#Johann Abraham Peter Schulz
lyrics365 · 27 days
Der Mond ist aufgegangen Die goldnen Sternlein prangen Am Himmel hell und klar Der Wald steht schwarz und schweiget Und aus den Wiesen steiget Der weisse Nebel wunderbar Wie ist die Welt so stille Und in der Dämmrung Hülle So traulich und so hold! Als eine stille Kammer Wo ihr des Tages Jammer Verschlafen und vergessen sollt Seht ihr den Mond dort stehen? – Er ist nur halb zu sehen Und ist doch…
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sweet-soul-sister · 6 years
Der Wald steht schwarz und schweiget und aus den Wiesen steigt der weiße Nebel wunderbar.
Johann Abraham Peter Schulz (Der Mond ist aufgegangen)
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architectureofdoom · 6 years
Tags - Architects/designers I-Z
I.M. Pei Ignaty Milinis Ignazio Gardella Igor Vasilevsky Ilia Golosov Isamu Noguchi Ivan Fomin Ivan Leonidov Ivor Smith and Jack Lynn J.B. Hourlier J.B. Ingwersen J.F. Staal J.J.P. Oud L.J. sert J.M. Lamuniere J.M. Stokla James Gowan James Stirling Jan Duiker Jan Wils Jean Bourgon Jean Dubuisson Jean Prouve Jean Renaudie Joao Filgueiras Lima Joaquim Guedes Johann Georg Gsteu John Andrews John Bancroft John Dinkeloo John Hejduk John M. Johansen John Madin John Pawson John Portman John Storrs Jorn Utzon Jos Bedaux Josef Schulz Joseph Salerno Jozsef Fischer Juan O'Gorman Juliaan Lampens Jurgen Sawade Justus Dahinden K.L. Sijmons Kalff Karl Ehn Karl Moser Karl Schwanzer Kenzo Tange Kevin Roche Kisho Kurokawa Kiyonori Kikutake Konrad Wachsmann Konstantin Melnikov Kunio Mayekawa Kurt Schlauss Kurt Schwitters Le Corbusier Lebbeus Woods Leonardo Savioli Leonid Vesnin Leslie Martin Lev Rudnev Lina Bo Bardi Louis Fumet Louis Kahn Louis Noiray Louis Sullivan Lucio Costa Ludwig Hilberseimer Luigi Figini Luigi Moretti Luis Barragan Luis Peña Ganchegui Lutyens Malevich Manfred Hermer Marcel Breuer Marcel Lods Marcello Piacentini Mario Pani Marius Duintjer Mart Stam Martin Elsaesser Martin van Treeck Max Abramovitz Max Berg Mendelsohn Michel de Klerk Mies Minoru Yamasaki Moholy-Nagy Moisei Ginzburg Moshe Safdie MVRDV Neave Brown Neutra Nicholas Grimshaw Nikolai Kolli Noi Trotsky O Studio Olivier-Clement Cacoub Olson Kundig OMA Oscar Niemeyer Oswald Ungers Otto Herbert Hajek Ove Arup Owen luder P.V. Jensen Klint Pancho Guedes Panteleimon Golosov Paolo Portoghesi Paolo Soleri Paul Baumgarten Paul Ludwig Troost Paul Nelson Paul Rudolph Paul Stohrer Paul Virilio Paulo Mendes Da Rocha Pei Cobb Freed Peter Behrens Peter Eisenman Peter Märkli Peter Zumthor Philip Johnson Pier Luigi Nervi Pierre Jeanneret Pierre Koenig Pierre Parat Piet Blom Piet Elling Piet Mondriaan Piet Zanstra Pietro Belluschi Pietro Lingeri Pot Keegstra R.M. della Rocca Raimund Abraham Rainer Disse Raj Rewal Ralph Erskine Ray Eames Reinhard Gieselmann Rem Koolhaas Renaat Braem Rene Gages Renzo Piano Ricardo Bofill Ricardo Legorreta Richard Meier Richard Rogers Richard Seifert Richard Sheppard Robert Geddes Robert Mallet-Stevens Robert van ’t Hoff Robert Venturi Roger Anger Rudolf Schwarz Rudolf Steiner Ruy Ohtake Sachio Otani Sant'Elia Sérgio Bernardes Sergio Musmeci Shoji Sadao Sigurd Lewerentz Simon Ungers Smithsons SOM Speer Stanley Tigerman Superstudio Sverre Fehn Tadao Ando Team X Terragni Theo Bosch Theo van Doesburg Tony Garnier Ulrich Franzen Val Michelson Valerio Olgiati Van den Broek en Bakema Vann Molyvann Vico Magistretti Victor Bodiansky Viktor Vesnin Vilanova Artigas Viljo Revell Vittoriano Vigano Vladimir Bodiansky Vladimir Shukhov Vladimir Tatlin Volker Theissen Wallace Harrison Walter Forderer Walter Gropius Walter Netsch Wang Shu Wassili Luckhardt Wells Coates Werner Allenbach Werner Düttmann Werner March Wiel Arets Willem Dudok Willem van Tijen William Pereira Willy Guhl Willy Kreuer Willy Van Der Meeren Wim Quist Yakov Chernikov Yoshinobu Ashihara Zvi Hecker
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sonyclasica · 5 years
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El Coro Infantil de la Filarmónica de Dresde, uno de los mejores de Alemania, presenta ahora su disco Abendlieder, en el que presentan canciones de cuna de su país e internacionales junto a otras composiciones poco habituales que merece la pena descubrir. A la venta el viernes 18 de octubre.
