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theoryofeverything123 · 8 months ago
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shiksha-samadhan · 2 years ago
Josaa Counselling Procedure 2023 | JoSAA Round 6 Result & Next Step after Round 6 seat allotment
In this video, we will guide you about the next steps to be taken after joSAA Round - 6 to secure your admission and ensure smooth admission in your desired college. Online reporting like: Fee payment / Document upload / Response by candidate to query.
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newswave-kota · 2 years ago
जेईई-एडवांस्ड,2023 में हैदराबाद के वी. सी. रेड्डी ऑल इंडिया टॉपर
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रिजल्टः कुल 1,80,372 परीक्षार्थियों में से 43,773 हुये क्वालिफाई , इस वर्ष रिजल्ट 24.26 प्रतिशत रहा, जबकि गत वर्ष रिजल्ट 26.17 प्रतिशत था। अरविंद न्यूजवेव @ कोटा आईआईटी गोवाहाटी (IIT-G) द्वारा रविवार को घोषित जेईई-एडवांस्ड (JEE-Advanced 2023) रिजल्ट में हैदराबाद के छात्र वाविलाला चिदविलास रेड्डी ऑल इंडिया टॉपर रहे। उसे 360 मे ंसे 241 अंक प्राप्त हुये हैं। गर्ल्स केटेगरी में हैदराबाद जोन से छात्रा नयाकांति नाग भव्यश्री ऑल इंडिया टॉपर रही। उसने 360 में से 298 अंक प्राप्त किये है। दे��भर के कोचिंग संस्थानों एवं परीक्षार्थियों द्वारा रिजल्ट देखने का क्रम जारी है। इस वर्ष 4 जून को देश के 221 शहरों के परीक्षा केंद्रों पर कुल 1,80,371 परीक्षार्थियों ने जेईई-एडवांस्ड परीक्षा दी थी, जिसमें से 43,773 क्लालिफाई घोषित किये गये। इनमें 36,204 छात्र एवं 7,509 छात्रायें हैं। इस वर्ष कुल परीक्षार्थियों की संख्या पिछले वर्ष से 24,834 अधिक होने से 3061 परीक्षार्थी अधिक सफल हुये हैं। हालांकि रिजल्ट 24.26 प्रतिशत रहा, जबकि गत वर्ष रिजल्ट 26.17 प्रतिशत था। इस वर्ष जेईई-मेन से कुल 1.93 लाख विद्यार्थी जेईई-एडवांस्ड के लिये क्वालिफाई किये गये थे, जिसमें से 1,80,371 लाख स्टूडेंट्स ने ही यह परीक्षा दी। जोसा काउंसलिंग सोमवार से शुरू ज्वाइंट सीट एलोकेशन कमेटी (JOSAA) द्वारा ऑनलाइन काउंसलिंग प्रक्रिया सोमवार 19 जून से प्रारंभ कर दी जायेगी। जेईई-एडवांस्ड में क्वालिफाई 43,773 विद्यार्थियों को देश की 23 आईआईटी की 16,598 (2022 के अनुसार) से अधिक सीटों पर प्रवेश दिये जायेंगे। जेईई-एडवांस्ड के स्कोर से 23   IIT, 32 NIT, 26 IIIT, 35 GFTI सहित 117 संस्थानों के विभिन्न कोर्सेस में प्रवेश मिलेंगे। 7509 बेटियां क्वालिफाई 23 आईआईटी की 3276 सीटें (20.06 %) गर्ल्स के लिये सुपर न्यूमरेरी आधार पर आरक्षित हैं। गत वर्ष 35,124 में से 6516 गर्ल्स जेईई-एडवांस्ड में चयनित हुई थी। इस वर्ष 7509 गर्ल्स सफल रही जो गत वर्ष से 993 अधिक हैं। यह रही कटऑफ जेईई-एडवांस्ड,2023 में सामान्य वर्ग (CRL) की कुल कटऑफ 23.89 प्रतिशत व विषयवार 6.83 प्रतिशत रही। ओबीसी (OBC-NCL) एवं सामान्य EWS वर्ग में कटऑफ 21.50 प्रतिशत व विषयवार 6.15 प्रतिशत रही। एससी, एसटी व दिव्यांग वर्ग की कटऑफ 11.95 प्रतिशत व विषयवार 3.42 प्रतिशत है। रिजल्ट के अनुसार, इस वर्ष सामान्य वर्ग को 360 में से 86, ओबीसी व ईडब्ल्यूएस को 77, एससी, एसटी व दिव्यांग वर्ग को 43 अंकों पर काउसंलिंग के लिये क्वालिफाई घोषित किया गया है। हैदराबाद जोन से सर्वाधिक सलेक्शन इस प्रवेश परी��्षा में आईआईटी के 7 जोन में हैदराबाद जोन से सर्वाधिक 10,432 स्टूडेंट्स, दिल्ली जोन से 9,290, मुंबई जोन से 7957,खडगपुर जोन से 4618, कानपुर जोन से 4582, रूडकी जोन से 4499, गुवाहाटी जोन से 2395 स्टूडेंट्स क्वालिफाई हुये हैं। टॉप-10 में 6 हैदराबाद जोन से AIR 1: वी. सी. रेड्डी IIT, हैदराबाद जोन AIR 2: रमेश सूर्य थेजा, IIT, हैदराबाद जोन AIR 3: ऋषि कालरा, IIT,रूडकी जोन AIR 4: राघव गोयल, IIT रूडकी जोन AIR 5: ए.वेंकट शिवराम, IIT हैदराबाद जोन AIR 6: प्रभाव खंडेलवाल, IIT,दिल्ली जोन AIR 7: बी.अभिनव चौधरी, IIT, हैदराबाद जोन AIR 8: मलय केडिया, IIT, दिल्ली जोन AIR 9: एनबी रेड्डी, IIT हैदराबाद जोन AIR10 : वाई वेकट मनेंद्र रेड्डी, IIT हैदराबाद Read the full article
