#Jikook btb
kanmom51 · 2 years
TMA's BTB 25 December 2022
How cute are those two?
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And some more much needed serotonin.
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Also, don't we love these editors?
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And just as a reminder, this is the same day
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We also had this JK
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Finding his way to his rightful place. Behind his bae.
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mrs-monaghan · 11 months
regardless of another fun coincidence, the fact that jikook are known even by btb caption writers as the sun and moon duo, and then there’s a little lyric in there about sun and moon - who both have sun and moon tattoos? Hahaha ☀️💛🌙
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Both of them did it too!
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And u cannot tell me this doesn't occur to them when they say/sing these lines.
Let's talk the MV for a sec. Of course there's the sexual innuendo
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JK still talking about giving his lover that afterglow 😌
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He swears by Jimin's good loving. It's that good.
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He he he hee. Then we get to the Jikook coded part of the lyrics.
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Omg feeeeeeeels 😭😭😭😭😭
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Y'all can hate and yap all day. No one can ever take away what they've got. Between this and set me free, as a supporter hearing this,
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Such a great song y'all. The lyrics. The aesthetics. The choreo that JK said is the best he's done yet. In his opinion. Giving MJ. Giving Neyo. I can't stop watching it... I can tell the views are gonna be high. As they should 🥰🥰
I wanna talk about the female lead for a sec. Which btw I still dk if its the same person or 3 😂 she looks different everytime. Anyhu, what exactly was her point?? I found her completely useless. Like, we could have done without her, right? For me the only purpose she serves is to show the afterglow JK gives his partner after he's done with him.
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Other than that I'm not sure what purpose she serves in the MV 🤷🏽‍♀️ but, whatever.
So about this
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Doesn't it remind you of this?
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Did Jimin foreshadow? Or is it just another instance of Jikook concepts getting married?
Jaksal noted the same.
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Also my friends pointed out how the line isn't straight 😏
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I find that interesting... don't you?
On the topic of matching Jikook;
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I dont care that PJMs and some Jkkrs have an issue with this. I will forever love it 😍😍
I love Jikook sm.
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Bonus: this cute little edit 😂
From the snippet I didn't think I would like SNTY but I actually really love it. 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾 It's so pleasing to the eye too!
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not-goldy · 1 month
Most of Jikookers really treats JM and JK different isn't it Goldy ? Maybe because they are mostly JM boy mom's ?
JM in jeju episode said he miss members and wish they are here too but no one speaks about it but JK can't say it.
JM in latest btb said he don't think he can do special force like Jhope is doing because he doesn't even have the energy to do push-ups. But No one even noticed it. But JK mentioning the same is talked to this day.
The show at a moment changed to Vmin show vs JK solo trip but no one cares it but if it was Jm driving alone and sitting alone, you all would eat JK alive.
JM started talking shit about JK's driving 1st and mocked him.. JK didn't even said half of what he was saying. Still JK is at fault isn't it ?
JM was forcing pizza into mouth but if it was JK who handled JM in a rough way, jikookers would riot.
See ?
No matter how YOU feel your fav is getting treated by Jk or vice versa, after all these they kept planning trip and... enlisted together side by side because they can't bear to be seperated.
Thanks for speaking up. It's not fair how JK is treated in these streets and you're right.
I was going to talk more about the things I enjoyed about the show under this ask but I think it would take away from your message.