Después de su exitoso primer álbum de villancicos, el Coro de Dresde interpreta en su nuevo disco piezas como “Guten Abend, gut Nacht” de Johannes Brahms, la canción popular francesa “Au clair de la lune”, “Mein Stern” de Bedrich Smetana y “Cantique” de Jean Racine por Gabriel Fauré. La famosa “Gymnopédie No. 1” de Satie y el “Clair de lune” de Debussy se incluyen en versión instrumental con
arreglos para cuarteto de cuerda.
En Abendlieder, el Coro cuenta historias sobre la luna, habla sobre el anhelo de la infancia pasada y la alegría de un nuevo mañana. La grabación se realizó en la nueva sala de conciertos del Kulturpalast Dresden.
El Coro de Niños de la Filarmónica de Dresde debe su creación en 1967 a una iniciativa lanzada por Kurt Masur, que era el director de la Filarmónica en ese momento. Hoy es uno de los coros infantiles más conocidos y exitosos de Alemania. Desde 2012 el profesor Gunter Berger ha dirigido el coro en el que actualmente cantan unos 140 niños.
El espectro musical abarca desde obras del Renacimiento hasta piezas del siglo XXI. El trabajo profesional continuo con los niños se apoya en una estrecha cooperación y conciertos celebrados conjuntamente con la Filarmónica de Dresde. El Coro ha obtenido los primeros premios en muchas competiciones nacionales e internacionales y a ofrecido conciertos y talleres en Europa, China, Japón, Estados Unidos, Canadá, Australia y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Las producciones de radio, cine y televisión, así como numerosas grabaciones documentan la amplia gama de actividades del coro.
Gunter Berger se dedicó desde 1990 a trabajar con coros, tanto con niños como con adultos. Como director del coro de niños MDR (1990- 2011) lanzó el conjunto a la reputación europea. Desde 2012 dirige el Coro Infantil de Dresde y durante este período ha ampliado considerablemente las oportunidades de capacitación y el repertorio del mismo.
