing-galaxy · 7 years
Okay so in Social Studies...
We were learning about the American Revolution.
We were doing worksheet when our teacher (who was a substitute but that doesn't matter) said then when we were done, we would have to do at least one of these social media worksheet. And we had to fill out a person from the Revolution.
Me and my best friend both choose a Snapchat worksheet. (I don't have a snapchat so I had really no idea what to do) Seemed simple enough. I decided to do George Washington for mine. My friend did John Adams. And then I had the most brilliant idea. I told my friend that we should do a snapchat that has both of our characters, kinda like a crossover
So we would come up with a scenario that both would be in, and the snapshot would be in their prospective. Makes sense? Now both of us are anime fans...and Ship trash. We'd basically ship anything. There was a section of the snapchat page that says, "Most snapchats sent to:" it was numbered like a list to three. My friend thought it'd be fun if we'd made them best friends (I was SO on board). So for the number one slot I put John Adams, and she put George Washington.
Then because they trash we are. We shipped them. We choose the name GeorgeAdams.
 TL;DR: George Washington x John Adams (GeorgeAdams) is a thing that exists now YOU'RE WELCOME.
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