Let's love them and support them equally regardless of whichever is our bias ❤
Wait Jm was forcing Pizza in whose mouth👀
I don't know why you needed to clarify that you're not shitting on Jimin because if pointing out these things is considered by anyone as shitting on Jimin then does it mean no one should point out these things about Jk or anyone either cos that would be shitting on them too😵
Overall message is well received anon
People can be so ridiculous
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bookscandlesnbts · 10 months
they must have been planning/talked about this for a long time since the application process starts so far in advance, and then they went on their japan trip so would’ve had moments alone nearer to the enlistment time so of course they would have private moments to talk, but it also must be so difficult when you’re moments from actually enlisting and there’s btb staff cameras, media cameras, parents and family, 2 enlisted members and everything! so overwhelming - the moment where JK rubs JMs head and JM looks away then back at him, and that long look they cut at the end of the btb felt so…. heavy
Hi anon. Get ready for some all over the place thoughts because honestly, I’ve been having a hard time. And I knew I would, but even trying to anticipate this and getting myself mentally “ready”, I am not ready. I was not ready to say goodbye to Jimin, to Jikook to any of the members. And I’m not fooled. 18 months is a long damn time. If it’s this hard on day 2, then I need to prepare myself. I need distractions. If I still get anons, and can come up with things to post, then I will stay active on here. I have no one to gush about BTS with in my real life and even less so now that they are all gone to MS. I made it 2 minutes into Jimin’s last live and then I couldn’t do it. He was devastated. He was holding back tears and we know from a decade worth of content that Jimin is not one to cry easily. He waited until the very last second to cut his hair. It really broke my heart to know that he has to do this and doesn’t want to at all. In fact, I spent pretty much all of yesterday and the day before crying and now I am having moments where I break down if I’m alone with my thoughts for too long. Don’t be fooled either. It’s not just Jimin. I’m furious that all the members and every citizen has to. That MS is mandatory. But I’m not going to talk about that or go further into my thoughts on it.
I figured it would only be a matter of time before we learned more about the application timeline, but I knew it had to be far enough in advance. If I had even known that a companion enlistment existed, I would have called it from Day 1 that they would enlist together, but I sadly can’t claim that.
I hope they got as ready as they possibly could. It seemed like the reality set in for JM and JK during their lives, and unlike some of the shittest most obnoxious parts of the fandoms (yn cis hets looking at you) that claimed that JK was going to be so excited to go and want to even stay longer, he wasn’t. He wasn’t at all. His live was short and somber. He also said that he was iffy about it. I know BTS didn’t want special treatment, and part of me is glad that they didn’t get it because of the uproar that it would cause, but it’s still awful that they had to do it at all. I have to trick myself sometimes into thinking that it’s not what it really is just to cope.
The way Jimin bent forward to JK showing him his head made me cry. He needed comfort and approval, and JK just rubbed it over and over and looked away from Jimin for a minute. I think he was overwhelmed too. Of course, he complimented him which was so sweet.
I’ll be honest, I’m pretty terrible at noticing footage cuts, but that one was SO OBVIOUS that if I can notice it, then it’s really bad. I can’t even speculate what was cut because I’m not creative but my guess is that they said something comforting and private to each other.
In summary, I hate this. I knew I would hate it. But it’s so much more painful than I could have imagined and I think it’s because JM and JK were both so sad in their lives. And don’t get me wrong, I’m so so glad they were honest with us. That’s how you know that they aren’t “fake” and “scripted” like some idiots want all of the members to be characters in a tv show. They are human and they bared their human emotional souls to us. And it broke my heart and it will for the next 18 months. I think about how long we have been without Jin already and it sucks so much. But we will be there for each other. We will try to have little joys and experiences. We will work on ourselves and improve whatever it is we want to improve or achieve. Or some days or most days we will just fucking exist. We also don’t have to do anything monumental or special. Existing is enough too. Existing until 2025 when they reunite.
