#Joanna Noyes
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I kinda live for Anette Olzon's fictionalized older self in Imaginaerum calling her (1) breaking and entering and (2) managing to unlock a vault “magic tricks”
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In Honor of Duggar Twins, All the Twins from the Fundie and Adjacents I Follow
Brown- Ace and Archer Padron
Burnett- Maggie Nino and Carinna Penn
Copeland- Chloe (deceased) and Claire Mayer
Duggar- Jana Wissmann and John Duggar
Duggar- Jed and Jer Duggar
Duggar/Nakatsu- Elsie and Emma Duggar
Harris- Alex and Brett Harris
Keilen- Becky Forman and Brent Keilen
Keyes- Jaelle and Jerusha Kanagy
Langdon- Madeline Garcia and Claire Langdon
Perez- Elli Cieslak and Alexandra Trewell
Perez- Kyle and Everly Trewell
Rodrigues (Noyes)- Josiah (deceased) and Uriah Moravek
Rodrigues (Noyes)- Amy Foster and Angie Hillegas
Rodrigues (Noyes)- Louisa and Felicity Foster
Roloff- Jeremy and Zach Roloff
Staddon- Theodore and Timothy Frazer
Trewhella- Sylvia and Savannah Muckerheide
Waller- Isaac (deceased) and Adam Waller
Waller- Joanna and Ruth Waller
Wikstrom- Tanner Wikstrom and Gracie Etbauer
Wilson- Sailor and Skye Wilson
Families with multiple twins:
Duggar - 3 sets (1 BG, 1 BB, 1 GG)
Perez- 2 sets (1 GG, 1 BG)
Rodrigues- 3 sets (2 GG, 1 BB)
Waller- 2 sets (1 BB, 1 GG)
The Gender Split:
Boy/Girl- 4
Boy/Boy- 7
Girl/Girl- 11
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“Eu Sou Amor!” - Assim Falou o Canalha do Filme “Affliction” 1997

ângela frança de brito - desenho 01/2025
“Eu Sou Amor!” - Assim Falou o Canalha do Filme “Affliction” 1997
Interessante narrativa de um dos personagens. O irmão do protagonista.
Filme lançado em 1997, do diretor Paul Schader. Tem como ator principal Nick Nolte, o policial Wade Whitehouse, irmão do professor, e intelectual, Rolfe Whitehouse, representado pelo ator Willem Dafoe. Ambos filhos do principal elemento motivador da história, o excelente James Coburn, o Glenn Whitehouse. E de Sally, a atriz Joanna Noyes. A mãe. Personagem não menos importante para os tormentos os quais acompanharam os filhos durante toda a vida.
Tem a namorada de Wade, a eterna “Carrie”, Sissy Spacek, namoradinha gente boa, uma alma leve e crédula na bondade humana. A atriz Brigid Tierney, a pequena Jill, filha de Wade, que, na ficção, tem como mãe a precavida ex-esposa, Lillian Horner, representada por Mary Beth Hart.
E, finalmente, os dois elementos suscitadores da trama: Jack Hewitt, (ator Jim True-Frost), o guia de caça, sujeito pouco confiável, cujo “parceiro” locomotor do mistério, é o personagem Twombley, (ator Sean Mc Cann), empresário tão rico quanto tolo.
A história é contada pelo sobrevivente, (vencedor?), Rolfe, sujeito movido pela calma e educação controlada que exige a Academia. Tem como foco principal dois personagens: Wade e Glenn. Perpassa por espaço tempo diferentes, da infância à fase adulta da família Whitehouse, família, a qual, na Atualidade poderia ser chamada de 'disfuncional'.
Ao bem da verdade, um grupo, como denominá-lo?. Talvez seja melhor nominar de maneira “pedagógica”: Escroto. Onde um bebum e infame pai descontava suas raivas e fracassos em dois meninos. Em várias ocasióes, violentamente, até ser impedido pela mãe. A qual, exercia essa defesa com certa complacência, quase com um 'carinho' nas palavras ditas ao embrutecido homem de família.
A enregelada atmosfera branca da Cidade dá ao Filme ares de aflição. Espaços brancos e extensos das estradas. Da floresta, esparçada, nem parecia uma floresta, sempre com a neve a lhe cobrir a 'carne'. As paisagens de “Affliction”, com seu excesso branco, verde e marrons das casas, reflete e exala solidão e desespero, quer seja das experiências individuais, quanto coletiva. Um lugar com camadas sociais diferentes, com indisfarçável conflito, entre os que mandavam, e os que obedeciam.
O policial Wade era um pai ruim que pensava ser um policial eficiente. Um homem já de meia idade que ainda se juntava com jovens transgressores para dar uma fumadinha, uma cheiradinha... Apesar de querer transpareder à ex-esposa que era um pai presente. Justamente para Lillian, que conheceu intimamente o homem que ele era.
Não rolava, pois Lillian não acreditava na persona exibida por Wade, e acertadamente se preocupava e protegia sua filha, a pequena Jill, às vezes, de forma intransigente. Como fazem na vida real muitas mães, que são acusadas, injustamente, de afastar filhas (os) de seus pais. Geralmente quem as acusam são pais similares ao personagem Wade.
Entretanto, esses detalhes da trama serverm tão somente para acompanhar o aspecto principal do Fillme, que é a angústia de um ser desacreditado socialmente, em parte, devido aos traumas acumulados em sua personalidade desde a infância. Wade recobrou a ânsia de elevar-se quando recebeu o relato de um acidente de caça. A morte do empresário Twombley, alguém que acreditou que seria tão bom caçador, quanto ganhador de dinheiro. Pois é, o Fado decidiu que não, e ele morreu de maneira ordinária, pois morreu de tiro acidental. A bala não concordou com ele.
