#Jessica is already starting to rethink letting Reila go with her grandparents
thewalkingplumbob · 5 years
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Jessica waited impatiently by the door for her parents to drop Reila off. She smiled widely when she saw their car pull up and her little girl hop out and run for the front door. The minute she was in arm’s reach, Jessica scooped her into a big hug and held her close. She was so happy to have her daughter back in the house after two incredibly long, boring days.
Jessica: Welcome home, ladybug!
Reila: Mama! It’s too hard! I can’t breathe!
Reila wiggled around until Jessica loosened her grip.
Jessica: Did you have fun with nainai and papa?
Reila, excited: Yeah! We go to the zoo! I see a elephant and it was this big mama! When it walked the whole zoo moved and I almost falled!
Jessica, laughing: It sounds like you had a good time.
Reila: I had the bestest time! But when I go nigh nigh, mama wasn’t there. I sad I didn’t get to say good night to you.
Reila pouted for a minute and Jessica pulled her close, giving her a small kiss on her forehead.
Jessica: Mama missed you too.
After that, Reila was nothing but smiles as she continued to talk about all the animals she saw with her grandparents. Jessica was relieved not only that her daughter had fun, but that she also missed her mom just as much as Jessica missed her little girl.
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