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mimikoolover · 3 months
so excited for the show, jikooks dynamic has always interested me because it’s quite different from the rest
(regardless what people say) JK&V have always had this bro type vibe to me, JK&Jin they have a bro vibe too but chaotically 😂 JK&RM for example is more like a hyung he idolises — then with JK&JM, even though the age difference is the same as with V, it’s always been different. I think Jimin’s emotional intelligence has a lot to do with it as well, but I’m just really looking forward to how the travel show pans out:’)
Because whilst Jimin is super mature and caring, he also can be quite chaotic too 😂 so I’m really looking forward to them being “free” and doing what they want, together! It’s been so long since they were in a subunit/btb together🫶
I totally agree. I actually love taekook's bond because they really were partners in crime but it had such a bro vibe. I think jungkook learnt a lot from jimin in terms of how to be nice to tae, beyond a bro-ish type of relationship. that vminkook live everyone hates is a good example, I think jungkook was very sweet with tae there and he also played along with stuff tae came up with so there was the playfulness there too. jk and jin I think are the most chaotic duo ever😂you can tell they adore each other but they will test each other's limits🤣jungkook with joon, yoongi and Hobi I think turns into more of a baby who looks up to his hyungs. I just love all their bonds but jikook have a special bond in general and within bts. they learnt what the other needs, like actually made the effort and they grew together beautifully. I will always think of the compilation of jungkook making jimin laugh when he could see that jimin was in his head and nervous about their work. and the one where he goes to jimin for (emotional) support. this is gonna sound really sad but I'm lowkey soooo jealous of jikook esp. now as an adult. and not because of a romantic relationship but discounting that, having a best friend like they are to each other must be so reassuring. like jungkook said they click on stage which must be awesome because performing is literally their favourite thing, so to have a special connection with someone as you're doing your absolute fave thing you live for must be special but then also off-stage they are always there for each other. I wish I was as passionate about something as they are about performing but then to have someone else to share it with too in a special way must be so nice😭but anyway even when they're working they're always goofing off together so yeah jimin can be chaotic too (and it's funny when he joins jinkook😂) so i can't wait to see it. i hope we get some bickering for good measure cause that'd be so funny too🤣
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akookminsupporter · 1 year
Tbh...seeing today's btb..it really looks like that jikook is not romantically involved with eachother. Jk said no to jimin 2 times straight when jimin asked him to root for him. Again tomorrow. And the way jimin said come more often...it really feels like they didn't see each other for months till that moment. Yes they have an incredible bond but i started to feel like it's not romantic.
Okay, and what do you want me to do with that? I'm happy for you that you came to that conclusion. I congratulate you. Have a good life.
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I think “insecure Jikooker” used to be someone who believed that something was wrong with Jikook if they would go even like a single BTB without interacting, or whenever there was a period of time we didn’t get any Jikook-ing. They would often go to Jikook blogs basically looking for reassurance that everything was fine between Jikook, or bring them TKKR narratives to disprove because they were letting them get under their skin. But now a lot of JKKRs are using it kind of like a buzzword. Any time there’s a JKKR who has some doubts about the nature of their relationship, or any kind of skeptical opinion that doesn't go with the masses, a lot of JKKRs will just label them as an “insecure JKKR” to invalidate their opinion and shut them down without engaging with their opinions at all. Or they accuse them of being a “TKKR in disguise”. I think it’s fine if you don’t want to engage with negative opinions because for a lot of people shipping is just a fun thing, but it’s starting to feel even more cult like and overused (and notice how aggressive a lot of JKKRs are towards "insecure JKKRs"...). It’s never a good idea to put yourself in an echo chamber and reject and label every person who disagrees with you...
Ah, see, this lines up more with what I suspected. Thanks for taking the time to write it. In the last couple of months I’ve seen that term in a few places, none of which fully made sense to me so I just had to ask before answering that first question, to be sure when Anon talked about “insecure jikooker”, that we were talking about the same thing. But I guess as with all things on the internet, words lose meaning or the meaning of certain words evolve faster than their applications.
Anon in the OG ask, if you’re reading this, bearing in mind an insecure jikooker is someone who isn’t sure jikook is a married/dating couple *and then* goes around pestering people for constant affirmation… no, I don’t support insecure jikookers.
They’re kind of annoying.
I mean, I don’t know if jikook are dating or married, as I’ve said before. I don’t actually know the exact nature of jikook’s relationship. I just think they’re sus, I know Jungkook loves Jimin and it’s mutual, and I seek out their interactions because seeing them happy makes me happy. I also hang out with other jikookers on Tumblr because jokers are actually funny and they like jikook too.
But if you’ve pegged your sanity on the certainty of two men you don’t know frotting somewhere in Seoul and badger other people to tell you that is happening for a fact… you’ve got to admit you’re being ridiculous.
I don’t think insecure jikookers “harm” jikook but they do ratchet up hysteria and anxiety in jikook spaces for no good reason. Discourse over whether or not jikook is together or broken up is sometimes entertaining and informative to read, and honestly also healthy for people who do keep up with the Jeon Parks and BTS as a whole, to engage in. But it’s just douchey to harass other people to feel some type of way about a pairing nobody this side of the internet knows personally.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Oh you are such a liar. You and your stupid tea. Everything you pulled out of your lying ass can be debunked.
