#Jiwoon Hak
mawanghwasal · 4 months
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the trickster fanart
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ghouly-drool · 4 months
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never posted him, here's a cute doodle i did of mr trickster hak
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lorimnnn · 2 years
dbd killers with a crybaby!reader
don’t worry, i promise i’m working on pt.3 of Mine for the Michael fic. I’m just supr unmotivated but don’t want you thinking i’m dead or something. anyway:
summary: jiwoon hak and the ghost face with a reader who tears up easily. you’re sensitive and not good with confrontation nor blood, and are super sensitive to the pain around you. sometimes you get overwhelmed and just need to sit down and cry it out...
cw: i mean, it’s dbd? swearing, gore, murders, obsession
also, i’m taking requests!
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finds your tears entertaining, appreciates that you’re such a willing participant in his art
it takes a few trials for him to realise that your reactions aren’t temporary and are a genuine response to your surroundings
starts to find you a bit annoying after that
like, what are you doing here if you can’t handle it? all the survivors need a bit of grit to survive. you’re no fun otherwise. once he realises that, he starts to transfer his anger towards the Entity.
will be in denial that he feels bad for you
the first few trials that he realises if he chases you, you’ll just collapse and cry or sniffle really adorably pathetically. unintentionally makes you his obsession each trial because he saves you for last, mostly because you’re no fun and the easiest to kill
will mori you out of frustration
eventually starts snatching you by the back of your collar and dumping you through the hatch. not because he feels guilty. no, not at all. you’re just really, really annoying...
finds himself thinking about you always 
why are you always crying?
don’t you know you have to adapt?
you have to get over it. 
one day you’re the only one left again and not only that, but that dreaded Trickster is saving you for last again. from your point of view, he’s deliberately tormenting you knowing that mentally, you can’t take it.
he’s secretly going easy on you because he’s wondering whether or not you’ll have it in yourself to finish the generators and stand up for yourself
but you’re so distraught that you mess up one of the generators and it explodes, and you can’t take it, you burst into tears. you feel so bad for the other survivors for being roped in with you, and you can’t even do your part right without crying. 
“Aish!” he swears sharply. A knife slams into the wall next to your head and you jump, lifting your wet face from your arms to stare at The Trickster. Fear quakes through your body and you brace yourself for his assault, whether that be another mori or basically dumping you through the hatch like used trash (it hasn’t occurred to you that he might be being nice when he does it, because logically, he has no reason to be nice)
you start to whimper when the tip of his blade finds your chin, forcing your head back. it thuds against the wall and pain spirals across the back of your skull, a wince lancing across your expression--- a cute little look that earns you a chuckle from the demented idol. 
“You’re really annoying, you know,” he tells you. “You can’t do anything right.”
oh, and he’ll say this like he’s comforting you, his voice soft and sweet and soothing. your muddled little brain can’t begin to understand what he’s trying to say to you, and only clings to his faux kindness.
at this point, he’ll just have to accept it. he has a soft spot for you. you’re just so cute and helpless, and you can’t help it that you care so much for your fellow survivors even though you’re nothing but a waste of space on their team...
is this why you’re always compensating by using yourself as a human shield? honestly, while it’s partly admirable, he finds the more you offer yourself up to him like that, the less he wants to hurt you
With his other hand, he strokes buries it in your hair. The way he strokes it is gentle enough, but you’re well aware he can snap your neck in seconds if he wants to. 
“You’re really lucky you’re cute. I almost feel bad for you.”
he does. he feels extremely bad for you because you’re not designed for this kind of world, and because of that he just can’t bring himself to recognise you as another survivor
“Hah,” he’ll sigh. “I can’t do it.”
“C-can’t do what?”
He’ll roll his eyes. “What else? Kill you.”
pulls you into his arms before you can comment on it. the affection is too much, you cry into him. he’ll make some comments about you ruining his clothes, but he doesn’t really mean it. will pull you closer if you try pull away. 
also keep in mind--- is not sympathising with you at all. he’s a psycho. he just learned to find pleasure in your tears and realised you’re kinda cute and can’t be roped in with the rest of the survivors if you’re never going to play the Entity’s game. (this is when he’ll start thinking something narccistic, like, ‘of course she cries and makes noises. this is the entity’s gift to me.)
the type to lick your face and taste your tears. “no more crying when you’re with me, okay? or I’ll give you something real to cry about.”
he either means he’ll fuck you or kill you again, but could honestly mean both depending on how you take it
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so many pictures
will max out his film on your tears
he knew about you the second the Entity welcomed you into her realm. at first, he just thought you were cute. he blamed it on the fleeting infatuation he felt towards you, knowing that once your fear wore off, you wouldn’t be that cute anymore
it never wore off
he became obsessed
openly obsessed too, will seek you out and ignore all the other survivors despite the Entity’s will, and will track you down outside of trials to stalk you, taunt you, anything to keep you in the constant state of meltdown he finds so endearing
experiments with your tears. doesn’t want you panicked all the time, of course. 
because of how he targets you in trials, the other survivors quickly adapted and learned to abandon you if they wanted to save themselves or win. danny weaponised this fact, of course.
