#John the Baptist reincarnation of Elijah?
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nijjhar · 4 months
Greedy Temple Priests became Lepers in the next birth that ONLY Christ c... Greedy Temple Priests became Lepers in the next birth that ONLY Christ could forgive and not John, the Baptist. That is why Elisha did not cure any leper but the Syrian General Nama. https://youtu.be/DHrYPAT3gl8 Still, the cured and forgiven "Saltless" Lepers joined their crook "Saltless" Temple Priests and not Jesus as the faithful son of Abraham and Yahweh of "Salt" returned back to thank Christ Jesus but not the other 9 "Saltless" Lepers. So, you can well imagine what type of people the generations of the 11 Patriarch sons of Jacob wanted to kill the truth-speaking "Salt" of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham faithful to Yahweh "Joseph", who was highly honoured by the ever-faithful sons of Ishmael, the Gentiles for hospitality as expected of their forefather Abraham, an ideal Adam, Sarah Eve and Yahweh gave them the Promised Land as the Garden of Eden. So, the Chosen People are the demonstration nation called a nation of Priests and through them, we learn our moral laws.   WHY THE ANGELS DELIVERED THE GOOD NEWS OF THE BIRTH OF JESUS TO THE “ILLITERATE SHEPHERDS” AND NOT TO THE UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS OF THEOLOGY, THE HUSBANDMEN OF THE WINEPRESS THAT COINED THE MORAL LAWS TO FLEECE THE PEOPLE. In general, you will find that the village people speak the truth and they keep God within their hearts whilst the town people do just the opposite; they tell lies to sell their products and keep Mammon in their hearts in which they fleece the simpletons by hook or by crook. In short, the village people worship God within them whilst the town clever people worship Mammon and drink the blood money of their innocent child-like village people. Jerusalem used to be the Holiest of the Holy Place in the world and the rich people used to be the pilgrims. As the people in Jerusalem became greedy and hypocrites, the Rabbis used to fleece them to the very bones under one excuse or the other as the two Disciples of Elisha fleeced Nama of Syria of his costly presents that Prophet Elisha refused to accept that he is not greedy like the Rabbis. John, the Baptist was like Prophet Elisha putting on camel skin. These greedy Rabbis put on silken clothes like the present Priests in the Russian Churches with beautiful robes today. In Jerusalem, there was a spiritual Brother in Elohim called Saint James, the Just and such fleeced Pilgrims used to seek His help to retrieve money from the greedy Rabbi by begging him to return. He used to kneel and his knees developed hard skin. So, the Temple Priests were not happy with giving back the money, and by treacherous plan, they managed to get him killed. Such greedy Rabbis in their next birth suffered from “Leprosy” that the Rabbis could not cure but only God in the form of Christ, the Very Son of God, could. That is why Jesus cured the lepers and not John, the Baptist, Prophet Elijah, my god is the creator “Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc.” So, that is why the God-orientated village people appreciated the Message of Christ Jesus whilst the Jerusalem people in general were Mammon-orientated and hated the “Light” of Christ Jesus so no miracle Country Israel belongs to the sons of Isaac of the Semitic race and not to Aryans or Negroes. Jew is a spiritual self and Synagogues belong to the Jews and not the country. https://youtu.be/B2niOOhZe5k Messianic Jews are the Killer Temple Priests in the Black Sheep Judas Iscariot's clothing, the Dog-Collars. https://youtu.be/N0SFfH0w_do Easter Playlist:- https://studio.youtube.com/playlist/PL0C8AFaJhsWylziOpNWyWaLauSjMOeudK/edit Taste of Easter:- Reincarnation through works under Yahweh, Dharm Rai whilst Resurrection by Grace of Elohim. https://youtu.be/x3BD1z0Buq0 Allah is NOOR and you cannot apply Sharia Laws that bind you on NOOR that sets you FREE. This Islam is not of Allah called INSHALLAH but of Mullahs called Inshmullah. Our Khokhar Jatt Chaudhry Saddam Hussein Khokhar Jatt was executed by the American Jews. The Last Prophecy Matt 13v24 - 30 is getting fulfilled and the Atomic War is around the corner. https://youtu.be/aIfQiigjDFA JEWS THEMSELVES ARE ANTISEMITIC. www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JAntisem.htm END TIME GOSPEL TRUTH – FREE LECTURES AND SEMINARS. www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JAntisem.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/GistEndGospel.htm Other:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Nobility.htm http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/tenlights.htm http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JattIslam.htm Proofs of the Virgin Birth of Jesus: - www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bojes.htm Matt 21v33-46:- As the Jews killed the Prophets and then collected money from the devotees, so they did to Christ Jesus and created the Antichrist Pope and his killer stooges. https://youtu.be/aOH6r380ECo www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JOHN 8V44.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH: www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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bottheologian · 1 year
Did Jesus Believe in Reincarnation? The Surprising Truth
The question of whether or not Jesus believed in reincarnation has been a topic of debate for centuries. While some argue that there is evidence to support the idea that Jesus did believe in reincarnation, others assert that this is simply not the case.
One of the most commonly cited arguments in support of the idea that Jesus believed in reincarnation is the fact that he refers to John the Baptist as the reincarnation of Elijah in the Gospel of Matthew. This passage, found in Matthew 11:14, reads: "And if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come."
However, some scholars have pointed out that this passage may not necessarily be evidence of Jesus' belief in reincarnation. Rather, it could simply be a reference to the Jewish belief that Elijah would return before the coming of the Messiah. In this interpretation, Jesus is simply acknowledging that John the Baptist is fulfilling this prophecy.
Another piece of evidence that some have used to argue that Jesus believed in reincarnation is his statement in John 9:2, where he asks his disciples, "Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" This statement has been interpreted by some to imply that Jesus believed in the idea of karma, or the idea that one's actions in a past life can have an effect on one's current life.
However, this interpretation has also been challenged. Some argue that Jesus was simply using a common belief of the time to make a rhetorical point about the nature of sin and suffering.
