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A new Religion is established by seeing Jibabkrishna within the body
July 24, 1959
Jibankrishna discussed:
Sri Ramkrishna says, ‘What is self-knowledge? To grow a sense of the separation of soul and body. In this contest, Jibankrishna said – This means that I am not the body but the soul. Well after having this sense whether he ate or drank? No! He did all these things of course if all these activities were checked, then the proof was established.
But here you see, whether I am the Soul, you are bearing the proof, whenever you say, ‘We have seen you within our spiritual bodies.’ I am becoming your causal body. Here I am the container and at the same time content. So who is bearing the proof of my self-knowledge? Not I, but the human race of the world. The human race bears the Truth, but in their case, who bears the Truth? ‘I am saying and you believe it’, and thus far.
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Breaking wave, ca. 1928 - by Harry Richardson Cremer, American
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“What is God? God is a motion – a perpetual motion. The spontaneous motion of the human body is always continuing” ― Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
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On October 4, 1958 Jibankrishna (Diamond) discussed:
Isha Upanishad has mentioned that the Supreme Being or Parama Brahma can be seen in the sun. Reading this quote I thought what a dangerous matter! To see Supreme Being in the sun outside means spoiling the eyes! And by doing this myriads of people in India have lost their eyes. But in another Upanishad it is written that this sun can be seen within the body. Of course, I have said so many times that whatever is seen outside, can be seen within the body.
The traditional theory of Knowledge of Supreme cult is after death. But actually this knowledge means to become ‘One’ with every human being and this perforates the spiritual life.
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Jibankrishna or Diamond the Universal Self and his Eternal Sayings Chapter 42
Chapter 42
Difference between Sri Ramkrishna and former spiritual preachers
August, 1959. Thakur (Sri Ramkrishna) said, ‘God can be visualized’ – yes, this is something wonderful words. The whole world is indebted to him for this. These very words were not heard from any of the former preachers.
Let us consider Buddha. He denied the existence of God. In case of Sankaracharya it was void. Ramanuj considered God including the creatures and world. He did not say what is Brahma or God. Jesus said, ‘Father, thou who art in Heaven.’ Later on he said, ‘My Father and I are one.’ Sri Chaitanya uttered ‘Krishna, Krishna’ only. Then come to Thakur who said, ‘God can be seen; seeing God is the main objective of a human life? None uttered such words as he did. Human race become relieved. See, how many people can see God? In an individualistic austerity only Thakur saw God and none.
For this reason I have rejected the individualistic austerity. What is its value if it does not happen within the whole human race? And if others do not have this vision, they may not believe it. If it is confined within a single man and it is not normal. Furthermore, Thakur also said not about seeing God only, he said about the achievement of Godhood. When seeing God is so difficult, what about achievement of Godhood! But this has manifested here.
Principle of life – God is One – Effect of achieving Supreme Knowledge
August, 1959. What is the Principle of life? A man is born to become God. There is a continuous change, and a transformation. You can understand it because you have realizations within you. If you do not understand it, you would have cut me into pieces. How many Gods are there/ One, – this is ‘Advaitavad’ (One-ism).See the individualistic austerity is not acceptable because what is not common to all is not true. I have achieved the Supreme knowledge and if I announce it, it won’t do. The whole human race should announce it then it is correct. Truth comes from the reverse.
Chandogya Upanishad has mentioned it like this: And thus the Blessed man, rising from the lower physical plane (to the seventh plane) attains the Supreme Light, and in his own form made of God’s Light, appears within myriads of people to prove his attainment of the Supreme Light or the Brahmahood, as He is the Perfect and the Supreme One. (8.12.3)
There is nothing after death
August, 1959. Nachiketa went to Yama (God of death) to know the mystery of death (Katho Upanishad), that means to know what was after death. They did not want to see this life. They did not know how wonderful this life was. What I say to you? This human life is all. Whatever will be done will take place in this present life, otherwise there is nothing after death. Whatever you can do, do it within this present life.
What I say? I want to live with this physical body for ever. Those who have achieved this truth, don’t know what is death, even they don’t think about the death. See this body! What a wonderful thing has happened! They didn’t want to know what was light on the contrary searched for what was in the dark.
Listen, I am not a Hindu, not a Muslim, not a Christian. I am only a man who is Jibankrishna. Nothing is there within me except myself – I am the measure.
Time is eternal
August, 1959. Listen, time immemorial – eternal, and beyond any attributes. A child is seeing me, the father is seeing me and the grandfather is seeing me in dreams. The child has the attribute of ‘Satva’, the father has the attribute of ‘Rajas’ and the grandfather has the attribute of ‘Tamo’ (creation – Existence – Dissolution). Among these three He (God) is in existence. So it is proved that He is not confined in any attributes. When a man achieves God or is rather transformed God, What happens? He surpasses all hazards. Do they vanish? No! He is above all these, i.e., he becomes apathic.
Evolution and Revelation
August, 1959. Evolution and Revelation – what is Evolution? See, I visualized God – what happens? – Evolution and Revelation both.