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phir-milenge · 4 months ago
intern drive has been the most humbling experience or my life
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shiva10010 · 8 months ago
josaa counselling predictor
Congratulations on appearing for JEE Main 2024! Now comes the crucial stage: securing your dream seat through Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) counselling. With numerous colleges and courses to choose from, navigating JoSAA can feel overwhelming. But fret not, eSaral is here to help!
Introducing eSaral’s JoSAA Counselling Predictor Tool — your one-stop solution for making informed decisions during the counselling process. This user-friendly tool helps you predict your chances of admission into various engineering colleges based on:
JEE Main Rank/Percentile: Enter your JEE Main rank or percentile, the most critical factor for college selection in JoSAA.
Course and College Preferences: Indicate your preferred engineering branches and colleges (IITs, NITs, IIITs, GFTIs etc.).
Category: Select your category (General, EWS, OBC, SC, ST) as cut-offs vary across categories.
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gazetteweekly · 8 months ago
JEE Advanced 2024 Results Announced: Ved Lahoti Tops, Meet the Zone-Wise Toppers
The JEE Advanced 2024 results have been declared, bringing great news for many aspiring engineers. This year, the exam was organized by IIT Madras and held on May 26. The results, along with the final answer key, are now available on the official JEE Advanced website – jeeadv.ac.in.
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Top Ranker and Zone-Wise Toppers
Ved Lahoti from the IIT Delhi zone has emerged as the top ranker in the Common Rank List (CRL), scoring an impressive 355 out of 360 marks. Among female candidates, Dwija Dharmeshkumar Patel from the IIT Bombay zone is the top performer, securing a CRL 7 rank with 332 out of 360 marks.
Here are the zone-wise toppers:
IIT Bombay: Rajdeep Mishra (CRL 6)
IIT Delhi: Ved Lahoti (CRL 1)
IIT Guwahati: Avik Das (CRL 69)
IIT Kanpur: Manya Jain (CRL 75)
IIT Bhubaneswar: Matcha Balaaditya (CRL 11)
IIT Madras: Bhogalapalli Sandesh (CRL 3)
Among the top 10 candidates, the CRL 9 and CRL 10 rankers scored identical marks of 329, hailing from the IIT Bombay and IIT Madras zones, respectively.
Qualifying Candidates
Out of the 1,80,200 candidates who appeared for both papers of the JEE Advanced 2024, a total of 48,248 candidates qualified, including 7,964 female candidates.
How to Check Your Results
To check and download your JEE Advanced 2024 results, visit jeeadv.ac.in and log in with your registration number and date of birth.
Next Steps: JoSAA Counselling
Qualified candidates are now eligible to register for the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) counselling at josaa.nic.in. This process is crucial for securing admissions to IITs, NITs, IIITs, and GFTIs.
Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT) Registration
The registration for the Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT) also begins today on the JEE Advanced website. Students interested in architecture programs at IIT (BHU) Varanasi, IIT Kharagpur, and IIT Roorkee can apply for AAT 2024 until June 10, 5 pm.
Exam Overview
The JEE Advanced 2024 was conducted in two shifts on May 26. Students found both papers to be balanced, though the math section was noted for its length. The exam is held for undergraduate admissions to prestigious institutes like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), and Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs).
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ravirathore · 8 months ago
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noosphe-re · 3 months ago
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Young's fringes for a monochromatic coherent filamentary light source (focal line of a collimated laser beam); photographs were taken with a lensless camera at different distances from the slits' plane with different rotations of the slits. Note that the narrow fringes seen within Young's fringes correspond to interference of the wave reflected once into the cylindrical lens with the one transmitted directly. (Manceñido, Mónica & Pozzi, Gustavo & Zunino, Luciano & Garavaglia, Mario. (1999). Youngs interference experiments with a laser filamentary light source. Journal of The Optical Society of America A-optics Image Science and Vision - J OPT SOC AM A-OPT IMAGE SCI. 16. 10.1364/JOSAA.16.002767.)
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juiciee · 2 years ago
Josaa is such a weird and funky quirky name for a counselling that practically decides my life like heheheh jooosaaaa jOsha joshua JousAar like so cute and adorable name for demon counselling in disguise
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admisssion · 12 days ago
Top colleges counselling
Top colleges counselling
Top Colleges in India
India is one of the top and the best in higher education in the world, India’s institutions have eminence in Science, Humanities, Social Sciences, Management, and Technology studies and research. These colleges have been established by public and private participation and closely monitored by the Ministry of Education and its affiliated bodies to cater to the needs of national and international students. In this article, we present a list of top colleges in India that have been instrumental in shaping the careers and education system in India.
Top universities in India give admission to students for undergraduate courses such as B.Tech/B.Sc/B.A/B.Com/B.Ed/B.Arch/MBBS, and other courses through a range of entrance exams, including CUET/NEET/JEE Advanced/JEE Main/AP EAMCET/MHCET, as well as institutional or state-level tests. Similarly, for postgraduate courses like M.Tech/M.Com/M.A/M.Sc/MBA/MD and doctoral programs, admission is based on CUET-PG/GATE/CAT/CEED/UGC-NET scores, followed by counselling based on performance in various entrance exams conducted by testing agencies like the National Testing Agency (NTA) or institutional entrance tests. Seat allocation is monitored by different admission authorities, including JoSAA/DASA and other governing bodies.
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jobbeatnews · 1 month ago
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shiksha-samadhan · 2 years ago
🟢 JoSAA Counselling - 2023 Choice filling order In this video, We have covered JOSAA Counselling - 2023 Updates. JoSAA Choice filling order I College Predictor I Subscription Benefit And we will explain to step by step guide.
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sarkariresultdude · 2 months ago
JEE Main Results Explained: Next Steps for Aspirants
 The JEE Main Result is one of the maximum predicted events for students aspiring to enter prestigious engineering institutions across India. Conducted using the National Testing Agency (NTA), the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main serves as a gateway for admission to undergraduate engineering packages at institutions like the Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs), National Institutes of Technology (NITs), and other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions (CFTIs). Additionally, it's far the initial examination for the ones aiming to seem inside the JEE Advanced for admission to the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).
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Importance of JEE Main Results
The JEE Main result is not simply a variety of; it represents the fruits of months, regular years, of rigorous practice, willpower, and hard paintings. It is a turning point in a scholar’s academic journey, regularly figuring out their professional trajectory. For many college students, their rating in JEE Main opens doorways to the most appropriate engineering establishments, whilst for others, it gives a benchmark for similar development and preparation for JEE Advanced.
The JEE Main consequences are big for numerous reasons:
Determining Eligibility for JEE Advanced: Students who rank a few of the top 2.Five lakh applicants in JEE Main are eligible to seem for JEE Advanced, that's the subsequent step in the direction of gaining admission to the IITs.
Admission to NITs, IIITs, and CFTIs: Based on the JEE Main rank, college students steady seats in those prestigious institutions through centralized counseling processes just like the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA).