“aw, babe, don’t be sad. or do. you’re all alone!”
will pull your terrified body against his chest and tip your head back with his knife, forcing you to watch your fellow survivors scatter around you. will tour you around the trial to see what makes you tick the most.
“are you proud of me, babe? i hooked all your friends within the first ten minutes of the trial.”
cue a sniffle that excites him even more
and you’ll feel it too. his hardness against your back, solid and probing and thrilled at your sensitivity. he wants to traumatise you as much as possible. he wants you horrified, and he wants to abuse your fear until there’s none left. there’s never been so much of it before.
don’t get the wrong idea, though. no matter how much he likes you, he won’t touch you--- he’s not a rapist, he’s a killer and a perv. will exploit your face with his camera and mori you and hook you as much as he wants. there’s no stopping him.
not for a while
it’s takes a really long time for him to start challenging why you still cry. it won’t occur to him that it’s such an abnormality until he’s stalking you six months in and watching you mourn another failed trial. let’s say it was with the oni. the oni mori-d you on the spot, and here you were, crying over it despite those same events happening every other trial without fail. and it only occurs to him because it’s six months and he was planning on something cheesy like, “happy six-month anniversary!” because he’s never been consistently obsessed for such a long period of time.
this is when the posessiveness starts to hit. The Oni made you cry? That large, angry piece of shit?
don’t worry babe, he’ll take care of it for you
Only he’s allowed to make you cry like that. only him and nobody else. this is when he’ll start laying claim, calling you his.
he flays the Oni and leaves his scraps scattered across his temple. takes a picture and leaves it on your bed so you know what he’s done, and calls it his anniversary gift
he’ll now start putting in the effort for you to trust him. wants you to admit you’re his, too!
who cares if he’s mori’d, hooked, tunnelled, and killed you a billion times over? fresh start, new beginnings!
will nail it through every one else’s heads that you’re his and that you’re tears are his and that blah blah blah is his
honestly, the other killers will only leave you alone so Danny will stop blabbing on and on about you 
he’s really starting to feel like your boyfriend now
that’s what the other survivors are calling him, anyway. y/n’s boyfriend. 
Danny fully embraces it and starts calling himself your boyfriend, much to your displeasure. But you do start to notice that your trials are becoming less and less frustrating to endure, and you know it’s because of him. He’s even saving you for last, now. The chasing isn’t even half-bad anymore. (And especially with Danny, he’s going to make the chasing feel kinky as fuck)
learns he really likes your laugh as much as he likes your tears. finds himself smiling when he grabs you around the waist mid-spring and hoists you off the ground.
shudders with a sick smirk when you hug him back. you’re so cute.
but he is the Ghostface. Wants you to love his alter-ego as much has you love Danny Johnson, your mostly normal, stalkerish boyfriend
forces you to hold his knife and pretend to hurt him, smirking when you cry 
makes you carve your initials into his body as you sniffle here and there, your tears stinging against the open wound 
kisses you and whispers dirty shit into your ear as you do so, because the dumbass thinks it’ll make it all better
“that’s it, baby. God, that feels so good. Push harder. Hurt me. Fuckkkk-”
“I don’t like this, Danny.”
“G-Ghostface.” Your bottom lip wobbles as more tears slip down your face. “I don’t like this, Ghostface.”
“Just a little longer, baby.”
Will be surprisingly gentle with you, once you admit you’re his
but don’t be fooled. you’re his forever. the second he’s jealous, or you consider leaving, remember he’s the same man who gets off on your pain and tormented you the first six months of knowing you...
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alexrainbow · 2 months
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First look at the FNAF Chapter in Dead by Daylight!
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reekiiroo · 1 month
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sheepandpencils · 1 year
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TBH Jiwoon is welcome to mori my ass any day.
Definitely my new poor lil meow meow~
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zen-zen-v · 3 months
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strawb3rrym1lkblog · 11 months
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one of my longer playlists, this one is for ji-woon hak (the trickster) from dead by daylight! :3
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playlist masterpost
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cut-thru-u · 5 months
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"My songs were born out of my splendor, and now my murders are born out of my unbridled desire for control..."