1.     Guten Abend, gut Nacht                            
Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
T: Des Knaben Wunderhorn, 1808
children’s choir a-cappella
2.     Abend wird es wieder                                                      
folk song *
M: Christian Heinrich Rinck (1770-1846)
T: Hoffmann von Fallersleben (1798-1874)
children’s choir, wind quintet, piano
3.     Wer hat die schönsten Schäfchen *
M: Johann Friedrich Reichardt (1752-1814) T: Hoffmann von Fallersleben (1798-1874)
children’s choir, wind quintet, harpsichord
solo: Antonia Pätzold
4.     Au clair de la lune                                  
French folk song
S: Rainer Lischka (*1742)
children’s choir a-cappella
5.     Clair de lune                                          
Claude Debussy (1862-1918)
Arrangement: Martin Hoffmann
strings quartet
6.     Kein schöner Land          
M&T: Wilhelm von Zuccalmaglio (1803-1869)
S: Magdalene Kemlein (*1930)
children’s choir a-cappella
7.     Leise, Peterle, leise *              
M: Reinhold Zimmermann
T: Paula Dehmel (1862-1918)
wind quintet, piano
8.     Schlafe, holder, süßer, Knabe
M: Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
children’s choir, piano
9.     Weißt Du wie viel Sternlein stehen *
folk song since 1809
T: Wilhelm Hey (1789-1854)
children’s choir, wind quintet, piano, celesta
10.   Adagio for Strings op. 11
Samuel Barber (1910-1981)
strings quartet
11.   Gebet „Gott, Deine Güte“ 35 Nr. 3                          
M: Moritz Hauptmann (1792-1868)
T: Christian Fürchtegott Gellert (1715-1769)
children’s choir a-cappella
12.   Esti dal                                                                  
Zoltan Kodaly (1882-1967)
children’s choir a-cappella
13.   Cantique de Jean Racine                                      
Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924)
Arrangement: Jean Ashworth Bartle (*1947)
children’s choir, strings quartet
14.   Mein Stern                                            
Bedrich Smetana (1824-1884)
children’s choir a-cappella
15.   Tundra                                                                                
M: Ola Gjeilo (*1978)
T: Charles A. Silvestri (*1965)
children’s choir, piano, strings quartet
soli: Kira Benkert, Julia Lenk
16.   Blessing *                                              
Irish Poem
S: Katie Morgan Bart (*1980)
children’s choir, wind quintet
17.   Gymnopédie No. 1                                
Erik Satie (1866-1925)
strings quartet
18.   Im schönsten Wiesengrunde                  
folk song
T: Wilhelm Ganzhorn (1818-1880)
S: Fritz Höft (1925-1995)
children’s choir a-cappella
19.   Der Mond ist aufgegangen
M: Johann Abraham Peter Schulz (1747-1800)
strings quartet
20.   Es ist so still geworden (a.c.) *                
folk song
children’s choir a-cappella
21.   Abends will ich schlafen geh'n *                
Engelbert Humperdinck (1854-1921)
T: Adelheid Wette (1858-1916)
children’s choir, strings quartet
M: melody
T: text
S: setting
* Arrangement: Gunter Berger
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todayclassical · 7 years
June 10 in Music History
1668 FP of Draghi's "Gl'amori di Cefalo e Procri" Vienna. 1781 Birth of composer Giovanni Battista Polledro.
1790 Birth of composer Louis Joseph Daussoigne-Mehul.
1797 FP of Paisello's "Chi la dura la vince" Milan.
1800 Death of composer Johann Abraham Peter Schulz.
1806 FP of Dalayrac's "Deux mots" Paris.
1831 Birth of composer Wilhelm Mayer.
1843 Birth of composer Heinrich von Herzogenberg.
1849 Death of German-French pianist and composer Friedrich Wilhelm Michael Kalkbrenner.
1879 Birth of composer Benjamin Lambord.
1883 FP of Bruckner’s Sängerbund for male chorus in Wels.
1890 Birth of composer Powell Weaver
1894 Birth of composer Pavel Borkovec.
1906 Birth of composer Janos Viski.
1909 Birth of composer Erwin Dressel.
1910 Birth of composer Robert Still.
1913 Birth of composer Tikhon Khrennikov.
1913 Birth of composer John Edmunds.
1920 Birth of composer Zbyněk Vostřák.
1929 Birth of composer Vasile Herman
1939 FP of  Ralph Vaughan Williams’s Five Variants on Dives and Lazarus in Carnegie Hall, New York.
1944 Birth of English lutenist Anthony Rooley.
1945 Birth of composer Martin Wesley-Smith.
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oconnormusicstudio · 3 years
June 10: Today’s Music History
June 10: Today’s Music History
  Be sure your student reads and listens to Today’s Daily Listening Assignment     • 1781 ~ Giovanni Battista Polledro, Composer • 1790 ~ Louis Joseph Daussoigne-Mehul, Composer • 1800 ~ Johann Abraham Peter Schulz, German Composer, died at the age of 53 • 1818 ~ Pesaro opera theater opened with Rossini’s “La gaza ladra” • 1831 ~ W A Remy, Composer • 1843 ~ Heinrich von Herzogenberg, Composer •…
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marcusssanderson · 6 years
70 Cute Quotes for all Areas of Life
Our latest collection of cute quotes on Everyday Power Blog. Enjoy!
Reading inspirational quotes can boost your motivation and help you lead a happier and more fulfilling life. Cute quotes are a great way to improve your mood and brighten your day.