State-Level Engineering Colleges: Many state-level colleges additionally recollect JEE Main scores for admission to their engineering programs.
Scholarship Opportunities: A proper score in JEE Main can also open doorways to diverse scholarships and economic resource opportunities.
Key Features of JEE Main Results
The JEE Main end result is a comprehensive file that includes numerous info essential for college kids:
Overall Percentile Score: Reflects the performance of a scholar relative to others.
Subject-Wise Percentile: Percentile ratings in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics are provided one after the other.
AIR (All India Rank): The rank is decided primarily based at the normalized rankings.
Category Rank: For applicants belonging to reserved categories like SC, ST, OBC, and EWS, their class rank is also displayed.
Cut-Off for JEE Advanced: The result specifies the cut-off percentile for performing in JEE Advanced.
Understanding the Percentile System
One of the particular capabilities of the JEE Main result is the use of the percentile gadget in preference to raw ratings to rank candidates. This system ensures equity, as the exam is conducted in multiple shifts with varying degrees of difficulty. The NTA uses a system called normalization, which equates scores throughout exclusive shifts to account for variations in issue degrees.
The method for calculating the percentile rating is:
Number of candidates with a score less than or identical to yours
Total number of applicants in your consultation
The total range of candidates in your consultation
Number of candidates with a score much less than or identical to yours
​ )×one hundred
Steps to Check JEE Main Result
Students can get admission to their JEE Main result by way of following these steps:
Visit the respectable internet site of NTA JEE Main (e.g., jeemain.Nta.Nic.In).
Click on the hyperlink for the JEE Main end result.
Enter the desired credentials, including the software's wide variety and date of start/password.
View and download the result.
Take a printout for future reference.
Reaction to JEE Main Results
The declaration of JEE Main outcomes regularly sparks mixed feelings among students and their households. While many celebrate their achievements and start making plans for the subsequent section of their instructional journey, others reflect on their performance and identify areas for improvement.
For High Scorers, the result brings a sense of feat and validation of their difficult paintings. Many high scorers also share their practice strategies, inspiring destiny aspirants.
For Average Scorers: Students falling in the center percentile regularly compare their options, inclusive of kingdom-degree faculties and private establishments.
For Aspirants of JEE Advanced: Those who qualify for JEE Advanced quick shift their cognizance to preparing for the following level.
For Those Unsatisfied with Their Scores: Some students may additionally experience disheartened but regularly discover solace in understanding that they could attempt the examination more than one time within the same instructional yr or discover different opportunities.
Post-Result Steps
Once the consequences are declared, college students commonly follow the steps:
Analyze Performance: Compare the result with predicted scores and ranks.
Participate in JoSAA Counseling: Register for the counseling system to steady a seat in the desired college.
Prepare for JEE Advanced: For the ones eligible, this becomes the instant precedence.
Explore Other Options: Consider personal universities, kingdom colleges, or alternative career paths if the score does now not meet expectancies.
Challenges and Criticisms
The JEE Main end result assertion is not without its proportion of controversies and criticisms:
Normalization Process: Some college students and specialists have raised worries about the transparency and accuracy of the normalization technique.
Pressure and Anxiety: The high stakes related to JEE's Main consequences frequently lead to sizeable strain and intellectual health problems among college students.
Accessibility Issues: Some candidates face challenges accessing their outcomes due to website crashes or loss of proper internet connectivity.
Inspirational Stories
Every 12 months, JEE Main Consequences delivers to light numerous inspirational testimonies of college students overcoming hardships to achieve their goals. From candidates analyzing underneath streetlights to the ones fighting monetary problems, these tales function as a testimony to the resilience and resolution of young aspirants.
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spartansinstitute · 2 months ago
Who qualifies for JEE Advanced? JEE Advanced 2025 Eligibility Criteria
To qualify for the JEE Advanced 2025 exam, candidates must meet specific criteria outlined by the conducting authority, IIT Kanpur. Below is a detailed explanation of these requirements to help aspirants understand their eligibility for JEE Advanced 2025 and ensure they meet all necessary conditions.