Mas, justamente nesse momento que o espírito de policial despertou. Sentiu-se vivo novamente, ao ser o único a desacreditar da versão do guia de caça Jack. O mesmo jovem que costumava socializar as drogas com Wade. Ao bem da verdade, Wade desprezava o jovem guia de caça. Provavelmente por, no fundo, ter consciência de que não era melhor do que ele.
Passou a perseguir o jovem. Criou em sua mente uma espécie de teoria conspiratória, que o conduziu a perseverar atrás de conspiradores, avançando até mesmo por sobre os maiorais da cidade. Entretanto, como a “desgraça exige companhia”, Wade e o culto irmão tiveram que lidar com a morte da mãe, por conseguinte, voltarem a lidar com o velho e desregrado pai. Já cansado, porém, ainda brutal e bêbado.
O velho Glenn sequer sabia que a esposa morrera, até os filhos as (os) visitar. A velha morreu como viveu: Como uma insignificante fora. Somente sendo reconhecida pelo marido vão, no momento das últimas homenagens fúnebres. Nessa ocasião o velho marido enlutado, ainda manguaçado, enalteceu a esposa finada. Obviamente, esculhambando os convivas. O que sempre fez com os filhos e a esposa.
Faltou ao velho Glenn uma boa lição, para ser devidamente impedido de exercer suas bestialidades durante toda sua “desnecessária” vida.
Parece que toda a pressão exercida sobre o policial, pela ex-esposa, a recusa da filha em ter-lhe como companhia; o descrédito diante dos mandatários da cidade, a calma e educação de seu irmão diante de tantos problemas, acabou com a sobra de sanidade que ainda lhe restava.
Os problemas de Wade. Não de seu irmão, o acadêmico Rolfe. Este, resolveu esconder seu descaso e frouxidão, de infância, em suposto equilíbrio e inteligência. Rolfe sempre era o primeiro a escapar das mãos violentas do pai Glenn, Nunca aguentou sequer um sopapo. Abandonava o irmao à sanha paterna. Acadêmicos vêm se saindo como bons sobreviventes...
Bem, é de Conhecimento Humano que, demonstrar tolerância aos intolerantes dificilmente corresponderá aos anseios dos incautos. Ao tentarem ajudar o pai Glenn, os irmãos tiveram que novamente postarem-se em suas mãos, já umas velhas 'garras' reumáticas, mas, que ainda causavam dor. Novamente, eis que dentre os dois irmãos, o exausto Wade teve que arcar com a responsabilidade para com o velho pai, enquanto o irmão professor, preferiu o indelével trabalho de teorizar sobre as origens problemáticas das ações de Glenn. O impossível velho, que continuou a ser o que sempre foi, um depravado egoista, com praticamente todos os defeitos, menos o de ser falso.
Dentre as tentativas do policial em colaborar com o velho Glenn, estava tomar conta dele, obviamente usando para isso uma mulher para fazer seu trabalho “sujo”. Foi dessa forma que a doce namoradinha Marge passou a conviver com o “pobre” do velhinho. “Pobre” a partir da equivocada visão da moça, e olha que ela perseverou... Foi muito tolerante, até o momento em que o velho tentou agredí-la sexualmente. Ou seja, “o abismo resolveu olhar de volta para ela”... Pobre Marge. A moça apaixonada e romântica o suficiente para tornar-se surda aos avisos que lhes foram dados sobre a família Whitehouse. O pai, e o filho.
Bem. Quando a namoradinha se deu conta, já estava quase apanhando de Wade, sendo socorrida pela pequena Jill, que caiu em cima do pai com tapas e murros. A menininha descontou sua frustraçãozinha sobre o homem infeliz que não sabia amar. Bem que o pobre Wade tentou, mas, como foi vítima na infância, nunca soube amar da maneira certa. Amar exige cuidados. Coisa estranha para o “menino” de meia idade que nunca deixou de ser uma criança violentada. Jill mostrou que era filha de sua mãe Lillian. Enquanto Marge, finalmente, percebeu que apenas estava romantizando o coitadismo do namorado. Wade, assim como o velho Glenn, são os tipos de homem que não merecem nada.
Em textos sobre filmes, livros e demais trabalhos autorais, é melhor não contar a terceiros todo seu conteúdo. É preciso que as pessoas vejam, leiam, observem, e apreendam a obra de modo a transformá-las em suas próprias recriações.
O filme 'Affliction”, de 1997, emana solidão e tristeza e confusão. As paisagens frias, quase paradas, contrasta com a inquietação dos personagens. De Wade, que nunca se recuperou dos maltratos do pai; de seu irmão Rolfe, que continha suas possíveis revoltas, ao se inserir em um seguro e tradicional ambiente profissional. Da ex-esposa Lillian, que nunca corroborou com o coitadismo de Wade, tampouco agiu como a esposa de Glenn. Da filha Jill, que se libertou do pai, ao dar na casa dele e repudiá-lo; da tranquila e doce Marge, que pôde, há tempo, entender que, o namorado ao aturar a violência paterna, ao odiá-lo, tornou-se o pedaço pior dele. Um pedaço incompleto, pois, de fato, ele não era o pai. Pelo menos Glenn era original. A verdadeira besta depravada humana.
A atmosfera do filme “Affliction”, exibe um ambiente coletivo tipicamente capitalista: com ricos e pobres. Pobres que odeiam os ricos, e ricos que menosprezam os pobres na medida em que eles saiam da linha costumeira de serví-los. Nesse caso Wade era um dos mais desprezados pela Cidade. Pelos ricos, pelos pobres, por sua filha, por seu pai.