If you’re looking for the best quotes to cheer up your day or to share with the people you love…look no further. We’ve collected these beautiful quotes just for you.
These cute quotes cover many different aspects of life, including love, happiness, time, beauty, and much more. They are positive, witty, poetic, beautiful and inspiring.
  Cute quotes for all areas of life
  1.) “Whatever you are, be a good one.” – Abraham Lincoln
  2.) “Cute is when a person’s personality shines through their looks.” – Natalie Portman
  3.) “Man may have discovered fire, but women discovered how to play with it.”— Candace Bushnell
  4.) “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius
  5.) “Always wear cute pajamas to bed, you’ll never know who u will meet in your dreams.” – Joel Madden
  6.) “As hard as I try to sound tough and dark, I still sound cute.”- Jenny Lewis
  7.) “Life must be lived as play.” – Plato
  8.) “I believe in a lively disrespect for most forms of authority.” – Rita Mae Brown
  9.) “Just give me a comfortable couch, a dog, a good book, and a woman. Then if you can get the dog to go somewhere and read the book, I might have a little fun.”— Groucho Marx
  10.) “I’ve never been that cute kid that was forgiven for being naughty.” – Richard C. Armitage
  Cute quotes about love
  11.) “Love is the answer, but while you’re waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions.”— Woody Allen
  12.) “It wasn’t love at first sight. It took a full five minutes.”— Lucille Ball
  13.) “We were together. I forget the rest.” – Walt Whitman
  14.) “Love thy neighbor — and if he happens to be tall, debonair, and devastating, it will be that much easier.”— Mae West
  15.) “I have a crush on your mind. I fell for your personality. Your looks are just a bonus.”— The Notebook
  16.) “Love is like Pi: natural, irrational, and very important.”— Lisa Hoffman
  17.) “Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.”— Jules Renard
  18.) “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”— Charles Schulz
  19.) “The being in love is better than the falling in love.”— Simply Irresistible
  20.) “True love stories never have endings.” – Richard Bach
  Cute quotes about life
  21.) “Everything looks cute when it’s small.” – Cynthia Rawley
  22.) “I think people should look cute all the time.” – Rachel Zoe
  23.) “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” – Helen Keller
  24.) “That’s the secret to life… replace one worry with another…” – Charlie Brown
  25.) “Character develops itself in the stream of life.” – Wolfgang Von Johann Goethe
  26.) “The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions.” – Alfred Adler
  27.) “If life is a bowl of cherries, then what am I doing in the pits?” – Erma Bomback
  28.) “Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” – Isaac Asimov
  29.) “The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply.” ~ Khalil Gibran
  30.) “Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.” ~ Will Smith
  Cute quotes for girls
  31.) “A real girl isn’t perfect and a perfect girl isn’t real.” – Harry Styles
  32.) “I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love.”— Marilyn Monroe
  33.) “My style is simple, kinda girly, but with a bit of an edge.” – Erin Heatherton
  34.) “Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life.”
  35.) “A wise girl knows her limits, a smart girl knows that she has none.” – Marilyn Monroe
  36.) “We girls, we’re tough, darling. Soft on the outside but, deep down, we’re tough.” – Kristen Ashley
  37.) “Some girls are just born with glitter in their veins.” – Paris Hilton
  38.) “I love dressing up. It’s the best part of being a girl, I think.” – Emma Roberts
  39.) “A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” – Coco Chanel
  40.) “Every girl should use what Mother Nature gave her before Father Time takes it away.” – Laurence J. Peter
  Cute quotes for him
  41.) “Come live in my heart and pay no rent.” – Samuel Lover
  42.) “I am in love with you and this reality is far better than my dreams.”
  43.) I love you not only for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you!~ Roy Croft
  44.) “Everyday I fall in love with you more and more. Except yesterday, yesterday you were pretty annoying.”
  45.) “If I know what love is, it is because of you.”~ Hermann Hesse
  46.) “I love you from my head tomatoes.”
  47.) “Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I remember, oh I put up with you. So we’re even.”
  48.) “My night has become a sunny dawn because of you.”~ Ibn Abbad
  49.) “You make me smile for no reason whatsoever, You make me laugh at the unfunniest things, But most of all, you make me love you.”- Anonymous
  50.) “Forever isn’t long at all when I’m with you.”~ Winnie the Pooh
  Cute quotes for her
  51.) “You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.” – Oscar Wilde
  52.) “The power of your smile should never be underestimated. It melts my heart and touches my soul.”
