#Jesus Christ imagine how people could cheat by doing borderline blood bending
fregget-frou · 3 years
Ehem, hello everyone and have even more ideas for the upcoming E&E series. With yah man, Mal(me)
This might be long and a little disoriented, since I don’t really know too many sports and I don’t have the best idea on how the E&E games will work or the magic systems. If y’all do have anything you want to add to this be it game/round ideas, thoughts on the magic system, possible theories for future videos or really whatever I’d love to see it!
Okay let’s get starteddd!!!
First things first what I do know right now.
I know that at this point in the story freelancer is looking in to signing up for the games, and Damien and Huxley have confirmed that they’ll be signing up too. With the most recent video of Damien he mentions teams. This is very exciting for me because that gives room for specific groups of new characters, and the thought that we might have to go up against our friends at one point in time! We will be on the freelancer team, which I’m guessing we’ll be playing in mostly multi-elemental games that will likely use 2 or more elements/electrics per game.
In note of this this is also giving me ideas for specific match ideas, specifically for one game that I’m just going to call magic capture the flag.
(I’ll probably only focus on this and maybe one other. I’ll make a part 2 if I get more ideas)
If you don’t know what capture the flag is, in basic terms it’s where there’s usually 2 or more teams who’s basic goal is guard flags and steal other teams flags in the process. This rule sort of varies from game to game but it’s basically, whoever has the most flags left/ whoever loses all their flags they lose. Rules can be made up from there but the items do not have to be strictly flags and a common rule I see is if on an opposing side you are able to be tagged and you can’t move from that spot until a teammate takes your hand and brings you back. On to magic catch the flag!
For this tournament I’m going to say there will usually be 2-3 teams playing each round. There will be around 3-5 “flags” that could vary from either just a flag, a piece of colored fabric, a baton or a school flag. As I said the rules above for this game are there but the use of magic will be involved.
This tournament will be a multi use magic game, so the best solution i can see is using an earth elemental Incantation to form a barrier around the flags, since it’s one of the easiest and most likely least magic consuming of the bunch. It is best if a guard stays close to the barrier to make sure it doesn’t fall apart and to screw away anyone trying to take flags.
Other ideas for barriers that involve other magic usages that could impress judges is; steam wall/boiling water walls. They do prevent guards from moving to far away and are very magic taxing, but unlike the earth barrier it could be much harder to even try to be around it because of hot steam and probably the constant movement of water with steam can obstruct view.
To get though the earth barrier id recommend the erosion method, which I think is ducking sick and uses my knowledge of material rock erosion to good use, anyWAYS! Using a constant repetition of cold water/ice and immediately melting it with hot fire will start to quickly break cracks into the earth and if the person is able to hold off guards long enough they would be able to get though easily enough.
That’s all for the more fleshed out ideas but; food for thought on how the judges will help.
Along with game play, judges are present to asses how the magic is used durning the tournaments, form, control, technique, and how cool it looks all come into play to earn points. If your team lost but still had good qualities in those areas you will still gain points with the chance to win, and if you did win but used too little/not skilled enough magic it won’t get you much higher chance. Obviously it would be very hard to win but if you won without the assistance of magic you would get no points for magical performance, thus not getting you very far.
As you go along through tournaments you would’ve been able to gather points from teams/people you beat. I’m not sure if I’d rather they get points without subtracting from the loser, but the idea of having some smaller portion of points being taken if you lose will up stakes, and help show differences between skill level.
As you get deeper and deeper into the tournaments the points you gain/lose get more larger and in the final rounds whoever loses will get a majority of their points lost and the winner will get a majority gained. Think of it as a percentage. Maybe starting at a 10% gain/loss and in the final rounds around a 75-90% gain/loss in points. Father you go, more the stakes rise.
The second idea I had was a simple 1 on 1 fighting match using also multiple elements. You either play til the person submits or if I’m being nicer to players if they’ve been disarmed and pinned down for 7-10 seconds. It’d be more fun if people were able to go all out and wait until the other person submits and/or passes out. They’ll need some good healers there tho :)
With that I’ll end there, I’ll likely add more about world-builidng and more ideas for games/tournament. Might even create OCs in the future. I’m just hoping people will enjoy this and use some ideas in projects!!
Please add more if you want all of your ideas are good ideas!!!
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