#Jesus/Yeshua haMaschiach
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We have this hope as a sure and safe anchor for ourselves, a hope that goes right on through to what is inside the parokhet, (the veil)
where a forerunner has entered on our behalf, namely, Yeshua, who has become a cohen gadol (high priest) forever, to be compared with Malki-Tzedek.
Hebrews 6:19-20
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Very interesting day today. As soon as I woke up this morning, I felt Deja Vu smack me, i am reminded of this tranquil feeling as the Sun rays lay on the bed, old memories come swarming in of a past relationship. I sense I am being attacked, I quickly let God know and I pray in my closet.
Thank you Yeshua Hamaschiach, Jesus Christ for your Holy Spirit, your Life and your Love. Thanks for making a way to show your presence.
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Anyone who truly believes the Tanakh or Bible is inspired by the Spirit of Holiness, spoken of by the Prophets, and written as the Holy Scriptures, will definitely realize that Jesus Christ, the Word of God made flesh, is the prophetic Messiah promised by the LORD for the Salvation of souls, because He accepts we who receive Him wholeheartedly as the Redeemer of our lives, into the presence of God (Gen. 3:15, Deut. 18:18, John 1:14 & 45). Abiding in God's Word, Jesus Christ, makes us brethren with He who is the promised seed of Abraham, by whom all the Earth is blessed to be delivered from sin and eternal condemnation to reign solely by faith in Christ, with the Father, as Heirs of His Kingdom (Gen. 12:2 & 49:10).
Even when some reject God's Word, Jesus, and the true knowledge of the Scriptures - creating doctrines that suit their self-proclaimed righteousness and establishing their own religious behavior which makes them out to be messiahs to save - the truth remains that mankind believing Yeshua HaMaschiach as LORD, "on Me whom they have pierced," is the only way to reveal our love of the Great I Am That I Am, YHWH - our Creator and Covenant-keeping God (Zech 12:10, John 14:2-3).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, the Lamb from whose side flowed blood and water at Calvary, my Savior and the Redeemer of my soul; in You my faith rests. Please, keep me strengthened with the Divine guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that I may always rightly interpret the Gospel to the understanding of men, that many may come to repentance, personally receiving You as their Lord and Savior;
From John 5:46-47
#motivation#inspirational quotes#quoteoftheday#inspiring quotes#life quotes#jexx-x72#writers on tumblr#writing
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Just who is this Holy Ghost anyway?
Just Who is this Holy Ghost anyway? ⅓ of The (Godhead) in Heaven who left His Throne to come down into us, sent by Jesus Christ/Yeshua HaMaschiach just for us to have Power over the enemy.
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Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.
-Deuteronomy 31:6
#bible verse#verse of the fay#jesus is Lord#jesus is Christ#king of kings#yeshua#hamaschiach#jesus christ#hallelujah#faith#hope#love
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“The Lord said to Moses, “Command the people of Israel to bring you pure oil of pressed olives for the light, to keep the lamps burning continually. This is the lampstand that stands in the Tabernacle, in front of the inner curtain that shields the Ark of the Covenant. Aaron must keep the lamps burning in the Lord’s presence all night. This is a permanent law for you, and it must be observed from generation to generation. Aaron and the priests must tend the lamps on the pure gold lampstand continually in the Lord’s presence.” Leviticus 24:1-4 NLT As a priest in the line of Yeshua Hamaschiach (the Messiah) and a believer in his saving power, we are order to always keep the lamp light burning. How do we do this? By keep our faith in Him. By allowing the Holy Spirt ( Ruach Hako'desh) to help us grow so that we may be used by Him. You are not just a follower of Yeshua your being made into a Holy priest. So that you may serve Him and His temple. You are a Servant to His people as he said in Matthew: Matthew 5:16 KJV “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” This is what Hanukkah is about? That through you He shall shine in the darkest of times. Happy Hanukkah!!!!
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Reconhecer a própria condição
Yeshua ( Jesus) veio ao mundo para nos avisar da miserável condição em que vivemos interiormente. Vivemos escravizados por condicionamentos, paixões e vícios, a mercê de desejos imprevisíveis que vêm e vão. Espiritualmente falando, estamos todos doentes, mas recusamos aceitar esse fato.
