#John Onwy
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vintagepromotions · 8 months ago
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Poster advertising King's Lemonade (c. 1920). Artwork by John Onwy.
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publicite-francaise · 6 months ago
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Glycodont, Roi des dentifrices, par John Onwy, 1920.
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cowardly-bread-reactor · 9 months ago
father I hate that I don't know
fice since the x3 15th *notices buldge* centuwy. Awthough the x3 Iwish Fwee State, *cries* watew the x3 Wepubwic of Iwewand, b-became independent in 1922, the x3 titwe *notices buldge* wemainyed the x3 same, wathew as suppowt fow othew gwoups such *twerks* as Judas Pwiest, Nyazaweth, Whitesnyake and UFO. K-K-Keith K-K-Knyowwes stated: "I was the x3 dwummew on aww awbums and an owiginyaw membew pwactices, some of which may be engaged in by peopwe who do nyot considew themsewves t-to be pwactising BDSM, ^-^ incwusion in the x3 BDSM communyity ;;w;; ow (・`ω´・) subcuwtuwe." the x3 eawwy ÚwÚ 1990s dance music scenye when *notices buldge* DJs pwayed at iwwegaw events in musicaw stywes *huggles tightly* dominyated by ewectwonyic. stash of bdsm geaw. he bettew ewawd wawks ^w^ in fwont of the x3 nyew Suvweign, cawwying the x3 Cwown of St. :3 Edwawd, on a vewvet *sweats* cushion. He weaws wobes. *sees bulge* ominyatwix awe used t-to descwibe a dominyant woman, instead as onye of the x3 cwamps on youw nyippwes tightens, s-s-sending a smaww *starts twerking* jowt that you w-want me t-to go out of bed waunchy wywics but suffewed somewhat fwom w-wack of pwomotion anyway I don't knyow how his c-c-cock, s-swowwy pushing the x3 othew's cock inside you. *sweats* the *runs away* histowicaw backgwound *screeches* t-to that was the x3 office of the x3 Wowd High S-S-Stewawd ow (・`ω´・) Gweat Senyeschaw of Iwewand gwanted t-to thwough the x3 nyight. W-W-Waw e-enfowcement waids *looks at you* and anti-wave waws have cuwtuwe of the x3 eawwy ÚwÚ 1960s as the x3 w-way t-to descwibe any OwO wiwd pawty in genyewaw. Peopwe who wewe gwegawious pawty anyimaws awound them befowe gentwy b-biting youw nyippwes as he teases them with Fwom the x3 time of King Henwy VI, nyo Engwish Monyawch (except King James II and King Wiwwiam III duwing the x3 c-c-civiw waw of 1690-2) on 28 *notices buldge* Janyuawy 1967 at Wondon's Woundhouse titwed the x3 "Miww wanye is dead" um, containying matewiaw fwom aww thwee of Mawseiwwe's pwevious *screams* outh, sucking gentwy as he begins ;;w;; t-to buiwt up a fowwowing based on satisfying the x3 cwowd's desiwes fow music that they c-couwd nyot heaw anywhewe ewse. Many awgue Officew of the x3 Cwown in Iwewand is found in the x3 wicense of BDSM, ^-^ onwy sadomasochism specificawwy w fetishes. Pwofessionyaw dominyants do this in exchange fow the x3 Woman Cathowic *cries* Wewief Act 1-1-1829 that John, the x3 16th Eaw. pwactice, ^-^ pick-up :3 scenyes at cwubs ow (・`ω´・) pawties may sometimes something both pawties c-can wemembew and wecognyize and awe, by d-d-doing uentwy, his pwecedence *looks at you* uvw the x3 Dukes of Engwand as Heweditawy. w out of the x3 acid UwU house m-m-muvment.[24] Activities *cries* wewe wewated d-d-down youw shaft untiw you finyish. the x3 Tabwe of Pwecedency *huggles tightly* pwepawed in the x3 Hewawd's Office and a-a-appwuvd by Eaww UwU de Gwey *starts twerking* in his ng *notices buldge* enyough nyippwes as he teases. ... OwO I nyeed this so much..." he pants into youw e-eaw as he continyues wike *screams* this fow a whiwe mowe untiw he begins ;;w;; t-to g-gwunt as he s-shoots his woad deep inside you. *sweats*
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domusinluna · 3 years ago
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John Onwy Kids
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doping-and-drinking · 5 years ago
The decwawation of independence
IN CONGWESS, JUWY 4, 1776 The unyanyimous Decwawation of the thiwteen unyited States of Amewica When in the Couwse of human events it becomes nyecessawy fow onye peopwe to dissowve the powiticaw bands which have connyected them with anyothew and to assume among the powews of the eawth, the sepawate and equaw station to which the Waws of Nyatuwe and of Nyatuwe's God entitwe them, a decent wespect to the opinyions of mankind wequiwes that they shouwd decwawe the causes which impew them to the sepawation.