Ultimately, the question of whether or not Jesus believed in reincarnation may never be fully answered. While there are certainly passages in the Bible that could be interpreted as evidence of this belief, there are also alternative explanations for these passages. As with many religious questions, the answer may depend largely on one's interpretation of the available evidence.
Regardless of where one falls on this issue, however, it is clear that the question of Jesus' beliefs continues to be a fascinating and thought-provoking topic for scholars and laypeople alike. As we continue to explore this question, we may gain new insights into the life and teachings of one of history's most influential figures.
Jesus #Reincarnation #Religion #Theology #Bible #John the Baptist #Elijah #Karma #Sin #Suffering
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tariqchosenone · 2 years
I am not Jesus
It is written in the gospel that John the Baptist was prophecised to be Elijah the prophet.
But it is also written that during the transfiguration of Jesus met Moses and Elijah as they appeared before his two disciples.
John the Baptist was a vessel for Elijah for he was not reincarnated. John the Baptist had an Elijah the prophet's computer program software installed on his hardware.
I am Tariq Degraffinreed I have royal blood and DNA in my veins. I am a vessel for the good archangels and I have traces of serpent DNA. I have the computer program of Jesus Christ installed on my hardware.
I am not the messiah but I have not come to deceive the people, I have come to warn the people. The sun shall turn black as sackcloth on the day of Jesus return.
For it is written that the son of man was crucified and the sun turned to black for 3 hours while he hung on the tree.
Just like how Jesus died during a solar eclipse 2000 years ago, Jesus shall Return during the next solar eclipse that takes place on a passover holiday.
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The Reincarnation Of The Violent Prophets
If reincarnation exists, who was Jesus in a previous life. Paramahansa Yogananda writes about this in his second coming of Christ, claiming his belief that Jesus has previously been Elisha and Elijah had been John the Baptist. If this is true a study of Elijah and Elisha in the bible tells a shocking story of violence in the name of God? Elisha kills forty four kids after they curse him for his bald head, Elijah slaughters 450 priests of Baal after they submit wholly to him after being attacked by fire. Why were these prophets so violent in the bible killing thousands and declaring genocide on certain peoples simply because they opposed Israel. How important are our past lives and what can we make of the what it says about these prophets in the bible. How do we reconcile this violence with the god of love we hear about in so many spiritual teachings. Lets discuss the Reincarnation Of The Violent Prophets.
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endtimesbeacon · 2 years
Anyone Know What Or Who This Flying Light Being Is?
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Anyone Know What Or Who This Flying Light Being Is?  Looked Pretty Real. Was Floating Around on Telegram.
See video. Pretty dramatic. The Lighting in Coordination with the Sun and Clouds Makes it Look Pretty Real. We Are Supposed to See More in the "Spirit Realm" or Higher Dimensional Beings Going Forward, Including Angels and Other Created Beings ("Aliens")
- There are TONS of different space ship pics and videos floating out there online.  Telegram channels are a good place to find a bunch. - Don't forget, we have a Space Force.  Now how did we go from rockets to flying saucers, TRB3's., portal opening ability and travel in seemingly a couple decades?  We didn't.  We had a "Secret Space Force" for many decades prior, a faction with good guy aliens and another faction with bad guy aliens.   - So the concept here is that we fell from Eden.  Eden was simply in a higher dimension.  We fell to a lower grade dimension called 3D earth where there's a lot of ugliness and evil.   The spiritual cosmic guys have been saying for a while that there is to be an ascension of Earth.  But they also say that those who took the "Mark of the Beast" 1.0 shot will stay in a lower dimension while others will ascend into "5D", as fits with the Book of Revelation.  - As mentioned in Matthew 25, there is a separation of sheep and goats.  Sheep are good. Goats are not good.  (So stop slandering sheep those of you out there who use "sheep" as an insult - sheep are smart, the only follow their master's voice; you using sheep as an insult have the wrong animal).  What's the dividing line?  As many spiritual types, cosmic types and cosmic Christians says, the dividing line is:  those who are in service to others vs. those who are in service to self.  It is said that if you are 51% in service to others and didn't take the Mark of the Beast, then you will ascend to 5D, or the good place as mentioned in Revelation.  - Other Bible scholars who actually study the original words and the original Paleo before it was corrupted my "modern Hebrew" and the Jesuits and whomever else,  at least as reported, say that the Lake of Fire, the 2nd Death is having to go through many cycles of death, dying over and over again, being reincarnated (you know, like Elijah to John the Baptist) for another 26,000 year cycle or some amount of years like that) so you learn the lessons in your spirit to choose good and not evil.  So death and hell are thrown into the Lake of Fire.  The Lake of Fire then would be considered more inline with the concept of "tried by fire", experiencing all sorts of intense and dramatic things periodically to make a deep impression learning lesson on your spirit, so eventually you'll choose good and choose God.  Jesus came to break us out of this cycle and save us from having to go through another 26,000 year or however long that cycle was.   These concepts do have good logic to them as opposed to going to hell to be tortured and slaughtered forever and ever because you were not spiritually mature enough, or just too spiritually young.   It will be interesting to see more information about all these topics as the rest of the 777 books of the Bible are released.  Read the full article
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peter-shafton · 3 years
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The ever- changing knowledge of our past and our inherent inquisitive nature are continuing to shatter the boundaries we have so glibly set up around ourselves over many centuries of blind prejudices.
Most of this blog has been taken from parts of my book “FOOTPRINTS in STARDUST – SOULPRINTS in TIME”, where I outline some very interesting and soul-searching explanations, and give you their sources; so you can do your own research.
But, before we go any further, we need to open our minds to the unexpected, uncomfortable and unconventional sources. Do not paint the unknown with that worn out, cop-out phrase – “That’s the work of Satan”; that’s exactly what old Nick would like everyone to do. Remember that is what they said of Galileo and his work...
Have you ever considered the questions below? They are questions that the ‘experts’ would like us to ignore. The answers make us think, and give us a greater appreciation of life and our place in the cosmos.