1. Jikook arrived together. How tf X know it ? Wasn't he a guest ? i.e arrived after the party started. But members were already in the company way before the party started.
2. Tae and Jkk not on good terms all because of Jennie and Jkk ?? Lmao who believes it. First of all even if they were not mingling that day it doesn't fucking matter. It was just some weeks before Tae proposed video call with Jimin, which they always do anyway.
3. JK went and put his arms around Jimin, held hands in corner..how confidential it it 😱. As if we didn't saw the exact same moment in the BTB. Didn't X went to party ? And he saw was the same 2 0.3 sec moment we ALL saw in BTB ?
4. Jennie is tae's gf. And how does it affect Jkk ? I don't care who's dating but by the behavior of 2 companies and idols they don't give a fuck to some edited pics on internet.
5. Hobi is bisexual. Yes i heard Hobi announced his sexuality to whole SK a day before the JITB. Lmao. And why does it matter anyway and related to Irene ?
6. The only 'secret info' which is true is JK and JM were fairly drunk. It's not even a new knowledge lol. They are 2 of the members with fairly good alcohol tolerance. And we fucking saw JK all drunk and laying on floor. And Jimin's flushed drunk face.
Please take your confidential infos somewhere else, to kids, to delulu jkkrs who will eat up anything positive related to jkk. We don't want it here.
And I know u won't post this ask because I̶t̶'s̶ a̶l̶l̶ l̶i̶e̶ a̶n̶d̶ y̶o̶u̶ a̶r̶e̶ c̶a̶l̶l̶e̶d̶ o̶u̶t̶ you are high on drunks and won't read this.
Ah, the kids be out here getting mad already. Let 'em froth, I say. Just froth away like the rabid bitches y'all are. It's honestly no damage to my self-esteem in any event, I didn't invite you here. You just... showed up and started yelling without my permission. Like usual. I have nothing to prove. Less than nothing, really. I'm not gonna give you the details on how my source knew when people arrived because I am not going to set up my dude to get doxxed - and y'all will try, I know this. I've seen you do it. To innocent, kind people who did nothing to you. That will not be happening in my this household, okay. One reason I waited four months to post is for this exact reason: your sector of the fandom won't calm the hell down and stay in your own spaces. You wanna be out here busting up boundaries for every other decent human if they breathe the same air as Taehyung and it's gross. It's disgusting. I don't come into your spaces and shit on the carpet so I'm gonna ask you politely to stay the fuck outta mine and wipe your ass before you talk. I'll address the "edited" (hint: they're not but you know that, you're just frothing at the mouth right now) pics at another time because Tae ain't care about those pics and neither do I. I'm not going to bother to address most of what you had to say because as usual, y'all don't do reading comprehension well in the first place. If you did you wouldn't be Taekookers. I stand by what I wrote. You ain't gotta read it. Save me, indeed.
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"high on drunks".... lol.
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juliapark13 · 1 year
I find it extremely funny how Tkkers are always like “TKK scares you” yet they are the ones who h@r@ss anyone that post or talk about Jikook. They are the one’s whining of ever Jikook interaction no matter how big or how small the interaction is. When Jikook rode on the ATV together in ITS2. Even though we did not see them in the actual episode and HopeKook also rode on the ATV together, Jikook is what bothered them. In the BTB, all JM did was give JK a hug and that made them call JM a a*user, say he is h@r@ssing JK and saying he was R wording JK. JM commented to JK live-streams like the other members did and yet JM cute little comments made Tkkers mad. They got mad a JM for donating to charity. They got mad at JM’s dad and sent him death threats for being supportive. Even when JK is not involved they still drag JM. He went to support Hobi at Lollapalooza and he got hate for that. He went to support Yoongi and he got hate for that. When they get TKK moments they STILL feel the need to flock to Jkkers comments and talk about it. For some people that are 100% sure TKK are dating and Jikook are fanservice, or are just brothers or are just friends (can’t stick to one narrative) they sure do get bothered by simplest Jikook interactions. Most Tkkers are straight teenagers we no idea on what an actual HEALTHY relationship looks like or straight adult woman with a bad love life. The amount of Tkkers on twitter I have seen that hate on JM are ran by women in their 50’s with children and/or grandchildren is so uncanny. Tkkers make homophobic comments about JM yet ship TKK. They make horrible comments about how feminine JM looks but yet draws Tae in their fanart that exact same way. I saw a Tkker comment on how JM needs to enlist so he can toughen up and become a “real” man.