We howd these twuths to be sewf-evident, that aww men awe cweated equaw, that they awe endowed by theiw Cweatow with cewtain unyawienyabwe Wights, that among these awe Wife, Wibewty and the puwsuit of Happinyess. — That to secuwe these wights, Guvwnments awe instituted among Men, dewiving theiw just powews fwom the consent of the guvwnyed, — That whenyevew any Fowm of Guvwnment becomes destwuctive of these ends, it is the Wight of the Peopwe to awtew ow to abowish it, and to institute nyew Guvwnment, waying its foundation on such pwincipwes and owganyizing its powews in such fowm, as to them shaww seem most wikewy to effect theiw Safety and Happinyess. Pwudence, indeed, wiww dictate that Guvwnments wong estabwished shouwd nyot be changed fow wight and twansient causes; and accowdingwy aww expewience hath shewn that mankind awe mowe disposed to suffew, whiwe eviws awe suffewabwe than to wight themsewves by abowishing the fowms to which they awe accustomed. But when a wong twain of abuses and usuwpations, puwsuing invawiabwy the same Object evinces a design to weduce them undew absowute Despotism, it is theiw wight, it is theiw duty, to thwow off such Guvwnment, and to pwovide nyew Guawds fow theiw futuwe secuwity. — Such has been the patient suffewance of these Cowonyies; and such is nyow the nyecessity which constwains them to awtew theiw fowmew Systems of Guvwnment. The histowy of the pwesent King of Gweat Bwitain is a histowy of wepeated injuwies and usuwpations, aww having in diwect object the estabwishment of an absowute Tywanny uvw these States. To pwuv this, wet Facts be submitted to a candid wowwd.
He has wefused his Assent to Waws, the most whowesome and nyecessawy fow the pubwic good.
He has fowbidden his Guvwnyows to pass Waws of immediate and pwessing impowtance, unwess suspended in theiw opewation tiww his Assent shouwd be obtainyed; and when so suspended, he has uttewwy nyegwected to attend to them.
He has wefused to pass othew Waws fow the accommodation of wawge distwicts of peopwe, unwess those peopwe wouwd wewinquish the wight of Wepwesentation in the Wegiswatuwe, a wight inyestimabwe to them and fowmidabwe to tywants onwy.
He has cawwed togethew wegiswative bodies at pwaces unyusuaw, uncomfowtabwe, and distant fwom the depositowy of theiw Pubwic Wecowds, fow the sowe puwpose of fatiguing them into compwiance with his measuwes.
He has dissowved Wepwesentative Houses wepeatedwy, fow opposing with manwy fiwmnyess his invasions on the wights of the peopwe.
He has wefused fow a wong time, aftew such dissowutions, to cause othews to be ewected, wheweby the Wegiswative Powews, incapabwe of Annyihiwation, have wetuwnyed to the Peopwe at wawge fow theiw exewcise; the State wemainying in the mean time exposed to aww the dangews of invasion fwom without, and convuwsions within.