  53.) “Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.” – Nicholas Sparks
  54.) “No one else matters when I look into your eyes.”
  55.) “You’ve a place in my heart no one else could have.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
  56.) “I’ve fallen in love many times… but always with you.”
  57.) “I love you the way a drowning man loves air. And it would destroy me to have you just a little.”- Rae Carson
  58.) “I am absolutely, definitely, positively, unquestionably, beyond any doubt, in love with you.”
  59.) “Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze.” – Elinor Glyn
  60.) “You`re not only my love… you`re my air, and I cannot live without you.”
  Other cute quotes
  61.) “I don’t think you can define love.” ― Harry Styles
  62.) “I always knew looking back on my tears would bring me laughter, but I never knew looking back on my laughter would make me cry.”― Cat Stevens
  63.) “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”― Robert Byrne
  64.) “Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it.” ~ Danny Kaye
  65.) “I like girls who eat Carrots. ~ Louis Tomlinson” ― One Direction
  66.) “Life is the game that must be played.” ~ Edwin Arlington Robinson
  67.) “Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.”― Amelia Burr
  68.) “Maybe I’ll just give up on boys. Okay, maybe not. I mean they’re just so cute!” ― Jillian Dodd
  69.) “Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up.”― Hans Christian Andersen
  70.) “Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.”― Carl Sandburg
  Which are your favorite cute quotes?
Reading inspirational quotes is a great way to enhance our mindsets and improve our lives. Hopefully, these cute quotes have uplifted your mood and brightened your day.
Did you enjoy these quotes? Which of these cute quotes was your favorite? Tell us in the comment section below. We would love to hear all about it. Also, don’t forget to like and share with your friends and fans.
The post 70 Cute Quotes for all Areas of Life appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.
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richardwhendricks · 7 years
Morning Prayer 11.23.17, Thanksgiving Day
1 Combined Webcast Today, 9 a.m. Eastern – Please Join Us! To join us live at 9 a.m., go here. The bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. VIDEO: We plow the fields and scatter ($291, Wir pflugen, Johann Abraham Peter Schulz; Matthias Claudius, tr. Jane […] from The Daily Office http://ift.tt/2BdFzY5 via IFTTT
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dailyclassicalmusic · 8 years
Composer: Johann Abraham Peter Schulz (1747 - 1800)
Work: Andantino from Piano Sonatina in G Major (1790)
Performer: Thomas Trondhjem
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sweet-soul-sister · 6 years
Song Rewind - 365 Days Music Challenge
well, it’s day 150. so i figured i could make a post which includes all links to the first 100 days. the next 100 will come as soon as i find some time. please also check out @tailalindsay who is the creator of this wonderful challenge. and this is the masterpost
have fun browsing! :]
also under the cut because the list is quite long
Day 1: A song that reminds you of your first car    - Angels by Robbie Williams
Day 2: A song that reminds you of summer    - Kite by Kate Bush
Day 3: A song you listened to as a kid, that you thought made you cool. Real Cool    - Schrei nach Liebe by Die Ärzte
Day 4: A song you like from a movie soundtrack    - The Devil and the Huntsman by Daniel Pemberton
Day 5: A song that you quote to people    - Meisenmann by Helge Schneider
Day 6: A song from an Artist you discovered from a TV show    - Rhythm inside by Loïc Nottet
Day 7: A song that wrenches your heart out from sadness    - Requiem for the Brigadier General by Akira Senju
Day 8: Your least favorite song from your favorite band    - Line & Sinker by Billy Talent
Day 9: A song that if someone said they liked it, you would like them a little bit more    - Tetris Techno Remix by DaCaV5
Day 10: A song from a band that you think should be more popular    - Portuguese Knife Fight by Cage the Elephant
Day 11: A song you indulge in shameless self pity to    - The Kingdom Soundtrack: Finale / End of the Road by Danny Elfman
Day 12: A song you play when your getting ready to get your confidence up    - Boss / Fire / Ko Ko Bop / Dramarama Remix (feat. Cherry Bomb) by Miggy Smallz
Day 13: A song that reminds you of a past love    - Morning Sun by Robbie Williams
Day 14: A song you like that’s instrumental only    - Harmonics of Life by Money Mark