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omg yay!! okay so after reading that the reader in your lovely pyramid head fanfic befriended most of the killers (it was so cute😿) and comforting them, encouraging them, etc. i got an idea for a request with jiwoon!!
so, he develops a kind of weird friendship with a survivor, whos willing to listen to his music and his story in general and thay obviously boost his already gigantic ego but also it makes him completly enamored with the reader!!
and i imagine him to be really clingy and all, so he probably just suprises her by hugging her while shes repairing a gen or scrolling through the entity's realm and he gets so overprotective sometimes, he wont let anyone come near them when theyre together and keeps calling her affectionate names and other stuff bc hes in love!! why wouldnt he do that . but the surv is literally so obvious and dense she thinks those are just friendly gestures.
so um, this got really out of hand and is probably chaotic af, but based on that, could i request something about him acting like that? or just soft in general fic/drabble with jiwoon?? depends on what you feel like writing🥰
First of all, I’m so happy that you liked my work! Secondly, I hope you’ll like this too! <3
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Though he was the newest killer brought by the Entity, for the longest time, he never got to have his go at a trial, so he got incredibly frustrated and bored, took his bat and went into the woods by himself to hit trees and bushes by himself.
At first, he was excited to be taken in a place where he could kill at his leisure without any consequence, but what CAN he kill if he can’t go array outside of the trials, and he’s not being taken to one already?
After he’s channeled most of his frustrations on whatever vegetation he found, he started singing some of his songs and practicing his choreography out there where nobody could bother him.
Or so he thought.
He wasn’t the only one with the brilliant idea of taking a walk - You, also, took frequent walks away from the Survivor’s Camp because they were never that nice with you, hence why you got along much better with the Killers.
So when you heard some acapella singing, you got really excited and went ahead to look who’s the artist - But you were also pretty shy, so as soon as you picked up a human silhouette, you hid behind a tree and peeked at the eccentric looking man.
He was singing in Korean, and from his looks, outfit and dancing skills, he looked like a k-pop idol. 
He was so talented though, you were absolutely mesmerised!
As soon as he made his final move and stopped singing, as if basking in the silent applause that he would get, should he have been at a real show... He actually DID hear clapping.
Turning around, he noticed your timid form from behind the tree, cheering on him, wearing a bashful smile on your face.
“That was really beautiful! Congratulation for you show!” he was mesmerised beyond belief --
Someone in this shithole was actually appreciating his art! He was in love! Oh, he was sooo~ in love!
He will walk all cocky towards you, putting his arm around your shoulder and pull you flushed to his chest, calling you ‘Jagi’ before he pulled out his phone to show you his full discography and pointing out at which time there were the screams of his victims synthetized, and he started explaining how he mixed them into the music, how he found out the way to manipulate the screams and grunt of pain, where to hit the person to create each sound and what not.
You didn’t care much about how macabre it sounded - You had already got used to all this chaotic mess - So you were really captivated by the whole process of creating peak art.
From then on, Jiwoon would come to the Survivor’s Camp ALL the time just to grab you by the wrist and pull you to his camp or into the forest - He’ll have you dance with him while he sang or hummed, or will have to be the spectator to his shows while he performed for you.
Sometimes you think that he has no idea what your name is, because he only calls you pet names like ‘Jagi’, ‘Jagiya’, ‘Yeobo’ or ‘Nae sarang’ and many more.
Whenever the two of you are together, he’ll keep an arm around you, sometimes his hands even wandering here and there, and would kiss your cheeks, neck or jaw, just to show off how you are his and nobody can even look at you.
His favourite time is when the two of you are in a trial and he gets to surprise you by jump-hugging you when you least expect it.
Jiwoon would drag you around the whole place just so he could show off the sounds he gets out of the victims while he mori’s them - Oh, he gets so cocky, especially when you point out which song and what part of it can fit with the same kind of scream the dead survivor made - You were really paying attention to him!
He would dip you back and pull you into a deep kiss - You really managed to stroke and inflate his ego to the maximum.
He doesn’t have much influence when in comes to keeping other killers at bay during their trial with you, but at least when you’re with him, you know you’re having fun and will always escape without a single scratch or bruise.
After all, The Trickster only loves your sweet sounds and sighs, that make for a completely different and out of bounds melody that only he gets to listen to.
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anatern · 9 months
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matzmeow · 4 months
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uncensored beneath the cut (mild blood warning.)
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mawanghwasal · 2 years
DBD mastermind x the trickster
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zeppersart · 1 year
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My first DBD art piece~ Just a little obsessed with the Trickster
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crypticvestige · 1 year
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Just a quick refresher for myself
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Silly doodle of Ji-woon and the boys I designed to be his old group.
I feel like even though he'd be much less murderous before the incident, he'd still have his... moments 😂💜
Also I did not make a spelling mistake, what are you talking about???
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