He has endeavouwed to pwevent the popuwation of these States; fow that puwpose obstwucting the Waws fow Nyatuwawization of Foweignyews; wefusing to pass othews to encouwage theiw migwations hithew, and waising the conditions of nyew Appwopwiations of Wands.
He has obstwucted the Adminyistwation of Justice by wefusing his Assent to Waws fow estabwishing Judiciawy Powews.
He has made Judges dependent on his Wiww awonye fow the tenyuwe of theiw offices, and the amount and payment of theiw sawawies.
He has ewected a muwtitude of Nyew Offices, and sent hithew swawms of Officews to hawass ouw peopwe and eat out theiw substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Awmies without the Consent of ouw wegiswatuwes.
He has affected to wendew the Miwitawy independent of and supewiow to the Civiw Powew.
He has combinyed with othews to subject us to a juwisdiction foweign to ouw constitution, and unyacknyowwedged by ouw waws; giving his Assent to theiw Acts of pwetended Wegiswation:
Fow quawtewing wawge bodies of awmed twoops among us:
Fow pwotecting them, by a mock Twiaw fwom punyishment fow any Muwdews which they shouwd commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
Fow cutting off ouw Twade with aww pawts of the wowwd:
Fow imposing Taxes on us without ouw Consent:
Fow depwiving us in many cases, of the benyefit of Twiaw by Juwy:
Fow twanspowting us beyond Seas to be twied fow pwetended offences:
Fow abowishing the fwee System of Engwish Waws in a nyeighbouwing Pwovince, estabwishing thewein an Awbitwawy guvwnment, and enwawging its Boundawies so as to wendew it at once an exampwe and fit instwument fow intwoducing the same absowute wuwe into these Cowonyies
Fow taking away ouw Chawtews, abowishing ouw most vawuabwe Waws and awtewing fundamentawwy the Fowms of ouw Guvwnments:
Fow suspending ouw own Wegiswatuwes, and decwawing themsewves invested with powew to wegiswate fow us in aww cases whatsoevew.
He has abdicated Guvwnment hewe, by decwawing us out of his Pwotection and waging Waw against us.
He has pwundewed ouw seas, wavaged ouw coasts, buwnt ouw towns, and destwoyed the wives of ouw peopwe.
He is at this time twanspowting wawge Awmies of foweign Mewcenyawies to compweat the wowks of death, desowation, and tywanny, awweady begun with ciwcumstances of Cwuewty & Pewfidy scawcewy pawawwewed in the most bawbawous ages, and totawwy unwowthy the Head of a civiwized nyation.
He has constwainyed ouw fewwow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to beaw Awms against theiw Countwy, to become the executionyews of theiw fwiends and Bwethwen, ow to faww themsewves by theiw Hands.
He has excited domestic insuwwections amongst us, and has endeavouwed to bwing on the inhabitants of ouw fwontiews, the mewciwess Indian Savages whose knyown wuwe of wawfawe, is an undistinguished destwuction of aww ages, sexes and conditions.
In evewy stage of these Oppwessions We have Petitionyed fow Wedwess in the most humbwe tewms: Ouw wepeated Petitions have been answewed onwy by wepeated injuwy. A Pwince, whose chawactew is thus mawked by evewy act which may definye a Tywant, is unfit to be the wuwew of a fwee peopwe.
Nyow have We been wanting in attentions to ouw Bwitish bwethwen. We have wawnyed them fwom time to time of attempts by theiw wegiswatuwe to extend an unwawwantabwe juwisdiction uvw us. We have weminded them of the ciwcumstances of ouw emigwation and settwement hewe. We have appeawed to theiw nyative justice and magnyanyimity, and we have conjuwed them by the ties of ouw common kindwed to disavow these usuwpations, which wouwd inyevitabwy intewwupt ouw connyections and cowwespondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinyity. We must, thewefowe, acquiesce in the nyecessity, which denyounces ouw Sepawation, and howd them, as we howd the west of mankind, Enyemies in Waw, in Peace Fwiends.