No filme as relações entre os personagens, apesar de intentar a intimidade própria das cidades pequenas, se dá com pequenos encontros entre os personagens. Por exemplo, a ex-esposa aparece poucas vezes, a mãe de Wade também. O empresário morto somente surgiu em uma caçada, para logo morrer, apesar da história dar a entender que era conhecido por todas as pessoas daquele lugar.
A abundância dramática do filme, a presença firme dos personagens e a força da representação está fortemente com Wade e o velho Glenn. O ódio mal contido, o desprezo, os recalques, o desrespeito e as frustrações. Sim, os baixos sentimentos foram os principais elementos a movimentarem a história.
“Affliction”, de 1997, reservou aos seus personagens fins quase sincronizados com seus contextos do passado e do presente vivificado no filme. Os personagens tiveram quase que exatamente o que produziram e o que procuraram durante suas vidas. Como se uma bolha maléfica crescesse tanto, que engoliu a todos.
Ângela França de Brito
Salvador-Bahia-Brasil, 06/01/2025
#angela franca de brito#salvador-bahia-brasil#arteparatodomundover.blogspot.com#artes#desenho#arteparatodomundover#Literatura#cinema
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PIN (1988) – Episode 253 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
“Where did you learn to do that?” Learn to do what? Oh…that. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr along with guest host Ralph Miller – as they visit another strange twist on the ventriloquist/dummy subgenre called PIN (1988).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 253 – PIN (1988)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Gruesome Magazine is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of Decades of Horror 1980s and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Isolated by his strange parents, Leon finds solace in an imaginary friend, which happens to be an anatomy doll from his father-the-doctor’s office. Unfortunately, the doll begins to take over Leon’s life, and his sister’s life as well.
Directed by: Sandor Stern
Writing Credits: Sandor Stern (screenplay); Andrew Neiderman (based on the April 1981 novel by)
Selected Cast:
David Hewlett as Leon
Cynthia Preston as Ursula (as Cyndy Preston)
Terry O’Quinn as Dr. Linden
Bronwen Mantel as Mrs. Linden
John Pyper-Ferguson as Stan Fraker (as John Ferguson)
Helene Udy as Marcia Bateman
Patricia Collins as Aunt Dorothy
Steven Bednarski as Leon – Age 13
Katie Shingler as Ursula – Age 11
Jacob Tierney as Leon – Age 7
Michelle Anderson as Ursula – Age 5
Joan Austen as Nurse Spalding
Jamie Stern as Eddie Morris (as James Stern)
David Gow as Officer Wilson
Terrence Labrosse as Dr. Bell
Aline Vandrine as Mrs. Shaver
Joanna Noyes as Mrs. Henry
Andrew Carter as Andy
Leif Anderson as Dave
Joel Johnson as Jack
Shawn Johnson as Tim
Robin MacEachern as Richie
Jonathan Banks as PIN (voice)
Beware the anatomy doll! Ralph Miller III joins Jeff, Bill, and Chad for a look back at PIN (1988) from director Sandor Stern. The cast includes David Hewlett (Scanners II: The New Order, Cube), Cynthia Preston (The Brain, Prom Night III: The Last Kiss), and Terry O’Quinn (Silver Bullet, The Stepfather, Lost). While it struggled to find an audience upon its initial release, critics praised PIN as well-made, bizarre, and disturbing. Fangoria would later feature it in its “101 Best Horror Films You’ve Never Seen.” Now, it’s time for the Grue-Crew to revisit the film and share their thoughts.
At the time of this writing, PIN is available to stream from YouTube.
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, moving into our Grue Believer Celebration Shenanigans month and chosen by guest host Scott Wells, will be The Queen of Black Magic (1981), an Indonesian horror film quoted as being an inspiration to modern-day Indonesian filmmakers such as Kimo Stamboel and Joko Anwar. You can check this one out on YouTube.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans – so leave them a message or comment on the Gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the Gruesome Magazine website, or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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New Post has been published on https://horsetoloan.com/heartland-tv-show/jessica-steen-lisa-stillman-heartland/
Jessica Steen Lisa Stillman Heartland

Jessica Steen, Lisa Stillman – Heartland
Jessica Steen is the actress who plays Lisa Stillman, a character who is part of the Heartland family. She is an integral character who is part of the ranch and the show from the get-go. She does spend a good chunk of her storyline overseas, but her travels never keep her from coming home. She first appears in season 1, episode 3, and dates Jack Bartlett off and on.
After their relationship goes on for a while, she marries him in season 7, episode 18. Lisa owns Fairfield Stables, a horse breeding operation. When she marries Jack, this becomes a turning point in her life and she is able to become a more caring and supportive member of the family.
The actress, Jessica Steen, who plays Lisa is a Canadian actress and producer. She was born in Toronto in 1965 to the actress Joanna Noyes and her actor and director father Jan Steen. Read on to learn more about Jessica Steen!
Jessica Steen Started Acting at 8 Years Old
Jessica was involved in show business very early in life, even though her parents warned her about the industry due to their own experience. One of her very first roles was in a McDonald’s commercial! After that, she began to book many more commercials. When she was 8, Jessica made her TV debut. She appeared in the kid’s show Sunrunners, where her mother also had a role!
This was when Jessica was also diagnosed with petit mal epilepsy and started her recovery journey. She later grew out of the condition and was able to have a normal adult life.
When Jessica was in school, she treated acting as a hobby and did some of the work to get a bit of pocket money. She thought of acting as a family business due to her parent’s jobs, too. Her first movie role came about in 1989 when she starred in the musical Sing. She acted in Canadian TV series and American telefilms until 1991. Then, she moved to New York and filled in for Noelle Beck’s maternity leave on the soap opera Loving. A struggle with finding roles in New York led Jessica to later move to Los Angeles. She commutes from Los Angeles now for her acting jobs, if they are located in other areas or countries. Some of Jessica’s most notable or recognizable roles include Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future, Flashpoint, Armageddon, and, of course, the Heartland TV series!