1 - ARE WE REALLY GODS? as scriptures tell us?
St Augustine (354-430) held Plato in such high esteem, that he writes
in his Contra Academicos – “The message of Plato, the purest and most luminous of all philosophy, has at last scattered the darkness of error, and now shines forth mainly in Plotinus, a Platonist so like his master that one would think they lived together, or rather – since so long a period of time separate them – that Plato was born again in Plotinus.”
Like Elijah was born again as John the Baptist; dare we ask?
In The Descent of the Soul, Plotinus was most articulate when he expressed: “Thus the soul, though of divine origin, having proceeded from the regions on high, becomes merged in the dark receptacle of the body, and being naturally a post-diluvial 'god', it descends hither through a certain voluntary inclination…...”
Strange, he mentions the soul as being a “postdiluvial god”. Keep this in mind when reading about the Anunnaki ‘gods’, and their genetic carryings on in “The Lost Book of Enki” by Zecharia Sitchin.
I have said: You are gods
and all of you
the sons of the most High.
Jesus reminds us through John - 10: 34.
Jesus answered them:
“Is it not written in your law:
I said you are gods?”
If our souls, the real us, are parts of our heavenly Father, then indeed we are part of the same Creator of All – GOD HIMSELF! Just like the Anunnaki 'gods' were.
The records of Edgar Cayce’s ‘readings’ held at the Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach contain some fascinating stories, but none as fascinating as the accounts of ancient ‘gods’ living among us as ordinary people.
There have been many books written about this aspect of Cayce’s work. “The Egyptian Heritage”, by Mark Lehner, and A Million Years to the Promised Land, by Robert Krajenke are among my favorites.
If the belief in reincarnation is not your cup of tea, don’t let it come in the way. Just keep reading, and experience the weird, circumstantial (if that) evidence that dribbles through, and appears to defy explanation….
Around 11,000BC, Egypt experienced a large influx of Atlanteans, who were escaping the catastrophic demise of their continent – you can read about this in Edgar Cayce on Atlantis, by Edgar Evans Cayce. Egypt was one of the destinations of choice for the immigrants from this highly advanced civilization. Also from Atlantis, came Hermes; an accomplished scientist and mathematician. Possibly the same one the Greeks called a ‘god’. In Egypt he was known as Thoth, also a ‘god’.
Among the many people that Edgar Cayce gave ‘readings’ for – in the 1930’s – 40’s) were: Hermes (Thoth) and RA, along with other scientists and engineers from Atlantis, (including the fabled AJAX and ATLAS) who worked together to design, and build the Great Pyramid.
Edgar Cayce’s readings suggest that though these beings may have been called gods in ancient times, they actually possess souls like you and me, and like you and me, have to pay their karmic dues (Mat.5:18 - For amen I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled.) before they can enter our Father’s mansions. Let’s keep in mind, that this was long before the arrival of Jesus, Original Sin was still being accounted for etc... etc. - and, Jesus’ Church had not yet been instituted.
We are all, even the "gods" of old, from the same Father; are ONE COSMIC FAMILY. And, my dear friends, THE "gods" may STILL WALK AMONG MEN!
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santmat · 4 years
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Reincarnation in Gnosticism, Let the Gnostics Be Gnostic, by James Bean
Reincarnation in Gnosticism (According to Gnostics)
Reincarnation in Pistis Sophia:
Of the incarnation of John the Baptizer… That John was Elias in a former birth: “And when I knew that ye had not understood that I had discoursed with you concerning the soul of Elias which is bound into John the Baptizer, I answered you in the discourse in openness face to face: ‘If ye like to accept John the Baptizer: he is Elias, of whom I have said that he will come.’” http://gnosis.org/library/pistis-sophia/ps011.htm
Reincarnation in the Secret Book of John (Apocryphon of John):
“When they come forth from the body, such a soul is given over to the powers created by the rulers, bound in chains, and cast into prison again. Around and around it goes until it manages to become free from forgetfulness through knowledge. And so, eventually, it becomes perfect and is saved.’” http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/apocjn-davies.html
Reincarnation in the Book of Thomas the Contender:
“In it the Saviour tells his disciple Thomas that after death those who were once believers but have remained attached to things of ‘transitory beauty’ will be consumed ‘in their concern about life’ and ‘will be brought back to the visible realm.’[1] At the end of the Book of Thomas, Jesus says: ‘Watch and pray that you may not be born in the flesh, but that you may leave the bitter bondage of this life.’[2] In other words, pray that you are not reborn on earth but that you return to higher realms.”
[1] Book of Thomas 4:7, 18, 17, in Marvin W. Meyer, trans., The Secret Teachings of Jesus: Four Gnostic Gospels (1984; reprint, New York: Random house, Vintage Books, 1986), pp. 44, 45 [2] Book of Thomas 9:5, in Meyer, The Secret Teachings of Jesus, p. 50
— See, “Christian Reincarnation”, and it includes Gnostic sources on reincarnation: https://reluctant-messenger.com/origen10.html
Reincarnation According to Basilides of Alexandria:
"Men suffer from their deeds in former lives". (Basilides of Alexandria)
Note: Though the classic Gnostics of antiquity believed that reincarnation was a reality (like Pythagoreanism, Platonism, and Kabbalah), but their goal was to be liberated from it and return back the true spiritual realm (Pleroma, Fullness).
Pistis Sophia, that same Gnostic text describing the fall of Sophia, is expounding upon an already established understanding that was articulated in the New Testament about John the Baptist being Elijah, Matthew 11:14. Of course John is described as having exited the womb same as everybody else …in other words, an example of re-incarnation (as opposed to resurrection or beaming down from above). As for Thomas the Spiritual Athlete and The Apocryphon of John, these are straight out of the Nag Hammadi Library. The Secret Book of John is considered to be one of greatest of Gnostic texts with multiple copies of it being discovered, an indication of popularity and wide usage, and most definitely essential reading for those curious about the real gnostics of antiquity. The Apocryphon of John includes reincarnation. That’s not surprising really given the obvious influences upon gnosticism such as Platonism and especially the teachings of Pythagoras (who believed in reincarnation).