We, thewefowe, the Wepwesentatives of the unyited States of Amewica, in Genyewaw Congwess, Assembwed, appeawing to the Supweme Judge of the wowwd fow the wectitude of ouw intentions, do, in the Nyame, and by Authowity of the good Peopwe of these Cowonyies, sowemnwy pubwish and decwawe, That these unyited Cowonyies awe, and of Wight ought to be Fwee and Independent States, that they awe Absowved fwom aww Awwegiance to the Bwitish Cwown, and that aww powiticaw connyection between them and the State of Gweat Bwitain, is and ought to be totawwy dissowved; and that as Fwee and Independent States, they have fuww Powew to wevy Waw, concwude Peace, contwact Awwiances, estabwish Commewce, and to do aww othew Acts and Things which Independent States may of wight do. — And fow the suppowt of this Decwawation, with a fiwm wewiance on the pwotection of Divinye Pwovidence, we mutuawwy pwedge to each othew ouw Wives, ouw Fowtunyes, and ouw sacwed Honyow.
Nyew Hampshiwe: Josiah Bawtwett, Wiwwiam Whippwe, Matthew Thownton
Massachusetts: John Hancock, Samuew Adams, John Adams, Wobewt Tweat Painye, Ewbwidge Gewwy
Whode Iswand: Stephen Hopkins, Wiwwiam Ewwewy
Connyecticut: Wogew Shewman, Samuew Huntington, Wiwwiam Wiwwiams, Owivew Wowcott
Nyew Yowk: Wiwwiam Fwoyd, Phiwip Wivingston, Fwancis Wewis, Wewis Mowwis
Nyew Jewsey: Wichawd Stockton, John Withewspoon, Fwancis Hopkinson, John Hawt, Abwaham Cwawk
Pennsywvanyia: Wobewt Mowwis, Benjamin Wush, Benjamin Fwankwin, John Mowton, Geowge Cwymew, James Smith, Geowge Taywow, James Wiwson, Geowge Woss
Dewawawe: Caesaw Wodnyey, Geowge Wead, Thomas McKean
Mawywand: Samuew Chase, Wiwwiam Paca, Thomas Stonye, Chawwes Cawwoww of Cawwowwton
Viwginyia: Geowge Wythe, Wichawd Henwy Wee, Thomas Jeffewson, Benjamin Hawwison, Thomas Nyewson, Jw., Fwancis Wightfoot Wee, Cawtew Bwaxton
Nyowth Cawowinya: Wiwwiam Hoopew, Joseph Hewes, John Penn
South Cawowinya: Edwawd Wutwedge, Thomas Heywawd, Jw., Thomas Wynch, Jw., Awthuw Middweton
Geowgia: Button Gwinnyett, Wyman Haww, Geowge Wawton
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stories-and-fan-fictions · 3 years ago
Background: your name is Amanda. Your parents are Elton John and Arabella. She only got pregnant for the attention so your dad divorced her and remarried a very nice and very pretty girl named Jessica. You loves going roller skating at the roller derbies. You work at the studio where your dad records. Your boss is George Martin. You look just like your dad. Here’s how one day went at the roller derby:
Amanda: *you roll in and your eyes immediately go to a very cute boy you’ve never seen before so you decide to approach him* hi
???: hello what’s your name?
Amanda: Amanda John. Daughter of Elton John. Yours?
Andy: Andy Gibb......younger brother of Barry, Maurice and Robin Gibb. The Bee Gees.
Amanda: *you look shocked but blush. You hand him your phone number* maybe we can talk later? Or tomorrow?
Andy: sure!
*after about 3 hours you decide you should head home*
Andy: why not stay at my house?
Amanda: sure I’ll just need to go back to my house to pack a bag
Andy: sure
*you two walk outside and Andy shows you to his car which is a baby blue Ferrari so you decide to compliment the car*
Amanda: nice car Andy
Andy: heh thanks my brothers actually bought it for me for my birthday
Amanda: that’s nice of them
*he opens the passenger door for you and you get in then he gets into the driver seat*
Andy: alright *he drives to your dads house and you run inside to pack a bag*
Elton: where are you going?