Jessica Steen Is an Award Winning Actress
Jessica Steen won a Gemini award for Best Actress for her portrayal of Nora in a movie called Small Gifts. The Gemini Awards are basically the equivalent of the Emmys in Canada. She also received two more nominations for Geminis. These were in 1988 for her role in the Captain Power episode called Judgment, and then in 2010 for her work on the Canadian cop drama Flashpoint in season 2.
Jessica was asked her favorite role during a fan Q & A interview hosted by CBC, but she had trouble only choosing one! She said that her top four were her roles in Armageddon, Small Gifts, Homefront, and Striker’s Mountain. When looking at the overall experience, though, her pick was her role on Heartland, of course!
Jessica Steen Originally Auditioned for the Role of Maggie on Heartland
When Jessica first auditioned for the Heartland series, she was actually interested in playing Maggie. Maggie, of course, is the owner of the diner called Maggie’s on the show, and she is also Amy’s mother Marion’s best friend. Jessica certainly would have made a wonderful Maggie! However, she was instead asked to audition for the role of Lisa, which we know that she got! She ended up really falling in love with the character of Lisa Stillman.
Jessica felt that she had a lot in common with her character. Both of them have passions for animals and for travel. Plus, they also love to spend time outdoors and can sometimes be too helpful! They both have a fondness for Jack, too. Jessica has described her character as “fun and light and keen and concerned and loving to a cloying degree”.
These are why she loves to play Lisa Stillman so much. Of course, the awesome cast and crew on the Heartland show make the experience that much better, too!
Jessica Steen Grabs Every Opportunity to Ride on the Show
As Jessica grew up in downtown Toronto, she, unfortunately, did not have a lot of opportunities to spend time with horses. When she landed the role of Lisa, she had to take weekly riding lessons in preparation for all of Lisa’s horseback and horse-related scenes. It was important that she execute them accurately, but safely, too!
Even though Jessica was not an equestrian growing up, she loves being on horseback now! She says that one of her most memorable scenes is the cattle drive in season 2 which featured gorgeous scenery and challenging weather conditions to ride and act in. She loves the rides that her character goes on, which is why she is sometimes disappointed that Lisa is not seen riding as often as she used to.
Jessica has had many years of practice on horseback, but she is still modest about it and about her skills. She does not get to have a lot of equestrian time off of the Heartland set, due to her hectic schedule. She usually only spends time with horses on other horse-focused or western-style shows, like the CBC’s Magic Hour episode High Country.
“Acting is such a small part of the overall toolkit of success”
Throughout her acting career, Jessica Steen has run into plenty of highs and lows. For example, in the early years of her career, she had to deal with dry spells and struggles to get work. Then, there was the pressure that came with working on big productions such as Armageddon. These experiences taught her to have a backup plan at all times and have multiple projects on the go.
Having such a busy life does have its advantages, too, though! As an actress, Jessica gets to travel and meet interesting people, all as part of her job. She says that no two days in her life are the same. It must be hard to get bored, in this case! Jessica believes firmly that “variety is the spice of life”.
She advises aspiring actors to manage their time and money wisely and to also make sure that they learn the business as best they can. Good actors should be able to connect with people and should be good at PR and be confident when auditioning, too. In this day and age, having a good social media presence is also important for the profession.
Jessica recommends doing acting as a hobby first, as she did, and having other streams of income so there is less pressure on yourself.
She is a perfect example of the truth that acting as a career is not all sparkes and glamour! It also takes plenty of hard work and dedication. Having a mentor in the industry who can help to set you up for success or place you on the right path is worth its weight in gold, too.
Jessica Steen Loves Hanging Out With Her Co-Stars
One thing that many cast members have said about the Heartland show and set is that it feels like a family! Jessica Steen also loves how close knit the cast and crew is, and has talked about how this makes the show such a great experience.
She has been able to build close bonds with a number of her co-stars, including Shaun Johnston, who plays Jack Bartlett, and Michelle Morgan, who plays Lou Fleming. Michelle sometimes even comes to Jessica’s home in Los Angeles! In earlier seasons of the show, Jessica also spent a lot of time with Wanda Cannon, who plays Val Stanton. The two have known each other for a very long time.
Jessica has talked a lot about Shaun, who plays her on-screen love interest! She says that he is dedicated to the show and really supports his fellow actors and artists. Jessica has also said that Shaun is the “heart of Heartland”. He always organizes fundraisers and get-togethers for the cast, and is typically the first to take someone under his wing. In addition to all this, he is a talented musician and a perfectionist, too!
He often plays the guitar for the entertainment of the Heartland cast and crew.
Jessica Steen is Adept at the Circus Arts
A surprising fact about Jessica Steen, which many people may not be aware of, is that she is a practitioner of the circus arts. She first got into them in 1998 and found them to be addictive. Jessica can do several of the circus arts and do them very well! These include stilt walking and fire twirling. It is often said of her in the media that “she is better at stilts than high heels”!
Jessica Steen is a Passionate Animal Rights Supporter
Animal rights are very important to Jessica. Ever since she was young, she has been a huge animal lover, so she fits right in among the horses on the Heartland set! In fact, Jessica has said herself that many of her favorite moments in her career have involved the scenes or experiences she has had with animals. Because of all this, Jessica has worked to incorporate her passion for animals into her philanthropic efforts and how she gives back to the world and the community.
All this to say, Jessica Steen is a dedicated animal rights activist!She supports animal rights and is also a passionate environmentalist. One of the things she does to help is to make regular donations to non profit organizations that are dedicated to the preservation of wildlife and nature. Some of the organizations that she supports are the World Animal Protection Charity and the Western Canada Wilderness Committee. Another foundation that Jessica donates to is the David Suzuki Foundation.