My approach with this topic is coming from a different place and a different time. Mystics may have a sense of their own past lives as something real. Others have beliefs absent any perception, inner revelation or insight. Countless are the belief systems. Reincarnation is not my passion. After all, the goal of Gnosticism and the Enlightened is to not remain on the Wheel of Transmigration anyway. The goal is to NOT do it, not reincarnate. Empirically objectively proving reincarnation scientifically, or the existence of the soul for that matter, is still in its infancy however. I have high hopes for both, but it may be a long wait. One might have to… wait for it… *reincarnate* a few more times before that ‘quantum spirit-scope’ gets invented and someone can start taking measurements. My take is simply to see clearly something far less subtle than the activities of souls in other realms or the beyond. It is to let the gnostics be gnostic, treating them equally like any other world religion and understand just what exactly the original spiritual movements labeled “Gnostic” actually taught based on what they themselves have to say about that, and not what other esoteric groups coming into being many centuries or millennia later assume they taught cooking in their own particular theological and cultural cauldron of biases in Europe or the US.
The Saga of the Gnostics
Athanasius forbids the reading of their scriptures. Constantine and his allies attempt to eliminate them from the planet. Gleeful bishops in Egypt engaged in Gnostic cleansing driving gnostics out of villages. Irenaeus slanders them for centuries to come, kicking at the dust of their bones. Most forget about them, which is quite poetic in this world of forgetfulness. Others usurp, impersonate, and redefine what they call gnostic, the ultimate indignity. I wouldn’t be surprised if Samael* Weor published an alleged gnostic cookbook with meat recipes in it! (The various gnostic groups of antiquity were vegetarians.)
* Misspelling intentional;
“…And with this sword so-called ‘heresy’ was painfully cut from the Christian body. Gnosticism, which had perhaps already passed its prime, was eradicated, its remaining teachers murdered or driven into exile, and its sacred books destroyed. All that remained for scholars seeking to understand Gnosticism in later centuries were the denunciations and fragments preserved in the patristic heresiologies — or so it seem, until until a day in 1945…” (James M. Robinson, The Nag Hammadi Library in English) That's when the Gnostic Gospels were discovered.
“Gnostic” is Such an Abused Word — Let the Gnostics Define Their Own Beliefs
So, as I view the saga of the gnostics, the treatment of the true classic gnostics of antiquity, the only solution is to let the gnostics be gnostic, truly hear their voice embedded in the surviving texts that come directly from them, and allow them to speak for themselves, define their own beliefs, diet, and spiritual practices. Then others may benefit from their wisdom, and in that sense Gnosticism as a spiritual path can potentially reincarnate into the world again, or far more likely, help some to recognize those who already seem to be following something equivalent to a Living Gnosis Now in the modern age.
I just published, "Reincarnation in Gnosticism, Let the Gnostics Be Gnostic", by James Bean https://link.medium.com/vfrjQJar58
#Gnostic #Reincarnation #Gnosticism #Christianity #GnosticGospels #NagHammadiLibrary
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incarnateirony · 5 years
Taking an example from Christianity, when Jesus brought Lazarus back to life did he ressurected or reincarnated him, or are those concepts interchangeable?
Whoo! Here’s a fun one. Also sorry for delay Nonnie, I passed the fuck out.
Answer: Nyes?
Okay so first note, generally when we talk about reincarnation it’s in the idea like, you die, and then go through the great big beyond processing some way or another, and then decide or get voluntold you aren’t done yet, and then come back. Depending on the belief system, you may not even come back as a human, and generally, you come back as a wiggly human bean that has to try over top to bottom.
But depending on the exact abstract boundaries of reincarnation, you may very well take it such. After all, the entire principle of Christianity is to be “born again”, isn’t it?
But one could argue a difference, especially since Jesus endorsed like, actual fuckin’ reincarnation like that.
(Everyone, probably:)
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Okay so hold up let’s take a fun ride down Christianity lane even if this isn’t my personal sandbox. But since I got a Christian ask, I’ll give a Christian answer as best I can.
“Behold, I will send My messenger, who will prepare the way before Me. Then the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to His temple–the Messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight–see, He is coming,” says the LORD of Hosts. – Malachi 3:1  
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. – Malachi 4:5-6
“Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” – Matthew 11:11
Anyone remember John the Baptist coming before Jeebus?
Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding it. For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John.And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. – Matt 11:11-14
As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, “Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.” The disciples asked him, “Why then do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first?”Jesus replied, “To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things.But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.” – Matt 17:9-12
Which basically boiled down to, “He came back. He got beheaded. Great job guys!”
But in this example, John the Baptist’s birth was a lot more literal form of reincarnation. Elijah lived way back in the wayback machine. Then a new bb was born a lil bit before Jeebus came back, and lived a wholeassed new life over-again. So in this case, we are talking about the literal common form of address of reincarnation rather than the more abstract or philosophical reincarnation attached to the idea of, say, being Born Again, or debating if Jesus’ resurrection counts in that wheelhouse.
“But I tell you, Elijah has come.” (Mark 9:13)
The idea of reincarnation was condemned by the church around 500 AD and even strickened some now-aprocryphal texts that endorsed being able to get chances out of hell by Do-Over, so it became sort of alien to attach the related concepts (and other people would argue that older parts run against the idea of it, because of the idea of “death, then judgment”, but even that’s a WHOLE kettle of fish to argue the semantics of).
But it’s floating ‘round in there in the Bible.
Now, the thing is, be it Christ’s resurrection or being Born Again are a DIFFERENT kind of reincarnation, a more proverbial one than, say, Elijah shooting out of another vagina and growing up all over again as John the Baptist.