Day 15: A song your parents played on road trips when you were young    - Leopard Skin Pill-Box Hat by Bob Dylan
Day 16: A song you have seen performed live    - Randale by Kraftklub
Day 17: A song you remember dancing in public to    - Barada by Russkaja
Day 18: A song you would consider part of the “soundtrack” of your life    - Nanana (Nanana nanana) by My Chemical Romance
Day 19: A song that you love from a band that has since broken up    - Crazy by 4minute
Day 20: A song you know most or part of the choreography to    - Blood, Sweat & Tears by BTS
Day 21: A song from a band or artist (member(s) alive) would love to see perform in person    - Augenbling by Seeed
Day 22: A song from a band or artists (member(s) decease )you would have loved to have seen    - Concert for Bangladesh by Leon Russell
Day 23: Song from a band or artist that you have met in person    - Down Down Down by ITCHY
Day 24: The last new song that you heard that you really liked    - Fake Love by BTS
Day 25: Worst song you have ever seen performed live    - Wonderwall by Oasis
Day 26: One of the top songs that was released the year you were born    - ... Baby one more time by Britney Spears
Day 27: A song you like to blast on your car stereo when it comes on    - Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
Day 28: A song you change the words to when you sing it    - I need you / 500k Mashup by myself (not actually existing song)
Day 29: A song that describes a friendship    - You’re my best friend by Queen
Day 30: A song from a band/artist that you are planning to see in the next 6 months    - Outro: Tear by BTS
Day 31: Your class song (or what you want your class song to be)    - He’s a Pirate by Klaus Badelt
Day 32: A song that plays to your inner hopeless-romantic    - A Lovely Night by Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling
Day 33: A song that you can’t even think of without it getting stuck in your head    - Bedroom Warfare by ONE OK ROCK
Day 34: A song that you try to get stuck in your head to replace the one that’s currently stuck there    - Zero for Conduct by BASTARZ
Day 35: Your favorite cover song    - Somebody to love by Queen and George Michael
Day 36: Your least favorite cover song    - Wonderwall by The Mike Flower Pops
Day 37: An essential karaoke song    - Dancing Queen by ABBA
Day 38: A song that you sing really well    - Perfekt by Die Ärzte
Day 39: A song that you wish you could sing really well    - Bermuda Triangle by Zico feat. Crush and Dean
Day 40: Your favorite song from the 50’s    - Blue Suede Shoes by Elvis Presley
Day 41: Your favorite song from the 60’s    - House of the Rising Sun by The Animals
Day 42: Your favorite song from the 70’s    - Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
Day 43: Your favorite song from the 80’s    - Livin’ on a Prayer by Bon Jovi
Day 44: Your favorite song from the 90’s    - Everybody (Backstreet’s Back) by Backstreet Boys
Day 45: Your favorite song from the 00’s    - Stan by Eminem
Day 46: Your favorite song of this year    - Morgen by Fynn Kliemann
Day 47: The oldest song you own    - Smyphony No. 7 by Ludwig van Beethoven
Day 48: A song that you wish you could’ve written    - What it’s like by Everlast
Day 49: Your favorite TV show theme song    - Daredevil - Main Title by John Paesano
Day 50: A song that you’ve listened to for years & have just recently begun to appreciate    - Love me do by The Beatles
Day 51: A song that you realized you’ve been mishearing the lyrics for years    - T.N.T. by AC/DC
Day 52: A song that you’ve been listening to for years & you still don’t know what the heck they’re saying    - Gimme tha Power by Molotov
Day 53: The song that you’re most proud of knowing all the words to    - Tetris Techno Remix by DaCaV5
Day 54: The song that got you hooked on your favorite band/artist    - 3xxxv5 by ONE OK ROCK
Day 55: A song you’ve listened to so many times that you just can’t listen to it anymore    - Monsta by Culcha Candela
Day 56: A song that is insanely simple/repetitive, but that you consider awesome anyway    - Unbreakable by H3ctic
Day 57: Your favorite song from your favorite genre    - Song Rewind
Day 58: Your therapist in a song    - Calm after the Storm by The Common Linnets
Day 59: A song whose lyrics you take advice from    - Think by Aretha Franklin
Day 60: Your favorite movie-moment song    - Epilogue by Justin Hurwitz
Day 61: A song that you like to sing in the shower    - Penny Lane by The Beatles
Day 62: Your favorite song by a singer turned actor    - Lose Yourself by Eminem