This is a science based non profit in Canada that works to protect the environment and is named for the Canadian television presenter David Suzuki.
5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Jessica Steen
We;ve gone over plenty of interesting facts about Jessica Steen in the article above, but we still have a few more for you! Fans of Jessica or of her character Lisa Stillman will be pleased to know some of these little known facts about her and her life.
Jessica has two half siblings.
Jessica is a certified driver.
She has both Dutch and Scottish ancestry.
Jessica’s family is located all over Canada. Some of her close relations live in Toronto, where she grew up, as well as Vancouver and Montreal.
She has a lot of hobbies in her free time! She spends time with family, doing the circus arts, as a tour guide, and more!
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is Jessica Steen still on Heartland?
Jessica Steen has been a long-running member of the Heartland cast, and over the years, she has gained quite a fan following! Her character, Lisa, was the shoulder to cry on for many of the family members who are going through tough times. She also helped Lou to organize her wedding. Luckily, Lisa— and by extension, the actress, Jessica Steen— is still on Heartland and will likely have a part on the show for seasons to come.
Is Jessica Steen married?
Jessica Steen is not married, and she has never been married, either. Currently, she is not in a relationship, either. As a busy actress, she does not have much time to devote to her dating life! However, she has probably had multiple relationships. She also was rumored to be dating her co star on the drama series Homefront, David Newsom. In an interview with Rave It UP TV, she mentioned a past boyfriend. Despite all of this she has never made a public statement.
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Musical Theatre Songs that remind me of characters in “A Song of Ice and Fire”
01. Eddard Stark: Tradition (“Fiddler on the Roof”)
02. Catelyn Tully-Stark: Meadowlark (“The Baker’s Wife”)
03. Lyanna Stark: Heart of Stone (“Six”)
04. Jon Snow: Proud of your boy (“Aladdin”)
05. Robb Stark: Go the Distance (“Hercules”)
06. Sansa Stark: Home (“Beauty and the Beast”)
07. Arya Stark: Reflection (“Mulan”)
08. Bran Stark: Strangers like me (“Tarzan”)
09. Meera Reed: On my way (“Brother Bear”)
10. Jojen Reed: One Song Glory (“RENT”)
11. Rickon Stark: Good Kid (“The Lightning Thief: The Musical”)
12. Wyman Manderly: What I did for love (“A Chorus Line”)
13. Beric Dondarrion: Do you hear the People sing? (“Les Miserables”)
14. Daenerys Targaryen: Defying Gravity (“Wicked”)
15. Rhaegar Targaryen: Love is an open door (“Frozen”)
16. Viserys Targaryen: Lonely Room (“Oklahoma”)
17. Aerys II Targaryen: Hellfire (“The Hunchback of Notre Dame”)
18. Rhaella Targaryen: Baby Mine (“Dumbo”)
19. Khal Drogo: I wanna be like you (“The Jungle Book”)
20. Tyrion Lannister: One Last Hope (“Hercules”)
21. Bronn: Money, money, money (“Mamma Mia”)
22. Tywin Lannister: Things you see in a graveyard (“Repo: The Genetic Opera”)
23. Joanna Lannister: I know him so well (“Chess”)
24. Cersei Lannister: My Lullaby (“The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride”)
25. Jaime Lannister: As long as he needs me (“Oliver”)
26. Aurane Waters: On the Amazon (“Mr. Cinders”)
27. Kevan Lannister: You’ll be back (“Hamilton”)
28. Theon Greyjoy: Prince Ali (“Aladdin”)
29. Asha Greyjoy: Just around the Riverbend (“Pocahontas”)
30. Balon Greyjoy: Why we build the wall (“Hadestown”)
31. Euron Greyjoy: Alive (“Jekyll and Hyde”)
32. Victarion Greyjoy: I’m mean (“Popeye”)
33. Aeron Greyjoy: You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch (“How the Grinch stole Christmas”)
34. Hoster Tully: The Private and Intimate life of the House (“Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812”)
35. Walder Frey: Master of the House (“Les Miserables”)
36. Lysa Arryn: Rose’s Turn (…that one musical about Rose Lee Hovick with the very unfortunate title)
37. Myranda Royce: Dancing through life (“Wicked”)
38. Mace Tyrell: Mine, Mine, Mine (“Pocahontas”)
39. Olenna Redwyne-Tyrell: Painting the Roses Red (“Alice in Wonderland”)
40. Loras Tyrell: She used to be Mine (“Waitress”)
41. Margaery Tyrell: Living it up on top (“Hadestown”)
42. Samwell Tarly: Dust and Ashes (“Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812”)
43. Gilly: Requiem (“Dear Evan Hansen”)