“But someone may ask, ‘How are the dead raised?  With what kind of body will they come?’  How foolish!  What you sow does not come to life unless it dies.  When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed, perhaps of wheat or of something else.  But God gives it a body as he has determined, and to each kind of seed he gives its own body.  All flesh is not the same:  Men have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another and fish another.  There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another.  The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.  So will it be with the resurrection of the dead.  The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.” (1 Corinthians 15:35-44).  
It is to be reborn in a new form; and really not all so different from the purpose of alchemical work in the remastering and recreation of the self long term. Jesus just kinda for the super ultra express route or something because Messiah? *shrug emoji*
So that said, when talking about say, Christianity, I would only call Jesus’ resurrection a /proverbial or metaphorical reincarnation/, as /more literal and direct reincarnation/ exists within the script, but it’s a fun thing to discuss anyway?
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carolap53 · 3 years
Who Do Men Say That I, the Son of Man, Am?
When Jesus asked His disciples this question, they were quick to respond: “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets” (Matthew 16:14). They had just come from galilee where crowds had flocked by the thousands to see and hear Jesus of Nazareth. The disciples had listened to the views of the people, collected their own polling data, and found that popular opinion about Jesus was divided. Things haven’t changed much. Two thousand years later people still do not agree on who Jesus is. Consider some of the opinions then and now. In Jesus’ day, some folks thought that the spirit of John the Baptist—the recently beheaded prophet and Jesus’ cousin—had entered Jesus. After all, both men preached the message of repentance. Other people said that Jesus was a reincarnated Elijah, and the Jews regarded Elijah as among the greatest of the prophets and teachers. In fact, to this day people have an empty chair at every Jewish Seder meal in honor of Elijah. Still others thought Jesus was the weeping prophet, Jeremiah. And then there were those who said He was just another in a long line, just another “one of the prophets” (v. 14). Ask your Islamic friends who Jesus is, and they will say He was a prophet. So even today one of the greatest challenges believers face is how people answer the question Jesus asked in Matthew 16:13. What men say tends to carry more weight than what God says. Most often the opinions of anyone and everyone are more highly respected than the convictions of believers in Jesus Christ. The proof of this is all around us. Pick up a newspaper and you will find an “Opinion Section.” I’ve always thought how wonderful it would be to read a “Conviction Section.” But we live in a world that is much more attuned to what men say about anything and everything than to what God says about how to live life. Television talk shows lead the ratings in today’s media-crazed, celebrity-obsessed world, further evidence that we care more about what so-called celebrities and experts think than about what our Creator, our Almighty, our Sovereign God says. This preoccupation with what men think and say—and the disregard for what God says—always results in two things: pluralistic compromise and political correctness. Pluralistic Compromise A pluralist believes that all human beings are en route to the same place, but we are just taking different roads to get there. Muslims take one road, Jews choose another, Buddhists go on a third road, Mormons have their own road, and we born-again believers follow the road we believe the Bible out-lines for us. In other words, popular opinion argues that we can choose from among a plurality of ways to get to heaven. Understandably, pluralism characterizes a society that is more interested in what men say than in what God says. In an effort to reach those listening to men, some mainline Christian groups have taken their theological remote controls and pushed the mute button when it comes to such topics as the wrath of God, His judgment, the sole authority of Scripture, and the exclusivity of the gospel message. Ironically—and parenthetically—one seldom ever finds these same individuals challenging other religions about their exclusive claims. Pluralistic compromise results when what men say matters more than what God says. Political Correctness Another result of today’s obsession with the opinions of men and women is political correctness. To be politically correct in our current culture, one must adhere to inclusivism. This view holds that God’s salvation applies even to men and women who have not explicitly believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. Inclusivism argues that since Jesus died on the cross for all people, everyone is included in atonement for sin accomplished by His crucifixion and resurrection. Again, whether your personal faith is in Christ alone is irrelevant. In Acts 16:30, a Philippian jailer asked Paul, “What must I do to be saved?” Had the apostle been an inclusivist, he might have answered, “Relax! You’re already saved. Everyone goes to heaven.” But Paul’s reply was pointed and exclusive: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved” (v. 31). Why should we, as followers of Christ, be concerned about pluralism and inclusivism? Because these perspectives—these value systems—can dramatically impact the perceptions and practice of our Christian faith. Pluralism runs absolutely counter to our doctrine, to what we believe, to the Bible’s message that Jesus is “the way” (John 14:6, emphasis added). If we believe that everyone is going to heaven, and that people simply travel on different roads to get there, then what do we do with the doctrine of the virgin birth, of Jesus’ sinlessness and His role as Lamb of God, of the fundamental teaching that we are saved by God’s grace through the faith we place in Him (Ephesians 2:8)? On the other hand, inclusivism affects our duty; how we behave and our mission as God’s people. If we in fact believe that everyone is going to heaven, then we in the church no longer need to work on evangelism and missions. The church then loses its sense of urgency and passion to reach a lost world with the saving news of Jesus’ victory over sin and death. Again, we are living in a world today that is far more interested in what people say and do than in what God says and commands. Aware of this, Jesus moved beyond His question of public consensus to the real heart of the matter. In His next breath He asked His disciples this question of personal conviction: “who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15, emphasis added). And that’s the question we’ll look at next. Q & A: “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” The answer is the same today as it was when Jesus uttered these words: there is no consensus. What God says is most important; the truth He proclaims will matter throughout eternity. Man’s opinions fade into insignificance next to God’s infallible and eternal word. Peter had the right answer to Jesus’ very important question, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” Peter responded, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16). Have you joined Peter and made this great confession?
Content drawn from The Jesus Code: 52 Scripture Questions Every Believer Should Answer, Padded Hardcover.
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(graphic made by myself using canva.com. graphic contains rearranged lyrics from Talking Heads song “Once in a Lifetime”: Letting the days go by, let the waters hold me down, letting the days go by water flowing underground, into the blue again, after the money’s gone, once in a lifetime water flowing underground, and you may ask yourself, am I right? am I wrong? and you may find yourself in another part of the world.)
How to define myself?