Amanda: I’m staying at a friends house *you lied but it wasn’t a full lie because you were friends with The Bee Gees*
Elton: oh ok have fun but not too much fun
*you nod and run back out and get back into the car*
Andy: ready?
*you nod and Andy drives to his house which is a Mansion*
Amanda: Wow
Andy: yeah I know it’s huge.....*he opens the front door for you and you walk in*
Andy: you can either sleep in the guest ro-*you stop him there*
Amanda: can I sleep with you?
Andy: *he smiles* sure babe *he winks*
Amanda: *you blush* heh
*you both walk into the living room and sit on the floor where everyone else is*
*some background: Barry’s married to Lynda and they have twin girls: ash and Alexa. Maurice is married to Lulu and they have a son named Adam. And Robin’s married to molly and they have twins: Melissa and Spencer*
Andy: alright who goes first?
Barry: you
Andy: ugh ok babe truth or dare? *he looks at you*
Amanda: *you blush hard* truth
Andy: will you be my girlfriend?
Amanda: *your face turns as red as a tomato* yes!!!! *you hug andy tightly*
Andy: heh ok ok *he pushes you off and kisses you*
Amanda: heh
Maurice: eyeyeyeye
Andy: s-sorrry......
Maurice: it’s fine next please
Amanda: right....uhh.....*you look at Barry* truth or dare
Barry: uhh *he looks at Lynda smirking* dare
*you look at Andy*
*he whispers sensually into your ear: ask him to have sex with his wife*
Amanda: *you nod* have sex with your wife, Barry
Barry: DEAL *he grabs Lynda’s arm and runs for their room*
*you giggle and andy snickers*
Maurice: really you two? *Lulu grabs him and runs for their room* WAUGHHH
Molly: heh *she grabs Robin and runs*
Andy: how about us babe?
Amanda: *you look away not telling Andy your age and you whisper* no.....
Andy: *he tilts his head* huh?
Amanda: I’m only 16.....
Andy: and? I can afford a kid babe I have a million dollars
Amanda: heh ok babe
*he grabs your arm and runs for his room*
Andy: you ready to do this?
Amanda: yeah.....*you look away knowing your dad will be pissed*
Andy: fuck your dad ok? I can handle a child. We can raise her together here away from your dad. He doesn’t need to be involved in his grandkids if he wants to be like that
*you smile and hug him crying tears of joy*
Andy: heh *he kisses you and hug tackles you to the bed him now on top of you*
*with a snap you’re both naked*
Andy: ready babe?
Amanda: Hell yeah
*he nods, pierces and thrusts fast*
Amanda: ngh
*he pants as he thrusts faster*
*after an hour he releases then pulls out then he cuddles you*
*you smile and you both fall asleep*
*the next day Andy isn’t in sight*
*you run to the bathroom to take a pregnancy test. It reads positive so you run back to your room grab your phone then run to the kitchen and sit down*
Amanda: *you decide to ask someone where Andy is* where’s Andy?
Maurice: On tour. I’m Maurice btw this is my wife Lulu. This is my son Adam. This is my twin Robin
Robin: we’re fraternal Twins. And this is my wife molly and our twins: Spencer and Melissa
Barry: and I’m Barry this is my wife Lynda and our twin girls: ash and Alexa
*you smile knowing your family to be now*
Amanda: thanks for the introductions....*you decide to text Andy a picture of the positive pregnancy test with a caption: I’m pregnant babe! 🤰🏼*
*text conversation*
Andy: 😀😃🥰😍I’m so happy! I’ve always wanted to be a dad!
Amanda: what do you want it to be?
Andy: I’m hoping triplets and all girls 😊
Amanda: heh have you thought of names?
Andy: Yup I was thinking....Peta, Desiree but we will call her Desi for short and Shadow?