44. Robert Baratheon: Joanna (“Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street”)
45. Joffrey Baratheon: The Phoney King of England (“Robin Hood”)
46. Myrcella Baratheon: Dancing Queen (“Mamma Mia”)
47. Gendry: My Petersburg (“Anastasia”)
48. Jon Connington: How it Ends (“Big Fish”)
49. Stannis Baratheon: Stars (“Les Miserables”)
50. Davos Seaworth: If I were a rich man (“Fiddler on the Roof”)
51. Selyse Florent-Baratheon: Evening Prayers (“Carrie”)
52. Alester Florent: I don’t understand the poor (“A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder”)
53. Renly Baratheon: Gaston (“Beauty and the Beast”)
54. Brienne of Tarth: The Impossible Dream (“Man of La Mancha”)
55. Septon Meribald: God Help the Outcasts (“The Hunchback of Notre Dame”)
56. The High Sparrow: Wonderful (“Wicked”)
57. Doran Martell: All the Wasted Time (“Parade”)
58. Elia Martell: Your Daddy’s son (“Ragtime”)
59. Oberyn Martell: Make them hear you (“Ragtime”)
60. Sarella Sand/Alleras: What’s this? (“The Nightmare Before Christmas”)
61. Marwyn: Higitus Figitus (“The Sword in the Stone”)
62. Qyburn: The Oogie Boogie Song (“The Nightmare before Christmas”)
63. Arianne Martell: Still Hurting (“The Last Five Years”)
64. Quentyn Martell: Hero (“Ghost Quartet”)
65. Gregor Clegane: My Name (“Oliver”)
66. Sandor Clegane: When there’s no one (“Carrie”)
67. Petyr Baelish: Easy Street (“Annie”)
68. Varys: You’ve gotta pick a pocket or two (“Oliver”)
69. Illyrio Mopatis: Molasses to Rum (“1776”)
70. Barbrey Dustin: When you’re good to Mama (“Chicago”)
71. Bloodraven: Die Faden in der Hand (“Rudolph”)
72. Egg: This is the moment (“Jekyll and Hyde”)
73. Dunk: Waiting for life (“Once on this Island”)
74. Rohanne Webber: Ich Gehor Nur Mir (“Elisabeth”)
75. Eustace Osgrey: God, I hate Shakespeare (“Something Rotten”)
76. Daemon II Blackfyre: La Donna e Mobile (“Rigoletto”)
77. Roose Bolton: What’s the use of feeling, Blue? (“Steven Universe”)
78. Ramsay Snow: Dentist (“Little Shop of Horrors”)
79. Dolorous Edd: Knight of the Woeful Countenance (“Man of La Mancha”)
80. Alliser Thorne: G Company Blues (“From Here to Eternity”)
81. Satin Flowers: Pixies of the Ether (“Soho Cinders”)
82. Shae: It’s all the same (“Man of La Mancha”)
83. Donal Noye: Bare Necessities (“The Jungle Book”)
84. Mance Rayder: It’s hard to be the bard (“Something Rotten”)
85. Tormund Giantsbane: Through Heaven’s Eyes (“The Prince of Egypt”)
86. Ygritte: Soldier and Rose (“Ghost Quartet”)
87. Jeor Mormont: One Last Time (“Hamilton”)
88. Jorah Mormont: Meant to be yours (“Heathers”)
89. Barristan Selmy: They call the wind Maria (“Paint your Wagon”)
90. Ashara Dayne: Lily’s Eyes (“The Secret Garden”)
91. The Green Grace: You’re playing with the big boys now (“The Prince of Egypt”)
92. Hizdahr zo Loraq: We are Siamese (“Lady and the Tramp”)
93. Reznak mo Reznak: Was I Wazir? (“Kismet”)
94. Xaro Xhoan Daxos: Money makes the world go round (“Cabaret”)
95. Aegon VI Blackfyre: Chip on my shoulder (“Legally Blonde”)
96. Jalabhar Xho: Diva’s Lament (“Spamalot”)
97. Quaithe: A cover is not the book (“Mary Poppins Returns”)
98. Melisandre: Age of Aquarius (“Hair”)
99. R’hllor: Der Holle Rache kocht In meinem herzen (“The Magic Flute”)
100. The Others: Ewigkeit (“Tanz der Vampire”)
@musicalhell @book-sansa @daphneblakess @flightsofwonder @dumbandlazy @cynicalclassicist
#fire cw#horror cw#aids cw#caps cw#graveyards cw#a song of ice and fire#game of thrones cw#game of thrones#ghosts cw#hadephobia cw#religious talk cw#slurs cw#ableism cw#money cw
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episode 53: semi-precious stones of 2021 (12.29.21)
set 1:
Joanna Mattrey – Tryst – Dirge (Dear Life, 2021)
Sage Alyte – Ombragée de noyer – Paume de pierre (Vlek, 2021)
Danny Paul Grody – Wanderer – Furniture Music II (self-released, 2021)
Thom Nguyen – Leaning Towards Dementia – Exits (SIGE, 2021)
Hali Palombo – Loop 10 – Cylinder Loops (Astral Editions, 2021)
set 2:
Matt Evans – Touchless – touchless (Whatever’s Clever, 2021)
Rob Noyes & Joseph Allred – Avoidance Language – Avoidance Language (Feeding Tube, 2021)
set 3:
Johnny Coley – Golden Light – Antique Sadness (Sweet Wreath, 2021)
Helen Svoboda – Greyscale – dormant, I lay. (self-released, 2021)
McKain / Murray / Radichel / Suarez / Weeks – That Wretch Comparable to Mirrors – The Running of the Bulls (radicaldocuments, 2021)
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Ravens watched him from the trees, squatting dark-eyed and silent on the branches as snow drifted down around them.
