baylardo · 6 months
Star Trek Ask Game 🖊️🪐
🖊️favorite quote from star trek
i dont have any serious ones hahaha i hear janeway quotes in my head DAILY from watching voyager over 10 times probably over the last 3 years now lol. like to ramble a few off::::: “building, what could you be building?” and chakotay going “youre like a little kid wheedling” is so funny to me and “i havent seen you in a while” i say a lot of threshold quotes IN PARTICULAR when tom is saying “please, let me go” and also “let… me out of here” so funny it worms around in my head. i hear chakotay’s exagerrated B noises all the time so that scientific method line “its nothing but a 🅱️lur” is amazing. also lots from killing game like the doctor’s “qapla, gentlemen, qapla!” gets me every time and karr’s “you are mine NOW and AFTER DEATH” and “janeway needs medical assistance” and “you are RESILIENT prey” and “i admire your cunning” and “move away coward” and uuuummmmmm theres a lot from mindwalk like the dal in janeways body “wait i dont wanna lose my bodyyyyyy of work” and “whaaaat thats craaaaazy” and “after i take a nap” and “just stretching the old body” and “riiight that was a test! good work!”
🪐 favorite planet
i really like that one bird owl furry planet that Peanut Hamper visits in Lower Decks lmaooooo ❤️ its got nice vibes and i like the aliens and i loved that ep. there arent that many from voyager that stick out to me sadly. 😔 OBVIOUSLY THRESHOLD PLANET!!!!!! ruined invsasive species ecosystem i love it forever. THEYRE SO DUMB!!!!!!!!!
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ussjellyfish · 11 months
Idk why but “pregnant” was the first word that popped into my head for the WIP ask
So… pregnant?
Lulu's vague family portrait of blobs of color are Mama, Mommy, Michael, and she's working on drawing her baby. They're somewhat recognizable as people, but not in a way where Michael can identify who they are.
"What's your baby's name?"
"She doesn't have one. She's not out yet."
Michael outlines Lulu's dark brown hair, pulled back into two buns, for her own drawing. "Your Mama is pregnant?"
"No, Mama says pregnant is like a parasite."
Michael smirks. "What's a parasite?"
"Kicky. A parasite is kicky, and heavy."
ha! So I had to dig a little to find one where I actually used the word pregnant, but, found this. From the Star Trek Discovery fic where the baby original character of my long Star Trek Discovery fic Firefly, jumps into the canon universe, and makes adorable chaos. (and everyone gets to talk to their alternate self). @jmsaw2 should like this one.
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ussjellyfish · 2 years
tagged by @imaginationallcompact and @fiadorable thank you!!
10 characters, 10 fandoms. (how many of them can be Star Trek because... I can like other things, I can do it...I just...uh). Tough to pick just 10!!
1. Star Trek Discovery - Michael Burnham
2. Star Trek Picard - Raffi Musiker
3. Star Trek Voyager - Kathryn Janeway
4. Star Trek the Next Generation - Beverly Crusher
5. Sanctuary - Helen Magnus
5. Stargate Atlantis - Elizabeth Weir
6. Lord of the Rings - Galadriel
7. The Expanse - Chrisjen Avasarala
8. Wheel of Time - Moiraine Damodred
9. Agents of SHIELD - Melinda May
10. Battlestar Galactica - Laura Roslin
@whimsicalli, @aleksandrachaev @holdouttrout @jmsaw2  wanna play?
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