It’s ok Tkkers we know you see how differently JK treats JM vs Tae. Did a whole livestream dedicated towards him but can’t even mention Jinny’s Kitchen. That is why y’all are so quick to throw JK away until he does something that y’all like. Y’all called him a liar on his birthday because he said that he did not see Tae after y’all thought Tae came back for JK’s birthday. When he didn’t y’all called JK a liar and some said that Tae was to tired that is why he did go see him. Yet he can fly home early to attend his friend’s movie premiere? JK is a puppet to Hybe until he does something with JK. Do y’all not hear how dumb y’all sound or is it that y’all just choose to ignore what is happening in reality because it messes up your fantasy? The issue is not that y’all ship TKK no one cares about that. The issue is you lots won’t even let JM and JK near each other without spewing the fanservice or hiding TKK narrative. If you all would ship TKK without hating on JM and Jikook then Vminkook as a whole would be getting hated it, but you lots just can’t except that JK actually likes JM and he does not hate him like y’all want him too. If you all accept that JK likes JM then you would have to except that JK made GCFT because he wanted to not because he was forced too. Y’all would have to accept that he did a whole live dedicated towards JM because he wanted to not because he was forced too. You would have to accept everything that JK did was on his own free will and not because the big bad company and JM forces him too. Then, after you accepted all of that you would be faced with the fact that since 2013-present day, you have hated on JM for absolutely no reason. Yet, because you don’t want to actually acknowledge that JK like JM and that you all hate JM for no reason, we all are stuck with some smelly ass flies that won’t go away be they don’t want their fantasies to be ruined. As I said before ship TKK we do not care but hating on JM and Jikook when it’s obvious that Tae and JK (especially JK) loves JM is what pisses us off. As I mentioned in my comment, you will find a hell of a lot more Jkkers posting and loving TKK then you will Tkkers posting and loving Jikook. Now ask yourself why…anon? Tkkers try extremely hard to make Jkkers seem like the villains when in reality I would everyone hates Tkkers. Why? Because you all token Stan any member to hate on JM which then ends up get the other members dragged.
My advice to Tkker (though they won’t listen) if ya leave JM and Jikook alone then TKK will be left alone. But for some weird reason, you all can’t do.m that. Y’all are that insecure of TKK not being real you have to hate JM and blame him for why TKK does not act like a couple.
They are mad every single time when they see jikook interact, because their imaginary ship is based on proving jikook isn’t real.
They say jikook is fanservice every single time because otherwise how would they explain everything? They know it.
They hate Jimin so much because he is a threat to their fantasy and they see Jungkook loves him.
If they were able to focus on their ship, there wouldn’t be any ship war. But that’s never gonna happen.
They surely are insecure and yes, they are also homophobic. Self-awareness doesn’t exist.
It’s so boring at this point.
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hi! i’ve always wondered was there smth not official and not widely spread jikook information that was “AHA!” moment of jkkrs? i know we all have seen their official stuff and some pics and tweets how people saw them, but i was just curios maybe someone knows/seen more?👀
Hello anon,
I've always wondered too. Because people are too sure!!! Lol like they bet their lives on it.
I haven't seen any unofficial Jikookery stuff so I go with what I can see and interpret, some unofficial tea that floats around twitterland every now and then and wish them both the best...which is each other lol
As for official content, the moment that made me think they were legit and together together was the btb of Jhope's album release party. This:
That is my #1 Jikook moment of all time. More than all the gcfTokyo, Rose Bowl, footsies and more in BV, and literally everything they've ever done and said.
But let's watch all the btb because I love Hobi.
And there is bits of Jimin and Jungkook and to me, it feels like they just want to be close to each other.
Ah. Good times.
Thanks for stopping by!
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kanmom51 · 2 years
Us ourselves and BTS photoshoot sketch
Just over 7 minutes long and so much cute Jikookery, lol.
Before I start, just wanting to place this on the timeline more or less, figure out when it might have been filmed.  This is prior to JK’s lip ring, so before TMA’s 2021 and after ITS 2, I’d say in September 2021.