O primeiro passo para que uma pessoa possa se libertar de um defeito de comportamento é admitir que o possui. É necessário reconhecer os próprios defeitos, declará-los, chamá-los pelo nome. Negá-los mantém a pessoa escrava dos seus próprios defeitos. Infelizmente é isso que vemos acontecer diariamente, um bêbado não admite que é alcoólatra. Uma pessoa que têm relações sexuais fora do casamento, não admite que é adúltera, e por aí vai…
Admitir os próprios defeitos não significa contar para alguém, pois isso pode não ser benéfico, visto que a outra pessoa também tem os seus próprios defeitos que precisam ser corrigidos. O importante é estarmos conscientes dos nossos defeitos, e não ignorá-los e viver como se não os possuímos. Enquanto não reconhecermos a condição de miséria interior em que nos encontramos, não existirá nenhuma possibilidade de nos libertar.
34. Jesus explicou-lhes: “Em verdade, em verdade vos asseguro: todo aquele que pratica o pecado é escravo do pecado.(João, 8)
Yeshua dirigiu estas palavras aos religiosos da sua época, eles consideravam-se pessoas boas e justas, e desejam que todos os reconhecessem dessa forma.
Iludidos pela autoimagem, eram incapazes de reconhecer a verdadeira condição das suas vidas, por isso as palavras de Yeshua soaram ofensivas.
Enquanto uma pessoa viver iludida pela autoimagem, sempre estará preocupada com o que as outras pessoas pensam acerca dela. A honra, o bom nome, reputação, respeito às tradições são levados em alta conta.
O que Yeshua chama de pecado são os aspectos negativos que o ser humano carrega dentro de si, e que lhe induzem à prática de comportamentos que transgridem a instrução do Criador.
4. Toda pessoa que vive costumeiramente pecando também vive em rebeldia contra a Lei, pois o pecado é transgressão da Lei.(1 João, 3)
Ao falar da escravidão gerada pelo pecado, Yeshua referia-se a algo que era gerado dentro do ser humano, e manifestado por ações exteriores. Então por lógica, a liberdade preconizada por Yeshua deveria acontecer dentro do ser humano. Entretanto para adquirir esta liberdade, é necessário que estejamos insatisfeitos com o que somos interiormente.
Ora se alguém se sente satisfeita consigo mesmo e com a vida que leva, que necessidade há de fazer mudanças? Precisamos considerar que para Yeshua a maneira como uma pessoa vive esta vida trará consequências eternas. A maneira como vivemos a nossa vida neste mundo determinará o nosso destino para o mundo vindouro. Pois este mundo não vive de acordo com as instruções do Eterno.
19. Estamos cientes de que somos de Deus e que o mundo inteiro jaz no Maligno.(1 João, 5)
E é porque nós seres humanos vivemos tão mal as nossas vidas, que Yeshua HaMaschiach ( Jesus Cristo), veio ao mundo, para nos ensinar a maneira correta de viver.
Yeshua ensinou que viver uma vida contra as regras do Criador coloca em perigo as nossas almas. Está atitude por vezes radical do mestre parece não combinar com a sua personalidade amorosa, mas se analisarmos bem veremos que esse discurso era motivado de amor.
Aceitar a mensagem de Yeshua e colocar os ensinos dele em prática equivale a realizar uma transformação radical e completa dentro de si. Porque em síntese, os ensinos de Yeshua apresentam um caminho de autotransformação,contendo neles uma metodologia que poderíamos, dentro de certos limites e em certo sentido, chamar de psicologia. Entretanto, o início deste trabalho de autotransformação dependerá de que primeiramente a pessoa reconheça a condição de miséria interior em que vive, e experimente um sentimento definitivo de insatisfação com quem é e com a maneira de viver.