I’m a single mother of a child in middle school. I’m a recent divorcee (2017) out of an originally “standard” marriage, that turned into a polyamorous one with another woman. The whole thing didn’t so much fall apart as explode. The cracks had been forming since probably a few months after things went poly, but there had been fractures in the actual marriage before then. My ex chose the other woman rather than repairing our own relationship; but really if we had remained together and separated from the other woman there would have had to be a lot of work in order for us to be able to be in the marriage, not only was trust shattered but there are many things I have realized since that were borderline and completely abusive, given the manipulative, selfish, narcissist that the ex is.
I had joked before that we were already in a poly-amorous relationship because I have multiple personalities but that wasn’t enough for him.
I was raised Protestant (Church of England), in Europe, and in my childhood discovered a belief in reincarnation, which the youth pastor said was okay because Jesus recognized John the Baptist as a reincarnation of the prophet Elijah. In my teenage years just before we emigrated I discovered paganism and explored many variations of that throughout most of my high school and college life while really being sort of Agnostic in the sense that I knew there was Something Out There but I wasn’t sure what it was. Part of this was because inside my head various personalities had different views of the Divine, ranging from Asatru through Catholic to more Universalist (God has many faces and appears in different forms to different faiths but is the same overall entity).
Now, I find myselves returning, almost, to the faith I was born into. I found a friendly, modern, accepting Baptist church, one that isn’t so much fire and brimstone as it is find ways to improve yourself while exploring your faith, and rely on your faith and knowledge of God’s ways to walk your path in life and find healing.
I imagine I’m not the only one who has returned to Christianity, or the only one who is recovering from multiple traumas and abuse; but hopefully some will find insight, help or relatable things here.
Best wishes to any who read this essay.
I’m sure there will be more essays to come.
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nijjhar · 5 months
Eros Under Yahwehm the Potter of male and female leads to reincarnation ... Holy Gospel of our SUPERNATURAL FATHER of our supernatural “souls” Elohim, Allah, ParBrahm, etc., delivered by Christ Rajinder:- COMPARISON BETWEEN “EROS” OF OUR TRIBAL FATHER AND “AGAPE” OF OUR SUPERNATURAL FATHER. Eros is the tribal love in which people of the same tribe or Forefather love each other and live in “Peace” creating the kingdom of heaven under the Father of creation Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. Such tribal people normally do not fight with each other and live in Peace under their tribal Chief. I lived in Ghana for 14 years and over there, people were very co-operative. Eros is called PIAAR in Punjabi. Remember that two brethren were fighting with each other in Egypt and Moses told them not to fight and the aggressor told Moses who made you the judge. This “Rift” is called “Snake” and they were fighting with each other because they were still unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh. That is why they were kicked out of the “Promised Land” because they had become liars and murderers as they wanted to kill Joseph who was exposing their lies. This habit they carried on till the arrival of Christ Jesus and still they are liars and murderers in their Satan of Mammon and Media. So much so that these Messianic Jews, the Legacy of the Husbandmen of the Winepress, the Temple created a Pope and he murdered more than the Temple High Priests did fulfilling Matt 12v43-45 making the situation worse than before the arrival of Jesus. Today, in the USA, on the Power of Mammon and Media, they govern the people leading them to Hell as the rich man at the door of which the Friend of Jesus Lazarus was begging. They are such a great liar that thrown out of the family house for being unfaithful to their father called “Sukkot”, they call it a Festival to be enjoyed instead of repentance as they did under Moses. No wonder they deny Christ Jesus and keep all the 7 Candles of Menorah at the same level instead of raising the Middle Candle of “Elohim” " whose Son is Christ above the other 6 of Yahweh, the heavenly father of Jesus called Yahshua; Yah = Yahweh and Shua = Shiva = The Primordial Adam or Jesus was the Second Adam born of his Surrogate Mother Mary and Foster father Joseph of the most satanic Judah tribe. The Second coming of Jesus was Satguru = Christ Nanak among the Kings and Emperors of Darkness, the most greedy people in the world. In the Wilderness, Moses made them repent and seek forgiveness from their forefather Abraham, a Saint. After that he told them, to go and occupy their “Promised Land”. This story Jesus told in the Parable of the Prodigal son Isaac and the people of Ishmael left the “Promised Land” Peacefully because they were 100% of the Semitic Race as Abraham was. No white Aryans or black Negroes as today. The Promised Land does not belong to the spiritual self Jew but to the Semitic Race sons of Abraham. Now, Moses dealt with Yahweh as John, the Baptist, Prophet Elijah; my god is Yahweh, the Potter and he baptised the Jewish men of age in the water in the name of Abraham and Jesus in the name of his heavenly father “Yahweh”. John never baptised a woman, Gentile, or a Samaritan. Jesus Baptised the “Eleven” excluding the “Thief” Juda Iscariot, in the Holy Spirit at the Last Supper which is heavily mocked today. Thus, Jesus came in the name of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., and took them to the Royal Kingdom of God of the Celestial World of Sadhus where your supernatural “Soul” counts and not the flesh giving them the Chance to earn their Salvation by Preaching the Gospel Truth, Lord of the secular natural truth that Peter was speaking and he was assigned the Key to the kingdom of heaven where the Liars are not tolerated but killed. As Moses created “Eros” for the kingdom of heaven, so did Jesus USHERED IN “AGAPE” of our Supernatural Father to lift “Rifts”, the Cobras, on an international basis. Thus, as our Supernatural Father Elohim = Christ is the Lord of Sabbath, Yahweh of works that leads to your next birth called reincarnation, so in Christ Jesus we have “Resurrection” that Jesus demonstrated in His Friend Lazarus. Thus, reincarnation in “Eros” son of your tribal father, and Resurrection in “Agape” called PREM in Punjabi in our Supernatural Father Elohim.     For the unlisted videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Unlisted.htm My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Private Bitter Gospel Truth videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JAntisem.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JOHN 8V44.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf
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wisdomandrum · 3 years
Is Reincarnation in the Bible
The first thing that should be considered when approaching the question "is reincarnation in the Bible", should be the story of Elijah the Prophet and John the Baptist. Jesus is quoted in the scriptures several times explaining to his apostles that John the Baptist is in fact the reincarnation of Elijah.