Now that we have cleared that up, well a little, let’s get it:
Cr./to the creators of the media I’ll be using in this post.
Pretty much right off the bat we got this:
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That gaze, geez JM... and JK’s realisation when he turns to see that look, lol. 
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Those two in their own world.
And please, those question marks.  Those editors, they crack me up.
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And why is it ALWAYS those two, eh?
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I think I’ll stop here.  Many more examples come to mind though.
But we need to move on...
Good instincts JK.  Good catch indeed. 
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And just in case you haven’t noticed the pretty fast hand movement.
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Same shoot, more what I like to call milimoments:
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This too:
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That smile...
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And then we have this:
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Can someone explain to me what this is?  Please?
Cause it definitely is a thing.
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And JK’s reaction...
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Makes me wonder if indeed JM was clicking in JK’s ear or perhaps it was something else...
Actually, come to think of it, JK’s facial expression, it kind of reminds me of this:
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Ok then, I’ll leave you with that image.
And moving on to cute wittle moments.  Nothing big, just cute interactions to follow.
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They cute.
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And the photo booth results:
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Next we have the school sports day shoot, lol.
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And you can’t end a school sports day with a little piggyback ride, right?  
Well, not when you’re JM and JK, that is.
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Just to sum it up, what did we have in this short US Ourselves and BTS BTB:
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And there you have it.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
It’s either Jikook are not together anymore of they are intentionally trying to make us think they are not together! I just don’t see any inbetweens with everything we have witnessed so far! I thought maybe they broke up at some point but WHEN? When you look at the timeline from last year, they always seemed fine! They did their jikookery at Jhope’s JITB party, Jimin went to see Jk on his bday, Jk’s thirst trap for Jimin’s bday, they were still glued to eo in the BTB after busan concert, Jimin still posted Jk while he performed in Qatar, so if something happened in Nov 2022 and they broke up, there is no way they would be back in good terms again by February 2023, (when we had their first interaction of 2023 on Jk’s vlive) and Jk was in Jimin’s album, gave hints about the album, went to see his rehearsals, his eyes lighting up when Jimin comments on his Lives, the whole 2 hour Live etc! So I don’t see when they would have broken up and healed enough to remain friends! Another option, would have been to think they were never a thing, but i cannot believe they were never a thing even if my life depended on it! Not after everything i have seen them do. So i think they are intentionally making it seem like they are not together! If not, then i really don’t understand what is going on!
Whats going in is that insecure Jikookers are brainless people who refuse to brain. So what if tkkrs are loud? So what if we see all other members with eo except for Jikook? So what if V keeps mentioning JK? So what?
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What you already know and have evidence of should be enough. I say brainless because Jikook being the only ones unaccounted for should be even more reason to believe in them because that is sus AF. Even in 2022 and 2023 we have had many reasons to still believe they are doing amazing and nothing has changed.
And now we have something new where the math continues to math. May 21st. Married couple's day.
Thanks @sweetjikook 😘
JK posted on May 21st a photo of him with Bam. May 21st, A holiday for married couples. And u best believe he's aware of this. And then 2 days later Jimin shows up at the airport in short sleeves and we see this big ass scratch which to me, 1+1 equals 2.
They were together with Bam, two days ago. Boom! There. I said it.