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I was hurrying home to my queen, to bask in the warmth of her smile.” He shook his sleeve, spattering red droplets. He always went off to his own room like this when I arrived, sometimes scarcely leaving time to greet me, so as to give me a chance to tell Anna Andreyevna all the latest news of Natasha. A typical stock mushroom head generates turbulence and reduces air flow but an aftermarket mushroom head offers an optimal balance of air filtration and increased airflow for maximum performance.But the flip side may be an increased consumption of fuel which would be the result of thinned air mixture. W. In the end, all the winds blow me back toward Euron. Ser Jorah claimed a table in a quiet corner and ordered food and drink. I understand, and I unlock the vehicle. 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FF you say? Why I'm so glad you asked: Fantasy
Aurora's Angel by Emily Noon
Midnight Magic by Cameron Darrow
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
Midnight Magic by Cameron Darrow
House of Dragons by Jessica Cluess (I think)
Merchants of Milan by Edale Lane
The Soulstealers by Jacqueline Rohrbach
The Artist by Joanna MacOwl
Quest for the Jewel by Gl Roberts
Princess of Dorsa by Eliza Andrews
Thorn by Anna Burke
Alpennia series by Heather Rose Jones
The Tiger's Daughter by K Arsenault Rivera
Nevernight by Jay Kristoff
Wilder Girls by Rory Powers
The Afterward by E.K. Johnston
Shatter the Sky by Rebecca Kim Wells
The Queen of Ieflaria by Effie Calvin (fluff)
The Dark Wife by Sarah Diemer (fluff as well)
The Mermaid, the Witch, and the Sea by Maggie Tokuda-Hall
When Women Were Warriors by Catherine M Wilson
Urban Fantasy
Deadline by Stephanie Ahn
Terrible Praise by Lara Hayes
Borage by Gill McKnight
Werewolves vs Cheerleaders by Mia Archer & Andrew Beymer
Coyote Blues by Karen F Williams
Second Nature by Jae
A Guardian's Touch by Stein Willard
Ice Massacre by Tiana Warner
The Awakening by Yvonne Heidt
Knight's Sacrifice by Nita Round
When Dusk Comes by JJ Arias
Fury's Bridge by Brey Willows
Shattered by Lee Winter
Charon Docks at Daylight by Zoe Reed
The Grim Assistant by Jodi Hutchins
Heart of the Pack by Jenny Frame
Chronicles of Alsea by Fletcher DeLancey (an absolute must)
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone
A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Marine
The Stars are Legion by Kameron Hurley
The Deep by Rivers Solomon
A Study in Honor by Claire O'Dell
Children of the Stars by K Aten
Remember me, Synthetica by K Aten
Once & Future Duology by Amy Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy
Compass Rose by Anna Burke
Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
The Brutal Truth by Lee Winter
Perfect Rhythm by Jae
Oregon series by Jae
Dal Segno by Jax Meyer
Invisible, as Music by Caren J Werlinger
Unexpected by Jenny Frame
Kiss the Girl by Melissa Brayden
Irresistibly Bound series by Anna Stone
Everything by EJ Noyes
Secret Chord by Virginia Hale
High October by Elena Graf
Pink Bean series by Harper Bliss
All that Matters by Susan X Meagher
By Design series by JA Armstrong
The Flight Series by AE Radley
The Sex Therapist Next Door by Meghan O'Brien
Wild by Meghan O'Brien
The Lily and the Crown by Roslyn Sinclair
The Music and the Mirror by Lola Keeley
Who'd Have Thought by G. Benson
In Development by Rachel Spangler
The Goodmans by Clare Ashton
The Arrangement by Melissa Tereze
Coming Out by Jourdyn Kelly
Wanting Her by Raquel DeLeon
Anyone But Her by Erica Lee
Going Up by AE Radley
Write Your Own Script by A.L. Brooks
Irregular Heartbeat by Chris Zett
Evan Reed Mysteries by Ann McMan
The Gravity Between Us by Kristen Zimmer
And Playing the Role of Herself by KE Lane
Keeping You a Secret by Julie Anne Peters
Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden
The Princess Affair by Nell Stark
Starting from Scratch by Georgia Beers
Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden
Citrus by Saburouta
Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Romance blend
Alpennia series by Heather Rose Jones
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me by Mariko Tamaki
Of Fire & Stars series by Audrey Coulthurst
Princess of Dorsa by Eliza Andrews
The One Who Eats Monsters by Casey Matthews
Queen of Ieflaria by Effie Clavin
Compass Rose by Anna Burke
Bingo Love by Tee Franklin
Monstress by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda
Moonstruck by Grace Ellis
Blue is the Warmest Color by Julie Maroh
Princess Ever After by Katie O'Neill YA: Keeping You A Secret by Julie Anne Peters
Not Your Sidekick by CB Lee
Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden (this is a favourite of mine)
Pieces by G Benson
A Story of Now by Emily O’Beirne
Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee (ace/aro main)
Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins
Girl Squad by Kim Hoover
On a LARP by Stefani Deoul
Sawkill Girl by Claire Legrand
Queeleaders by MB Gruel
Beauty and the Band Geek by Mia Archer
Daughter of Fire: Conspiracy of the Dark by Karen Frost
Adaptation by Malinda Lo
Things a Bright Girl Can Do by Sally Nicholls
The Space Between by Michelle L. Teichman
Just Juliet by Charlotte Reagan
The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth
Being Emily by Rachael Gold (trans main)
Training Ground by Kate Christie
The Queen of Ieflaria by Effie Calvin
Princess Princess Ever After by Katie O'Neill (graphic novel)
Shatter the Sky Duology by Rebecca Kim Wells
200 Hours by Natasha West
Sylvie and the Christmas Ghost by Foxglove Lee
Future Leaders of Nowhere by Emily O'Beirne
Sword in the Stars by Cori
The Falling in Love Montage by Ciara Smyth
Ember Academy for Young Witches series by L.C. Mawson
My Little Green Girlfriend by Kimberly Hart
The Book of Promises by Tammy Bird
The Boy in the Red Dress by Kristin Lambert
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo That should be enough to hold your interest for now yeah?
Similar to the previous question, any fantasy book recs that feature wlw characters? Btw I'm a huge fantasy fan and just finished The Priory, and loved it! I would love to see a version of it in Portuguese!
Me too!
These are some slightly lesser-known books with wlw rep that I think deserve far more readers:
The Afterward by E. K. Johnston
A Curse of Roses by Diana Pinguicha
Court of Lions (Mirage #2) by Somaiya Daud
The Deathless Girls by Kiran Millwood Hargrave
In the Vanishers' Palace by Aliette de Bodard
The Key (Engelsfors #3) by Sara B. Elfgren and Mats Strandberg
Queen of Coin and Whispers by Helen Corcoran
These Feathered Flames by Alexandra Overy
The True Queen by Zen Cho
We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia
When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain by Nghi Vo
The Witch's Heart by Genevieve Gornichec
And some I’ve heard great things about, but haven’t read:
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
The Light of the Midnight Stars by Rena Rossner
The Unbroken by C. L. Clark
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When and why did you begin writing?