Day 63: Your favorite duet    - Owls by Cocoon
Day 64: Your favorite song featured in a musical    - Audition (The fools who dream) by Emma Stone
Day 65: Your favorite song by a actor turned singer    - Baby by Astro
Day 66: A song you like to clean the house to    - Mansae by Seventeen
Day 67: Your least favorite song by a singer turned actor    - The Kill by Thirty Seconds To Mars
Day 68: A song you have requested to be played on the radio    - Nanana (Nanana nanana) by My Chemical Romance
Day 69: Your least favorite song by an actor turned singer    - I feel everything by Cara Delevigne
Day 70: A song that you wish someone would cover    - Ddu-du ddu-du by Blackpink
Day 71: A song that gives you a headache    - Rom by Dschingis Khan
Day 72: A song that you love that you first heard on a mixed CD made for you    - Quark by Die Ärzte
Day 73: A song someone has said reminds them of you    - A Hard Day’s Night by The Beatles
Day 74: A song from a band that you wish you could hang out with    - Shall we dance by Block B
Day 75: The song that you most recently downloaded    - Bling Bling by iKON
Day 76: Your favorite song beginning with the letter A    - Really good songs beginning with the letter A
Day 77: Part A - someone you wish would sing a duet with Part B    - Zico
Day 78: Part B - someone you wish would sing a duet with Part A    - Alligatoah
Day 79: A song that makes you think of the color blue    - Blue Side by J-Hope
Day 80: Your favorite band beginning with the letter A    - Really good bands / artists beginning with the letter A
Day 81: A song you like with Monday in the title    - I don’t like Mondays by Bon Jovi and Bob Geldof
Day 82: A song you would dedicate to the boy/girl you have a crush on    - What is Love? by Twice
Day 83: A song you would/have dance(d) with a parent to, at your wedding    - Very Nice by Seventeen
Day 84: A song that you like that’s in a language you don’t know    - Shoot Me by DAY6
Day 85: A song that you always put on a new mixed CD you make for everyone    - Owls by Cocoon
Day 86: A song that you like by a band you suspect is going to break up    - Nalina by Block B
Day 87: A song you play when someone breaks up with you    - Nanana (Nanana nanana) by My Chemical Romance
Day 88: A song that you like that’s from a different culture    - Il n’y a pas d’amour heureux by Youssou N’Dour
Day 89: A song that you love to work-out to    - Limitless / Monster / I Need U / Hero / Hate Remix by Miggy Smallz
Day 90: A song that describes your work angst    - Sklave by Kraftklub
Day 91: A song you like to sing to babies    - Der Mond ist aufgegangen by Johann Abraham Peter Schulz
Day 92: A song you play when you can’t sleep    - Far Away by H3ctic
Day 93: A song you play when you break someone’s heart    - Hypocritical Kiss by Jack White
Day 94: Your favorite song that features the use of a harmonica    - Harmonics of Life by Money Mark
Day 95: Your favorite song that starts with the letter “B”    - Really good songs beginning with the letter B
Day 96: A song that makes you think about stars and the universe    - Black Tears by Tyler Bates
Day 97: Your favorite classical song    - Symphony No. 7 (Allegretto) by Ludwig van Beethoven
Day 98: Your favorite song that you remember from a kid’s show    - Opening Theme from “Die Sendung mit der Maus” by Hans Posegga
Day 99: A song that you like in part, because the title is so good    - Waldspaziergang mit Folgen by Die Ärzte
Day 100: A song from the last CD mix you made someone    - While my guitar gently weeps by George Harrison and Eric Clapton
well, you made it. i’m proud of you :) and also thanks for reading through this list. it means a lot to me. if you noticed any errors or false links, feel free to message me :]
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todayclassical · 7 years
March 31 in Music History
1675 FP of Stradella's oratorio Saint John the Baptist at San Giovanni di Fiorentini church in Rome.
1684 Birth of Italian composer Francesco Durante.
1717 Birth of composer Florian Wrastill.
1732 Birth of Austrian composer Franz Joseph Haydn. 
1745 FP of J. P. Rameau's opera-ballet, Platée at Versailles.
1747 Birth of German composer Johann Abraham Peter Schulz.
1770 Birth of composer John Wyeth in Cambridge, MA. 
1784 FP of W. A. Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 16 in D, K. 451. 
1791 Birth of composer Franciszek Wincenty Mirecki.
1794 FP of F. J. Haydn's Symphony No. 100 Military, conducted by the composer on his 62nd birthday in the spacious Queen’s Concert Rooms, Hanover Square in London.