23. E Jesus proclamava às multidões: “Se alguém deseja seguir-me, negue-se a si mesmo, tome a sua cruz dia após dia, e caminhe após mim.24. Pois quem quiser salvar a sua vida, a perderá; mas quem perder a sua vida por minha causa, este a salvará.25. Porquanto, de que adianta ao ser humano ganhar o mundo inteiro, mas perder-se ou destruir a si mesmo?(Lucas, 9)
#biblia#torah#cristianismo#judaísmo#palavraviva#jesus cristo#yeshua#sagradasescrituras#psicologia#arrependimento#salvação
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Learn Everything about Messianic Judaism
Messianic Judaism is a movement that bridges Christianity and Judaism. It reinforces the Christian belief that Jesus (Yeshua) is the Messiah but celebrates it using the preaching of Judaism and Jewish tradition. Messianic Judaism currently has over 350,000 followers and therefore, it should come as little shock that there are several well documented Messianic Jewish resources. The entire life of Jews revolves around the following key beliefs:
The Bible, composed of the Jewish scriptures (Tenach) and the writings of the Apostles in the New Covenant, is the only Holy Book of God. There is one true God (Echad), as written in the Sheema.
Yeshua HaMaschiach (Jesus the Messiah) is the Promised One, the deity heralded by virginal birth who broke down the Middle Wall of Partition, and His life of sacrifice is the atonement for all Jews and the only absolution from sin comes from His grace.
The omnipresence of HaRuach HaKodesh, The Holy Spirit residing in and guiding mankind, which is the third of the Holy Trinity.
All descendants of Abraham through Isaac, whether gentile or believers in Yeshua HaMaschiach, are spiritual sons of Israel.
The observance of kosher diet (kashrut), and the strict avoidance of pork and shellfish.
From Naming Ceremonies to Bar-mitzvah (weddings) and Bat-mitzvah (funeral), every aspect of Jewish culture is accepted as part and parcel of Messianic Judaism.
The dissemination of Messianic Jewish resources is done by Messianic Jewish organizations worldwide.
Messianic Jewish Congregations All Over The World
The change of name from a Hebrew Christian identity to a Messianic Jewish identity was instrumental in the establishment of Messianic Jewish congregations. In 1975, the Hebrew Christian Alliance of America renamed itself as the Messianic Jewish Alliance, reemphasizing on the Jewish identity of Jewish followers of Yeshua. Contrary to the Hebrew Christians, who traditionally, have not emphasized or advocated Jewish congregations, Messianic Jews have established over three hundred Messianic Jewish Congregations. Hebrew Christianity identified Jewish birth to be of trivial import. Messianic Judaism, however, adhered to the Jewish way of life and identified it as the Holy way of life guided by the Word of God. The foundational congregations of Messianic Judaism were in Chicago, L.A., Washington D.C., Cincinnati and Philadelphia. Some of the most well-known Messianic Jewish congregations are:
Beth Messiah, Cincinnati, Ohio, founded in 1970 by the Chernoffs. In 1975, the Chernoffs handed over Beth Messiah to Rachmiel Frydland and left for Philadelphia. Many congregational leaders have been raised in Cincinnati since.
Beth Yeshua, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, founded by Martin and Yohanna Chernoff as a self-supporting community. In 1986, it affiliated itself with the International Associations of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues (IAMCS). The congregation changed location several times from the Chernoffs’ home to the Marriott Hotel, then the Holiday Inn and eventually to their current location at Haverford in Philadelphia.
Beth Messiah Congregation, Rockville, Maryland, founded in 1973 by fifteen original members including Paul Liberman, Sid Roth, and Sandra Sheskin. The first congregation was led by Manny Brotman until eventually, the community purchased their own synagogue.
Ahavat Zion Synagogue, Santa Monica, California, which started as Temple Beth Emmanuel in Encino, California in 1973. The congregation moved to Santa Monica, California in 2016 under its current leader Rabbi Joshua BrumbachIn.
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Yet he knows the way I take;
when he has tested me, I will come out
like gold.
Job 23:10
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This is the confidence we have in his presence: if we ask anything that accords with his will, he hears us.
And if we know that he hears us — whatever we ask — then we know that we have what we have asked from him.
1 John 5:14-15
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Yah is my strength and my song,
and he has become my salvation.
This is my God: I will glorify him,
my father’s God: I will exalt him.
Exodus 15:2
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Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalm 46:10
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Till now you haven’t asked for anything in my name. Keep asking, and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.
Johnn 16:24
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Adonai is my shepherd; I lack nothing.
He has me lie down in grassy pastures,
he leads me by quiet water,
he restores my inner person.
He guides me in right paths
for the sake of his own name.
Psalm 23:1-3 (CJB)
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But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it will be evident that such overwhelming power comes from God and not from us.
2 Corinthians 4:7
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