Performance in JEE Main 2025
To be eligible for JEE Advanced 2025, candidates must rank among the top 2,50,000 successful candidates in the B.E./B.Tech Paper (Paper I) of JEE Main 2025, including all reservation categories. The distribution of these top candidates across various categories is as follows:
Open Category: 40.5% (96,187 candidates)
GEN-EWS (Economically Weaker Section): 10% (23,750 candidates)
OBC-NCL (Non-Creamy Layer): 27% (64,125 candidates)
SC (Scheduled Caste): 15% (35,625 candidates)
ST (Scheduled Tribe): 7.5% (17,812 candidates)
Additionally, 5% horizontal reservation is provided for candidates with disabilities (PwD) within each of these categories.
Note that more than 2,50,000 candidates may qualify if there are tied ranks or scores.
Age Limit for JEE Advanced 2025
Candidates must be born on or after October 1, 2000. However, a relaxation of 5 years is provided for candidates belonging to SC, ST, and PwD categories, which means they must be born on or after October 1, 1995.
Number of Attempts
Eligible candidates can attempt the JEE Advanced 2025 a maximum of two times, and these attempts must be made in two consecutive years. For instance, if a candidate first appears for JEE Advanced in 2024, their second and final chance will be in 2025.
Class XII Examination Year Eligibility
Candidates should have appeared for their Class XII (or equivalent) examinations for the first time in either 2024 or 2025. The following are key points regarding this criterion:
Candidates who appeared for Class XII earlier than 2024 are not eligible, regardless of the subjects or number of attempts.
If results for the Class XII academic year 2022-23 were declared on or after June 28, 2023, candidates from these boards are eligible to appear for JEE Advanced 2025, provided they meet all other conditions.
Admission at IITs
Candidates are not eligible for JEE Advanced 2025 if they have previously been admitted to any IIT under any academic program. This includes cases where:
The admission was canceled after joining.
The candidate accepted an IIT seat but failed to report (online or at the reporting center).
Certain candidates may still qualify:
Those admitted to a preparatory course at an IIT for the first time in 2024 can appear for JEE Advanced 2025.
Candidates allocated an IIT seat through JoSAA but:
Did not report to the allotted center,
Withdrew before the final round of seat allocation, or
Had their seat canceled before the final round for any reason.
Additional Points Regarding Eligibility
Equivalence for Class XII Exams
Various boards' 10+2 systems, such as CBSE, ICSE, state boards, NIOS, and international equivalent bodies (like the IB diploma or GCE A-levels), are considered equivalent for JEE Advanced 2025.
Required Minimum Marks in Class XII
For admission into IITs through JEE Advanced 2025, candidates must secure the following marks in Class XII:
75% aggregate for General and OBC categories.
65% aggregate for SC, ST, and PwD categories. Alternatively, candidates must rank in the top 20 percentile of their respective boards.
Foreign Candidates
Special eligibility rules are applicable for foreign candidates. They may require equivalency certificates for their Class XII qualifications from the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) to apply for JEE Advanced 2025.
By adhering to these criteria, aspirants can ensure their eligibility for JEE Advanced 2025 and plan their preparation accordingly.Spartans Institute offers both online and offline courses personalized for students from classes 6 to 12 and for those preparing for competitive exams like JEE, NEET, and other top national entrance exams. With experienced faculty, comprehensive study materials, and personalized learning plans, the institute ensures a strong academic foundation and focused preparation. Committed to student success, Spartans Institute provides flexible learning options to help every learner achieve their academic goals confidently.
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admissionadvice-blog · 3 months ago
JoSAA Choice filling
JoSAA Choice Filling serves as the cornerstone of your application journey for admission to India’s premier engineering institutions. During this critical phase, you meticulously construct your preference list for colleges and engineering programs offered by participating institutes like IITs, NITs, IIITs, and other GFTIs. The choices you make here demonstrably influence the likelihood of…
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aryacollegeofengineering · 4 months ago
What are the options available in mathematics after B.Tech?
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After completing a B.Tech in Mathematics and Computing, numerous career options are available across various industries such as finance, software, telecom, pharmaceuticals, consulting engineering, and government organizations. Some of the top career options include:
Investment Banker: Provides financial services, including investment-related news and industry knowledge. Investment bankers typically have a bachelor's or master's degree and help businesses and individuals make financial and investment decisions.
Financial Analyst: Offers financial assistance by collecting and analyzing data to help businesses and individuals make financial and investment decisions. Financial analysts need strong analytical and math skills to interpret financial data.
Software Developer: Designs, researches, and develops software programs for various companies. Software developers are responsible for developing the underlying system that controls devices or runs applications.