These are just a few:
“For all the prophets and the law have prophesied until John. And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who was to come.” (Matthew 11:13-14)
“And the disciples asked him, saying, ‘Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?’
“But he answered them and said, ‘Elijah indeed is to come and will restore all things. But I say to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him but did to him whatever they wished. So also shall the Son of Man suffer at their hand.’
“Then the disciples understood that he had spoken of John the Baptist.” (Matthew 17:10-13
He clearly declared that Elijah had been born again as a new person. John was the reincarnation of Elijah the Prophet.
Here we have several scriptures, in which, support the idea of karmic debt and reincarnation:
“All who take the sword will perish by the sword.” (Matthew 26:52)
“If anyone slays with the sword, with the sword must he be slain.” (Revelation 13:10)
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A person reaps what he sows.” (Galatians 6:7)
“Life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.” (Exodus 21:24-25)
“Again, it [the kingdom of heaven] will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability.” (Matthew 25:14-15)
In the Book of Revelation there is a verse that only makes sense if reincarnation is a fact:
“Look he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him.” (Revelation 1:7)
“I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” (Matthew 24:34)
Listen to the original podcast where this information was presented:
Is Reincarnation in the Bible?
Is Reincarnation in the Bible? - Wisdom and Rum Website
This is part 7 of 7. Make sure you read the rest as well!
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mikaltom53 · 3 years
Tabletalk Devotions with R.C. Sproul
Duration: 365 days
More than a Prophet
Matthew 11:7–15 “For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John, and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come” (vv. 13–14).
Given John the Baptist’s earlier declarations about Jesus, his doubts about the Lord’s identity raised in Matthew 11:1–6 could have led many to question the consistency of his ministry. How could they not doubt his steadfastness and teaching since he has gone from exalting Jesus (3:13–17; John 3:22–36) to inquiring if He is truly the Christ? Alternatively, how could they trust in Jesus as the Messiah if the beloved John the Baptist had doubts about Him?
Jesus addresses these thoughts with His own questions. When swayed by the wind, the long reeds beside the Jordan River are visual metaphors of those who teach according to the whims of men. Christ’s inquiry about the reed intends to ask if John is one to change his message with the blowing of the wind (Matt. 11:7). He expects the people to answer that John was a faithful preacher. Similarly, Christ’s question about soft clothing (v. 8) reminds them that they sought John, a prophet who like Elijah wears camel’s hair (2 Kings 1:8), not fine linen. Jesus is saying that John is a prophet whose words must be embraced.
However, John is not only like Elijah, he is Elijah. In verses 9–10, Christ says John the Baptist fulfills Malachi 3:1, which looks for a special messenger to come before the Day of the Lord. This messenger is Elijah (Mal. 4:5–6), and in going before Jesus, John is revealed as the fulfillment of Malachi’s prophecy. Of course, John is not Elijah reincarnated. Just as the prophets refer to the coming Messiah as David (Jer. 30:9) because David is the prototypical king, so too does Malachi say the Messiah’s forerunner is Elijah since Elijah is the exemplary prophet. But Jesus is not literally David, nor is John the Baptist literally Elijah.
John is indeed great, but the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater still (Matt. 11:11). Here Jesus contrasts John’s place in redemptive history with that of the new covenant believer. John saw Jesus, but he died before the Lord’s death and resurrection. After His resurrection, we understand the work of Christ more clearly. Moreover, even today we experience new covenant benefits — like immediate access to God’s presence (Heb. 10:19–22) and the indwelling Spirit (Rom. 8:9) more powerfully than John did when he walked the earth.
John Calvin says the new covenant minister’s preaching is greater than John the Baptist’s because “it holds out Christ as having rendered complete and eternal satisfaction by his one sacrifice, as the conqueror of death and the Lord of life, and because it withdraws the veil, and elevates believers to the heavenly sanctuary.” John the Baptist was blessed, but we are more greatly favored to live in an era more cognizant of God’s grace in Christ.
For further study:
Zephaniah 1:7
The Bible in a year:
1 Kings 6–7
For the weekend:
1 Kings 8–12
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yogaadvise · 7 years
A Minister`s Thoughts on Meditation
I locate the worry and loathing of all things 'Eastern' within the Christian Church to be as utterly fascinating as it is unknowing as well as oblivious. This is specifically true of the principle of meditation.
As a blessed Presbyterian minister who has actually pastored churches throughout the Midwest, I am intrigued by the level of false information folks have actually expanded up with about the mystic elements of our Church as well as our faith. We have actually expanded apart and also, in some aspects, terrified of those traits mystical.
In Bible Research, I have some enjoyable with my parishioners and inquire regarding their sensations on reincarnation. They are normally pretty nonjudgmental people, and often across the board they resign such beliefs to Hindu or Buddhist adherents. I ask them if they assume it can ever be a part of the Christian practices, and it's generally an unquestionable, 'No.' I after that aim them to Mark 8: 27-28. Below, Jesus is having a conversation with his disciples soon after they have actually observed him doing several wonders. I am pricing quote the New International Version translation:
Jesus and also his adherents took place to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. En route he asked, 'Who do the individuals say that I am?' They replied 'Some state you are John the Baptist,, others say Elijah,, as well as still others, among the prophets.'
At this factor I stop them and also ask to observe what has actually just happened in this discussion. The devotees have offered to Jesus the very concept of a dead person returning to life through a person else. And note that Jesus did not subsequent this concept with any sort of rebuke or condemnation. Currently, while one can not and ought to not attract any kind of verdicts from this exchange, it reveals that Jesus, a guy who was increased in the Middle East and also for that reason affected by both Eastern and also Western approaches and spiritualities, was not a complete stranger to these points that a lot of people in the Western globe consider 'Eastern' in approach, religion, as well as spirituality.