1809 Birth of composer Otto Jonas Lindblad.
1837 "Dueling Pianists benefit" Popular virtuosos Franz Liszt and Sigismond Thalberg perform at a concert at the Parisian salon of Princess Cristina Belgiojoso-Trivulzio.
1841 FP of Robert Schumann's Spring Symphony No. 1 at the Leipzig Gewandhaus, Mendelssohn conducting.
1847 Birth of composer Jarolslaw Zielinski.
1848 Birth of composer John Henry Roberts.
1874 Birth of French composer and violinist Henri Marteau. 
1876 Death of soprano Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield. 
1880 Death of Polish composer Henri Wieniawski in Moscow.
1881 FP of Cesar Franck's Le Chasseur Maudit in Paris.
1882 Birth of Austrian soprano Fritzi Massary.
1887 Birth of Spanish composer Jose-Maria Usandizaga. 1890 Birth of Belgian tenor Jose di Trévi in Liège. 
1893 Birth of Austrian conductor Clemens Kraus in Vienna.
1897 Birth of American composer J. Murray Barbour.
1899 Birth of German tenor Franz Völker in Neu-Isenburg. 
1901 Death of English composer Sir John Stainer at age 60, in Verona, Italy.
1901 FP of Dvorak's opera Rusalka in Prague.
1906 Birth of composer Lauri Saikkola.
1911 Birth of German soprano Elisabeth Grümmer.
1913 FP of Anton Webern's Six Pieces for orchestra, in Vienna.
1915 Birth of composer Eliseo Morales Pajaro.
1922 Birth of American baritone Richard Kiley in Chicago.
1924 Birth of American bass Frederick Guthrie in Pocatello, Idaho.
1931 FP of Alaleona's "Mirra" in Rome.
1932 Birth of English tenor John Mitchinson.
1932 FP of the ballet H. P. by Mexican composer and conductor Carlos Chavez, in Philadelphia. Leopold Stokowski conducted the Philadelphia Grand Opera Company.
1937 Birth of Italian tenor Peyo Garazzi.
1940 Birth of American tenor John Stewart in Cleveland, OH. 1941 Birth of American composer and pianist Jake Heggie.
1946 Birth of American soprano Christine Weidinger in Springville NY. 
1947 FP of Ulysses Kay's Short Overture in NYC.
1949 FP of William Grant Still's The Troubled Island, a three-act opera, by NYC Opera.
1955 Birth of American tenor Robert Gambill in Indianapolis.
1951 FP of Richard Strauss' Munich Waltz written for 1939 film and performed posthumously in Vienna.
1952 Birth of Roumanian soprano Nelly Miriciouiu.
1954 Birth of Hungarian tenor Dénes Gulyás in Budapest. 
1961 FP of Jean Françaix's L'Horloge de Flore 'The Flower Clock' with oboist John de Lancie, and the Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy conducting.
1969 Birth of American composer Thomas Herlin in Salt Lake City, UT.
2001 FP of Peter Lieberson's Piano Quintet, with pianist Peter Serkin and the Orion String Quartet, at Carnegie Hall in NYC.
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oconnormusicstudio · 4 years
June 10: On This Day in Music
June 10: On This Day in Music
  Be sure your student reads and listens to Today’s Daily Listening Assignment
    • 1781 ~ Giovanni Battista Polledro, Composer
• 1790 ~ Louis Joseph Daussoigne-Mehul, Composer
• 1800 ~ Johann Abraham Peter Schulz, German Composer, died at the age of 53
• 1818 ~ Pesaro opera theater opened with Rossini’s “La gaza ladra”
• 1831 ~ W A Remy, Composer
• 1843 ~ Heinrich von Herzogenberg, Composer
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oconnormusicstudio · 5 years
On June 10 in Music History
On June 10 in Music History
  Be sure your student reads and listens to Today’s Daily Listening Assignment
    • 1781 ~ Giovanni Battista Polledro, Composer
• 1790 ~ Louis Joseph Daussoigne-Mehul, Composer
• 1800 ~ Johann Abraham Peter Schulz, German Composer, died at the age of 53
• 1818 ~ Pesaro opera theater opened with Rossini’s “La gaza ladra”
• 1831 ~ W A Remy, Composer
• 1843 ~ Heinrich von Herzogenberg, Composer
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