At first I saw water in Pranamaya Kosha (sheath) – what happened – Evolved; Then in the fourth plane (Monomaya Kosha) that water was transformed into light – Evolved; Then in the fifth plane (Vijnanmaya Kosha) the mind reached the throat, and I saw sky. What happened – Evolved; Then in that same sheath in between two eyebrows I saw the eye of knowledge with a form Lord Buddha within that eye; Then in the seventh plane the mind came and I visualized God; Then I saw the Divine conscious; After that the conscious descended from the cerebrum to the waist and thereafter I saw the manikin form of incarnation. Ultimately I was transformed into God. All these are Evolution. Then his own-self becomes Universal – All are Evolution. Man is born What happens to a man’s natural motion? He has come to this world to become God. As for example, the diamond in a coal mine. What is the scientific definition of diamond? A super form of Carbon. So what is this human body? He is transformed into diamond or God. Diamond is the transformed form of coal.
from JournalsLINE http://journalsline.com/2017/07/07/jibankrishna-or-diamond-the-universal-self-and-his-eternal-sayings-chapter-42/ from Journals LINE https://journalsline.tumblr.com/post/162710587450
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There is but one God. He at first appears as life power in the body and is finally transformed into Supreme Bliss. God is the nearest to you as He is in you; nay, more than that, you are but He – Sri Jibankrishna(Diamond).
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This Human Brain Has Infinite Power
July 23, 1959.
Jibankrisna said:
Atma or Soul is inert. What a man does that happens. Had our phenomenon been incorrect this would have been stopped here. But that has not happened. It is progressing continuously. Do you know how cautiously I speak! For example, you have diversified realizations, but I don’t know what is happening. When you say, then only I come to know and say, yes we have become one.
This human being is the truth. The vision of Atma or Soul is confined within a single man. That is individualistic. Now you come here and say after seeing me in dreams, ‘Sir, you and we are one.’ So the question arises now, what is the relation between mankind and me. We are all one and this is proved as all of you see me within. This is the real knowledge. Actually every man is Brahma or God which is shown here.
When such term ‘Brahma’ or God is used, a man will run after imagination. For that reason I always say that there is no place of imagination in my brain. A living human being is true. What we have achieved as truth is to become one. This cannot be termed as Religion. Swamiji (Swami Vivekananda) said in his Chicago lecture, ‘All religions are hypothesis,’ that means Religion is an imaginary thing. This is rather a cult. Even there is no proof of formless God (Nirguna Brahma), everything is within a human body. It has so immense and infinite power! See, long time back I made a long conversation for three hours with a gentleman, though he was not a living man. I couldn’t even guess that he was Kavir (A famous saint several centuries ago in India). Later on it flashed in mind, what a fool I was, that I couldn’t recognize him! Another example you can take into account in the era of Sri Ramkrishna. I am talking about the mother of Gopal who used to play with Gopal (Child Lord Krishna) in flesh and blood body. Then in Thakur’s (Sri Ramkrishna) life, when for a few days he used to play with Ramlala (Child Lord Rama).
In the older days, all made so many imaginations about Religion. They saw only one side of a coin and paid no attention for another side. They have dealt with only the seed and did not see the vast side of it, because they could not conceive its vastness. Though they could not be blamed because they had no realizations.
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Universal Religion is the true Religion
July 14, 1959.
Jibankrishna discussed:
There is a traditional saying that a monk will not even see the picture of women folks. But this could not materialize in the lives of those who mentioned it. Was it right? On the other hand, they have made a barrier in the religious world. But in the lives of the Vedic sages or Rishis, we do not find it.
An impossible thing was imposed on their lives and common people will think, oh, what a superiority they have! When we cannot sacrifice wealth and women, we cannot achieve religious life. They are superior and we are inferior!
But it will not be a religion that is confined to a single man. The true religion should be manifested in all. A family man will achieve a true religion, and the Sannyasis (Monks) will also have the same. There is no bar, as everybody is God. In a true religion, a man becomes God. We are witnessing it here. There is no place for imagination here. Everybody realizes that all are one.
The eternal craving of being united is fulfilled here. Many are one – this is the solution of Maya (illusion). You lead a family life and be modest, otherwise, you will have a sense of division. Don’t confuse the worldly life with this spiritual life. Everybody’s worldly life is different but the spiritual life is the same. True Religion manifests in all. There is no value in Religion when it manifests in one person and not in commoners. For this reason, I could not accept ‘Samadhi.’ When they were unable to contribute a new thing and gave a traditional thing to the world, it had no value, as it was already in existence. So what matters is that!
None has said the right thing. A man is God, none has said that. This human being is transformed into God and the true Religion makes that. So far in individualistic austerity, everybody made them superior, but the world gets no benefit out of that. Here we see that everybody is the same. Can you see what a wonderful phenomenon we have got here? You may not conceive it as with a single prejudice it is difficult to conceive it. The brain should be kept open.
All these anomalies are created by mixing the worldly life with the spiritual life. In the spiritual life, everybody is Brahma or God. Live a pure and simple life. There will be no barrier to living a family life and whatever happens, will occur spontaneously.