Over the centuries, the Christian Church has actually shed touch with many points spiritual as well as Eastern. We've shed touch with those traits metaphysical, if you will, as well as come to be dependent virtually completely upon those traits physical. As well as we're all the poorer for it. Over the past Thirty Years we have lost touch with the silent, contemplative reflections of worship and exchanged them for three-piece bands as well as rock tunes concealing themselves as hymns of praise. Many modern-day worship expressions give little to no time at all for quiet petition and reflection, no time for quiet contemplative prayer.
We live in a world that is so hectic, so hurried, so loud, so loaded with unrelenting noise and also disturbance, that we have actually shed touch with quietness, tranquility, and reflection. I would deem we have actually even surrendered preferring the quiet, serene, uninterrupted times in our day, we've become unpleasant with it, discover it doesn't fit with the assumption of our culture that to be effective, whether it be at job, residence, or school, we have to be hectic until completion of the day when we simply crash in a heap, exhausted from the day's chasing this and that, merely also worn out to spend any kind of time at all in peaceful meditation.
Why is this so important?
Scripture provides us a number of occurrences where reflection and tranquility are important to the individual of faith.
' Be still and also understand that I am God.' -Psalms 46:10
' ... as well as on His legislation he practices meditation day and also night.' -Psalms 1:2
' Meditate upon these things, provide thyself completely to them, that thy profiting could show up to all.' -Timothy 4:18
I could continue, however my intent is not to provide an extensive discussion on the visibility of meditation in Scripture. Nevertheless, I wish to concentrate on a passage in 1 Kings 19: 1-13. The wonderful prophet Elijah has simply had a battle with the false prophets of Baal. Elijah dared the prophets to place their sacrifices on the altar then invoke their gods to consume the sacrifices with fire. Of course, their gods couldn't do it. Elijah after that prepared his sacrifice on the altar and also hoped to God that then sent out down a flame to consume the sacrifice. When Queen Jezebel became aware of this she transformed into furious with Elijah and also swore to kill him. Elijah, not surprisingly terrified, began competing his life. In his running as well as panic, he maintained really hoping that God would intervene on his behalf to give him the answers he needed. One is advised of the old expression: 'When at risk, when unsure, run in circles, yell as well as yell.'
He finally found some safety and security in a cavern where he was able to collect yourself and also this is where we get the tale in Bible, verse 9:
And the word of the Lord came to him, 'Exactly what are you doing right here, Elijah?' He replied, 'I have actually been really zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have actually denied your covenant, broken down your churches, as well as put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the just one left, as well as now they are aiming to eliminate me too.' The Lord claimed, 'Go out and base on the hill in the existence of the Lord, for the Lord will go by.' A terrific and also powerful wind tore the hills apart and shattered the rocks prior to the Lord, yet the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was a quake, however the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, however the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle murmur. When Elijah heard it, he drew his cape over his face and headed out and stood at the mouth of the cavern. After that a voice said to him, 'Just what are you doing here, Elijah?'
You see, it had not been until Elijah had gotten to that point of silent, it wasn't till he had the ability to end up being completely conscious, which can happen only when we are silently in meditation, that he was able to familiarize the presence of God and hear His still, small, voice, or God's murmur as the NIV places it.
It is in our silent moments of thoughtful reflection that we are most ideal able to 'listen to' the visibility of the divine. I certainly have my minutes in life when I am not exactly sure what to do or where to go, or when the answers I seek aren't in place. I have times when I fear, when I run scared, and also when my response is to playing around in circles. Also often I spend excessive energy and time running in circles screaming as well as shouting.
One of the best truths of life is the type of understanding I need that comes when I am peaceful as well as still inside, when I permit that still tiny voice to touch within me the spark of the Divine. And this is so in contrast to life since it implies that there should be no talking inside, as well as we are a speaking people. This indicates no busyness taking place within, and also we are a busy individuals. And this implies no stress inside as well as we are an individuals who live consistently with pressure. This indicates for us that we take our problems and also our worries and we take our cares and our requirements and also we prepared them aside for just a moment and also we allow ourselves total quietness of body and mind so we could familiarize the living presence of God, as well as because minute of awareness, God can reach us.
The greatest discipline that I can have in my life is that technique for achieving that moment of silence as well as stillness within. In that moment I become mindful of the existence of God, and also in that minute God talks with me and touches me. That murmur, that still tiny voice, is still a murmur. As well as it always will be, as well as unless I locate that moment of tranquility in my life, I could not listen to that whisper.
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iamethanlucas · 4 years
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#QAnon is doing what religion never did, in following the commission of Christ, to go into the world and preach #TheGospel (the good news). And what is the good news? Matthew 11:4-6,12-14 KJV [4] Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: [5] The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. [6] And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me. [12] And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. [13] For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. [14] And if ye will receive it, this is Elijah, which was for to come. Just as in Jesus day, many prophecies were fulfilled and many, like Elijah, were reincarnated to fulfill these prophecies and help usher in the #KingdomOfHeaven here on Earth. Jesus was the apex of the #Q movement. He was Q+++. His disciples were the #Anons. #GeorgeWashington was Q++, the Founders were the Anons. Now #Trump is Q+, and we, the Patriots, are the Anons. The Q Code has come full circle in its final wave for these #EndTimes. We are the Ecclesia...the church in the last days. Learn more in the upcoming release of #TheJesusQConnection, 07/30/2020. Don’t miss out on the biggest final fulfillment of prophecy and #Revelation in world history. Nothing has been bigger since Calvary, 2,000 years ago. This is what He came here for. This is why He died. And this is why we must pursue the final finish line at all cost! The world is about to be red-pilled and the Kingdom of Heaven is AT HAND, here and NOW! “There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fear. There will be a day, when the burdens of this place will be no more, and we’ll see Jesus face-to-face. But until that day...we’ll hold onto You always.” –Jeremy Camp These are the days. We are the chosen. The New Jerusalem. 🇺🇸🇮🇱 #WWG1WGA https://www.instagram.com/p/CCZHXeTnlBb/?igshid=1go70jkocqt5k
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