Jikook are doing just fine. No one broke up or grew distant. If we don't see them together its coz we are not supposed to and that's fine. We can miss them, but we should be okay with their reasons for not wanting to be seen. Even if we dk what those reasons are. Trust Jikook guys. You'll be rewarded soon enough 🤭🤭
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unlyshedstar · 1 year
Master List
Basic master list of posts and reblogs: Jikook No Closets In The Tattoo Shop, Apparently Jikook & Polyc - I Posted Too Soon [BIGHIT MUSIC] 2022 GLOBAL AUDITION - BTS - 23 July 2022 JM and JK when the lights are dimmed Xylitol “smile” season 2 Just A Nice Waiter in Malta Thinking What We All Think... BTB j-hope ‘Jack In The Box’ Listening Party Event Sketch Another oopsy Jikook moment? Not every single thing JK or JM do is about them as a couple Jikook Fanart on JKs Brothers Tagged Instagram Those JM and JK being ‘subtle’ moments Those JM and JK being ‘subtle’ moments - Part 2 Those JM and JK being ‘subtle’ moments - Part 3 Those JM and JK being ‘subtle’ moments - Part 4 I Got Tea Spilled On Me JikookVhope live 15 October 2022 Just for JM Jimin Jimin - the expert with the anniversary calculator JM Weverse live 18 September 2022 Set Me Free Pt 2 -  The comparison Set Me Free Pt 2 -  Enjoy it he tells us Like Crazy Choreography - I really love this interpretation Is letter a song for army? Letter - the lyrics that didn't make it Jimin W-live 4 April 2023 Jungkook JK’s camping Vlog JK's Weverse live 2 Feb 2023 JK and Vibe Jungkook 28 Feb 2023 JK's live 4 March 2023 1:47 am KST part 1 JK's live 4 March 1:47 am KST part 2 Jungkook 3 (or 4) Wlives on 14 March 2023 Jungkook & Calvin Klein -  A megastar, and they know it. Jungkook W-live 28 March 2023 BTS Do You Really Love BTS? Jack in The Box Listening Party - Love these photos SM interactions and not for Lollapalooza Enlistment and how it will affect each of the members BTB Hobi Entrance Ceremony with BTS
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keeperoftinyarmy · 1 year
what’s with that security guard in a suit lurking round every corner near jikook in the latest btb 🕴️
I didn’t notice. I’ll have to go look but maybe he’s with JK. They still need security when they are out.
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parkminijiminie · 1 year
hi there! sorry if you’ve answered something like this but haven’t seen all the asks yet - but was just wondering regardless of all the ✨drama✨ floating around right now, what was/are your opinions on jungkooks live where he appeared happier! for instance the live eating chicken and asking to Jimin to come over (looking like OJO) and also the famous bed live (I can handle it) in relation to his interactions or attempted interactions with Jimin?
to me, I think before RM commented on some of his lives and maybe also yoongi? And whilst JK was happy to reply to them, for me the interactions always seemed different. Whilst clearly it was obvious jungkookand Jimin were not spending every second with each other and they did seem to be having more obvious time apart, up until now I didn’t really notice such a visible change in “normal” jikook? when we saw them together (albeit brief) at both jhope MS btb, Yoongis concert, clips from New York and JM/JKs happier comments and responses in their lives, to me they seemed ok. Idk what to think of it!
also thanks for all your answers - interesting read!
I think JM and JK were definitely spending a lot less time than they used to in the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023 , but they were still on very good terms. It was weird they weren't meeting much, when previously were attached at the hip and JK hanging out a lot with Tae was also unusual, but the affection between Jikook was still there, in my eyes.
It's no surprise to me that Jk seemed the happiest when it was JM commenting in comparison to other members. Jungkook was missing seeing JM (obvi), and they've always had a special bond.
They definitely were not a couple in my eyes back then, but there was no bad blood. Otherwise, JM wouldn't have posted so sweetly, as he did. That being said, none of what JM was saying was especially flirty towards JK, albeit very fond and cute. Even if someone could take JK's comments as attempts at flirting, Jimin wasn't giving in.
That wasn't the case in the live from July. While we saw the typical behavior from JK - being very happy that JM was commenting, asking him to meet up, etc, it was Jimin who flirted first with that "I can handle it" line. That surprised me because I have become unused to this type of vibes coming from Jimin.
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
It’s 100% confirmed BTS we’re all together during JM’s bday live & when JK made his bday vid to JM. BTB proves it without doubt. JK was with JM all that day & still made that thirst trap & at 5 am which is even more sus. He said come to my room & get your gift, Jimin. Antis said JM wasn’t in Busan & left by JK when JK made it. They were TOGETHER. So insecure JKK, please use this as an example to stop listening to a cult who lies & gaslights. Jikook always prove them wrong. Trust Jikook not them.
I thought that was something we were all clear about since October last year, I don't understand why there are several asks in my inbox saying that we finally have confirmation. With all due respect, stop the damn self-torture of paying attention to whatever the subgroup says, especially when you are sure that what they say is a lie. Seriously they are capable of making you doubt your own name.
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