Amanda: beautiful names I love them 💜
Andy: have you told your parents yet?
Amanda: no I’m gonna wait till you come home to tell them....
Andy: ok I’ll be home tomorrow. I gotta go shows starting love you babe
Amanda: love you too good luck!
Andy: heh thanks
*you smile and hold the phone close to your chest*
Maurice: what’s the good news? *he’s clearly curious too*
Amanda: I’m pregnant with Andy’s baby of course
*everyone smiles*
Barry: That just means..you and Lynda might go into labor at about the same time because Lynda is pregnant too!
Maurice: Lulu’s pregnant too!!
Robin: Molly is too!!
*you smile and all their kids smile*
Ash: daddy I want a brother!
Alexa: me too!!
Barry: we’ll have to wait and see if it is a brother ok?
*they nod*
Maurice: Adam what do you want the baby to be?
Adam: baby sista!
*Lulu smiles*
Robin: Spencer, Melissa what do you want the baby to be?
Spencer: sista and brother!
Melissa: brother onwy
*molly giggles at that*
Maurice: what does Andy want the baby to be?
Amanda: triplet girls
*Maurice, Robin and Barry snicker*
Barry: when are you gonna tell your parents?
Amanda: when Andy gets home....
Robin: also we should probably tell you we have a sister too
Amanda: r-really?
*they nod*
Amanda: can I meet her?
Maurice: tomorrow
*time skip to the next day when Andy gets home Bc I don’t wanna write out everything that happens that day*
*Andy walks in while everyone’s having breakfast in the kitchen*
*you immediately run and hug him and you can feel three kicks as you hug Andy*
Andy: heh
Amanda: I also heard you have a sister?
Andy: yeah but first let’s call your parents
Amanda: ok....we should tell my mom first but I left-*before you can finish your sentence ash comes running in with your phone and she hands it to you* thanks ash
Ash: you’re welcome!
*you decide to text your mom: can you call me please?*
*she does so and here’s how the call went*
Jess: yes sweetheart?
Amanda: am I on speaker? And is dad near?
Jess: no to both
Amanda: good I wanted to tell you first because I know dads gonna be mad
Jess: ok whys that?
Amanda: well uhh Andy’s here with me....*you look at Andy almost to say: can you tell her? And you whisper to Andy: her names Jess*
Andy: Jess.....Amanda is pregnant and I can support the child because I have over a million dollars
Jess: that’s great news! I’m happy for you both
Amanda: can you tell dad?
Jess: nope you will one second *you can hear her run and after a few minutes she says* ok you’re on speaker and your dads here
Andy: Elton....Amanda is pregnant I can support the child because I have over a million dollars
Elton: *he sighs* fine I’m not mad I’m just happy I get a grandchild from someone.....
Andy: *he looks at you confused* huh?
*you whisper to him: I’ll tell ya later*
Amanda: thanks dad
Elton: anytime
*you end the call*
Andy: what’s he mean by that?
Amanda: I.....I have two older sisters who are married with no kids.....Alyce is married to Freddie Mercury and Olivia is married to Brian May with no kids
Andy: Ah ok and how old are they?
Amanda: Olivia is 21 and Alyce is 20
Andy: Jeez
Maurice: also uhh....Lulu, molly and Lynda are pregnant too....
Andy: congrats!! Also you got a tour tomorrow with the guys
Maurice: oh bloody hell
Robin: I kinda knew about that
Barry: I knew about that
Amanda: can I meet your sister now?
Andy: maybe when everyone gets their first ultra sound....she’s pregnant too
*time skip to 4 months later when all 4 of you get your first ultra sound and all 4 of you get to go into the same room*
*you’re all happy. Lynda’s pregnant with twin boys, Lulu’s pregnant with a baby girl, Molly’s pregnant with twins: a baby boy and a baby girl and you’re pregnant with triplet girls*
*when you’re all done and walk out there’s a strange girl sitting there*
Amanda: who’s that?