Data Analyst: Responsible for analyzing and interpreting data to help organizations make informed decisions. Data analysts use their math and statistical skills to identify trends and insights from large datasets.
Additionally, students can also opt for higher education in fields such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Mathematical Modeling, Economics and Finance, and Image Processing. They may also have the opportunity to travel to universities and research centers abroad for their projects. For those interested in pursuing a career in mathematics after engineering, there are options to study mathematics in India through various exams like JAM and opportunities abroad through Math GRE, General GRE, IELTS, and TOEFL. Some popular master's degree programs include:
 Master of Science (MSc) in Mathematics: Provides advanced training in pure and applied mathematics, preparing students for research or teaching careers.
Master of Science (MSc) in Statistics: Focuses on statistical theory, methods, and applications, with opportunities in data analysis, forecasting, and quality control.
Master of Science (MSc) in Actuarial Science: Evaluates financial risks and uncertainties, with applications in insurance, investment firms, and pension funds.
The average salary for a B.Tech Mathematics and Computing graduate is around Rs. 7 LPA but can vary depending on the company, experience, skills, and job role. Top recruiters in this field include Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, World Quant, and Goldman Sachs
 What Are The Top Exams For B.Tech Mathematics And Computing
The top entrance exams for admission to B.Tech Mathematics and Computing programs in India are:
 1. JEE Main: This is the most important exam for admission to NITs, IIITs, and other centrally funded technical institutions. Candidates need to secure an All India Rank between the opening and closing ranks released by JoSAA.
2. JEE Advanced: For admission to IITs, candidates must appear for JEE Advanced after clearing JEE Main. The cutoff ranks for top IITs offering B.Tech Mathematics and Computing are:
 IIT Delhi: 156 - 312
IIT Hyderabad: 601 - 925
IIT Kanpur: 444 - 910
IIT Kharagpur: 897 - 1451
IIT(BHU) Varanasi: 1271 - 1674
IIT Guwahati: 641 - 977
IIT Goa: 4437 - 5695
3. State-level entrance exams: Some states conduct their engineering entrance tests for admission to state-level institutions.
4. University-level entrance tests: Private universities like Amity University and SRM University provide direct admission based on their entrance tests or 10+2 merit.
The eligibility criteria for B.Tech Mathematics and Computing is 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as mandatory subjects. The average course fee ranges from Rs. 3.34 Lakhs to Rs. 20.17 Lakhs depending on the institute.
What Are The Job Responsibilities Of A Research And Development Role In Academia Or Research Institutions?
The job responsibilities of a research and development role in academia or research institutions typically include:
 Strategic Research Advancement: Research development professionals are responsible for advancing strategic research by staying updated on trends in higher education and research funding through publications like University Affairs, the CAUT Bulletin, and the Chronicle of Higher Education.
Facilitation of Grant Applications: Research development officers support the research enterprise by facilitating grant and award applications. This involves providing direct support to faculty researchers applying for internal or external research grants and offering pre-submission consulting, guidance, and feedback on grant applications.
Organizing Research Events: Managing and organizing faculty-wide research events such as conferences, seminars, workshops, and special lectures to promote research collaboration and dissemination of knowledge within the institution.
Engagement in Research Committees: Participating in research-relevant faculty and university-wide committees, attending administrative meetings, and liaising with equity offices to support research and recruiting efforts for successful grant applications.
Grant Writing and Management: Writing grant proposals, collaborating with grant officers and financial managers to ensure proper grant and project management processes, and providing grant-writing seminars for faculty and graduate students.
Research Program Development: Developing research programs to improve existing products, studying the potential of new products, and understanding customer expectations to enhance product development and meet market needs.
Technical Product Evaluation: Managing product testing and trials, assessing materials, process efficiency, and final product effectiveness, and reporting on technical product issues discovered during evaluation.
Project Leadership: Leading key projects with research and development teams to support business goals, establishing project goals and priorities, and collaborating with marketing and operations departments to ensure project success.
Technology Transfer: Transferring new technologies, products, and manufacturing processes into and out of the company, staying informed on research and development advancements, and ensuring the company remains up-to-date with the latest R&D developments.
These responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks aimed at advancing research initiatives, securing funding, promoting collaboration, and ensuring the successful development and implementation of research projects within academic and research institutions. Arya College of Engineering & I.T. is the of Best B.Tech college in Jaipur Rajasthan
Source: Click Here.
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