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The true Religion of mankind
July 14, 1959.
Jibankrishna discussed:
Swamiji (Swami Vivekananda) said, ‘To achieve the knowledge of non-dualism by self–exertion, a man becomes mad.’ Thakur (Sri Ramkrishna) said, ‘It is very difficult,’ and I say, ‘It cannot be.’
But how did this phenomenon occur here so spontaneously! By thought it cannot be achieved. To acquire it full-fledged realizations are required. Swamiji used the term ‘thought’. But do you know, so long mankind imagined a God and worshiped Him and this tradition has been continuing. That person accepted that worship. But is it the Supreme knowledge? A man becomes God and everyman is so. It is seen here that many are one – that is Brahma (Supreme self), who worships whom? There is no ‘Two’.
So the symptom of achievement knowledge of non-dualism is the non-acceptance of worship.
So long what we get that everybody has made himself superior, because what they have achieved in individualistic austerity blocked their knowledge up to that state. They thought that this was the true Religion.
In individualistic austerity ‘Samadhi’ (Profound meditation being merged with the Supreme Self) is the zenith. So many people make a show of Samadhi nowadays. To them, Samadhi is a big matter. But I said, ‘That is nothing because this is not a standard thing which is not common to all. No, that is not the Religion. It cannot be the Religion of mankind.
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"Religion is the manifestation of one’s own Real or Divine Self and it takes place automatically in a man and it makes him God. Universalism starts. The human race will see Him within and they shall announce “Thou art God”. This is religion or in the language of the philosophers, it is the evolution of the Life Power and its proof is borne by thousands". - Jibankrishna or Diamond
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A new Religion is established by seeing Diamond within
July 11, 1959
Jibankrishna discussed:
Ritualism in the evening is performed by Hindus. So this is a religion of Hindus. But we see that this is not the religion of only Hindus, this is a Universal Religion. It is the religion of every human being. I am a living person. People of all religions are seeing me within them, so whether you term it as religion does not matter, but it is a new Religion, whose proof cannot be found anywhere in Upanishads.
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The more, the liberation of God from the body, the quicker He will make His way to the seventh plane. It is yearning for God. It is a yogic aspect and it has its own bliss which is felt by every devotee - Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
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Seeing Jibankrishna’s form within the body is new in world history
Visualizing God is individualism and achievement of God is universalism. To achieve God means to become God and this proof will not be borne by the seer but by the human race.
Rabindra Nath Tagore has mentioned, ‘He cannot hide himself. He manifests in all times an ages’ But this is also judicial, and the Vedic sages who have established this truth mentioned it judicially. Such concrete proof was not found anywhere and anytime and for that reason ‘Sankhya’ denied the existence of God.
Keep in your mind, that I am merely a living man. If you term me as Brahma or God, I shall say that you are imposing it. Never support this phenomenon based on past reference and you cannot force me to agree to it. This is completely a new thing.
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Life Power rises by penetrating the body in the seventh plane, gets the layer of the cerebrum removed, and the ocean of Bliss of God is seen. It is called seeing the ocean of Satchidananda – the Blissful aspect of God. - Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
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"If by devotion, your Life Power is transformed into God in the path of Ascent, then you shall be blessed with Supreme Bliss and Joy". - Sri Jibankrishna or Diamond
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Co-ordination of Religion
June 26, 1959.
Jibankrishna discussed:
In the first instance when people saw me in dreams, I interpreted my form as God-the-Preceptor. But now I have understood that I should not term it as God-the-Preceptor.
On 4th June, 1958 I suffered from Cholera type disease for a day. Thereafter I started questioning you, what was the meaning of ‘I worship Sri Ramkrishna but see JIbankrishna,’ – what was the meaning of it? These were just to unite all into ‘one’. Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Parsees all are seeing me in dreams. How great is it! This proves that every human being is ‘one’ in the religious world.
Swamiji (Swami Vivekananda) has mentioned, ‘So long the religions like Hindu, Parsee, Jain, Christians, Muslims will exist, there will be no coordination.’ But real co-ordination will come this way – everybody will see me within the body, and then only everybody will be ‘one’ in the spiritual world.
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All Religions meet at a point named Jibankrishna (Diamond)
June 20, 1959
Diamond discussed:
Here so many people of all religions like Hindu, Parsee, Muslims, Christian have seen my form within them, and they name it as Jibankrishna, nothing else.
See, a man is transformed into God. Otherwise there is no God anywhere. Rabindranath Tagor has mentioned in his book ‘Religion of man; that mankind have worshiped that very man in different names. But now the question is, who was that man? This question is eternal and is never solved.
Now, a man becomes God – this is also said by the Upanishads. The human race wanted that man and came to the Prophets and religious teachers. When they were asked, ‘Where is that man, and who is our inner man’? They were answered in different ways – ‘God is infinite, he is beyond sense perception’, some said, ‘He is Shiva, Krishna’, etc. So to remove this eternal confusion of mankind, God is manifesting Himself in myriads of man in my form and hammered your long-lasting prejudice. Ultimately human race come to understand that God is one and with one name only.
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