Drawing inspiration from childhood books, movies and video games, I would challenge myself to create rich new worlds, complete with their own societies, governments, etc. For the longest time, mainly in my early childhood, I would draw out these places by hand, and spend hours sketching mountain terrain, forests, rivers and inhabited cities.
But drawing it wasn’t enough. I wanted to tell a story of what happened in these worlds, how they came to be, and what trials a hero would have to conquer in order to bring prosperity to it – this is where writing came into play. I knew fantasy (especially targeted at younger audiences) was a genre to which I was drawn, so I wanted to explore it as much as I could. I wanted to find an avenue to promote my creativity.
Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre?
I like to view things as art forms, not always formulaic or with “right” and “wrong” answers. Writing fantasy allows me to set my own rules and bend them at will. If I want a world to be based entirely within a dream state (much like the book I’ve published), that’s up to me. It’s a lot of work to create a world with its own society, cultural norms, and even a government, but the sense of accomplishment knowing others will see your work is one of the best feelings there is.
It’s a genre to which I’ve been attracted ever since I could remember. In my spare moments growing up, I would spend hours daydreaming of make-believe places, even drawing full color maps of different landmarks, locations, dungeons, etc., that a protagonist in a story would travel to.
When I’d play video games such as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask (the latter of which I believe to be the most compelling story I’ve ever seen in a video game), which I’ve owned for nearly 18 and 17 years, respectively, I’d be enthralled with the thought, attention to detail and creativity that went into the development of storylines, and how different locations and fictional creatures interacted with each other.
As a genre, fantasy can have various categories (young adult, general audience, and more mature themes), and children’s literature is still my most favorite to this day. It allows for important morals to be incorporated and taught to its audience, life skills that can be used in the real world. Throughout my childhood, I would think to myself, “wow, I hope I can create a rich world and story just by using my imagination.” That’s what really got me into writing young adult fantasy.
Can you share with readers a little bit about your latest book?
My latest book, Passage to Portrainia, explores a unique concept not often explored in fantasy literature – lucid dreaming as its own adventure. You must rely on your imagination to travel through a strange world, encountering things seen only in nightmares (or so you believe). This place is accessed by unconventional means, but still through the real world.
What made you decide to sit down and actually start writing this book?
While the concept of dreams has always fascinated me, Passage to Portrainia has gone through about five or six drafts before it reached its current, published form. I remember the first time I began to write it (around 2008), it was a fan-fiction based on a well-known (within the gaming community) video game that had been cancelled, and eventually transformed into a different story. I decided to turn that around.
I had written a full story from start to finish set in the world of Portrainia, although, at the time, it was not a literal dream world; rather, I had taken the “high fantasy” route and created a world set in an entirely different place other than Earth. The format for the story was blog post-like and episodic: I would post a new “chapter” every few days until the story ended. For the most part, I got positive feedback from it.
About a month later, I planned a sequel to this “draft,” (or how I consider it now), which would be more interactive in nature. People who signed up to this gaming forum could “role play” their own characters, but the project never took off. At that point, proud that I had published an entire story (even in a non-formal way), I was becoming more interested in dreaming, lucid dreaming especially. I would borrow dream dictionaries and books from my local library and analyze certain elements I’d experience in dreams. It’s amazing to think about how accurate “meanings” are. Not necessarily paranormally, but, for example, if you’re experiencing undue stress in your life, and you dream of murky water and sky, that “illustrates” your feelings in real life.
This was the real inspiration for Passage to Portrainia. I always loved the name of this world and wanted to incorporate it into one of my writing projects. About four years ago, I decided to marry my interest in dreaming with this fantasy world, and create a place meant only for those who had the willpower to lucid dream. A literal dreamworld is not a concept explored widely in fantasy and science fiction, so I wanted to present how something like it could potentially play out.
If your book was made into a movie, who would you cast?
While editing Passage to Portrainia, I would hear voices of certain actors while reading my characters’ dialogue. Joanna Noyes is one I’d cast in a movie adaptation of my novel. She’d play someone who acts as a mentor to the main protagonists. Helena Bonham Carter would be cast as the villain; every personality she portrays is a far cry from the last.
What is your next project?
I have a couple of writing projects in progress. At one point, Passage to Portrainia’s plot was going to be merged (although I didn’t know it yet; I hadn’t separated the stories) with another idea I have, and that would have served as its own story. For now, I’m working on a plot that incorporates this idea as the main theme.
Who are some of your favorite authors that you feel were influential in your work?
J.K. Rowling, Ransom Riggs, Charles Dickens and Roald Dahl have influenced my creativity, because their works have challenged me to build multi-dimensional worlds you can lift off the page. A lot of mental labor goes into creating a fantasy plot, because you must establish a living, breathing society of its own, just like we do in the real world.
How can readers discover more about you and your work?
Passage to Portrainia best represents my work. I lean towards “high fantasy” worlds connected to the real world in some way, but not accessed by normal means. When it comes to the places themselves, I try to introduce fantasy elements seldom or never seen. I build them up to the best of my ability, including places to travel to and quests to complete.
Want to learn more about Wesley?
Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon Author Page | Passage to Portrainia – Amazon.com | Passage to Portrainia – Amazon.ca
Wesley Butler, author of Passage to Portrainia @wesbutler11 #fantasy #fiction When and why did you begin writing? Drawing inspiration from childhood books, movies and video games, I would challenge myself to create rich new worlds, complete with their own societies, governments, etc. 1,182 more words
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