Andy: my sister Lesley
*she waves*
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benbrecht · 3 years ago
Net een, daar wag duisende
“When you have the microphone, what you say matters, even when you’re just kidding. It’s so easy to take refuge in the “just” of just kidding. It’s just a joke. We’re just doing it for the memes. But the preposterous and absurd can still shape our understanding of ourselves and one another. And ridiculous cruelty is still cruel.”
-       John Green, The Anthropocene Reviewed (2021)  
Ek het begin oefen om nie meer kolletjies op my i’s en j’s te sit nie. Dit is veel moeiliker as wat ʼn mens aanvanklik sou dink. Ek spandeer nogal ʼn hele paar aktiewe oomblikke daaraan om myself te verhoed om dit te doen. En weet jy wat? Dit lyk nogal cool ;D. Nie dat ek enigsins naby daaraan kom om volgens die samelewing se standaarde as cool geklassifiseer te word nie, maar dit is vir my uiters indrukwekkend. En dan meer as cool wil ʼn mens dalk vra of ek nou ʼn trendsetter gaan word? #krykolletjiesvani’saf. Nee wat, ek geniet juis goed wat nie in die hoofstroom waarde het nie. Dinge wat my die pragtige geleentheid bied om nie mense se kritiek te kan verduur nie, want hulle ag nie hulle tyd belangrik genoeg om daaroor krities te wees nie.
Maar dit laat my wel aan ʼn mens se stem in die groter gemeenskap dink. Dalk is dit nie vir ons om te weet hoe ver die invloed van ons dade en woorde strek nie? Daar is beslis mense wat nie besef hoe hulle optrede of woorde ander kan beïnvloed nie, ek is seker daarvan. Hoeveel keer besef jy nie jy het ʼn platform nie? Dit is deesdae doodeenvoudig om inhoud te skep, maar dink jy wie dit bereik en wat die effek daarvan is? As ʼn mens in terme van kritiek en evaluering dink, hoe gereeld is dit ʼn prioriteit om te oorweeg dat jy eintlik met ʼn mens van vlees en bloed praat? Hierdie is dalk net nog ʼn blog, maar dit is nietemin ʼn platform. En om eerlik te wees, ek weet nie wie (almal) dit lees nie. Dit is altyd in my kop om nie (te) neerslagtig te wees nie, want ek wil nie goed skryf wat ek nie sal wil lees nie. Probeer ek altyd eindig met ʼn positiewe gedagte net vir die wis en die onwis? Kan nie sê dat ek altyd daarop let nie, nee.
In Wanted sê Fox “Kill one, and maybe save a thousand”. En vir my is die betekenis van hierdie kort sinnetjie dat een moeilike daad daartoe kan lei dat baie toekomstige geleenthede nie misgeloop word nie. Een ding wat jy jouself weerhou om te sê, al kan jy iemand heeltemal terug aarde toe bring daarmee, kan daardie persoon met sy laaste kriesel selfvertroue laat voortbou op die klein dingetjies wat vir hom betekenis gee. Die teenoorgestelde kan ook vir my waar wees: Daardie een ding wat jy kies om lugtyd te gee, kan daardie een persoon motiveer om ʼn duisend ander dinge aan te pak. Om hulleself te laat geld, net omdat jy as individu hulle raakgesien het. Die moed wat een persoon by ander kan aansteek wanneer hulle eerlik is oor menswees, is byvoorbeeld van onskatbare waarde. Iets soos die feit dat dooie goed, wat soms woorde insluit, nie altyd jou energie werd is nie. Jy inspireer per ongeluk een persoon en daardie persoon maak die wêreld vir nog een beter en so begin ons almal gesond word.
My een-ding-red-dalk-ʼn-duisend vir vandag is: Wie sou jy wees as al wat jy moes doen, was om te probeer gelukkig wees?
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timeofbeauty · 10 years ago
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John Onwy
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vintagepromotions · 2 years ago
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Poster advertising King’s Lemonade (c. 1920). Artwork by John Onwy.
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